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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9256020 No.9256020 [Reply] [Original]

Found some pork bangers from a british food store. Fried them up, but they tasted terrible. They were so weird and mushy on the inside. Did I cook these wrong, or are they normally like this?

>> No.9256027

>Harold Wood's

Never urd' of em sausages before.

>> No.9256039
File: 151 KB, 608x319, Unknown-4_608_319_s_c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are literally some of the shittiest sausages iv ever seen, no wonder they were awful.

Go to a butchers, buy fresh (not frozen) and make sure they have a high meat content.

Decent UK sausages should be dense and snap when you bite in to them.

Frozen sausages like that are the kind of thing are government use to poison poor school children on the sly.

>> No.9256040
File: 37 KB, 600x338, English delicacy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inb4 404
British """"""""cuisine"""""""" threads are not allowed at /ck/, because it's not food

>> No.9256044

Sounds like you bought some shitty sausages.

If the sausage meat isn't kept properly cold while the sausages are made the emulsion splits. That wouldn't affect the flavor, but it does create an awful mushy texture. The same thing can happen by repeated thawing and freezing.

>> No.9256052

UK Vs US food threads though fun are starting to get a bit had now imo.

I think both nations are world leaders at creating shit food.

>> No.9256067
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Those sausages look like the frozen ones you can buy for £2 for 40.

>> No.9256105

>high meat content
As opposed to what?
You do realise what you're implying about Britsausages, right? That your sausages are routinely made with high amounts of notmeat, yeah?
Not even that guy, but no wonder no variety of Britsausage is world famous while everyone knows Polish, German, Hungarian, Slovenian etc ones: because they're made mostly of toast, just like your sandwiches.

>> No.9256106

get to a farmer's market lad. fat, fresh juicy sausages to be had.

>> No.9256143
File: 81 KB, 431x767, CKz06PVmVPl0JpgaxPnrxKtmHjVecQ4V-kaPXFIo4vU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As opposed to what?
>You do realise what you're implying about Britsausages, right? That your sausages are routinely made with high amounts of notmeat, yeah?

As apposed to utter shit buy some decent sausages.

Shit is shit where ever you go.

It would be the same if i posted (see pic) a really shitty burger then bleated on about how shit American burgers are compared to UK ones.

>> No.9256175

You seemed to have failed to grasp that you've admitted that Britsausages are routinely made with high amounts of notmeat (presumably egg and rusk IE toast because I Brits love putting rusk places it doesn't belong). Not a single variety of sausage in my country is made with high enough amounts of any nonmeat ingredients where we need to do research beforehand to make sure we're not getting meatjewed when visiting the butcher.
But hey: you enjoy your shitty meatloaf tubes, if you like them.

>> No.9256176

>That your sausages are routinely made with high amounts of notmeat, yeah?

That's really a thing. Cheap sausages will contain lower quality meat, or fillers like breadcrumbs, oats, etc.

For example:

though ironically, a "Banger" should traditionally have some filler. That's where the name "banger" comes from--the high filler content would make the sausages burst during cooking, hence the "bang".

>> No.9256190

>You seemed to have failed to grasp that you've admitted that Britsausages are routinely made with high amounts of notmeat

No i haven't anon, iv admitted that dirt cheap shit sausages are full of no-meat filler, no matter where you are.

Those are not in anyway traditional British sausages, they are so shit tier i doubt they'd even be served up in a British prison.

>> No.9256194

OP here. The pic shown isn't one I took, but they looked similar to the ones I bought. I do think I remember seeing it was filled with flour with the meat

>> No.9256205

I'd guessed, perhaps incorrectly, that they were called 'bangers' because they're shaped like fireworks, which go bang. Or like dicks, which 'bang' things.
Sausages I'm used to are always /at least/ 90% meat, which sausages towards that lower number, like our versions of hot dogs, typically being emulsified sausages. The extra notmeat ingredients are typically binders for the emulsion IE albumins and potato starch. Sausages made from straight mince need no such binders, so they're typically of higher meat content, like 95% and up.
Unless you're considering the fat portion of mince separate, cuz the mince for our sausages is almost universally 35% fat, with a few going as low as 20%.

>> No.9256238
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>Sausages I'm used to are always /at least/ 90% meat

I m in UK and Sausages from Butchers or Supermarket are typically about 85% + meat content here.
Yes you can buy cheaper sausages with more filler but honestly the only time i ever have them is on the rare occasion i have Sausage and chips from a Fish & Chip takeaway.
Meat content aside i do have a nostalgic affection for the cheap ones with chips, even more so in batter.

>> No.9256284

Sounds like you didn't cook them long enough. Or maybe they were higher fat/rusk content than other sausages. Stop whining desu.

>> No.9256295

t. Nigel

>> No.9256301

Backpedaling a bit, I was mistaken with my 90% figure. 80% is more typical for emulsified sausages and 85-95% for other types. Just remembered that caramelised onion or roasted garlic are added to a lot of emulsified sausages, and they add another bit of notmeat mass. Still no rusk, tho. That's for meatloaf.

>> No.9256314
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the lowest and nastiest American trash food is still infinitely better than the slop you Brits consume

>> No.9256345

I have seen this ladies meme cooking videos.

She is an anomaly and in no way represents normal British cuisine.

>> No.9256347

You can bind a shitload of water to minced meat with phosphate. I think even 60% water content are not noticeable when you compensate with seasoning.

>> No.9256351

Anon, you should never eat meat from England because you could get mad cow disease from their slimy BSE meat.

>> No.9256388

To be fair, they look like awful, cheap shite.
Wound not buy/10

Get some proper sausage

>> No.9256404
File: 63 KB, 1280x720, KaysGC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Kay is the queen of /ck/ and the official ambassador of fine British dining to the world!


>> No.9256411

No bully!!

>> No.9256421


>> No.9256424


>> No.9256434

>Kay is the queen of /ck/ and the official ambassador of fine British dining to the world!

Will investigate further.

>> No.9256450

pork is forbidden anon

>> No.9256474


>>He thinks bangers are a beef sausage

>> No.9256493
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Any Brits looking for a decent sausage at the supermarket, iv found ones in pic to be best imo.

>> No.9256572

I've made this recipe for Bangers from this website which is pretty authentic in their international sausage recipes and it uses 60g rusk to 1kg pork. The rusk is such a small amount you don't even notice it and could easily leave it out. Primary spices were garlic, pepper, marjoram, oregano, savory and thyme. As an american, I think it's a very nicely flavored sausage.


>> No.9256609
File: 58 KB, 320x238, badboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty racist desu

>> No.9256663

You bought shit sausages. If any part of the name is in quotations, it will be a shitty knock off.

i.e. don't get "Cumberland" sausages, get Cumberland sausages.

>> No.9256665

>make sure they have a high meat content.
>when buying sausages

just british things

>> No.9256682

>be bong
>put oats and shit in your sausages
>put tobacco in your marijuana and ONLY smoke it this way, argue with every single person that they're doing it wrong despite only europeans doing this

>> No.9256688

>drink beer warm because haven't figured out refrigeration yet

>> No.9256697

For the record OP brought those utter fucking shit sticks in the US.
I dont think the manufacturer is even British desu.

>> No.9256704

it wasn't OP who advised himeslf to buy sausages made out of meat

>> No.9256714
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Clearly, as his picture evidences.

Honestly i feel disgusted that companies are allowed to smear our good name by selling that shit as 'traditional British'.