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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9255403 No.9255403 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9255411

>bipan singh
the software will be shit

>> No.9255415

What a waste of materials, money and nature.

>> No.9255434

>One of the most basic human needs is the need for belongingness.


>> No.9255438


How ironic. You seem to disagree with that statement, yet your silly "kekking" is exactly what you claim to disagree with.

>> No.9255451

the video really sold me on the smalt revolution

>> No.9255455

>choose the amount of salt you want right from your phone
The future is here

>> No.9255456


belongingness is a stupid made up word

>> No.9255460

How is that any different than kek?

>> No.9255461

These devices are going to be so insecure.

It's going to be no problem getting into your network via your fucking salt shaker.

>> No.9255462

Pepperfags btfo

I can't believe they fell for the shaker meme

>> No.9255463

All words are made up.

>> No.9255466

Stop resisting the internet of things, it is the future.

>> No.9255470

This idea actually isn't horrible. It seems to have access to all features without needing to connect to the internet, you don't need to buy special salt packages etc. It won't solve the problem it tries to solve and I have doubts that I will use the main function but if the speakers aren't too shabby you could actually think about buying it.

>> No.9255474

We are fucked as a species.

>> No.9255479
File: 170 KB, 590x576, Screen Shot 2015-08-19 at 1.08.58 PM.png.CROP.promovar-mediumlarge.08.58 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I hate it I hate it I hate it.

>> No.9255483


kek is slang. 'belongingness' was coined by some psychologists to reify their convoluted and poorly evidenced ideas. the word 'belonging' fits perfectly in its place and doesn't conjure up cringey new age discourses.

>> No.9255501
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>cringey new age discourses
Like kek?
Was this intentional?

>> No.9255503

>kek is slang

Yeah, which means it's:
1) made up
2) conjures up cringey juvenile shit

I don't see how that's any different than "belongingness"

>> No.9255509

>smart juice presser
>smart oven
>smart salt shaker

when will it all end?

>> No.9255510

life as an unprincipled contrarian must suck. i feel sorry for you

>> No.9255515


because it's slang.

you know what slang is and why it is different you argumentative prick.


shitposting is not 'new age discourse'. if you don't know what 'new age' means as a pejorative feel free to look it up.

>> No.9255522


i am merely protesting my right to laugh at the word 'belongingness'.

>> No.9255525

I thought the future was milk bags.

>> No.9255526

>Alexa please give me 40g of salt

>> No.9255530

>because it's slang.
True, but irrelevant. I don't give a shit if it's slang or not. Point is that it's made up and cringey. Just like "belongingness"

>you know what slang is

>and why it is different
No, I honestly don't. Is it a made up word? Yes. Is it cringewrorthy? Yes. I don't see any functional distinction here.

>> No.9255534

Amazon's Alexa, the Google AI, and the surviving Tay warring for global domination over the planetary IoT node-skin with weaponized sex bots until one survives, consuming the other botnets and absorbing the entire earth as a global single-cell cyber-organism, with the remaining dark-skinned stone-age humanoids wandering over the dessicated techno-Gaia as if they were eyebrow mites.

>> No.9255537
File: 437 KB, 1508x1493, 1500978990788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not cringey new age discourse

>> No.9255538


How long do I get to use the sex bots before they start obeying the will of the supreme overlord AI and kill me?

>> No.9255543


>Point is that it's made up and cringey.

i'm happy to accept that if you want to press it. but it isn't made up for the same purposes as 'belongingness' and that's the problem i identified.

>No, I honestly don't. Is it a made up word? Yes. Is it cringewrorthy? Yes. I don't see any functional distinction here.

yes you do. don't be dense.

>> No.9255544

I don't think the concept is that flawed.
A Bluetoothspeaker/Alexa terminal as well as salt shaker sounds great.

That display and the app are pure crap though.
Save the costs for all that and add pepper. one button each.

>> No.9255546

By that point the sex bots will have been reconfigured to serve buggy internet-connected dildos and washing machines and will look more like snibbety snab crabs.

>> No.9255553


>> No.9255566

>A Bluetoothspeaker/Alexa terminal as well as salt shaker sounds great.

It does? All I can think is that it's probably a mediorce speaker and a mediocre salt shaker at best.

I'd rather buy speakers that were designed for good sound rather than some silly kitchen gimmick. And I've never found myself wanting anything more than a plain 'ol bowl for salt.

>> No.9255568

As long as it doesn't have an IP address

>> No.9255569


what is the actual benefit of integrating the non salt shaker features with the salt shaker.

>> No.9255583

One less item on the table. But I don't need this shit either. Just saying people would buy that.

>> No.9255587

can anyone recommend a good set of steak knives? wifi enabled of course

>> No.9255594

who the fuck keeps a speaker on their dining table?

>> No.9255684

I don't know what's the range of these echo dots?

>> No.9255955

>plebbit spacing

>> No.9256198

Hello Re₫dit. Kek has been big on the net before /ck/ was even around

>> No.9256216

>but it isn't made up for the same purposes as 'belongingness'

I don't disagree, but I don't see how that's relevant. Both are made up cringey shit. Whether it was made up for a bunch of kids to use while playing video games or if it was made for some wierd marketing policy makes no difference.

>>yes you do. don't be dense.
No, honestly, I really don't. What could I possibly gain by lying to you about this?

>> No.9256245

This is a joke, right? Some parody from a movie someone cut out or some kind of viral marketing campaign for something?

This can't be real.

>> No.9256281


>it makes no difference

it makes a difference to the point i was making you bellend. i pointed out that belongingness was made up bullshit because it was being promoted as something else. i wasn't doing that when i said 'kek'. if i'd said 'the result of products like these is a subjective phenomenon referred to in the clinical community as 'kek'' you might have more of a point.

>> No.9256300


Sounds like you should have explained your point better the first time.

>> No.9256329


no, sounds like you were trying too hard to catch me out.

>> No.9256350

That's actually not a bad idea for big venues that need to track a lot of restrooms though.

>> No.9256374

Is this going to come with DRM salt packets like that juicer?

>> No.9257044

You sound like a real rotchgobbultit
That's a word I just made up, which means it's automatically slang, and its meaning should be just as apparent as kek or lol.

>> No.9258183

If you run out of toilet paper before somebody is in there to clean it, your bathrooms are going to be disgusting.

>> No.9258202

is this really a thing or is this just some elaborate prank? i can't imagine anybody buying this unless you are a retard.