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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9249215 No.9249215 [Reply] [Original]

>man at subway gets so much stuff on his sandwich the sandwich won't close

>> No.9249226

That's the point of going to Subway. I'm not doing food prep- put on all the toppings! Heck, next time maybe I'll have them load it up, then take the greens out and make a little salad to go with my sandwich.

>> No.9249229


god what shitty sandwhiches fucking flyovers and California keeping that place going.

>> No.9249230

>point of going to subway is to have crappy sandwiches and acquire toppings

why not just bring a garbage bag and ask them to fill it up with lettuce

>> No.9249234

I made the new girl making sandwiches cry with the double veggies club

>> No.9249240

>not going to Jersey Mikes

That's fucked up.

>> No.9249242

To be honest, I haven't been to Subway for years... But I sometimes do wish I had a prep cook.

>> No.9249245

O...M...G.. Life is so fucking hard.

>> No.9249247

>not wawa

grow up

>> No.9249252

Its really really sad that you are an adult male and you represent yourself with an awkward frustrated anime girl.

>> No.9249257

Who is in chrage of making people mods and janitors? Threads like this really need to go away.

>> No.9249289

>not flyover

>> No.9249296

>I don't like something so it should be deleted
Thanks for stopping by, reddit

>> No.9249315

>fast food threads shouldnt be deleted

>> No.9249319

And the
blogpost threads are so much better

>> No.9249323

Also if i had the ability id perma ban you for using shitposting terms like "reddit"

>> No.9249328

I honestly have know idea what you are trying to communicate. Are you saying/ck/ is full of "omg im so fat" theads? Because i really really dont think ot is.

>> No.9249342

And yet you don't but I hope your impotent manchild fit is making you feel better

>> No.9249352

So fast food thread shouldnt be deleted?
>i hope your childish avoidance makes you feel better (you passive aggresive shitposter)

>> No.9249375
File: 38 KB, 450x495, 1487864121245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They put that much lettuce on the sandwich anyways, anon.

>> No.9249379

No, they shouldn't. It's a legit board topic like it or not. In a perfect world a fast food general would exist but it doesn't so

>> No.9249397

>not putting on enough lettuce that it's thicker than the meat portion of the sandwich

unless it's a meatball sub I don't understand this.

>> No.9249405

>ignoring the fact that you were being a passive aggresive dickhole

Not getting out of it that easy fuckhead.

>> No.9249408

was he american?

>> No.9249409

I get everything on a meatball sub too.

>> No.9249417

What the hell are you talking about. You said this thread should be deleted and I disagreed. Did the greentext hurt your feelings or something lmao

>> No.9249441

I dunno. Im drunk and i miss my old/ck/. I guess i just have to give up on 4chanand make irl friends.

>> No.9249460

Yeah who knows, it's a waste of energy to try to rage against the tide of newfags. Lots of boards are way worse than /ck/ at least this one is still bearable

>> No.9249463

What are you talking about? I left for years and come back and faggots were making Taco Bell threads every day back then too.

>> No.9249475

Yeah, but then threads about actuall cooking wouldnt get deleted. Or at least would get more attention. This was way too longago. I need to stop posting here.

>> No.9249487

I did stop posting. Buuut here I am again. Just watch some masao and you'll feel better, Anon.

>> No.9249501

>I find entertainment in watching people argue over meaningless things on this board
>This is what my life is at the age of 26

What keeps you going, anons? I think I need a ban from this board.

>> No.9249540

I like to mix it up. Sometimes I watch people argue over meaningless things on other boards, or other websites, or on tv, or sometimes it even happens in person... It's hard to look away, sometimes, but easier if you have something else to look to(hobbies, spirituality, family/friends)...

>> No.9249546

>threads about actuall cooking wouldnt get deleted
examples of this happening?

>> No.9249559
File: 477 KB, 5000x5000, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>be on /ck/
>used to despise beer threads because poorfags in there defend their shitty malts and adjuncts while calling me a snob for preferring craft
>leave /ck/
>come back in 6 months
>now a small contingent of Commiefornians and Jew Yorkers surfacing, calling simple wholesome foods "flyover"

every board is damned to gradually degrade into nothing

please come back my unpretentious malt-drinking shitheads

I promise to never make fun of you again

>> No.9249579

>every board is damned to gradually degrade into nothing

I am starting to seriously think that the people who are in charge of maintaining this website have just completely given up on it. To the point of this actually happening.

>> No.9249583
File: 835 KB, 500x375, AKU.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>subway releases a smartphone app
>use it to order a double meat meatball
>maximum amount of all the add-ons
>on flatbread
>choose "pay in store" and don't pick it up

>> No.9249588


oh, anon, that's just cruel

>> No.9249644

Subway can straight up go fuck itself. I once ordered a BLT and just got bacon and mayonnaise on bread. I got fucking pissed at the manager when he explained to me that they don't automatically put lettuce or tomato in a BLT as corporate policy. Also everything sucks. I once walked into a subway bathroom with blood all over the sink and toilet sink. Fuck subway.


>> No.9249708

I assume he means dropped off the catalog but idk

>> No.9250688

I believe it.
It happened to my home board and the other board I used to frequent most

They're simply unbrowsable at this point.

>> No.9250705

God you're an idiot. You got this corporate shit in big cities too. What like 150 McDonald's in Manhattan alone?

>> No.9250731

How dumb are you to end up with that sandwich? You literally stand there and watch them make it

>> No.9250746

How much do you have to hate your life to eat fast food?