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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 167 KB, 700x662, chicken-stir-fry-meal-prep-700x662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9237572 No.9237572 [Reply] [Original]

I just don't understand the idea of meal prep. How can people eat like this? If you follow the normal plan of cooking on Sunday for the week, by Friday you're just eating 5 day old left overs.

My friend cooks chicken half way so its still pink on the inside, packages it up, then reheats in the microwave when its time to eat. This is how you get salmonella. Any restaurant caught doing this would be shut down immediately. And people think this is healthy???

I suppose you could freeze the prepped food but that's gross. Fresh raw veggies will turn to mush after 5 days. I don't see any way to make this system work.

>> No.9237576

It's an autist approach to diet.

>> No.9237577

I've tried doing it. Found it to be annoying.

Rather just cook quick meals every night.

>> No.9237616

It's for people who either don't enjoy food that much or delude themselves into thinking they're soooo fucking busy that they can't devote 30 minutes a day to making a decent meal.

>> No.9237633

It's not a diet, it's just meal planning. Work some 16 hour days and call me back.
Enjoy your ramen
Have a couple children and buy a couple of dogs and get back to me.

>> No.9237640

You are literally just a lazy sack of shit. That's all there is to it. Feel bad for your kids eating the same trash every day.

>> No.9237657

It isn't a glorious culinary experience, but it is very useful. I think it appeals mainly to people who are working full time and living alone. I can certainly say it gets a little frustrating cooking 1 person meal sized portions for every meal, so it is much more convenient to make a large batch of say curry, and have curry for lunch all week, maybe switching up the sides.

Some people go overboard with it, you can see this on youtube, but you could say that about anything.

The chicken example with your friend is more a horror story of poor food hygeine/lack of common sense rather than anything to do with meal prep

>> No.9237668

>16 hour days/2 kids + dogs
>lazy sack of shit
i'm not even the guy you're quoting but go fuck yourself.

>> No.9237677

Meal prep is the wrong strategy. The best way to go about things.

1. cook large dinner
2. have leftovers for lunch and lunch the next day.

Works out much better.

>> No.9237699

the lazy part was not using protection when you literally have no free 30 minutes every day

>> No.9237710

You've got to pull that shit out of the freezer and microwave it. You might as well just spend 2$ on a lean cuisine or something.

>> No.9237721
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>he doesn't get free food from work

>> No.9237730


>> No.9237731

Why dont you just make your wife cook you something?

>> No.9237740

She sucks at cooking. Bitches can't cook for shit. I'll let her know if I want a cupcake or a brownie.

>> No.9237742
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>telling others to go fuck themselves when you only have yourself to blame for your poor life decisions

>> No.9237743

I'm in a same sex relationship.

>> No.9237744

Ijust made five containers of cut up veggies And they're perfectly fine by the end of the week

Maybe if you started with old veggies this wouldn't be the case

>> No.9237746

>ad hommie
go fuck yourself, opie

>> No.9237748

>my dogs eat better than my family

Yeah, its a horror story but what is the alternative? 5 day old, dry as a bone rubber chicken that has been cooked all the way through. In my friend's case, it's cooking food to bring to work for lunch. There really aren't many good options for lunch at work

>Sandwiches - bread and processed deli meat
>reheating last night's leftovers in the sketchy office microwave
>ordering out and spending $10-$15 per day
>microwavable TV dinners (lean cuisine as >>9237710 says though they are way more than $2)

This works much better. I can eat 2 day leftovers. Nothing beyond that

Free food at work sounds great but its usually mediocre and a control mechanism to keep you tied to your desk. My buddy works in public accounting and routinely packs on 10lbs ordering out on the company tab during busy season

>> No.9237755

>control mechanism to keep you tied to your desk
Lol nice conspiracy theory. I bet you think "The Matrix" is really deep too.

>> No.9237756

>I'm in a same sex relationship.
Oh, so that means you're the wife. Got it.

>> No.9237770

anyone who meal preps fr more than 2 days, 3 at most is an idiot. 3 days is the MAX on leftovers

even next day leftovers taste like shit but i suck it up for my lunches

>> No.9237774

>Ugh how can you eat like that
>Shovels Kraft Dinner into mouth
>Don't you get bored eating the same thing all the time
>Starts coughing up bits of frozen family dinner
>You gotta love yourself more, dear
>Wheezily lifts spoonful of crockpot slop from bowl to face

Anyone who said that Broccoli, carrots or chicken were awful foods on their own would be laughed out of /ck; but because food prep has just that slightest whiff of /fit/ on it /ck/ starts with the 'well clearly it's for people who don't love cooking' and 'you're just too lazy to cook real food every night like I assuredly do'

>> No.9237781

>every move that is goodwill towards the employees isn't actually a carefully planned move to make them more productive it's just a coincidence

>> No.9237792

>"Hey Johnny, the team is going down to the cafeteria. It's pizza day. Save you a seat?"
>"No thanks, I'm running out to grab something for lunch."
>Johnny isn't a team player

Or you work in a restaurant

Look at the tech companies that offer 1 year paid maternity leave. Sounds great but in practice nobody takes a full year or they fall behind and are replaced. How can you take a year off in an industry that moves as fast as technology?

>> No.9237797


get back to work wagie

>> No.9237798

Sure sounds like you're projecting, Cleetus.

>> No.9237804

Hold on lemme get my buzzword bingo card

>> No.9237815

>I just don't understand the idea of meal prep
>make food for tomorrow
>eat it
>inb4 it takes time, complex, muh freshness
people just want a meal, restaurants also keep stock at least for a day in the fridge/freezer before rotation

>> No.9237821

I'll confess that I'm not into this meal prep 'scene' that seems to exist, but why would he be eating dry five day old chicken?

>> No.9237831

How would free food keep you tied to your desk more than bringing lunch from home?

>> No.9237845
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>> No.9237854

That's a very colorful and pretty picture, but there's no way in hell I'd eat that shit unless I was starving to death.

>> No.9237877

The idea behind "meal prep" is to cook a weeks worth of food on Sunday and portion it out for the week. By Friday's meal, you're eating 5 day old leftovers.

Not bagged lunches but it would dissuade people from leaving the office to pick up take out (takes at least an hour), or god forbid a sit down lunch at a restaurant (takes at least an hour). I've worked jobs were I felt guilty for leaving the office to get lunch. Not a good feeling.

>> No.9237879

What's wrong with it?

>> No.9237888

Explains you acting like a faggot

>> No.9237905

>Work some 16 hour days and call me back.
How much of a pussy do you have to be to voluntarily become someone's bitch like this?

>> No.9237918

poison kids and feed to dogs, problem solved.
then grow a pair of balls and tell your slave owner that you don't want to work 16 hour days.

>> No.9237926

Not enough snickers bars and diet pepsi I imagine

>> No.9237934

Not that guy but servings of just plain cooked broccoli and carrots? At least mix them into your fried rice or something.

>> No.9237937

freeze everything you aren't planning on eating in the next 2 days. if you keep doing this for weeks on end, you will have choices eventually.

>> No.9237968

Right, so I used to do this as part of a bodybuilding regiment. I'm also a pretty good cook.
1. Most of the time I cooked twice a week so the leftovers are only 3 days old or so
2. Freeze the meals - it really isn't as bad as you're thinking. It's not great but it's still 'good' if the original meal was good.
3. Realize that prepped meals will never be as good as fresh meals, and realize that you're exchanging quality for time, and that nobody is claiming that you aren't sacrificing some quality

>> No.9237977

>making $1000 for a 16 hour day is voluntarily being someone's bitch

>> No.9237999

>Enjoy your ramen
>the only food I can prepare quickly is ramen, therefore the same is true for everybody
There are more than a dozen delicious, healthy dishes your average home cook can prepare almost as quickly as a packet of ramen.

>> No.9238008

I mean it is, you work doubles willingly, it's pretty bitchmode. Unless you love the work of course. Like you don't even have the time to cook a nice meal, what's that money worth?

>> No.9238010

>Enjoy your ramen
Nice projection, dickweed. Some of us can actually cook.

>> No.9238016

Right? It takes like 6 minutes to cook a steak

>> No.9238026

when you make that much, you don't need to work all year round. work a shutdown or two and take the rest of the year off, if you want. I can deal with 2-4 months of hard work for 8-10 months of bliss.

>> No.9238029

Eating ramen all the would be healthier than eating a steak every day.

>> No.9238036

just so you know, I'm not the guy you were originally replying to. there is some merit in what he's saying, though.

>> No.9238047

>by Friday you're just eating 5 day old left overs.
Don't you own a freezer?

>> No.9238051

>has children
>lacks a competent wife

LOL. You got fucked over.

>> No.9238060

>She sucks at cooking.
You shouldn't have married her, then. Would you buy a car that you knew had engine problems?

>> No.9238066

How fat are you?

>> No.9238090

>spend time cooking every day
>honestly think you're smarter than people who eat prepped meals (which they enjoy, trust me not everybody is just like you) to have more time for activities that are actually productive

I'm literally shaking my head right now

>> No.9238103

I think he would have said that was the case

>> No.9238136

>Don't you own a freezer?
Enjoy your homemade TV dinner. The meat will dry out and the veggies will turn to mush. No thank you

>> No.9238148

Because I don't have a flesh light and I enjoy putting my penis into an actual vagina. I mean is that even a legit question?

>> No.9238181

Not really. She likes to bake and I like to cook real food plus I get my dick sucked. Once and a while she'll try to make like, meatballs or some shit like that...basic stuff; but most of the time its a cake or a pastry.

Honestly I prefer to prepare meals myself unless I'm eating out. The only thing she does really well is coffee, and she delivers it too me when I'm still in bed which is altruistic as fuck and really nice.

>> No.9239158
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>cooks 5 days worth of meals at once and packages them
>lazy sack of shit


>> No.9239344

>Vegetables, chicken, fried rice, swede

What's wrong with it?

>> No.9239348

>Cook big pot of chilli, put in fridge
>Cook big pot of rice, put in fridge
>Make big bowl of guac, put in fridge
>Make a salad each day and spend the next five days gorging myself on chilli, rice, tortillas, etc.

Nothing wrong with that, hombre.

>> No.9239385
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>bake chicken
>cook rice
>add frozen veggies ONLY the day you'll eat that prepped meal
Them veggies stay the freezer till you're ready to eat, ya dingus. And the meat/rice will last perfectly fine for 5 days (or more, depending on how adventurous you are)

>> No.9239402

Meal prep is usually done by athletes/body builders/fitness "models" (escorts) who plan all their meals out https://www.instagram.com/mealprepsociety/?hl=en

Busy people who work a lot, but aren't prepping for a competition or something usually pre-prepare meals into tupperware to be cooked, so they can just walk in the door and make a stir fry immediately with some left over for lunch the next day.

I do the pre-prep thing, my fridge is entirely tupperware of ready to go meals I put together on sunday and cook after work/school.

There's actually gig economy shit for this, lot's of meal delivery outfits around these days for people too busy/lazy to even do this on their day off

>> No.9239408

>Implying it's more difficult to cook that much more food at one time
Room temperature IQ

>> No.9239411

If you're making such good money why not just bang whores?

>> No.9239707
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>implying that this board isn't absolutely plagued with tubby neets that haven't cooked a real meal for themselves in their life
>implying that those same people aren't the one's criticizing meal preppers in this thread

my actives are almonated

>> No.9239715
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> And the meat/rice will last perfectly fine for 5 days (or more, depending on how adventurous you are)

>> No.9239733

Prepare and set aside your primary ingredients the day before, actually cook them on the day you plan to eat. EX

take chicken breast. Season. Put in tupperware and store in fridge. put frozen veggies in tupperware in freeze. Have quick rice on hand.

Then just cook the food the day of. Save any leftovers for tomorrows lunch or snacks.

Do not do this a week in advance though. Defrosted raw chicken is fine in the fridge for 1-2 days. Not a week.

>> No.9239822

Spend Sunday afternoon cooking 3-4 different dishes. The time intensive stuff like chili, roasts, or barbecue. Leave enough in the fridge for ~70% of your meals for the week. Freeze the rest. This leave room for variety. Supplement with whatever you feel like making on the spot (pasta, sandwiches, frozen dumplings, etc). Pan nice and hot. Done.

Planning all meals a week in advance is way too monotonous. So I try to make the best of both worlds.

>> No.9239825

>ordering out and spending $10-$15 per day
I feel like if you were really making $1000 a day, this wouldn't be a big deal.

>> No.9239865

>muh 30 minutes meme

Fuck off, the kind of shit you can whip up in 30 minutes is only marginally better than 5 day old food you can just heat up and eat.

>> No.9239877

It's about getting that whole nagging "eating" shit out of the way quickly and easily so you can spend more time lifting and checking out other guys lifting at the gym.

>> No.9239884

>16 hour days/2 kids + dogs
>arguing on /ck/
no wonder he doesn't have the time to cook

>> No.9240721

a 1000 dollars a day

>> No.9241007

it's not just like that. It's that most young people have no cooking skills compared to older gens, fast food/grub hub all that are everywhere, and laziness toward doing dishes. It took my friend 2 hours to make a 30 minute dish because he didn't have a chef knife, like one of the only utensil you need, on top of not knowing basic skills.

>> No.9241019

most people who do this are /fit/ and are eating more for calories than flavor. My coach used to reinforce the idea "food is energy, not entertainment" to get us from fucking up our diets.

>> No.9241024

Yeah lucky you a few blowjobs and some coffee is a great tradeoff for working 16 hour days (complete bullshit by the way, no one works 16 hours)

>> No.9241080

not him, but sometimes you do work 16hours, but youd be doing something like oil/gas/ mining or banker/lawyer.
and you wouldnt be doing it 24/7 you'd do it a few times a year for maybe a month at most

if this cuck does it all day everyday then his wife is cheating on him and he has a brown person tier job

>> No.9241084

Your coach sounds retarded, plenty of fit people eat tasty "entertaining" food. They just eat it in moderation.

>> No.9241087

Everything you eat is a part of your diet

>> No.9241137


>> No.9241148

I live alone and it's pretty tedious trying to prepare single person meals, so I usually make a huge batch of food that reheats well (e.g. pasta) and have it for dinner for 2-3 nights, which seems pretty common from the other posts in this thread.

Something else I do that I haven't seen mentioned yet -- I cook/assemble my lunches for work the night before, but I prep the ingredients at the start of the week to make the process faster. So if I'm making vegetable stirfry that week, I'll cut up an assload of vegetables and store them in tupperware in the fridge, that way I don't have to dirty a knife + cutting board every night.

I've been considering making a small batch of breakfast burritos and freezing them to see how well they reheat over the course of a month. I'd hate to make a ton and then find out that they turn to mush.

>> No.9241150

I will meal prep for like 3 days at most. Make lots of bolognese and then just make noodle when I eat. Make lots of stirfry and just heat it up in the wok.

>> No.9241254

yes we both are, you did got it.

>> No.9242006

I do it for lunch at work. That's really the only meal it's good for.