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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9235684 No.9235684[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw no gf

>> No.9235697
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>tfw scratching balls after cutting thai peppers

>> No.9235706

>tfw no gf to cook for

Fixed that for you.

>> No.9235713

>tfw no gf to cook for me

>> No.9235730
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>get gf
>cook for her
>she says its bad
>you get depressed
>you break up
>you get more depressed
>you get sick
>no one visits you

>> No.9235731

Won't be keeping one for long like that friend.

>> No.9235736
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>tfw no concubines

>> No.9235740

>tfw no 72 virgins

>> No.9235742

>tfw only one virgin and its you

>> No.9235749

What's the point of having one if they don't cook for you?

>> No.9235758

Feminism means that most of them can't cook for shit and expect you to do all the work.

>> No.9235768

Is it weird to be 23 and never had a relationship before?

>> No.9235774

Yes. You're an outcast in society, freak.

>> No.9235775
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H-ha no anon of course not.

>> No.9235781

don't fall for the GF meme you'll go broke after 1 date

>> No.9235785

Maybe, but I was 24 when I started hooking up with college freshmen girls; had nothing at all before that. If you're not a 100% total social reject, younger girls like guy's in their mid to upper 20's. Still riding that gravy train 3 years later.

>> No.9235787
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>> No.9235790

"The Prophet Muhammad was heard saying: 'The smallest reward for the people of paradise is an abode where there are 80,000 servants and 72 wives, over which stands a dome decorated with pearls, aquamarine, and ruby, as wide as the distance from Al-Jabiyyah [a Damascus suburb] to Sana'a [Yemen]'."

Houris do not want wives to annoy their husbands, since the houris will also be the spouses [i.e. wives] of the husbands in the afterlife. ---"Mu'adh b. Jobal (Allah be pleased with him) reported that Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, 'A woman does not annoy her husband but his spouse from amongst the maidens with wide eyes intensely white and deeply black will say: Do not annoy him, may Allah ruin you." He is with you as a passing guest. Very soon, he will part with you and come to us.'"

How will dhunya roasties ever compete? Don't worry guys inshallah we will make it.

Prophet Muhammad(SAW) didn't get married until he was 25.

>> No.9235791

It's unusual, but not bad.

>> No.9235795

They inspire you to cook better so you get to enjoy better food.

Take your average man who cooks in a happy relationship. He is eating top tier meals every single day. Compare this to the average lonely miserable man who cooks. He drinks himself into a stupor and eats whatever does not need to be cooked for more than 10 minutes.

Women exist to inspire men to greatness and men exist to become the best they can be for their woman. It is a symbiotic relationship.

>> No.9235798

>only 23

I got 6 years on you junior. I will be earning my wizard robe in only 4 more months.

>> No.9235805

>still virgin at 29
this can't be real

>> No.9235807
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Married to a 7 year old, pedo faggot

>> No.9235809

Yeah that's true but I can't help but feel pathetic going for college girls. I mean one night stands I don't care, but if you're hanging around with them longer than that their immaturity becomes very noticeable.

>> No.9235810

Oh you sweet summer child.

>> No.9235815

Prophet Muhammad was a murdering pedophile, I don't want to be like him.

>> No.9235816
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>tfw so autistic that I killed off my 8 years old wizard in D&D after finally having sex before I turned 30

>> No.9235817

kissless virg at 25. i wake up and pray for god to kill me

>> No.9235824

Great food & cooking related thread guys keep it up no really great work guys you're really doing your best to keep it on-topic what would we do without posters like you !

>> No.9235825

no seriously how is that possible? I'm fat but I got laid before 25

>> No.9235827
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How dare you insult our holy prophet Muhammad?

>> No.9235831

Have you never been to /r9k/ anon? Wizards have been around on 4chan since time immemorial.

>> No.9235832
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Literally using sex to sell a religion

>> No.9235840

Name one thing I said that was untrue.

>> No.9235842

>Applying anachronistic categories to someone.

Yeah pedophilia didn't exist at that time because the entire concept of age of consent was developed by feminists in the modern era. Merely a century ago most states in the U.S. had the age of consent at 9 or 10 years old.

>> No.9235844

oh the breeding grounds of murderers? Nah never

>> No.9235850
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Something something islamphobia something open borders something something #nothingtodowithislam

>> No.9235857

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

>> No.9235858

>b-b-but it was the norm
Yes, rape back then meant you had to pay the father 25 shekels of silver and marry the bride. But now we see that that's degenerate faggotry, like slavery.

>> No.9235859
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>> No.9235876
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And don't use that cameradierie "everyone else was doing it" faggotry. That sort of shit led normal Germans into killing like Nazis and was demonstrated in the Stanford prison experiment, but doesn't justify it.

>> No.9235885

Mods mods mods

>> No.9235888

>Actually adopting the value system of 20th century feminists

>Rape within marriage


What? Why do you guys act like Aisha (RA) was harmed by Muhammad (SAW)? She remained completely devoted to him his entire life and never reported any kind of abuse by him. You guys act like she was abused or something, but in reality she completely loved the prophet (SAW).

>> No.9235892

oh pull the cucumber out of your ass and lets just have a nice pathetic virgin /ck/ thread

>> No.9235893
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>rape isn't bad when there is no law against it
Typical inbred sandnigger thinking

>> No.9235899

>can't rape within marriage
Listen here Ahmed, marriage does not mean devoting your body to be used as a pleasure toy for the male at his whim. And that doesn't make me a feminazi shitlord.

>mudslime doesn't understand the concept of grooming
Your religion is a cult

>> No.9235901

Disgusting sand apes.

>> No.9235902

>see qt at grocery checkout
>she has 5 different things of produce and salad dressing
>don't mind being single

>> No.9235904

rape isn't bad if youre the one getting raped by a hot busty milf with only an apron on

>> No.9235907

Well "rape" within marriage was never accepted in traditional Christian societies either. If a woman went to a judge and said my husband "raped" me they would laugh at her and tell her to leave. Rape would be forcing a woman outside of marriage to have sex, not exercising your natural rights as a man over your wife.

>> No.9235916

Well yes anon, but when does that ever happen?

>> No.9235918

>marriage does not mean devoting your body to be used as a pleasure toy for the male at his whim.

I never said that, obviously the man has to take care of his wife providing her with medical care, money, clothing, shelter, etc... The man and women have different rights, in some regards she has more in some regards he has more. One of his rights is the right to have sex when he wants to as long as she is not menstruating, pregnant, or has a medical condition that would harm her.

>> No.9235923

>>bbbut christians dint

>>repeating the horseshit axiom that he assumes to be true that marriage means dominance over a wife
Nothing naturally right about it, sandshit

>> No.9235926

There's been a ton of stories about teachers getting caught having sexual relationships with their middle school students anon. It's definitely possible.

>> No.9235932

You just did. Man can have sex with a women as long as it won't make her pregnant or harm her. Nothing about whether she wants to or not. Because giving women agency is too scary for you.

>> No.9235937

>You get back from a hard day working and breaking your back earning money for your wife and children. You want to have sex with your wife and tell her.

>She smirks at you and says "Uhhhhhhh no thank you ahahahahaha. By the way I'm going clubbing with my girlfriends later, I left a t.v. dinner for you and the kids on the counter, now go away while I get ready."

>This is acceptable and normal to you.

It just doesn't get much more cucked than this.

>> No.9235942

>Trusting a woman to be capable of any kind of craft any man could do better

>> No.9235957


>> No.9235960
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>get gf>
>cook for her
>she says its bad
>cook her


>> No.9235977

Sorry Ahmed, I don't date trash Stacy sluts that use sex as a bargaining chip. Sane women still exist, you know. Fear of a corner case in marriage means we shouldn't give women agency. Nice cuck fetish btw

>> No.9235993

Whatever bro. I have tried to explain to you that women have more rights within marriage in many regards, and you act like merely having sex with your wife is something sooooo evil.

The family unit is a patriarchal unit, the man is in charge, get over it. You can either have a matriarchy or a patriarchy and God's law mandates a patriarchy, and that is what is going to happen whether you like it or not. Women want patriarchy and they want a man that is charge. A feminist society will last maybe one generation or two but it will quickly return to normalcy and that is going to happen in the west very soon.

>> No.9236043

Sex is a special moment between a couple, not a masturbation session for the dude. I mean, expecting a couple to share an complex emotional bond is too high a bar for Muslims,so they make up other rules.

>patriarchical direction only exists under Abrahamic religions
Whatever you need to justify your need to join a desert cult led by a pedophilic murdering """prophet,""" bro.

Btw I praise kekistan too XD

>> No.9236045
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>tfw yes bf
>surprise him with cooking the stuff he said is his favorite
>you make it better than his mom
Also protip: if you're wondering if someone actually likes your food or is just being polite ask if you should use the same recipe next time if they say yes its good if not its shit