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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 193 KB, 1000x932, Canned-Tuna-Solid-in-Oil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9233819 No.9233819 [Reply] [Original]

there is literally nothing wrong with canned tuna

>> No.9233821

what about heavy metal toxins

>> No.9233829

Tuna in the can is poached. That's a legit way to serve the flesh of the fish.

What you think about your mercury limits, fishing methods, or making it THE only way to eat said seafood would be silly. The reason the food is canned in the first place is to make it last, so it can be enjoyed out of season, when it is convenient, and so it can be transported to where the person lives, which might not be in that port but miles away, in the wilderness, in the mountains, etc.

Canning is good stuff.

Albacore> olive oil packed > the rest

>> No.9233850

What about microscopic radioactive particles from fukushima in the meat?

>> No.9233854

they only make you stronger

>> No.9233875

i eat about 12 cans of tuna a week and have done this for about a month now, and i have salmon and swordfish for dinner fairly often, how at risk for heavy metal toxicity am i at

>> No.9233890

>i eat about 12 cans of tuna a week and have done this for about a month now, and i have salmon and swordfish for dinner fairly often, how at risk for heavy metal toxicity am i at

You're well on your way to becoming a T-1000.

>> No.9233903
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Solid albacore's the only shit I can eat. I tried to buy normal canned tuna a while back for sandwiches and couldn't stomach the stuff. The soupy tuna is so discolored and I hit too many unexpected textures.

>> No.9233928

Tuna packed in olive oil is fine. Not a fan of the stuff in water.

>> No.9233956

You'd have to eat a lot of it for it to really matter.

>> No.9233968

Not too bad I don't think.
I certainly wouldn't recommend that.
I wouldn't recommend even 1 can a day.
But you might want to consider changing that.
Switch out tune with sardines. Small fish like sardines don't have the heavy metal buildup like tuna.
Sardines are pretty high in cholesterol though

>> No.9233974

>Radioactive tuna is wrong. Especially if you have to make threads on 4chan to promote it.

In case you are not in the know... The Fukushima Diachi nuclear power plant is still leaking MASSIVE amounts of radioactive particles into the AIR AND PACIFIC OCEAN.


>> No.9233991

i do what i want, I don't need no man.

>> No.9234013

You are at severe risk. I'm not being hyperbolic you seriously need to see a doctor. It's safe to have roughly 1 can a day every day. But you are eating 1-2 cans a day and have been doing it for a month it's a lot and you aren't giving your body any time to process the heavy metals before you are adding more in. What you are working towards is chronic poisoning vs acute. Once you even show the symptoms it will already have done a life-changing amount of damage to your body.

Seriously that's way too much.

>> No.9234265
File: 208 KB, 1280x720, 1491896677239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

show me 50 people who died from radioactive tuna you pussy

>> No.9234284

Here you go faggot

>> No.9234291

Fukushima could drain hundreds of tons of pure metalic Uranium into the pacific ocean and you wouldn't detect shit. You massively underestimate how fucking HUGE the Pacific ocean is.

>> No.9234308

No, it's fucking overcooked.

>> No.9234309

So is the sun. What's your point?

>> No.9234316

Brainlets don't really understand ocean dynamics, they understand flashy macros with BRIGHT COLORS SHOWING HOW MUCH THE RADIATION EMPIRE HAS CLAIMED THE SEAS RUN FOR YA IODINE TABLETS.

There's likely more radiation in the Pacific ocean from coal ash run off then there is from fukushima or any nuclear power plant. Ah, but the coal lobby wants to bury the fact that coal is radioactive as shit, I forgot!

>> No.9234319

It's more complicated than that, but you're right in that it's not really an issue so long as we pay attention. There are things that COULD be an issue with it, like currents concentrating radioactive material and it settling to various areas, then us fishing out of those areas. It is a shitty disaster that we don't want happening, but it's not the end of the world.

>> No.9234526


>> No.9234528

How do you do your tuna salad for sandwiches?

Finely diced red onion / chickpeas / canned tuna in brine / mayo / lemon juice / tomato relish for me.

I'm in the UK where our selection of canned tuna is atrocious. Olive oil packed tuna is never seen in regular supermarkets.

>> No.9234536

Makes a mean good pasta casserole.

>> No.9234777
File: 298 KB, 551x414, smug snug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What about microscopic radioactive particles from fukushima in the meat
>Not wanting superpowers like the X-men
>not wanting to see through walls

>> No.9234799

That is not okay anon. You'll go blind, I'm not even kidding.

>> No.9234833

the bananas at your local mart have more radioactivity in them then anything you will get from the ocean from that jap disaster

>> No.9234862

Radiation from the sun is different, it comes from nature.

>> No.9234985

Eat some foods containing glutathione to be safe. It helps facilitate the removal of heavy metals from your system. Eggs and garlic are good sources. Look it up.

>> No.9235001

Bullshit. I work for Starkist and I can tell you that this is absolutelu false.

>> No.9235002

ITT people don't realize that there are tuna in the atlantic ocean

>> No.9235010

So many shills in this thread....

It is a threat to national security. There is no reason to ignore the fucking telephone poles that washed ashore in northern California and Baja California then huh? How about the two headed whales babies? The disintegrating starfish?

How about the fact that to get a proper reading there needs to be many samples of fish taken, completely dried to dust, contained in a lead box, then tested.

It does not work like Fallout the video game you fucking new fags. Read more. You're probably fapping your brains into necrosis from the lack of cerebral spinal fluid in your body.

>> No.9235057

Whoa, you're so, like, redpilled, man.

>> No.9235059

Must be all the iodine pills.

>> No.9235077
File: 42 KB, 600x400, fukushima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hows that radioactive waste taste retards? Was it worth trading your DNA for fapping to loli and anime?

>> No.9235090
File: 82 KB, 639x461, fukushima2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9235103
File: 61 KB, 1180x440, Totes normal dude. I'm got munaties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9235109


OMG so mystery... Soupy spoopy huh goys?

>> No.9235122


OM nom nom.

Let me guess... You don't eat whales so.... Hmmmmmmm can't impact the tuna?

>> No.9235143
File: 96 KB, 600x424, dindofukushima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9235157

Damn nigga you sure convinced me to stay away from that yucky tuna

>> No.9235222

Or be pregnant.

>> No.9235240

>this is what hippies actually believe
The only people who have to worry about Fukushima Diachi are the people who live in the region. Guess what, swalling a drop of water from a swimming pool that someone pissed in isn't going to kill you. If you want to bitch about fallout then bitch about the hundreds of nuclear bomb test that DIDN'T kill you. Fukushima did not poison the Pacific.

>> No.9235259

Not only is the Pacific ocean damaged beyond repair..... If two of those 50+ spent fuel rods so much as bump into eachother the whole fucking nuclear plant will explode and kill the majority of humanity.

Enjoy your fucking Stockholm syndrome and radioactive tuna that you probably already threw away.

>> No.9235292

Okay, you got a chuckle out of me. What's the next step of you master plan?

>> No.9235310

You invite me over to flick yogurt on your face.

>> No.9235378

>cat food

>> No.9235467

Humans are a part of nature.

>> No.9235480

Do you think that radioactive metals are man-made? That humans invented uranium rather than found it?

>> No.9235614

Tuna in water (drained), finely diced celery, yellow onion, green onion, sun dried tomatoes, diced pickles (only if I'm going to eat right away otherwise it gets soupy), garlic powder, tarragon, lemon juice and zest, mayo (easy on the mayo), and diced avocado

>> No.9235677

>How do you do your tuna salad for sandwiches?
I don't.

Why is this still a thing?

>> No.9235710

I have never seen radioactive ground other then from areas where humans have used radioactive substances.
I have yet to see a waterfall shit out uranium.

>> No.9235722

tru. uranium wasn't in underground deposits until humans put it there.

>> No.9235737

Oh fuck not a picture made by some underage. Gonna go purge that tuna right away.

>> No.9235738

Idk anon. But in America, you can get a tuna steak for a cheaper unit price.

Grill it yourself a nice rare to mid rare or sear it with sesame after marinating it for a few hours, put it over a salad or pair it with your starch and vegetables and you got yourself a good dinner or even a light lunch by just eating half and making a freshly grilled tuna salad.

Personally my favorite way is to sear it with sesame seeds on it after marinating it in a lime honey and soy sauce mix. Putting it over an Asian salad with seaweed, orange ginger dressing, mungbeam and broccoli sprouts, cucumber and tomatoes, and fresh scallions, Thai basil, and cilantro with a squeeze of lime over the top. Quite good really.

>> No.9235808

Exactly, just like how Jesus hid away all of those dinosaur "bones"

>> No.9235830



>> No.9236689



>> No.9238754
File: 9 KB, 183x183, 1501321136971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If two of those 50+ spent fuel rods so much as bump into eachother the whole fucking nuclear plant will explode and kill the majority of humanity.

>> No.9238796

>kill the majority of humanity.
Even if it did detonate (big if, you have no idea what you're going on about), it'd be a point of light from space. Like looking at a Christmas light from 100 meters. Yeah, it'd be a tragedy, and I'm sure lots of people could die, but it wouldn't even knock a percentage point off of the human population.
You are severely overestimating the potency of fission reactions.

>> No.9238861

They are in everything by now, in miniscule amounts. It's caesium-137 and strontium-90 that really accumulate in your bones and body and cause serious problems, and those radionucleides do not travel so far in large amounts.

>> No.9239093

You realise meltdowns and criticality incidents have happened a few times in history and only people in the direct vicinity died. Even a nuclear bomb designed to blow shit up effects a few hundred km radius, in the largest cases (tsar bomba etc;)

>> No.9240039

That's... what I said? Are you agreeing with me?
I was stating that the guy was overestimating fission bombs and that it wouldn't put a real dent in the population.

>> No.9240649
File: 142 KB, 660x339, n0q8zxl1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. there are vastly more concerning things spread all over the ocean

>> No.9240655

I've been eating chunk light in water made into fried tuna patties every day for months because of cheapness, how fucked am I.

>> No.9240667

9 nuclear subs have been lost at sea, and weve detonated a fuckload of nukes in the sea for research, this Fukushima thing is literally a drop in the bucket

>> No.9240676

>shima gets fuku'd
>almost immediately the great barrier reef is bleached
>blame it on global warming

>> No.9240701

>search 'mercury'
>1 result
seriously guys, don't eat large fish too frequently unless you want permanent brain problems

>> No.9240706

Enjoy your nuke fish with mercury.

>> No.9240710

I loved it when I ate meat, but there's a mercury poisoning risk from too much. There's people who feed only canned tuna to their cats, though, and I don't know if that kills the cat or not, but I'd assume so?

>> No.9240716


>> No.9240717

The sea is a lot of ocean. You get more radiation from taking an airplane flight.

>> No.9240773




>> No.9241035

I think you are well on your way of becoming a human thermometer

>> No.9241048



>> No.9241081

Was supposed to reply to the other guy, muh bad

>> No.9241086

That bleaching has been happening for a while

>> No.9241097

On one hand cats don't live as long as humans but on the other hand their tolerance is also lower.

>> No.9241117


>> No.9241123

Sounds like you tried to write a poem

>> No.9242007
File: 2.85 MB, 385x530, 1441995038103.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tuna has high amounts of selenium which binds the mercury. Relax

>> No.9243616


All these retards who eat tuna trying to prove they are not retarded is frighteningly entertaining.

>> No.9243685
File: 877 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot from 2017-07-31 15:01:31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9243686


>> No.9243713

bet it tastes twice as good as regular dolphin

>> No.9244122

Take iodine.

>> No.9244311
File: 510 KB, 480x228, thnunderbirds laughing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9244399

Not everyone was abducted by fucking aliens

>> No.9244491

does the preservatives and all the other shit inside the cans actually matter
like how much does it actually affect you?

>> No.9244531

There aren't really any chemical preservatives. Do you know how canning works?

>> No.9244633

Thanks anon, made me laugh.

>> No.9244645

>not being brutal enough to eat heavy metal poisoned food

>> No.9244667
File: 1.78 MB, 256x144, 1500770634163.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to ask for more info, sadly.

Canned tuna is a staple for me (Budget pescatarian) and I do notice more digestive issues (Bloating, distention, general swelling) from a can a day for a week. Stopping it altogether stops this issue, and moderate also has -less- impact.

I love fish, I enjoy cooking and while canned tuna isnt a treat for cooks, it filled the fishy taste I love. I want more info on things like this image, as that is what will stop me from consuming.

>> No.9244727

underrated post

>> No.9244914

For some tuna salad? Sure why not? tuna, mayo, celery, some hard-boiled eggs on some toasted, crunchy wheat bread? Absolutely.

>> No.9244915

LOL dude sorry but what's this gif from

>> No.9244931

I dunno man Im just freaking out right now, thats actually me!

>> No.9244988

I've just realized American call mercury as heavy metal.

>> No.9245193


shit thread

>> No.9245205
File: 143 KB, 665x1000, Baltar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's from Battlestar Galactica..?
>pic is doc from the show

No you aren't

>> No.9245223

>not eating the superior fish sardines

>> No.9245752


>> No.9246303

>be australian
>all canned tuna comes from disgusting packing plants in thailand
I can't it eat it because of this.

>> No.9246645

>west Indian
>Motor out 1/8 of a mile into the Atlantic
>Catch yellow fin within minutes
>Sometimes still eat canned tuna because I just want a sammich real quick

>> No.9247059

Bananas have so much radiation they're used as a standard to measure exposure

Look up the banana equivalent dose

>> No.9247085

It's still a miniscule amount of radiation.

>> No.9247217

that shit doesnt even flush out when you stop eating mercury
say hello to organ failure within few years

>> No.9247222

Don't get pregnant.

>> No.9247300

poo in the loo

>> No.9247382



>> No.9247420

for a month you're fine, but fucking stop

>> No.9247427

You have a miniscule amount of penis.

>> No.9247440

designed shitting seas

>> No.9247628

You're practically having 2 cans a day and that's too much. My dad has lifted for years and ate 2 tins with veg for lunch at work 5 days a week. He was advised to stop by his doctor after some random health problem. Hes over 60 though, and still works out but he doesn't eat tuna anymore. I have around 6 tins a week myself. That seems like a sensible limit to me since I work out myself.

>> No.9247648
File: 53 KB, 451x517, 1487361593833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sasuga India.

>> No.9247670

I'm a simple man
Tuna in water/onion/mayo/diced tomatoes.

>> No.9247868


Cover up. This thread is being slid hard.

>> No.9247879
File: 67 KB, 720x405, tuna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pickle relish

>> No.9247950

This post

>> No.9247974

You should eat more fresh local food instead. It will help the local economy and if you can find a vegan alternative you will thank yourself for the effort. I'm not talking about mock tuna either, unless you want to try this


>> No.9248046
File: 176 KB, 348x814, 1500486920619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9248525

Tuna, mayo, mustard or lemon juice, dill. I usually add cheese and make it a grilled sandwich.

>> No.9249507

>Olive Oil Packed

Fat ass detected.

>> No.9249523

nope olive oil is definitely the "fitter" choice, assuming you're exercising enough to burn off the negligible amount of oil ur fish is canned in. if you' don't exercise at all then sure eat drained canned tuna in water. Oil-canned maintains nutrients instead of dumping them, no need for other fat mixer like mayo. heart health, beautiful skin, etc...

>> No.9249920


>> No.9249934

canned tuna is revolting. it's literally cat food.

>> No.9250028

It's just fish in a can.


>> No.9251133

>I'm in the UK where our selection of canned tuna is atrocious. Olive oil packed tuna is never seen in regular supermarkets.
Asda: mostly water or sunflower oil, but stock some olive oil.

Sainsbury's: sell multiple brands of tuna in olive oil.

Tesco: they actually don't, but fuck tesco anyway

Waitrose: haha of fucking course they do, it's fucking waitrose, the label is fancy and in french.

>> No.9251152

Tesco do stock it.

>> No.9251624

Mixing it with mayo would be disgusting if it was less cooked

>> No.9251968

>want to make a tuna sandwich
>get my fishing license
>buy fishing supplies and a boat
>take a trip out to the coast
>catch a nice big tuna
>bring it home
>harvest the grain that I have growing in my back yard
>grind it into flour and use that to make bread
>go to my blacksmithing forge and make a bread knife and a boning knife
>cut two slices of bread
>debone the tuna and get all the meat out of there
>boil it like crazy to kill any microorganisms
>strain the prepared tuna and mix it with mayonnaise that I also made from scratch
>spread liberally on my bread and enjoy my meal while smugly thinking of those idiots who buy their food at grocery stores

>> No.9252031

What the fuck is going on at Antarctica? Are the researchers surviving solely on MREs?

>> No.9252228

i appreciated this anon

>> No.9252775


Is that a graph of you mouth?

>> No.9252785

I'm a bit out of tuna with reality

>> No.9252942

Well, I've nearly died on several occasions from Tuna pussy

Can't imagine one being radioactive helps matters

>> No.9252965

I feel bad for India. Literally a shitty country.

>> No.9253084


>250ppm in that massive eddy

Jesus christ

>> No.9253160


You can't get cheap fresh tuna where you live?

>> No.9253414

I buy tuna in those big cans by the pound. a lot more economical. mayo, relish, onions is my mainstay. then tomatores, lettuce, hot peppers, etc.. for sandwiches and wraps.

>> No.9253800

Why not just use Miracle Whip?

>> No.9254044

Do you own your own mine, or did you used pre-processed metal to make your knives?
>buy fishing supplies and boat
Why not just spearfish with a sharp stick?