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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9229282 No.9229282 [Reply] [Original]

> eggs bad
> Milk bad
> bread bad
> pork bad
> beef bad
> dairy bad
> salt bad
> sugar bad
> cholesterol bad
> carbs bad

So what is it, /ck/? What do? Grilled chicken and green lettuce with olive oil every day??

>> No.9229317

bread and sugar are indeed bad
milk is 'bad' if your particular body can't handle it

the rest are fine.

>> No.9229322

>bread is bad

shut up

>> No.9229341

Thiamine mononitrate
Folic acid
Reduced iron


>> No.9229346
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>all bread is mass produced white bread

>> No.9229349

Sorry, I didn't realize Wonder Bread was the only choice.

>> No.9229350

Nope just 95% of the bread in the world thanks to the enrichment program.

Good luck finding whole wheat bread without chemicals.

>> No.9229352
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Fuck you bread is delicious

>> No.9229353

Just eat whole unprocessed food and enjoy it without obsessing so much over health. There are whole cultures who eat this way and live long healthy lives

>> No.9229355

Wrong board, this isn't /fit/

>> No.9229356

the real problem with bread is the presence of flour

inb4 "whole wheat"

the term is literally meaningless

>> No.9229361

>the real problem with bread is the presence of flour

Never been more baffled by a 4chan post.

>> No.9229364
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>chicken and olive oil
>good for you
If you don't eat a raw, whole (no oil) vegan diet then you are unhealthy and might as well stop fooling yourself.

>> No.9229387

>humans are omnivores
>omnivores = meat & vegetation
>if you eat ANYTHING other than MY VEGAN DIET ur unhealthy and should kill yourself
Found the vegan

>> No.9229396

>folic acid

Your child will have spina bifida

>> No.9229397

the more processed a thing is, the more harm it does to your body

chewing on coca leaves is generally safe
snorting cocaine is not

chewing on sugar cane is generally safe
eating sugar is not

flour is highly processed wheat

>> No.9229409

Ever drink sweet crude from the barrel?
Ever drink 93 octane from the pump?
I don't think so.

>> No.9229412


i don't know what they are

>> No.9229438

It's the same kind of post as, "limes are hipster lemons" you see here occasionally. No one knows what they're supposed to mean I guess.

>> No.9229444

i just explained why flour should be avoided, my dude

>> No.9229450
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>flour is highly processed wheat

>> No.9229453

am i wrong?

>> No.9229454

>flour is highly processed wheat

Wtf? Wheat flour is by definition ground wheat. Do you consider cutting a primal cut of beef into steaks "highly processed?"

>> No.9229457


>> No.9229463
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Which is dumber: religious/political arguments on the Internet, or nutrition/fad diet arguments on the Internet?

>> No.9229466

>Wheat flour is by definition ground wheat.



the fact that the wheat has been ground into dust before you even put it into your body means it is absorbed by your body much faster, which wreaks havoc on your liver


>> No.9229467
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Post-nomadic human society btfo

>> No.9229476


Seared food is the most unhealthy of them all anon. Boil it

>> No.9229477

Are you a shitskin? Only a shitskin would say something so stupid.

>> No.9229478

Trial and error OP. Find out what foods make you feel better, and which foods make you feel worse. Be consistent with what you eat.

Some stuff may be better for you than it would for others. Not everybody can handle a single diet. Some do well vegan, some do well on paleo, or keto. Some people completely cut out sugar. If you REALLY are this troubled by what you eat, see your doctor about this and go see a nutritionist.

>> No.9229483

solid refutation

>> No.9229486


>> No.9229488

Oh yeah, you should avoid soul/southern food though. Anything that's fried, avoid. Eat it once in a blue moon. Same with sodas and artificially sugary drinks.

>> No.9229496

i'll wait for you to expand on that. it's sure to be a good point

>> No.9229499

>He doesn't make his own bread

>> No.9229509

I'm waiting for you to actually give any evidence that flour hurts your liver. You're just making claims with nothing to back it up.

>> No.9229513

Everything you put into your mouth is bad for you.

>> No.9229532

white bread is bad. rye / whole wheat generally is not. a good rule of thumb for bread or any carb-heavy food is that they need to have 1g of fiber for every 10g of carbs at least to be considered to healthy. for same reason white rice, white pasta, peeled potatoes (but not potatoes with peel), white sugar, white flour products (pizzas, pies, cakes) are unhealthy while oatmeal, brown rice, whole wheat products, buckwheat etc are healthy.

>> No.9229554

Smashing it to bits is not "highly processed" you retard.
And people have been doing it since the fucking stone age.

>> No.9229557

How about peeling a banana or cracking a nut? Does that count as "highly processed"?

>> No.9229560

Shitskin detected

>> No.9229581

>Smoke weed everyday!

>> No.9229597

the boy done kirked his head in

>> No.9229622

>the term is literally meaningless
This is the stupidest thing I've ever read on this fucking shit site.

>> No.9229631

>thinks his whole wheat sugar bread is healthier than white sugar bread
stupid like a fox, m8

>> No.9230210

How bad is white Jasmin rice?? Can i just have some rice, mushrooms, and grilled chicken with a teaspoon of soy sauce???

>> No.9230682


shut the fuck up and drink your clorox. maybe then you'll realise which chemicals are bad for you.

hint: bread is not going to kill you

>> No.9230690

I bake my own bread. It's literally water, flour, and salt.

>> No.9230695

>my water is just water
Good goy! Ignore that there is no water in earth free of CHEMIKILLZ

>> No.9230702

>sugar bad
This is true. The jury is still out on the rest.

>> No.9230723

If I was to boil my chicken etc in order to reduce my consumption of fried meats
How do I make it taste better
Boiled meat I usually so ... bland

>> No.9231551

what is the political equivalent of gluten-free? sugar-free? vegetarianism? veganism? pescetarianism? paleo?

>> No.9232218

Coat in flour, egg wash, and blended up peanuts (instead of breadcrumbs) + whatever spices you want, and then broil for a few minutes on each side and bake to finish. Normally I make healthy concoctions and my family thinks they are weird but they actually ate this one.

>> No.9232221

Yes but what about boiling

>> No.9232230

>eggs bad
False, eggs are fairly low in calories if you cook them right. They are high in cholesterol, but 2 eggs a day won't put you over your daily limit

>Milk bad

It can be, it can also be very good, in moderation

>bread bad

It can be. Carbohydrates are basically pure energy and carry no additional nutritional content of their own. They're great if you're using a lot of calories with high intensity physical activity.

>pork bad

Pork is very lean and tasty! Source reputably and cook properly and it's delicious and low calorie. It also burns muslims and jews on contact, so you can use it in place of holy-water in a pinch

>beef bad

Beef is high in iron, protein, and various vital nutrients. It is a very calorie dense meat, so enjoy in moderation!

>Dairy bad

See milk! Dairies such as yogurts and cheeses are a fantastic way to add a lot of protien to your diet for less calories!

>Salt bad

your body needs salt. Because we're conditioned to find salt tasty, we tend to use it as a flavouring agent as well. But as long as you don't go overboard, salt is good for you in proper proportion.

>sugar bad

Raw energy, like carbohydrates, but even easier to process. See bread

>Cholesterol bad

Given our understanding of it, some forms of cholesterol are very bad, and others are very good. You actually need a certain amount of it.

>carbs bad

See bread

>> No.9232234

Why would you want to boil chicken? It generally lacks the connective tissue for that kind of cooking. Dry direct heat is better. Still, if you have an old rooster, or a stewing hen, you can make a chicken braise and cook it in it's own wonderful reduced stock, shred it and use it for all sorts of things like fajitas, soups and stews, sandwiches, etc.

>> No.9232240

>Paleo/Vegetarian/Gluten/Sugar free
Green Party
Communist party

>> No.9232247

Because in all likelihood it's the 'healthiest' option, except for maybe steaming or sous vide

>> No.9232260


Just boiling your food leeches away nutrients and flavor into the water. And you can bake or pan sear quite easily with very little fat or oil used.

>> No.9232262

but muh cancer

>> No.9232275

chicken is also filled with antibiotics wich helps to create AB resistant germs inside you. You'll die off an non-treatable infection.

Lettuce is known for high levels of pesticides.

You now can only drink water. No wait, that has too much estrogen. At least you got Breatharianism

>> No.9232279



>> No.9232374

fried food is good for you, shut your bitch mouth anon

>> No.9232575

American detected

>> No.9232585

absolutely disgusting. you'll get gancer x-ddd

>> No.9232587

Again American detected.
>Bread comes from a shop

>> No.9232609

You know all of those are actually essential nutrients that you can die with out, right?

>> No.9232631

>It's the current year and /ck/ still doesn't accept GMO foodstuff
Just go with the flow, why bother resisting and trying to challenge the status quo?

>> No.9232653

You're going to die anyway, so what's the difference?

>> No.9233066

>Grilled chicken and green lettuce with olive oil every day??

>> No.9233075

You forgot the broccoli and rice, brah

>> No.9233095

thats what i do

>> No.9233214

It's /ck/
Here food items are made
Including bread
Home made bread
You faggot

>> No.9233223

That sounds surprisingly good
Carbs are bad if you don't use them, I:e are a lazy piece of shit
Salt is bad if you over it, as is sugar, which is why junk food is bad, because even if it's chips it still has sugar to make it more appetizing
Eggs aren't bad, don't know where you got that
Pork is bad for certain people ,as is red meat
Beef isn't bad and falls in the same category as carbs, if you don't use it no shit it's bad
Bread isn't bad if it's not white bread, which is basically just cake and plastic
Cholesterol can be controlled by, oh wow. Would you look at that
>Not being a lazy fat piece of shit

>> No.9233232
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And those aren't chemicals?

>> No.9233235
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>> No.9233245

Enjoy staying full for the rest of the day and depriving yourself of more important nutrients. Fried foods take long to digest.

>> No.9233261
File: 50 KB, 720x644, CuaQSToWgAAva7M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whole wheat bread gud
carbs from whole plant foods gud
sugar as part of whole fruit with fiber and nutrients gud
keep daily salt under two grams and you are gud, but human perception is relative so you won't miss it if you eat less
carbs from whole plant foods gud
Just aim for high nutrient density foods, with nothing bad added and nothing good taken away.

>> No.9233316
File: 34 KB, 500x500, 1486749545575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't do whole leaf coke

>> No.9233371

>the learned helplessness of the average american eater

o i am laffin

>> No.9233401

This guy gets it, I only eat whole raw cashews, that's true health there

>> No.9233614

>hurr boiled meat is so bland
>I give a better option
>but what about boiled meat

My point is that if you want to avoid fried meat then baking is the solution, not boiling.

>> No.9233649
File: 236 KB, 1600x1200, falafel,pickled turnipscarrot 055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about falafel? I assume fried chickpea patties are healthy since they fry them in vegetable/olive oil in most Mediterranean restaurants, and it doesn't contain any meats or animal byproducts.

>> No.9233731

The initial question was about boiling
I know how bake chicken etc, it's not difficult

>> No.9233738

If you can bake chicken then there's literally no reason to boil chicken unless you plan on slow cooking it, which isn't boiling.

>> No.9233800

It's vegan propaganda.

>> No.9233808

I'd like to know too.

>> No.9234029

>Propaganda is information that is not objective and is used primarily to influence an audience and further an agenda
>Implying that (most of) the facts in OP are not objective

>> No.9234035

Any time you consume refined oils, you are not consuming something with actual nutritional value. While certain oils may have a rather neutral impact on your health, the opportunity cost is eating something that could provide a much greater benefit to you. I'm not saying you should never ever eat anything fried, but putting that say olive oil is "healthy" are ill-informed.

>> No.9234053

It's "eat whatever you want, just don't be a glutton"

>> No.9234058

>Listen to these scary chemical names! That means they're bad!
Are you also scared of hydric acid or hydrogen hydroxide?

>> No.9234866

>"lean" meats

>> No.9236135


You are going to die.

In 100 years nothing you do is going to matter to you because you will cease to exist.

Eat, drink and be merry friend.

The trick is not to overindulge if you want to enjoy the ride for as long as possible.

Good luck.

>> No.9238004

This actually makes a lot of sense

>> No.9238089


Nailed it.

>> No.9238296
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plenty of healthy white meats out there anon, just have to use your imagination

>> No.9238434

then how come most italians are so fat from pasta everyday?

>> No.9239206

I know this is bait but holy shit I have never cracked up more from a post. Congrats anon.

>> No.9239328

You realize that most of it just vitamin b?

>> No.9239341

>Thanksgiving at the Clintons

>> No.9239342

Nigga you existing is bad for you.

>> No.9239350

>Bread is bad
A lot of white bread is bad for you and full of sugar but there is absolutely nothing wrong with wholegrain bread

Sugar is bad
Dairy should be limited.
Everything else is good.

>> No.9239746

>i cant do research on my own and i believe study articles: the post

>> No.9239770

just eat a moderate amount of whatever the hell you want and you'll be fine

>> No.9239782

none of those things are inherently bad, just too much is bad

eat it all in moderation and balance out with a lot of vegetables.

note that i said vegetables, not fruit and vegetables. fruit is very bad.

>> No.9239996

Consumerist scum detected.
It's people like you that make the entire world worse.

>> No.9240008
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>the fact that food has been ground into dust by your fucking teeth means that it is absorbed by your body much faster, which wreaks havoc on your liver
You're a fucking faggot.

>> No.9240044


Enjoy your cancer


Lol, no nutrition

>Olive oIl


>> No.9240259

Fuck off with the "white rice is bad" meme. I live in Asia and it's the bedrock of effectively every cuisine.