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File: 56 KB, 620x415, AmericasWater2-620x415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9225712 No.9225712 [Reply] [Original]

Do you drink the tap water in the USA?
Which states has the best tap water?
Are there people who buy bottled water despite having drinkable tap water? Are you one of them? Why?

Flyovers need not apply.

>> No.9225725

Seattle. Yes, I drink it all the time. It tastes fine.

Went to Chicago for a cousin's wedding, and the tap water there didn't taste quite as good. Could be that I'm just not used to it though.

Yes, there are tons of people who do this for some reason. No, I'm not that wasteful.

>> No.9225746

petaluma CA, I drink tap, but it's filtered well water. Tastes fine.

>> No.9225752

Littleton CO. Im sure its riddled with shitty minerals and xenoestrogens like any other processed tap water but its crystal clear and tastes alright. Close proximity to the mountains and the colorado river doesnt hurt.

>> No.9225754

>Flyovers need not apply
why? Because they have better water?

>> No.9225759


Because you took the bait.

>> No.9225762

Memphis, TN

Our water is fine.

>> No.9225764

I've heard from countless people that NYC has the best tap water in the country.
I've also heard never to drink the tap water in LA.

>> No.9225766

I assume the midwest has the best water in the country and the south has the worst (besides California)?

>> No.9225772

I have a well with excellent tasting water so I drink that. I fill bottles and take it with me when I travel or go out for a while.

>> No.9225773

Yes, because I don't live in a 3rd world country.
Though, under Drumpf, we are becoming one.,

>> No.9225775

Tampa here, I drink filtered tap water. Straight from the tap it is a little too chlorinated.

>> No.9225788

Former Califag here. The water in California really varies from town to town. At a friend's parents' place in Bakersfield, it was clear and clean and tasted great.

Just west of LA, in a town that had once been a rocket fuel waste dump... not so much.

>> No.9225791

why is there a desert over the place that never droughts instead of the place that constantly droughts

>> No.9225801

Data mining thread

>> No.9225809

>tfw too broke to replace my RO filters
Fortunately I live in a well-to-do suburb with pretty good aquifer sourced water.

>> No.9225822


Why is the left half of the country water, and the right fifth of the country also water? It makes no goddamn sense.

>> No.9225834


>> No.9225866

The Northeast has the best water for making bread and lager

>> No.9225925


didn't they film an episode of to catch a predator in petaluma?

>> No.9225930

>Flyovers need not apply
But we consistently have the best and most direct access to aquifers?
Or are you completely ignorant on water distribution systems?
People in LA regularly buy huge packs of bottled water because tap is so disgusting there.

>> No.9225935

>Do you drink the tap water in the USA?
>Which states has the best tap water?
differences in cities matter way more than differences in states
>Are there people who buy bottled water despite having drinkable tap water? Are you one of them? Why?
yes, no, I'm cheap

>> No.9225962

not as good as the upper midwest though

>> No.9226035

I have lived in CA for my entire life, all over the damn place.

I have always drank tap water and I have found that as long as it is cold, it is palatable.

Better as iced tea though.

>> No.9226041
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>I have found that as long as it is cold
I can't imagine how much it sucks living in the south

>> No.9226045

I've also lived in SoCal for most of those years.

Ice is a thing anon.

>> No.9226057

>Ice is a thing anon
Yeah, but just the idea that I wouldn't be able to just take a cool drink of water from the tap seems unfortunate.

>> No.9226088

I dunno, I've lived with it as a fact of life for as long as I've lived.

>> No.9226127

No it definitely is, midwestern water is better for ales.

>> No.9226135
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Alaska checking in for best water. Siiip.

>> No.9226143

I went to college on Pittsburgh, and we had two water scares in as many years, the second requiring water to be shutoff at my university and probably where all of the professors' mansions are as well.
I'm pretty sure the blacks and poor whites just drink melted lead every day.
Fortunately water is fantastic back in Montgomery County MD ;)

>> No.9226158

Take your shit to /leftypol/ where it belongs. This is /ck/

>> No.9226258

>flyovers need not apply

Nice bait, best water I ever had was from my parent's well out in the middle of nowhere in Missouri

>> No.9226272

portland, or
tap water is bitchin here

>> No.9226358

Ut. Good mountain water.

>> No.9226375

The water is probably the least important reason that living in the south sucks.

>> No.9226444

>Flyovers need not apply
Is this some kind of new libcuck passive aggression?

>> No.9226458

just how new are you exactly

>> No.9226508

Stay mad Cleetus. Have fun giving your inbred kids congenital choleric autism from your shitty well water.

>> No.9226534

Flyover is the midwest, the south is its own thing

>> No.9226536

Massachusetts, quabbin

>> No.9226544

Flyover is literally anything that's not NYC or LA

>> No.9226550
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>There are different types of poorfags
O i am laffin

>> No.9226551

In a sense it is, but stereotype wise it is solidly midwestern, not that cletus southern shit

>> No.9226564

The midwest is full of affluent white people, much moreso than most coastal areas

>> No.9226568

Fuck no. I did research papers on the water in this godforsaken town its shit.

>> No.9226611
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>sub t14 law school graduates
>low iq unabomber wannabes
>fucking FARMERS
>Mormons and other subchristian scum

>> No.9226613
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I only drink spring water. I don't trust faucet water without a good filter. Just think of how old those pipes are under your house. And how dirty and smelly that water tower really is on the inside.

>> No.9226614

spoken like a true pinhead

>> No.9226636

Wait, do you think Utah is in the midwest?

>> No.9226647

Michigan gets pissed off everytime Leafs and Califags try to sell it to Chinks. Ohio does, too.

>> No.9226649

utahs alcohol laws are fucking gay, just got back from there for the 2nd or 3rd time. surprisingly though they have some good breweries in slc

>> No.9226651
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Is it west of DC and east of CA?

>> No.9226891

Asheville, NC. Tapwater is fine, though it tastes very slightly of chlorine. A simple filter takes care of that., though I rarely bother.

>> No.9226901

I live in North Carolina and my tap water comes out cold every time.

>> No.9226908
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>flyovers need not apply
But Colorado has some of the best water in the county ya dingus

>> No.9226912

I've lived in both NYC and LA. LA tap water is horrible. NYC tap water varies from great to slightly chlorine tasting kind of randomly. Still better than many (most?) other places I've been in the US. And I've been across the country several times.

>> No.9226915

lol you drink recycled poop

>> No.9226967
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Phoenix, AZ here.

I guess you can, but it tastes like ass and probably isn't very good for your health. I honestly don't even give it to my pets.

>> No.9227009

>ex Western NY
The water used to come from the lakes, it was always really refreshing and ice cold.

Now I live in NC and the water here is shite. Takes chlorinated, one week it was particularly bad and I found out because they had a line break and so they upped the chlorination as a precaution. It's fucking gross, and always lukewarm. And I've lived in more than three locations down here.

>> No.9227494

Chippewa River water master race

>> No.9227499

I use a two stage carbon filter, tastes fucking great

you guys drink it daily, don't you worry about all the shit in your water?

>> No.9227515

>not living in a state bordering the great lakes so you can have objectively the best water in the country

>> No.9227570

>3rd post is my relatively minor north bay town

>> No.9227976

remind me what party was in charge that fucked flint,mi. would ya...

>> No.9228137
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>> No.9228202

t. californian

an actual third world state

>> No.9228210

You two should meet and fuck

>> No.9228229
File: 11 KB, 255x253, 1486270456846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in the outskirts of Houston.

The tap water is largely fine. I drink it regularly.

However, I primarily drink bottle water because of the convenience of instantly having a perfectly cold bottle of water, and it tastes a bit better.

I get the 35 pack cases of Great Value bottled water, which is just rebranded Niagara (my favorite brand), for $3.50 at Walmart. I got through 1-2 cases a week and I'm fine paying the small amount of money for basically convenience.

It's a necessity at work, though, as the tap water tastes like straight pool water. I don't know how they fucked it up, but it reeks of chlorine, even more so if it's at any temperature warmer than 35 degrees fahrenheit .

My mother lives in downtown Chicago (the nicer part of town, too), and the tap water is straight undrinkable to me. Everytime I go visit her, I stop by the Mariano's and pick up a couple gallon jugs of their equivalent of Ozarka (think it's Arrowhead).

>> No.9228230

>Flyovers need not apply
Step back, looks like LA and NYC are going to duke it out for 2nd/3rd shittiest water in the country

>> No.9228294

>shitty water

NYC has some of the best water in the country since they pipe it in from an upstate reservoir. I'm on a well in a flyover area and my water is phenomenal but when I've travelled to NYC, their water is almost as good. Oth, I've been in countless flyover areas where the city water was undrinkable due to the myriad chemicals added.

>> No.9228320

Why do people with bad water not just install a simple filter instead of paying for overpriced bottled water over and over again?

>> No.9228329

Immediate price point. You can't put a $75 filtet on layaway but you can buy 20 bottles for $5 immediately

>> No.9228373

Dubuque, ia fag here our water is pretty good we aren't stupid and use the river water we pull water from the aquifers under it

>> No.9228392

the Republicans? Is Rick Snyder a Democrat now just because he's an incompetent fuckface?
Even if we look at it from a national perspective the only part of the federal government the Democrats controlled was the Executive branch. the House and Senate were both Republican controlled.
Do you think before you speak or do you just spout the first shitpost that comes to mind?

>> No.9228396

Utah here. I've seen towns near me get their whole water system infected with E. Coli and the city had to advise people to boil water.

>> No.9228432
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Fucking gottem

>> No.9228438

NYC has some of the best water in the country.

>> No.9228439

Nice 3rd world country you got there

>> No.9228492

San Diego here, I always buy bottled at Trader Joe's (15 x 1.5 L boxes) because it tastes better and is relatively cheap. I don't use a tap filter because I like to put bottles in the fridge for instant cold water later

>> No.9228506

Why would you willingly expose yourself to fluoridated water? Even with the commonly accepted side effects of fluoride the safety margin for fluoride is razor thin. The evidence for neurotoxicity in early childhood meanwhile is stacking up.

PS. the slim safety margin and neurotoxicity remind me of Paracetamol/Tylenol, another poison we can't seem to get rid of. You'd almost think it's a conspiracy.

>> No.9228551


>> No.9228574

My state is different even county to county, but I drink it sometimes when at other peoples houses. My house has its own well and whole-house filtration, softener, etc. Get it tested every so often and its clean as can be.

>Well water master race

>> No.9228944

Vermont. Our water is perfect.

>> No.9228945

Born and raised in Seattle here, can confirm the tap water there is god tier. Moved to Milwaukee a while back and it's not as good but is super refreshing when it gets cold outside. Have also been to Pittsburgh where it was abysmal.
Having been through various parts of the west coast and Midwest, I would say you are wrong.

>> No.9229074

Marysville, Washington 98270 fag here. My tap water is great easily 9/10. Would be 10/10 if not for the sight chlorine taste right it of the tap, it disappears after a few minutes, but still.

I also sometimes buy bottled water for convenience. I don't fall for any of the expensive gimmicks though, i go buy an $0.89/gallon bottle of spring water and just drink from that.

>> No.9229099


>> No.9229567

Phoenix has the fucking worst.

>> No.9230007

Harrisburg, PA. I use a Pur filter on mine.

>> No.9230032

It's true. The only possible way to drink it is to gulp down as much as possible before tasting it. It can make you gag

>> No.9230034

tap water by state is too broad a topic. non-city NY is different from NY itself. overall, NYC tap is pretty fucking fine. it has a slight bare taste to it but I'm cool.

philly tap is fucking disgusting though, and some suburbs north of the city have water that tastes like shit (until you get to the point where there aren't generally public water sources and everyone uses well water, which is generally great).

>> No.9230165

>Have also been to Pittsburgh where it was abysmal.
ditto. i've been buying bottled water for like two years.

>> No.9230903

Ncal here, never fucking drink Socal tap, shits disgusting

>> No.9230930

If anything, you shouldn't drink Las Vegas Tap Water.

It's literally recycled piss.

>> No.9231022

Utah reporting in. 30 miles north of SLC, the water is perfect.
Moved to Provo area which is much nicer and cleaner, and it's awful in comparison.
We actually had an entire city where all the restaurants closed down for a day because tap water tested positive with ecoli

>> No.9231033
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Stay mad bitch

>> No.9231042

American Fork, by chance?

>> No.9231044

both of you shitstains go back to /pol/. fuck

>> No.9231055

>no louisville, ky copypasta

>> No.9231071

In 1904 St Louis hosted the Worlds Fair, but the water supply was brown and dirty. So in the years leading up to the event engineers used a bunch of lime and iron sulfate to make what is now one of the cleanest municipal water supplies in the US

>> No.9231092

Lived in Duluth, MN for a year or two water tasted delicious, completely clear and straight from lake Superior. Water in chicago, not so much. That I have to filter

>> No.9231095

Tap water is fine to drive anywhere in the US not named Flint, MI.

>> No.9231413

I lived in Canadian Seattle: best tap-water I've ever had
the stuff in the Rockies is alright

Arizona? no
Eastern Europe? don't even try

>> No.9231421
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>Littleton water

>> No.9231452


Sometimes live in NYC, sometimes 45 minutes outside NYC (still in NYS). Tap water tastes fine here. It was also fine when I visited San Francisco and Berlin on vacation. Tasted kinda weird in Copenhagen. Never been anywhere else for more than a few hours

>> No.9231578

Portland here

Tap water is nice. Tastes like licking a tree and also sort of chemical-y but in a nice, refreshing way.

>> No.9231716

In this case I'm talking about Lindon.

>> No.9232654

I live in Rhode Island, can't drink the tap water.

>> No.9232669

Georgia here. The city pipelines will give you a lethal does of flouride and lead, that shit burns my goddamn nose and throat. The more rural areas use pump wells to draw it from the earth, this is almost as bad because Georgia is part of what's known as the kidney stone belt. It's so chock full of minerals that you will piss those things out so goddamn hard. My mom ended having to get surgery for a kidney stone because it was too big to pass normally. Fuck this place.

>> No.9233194

That was recent. I remember going to work (in Lindon) and there were signs everywhere saying to not drink the water so we were provided cases of bottled water instead.
Don't know why I said American Fork, though. I had to drive there for lunch that day because everything in Lindon was shut down

>> No.9233375

>grew up in the states
>live in europe now

i dont miss the taste of chlorine.

plus our tap water is carbonated.

>> No.9233804

Bumfuck nowhere PA here. Our backass town is built around a spring. The water is alright, however the pipes are old and unmaintained which makes most tap water unpallatable.

>> No.9233818

I do. It tastes like shit straight out of the tap because of the chlorine. I fill up a pitcher and put it in the fridge. Viola! nice cold water that doesn't taste like a pool.

Its not so much a state by state issue as it is local issue. Some tap water is great, others are awful.

>> No.9233820

I live in Nashville fwiw.

>> No.9233831

>Flyovers need not apply.
But Ohio and West Virginia have some of the best water in the world...

>> No.9233833

quabbin, massachusetts new england very good water

>> No.9233920

Some of the tapped aquifers in Wyoming are unbelievably crisp. Arizona treats tap water well, but it always tastes like dirt and is hard because canal in arid land. A simple filter makes it taste fine.

>> No.9233929

no i buy distilled. i use to live in st paul area and they have some pretty decent water. doesn't NYC have some of the best? or is that a meme.

>> No.9233990
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Albany, GA....in the country out here we drink from wells, and it tastes AMAZING! You cannot go back to city chlorinated trash after you taste pure water straight from an aquifer.

>> No.9234008

Fluoridation in the USA has rendered the tap water in most major cities toxic waste.

I avoid it by bathing in spring water(2 gallons). Works great!

I used to have acne, headaches, numbness in my limbs, exc.... But those symptoms went away when I stopped coming into contact with the tap water.

Big BIG noticeable difference.
Fun fact: The levels of fluoride in tap water has been known to test higher before a presidential election in the USA.

>> No.9234236

>1ppm of fluoride is toxic waste
Also sauce on your last claim, please.

>> No.9234258

No shit, literally all water is

>> No.9234323

please stop stealing our tasty waters thnks

>> No.9234424

>great lakes region
Wtf is this picture?

>> No.9234436

Flint MI here

It's good

>> No.9234912

tfw west marin

>> No.9234924

I bet you follow anything david "avacado" wolfe says dont you?

>> No.9234935

Not as bad as the water in Aurora CO lmao

>> No.9234939

Five bucks its from something like natural news or something

>> No.9234973

>the apalachicola river basin in north florida is a desert on the map

>literally the two largest fresh water springs on the planet in one county

Nigger, are you retarded?

>> No.9235084

'Strayan here. Why don't you guys just drink rainwater? Town I grew up in didn't even have town water or sewage.

>> No.9235102

>Flyovers need not apply.
so thread on hardmode?

grats, OP. It will be difficult to find good water.

>> No.9235107
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>not living in Illinois and drinking from Lake Michigan

>> No.9235137
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>> No.9235139


Ames Water Is The Best Water In The Land

>> No.9235151

hey, me too. i just moved here

>> No.9235628

California. No I have a reverse osmosis water filter system.

>> No.9235649
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>tfw 42F

>> No.9235870

>pueblo CO water here
tastes like shit

>> No.9237765

Like everything else in this town?

>> No.9237923

>Egadbleagh 72F drinking water

>> No.9238027
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I live in South Texas. My little hometown's tapwater tastes fucking aweful, is cloudy from heavy metals and smells like skunk or rotten eggs half the time. The city even put out a statement telling people not to drink it. The city moved to's water tastes a little, but it tastes just like that topo chico stuff with no carbonation. Noone I know actually drinks the shit though.

>> No.9238034

*tastes a little better

>> No.9238194

Yeah Im in Denver, that tap water is relatively excellent

>> No.9239427

Flint has been controlled by Democrats for literally decades. The last time they had a republican mayor was like 40 years ago or some shit. Michigan is top to bottom controlled by democrats except the governor since 2011, and you somehow think that he's responsible?

Retarded nig/democrat Flint officials are responsible. Snyder and Obama both failed to resolve the issue, but the blame falls on the retards that caused it

>> No.9240294

>ignoring the fact that the republican governor overrode city control with an emergency manager czar who answered directly to the governor and no one else and pushed for budget cuts and savings including switching the water
Facts sure can be inconvenient, much easier to just ignore them when they're not on your side ;^)

>> No.9240301

It's illegal to collect rainwater in the US.

>> No.9240304

The water has been shit for longer than that.

>> No.9240329

Ok but the lead poisoning was because of the water source switch to save money as directed by the emergency manager who overrode all city authority.

>> No.9240333
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>tfw in the 37F zone

>> No.9240587

St. Louis, MO. We have fantastic tap water. I've never been to a city with better tap water, coastal or flyover. Some about equal (though most worse, downright undrinkable at times), but nothing that beats it straight out of the tap.

I will say I think the water in Colorado Springs *could* have beaten it if they didn't chlorinate it so fucking much.

>> No.9240601

Brainerd Minnesota
We don't chlorinate our water, shit is so cash. All you gotta do is chill it and it's better than 90% of bottled waters.

I can't drink tap water in any other state i've visited. Even when I lived in Portland Oregon for a while I couldn't stand the tapwater.

>> No.9241825

No, my property has a well.
It's definitely a northern state. Wouldn't know which one.
My sister and brother in law used to before they pulled their heads out of their asses and bought filters.

>> No.9241843

>tfw taking a nice cool gulp from the hose in the front lawn
>look up and lock eyes with my neighbor
I never felt more pathetic in my life, but goddamn I couldnt resist
Shit's tasty

>> No.9241851

gross, you shower with that?

>> No.9242127

Pineal gland calcification

>> No.9242335


The name doesn't ring a bell.

I do know that mild skeletal fluorosis is commonly accepted to occur at well under an order of magnitude over the concentrations used for fluoridation.

That's an unacceptable safety margin, given that you can simply brush your teeth with fluoride containing toothpaste and spit.

>> No.9242363

It takes like Shit because its our (Wisconsins') sewage water while we drink our clean precious lake water.

>> No.9242426

atlanta ga

the water here is recycled sewage. we had a warning not to drink the water unless boiled first like 2 weeks ago

>> No.9242487

Yeah, liberals are fucking retarded. Thanks Tom Barrett.

But no, Shitcago water sucks. You have to leave the pitcher out for an hour for the chlorine to evaporate.