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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9219798 No.9219798[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why do women and nu-males pretend to like yogurt?

>> No.9219812

Everyone around the world likes yogurt, except for white bread flyover weirdos like you. Yogurt is the most consumed dairy product in the world.

>> No.9219826

t. triggered numale

>> No.9219833
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>> No.9219836

t.complete dumbass

How's that low IQ treating you?

>> No.9219845

Because it'll prevent you from getting colon cancer at age 43.

>> No.9219860

I thought Asians can't handle dairy

>> No.9219861

they can if you put fruits and berries in it and then curd it using vanilla flavoring

>> No.9219867

Even they eat yogurt. Asians understand the benefit of probiotics. Cultured dairy doesn't digest the same as fresh dairy, either. I'm lactose intolerant, but yogurt and cheese digest just fine. It's only fresh milk, cream, and things made with those that I can't eat.

>> No.9220356
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>How's that low IQ treating you?

Purty good. We been done had a good 'lection!

>> No.9220362

>implying /fit/ hasn't caught on
chads make greek yogurt cost more here.

>> No.9220403

Those little yogurts that are cultured individually are actually really good. It has the flavor of conventional yogurt, but it's super thick, even thicker than greek yogurt.

>> No.9220413

I just don't know what to do with yoghurt. Every time I buy it I eat 1/3 of the tub and the rest goes bad before I can get to it.

>> No.9220418

The bacteria in Yogurt consumes lactose and leaves lactic acid as a byproduct, that is the reason why the lactose intolerant can consume it.

>> No.9220420
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It is nice with watermelon

>> No.9220421

Eat it, nigger. And/or get it in smaller containers.
>b-but that'll cost more!
You're wasting 2/3 of what you buy now, so not really.

>> No.9220473

Make sauces with it.

>> No.9220498
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>why do women and nu-males pretend to like yogurt?

Because it's high in protein. Greek yogurt (specifically Fage total 0%) has 5.54kcal per gram of protein. In comparison whey protein powder has 4.89kcal per gram of protein. Yogurt is often cheaper than protein powder and one of the best ways to meet your macros.

>> No.9221071

That's East Asians and even they eat yogurt.

>> No.9221094

Is fruit yogurt any worse health wise than normal yogurt?

And I'm not talking about getting fat (that's what I want to do anyway) I mean the bacteria and all the good shit yogurt has, does it get killed when fruit gets added? Cause greek yogurt is fine and all but I enjoy fruit greek yogurt more than ice cream.

>> No.9221114

>he buys low fat yogurt

>> No.9221123

You want yogurt that says "live culture" on it
Fruit yogurt is also often low fat which goes against my personal preferences

>> No.9221217

It tastes the same. Add some almonds, hemp seeds and blue berries and its a 35+ grams of protein snack

>> No.9221285

>most consumed dairy product

That's milk

>> No.9221342

I like fruit yogurt. It's nice as a snack.

>> No.9221364

1. buy 2% plain greek yogurt
2. blend: 200g yogurt, 50g blackberry, 50g blue berry, 75g strawberry, 30g kale, 30g spinach, 15g flax/chia seed, 6-8oz water, 4 ice cubes
3. consume for breakfast everyday

>> No.9221374

most fruit yogurts sold have a shit load of added sugar

>> No.9221411

activated though, right?