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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 16 KB, 300x200, eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9208116 No.9208116 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else here have an egg addiction? I eat at least 4 a day and can't get enough of them. I buy 30-stacks like pic related and still go through them like nothing. Whenever I go to bed the only thing I can think about is how great tomorrow will be because I'll get to eat more eggs.

Is this normal?

>> No.9208124

Lightweight, I have a dozen before Second Breakfast.

>> No.9208127
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Eggs are great. They're the protein equivalent of potatoes, in that they can be used in so many different ways.

>> No.9208143

i can eat 50 eggs

>> No.9208149

this is going to be a gaston mode thread isn't it

>> No.9208164

Every cooked meal i make ill just add at least 1-2 fried eggs on the side, bo matter what everytime

>> No.9208217

>be me
>be child
>skinny, scrawny, sickly
>want to get swole, be a real man
>family's kinda poor
>but eggs are really cheap
>so I eat eggs
>and I lift
>lots of eggs
>lots of lifting
>12 eggs a day
>lift like a motherfucker
>24 eggs a day
>lift twice as hard
>now we're talking
I got to 48 before I turned 18. Nowadays I eat 60.

60 eggs a day, and I am fucking RIPPED. Bitches love it.

Except for this one fucking nerd girl, but whatever.

>> No.9208237

related question: i'm in south america right now and they don't refrigerate their eggs here and they seem like they last just as long and don't have any issues. is refrigerating eggs a meme we've all fallen for or am I missing something?

>> No.9208250

When first laid, eggs are covered in protective chicken goo. The goo is washed off in Burgerland; and thus eggs are refrigerated.

>> No.9208259

>The goo is washed off in Burgerland
lol do they really not do this in europe? so every time you guys make eggs over there you have to get chicken shit all over your hands? lmao

>> No.9208262

A) It's not shit.
B) I imagine they just rinse the fuckers.

America's great in a lot of ways, but food handling isn't one of them.

>> No.9208290

Says the guy defending people who eat eggs covered in chicken shit.

>> No.9208299

The goo dries.

Burgerland immediately washes its eggs because the hens are cramped in their poo.

>> No.9208302

When I was a lad I'd eat dozens of em'!

>> No.9208307

so it's not washed off in other countries, and they don't need to be refrigerated because of that? i don't understand, why would they need to be refrigerated after the goo is off? they won't last if the goo is gone?

>> No.9208323

the protective membrane helps ward off decomposition. without it they go bad quicker, so they have to be refrigerated.

>> No.9208360
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>> No.9208495

I eat 4 a day as well

>> No.9208511

I eat 6, sometimes 8 eggs.
Nothing better than eggs on breakfast.

A lot of people customize their eggs, add some shit here and there, but I literally eat them plain cooked with salt. Literally the best thing in the world

>> No.9208709


I can only eat a meal of eggs twice per week, if even that. They're disgusting if you eat them anymore than that or around that.

I'm like you with rice, however

>> No.9208715

shut the fuck up

>> No.9208726

I don't buy eggs often, and when I do it's usually for baked goods so I just buy a 4-pack. I don't really like eggs by themselves, the smell doesn't jive with me and the texture is so unpleasant.

>> No.9208731
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You seem upset.

>> No.9208750

Sure they are one food I can't really get tired of.

>> No.9208752

Gaston pls...

>> No.9208870
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>> No.9209013

here. just bought 36 eggs. going to make some eggnog in the afternoon.

>> No.9209618


>> No.9210275

>gaston mode
now I'm curious

>> No.9210697
File: 90 KB, 1020x610, Happy-Egg-Co-Eggs-12-1020x610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel the need to speak up, because of my love for eggs.
they are my basic daily meal when i am not at work. one plate in the middle of the day is all i need. i also get pic related even if theyre more expensive to feel better about myself. and chickens.

as for how to prepare them, inb4 mexican:
1. scrambled mixed with fried corn tortilla strips
2. scrambled mixed with black refried beans. maybe cotija cheese on top.
3. scrambled drowned in chunky red or green salsa. (as in, the salsa went into the frying pan as well)
4. scrambled with onions, chopped up jalapen'os or serranos, and diced tomato
5. scrambled mixed with watery black beans
6. scrambled with soyrizo. tastes even better and less greasy than chorizo.
7. fried egg on top of reheated leftover pizza for breakfast. a yolk makes anything better.

of course theres many other ways, but murricans dont know enough bout mexican food magic.

>> No.9210716

>Except for this one fucking nerd girl, but whatever.
good lol

>> No.9210722
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>> No.9212122
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Wet or dry?

>> No.9212161

I wanna try the number 4, that sounds like good stuff.

An egg lover myself, I prefer my eggs soft-boiled, poached, and sunny-side up. Scrambled eggs are OK, but I love the yolk too much. It's my favorite part of the egg. I especially love two sunny-side up eggs in tacu-tacu, or hell, just on top of some quinoa and lentils.

>> No.9212327
File: 52 KB, 560x315, molletes on bollilo rolls with salsa fresca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mexican food magic.
I love your list anon and see your sort of chilaquiles thing going on there.

I love frying up slices of dried anchos and onions, and then folding them into my omelet with a handful of cilantro. I actually make a colombian arepa for my side if I don't have tortillas, but you can also quesadilla that thing with a flour tortilla.

I almost always have herdez ranchera in the can, just waiting for my mexican morning. It's huevos rancheras and side of black bean molletes if I'm lucky.

>> No.9212389

no man can eat 50eggs.

>> No.9212406
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Hahahahhahahahahah fucking never change 4chan

>> No.9212411


>> No.9212449
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>> No.9212929

make sure you lightly fry the onions, peppers, and tomatoes in the pan before adding the eggs.

>> No.9212950

Eggs are a cheap and nutritious food, but I find the smell to be disgusting. Even fresh eggs that were laid by a chicken just hours earlier smell strongly of sulfur to me. If you can stomach more than one or two of these fuckers every few weeks, then there is probably something wrong with your sense of smell.

>> No.9212962

I'm with you on the smell of eggs, but I think given the sheer number of people that fucking love eggs, I think we're the ones with defective senses. I really do wish they didn't smell and taste like farts to me, it makes it so hard to find something decent to eat on the breakfast menu of most restaurants.

>> No.9212965

Hash browns are hard to fuck up.

>> No.9212993

When I was a lad I ate 4 dozen eggs
And now that I'm grown I eat 5 dozen eggs and I'm roughly the size of a baaaarge.

No but I probably have an egg addiction. I eat at least two eggs every day, whenever I do scrambled I make 4-6 eggs, (4 for omelettes) and those are just for breakfast. Sometimes I also have eggs for dinner and/or lunch on one of those days. I can easily go through a dozen eggs in a couple days if I'm not holding myself back.

>> No.9212996
File: 54 KB, 753x502, 1b087480-e9e0-4d41-9185-edcd04c2e3ba--IMG_4155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eggs and rice
Mi negro

>> No.9213006

But what if I want pancakes or waffles, but I don't want a pile of scrambled eggs on the side? Good fucking luck finding a combo or deal that doesn't involve eggs of some kind.

>> No.9213008
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>> No.9213009

Why can't you just ask them to hold the eggs?

>burning and undercooking the same egg
Got to admit, it takes a special kind of talent.

>> No.9213010

shh. just embrace it.

>> No.9213015
File: 21 KB, 476x323, 79034578907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this from Joe Rogan's instagram?

>> No.9213019

>Why can't you just ask them to hold the eggs?
I don't know, I feel like I'm being a picky dick? Usually substituting something I do like costs more too.

>> No.9213026

If you're not going to eat it anyway, then just tell them not to dirty your plate with it. I do it all the time.

>> No.9213079

you want picky dick? i took a black girl on a date once. she insisted the protein from one plate be combined with the protein from another plate at ihop for her meal. so she didnt want the vegetable sides. the waiter said hed check with the cook, and she sent him back multiple times when the answer kept coming back as no or you can order the plates separately. she finally caved when i pressured her into a 3rd option. she also sent back her sweet coffee drink twice since "it wasnt the one she wanted" but she was really just trying out the different flavors. never again. insane bich.
i left a decent tip but our waiter was gone when we left. felt bad for him.

>> No.9213088

Literally vomitting rn

>> No.9213090

>dating ghetto trash
I hope you learned your lesson.

>> No.9213210

ITT: Signs that suggest you have autism

>> No.9214785

I love eggs so much I got chickens for the backyard. I don't feed them. I just let them roam around and gave them a milk crate and hay for the eggs. I top up their water and get my eggs for breakfast in the morning.

>> No.9214793

>He doesnt go through 5 dozen
Youll never achieve barge-mode

>> No.9214800

I don't eat eggs, tell me why I should eat eggs

>> No.9214808

check um

do you eat baked goods?
battered things?

...you eat eggs

>> No.9214876


uhhhh bud you don't like crispy but still runny eggs? it's literally the best part of a fried egg, crunchy and salty like a frico

>> No.9216071


But scrambled is a waste, over easy with toast is the best way.

>> No.9216081

i did because i couldnt cook anything else, now i cant fucking stand them.

>> No.9216100

Waste of a good egg.

>> No.9216183

I keep a stash of soft-boiled eggs soaking in soy sauce and sake at all times.

>> No.9216370

You don't have to tell me anything, you just need to eat these eggs.

>> No.9216409

just like the way you eat mine

>> No.9216848

This is meme quality shitpost

>> No.9217088


I use to collect and dispose of bio waste. Smelling 100 plus gallons of blood, being steamed at over 300 degree for several hours smells horrible. Now when you start tossing hair, organs, vomit, shit, etc in too, it kills your sense of smell to a degree. By the time I quit that job, I could eat 10 mins before doing a cook, the smell would not bother me. I do miss training new people, like 1 out of 10 wouldn't vomit from the smell. I vomit a lot for the first few months.

>> No.9217910

Boiled eggs with butter and salt are one of the best tasting foods ever made.

>> No.9217912

Fuck off egg shill. Eggs are NOT healthy.

>> No.9217949

That's where you're wrong, sweetie.

>> No.9218190

I used to enjoy 4 a day but it's kind of boring now. I only keep eating them for the protein.

>> No.9218224

Whats the best way to have an egg?



>> No.9219330

thats wher u r wrong sweatie :)))

>> No.9219366

You sheltered faggots never had a proper plate of Thai basil chicken with rice, with a crispy-yet-molten egg perched on top?
>b-but Marco Pierre White said eggs should never have any brown on them and his cock is so yummy like a Knorr stock pot
Look, there are times when the texture/flavor contrast makes sense in the dish, and there are times when it does not. You're like those niggers that make fun of white people eating rare meat, or inbred hicks who think that Chinese food is guts and bugs.

>> No.9219370

Le meow

>> No.9219473
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>> No.9219488

all of this sounds breddy gud but i feel for your waistline juan
unless youre out picking corn in the fields all day or whatever in which case im sure youre fine

>> No.9219535

I used to. Then I realized I would die doing that.

If I ever really want eggs, I'll use the whites. Otherwise Im okay with the occasional egg in baked goods.

>> No.9219550

1980's nutrition, is that you?

>> No.9219554

Diabetic, cancer-ridden America, is that you?

>> No.9219558
File: 80 KB, 778x948, 1500595616509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy dying of heart disease

>> No.9219560

Yes. How are you enjoying my internet?

>> No.9219586
File: 79 KB, 420x420, 1492376439213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yurocucks can't afford refrigeration of eggs
wew and I thought being too poor for air conditioning was bad.

>> No.9219724

Not him but I love eggs like this – perhaps not quite so burnt. Crispy egg white tastes great with chilli sauce and baked beans and maybe a bit of the yolk.

>> No.9219744

>not knowing internet was invented by bongs

>> No.9219847

Enjoy dying.

>> No.9219886

Just started cooking my eggs in a cast iron skillet

Mmm good shit senpai

>> No.9219897
File: 30 KB, 220x300, IMG_1434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not knowing the difference between the internet and the World Wide Web.

>> No.9219907

Anything aside from salt, pepper and butter is RUINING your eggs. Keep them simple, keep them effective.

>> No.9219939

>not knowing each requires the other
>throwing around derogatory terms
No need to get stroppy with me because you had a bad day at Walshart.

>> No.9220120

Probably 4 a week
If you're eating something like 4 a day, I highly recommend you go to the hospital and get some blood drawn, and look at your "lipid panel" results.
Just wanna make sure my fellow cu/ck/s are healthy.

>> No.9221049
File: 210 KB, 970x1139, EATALLTHEEGGS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9221085

+16168908668 roast this number his name is Matthew hes a faggot ass thief fat ass bitch


>> No.9221125

i have started cooking my eggs this way. its a great taste and alternative to the uniform non-crispy white. i know how to make good eggs any way, i eat them poached, scrambled, fried lightly on both sides with runny yolk, fried more like in the pic with crispy edges and still runny yolk, and damnit sometimes i like them with a solid overcooked yolk.

i dont have the palate of a child that gasps at different methods of preparation. this meme that crispy eggs are bad is either post-irony or the opinion of uncultured plebians

>> No.9221127

yeah because you are the american that played a hand at inventing the Internet, you fuckin wannabe

i bet you think you are part of your NFL team too just because you reside in the region they call home

>> No.9221141


I am yeah. I average around 4 a day too but could easily eat a dozen a day and feel great about it

Mostly fry them but sometimes have soft boiled/scrambled/omlette

>> No.9221204

Jesus Fucking Christ I want fried eggs so bad right now.
Hate that disgusting funny yolk though, flip that fucker or at least put a lid on the pan.

>> No.9221209

I eat two a day for breakfast usually 3-4 times a week with some buttered toast

>> No.9221219

>not sopping up your yolk with toast
I'm sorry for you.

>> No.9221226

i'm fat cus of my americanized diet, buddy, not cus of the peppers and beans.

>> No.9221230

>All these Egg Council of America shills on my board

>> No.9221243
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>solid overcooked yolk

>> No.9221262

I make sunny side up French toast, it truly is the only way to enjoy eggs.

>> No.9221263

>warm runny goo on a hard brown thing for breakfast
It's true, /ck/ really has been overrun by females.

>> No.9221272
File: 16 KB, 300x300, ok(4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eggs are good, but you know your fucking hungry when you start eating raveolies.

I think my appetite returned.

>> No.9221275

I eat six scrambled eggs a day like its nothing.

>> No.9221280

>warm runny goo on a hard brown thing for breakfast

>It's true, /ck/ really has been overrun by females.

And traps

>> No.9221283

i could probably eat 6 scrambled eggs a day. I love scrambled eggs. you got to make them into a sandwich though.

>> No.9221289

Females and females (males), then.

>> No.9221290


Scrambled eggs, sausage, and some (US) biscuits. Filling as fuck.

>> No.9221291

You should try Gorgon Ramsey's scrambled eggs. Check it out on YouTube.>>9221280

>> No.9221314

>gorgon ramsey

You can't trick me, I'm not turning into stone.

>> No.9221869

/ck/ is mostly female, like /soc/

>> No.9221887

Pretending you're a girl on the internet doesn't make you one, faggot

>> No.9221893 [DELETED] 


>> No.9221907 [DELETED] 

I love eggs but I don't have time to mess with them, also I'm too lazy. I would go out and buy some eggs because I do enjoy having them for breakfast, or during any time of day actually. I only know how to make scrambled or sunny-side up eggs but they're still good.

I like putting it on toast, or mixing it with grits. I haven't eaten breakfast in years, well on a regular basis anyway. I usually skip it because I don't have time to cook anything, or I wake up in the afternoon. Usually I just don't mess with breakfast, though I've heard it's the most important meal of the day and it's better to eat something in the morning.

>> No.9222131
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After seeing the thread I heavily reduced my egg intake.

>> No.9222136

You know nothing.

>> No.9222137

>move in with fiancee
>fiancee lives with her grandparents
>they have 12 chickens
>they don't sell the eggs

24/7 constant supply of eggs

i love it

>> No.9222193
File: 110 KB, 640x640, duck vs chicken egg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Duck eggs are objectively the best eggs around

>all that yolk


>> No.9222236

>Whenever I go to bed the only thing I can think about is how great tomorrow will be because I'll get to eat more eggs.
Holly shit I'm dying!

>> No.9222268


>> No.9222283
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>> No.9222341
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Southamerican here (Chile)

> they don't refrigerate their eggs here


>> No.9222363

>South America is a country
Kill yourself retarded sharter

Next time I go to Mexico and get sick from the water I will advise everyone here to avoid drinking the water if they go to North America.

>> No.9222481

>have an entire flat of eggs
>gf comes over
>tell her that she can't leave until she eats all of them

Who here is grooming their gf for gaston mode?

>> No.9222720
File: 165 KB, 960x617, 718630-960x720-zucchini-omelett-mit-kaese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is the food of gods

>> No.9222803

I hate runny yolk and I love crispy edges on the egg whites, apparently that's wrong so when I cook for others I do it the normal way, but for myself i overcook them

>> No.9224302

may as well add some wet cardboard and toilet paper to your omelette

>> No.9224559

>Nobody greentext´s as good as Gaston!

>> No.9224612
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This girl probably could.


>> No.9224647

Buddabro a fit tripfag ate 60 eggs in a Gaston five dozen eggs challenge you can find the collage of it on fit

>> No.9224652
File: 2.74 MB, 2829x1590, 2017-07-27 13.35.23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can other eggs even compete?

>> No.9224692

I have owned chickens and never did I see any goo on the eggs. Sometimes when I collected them they'd still be warm from the guess what, but as dry as they'd be from the store.

>> No.9225156
File: 245 KB, 1440x1314, Mr._Strong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was my original inspiration to eat a lot of eggs during childhood.

>> No.9225176
File: 701 KB, 854x480, alltheeggs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She already has.


>> No.9225182
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I love my eggies!

>> No.9225304
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Too bad Mexican bread is shit - foam rubber crumb and wimpy crust. Don't feel bad, the Spanish can't do much better.

>> No.9225707
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your mum is shit. mexican bread is great.

>> No.9226291
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are you dense? who the fuck eats the shell? like nigga just walk away from the shell?

>> No.9226300

im doing the DEAD diet myself, Dozen Eggs a Day. similar to GOMAD

>> No.9226431


>> No.9226482



>> No.9226539


>> No.9226609

(You) (You) (You) (You) (You)

>> No.9226851

Why would you take a date to ihop

>> No.9227592
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Oh hey I remember you from JermaRumble

>> No.9227625

There's some fucked up magic going on with scrambled eggs. Half a dozen scrambled and I still feel like I could eat more easily. But three fried fills you right up. What's the deal with that?

>> No.9229778

That's a lot of eggs

>> No.9230009

It was late after work and the only thing open. Daytime wouldn't have made a difference. Her diet is pretty much chicken wings every day. Nigs, man.