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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9216501 No.9216501 [Reply] [Original]

Why are waitresses so rude?
Is $15 a bad tip?

>> No.9216530
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The tip is still under 10% and i know youre just baiting for another pants on head retarded debate on tipping so to answer your question no, $15 is not a bad tip on a bill that's about $100. For something close to $200, make it a little closer to $25 or $30

>> No.9216537

She's just mad because her (((employer))) doesn't pay her minimum wage when she doesnt make enough through tips, which is somehow the customers problem. Tipping is fucking retarded.

It's not that she's a waitress that makes her rude, it's that she's a roastie whore that deserves to become the victim of an acid attack while she's walking home.

>> No.9216541


If you can't tip 20%, take it to go, you're literally abusing your waitress when you don't pay your fair share.
You should always tip your waitress, even if you thought the service was bad.
Complain to the restaurant, don't take it out on your waitress.

>> No.9216543

fuck off erica, i'm not tipping on the tax

>> No.9216551

Just asking a question

>> No.9216580

These are bait threads but you almost sound real, almost.

That's the entire POINT of the tipping idea. If she does well she can earn far more than minimum. If she sucks so bad she doesn't make the minimum, her employer needs to cover it.

Also 20% doesn't = minimum wage. She could have 7 tables and get paid 5% tips and still equal minimum.

>> No.9216586

i'd fuck that avatar

>> No.9216589

>fell for obvious bait
>you're literally abusing your waitress
That didn't give it away?

>> No.9216592

>le passive aggressive smiley :)

watch yourself or there won't be a tip next time you fucking cunt whore bitch

jesus christ i fucking hate that

>> No.9216605
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Someone was gonna do it.

>> No.9216619

If I knew that this was my waitress I wouldn't tip

>> No.9216621

How do we fight tipping culture? I just rarely go to places that tip. But if I do go there, I'll tip respectably.

>> No.9216654

The Industry already is. Mcdugals and fast food places have you sit down and carry your Trey out these days. The rise of fast casual like chiknfil a 5 guys etc. Chipotle Moe's.

The industry is slowly shifting that way. It will continue too as boomers fall off. Not say sit down restaurant are going to go the way of the dodo, but people are beginning to expect more from sit down restaurants. What's the damn point if it's something you could of easily done at home in 30 mins?

>> No.9216698

These threads are always bait, but i fucking hate typing and i think it needs to be done away with. I'm not going to get into a big long rant about it, but just know it's cheating workers and a shit business practice.

>> No.9216715

The price of the food doesn't make the waitress work any harder. Fuck off and make your boss pay you a real wage.

>> No.9216758

After 150 dollars tiping should be capped at 10-12%, fuck greedy servants.

>> No.9216763

Alright, let me explain something to you. Your job is not hard. You’re lucky society allows it to even exist. You think the customer couldn’t take his plate from the pass and work the fountain?

Your Basic Job
>Toss my plate onto the table.
>Fill my glass when I sit down.

That’s the bare bones of your job. If that’s all you’re willing to do, that’s fine. But know that your salary is commensurate to the difficulty of the task.

Your Real Job
>Place my plate on the table with a smile and a friendly “heeeeere you gooooo. :)” Yes, you need to be bubbly as heck.
>Refill my glass, and anything else I have that needs refilling, regularly, and without me having to flag you down like a goddamn Apache helicopter.
>Ask me midway through my meal if everything is okay.
>Do everything you can to rectify the situation if it’s not.
>Bring my bill promptly, but not before asking if I want to order dessert.
>If it’s very busy and food is slow coming, come to my table a little while after I order and apologize for the situation.

That’s what is EXPECTED of you. If you’re not willing to do that, that’s fine. But all that is what you get tipped for. You get tipped for doing an exceptional job. You get tipped for adding to the experience of the customer. Your job is to make me feel like a KING. Your job is to make me feel like less of an idiot for dropping $30 on $4 worth of food and $1 worth of energy and labor. Your job is to act like your ability to go to the drug store and pick up your baby's ear medicine depends solely on MY enjoyment of the evening, MY generosity, and MY wallet. I am your GOD

>> No.9216767

>complaining about a free $15 for doing something you're required to do anyway
Fucking lol
Also don't give me that $3 minimum wage bullshit, that should be illegal in a first world country.

>> No.9216774

this. if anything, waitresses for cheaper places should get more because more people can afford to eat there, and that sounds like harder work on average to me

>> No.9216794

In my opinion it depends on the amount of work done. In particular, this bill is most likely from a large party that did not split the bill.

Serving a party of 8 is less work than serving 8 individuals each at their own tables. Why should she get the same amount of money for both?

>> No.9216799


Regular REstuarant
>Gives me drinks
> takes order
>gives food
>fills drink once
$20 per person, $4 tip per person

Chinese Restaurant
>give water
>give tea
>take order
> give soup
>take soup
>give entree
>eat entree
>refill water
>refill tea
>refill water
>refill tea
$10 pp, $2 tip pp

>> No.9216812

I tip because it's the custom and it's just how the world works. It's like saying "bless you" when someone sneezes.

Trying to fight tipping by simply not tipping is an extreme measure that I won't resort to. I wish tipped workers would band together and demand a reasonable wage so we wouldn't have to tip anymore. Unfortunately they won't though.

I have never worked at a job that got tips, so I don't know what it's like. I always hear them bitch about people who don't tip, but I never hear them say that the tipping system is fucked and we should change it. Honestly, I suspect that the good tips outweigh the bad tips. That's why they bitch and moan about individual small tips but they don't try to change the whole way it works.

>> No.9216830

Servers make a killing relative to their minimum wage skill level. That's why they work at restaurants instead of any of the other commensurate jobs. My high school friends were ecstatic to get a job serving tables because they made so much more.

>> No.9216837

Is tipping something only Americans are hung up on?

>> No.9216846

Friendly reminder that these threads are usually filled with pro-tipping shills (e.g. waiters) who don't want people to find out how much money they actually take home while doing a job that's literally easier than sitting in a grocery store register. Waiters make bank, for doing the simplest of job.

>> No.9216852

too bee honest I completely stopped tipping when I learned that waitresses get equally pissed off at a tip less than 20% (but nonzero, like 15%) as they do with a 0% tip. If they're gonna hate me at $8 and $0 equally, might as well save $8 and tip zero.

>> No.9216853

>first world
good one

>> No.9216854


For that hourish worth of time, you just made 15 bucks for a job a retard can do. On top of that, you're probably serving multiple other people who will probably tip as well.

I worked at a shit resturant, with shit service, with meh food. I was easily making 20 an hour in tips (On top of 9.45 in minimum wage, would of been fine if I made back shit in hourly wage) people who bitch about this can fuck off, it's not the only job out there, you should have known what you're getting into when you applied for it.

>> No.9216858

What a child, expecting random strangers to pay her tuition like she's entitled to their money. Get government assistance if that's what you want.

>> No.9216859

Yes, it’s a service job. It’s not glamorous. If you have self esteem issues or you’re just too damn lazy, waiting tables is not the job for you. But at the end of the day, waiting tables is waiting tables. You’re not going to make Corvette money on a Honda level job, and you need to just get the hell over it. Because let me tell you, the waiters and waitresses who actually do the job for a living? They don’t pull out their iPhone 5S’s, with the unlimited data plan that mommy and daddy pay for, and tweet about how cheap bastards never tip. They go to their tables every day and they bust their asses to EARN their living. EARN their tips. That’s the job. It’s a little less “ugh, you know THAT table isn’t gonna tip” and a little more “can I top you off, hon?” That’s the tradeoff for a job that allows you to make a living without any education and with barely being literate.

Yes, there will always be those jackasses who wouldn’t tip even if you recited Shakespeare topless while they ate. But the vast majority of people WILL tip if they know they got good, attentive service. If you’re not willing to give good, attentive service, enjoy your $2 an hour. You’re getting paid for the amount of work you’re doing. Waiting tables is essentially commission work. If you’re not willing to actually do the job, well, good luck making a living.

And by the way? If I come to your place the first time, and get crap service, I don't tip. If I come back the second time, and you get all "oh, there's the nontipper, I'm not even gonna try", guess what - there will be no third time. You'll learn VERY quickly, in the unemployment line, the value of the dollars I give to your company, tips or not.

>> No.9216866

You'd fuck anything

>> No.9216869
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I like the way you think

>> No.9216891
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>guess what - there will be no third time
Oh no, what a shame, please don't go.

>> No.9216893

Does anyone prefer non-waited restaurants anyway? I'd much rather get my own refill than have to flag down the server to do it for me. And carrying the food from the counter to my table is hardly a chore. If I do feel like ordering dessert or something extra, I can walk right up and order it.
This is how my favorite casual sit down restaurant is. It's a little hibachi place. Really good food for less than $10 and I don't have to tip.

>> No.9216898

>iPhone 5s
this is some old ass pasta

>> No.9216900

And here I thought they were normal human beings who are happy just to get extra money, how naïve of me

>> No.9216914

Poor people are lame. Greedy people are worse. Low tippers are one or the other, or a combination.

I tip up to 20 bucks an hour for a meal, unless service was outstanding. Seems fair to me. 15 is low on that bill.

>> No.9216915

Yeah I prefer those places too unfortunately some of the best places to eat have wait staff. I actually avoid dining in at my favorite sushi place just to avoid having to pay extra for a quick lunch.

>> No.9216921

shes probably just mad they didnt tip with a rip

>> No.9216927

No, you'd fuck your subconscious anthropomorphization of that avatar

>> No.9216929

>expecting $30 for carrying plates to a table

>> No.9216938

But it isn't just """extra money""": tips are earned, not deserved. If a server wants to earn their tip, I'm happy to give one; but I'm not giving some entitled first-year-coed-Suzie an extra ten bucks just because she works a shit food service job.

>> No.9216952

how much do waiters actually make? I hear they make good bank at nice establishments. like comparable to some post-grad jobs

>> No.9216968

Well yes of course, when the wait staff are very attentive, fast and helpful then they've earned a good tip. If they're literally doing the bare minimum then they've earned a few pity dollars.

>> No.9216971

Waiter here.

I make after wage and tips (and tip out to kitchen), around $30-35hr(CAN). I work at a low end family restaurant though where you can feed 4 people for 35 beaverbux, so if I were to work at a more upscale place ($100 for a dinner for two) I could EASILY clear $50/hr.

My two nickels

>> No.9217219

i like you

>> No.9217239

>not stale

>> No.9217272

I never understood what the price of the meal has to do with anything. People obsess over this percentage thing like it matters. If anything the chef should get more for more work. The waitress brings out plates and brings out drinks. Literally nothing changes if it's lobster or a burger. I put down a 5 everytime, more for a upscale place but I never go. If I ever get attitude for that, I wouldn't hesitate to take that 5 back.

>> No.9217277
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>people think I should tip 20%

>> No.9217307

But she needs your tips for her gender studies programs.

>> No.9217319

As a former line cook, I would have been happy if someone just told me their food was great as a tip. A lot of female waitresses are super cunts and look down on the people who work there seriously instead of just temporarily. They hate having to be nice and do things for people and some of them literally see tipping as a review of their looks and personality. If you tip low or don't tip they see feel like you literally called them ugly or cunty.

>> No.9217339

It's a "bad tip" because they bought, for example, $50 surf and turf instead of $15 pasta and $10 cocktails instead of $2 sodas wih free refills. Somehow, this entitles her to more money despite bringing out the same amount of food and drink.

>> No.9217349

I have dozens of fake 10 dollar bills I printed out years ago. On the front it's a normal bill. On the back it says "ask your boss for a real wage"

>> No.9217360

Actually employers are required to make up the difference between tip money and minimum wage.

>> No.9217368

What's it like never returning to the same restaurant ever? I bet yelp comes in handy

>> No.9217369

You talk a big game but I bet you haven't tipped below 15% in years

>> No.9217372
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>If you tip low or don't tip they see feel like you literally called them ugly or cunty.
Next time I go out to eat I will ask my waitress for five bucks.

>> No.9217389

>ordered $30 worth of food+drink at a bar/restaurant today
>didn't tip

feels good man.

>> No.9217409

Please don't because then the cooks have to listen to her bitch wildly about it while we actually do work. The fact they even have time to bitch all day says a lot.

Or better yet, if you really want to cause some shit, insist on going back to the kitchen and tipping the chef who cooked your food. Then at the end of the meal, don't tip the waitress.

>> No.9217435

Fucking devilish.

>> No.9217456
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>wanting bubbly service
You want them to feed you while making plane noises? Maybe wipe the sauce off your face, pat your head and call you a good boy while giving you a surreptitious handy under the table?

>> No.9217467


>> No.9217485
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>> No.9217503

Except the world doesn't work like that. You usually get better service without tipping in all the real countries

>> No.9217509

>If they're literally doing the bare minimum then they've earned a few pity dollars.
Yeah, i believe that's called their "paycheck"

>> No.9217512

Go back to shitistan, dirt muncher

>> No.9217522

Her employer does pay her minimum wage when she doesnt make enough.
If they don't, then she can sue the shit out of them for really easy money.

>> No.9217585

My fair share is paying for the food 2/3 times than what it would cost retail, I don't need to pay someone who brings me a glass of beer from a fridge and my plate of food +20%.

>> No.9217605

holy shit im glad im not a waiter xD

>> No.9217622

I personally tip based on how much i like the waiter. I remember having a really cool french canadian waitress once and i gave her 20%, which was a lot considering the funds i had available on my trip. Next time i went there i had an annoying waitress who made us wait for ages for everything, she got the change of a 20 off my $19 something bill because i wanted to get the fuck out of there. If you tip a minimum you're an idiot, tipping should be based on service.

>> No.9217624

please never post again

>> No.9217627

this desu.

The only downside is sometimes I tip black waiters less or not at all, but that's life.

>> No.9217629

>the bill is a lot so I should get a bigger tip

This meme needs to stop. It should be a flat fee. Carrying a lobster stuffed with caviar is as easy as bringing a cheeseburger.

>> No.9217674

I don't mind if you continue to post

>> No.9217681

I would like you to post exactly 238 more times. At which point, you should move on to bigger and better things. Like reddit, for example.>>9217622

>> No.9217682

This is the truth, they have the lowest skill level of anyone in the entire restaurant

>> No.9217683

>It's like saying "bless you" when someone sneezes.
What? No, firstly saying bless you doesn't cost me anything and if I don't say it you don't get upset. A comparable custom is like giving a busker some change if you stood there and enjoyed their music. But even that's a positive custom since both parties feel good afterwards. Tipping is a custom that usually makes at least one party unhappy and adds an unnecessary layer of confusion and calculation for the paying party. It's like paying tax, you can justify it's requirement but it doesn't feel good to actually pay.

There are a few times I do actually feel good enough about the service (or occasion) that I want to tip but obviously those aren't the norm, nor do I expect that. I would feel much better if food prices went up by 10% and servers got paid living wage and tipping became optional.

>> No.9217698

Cheaper than getting it off of backpage realistically

>> No.9217700

Every restaurant I don't plan to revisit I leave a 1-star rating on Yelp and call the manager personally to complain about my waitress, no matter how good the service was. If you don't do everything in your power to get every waitress fired you can't afford to eat out.

>> No.9217727

>if I don't say it you don't get upset
That's not true.
>both parties feel good afterwards
Describing the act of tipping
>confusion and calculation
The % is there as a guide, not a rule
>It's like paying tax
Literally the opposite because it's optional
>it doesn't feel good to actually pay
Once again I don't think you understand the feeling of rewarding one's hard work. If I had a better time than I thought was expected, I'd want to encourage that, and I'd feel good knowing that they appreciate it.

You sound like a sociopath

>> No.9217759
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>getting upset if someone doesnt say bless you


>> No.9217768

waiter detected

>> No.9217868


>> No.9217876

Coworkers of mine say it all the time about people they don't like. I could care less.
Can't take tips

>> No.9217878

So many poor people in this thread bitching about tipping properly. If you're a bum and you can't afford to go out to eat then stay home or get food to go.

>> No.9217919

>go fuck yourself :)
why are women so bitchy and awful to be around

>> No.9217922
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>Compliments don't pay my tuition
No, the government did because they hand out student loans like candy. But ten years working as a waitress should pay it off because we sure the fuck know you're not getting a job with that gender studies degree of yours.
%-based tipping never really made any sense to me, for instance, one pizza takes the some amount of effort to deliver as two pizzas for the delivery guy, so it makes no sense that the tip would be twice as much.

>> No.9217934

At least they aren't eager to let giant corportations fuck them in the ass.

>> No.9217957


Good luck?

>> No.9217960

Don't blow it out of proportion, abdul.

>> No.9217971

>option A: sit at home and spend $0
>option B: go out and don't tip, owner still makes a profit
>option C: go out and tip, owner still makes a profit. waiter doesn't get their fee fees hurt
Why would the owner give a fuck if I chose option B vs option C. I await your mental gymnastics and objectively wrong response

>> No.9217980
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Holy shut, you're a humongous faggot. Are seriously power tripping over service?
You know servers remember assholes like you, and they tell everyone they work with about you. Absolutely pathetic.

You probably just don't tip because you're some fucking NEET poorfag.

>> No.9217999

these are all correct

>> No.9218001

>order $8 sandwich
>waitress has to carry a total of one plate to your table
>$2 tip is acceptable

>order $80 Steak and Lobster
>waitress has to carry a total of one plate to your table
>$2 is not acceptable

Explain why tipping on a percentage of your bill make any sense whatsoever.

>> No.9218007

>even if the service was bad.
Heres your (you)

>> No.9218010

It makes zero sense. There is not way to explain this.

The only time scenario B is acceptable, and deserves a tip more closely aligned with the price of the dish, is if the server went above and beyond in their service. Drinks always full, routinely asking if they can do something more, etc. In my experience, places that serve quality steak and lobster also provide quality service, and I'm happy to tip accordingly.

If I got steak and lobster at Applebees, I am willing to bet the service will not be nearly as good as the nicer steakhouses I have been to, and I will not tip based on the price of the dish.

In short:

Nicer places tend to have higher quality servers.

Shittier places have average or worse servers.

>> No.9218020

waiter detected

>> No.9218023

They're mostly weak and stupid

>> No.9218026

>thinks the cooks give a shit about customers abusing the waitstaff

>> No.9218031

As a dishwasher, thank you.

>> No.9218062

Yup. It's the same work for them whether you order a $20 dish or a $50 dish. Why do waiters/waitresses believe they deserve more money from people who order more expensive dishes when it makes no difference to the work they have to do? The restaurant is already making more money from a customer ordering more expensive food. A tip is something you get for being exceptional at your job, not something you deserve based on how much money a customer spends on themselves.

>> No.9218069
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You all just fell for pasta.

>> No.9218088
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woah, h-he's fast!

>> No.9218140

I don't understand tipping.

McDonald's is a minimum wage job. Your server is also going to be taking fries out of hot oil and cleaning the place. But no tip.

A waitress/male waitress just writes your food order down and carries it to the kitchen, and refills your drinks. Somehow that deserves a tip.

Wtf? How is the easier job the one that deserves tips?

>> No.9218156

Service industry fool

You pay for service. It's a luxury not a need you entitled little bitch.

>> No.9218167

delivery driver here
if you don't tip me i hope you don't order more than once because your food will arrive cold every time

>> No.9218176

This is technically how the system should work. But you have waitresses who don't acknowledge they did a shitty job and that's whey they got 2 singles. Instead they blame cheap customers.

>> No.9218180

>get 2 hours of minimum wage pay for 5 minutes of "work"
>still complain

>> No.9218183

>15$ for literally less than 10min of work
REEEEE gib me more.

>> No.9218188

Sometimes, and only sometimes, fancier places will have the waiter carve your meat for you, mix you a drink at the table, or do some stupid elitist shit like pop the chocolate bubble on your dessert that sprays a fine mist of blueberry cognac into your face, topped with grated cinnamon.

>> No.9218194

>when they keep asking if everything is ok
I'd rather they leave me alone but be available if I need them

>> No.9218198

>You pay for service
No, I pay for well-prepared food. A robot could bring my food out and replace your 'service' (in fact I would prefer it)

>> No.9218200

While tipping ia retarded, especially with a percentage, you guys are misrepresenting how much work waiters do.

Only by a little bit, though. They can work hard waiting 8-10 tables, potentially having to remember the types of drinks and orders of 40 people during lunch and dinner hour every day but they do fuckall compared to everyone else. Bartender, busboys, cooks.

>> No.9218204

I figure it's not about the dishes being costly, but about being the amount of food being brought out.

>> No.9218206

>could care less
Just for that I want to tattoo "don't tip me" to your forehead in case you get a job where you can take tips

>> No.9218212

It's almost always one plate.

Waiters have told me the percentage is stupid, but the alternative is making less money. 5-10 dollars on every table is worse than 3 dollars on a few tables and 15 on a few others.

>> No.9218216

alternatively, just fucking write things down

>> No.9218229

I'm not sure about america, but yuropoor places often put all the tips in a jar and divide it between all the staff

>> No.9218242

You don't write down drink orders. When they bring the plates out, they do their best to remember who ordered what. Having to ask usually means lower tip.

Most waiters attempt to remember it and ask if they can't. It can be tough. For about 4 hours of every shift. Try shitting out 200 unique food orders everyday.

>> No.9218246

Am I supposed to care?

>> No.9218253

Yeah better to try to remember 200 strangers' drink orders than just jot down a quick note for each table. Stay poor retard

>> No.9218254

Don't go sit down at a restaurant to eat. Plenty of places will prepare the food and make it to go. That's what you want.

If you want to sit down then make amends with the fact you have to tip.

>> No.9218256

i go to mcdonalds, they are not into that stuff

>> No.9218262

Thanks for the input platemonkey but I'll continue to eat wherever I want. You on the other hand... lol

>> No.9218375


lol why?

>> No.9218389

This. I never tip unless my waiter is male and a pretty cool guy. Female waiters get jack shit and I always writems "go fuck yourself" on the receipts unless it's somewhere I frequent.

>> No.9218402

thats why i eat at the mcdonald when at outside.dont need for this shit

>> No.9218414

>do easy job
>deserve tip
i never see people tip any surgeon

>> No.9218418

Roastie detected. Sorry I'm not here to pay for you and tyrone's kid. Well except the taxes I already pay for your welfare and EBT bucks.

>> No.9218449

>Order a snifter of $200 brandy
>expect $40 tip for pouring booze into a glass

>> No.9218483

i give 1-2$ MAXIMUM and not always, the service must be really good. Waiters arent my employees so why should I pay them ?
They want more ? Get a better job

>> No.9218541

Surgeons get paid more than $3/hour base, you fucking moron.

>> No.9218544

It should at least be 20 for a 200 dollar meal.

>> No.9218552

I guess food running shit and balancing heavy plates and treys of drinks doesn't count for jackshit. The fact that they are your personal drink refill servant should be enough.

>> No.9218555

u guys r assholes

>> No.9218577

So what? Waiter is a fucking entry-level job, you shouldn't make more than that.

>> No.9218582

Typically a larger bill means a larger table. A table of 8-12 is a lot harder to work with than 2 tables of 4-6. There's a lot more that can go wrong the bigger the table so if you only have one server for a large table who has several other tables and they're still giving you excellent service I would definitely do better than 8%.

>> No.9218593

>in this job people aren't actually obligated to tip you and everyone knows this
>wtf how come that guy didn't tip me even though he isn't completely obligated to in the first place
Why are waiters/waitresses so fucking retarded?

>> No.9218599

So she basically got 15 dollars for one table...How long could they possibly be there? An hour? Hour and a half tops? Plus the 2-4 dollars her boss probably gives her in an hour?

Why the fuck is she bitching? That's more than most retail slaves make in an hour. For most of them, double what they make. And she got that from one table.
Bitch should try whoring herself if she wants unreasonable sums of money.

>> No.9218601

Why isn't there an option at restaurants where I just go get my own plates and refills and opt out of a waiter altogether?

>> No.9218602

Jesus fuck I'm glad to live in a country where nobody gives a shit about tips.
It's well-mannered to tip and you ought to do that when bringing a date or business colleagues out for a lunch, but it's absolutely no big deal here in France.

None of that "if you don't tip at our first date I'll slap you and drive away" "people who don't tip must be gassed" that we get to see from americans in social media.

I understand the whole low wage problems but come the fuck on.

>> No.9218618

But I'm 1 person. Why should I have to tip more if I order lobster instead of salad and my date gets wine instead of iced tea?

>> No.9218633

She wasn't too happy for the $15 was she?

>> No.9218648
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>> No.9218651

Yes, because everyone there is greedy as shit. If you get a £1 tip here, you're happy you got anything at all, and you don't post passive aggressive snapchats about it.

>> No.9218652

So much this. The guys in the kitchen (not the chefs the cleaners dish washers and so on) have a much harder job and get payed shit wages

>> No.9218657

The only time I tip is when I pay in cash because I don't like change.

>> No.9218666
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But I don't want service, I want food. I find talking to wait staff incredibly awkward and uncomfortable. Surely in the current year, with my anxiety they should be paying me.

>> No.9218675

I'm scared bros, I'm gonna have to visit murrica (Michigan) for work related stuff for like 2 weeks, the apartment I'll be getting will probably have a shitty kitchen without even an electric stove, what places can I eat at where tipping isn't mandatory and I won't have spit in my plates the second time around?

>> No.9218679

Fast food. Or just don't go to the same place twice.

>> No.9218681


>> No.9218684

Takeout places and fast food.

>> No.9219026
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>brings food and drinks
>wants 10% of the check

>> No.9219040

Because humans aren't meant to be subservient to other humans and even the politest waiters will resent you..

>> No.9219156

This is bait, but fuck it. Fuck 20%. 15% was fine 5 years ago, 15% is fine now. Especially if all you're doing is your samn job. Inflation is still going to be accounted for since it's a percent. Want me to pay you 20%? Go above just filling my drink and giving my order to the chef/food runners. Wait staff is seriously just being greedy.

>> No.9219162


>> No.9219169

Stop going to restaurants ffs. Their food is shit, expensive and a waste of your general time.

>> No.9219182

here's an idea: tipping should be based on the quantity of items brought to your table, not the price of the items themselves

>> No.9219230

You guys realize theres expensive restaurants out there that can run a $200 for just 2 people right? Why should a waitress there get $20+ for carrying out two plates and a bottle of wine why a waitress at a normal restaurant carries out two plates and drinks for $2? Percentage based tips make no sense compared to effort/quantity based.

>> No.9219245

Bitch please.
It's EXACTLY as hard for a god damn entitled waiter to bring food costing $10,- a plate, and $100,- a plate, yet the latter is somehow worthy of 10x as much tip when the chef is the one perfoming a better task?
JUst make tip a flat amount. $15,- as added tip is the wage she "demands" for one hour work, and that is paid by one customer.

Jesus fuck you if you cry about that amount

>> No.9219251

That's bullshit, as someone who eats at $40+ per plate places at least 3-4 times a month, the servers at higher end places are expected to KNOW the menu, not just able to list off what the item is, but what it tastes like, possible substitutions, wine/drink pairing, etc. Depending on the restaurant you may be required to do wine service at the table, or you might have a sommelier who does that instead.

You're not just paying some lackey to bring your food out and anyone who thinks that's the case has simply never worked a higher end serving job in their life.

This isn't even going to get into the fact servers are expected to share a portion of the tip with the other staff members in the kitchen as they're the ones making the food for each table.

>> No.9219257

do u think erica is as cute as her bitmoji?

>> No.9219280

Are you an American pretending to be from somewhere else? If not, then what country do you come from?

I ask because it's customary to tip all over Europe. Sometimes a service charge is included on the bill and people still tip a little on top of that.

You really sound like an American who thinks that America is the only place that tips.

>> No.9219283

Fuck off service fags , the price of the meal should have nothing to do with your tip. What a customer orders makes no difference on how your service should be as far as I'm concerned a tip should always be between $3-$5 price of the meal is not relevant

>> No.9219284

Knowledge and type of service. If it's more upscale, you get a server who looks and acts the part, it's a skill and because of that there is an equal higher pay due compared to someone at a diner.

Knowledge of the food and what pairs good with what, knowing about the wines and being to give recommendations based on the customer's taste.

Also in fine dining, the people who actually go out to eat fine dining don't bitch about leaving 20% tips so I don't know why you're bringing up a point about it when you're clearly not in that social group.

>> No.9219287

>he fell for the restaurant jew

>> No.9219294

I'm guessing the service mysteriously gets worse at most restaurants the more times you go back there.

>> No.9219301

When I was in college, my family would go out for breakfast every Sunday. My dad would always tip $1 for the whole family. Looking back on it, I wonder what they did to our food

>> No.9219306

Screw off, I'm not leaving some bint an extra $20 on an already $100 tab just because she's to retarded to get a decent job with benefits. She'll just bitch about it on social media either way like all service fags do. Then all the other service fags will join in and they will all circle jerk over how "muh tiiiips customer are the worst" when they have no one to blame but themselves for working a service job to begin with

>> No.9219308

No, because waiters have a fixed salary and tips are only bonus, if they complain, the door is open. They receive 5 curriculum vitae per week, it's easy to replace them

>> No.9219312

You're poor. You need it more, don't worry most people are not like you unless you live in a poor area.

>> No.9219317

They receive so many applications because people want the tips, you dingus.

>> No.9219320

Peasents need to be purged

>> No.9219323

No again, they are aware tips will not be 20% of their salary, this isn't a third world country like USA

>> No.9219332

What is the etiquette regarding tipping in New York pizza places?
Do I tip only when I eat in, take out, or not at all etc.?
Need to know for when I visit next year

Also, American tipping culture is becoming a thing here in the UK and it sucks. Thanks for that

>> No.9219335

>20% of their salary
you mean 20% of the bill

and what country are you in that doesn't tip at all? I'm going to go ahead and guess that people in your country tip, but you're a cheap bum personally.

>> No.9219337
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>mfw I just went on vacation to the US and never tipped anywhere

>> No.9219343

If you can't deal with people not tipping then you shouldn't be a waiter, just work at the mine ;)

>> No.9219348

>and what country are you in that doesn't tip at all?
I tip if there is a plus in the service
>i give 1-2$ MAXIMUM and not always

And I live in France, people tip +/- the same amount except for people who want to look rich or when there is a group

>> No.9219360

>And I live in France, people tip +/- the same amount except for people who want to look rich or when there is a group

You're a fucking bum and French people do tip. You just happen to be the poorest person in all of France with no social awareness do you think normal French people are "trying to look rich" when they obey the customs.

We have people like you in America too. You don't literally have to tip here either. And if I was autistic enough I could convince myself that people who tip here are just showing off too

>> No.9219367

15$ ? Good lord!
A full decent meal won't cost that much. America is so fucking weird

>> No.9219369

>dood everyone totally tips
Dumb jewmerican, stay in you containment country and don't pollute other cultures with your useless trash opinions. You're also probably a servicefag.

>> No.9219372


>Holding a L to call the customer a loser
>Living on Tips


>> No.9219379
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>Paying for teens to handle your food

Why don't you guys join the master race already?

>> No.9219383

I eat 5 times per week on average, I let 35$ for me and almost the same for my client on the table. I'm a regular in 4 different restaurants
Yes, Frenchies try to look rich everytime they can
Yes, tipping is an easy way to show off

>You don't literally have to tip here either
That's why I don't want to use that stupid system for a job that can be done by literally ANYONE

The tipping system is a joke and an easy technique to not be taxed

>> No.9219387

So... what country is ashamed to call you its poorest inhabitant?

>> No.9219389

So, servers at restaurants that cost $10 a plate have the same amount of knowledge about the food, expectations of professionality, and experience as a place that costs $100 a plate?

>> No.9219393


>> No.9219401

>dude you're poor lmao
Try again, kiddo.

>> No.9219402

What the heck mate ? You think that a waiter in a fancy restaurant must learn quantum mechanics to serve a meal ? They learn what's on the menu in one week, they got a briefing every morning about which wines should they propose to clients and that's all

ITT : Only waiters being afraid about their tips

>> No.9219407

I love you.

>> No.9219410

Is it Japan? That's one country where it's pretty normal to not tip.

If you're anywhere in Europe and you never tip then you're an autistic bum though.

>> No.9219411

If /ck/ wasn't all alcoholics, they'd remember this kind of thread is bait and it happens every day. God damn degenerate junkies.

>> No.9219413

Maybe in third world Europe.

>> No.9219414

If you think there's no difference between an upmarket restaurant waiter and a greasy teenage dude at mcd's then you're being stupid on purpose.

>> No.9219420

The answer is in your question, one is an adult with a full time job and the other is a teenager with a summer job

>> No.9219421

Lol triggered greedy waiter detected. you already get too much money for minimum wage type work

>> No.9219429


>> No.9219434
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>greasy teenage dude at mcd's
Hol up hol up hol up, americans tip at mcdonalds? Fucking hell, that's pathetic.

>> No.9219438
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Wait... what? 20%?
Are you people nuts?
Do Americans really tip so much?

I give 10% tips for an acceptable "good" service, and only 15% in exceptional situations where the waiter really outdid themselves.

20% is just nuts
Go donate to an orphanage if you like virtue signaling so much, at least it will go to someone that really needs it.

>> No.9219439

20% tipping is still the dumbest american thing. Even if I was rich enough to support that shit, I wouldn't.
Why waste money on what you can get for free.

>> No.9219442

Tipping seems like a weird concept. Doesn't it get awkward, like you're judging them to decide how much of your cash you think they're worth and they're running around trying to kiss your ass because they want your money.

Why not just get rid of tipping and have bosses pay a fair wage, I think it would be a more relaxed experience for customers and employees that way.

>> No.9219445

dont be stupid
it's only proper to tip the chefs at mcdonalds and only if they did something special

>> No.9219452

Half the time I eat out, unless it's with my parents, I'm going to like Steak n Shake and getting a $5 meal and I tip like $2, but I still get the feeling that my server thinks I'm being cheap even though that's damn near a 50% tip

>> No.9219462

I only tip the one guy who makes the mcchicken just the way I like it

>> No.9219583

this thread has inspired me to stop tipping

>> No.9219598
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Poors are not human beings

>> No.9219606
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>he is employed in the service industry
Literally the cuckiest of all wagecucks

>> No.9219607

>what is busboy
>what is hostess
>what is dishwasher

you have never worked in a restaurant

>> No.9219620

Based anon.

Don't take shit from any servcucks ITT

>> No.9219626

Keep posting lad.

>> No.9219633

waiters tip out busboys, foodrunners, bartenders, and hostesses based on a percentage of their sales.

Usually 2%, 1%, 1%, 1%
they tip out five percent of their sales (not their tips)
so for an $80 that's $1.60, $.80, $.80, $.80
for a total of $4
if you only tip $2 that is not even going to cover their tip out. Not only are they not making money, they are losing money because they worked for you.

>> No.9219644

I'm old. Can someone explain the obsession with avatars that look like they came straight from some 90s geocities website? Is it like when everyone made some shit south park version of themselves like 15 years ago? Are they unique to snapchat or something?

Please help.

>> No.9219662

They just lap up whatever options social media gives them

>> No.9219672

tipping is retarded because if you HAVE to give a certain amount there is no reason to make it discretionary

>> No.9219674

>waiters tip out [the other staff]
No they don't, not in most restaurants anyways.

>> No.9219680

it has worked that way in every restaurant that I have ever worked in

>> No.9219697

And it hasn't for any of the ones I or my roommates have worked in.
So here we are.

>> No.9219703

mcdonalds doesn't count as a restaurant, friendo

>> No.9219704

>His experiences differ from mine! He's LYING!

>> No.9219711

That's what I said here :
>tipping is an easy way to show off
That's why there are morons who tips for fastfood or takeaway coffee

>> No.9219713

he probs worked in """fast casual""" shitholes or is a europoor

sit down restaurants in the US generally operate with a tip out.

>> No.9219717

The only place anybody I've known worked at that did tip outs was:
A really dumpy cafe
A really nice steakhouse
Every other restaurant, from pub to cafe to upscale doesnt didn't.

Just because they do it where you live doesnt mean it's a nation-wide thing. It's a big fucking country.

>> No.9219718

the customer wanted to fucking even it out to $200 which is fucking bullshit especially that it was a credit card purchase. She probably had to serve a big party and $15 is nothing.

>> No.9219731
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Praise self serving restaurants

>> No.9219734

$15 is $15 you fucking idiot. It's an additional pay that nobody is legally required to give to her. Any extra pay is a blessing.

>> No.9219742
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So don't go into the service industry if you have an authority complex.

>> No.9219748

This, tipping is so fucked

>> No.9219750

What does it being a credit card purchase matter? You realize you have to pay those off just like any other bill?

This dyke can take a loan for her tuition just like anyone else, not my problem

>> No.9219759

Sorry u won't support a system that guilty people into being immoral if they don't she'll out extra cash to pay the waiters wage.

The business should charge more for their food and pay their staff adequately

>> No.9219784
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But that's wrong retard.
If there are more people eating it involves much more effort in serving them.

More people in the party = More $ spent = Higher tip

I agree 20% is excessive though, like I said earlier.

>> No.9219792

Because its a shit environment that they were probably backed into because of their shit decisions in life. Also, like other shit jobs, it doesn't pay well.

>> No.9219799

>that guy sneezing on the buffet

>> No.9219809

My guess is it was a tourist. Places around me have an 18% gratuity already added oftentimes because German tourists haven't bothered to google American (over)tipping practices.

>> No.9219828

when did we become directly responsible for providing for the wait staff? I dont remember taking an application or signing up for that at the door

>> No.9219831

Why should I have to pay the employees if I'm not making a profit from the restaurant? It's the duty of the owner to pay their employees, not me

>> No.9219835

Where do you live that exclusively germans go on holiday to

>> No.9219840

We know it isn't Israel, amirite?

>> No.9219856

The amount of work actually goes down, per person served. Serving a party of 8 is easier than four parties of 2. So you should be paid less

>> No.9219859

Miami Beach. I was just using Germans as an example, but lots of other tourists don't figure it out.

Blacks are also poor tippers, but not because they don't know the practices.

>> No.9219866

little Stevie!

>> No.9219887

as a guy who also goes off of tips, getting $15 doe ONE TABLE seems pretty good
When I go out, I only do $2 per person unless the place is fancy or really good service

>> No.9219896

it is, they get $3/ hour plus tips, but if theyre tips are below minimum wage, the employer pays the difference

>> No.9219908

She's mad because you paid with CC and you gave 8%. If you want to tip less, please do so with cash.

>> No.9219917

Servers are literal whores, both male and female. If you asked for a beer and a blowjob you'd probably get it.

>> No.9219923

Fuck you, tax evading cunt. You want to not pay the government what they're owed, and yet I'm the asshole for not paying you what you feel you're owed? How about you suck a fat dick and get no tip at all

>> No.9219925

You don't, though. You can tip whatever you want.

>> No.9219948

I don't work in the food business and I tip. I do what a lot of people do.

>> No.9219949

Cooks don't give a fuck if poor roastie waitress didn't get her 20% for carrying a fucking tray.

>> No.9219955

and upon further review, no dick either

>> No.9219961

Have you tried?

>> No.9219962

sheep detected

>> No.9219964

Well the whole reason they like cash tips is so they can illegally evade taxes.

Let that sink in. The people trying to guilt us into pitying them, telling us we need to "pay our dues", is a bunch of tax evading criminals.

>> No.9219965


>> No.9219971

I basically always give 20% unless the service is really shit. Yeah it's a dumb system but I just figure if I'm eating out that's what it costs.

I tend not to tip on wine though.

>> No.9219976
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Same except I never tip at Starbucks or any place that makes drinks exclusively. I'll be nice and say please and thank you, but in no way do you or any barista deserve a tip considering what is already being charged FOR A FUCKING COFFEE.

>> No.9219977

A couple of weeks ago was the first time I was genuinely offending by the tipping culture.

Went to some small sandwich place in San Diego, where I didn't even sit I just ordered at the counter and stood there while they made it for me. Fucking kid flips around the ipad for me to pay there's literally three options for tip.

25% 30% 35%

I probably stared like an idiot for a few seconds before
>How do I put in a custom amount?
>Sure what percentage would you like to add.
>Sorry what was that?
>O-o-oh k.

>> No.9219982

Did you go to Comic Con?

>> No.9219994

everywhere I've worked had tip outs as a policy
a seaside touristy american food spot in CA
a small upscale italian restaurant in PA
an upscale seafood joint on the inner harbor in baltimore
a prime rib spot in CA again

I've worked across the country. Tip outs are standard.

>> No.9219996


>> No.9220000

It does tick me off when the options are [18%] [20%] [25%] [30%]. They should at least have 15% as an option if someone feels it is mediocre. But yeah I have no qualms asking for a custom entry if I don't see the button.

>> No.9220002

We're all hypocrites, I just want good service.

>> No.9220010

>Fucking kid flips around the ipad for me to pay there's literally three options for tip.
>25% 30% 35%
hate these things

>> No.9220011

What happens if someone leaves no tip? Do you have to tip them using your other tip revenue?

>> No.9220027

>it's customary to tip all over Europe
Not in nordic countries, not in germany, not in baltic etc.

>> No.9220035

Even England they have some tip on there generally but it's like 10%. I never know how much to add on top of that.

When I give the cab drives a few extra bucks they are so appreciative I feel like no one must tip them.

>> No.9220045

I've been to Germany and people tip there. Not 20% but they do tip.

I think we have a lot of europoors in this thread who think their entire country doesn't tip because the only restaurants they've been inside are McDonald's

>> No.9220050

>I deserve a tip
roastie detected

>> No.9220059

She got paid $15 for maybe 15 minutes of work.

She's a greedy bitch, and deserves nothing


>> No.9220111

>dude haha mcdonalds lmao
You're the one that tips in mcdonalds, burger.

>> No.9220125

You don't even know that real people in your country are tipping because you're a shut-in

And nobody tips at fast food places you moron. Stop getting your info from these threads, you're getting trolled you stupid euro

>> No.9220151

If the job is that hard, why don't they demand more pay?

>> No.9220158

You're making a lot of assumptions here m8 tipping in Europe is less than 10% and only for good service in America if the waiter pulled down your pants and fucked you in the ass . You're still expected to tip 10-15%.

>> No.9220164

It's much harder to bring out expensive food than it is cheap food.

>> No.9220171

Because they have to feed themselves, when it comes down to having the money to buy the shit you need to live and not, you're gonna work the job.

They don't have the luxury to be picky most of the time, or else they'd be doing something else already anyway.

>> No.9220172

Oh so people in Europe tip, but not 20% ?

Wow thanks for telling me how right I have been for saying exactly that. Retard

>> No.9220211

Did they serve you a cocktail called a blowjob?

>> No.9220425

I can bet there must be an option, maybe in smaller font, placed in the bottom for custom tipping. Just put in your own amount

>> No.9220434

i fucking looked up down left right thinking the EXACT same thing.

Just three boxes dude.

>> No.9220440

You tip 10% for good service. Not "service", or because it's expected, but if it was good service.

>> No.9220512

Does /ck/ tip if they order pizza delivery?

>> No.9220518

Notice how OPs receipt doesn't show the food order part of the receipt.

This was probably some normal dinner, $10 hamburgers and two fries, and some $150 bottle of champagne, or some takeout of 12 pizzas.

>> No.9220519

I tip myself because I carryout

>> No.9220532

Yes, always at minimum the equivalent of a gallon of gas (but usually like 5 bucks)

>> No.9220537


>> No.9220543

Yes because delivery carries real risk with it. Waitresses just move a plate 25 feet.

>> No.9220563

Service has gotten so shitty. I used to struggle to not tip well, but I'm getting over it and leave much worse tips when the service is bad now. Especially when you see those fat roasties just standing along the back wall with their hand in their pussies while I try to wave them for another drink or something.

Yes, like the other anon said it's much more difficult than being a waitress which is probably the easiest job in existence.

>> No.9220600

I'll give you whatsoever I have bitch
Though luck,I have

>> No.9220601
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yeah dude, the guy comes to your house and knows where you live

>> No.9220632

Waitresses have to tip out bartenders, bussers, and sometimes hosts or cooks based on a percentage of their sales. If someone spends $100 on a check but tips $10, for me i have to tip out 9%=$9 to the cooks and 1%=$1 to the bussers plus 5.5% of drink total and 6.5% of appetizers total to the bar and app kitchen respectively. $10 would be plenty if I'd kept it all but I'd not see any of it if you tipped like that. On a check like OP's pic I'd still have to tip out more than what they left to auxiliary positions - that money comes from my tips from other tables.

This is why I hate niggers.

>> No.9220645

> have to
No they do fucking not, that is entirely dependent on the establishment.

>> No.9220648

>Tip outs are standard.
No they aren't.

>> No.9220651
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My dad at a very young age always taught me to write down don't eat yellow snow as my tip and i've always done it

>> No.9220652
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>tipping based on percentage

>> No.9220661

Gas is paid by the society, you're dumb
Do you tip policemen too ?
How about other difficult jobs, do you tip firemen ? Policemen ? Etc
Living in the fear is not the solution, follow Ezrebziet and you'll be saved

>> No.9220686

Why don't black people tip? Is it a cultural thing? I've heard this before from other waitresses

>> No.9220699

I'm not gonna tip you no matter how much you shitpost in this thread. Carrying a plate doesn't deserve a reward.

>> No.9220711

is it at least double the tax?


Then it's a bad tip

>> No.9220724

Not the point

The higher bill means you're better off, so YOU can afford to leave a bigger tip. Nothing to do with the workload

>> No.9220726

why don't you just get a real job? i hope you are in college or something

>> No.9220729

I can afford to tip $100. Doesn't mean I will or that they deserve more than 50 cents or so.

>> No.9220744

What exactly does "good" service entail? How can it be better than simply not fucking anything up?

The only thing I can imagine is that they straight up give me free food or a blowjob or something.

>> No.9220756

that's a stupid rule, as sales tax varies a lot from state to state. In some states there's no sales tax.

>> No.9220760

If you can't tell the difference, then I can't help you.

>The only thing I can imagine is that they straight up give me free food or a blowjob or something.

You've never been to an actual decent non-chain restaurant, have you?

>> No.9220761

HA HA you wretched bum, so you finally admit it: you'd bitch and whine even regardless of whether you did anything to deserve it. In your mind, you deserve money simply because other people could survive without it.

>> No.9220762

If I really enjoy my meal, can I elect to tip the chef instead?

>> No.9220770

Other than seating me promptly, being attentive, getting my order right, and doing the basic job you're expected to do, what more can you get?

What service could possibly be "good", if doing all the normal stuff isn't good? Unless they bring me free shit or drugs or suck my dick.

>> No.9220773

Went to a one Michelin star restaurant the service was pretty good very attentive always refilled water was knowledgeable about menu gave out wine list and got us more truffle honey because we enjoyed it so much. Also they didn't come to ask me how is my food when I am in the middle of chewing. Shame such service is in the high end places.

Meanwhile I went to some hipster cafe that was populated by chicks good food but literally no smiles the food was almost thrown on the table the smoothie was over filled and dropped all over the table when serving yet they didn't bring a tissue or anything. Then they looked pissed that we didn't tip.

>> No.9220775

Very knowledgable about the food and how it is prepared, great understanding of the wines available and how they pair with foods, friendly, attentive without being annoying, good at anticipating when you want something. Those immediately come to mind. So yeah your average shithead working at Applebees probably doesn't deserve much of a tip but they are kids so help em out a bit

>> No.9220780

I went to an Indian place for takeout and the nigger with the ipad put in the gratuity amount for us.

I didn't say anything cuz I didn't realize till after but he put like 25% gratituity. Next time someone tries that shit there getting 0$ and I'm gonna tell them why.

>> No.9220782

Yeah, my dad pieces everyone off. Managers, chefs if they meet him, waiters. He's the stereotypical tipping burger

>> No.9220783

>seating me promptly, being attentive, getting my order right, and doing the basic job you're expected to do, what more can you get?

Understanding the menu and being able to answer questions and give recommendations.
Being attentive without hovering.
Actually acting and talking like a normal functioning human being.
Actually being helpful if there is a problem.

There's a huge difference between "Just doing the job" and being "good".

>> No.9220787

>Also they didn't come to ask me how is my food when I am in the middle of chewing

Fucking THIS.

>> No.9220794

One was a Michelin star restaurant, the other was a hipster cafe. I'm going to guess that the bill at the former was quite a bit larger than the latter. And the service sounds like about what I'd expect from each.

So you should tip the same percentage. The only difference is that the Michelin waiter will get 20% of a large amount, and the cafe slut will get 20% of a small amount.

Nothing you described about the Michelin restaurant service sounds like more than what I'd expect. They did everything they were supposed to do.

>> No.9220797

That's all stuff they're supposed to do. If you ask their employer whether that's supposed to be standard, they will say yes, absolutely. They expect that of all their employees.

>> No.9220800

15% is standard for acceptable service. Perhaps she gave less than acceptable service

>> No.9220801

>[The bill was larger] So you should tip the same percentage [even if the service was absolute shit]

Get the actual fuck out of here you fucking scrub.

>> No.9220805

Every place I've ever worked has had a tip out policy, from a rinky dink bar&grill to a corporate-owned mega chain. It's nearly universal. I guarantee you that 95% of restaurants have a policy like this. Next time, ask your server.

>> No.9220806

>I don't understand numbers or the fact that the good server is getting more than the bad one

>> No.9220808

>almost throwing the food on the table, dropping food and scowling are what they're expected to do.

Fuck you're an entitled little cunt aren't you? Now tip me 20% for the abuse, you fucking shitstain.

>> No.9220809

Guy didn't care about the service, he just rounded up. If he'd bought 198$ of food, he'd hve only tipped 2$

>> No.9220812

>I want free stuff
>Give me free money!

Seriously, go get a real job you fucking scrub.

>> No.9220833

They actually didn't accept tips since it was a dinner and breakfast in a bed and breakfast type place so it was same as staying in a hotel still it cost quite a bit.

I disagree I am not expecting Michelin star tier service from the cafe however the service was literal shit I have went to pubs where I paid less than the cafe and the staff were better. The bitch deserves no tip.

>> No.9220851

OK, if the cafe people were really that bitchy then don't tip them. I don't give a shit, I've never worked a tipping job in my life, you stupid cucks.

My whole point was that truly "good" service is extremely rare. If simply not being a rude cunt like the cafe people makes it "good" service then you have very low standards. Also if you go into what's supposed to be a nice restaurant and the waiter knows the menu, that's not "good" service, it's just what's expected.

So what exactly is "good" service?

>> No.9220861

>they looked pissed that we didn't tip.
>They actually didn't accept tips

looks like your story is falling apart a bit there

>> No.9220862

>My whole point was that truly "good" service is extremely rare.

No, it isn't actually.

Also why would you not expect the server at a cheap restaurant to know the menu?

>So what exactly is "good" service?

We've told you. You're just too stupid to understand.

>> No.9220868

>Higher pay attracts higher quality employees
>You wouldn't want some diner slag waitress serving you your $80 steak and lobster

>> No.9220878

>No, it isn't actually.
Yes it was, that was what I was always saying you fucking retard. You're just mad that your rules for tipping make no sense. Go ahead and keep living your irrational way though, I can't stop you.

>> No.9220879

Bong here, it depends on the restaurant. If it's a nice place then people tend to give a tip, but never in a café or something like that. I've only heard americans talk about percentages of the bill and so on.

>> No.9220883

>higher quality employees
yeah, the bitches at those fancy restaurants are super skilled at carrying plates. The last time I went out, this bitch had a damn master's degree in carrying plates. If you can't tell the difference between how they carry plates then you're just an uncultured swine

>> No.9220888

>Yes it was, that was what I was always saying

No. "Good" service is not "extremely rare". Wind your fucking hyperbolic neck in, you stupid bastard.

"Good" service is achievable, but it is not universal, and therefore not everybody deserves a tip. How fucking difficult a concept is this?

Oh but you think that service is somehow directly linked to the final bill; you're clearly too fucking stupid to understand.

>> No.9220899

protip: red robin is not a fancy restaurant

>> No.9220932

Nothing you described about service you've received qualifies as anything more than expectations. You seem to think "good" service is just when they do everything they're supposed to without fucking it up, and they don't scowl at you or throw your food.

>> No.9220940

Okay, you've convinced me: I'll stop tipping entirely because I only ever get "okay" service. Thanks!

>> No.9220949

>you assume this makes me mad because you think I work for tips
do whatever you want, retard. I still won the argument!

>> No.9220953
File: 18 KB, 720x479, go_u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I still won the argument!

No, you didn't, but well done: you think you won an internet argument. Have a star.

>> No.9220961

well then, please tell me what you think makes "good" service. And don't list anything that the manager / owner expects servers to do.

>> No.9220970
File: 2.07 MB, 1440x2028, 20170720_221745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sheer entitlement that these whores seem to have... Remind me why I should EVER tip again, especially if my server is a woman?

>> No.9220987

>Please repeat yourself constantly while I stick my fingers in my ears and pretend I can't understand you.

>> No.9220990
File: 107 KB, 1300x625, chevrolet-beretta-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No but I did wind up getting laid in the back of a Chevrolet Beretta like pick related but blue.

>> No.9220992

You never said a single thing that a server could do to make the service "good" that isn't expected of them as part of their job.

>> No.9221138

No, it's not customary to tip. You tip when you receive exceptional service or you feel generous.

10% tip in the UK? Are you mad? It's bad enough that this insane tipping culture is starting to emerge in hipstery London places. This is why I always refused tips when I was waiting and doing bar work. I'll be paid for the work I do or not at all.

>> No.9221143

I'm already paying a premium for the food.

>> No.9221146

Yes, and this is why the food costs more than just the cook's man hours and the cost of food. That extra cost covers the service.

>> No.9221151

>Personal drink refill servant

If i want another drink, I'll ask them. I don't need some prozac chomping maniac grinning at me grabbing at my glass. I don't know how Americans deal with that.

>> No.9221158

So you're just subsidizing the owner rather than letting market forces push up their wages.

And I thought Americans were capitalists.

>> No.9221169

Not all the time. Tipping is not expected every time you buy food and sit down to order from a menu and that's across Europe.

>> No.9221175

Good service is being polite, attentive, bringing the food and so on. That's the standard

Exceptional service is going beyond that, whether is be in the grade of service, character of the waiter, advice, etc.

And if there's a service charge, unless the service was incredible, you don't tip.

>> No.9221182

This. Oh God, this. I couldn't go to a restaurant in the US without having a pack of waiters descend on me every five minutes trying to pretend to be my friend, grabbing at drinks and dishes, etc while they were unfinished or others at the table were still eating. It's the height of rudeness and anyone who does that instantly forfeits any tip.

>> No.9221187

No, you didn't. You just showed how insane American tipping is.

>> No.9222600

Ungrateful cunt

>> No.9222661

Waiters are literally nigger of culinary world