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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.13 MB, 480x360, 1500954649965.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9212831 No.9212831 [Reply] [Original]

As embarrassing as it is to answer no, remember this is anonymous.

>> No.9212855

No. She's terrible at cooking and enjoy doing it myself.

>> No.9212880

No, shes a stupid bitch who wont cook anything and complains about it if she ever does.

>> No.9212952

Let me give you some personal insight on the matter.

I've been with my wife for 10 years now. We met in high school, and I got her pregnant.
She is and always has been a lazy person and a shit cook. I wouldn't even mind eating shit food if she at least made it on time. But she rarely did.

We'd get into screaming arguments constantly about how lazy and worthless she was. I felt like an asshole for it, but goddamn she was a real piece of work. The only reason I dealt with all this was for the kids, and also because the sex is great.

But one night, I got fed up. Not only did she get drunk, neglect the kids, and made me top Ramen for dinner, but she decided to give me attitude too. She was being real fucking bitchy. So I told my grandparents to keep an eye on the kids and told my wife we were going to go out and have dinner together. I drove maybe 3 blocks to a quiet area (we live in Oregon, it's not hard to find a quiet field) and I got out of the car, went around like I was going to open her door for her and let her out, and I just beat the shit out of her while she was still seatbelted. After a few punches, I asked her if she wanted to go back to her parents. She started screaming and yelling and said yes, so I beat the shit out of her again. Then I asked her what she wanted to do. She finally got smart and said she wanted to go home. So I took her home and dared her to start trouble. I even handed her my cellphone and dialed her mom's number on the drive home. I made her talk to her mom, while daring her to fucking say something.

Before that incident, I had never laid a hand on her. But I had always threatened it. I told her "one of these days, if you don't straighten up, I'm going to lay hands on you."

All my meals have been on time, and she just recently tried to make a meatloaf. It was mediocre, but I was just thrilled that she tried.

Do with this information what you will.

>> No.9212964

Who filmed this? Is it some sort of bizzare porno?
Also yes, me and my gf cook for each other, she's better at fiddly things, I have a better palatte.

>> No.9212969

I actually cook for my mummy

>> No.9212977

Female aggression is funny as fuck, as long as you aren't involved in any way.

>> No.9212978

Found shitty tramp
Made her a wife
Lowered yourself to her level likely even moreso
Has balls to share it on this site

>> No.9212982
File: 21 KB, 480x484, 1484436383335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know this is copypasta

>> No.9212987

I guess im here forever

>> No.9213032

Ten bucks says this turns into pasta.

>> No.9213084

>turns into

>> No.9213096

She cooks me breakfast but that's about it. Full post about her over at >>9213081

>> No.9213104

If it wasn't 40 minutes after OP I'd be more suspicious that it was pasta.

>> No.9213118

fake shit, as usual.

>> No.9213123

Married four years. My wife has only cooked dinner for us a handful of times in that time. I usually cook for myself and she cooks for herself as we often eat at either different times or eat different things. I'm sure if I asked her to she would cook for me any day of the week, but she hardly eats and when she does it's like a yogurt or salad or something else gay. I'd prefer to cook my steak myself as I know it'll be done right.

>> No.9213135

>falling for the reverse double-bait
Hello newfriend :^)

>> No.9213141

Wow,,,so this is the power of the hacker known as 4chan

>> No.9213184

I cook for my boyfriend and my family and/or friends every day, breakfast, lunch and dinner unless they already ate somewhere else.
Only thing I ask in return is that they do the dishes since I hate to do it.

We have been together for 15 years so I guess it's a good agreement.

>> No.9213193

>15 years
Wow congrats sounds like you got a sweet thing going

>> No.9213200

>15 years
You know gay marriage is legal now right?

>> No.9213235

We are not gay, we just have issues from growing up inside unhappy marriages that ended up in divorce.

>> No.9213281

Hardly. There nothin more cruel than female bullying imo. Don't know what it is about it but Christ it's awful

>> No.9213285

I'm 31 and never had a girlfriend.

>> No.9213295

20 going on 21. I'm a handsome guy but always manage to fuck up the most slightly intimate moments somehow. I might be an advanced artist.

>> No.9213304

Can you do a magic trick for us, anon?

>> No.9213315

I'm 23 and have had 5 gfs. None of them could cook for shit. I blame feminism

>> No.9213316

Yes, you can watch me jump off a bridge some time soon :)

>> No.9213325
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I mainly cook, but mainly for myself since she's vegetarian and doesn't really eat meals, just plates of things put together like europoors do.

One thing though is she loves to bake, which benefits me greatly. Homemade bread/wraps makes my stews, burgers, tacos, grilled cheeses God tier.

If there is one thing I can suggest for my fellow cu/ck/s here, it's to date a baker if you prefer to cook.

>> No.9213328

I'm 33 and I've never had a boyfren because I am a tranny

>> No.9213332

My grandma cooks for me, she's very good at it. I also cook for myself when I want something specific.

Tell you one thing though if a girl ever tells you she can't cook it's a big red flag

>> No.9213369

;) I got it, I got it. playin cool, alright

>> No.9213381


>> No.9213382

I've been single for two years now and I'm starting to wonder if my last relationship's sudden end has left me too emotionally crippled to be intimate again.

>> No.9213387

Hey asshole you don't need women, you need Zen.

>> No.9213392


>> No.9213395


Jesus we are hitting close to home in this thread.

>> No.9213396

He needs a blue potion to recover his MP

>> No.9213397


>> No.9213402

>everyone who makes fun of your shit (both literally and figuratively) country is American


>> No.9213405

Two years isn't that long give it some more time, try to date a brown girl

>> No.9213411

A passable tranny?

>> No.9213413


>> No.9213428

How are they keeping the boxes on the ends up? Did they empty them and glue them on, or do they have supports?

>> No.9213434

The interesting thing about the indian navy is that they're the first military unit on the planet to have ships designed specifically for the navigation of bodies of human feces. Truly an an amazing feat of engineering.

>> No.9213450

It feels like it's been a long time. The last time I started to develop a crush on a lady, I got to what I thought was the first date before she told me she was gay. Was a lot more upset than I should have been, not because I was particularly sad that she wasn't available, but because I had just started to feel happy again only for it to go wrong like everything else does. Always wanted to date outside my race but I always seem to get shot down when I flirt with non-white women. Made out with an Asian chick one time.

>> No.9213468

Pink should have just ripped the hoop out of blue's ear.

>> No.9213483

not as often as I'd like but I never have any complaints when she does

>> No.9213714

i want to be her

>> No.9213751

Good pasta, mind if I save it to farm (you)'s?

>> No.9213768

This is stale

>> No.9213783

I love to cook and bake, even currently writting my own cookbook of comfy traditional european meals I love. If we would live together I would stay happily the whole day in the kitchen.

t. gf

>> No.9213906


if you haven't had a gf at 21 you're not a handsome guy

>> No.9213908


you'll be fine

fuck a russian girl. they're incapable of being intimate and it will piss you off so much you'll be cured in days

>> No.9213944

Sometimes, but I'm a way better cook

>> No.9213958


Lots of stuff.

She's Mexican so she really only knows how to cook Mexican stuff, but it's damn delicious. I'm slowly teaching her how to make other stuff too, but home made tacos with some high quality meat is great to come home to.

>> No.9213991

Same. I don't mind when she cooks but it's infrequent at best and I cook better food. I'm grateful though when she does, but she leaves the kitchen a fucking disaster. Bitch can't clean for shit.

>> No.9213999

my gf used to cook for me all the time, she would make delicious meals an was really happy to be cooking, all she wanted was my company in the kitchen

I miss you maria but I don't want to be with you <3

>> No.9214003

What porn is this from?

>> No.9214041

Can someone tell me what the actual fuck is happening in this video??

>> No.9214116

Once upon a hot summer night. Sometime in July... Was it July? My local grocery store sells really good eggs in July. I don't know why. Do chickens operate better in heat? Fireworks maybe? I don't know. I don't want to get off topic. Point is, the eggs that Summer were marvelous! Anyway, my wife and I, God rest her soul, went to a BBQ that night. It was held at Dale Spooner's house.

Well, his backyard... Conny Spooner doesn't want people in her home, I think she's just an uptight bitch. So at this BBQ I see none other than... That's right, Tom Forknight... Now earlier in the day wife, God rest her soul, had made potato salad for the BBQ. Personally I hate potato salad, I'm a mashed kind of fellow. Hoho! So I sat in the TV room avoiding her till the BBQ. Once we were at the party, I made sure to distance myself from my dumb potato bitch wife. God rest her soul, I just didn't want anyone to think I would associate with someone that would bring a potato salad! Anyway, Tom and his above mediocre wife were already there. And get this, they brought a fruit salad! With whipped cream! The nerve of those Forknights! Needless to say I gave my wife, God rest her soul, a couple choice words About whipped cream! Versus potato salad! God dammit! Son of a bitch! A real tongue lashing!

>> No.9214123

i cook for myself

>> No.9214129

>All my meals have been on time, and she just recently tried to make a meatloaf. It was mediocre
dont let that happen again anon

>> No.9214141

what is to happen is that i have get bonner

>> No.9214148

You two should date

>> No.9214158

>it's older than that poor guy w/o gf
>implying anybody mentaly healthy would date a tranny

The tranny should just become another statistic.

>> No.9214169
File: 35 KB, 450x317, 1385913034718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that webm

>> No.9214179

Fucking sploosh

>> No.9214226


>> No.9214299

My first gf couldn't cook. She could amke decent5 cakes and pastries though. But her cooking was fucking awful. She used to do stupid shit as well like throw spaghetti at the wall. If it sticks it's ready. She'd also spit in pans to see if they were hot enough

My last gf I wasn't with long enough to really find out because she was a fucking mess, but she gave me scrambled eggs made with almond milk once so I'm gonna guess not

>> No.9214333

It already is good sir

>> No.9214340

She doesn't cook because she isn't very good at it and I enjoy cooking.

>> No.9214343 [DELETED] 
File: 120 KB, 500x374, 1500946973444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dated four chicks:
1. Blonde petite blue-eyed white chick, we were both coming out of our teens so I had mom to cook for me. She tried hard though, and could make some excellent cakes and pastries.

2. Brown half-native chick, dark hair, actually very cute, excellent ass and tits, had the best cooking of them all. Would make top notch cake, pizza, pastries, Arab-Lebanese food, all around an excellent cook.

3. White single mom, brunette, green eyes. Due to being a single mom had to hone her cooking skills so she was actually decent. Sometimes she burned the food but it was rare. Overall she rates N°2 after the tranny.

4. Dark-haired big tittied qt with very lightly tanned skin, what you Americans would call "Hispanic" I guess. This chick was easily a 9/10 and the best I've dated, people would turn their necks whenever she entered the room. But her cooking was awful. She made a mean oreo cake, and that's it. Typical instagram-obsessed millenial with no kitchen skills. #1 in the looks department but #4 in the cooking arena.

>> No.9214355
File: 120 KB, 500x374, 1500946973444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9212831 (OP) #
Dated four chicks:
1. Blonde petite blue-eyed white chick, we were both coming out of our teens so I had mom to cook for me. She tried hard though, and could make some excellent cakes and pastries.

2. Brown half-native chick, dark hair, actually very cute, excellent ass and tits, had the best cooking of them all. Would make top notch cake, pizza, pastries, Arab-Lebanese food, all around an excellent cook.

3. White single mom, brunette, green eyes. Due to being a single mom had to hone her cooking skills so she was actually decent. Sometimes she burned the food but it was rare. Overall she rates N°2 after the brown chick.

4. Dark-haired big tittied qt with very lightly tanned skin, what you Americans would call "Hispanic" I guess. This chick was easily a 9/10 and the best I've dated, people would turn their necks whenever she entered the room. But her cooking was awful. She made a mean oreo cake, and that's it. Typical instagram-obsessed millenial with no kitchen skills. #1 in the looks department but #4 in the cooking arena.

>> No.9214366

Ha-ha y-you guys are just making up these girlfriend stories r-right?

>> No.9214370


My fiancee can't cook a damn thing, bless her for trying but it's always dry and flavourless and nutritionally questionable

Also uses literally every pot and pan in the kitchen no matter how simple the recipe is, and has never considered cleaning while she cooks

>> No.9214381

prolly pasta but i love how people can simultaneously call this outrageously fake but nod their empty heads whenever someone talks about how poor wimminz is uppressed n battered n shiet

>> No.9214387


'Domestic violence doesn't exist' - anon 2017

>> No.9214389

if it makes you feel any better you have a real low life expectancy so any day now your suffering could be over :^)

>> No.9214402

Not only does my wife cook for me but I actively troll her by pretending to be Guy Fieri as she does.

>Walk in kitchen, "It's all happening right here, right now"
>"You making spaghetti and meatballs? Is this real deal Italian?"
>Dips finger in marinara "Girl, you put the funk in funkalicious, I'd eat this on a flip flop"
>Wife very visibly annoyed by now " That's all the time we have today"

>> No.9214403

four and a halfish reporting in
relationships are full of both good shit and bad shit and ive spent enough time weighing them against each other that ive become pretty ambivalent about the whole thing
so it gets better i guess?

>> No.9214406
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>spit in pans to see if they were hot enough

>> No.9214413 [DELETED] 

That was a pretty joyful story, friend.

>> No.9214419

Fuck that pasta almost got me, good taste.

>> No.9214431
File: 196 KB, 432x444, 1498250765288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You two sound like a cute couple

>> No.9214440

Yes, just made some banh xeo this past Sunday.

>> No.9214554

The projection is strong with this one

>> No.9214596

This is what normies actually believe

>> No.9214960

>Does your girlfriend/wife cook for you?
Yes. Not always, but when she's home before mealtimes she likes to cook for me (and I cook for her if I'm the one home earlier).
She's always had a thing for for baking and brewing all kind of hot beverages, so it wasn't a big step for her to go from feeding me cookies and spiced hot chocolate in high school to feeding me actual meals once we moved in together.

>> No.9214981

Women don't know how to cook these days because apparently that's sexist.

>> No.9215003

Ye desu I've oft wondered, if women are meant to be the ones who cook then why are the best chefs always male

>> No.9215015

>doesn't really eat meals
>just plates of things put together lime europoors do

isn't that what a meal is? I'm so damn confused by what you mean here

>> No.9215020


>> No.9215082

>Just plates of things together


>> No.9215138



literally just a pseudo-adult version of 'i know you are but what am i'

>> No.9215356
File: 31 KB, 552x774, 1499893947256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, this is better than Tip with a Rip

>> No.9215496

Ex used to. A lot. She was fucking terrible, and only rivaled in shittyness by her annoying as fuck sister. I've actually never met a woman under the age of 55 that could cook something edible.

>> No.9215608

This is how marriage is supposed to be.

>> No.9215935

My girlfriend & I cook together in the kitchen and use it as a great opportunity to spend time together. She's very competitive, so we often have competitions related to who can be a better cook. My food is almost always better, but I give it to her every time just so I can see the smirk of pure joy and happiness on her face every time.

>> No.9216494

He means it's not covered in gravy and cheese.

>> No.9216517

Wife hands me my morning cup of coffee in bed every day. She also makes breakfast, bakes bread and makes desserts as needed. So I have no problem doing the rest of the cooking.

>> No.9216521

you must not fuck good enough, ive been with my wife for 7 years and everytime i lay the pipe she cooks a 5 star meal

>> No.9216523

Stopped reading there.

>> No.9216560

get a dish washer

>> No.9216579

yeah, she cooks dinner and I usually take leftovers with me to work for lunch and she bakes bread every night for my breakfast sandwich. I will cook sometimes on weekends or when I'm off work just because I enjoy it.

>> No.9216865

Fuck, I remember tip with a rip. Do you have the screenshot, anon?

>> No.9216926

thanks for stopping in 8gag

>> No.9216982
File: 9 KB, 236x180, c399df82927e090a20d36d39385956f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assumed it was a fellow /kommando/. We love our Mat Dog.

>> No.9217007
File: 14 KB, 564x315, 26de00bb7809cc3f3f08af394d6c2fc0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lay the pipe

>> No.9217015

oh ok, I have no idea what any of that means

>> No.9217019

clearly you havent piped it up

>> No.9217022

Can confirm

>> No.9217034

I want to tear out your throat like removing an artichoke heart. You're a faggot.

>> No.9217046

bit rude m8, are all gun owners this pent up?

>> No.9217058

Read about this
Girl getting slapped is daughter
She is 13 and was caught fucking the moms boyfriend
Mom is 27 boyfriend was like 42 or something weird

>> No.9217072

he's an NRA-faggot. you dont have to love guns and be associated with THOSE types of inbreds.

>> No.9217081


Yeah, you guys were inbreeding before it was cool.

>> No.9217086

I am a red-blooded American my friend, just because I don't associate with reactionaries doesn't make me a yurosemen. I'm in the most American state too (Texas).

>> No.9217127


>> No.9217172
File: 8 KB, 191x256, favre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most american state
>full of spics

>> No.9217284


>> No.9217323

Maybe she should stop being an immature cunt desu

>> No.9217329

Illusion, Michael

>> No.9217353
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>> No.9218230

Ironically, witchcraft.

>> No.9218259
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Are you trying to make me even more erect? Because mission accomplished

>> No.9218278

Chad wins again

>> No.9218312

You're not handsome guy.
Some women find self confidence a plus though, so you've got that going on.

>> No.9218321

It hasn't, you're all good, bang an eastern european.

>> No.9219240

rape her already

ps: fuck off normalfag scum

>> No.9219249

Man, I haven't seen this in ages.

>> No.9220763

I can't get my gf to stop playing world of whateverthefuck long enough to eat the food I cook.

>> No.9221089

>these days
I hope you don't genuinely believe the meme that 50's housewives were good cooks.

>> No.9221124
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>> No.9221131

i was just le pretending

>> No.9221156

I don't like having a girlfriend who cooks. Too many feelings to navigate, too many times where I have to pretend I like her slop, and my taste in food changes all the time day to day, so I don't wanna force down tacos when I want spaghetti.

>> No.9221164

I'd rip those hoops out so fast holy shit.

Didn't get bullied growing up, but always had the game plan of gouging out the eyes of anyone who would try and get physical.

>> No.9221177
File: 170 KB, 1024x576, fuck all of you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As far as I'm concerned, men try to deal with conflict by a matter of resolution, violent or not.

A man wants something dealt with for good, whether its an apology, an understanding, or a homicide case.

A woman when dealing with conflict will go out of her way to make things as shitty as possible, as much as possible, for as long as capable.

>> No.9221181

The problem I have is that my gf's mom is such a great cook, my gf never learned how to cook for herself. She can't cook shit except for a few recipes she asked her mom for. It's a struggle, but I'm going to teach that girl how to cook a meal every once and a while if it kills me.

>> No.9221276

Nufemales don't cook.

>> No.9221306

>females bullying other females

This is my fetish. What is it called?

>> No.9221327
File: 1008 KB, 480x265, tumblr_mdg8s0YGcm1qedlkho1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A cat fight? That's what my generation calls that, I'm 31 tho. You go hard might have a new name for it.

>> No.9221332

Wait until you have a wife. They'll bring up some shit from 10 years ago that you'd completely forgotten about when you're in the middle of a spat. Shit gets really old, but that's women. They hang onto minor shit to try to use as a weapon years later. I just laugh when it happens, but that really infuriates them.

>> No.9221391

Youre telling me your grandmother wasn't a cook straight of heaven's kitchen? Cuz mine was

>> No.9221782 [DELETED] 

>Mom is 27
>Daughter is 13

So the mom had her when she was 14? What a slut, also she's old enough to be her sister, I didn't even think it was her mother at first because she is so young. And they both slept with a 42 year old man, really I don't know what's worse but they all seem fucked up. The mother made her kiss her foot and then beat her up? Lol she could have just called CPS, also the guy could go to jail for having sex with a minor as well. I also think it's funny that they're the same height, you really wouldn't think they were mother and daughter. If anything it looks an older sister beating up her young sister.

>> No.9221825

>Allow a subhuman to manage your dietary needs

>> No.9221867
File: 352 KB, 420x420, 1e1162d6817bce82cf71975b69c0dbb4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking savage.

>> No.9221890

>she could have just called CPS
That is not America

>> No.9221970

Daily life as a female?

>> No.9222380


>> No.9222760

teach the woman her place

>> No.9222843


I am on the other side of this and I am shocked that the majority of peoples gfs/wives don't cook at all or are shit at cooking.

I've always been hard on myself about improving my cooking because I think it's important to feed my family nutritious meals that also taste good. I always cook food to my boyfriends liking and I will be making my own baby food when my baby can start to eat solids.

My mother cooked so I looked up to her and started to learn how to cook myself. I have room for improvement but I try to learn how to cook something new at least every week.

Why don't women in our age group (20s) cook more often??

>> No.9223012
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Sorry, I meant plates of SHIT and FUCK

>> No.9223015

My bf and I usually cook together as a hobby, When I met him, he didn't even know what garlic tasted like because he'd spent most of his life in dorms/boarding school. Now he's great at it. We've got a nice thing going.

>> No.9223229

implying i have a gf

>> No.9223264

feminism, the destruction of traditional gender roles and pushing the idea that women shouldnt learn to cook because its opressive so their only option is to buy garbage junk food and fast food sold by corporations instead, making them unhealthy fat and sick and thus helping pharmaceutical corporations. its really quite clever.

>> No.9223272

*their only option as a single mother is to buy their children and themselves junk/fast food

>> No.9223304
File: 152 KB, 690x682, 1034959221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>havent had a gf cook for me.
>single for a while
>prolly forever alone

>> No.9223902

Can we get a source for this video?

>> No.9223937

I'm soon to be 25 and never had a gf, yet I get called handsome all the time. I even had a harem of cute girls all the time around me when I was still in school. I'm even a manlet but it never stopped from girls trying to court me.
It's just that I'm so autistic and scared of intimacy that I never got around to make meaningful bonds with a female. Sad!
Though I'd like to add that I recently went out to a party (after being a friendless NEET from the ages of 19-23 and slowly reintegrating into society) and a 7/10 girl that was very drunk almost immediately sat on my lap and started to kiss me. I was having my fun and did not reciprocate until I also got very drunk. The rest of the night was spent making out and feeling her up. Pretty neat!

but this whole situation has got me thinking and I just realized how much I was overthinking everything. Like, I was scared of making out because I didn't know how to do it and I was past the age where it is normal to not be good at it. But it all went smooth and she definitely liked it.
But this has also got me thinking about what happens after sex. What do guys do right after nutting? Do you go immediately to the bathroom like in some movies or do you stay in bed? I'm thinking about this because getting somewhat intimate with a female has opened my eyes, having sex was always something that seemed unattainable to me.

>> No.9223942


a lot of women go to clean themselves up so they don't get a uti, some people like showering after. i usually just wanna KO or smoke. it completely depends, when you're in a relationship you'll experience fucking at all hours of the day in all sorts of places so it varies.

>> No.9223979

Commander of the INS Septic Tank.

>> No.9224733

Sadly yes because we've just had a daughter so is home all day.
Tonight I'm a little miffed she cooked my kreik lamb with couscous and pistachio goats cheese salad. We have no kreik in so she used lemon juice. We had no lamb in so used chicken.

>> No.9225246


>> No.9225278

Yes but MY GOD is it always a disaster.
She never seasons ANYTHING not even with fucking SALT. I swear if I get one more batch of bland ravioli shes getting the divorcioli

>> No.9225486

thats bullshit though. my mother was a single mother and cooked dishes from many different cultures. I think a lot of modern women are just lazy and unfeminine.

>> No.9225526

I cook for my bf all the time.

>> No.9225541

sauce nigga

>> No.9225546

I don't get it.

>> No.9225564

He didn't say that. Just that they don't cook no more which is a novelty in and of itself.
My brother got a wife to cook for him and she didn't know how to cook either. Shit, neither of them even cleaned. TV dinners, a pile of garbage bags in a corber of the kitchen, and clothes strewn everywhere not to mention fast food wrappers all over their floor. Takes my dad and step dad coming over for holidays and cleaning the house themselves because it's a fucking disaster. Went over there once for Thanksgiving and ended up getting wildy drunk and puking cinnamon whiskey on their shrubs (killing them in the process). Never went over their again. Brotger's a douchebag but he moved up here recently so I've been living with him, his new girlfriend, and their collective 8 kids until I get my own apartment in a week and me and his gf have been busting ass and cracking belts to keep the place clean. It's fucking ridiculous.

Long off topic post because I've been drinkin'. Sorry.

>> No.9225661

that gave me a boner

>> No.9225665

It's good to stay occupied while he's giving Stacy the business

>> No.9225679

I cook for my bf :3
Most of the time

>> No.9225795

1. Tall leggy Aussie girl. From a rich family so she never really cooked.

2. Hot 35yo Japanese woman. I was 24 at the time. Really good cook and sucked dick like a champ. She used to cook food and make lunch boxes and drop them off at my house randomly when I wasn't home.

3. Half Jap-Taiwanese girl. Was an ok cook but mainly only cooked chinese stuff well.

4. Asian nurse. Solid cook and fun to drink with but was a bit of a cunt. We used to make hotpots, nabe, sukiyaki, stews etc on a hotplate while watching TV and drinking. Gud times.

I wouldn't reject a woman who can't cook, especially if she tries or is willing to learn, but it's a basic life skill that everyone should have. They have to be able to make at least something.

>> No.9225806

No I don't because my boyfriend cooks the greatest fucking food ever. I swear to god what the fuck. Thank you god.

>> No.9226055

My girlfriend would make me was a sandwich or an occasional stew. She turned out to be a lying, cheating, mentally unstable wrecking ball of a human being.

The stories about healthy couples caring for each other make me sad.

>> No.9226084

Yeah, we often cook for and with each other. We have similar tastes in almost everything, so we always know what to cook. Cooking together is great.

>> No.9226102
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