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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.98 MB, 640x480, knife-grape-drop.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9208352 No.9208352 [Reply] [Original]

If your knife can't do this, it's probably too dull.

>> No.9208362

Why would you cook with a knife that you can't turn upside down with two fingers while you drop a cut grape over it?

>> No.9208399

I just buy knives at the grocery store
when they get dull I just get a new one because they are like $8

chef knives are stupid. Knife technique has been developed to make the best out of a poorly designed tool
a back woods retard with an ulu can do all the things a chef with an entire knife kit can do

its just important you understand, you are using that tool because it's the tradition that was taught to you, not because it's the best for the job you are doing

>> No.9208427

Do any of you assholes know the bevel on that blade? This is like circus for idiots who don't get blades.

>> No.9208431

Probably. I get them sharpened with a linksy sharpener and guide, especially before Thanksgiving, but am a compete shit about maintenance. This goes for all things. I hate doing my laundry, cleaning my guns, making my bed, or even running anti-virus scanners after I'm done computing.

Whatever, I can cut things fine, but that sharpening is too impressive for me to even remotely expect.

>> No.9208451


Tossing a grape on a blade is embarrassing. You do that when you sharpen to 20 degrees or less and no one does that. You're not making a razor blade, you're making a knife.

>> No.9208461

Iunno, 12 dee grees?

>> No.9208471

methinks op a homosex manluster

>> No.9208541
File: 1.97 MB, 400x400, saltbae.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You do that when you sharpen to 20 degrees or less and no one does that

but my nakiri was factory sharpened to 12 degrees and I've maintained that for the last 10 years. In fact, my Wusthofs were sharpened to 18 degrees and have been maintained at that angle for the last 5 years. Fuck, even the $12, piece of shit special "chinese" cleaver I got from amazon had a 20 degree edge on it, and I've only had that for 6 months.

Do you know anything about kitchen knives? Have you studied any culinary cutlery beyond the micro-serrated POS "knives" that Wal~Mart sells? Maybe you should educate yourself before you speak out of turn again, junior.

>> No.9208625


I knew you didn't know a damn thing you're talking about but maybe you need to read some..

https://www.sharpeningsupplies.com/Detailed-Discussion-on-Knife-Sharpening-Angles-W28.aspx.. You're a generic dull poseur. We all see that.

>> No.9208640

RIP op, go back to school.

>> No.9208648

are all of your opinions wrong, or just the ones about cooking?

>> No.9208653

At least you boring assholes have something to do on a Sunday night.

>> No.9208668
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bruh, your link just proved my point:

>"A 17 to 20 degree angle covers most kitchen knives."

earlier, you said:

>>You do that when you sharpen to 20 degrees or less and no one does that.

and then the link you posted actually SUPPORTED my claim that 3 out of 4 of my kitchen knives were factory sharpened to 18-20 degrees.

It's over, blood. You lost. Just neck yourself, mate.

>> No.9208680


you own that metal, do you? Jesus christ this forum is full of fucking depressing women. You don't matter, you don't have good ideas, you're just some stupid prick in a basement with shit tools and you love to pretend. You're a depressing afterthought who needs to be right.

>> No.9208684

20 degrees is standard chef's knife thickness, 15 is what's trending. Of course, keeping it sharp is a whole different matter.

>> No.9208718
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>projecting this hard

Well actually, I do own a couple of Wusthofs, a nakiri, and a cheap, generic "chinese" cleaver from Amazon. I'm also a 35 year-old man, married to a woman, and I have a job, a car, and a mortgage.

I started coming to this site back in '09 because I was bored and in grad school. I've kept coming back because reactions from people like you hit me right in the schadenfreude. And schadenfreude always makes me do a big cummies on my wifey's tummies!

>> No.9208725


Never seen someone so cool. You live your truth. That fedora really rounds off your.. whatever you're doing. This planet just makes me sad.

>> No.9208730

>switching the whole grape with an already cut one off camera
oldest trick in the book

>> No.9208734


Your self worth is really wrapped up in emptiness. What the fuck, dude?

>> No.9208738

Standard Western knives are sharpened to 20 degree, Asian knives are typically 15 degrees. Anything else is outside the norm/user preference.

>> No.9208756
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>let's smack the knife blade-first against the chopping block multiple times and dull it before hitting the meat

>> No.9208762


Where'd you go, gibble with a wife? Tell me a new story. I'm bored, drunk and need some aspie to tell me a tale.

>> No.9208763


I don't always frequent knife threads, but in the however many years I've been hear I don't think I've seen this before, pasta or not. Good job, you're actively killing /ck/.

>> No.9208766
File: 108 KB, 640x960, theautacity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone so cool
>your self worth

lol, I never said I was cool, nor did I say anything about self worth. I just gave you summerfags a peek at who replies to your nonsense. Maybe next time you'll think twice before trying to "school" someone on the internet.

>> No.9208774

>implying Salt Bae's blades are so fragile
>implying Salt Bae can't sharpen a knife after he dulls it for the purpose of theater
>implying Salt Bae doesn't have a harem of twinks to keep his blades sharp

why are you on 4chan?

>> No.9208778


>no one does that

Most chef knives are between 22 and 12, so... you're just wrong.

>> No.9208780


You didn't need to say anything, you projected your sad needyness. How is your marriage going, is it fulfilling and do you have children? Tell me about how you've reached the tip of mazlows heirachy of needs.

>> No.9208781

They're bitter virgins, but you're also a faggot so... meh?

>> No.9208787


12 degrees is a fucking razor blade, you idiot.

>> No.9208793


bitter virgin? I'm so old and fucked out I can't be bothered. I just can't stand young idiots. You or that other fuck. You're just so fucking stupid it makes me ache.

>> No.9208800

So no other blades can possibly be made at the same bevel angle? Kewl!

>> No.9208803

maybe you fucking idiots can regroup and stop screwing your lives up repeatedly in front of everyone. I hope you learn at some point before its too late. Good luck.

>> No.9208807
File: 82 KB, 332x238, 1482472848419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my knife couldn't cut a stick of butter in the mohave desert. i'm poor as fuck.

>> No.9208844

>make stupid claims
>get called out
>post a link ripping your own argument a new one
>uhhhh uhhh you're needy and uhh mazlows hierarchy!

Take your L, sperg

>> No.9208851


keep going, cunt. It's only 2am.

>> No.9208858

>awake arguing about things you're wrong on at 2 am
Wow I thought I was pathetic shit posting at a reasonable hour, but I'd kill myself if I was in your time zone.

>> No.9208860


Sorry, I'm off in a coffee thread, a beer thread, and I'm watching tv. What do you need?

>> No.9208864


What's going on, hun? I just finished my pita pizza, I'm all yours.

>> No.9208873


I've never owned a knife at 12 degrees, so I guess I'm speaking in hyperbole, but the point still stands that most modern Western knives are factory sharpened to around 18 degrees, while Japanese knives are closer to 15.

Still definitely under 20.

>> No.9208882


welp, I use this. https://www.amazon.ca/Chefs-Choice-AngleSelect-Diamond-Sharpener-White/dp/B001CA5LZ6.. It's a 20 degree sharpener, because I got tired of ruining my wrists on a whetstone. 15 degrees is only useful if you have the steel to hold that edge. Who uses katana steel in the real world, day to day. It's just infantile. If you're a weeaboo, sure, enjoy, just don't subject normal people to that.

>> No.9208916

>35 years old
>posting fedora pics on the cooking section of a mongolian cave paintings in motion forum
>having "cummies" and "tummies" in vocabulary

I hope I don't grow up like that.

>> No.9208921


It made me die inside. But Trump is president, so how much worse can it get? Humanity is compost.

>> No.9208946
File: 62 KB, 275x417, 1457502326354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you add a lot of rotation in the direction of the blade before dropping the grape on the knife, wouldn't that make it easier for it to cut as it lands? How do we know the knife is sharp and that he didn't add a crazy spin to the grape before dropping it?

>> No.9208974

Try Reddit.

>> No.9208976


Try not being human filth. Just once. Go to your poop place.

>> No.9208982

Which subreddit is amenable for fighting over what angle chef's knives should be beveled to?

>> No.9208993
File: 407 KB, 220x220, 1496980253626.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is best cheap poorfag knife off amazon,?? i need that amazon locker cuz ghetto apartments

>> No.9209009

this pic will never not make me laugh

>> No.9209036

You type the same way every perpetually angry 40 year old videogame server admin types.

>> No.9209055


>> No.9209128

>I'm also a 35 year-old man, married to a woman, and I have a job, a car, and a mortgage.
How embarrassing!

>> No.9209177 [DELETED] 

I could make my knife do that if I wanted, but I prefer a "working edge" that holds up longer and can be touched without cutting me, but still sharp enough I don't need to use much force and can even do everything without a cutting board if I want to go slower and/or right over pot/bowl.

>> No.9209183


>> No.9209186


clearly you need a 4degree edge that you can't blow on for fears of bending the burr. just listen to these unmedicated idiots and you'll be absolutely fine.

>> No.9209187 [DELETED] 

That's a good way to do it if your time is worth at least $48/hour. Otherwise you could learn to spend ten minutes with a dual grit whetstone every time a knife gets dull. Do you even use a metal stick to prolong the current edge?

>> No.9209207

most of you people should buy a knife,use it and throw it out when it gets dull. everything else will likely result in the death of a family member.

>> No.9209209

I tried to sharpen a knife with a steel once.
It flew out of my hand and stabbed a guy to death in france.

>> No.9209221 [DELETED] 

>arrive in France
>greeted by dog in sweater yipping at me
>owner offers knife to stab dog with

>> No.9209225


even the french hate the french.

>> No.9209288

Oh look, it's "luthier" dude again, calling everybody an asshole.

>> No.9209293

KIWI knives. They are not bad actually.

>> No.9209297

Fuck off summerfag.

>> No.9209302

Actually I don't even like knives as sharp as the one in OP's webm. I prefer sharpening at higher angles, like 20°+. I feel I have more control if I have to exert a little bit of pressure, I don't immediately cut myself if I accidentally touch the edge and the edge lasts a lot longer.

>> No.9209309

So you admit you're wrong?

>> No.9209317

>having to drop it from that high
might as well be a butter knife m8
oh look it's the guy who thinks bread will destroy your chefs knife

>> No.9209621

So I put a 10 degree edge on my general purpose chef's knife a couple of months ago, as a joke. It cuts very well. I'm not really seeing any downsides to a very thin edge, except for the fact that it really seems to dig into my cutting board. It doesn't seem to dull that fast, and I don't see any visible damage on the edge despite subjecting it to some abuse like cutting through pork bones.

>> No.9209679

This thread is why I don't tell people I'm interested in knives, unless you're talking to a bladesmith or one of the rarer socially competent enthusiasts you get hit with all this cringe fucking bullshit, either that or they think you're a katana collecting weeb/dexter blood lusted serial killer.

>> No.9209711
File: 47 KB, 400x600, 1500301702284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.9209887

>Although a knife can be sharpened in a wide variety of angles, Ramsay’s recommendation is to hold the knife against the steel at a 45-degree angle. This is good advice, as most knives can get a nicely sharped edge this way.

>> No.9209923 [DELETED] 

That's done to push the edge instead of just running along it. Works for me.

>> No.9210182

This is embarrassing.

>> No.9210192
File: 3.22 MB, 274x331, 1499959160068.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mate. Come one.
Bragging about having managed such basic feats as getting a job and a wife at age 35 is pretty much as pathetic as not achieving them at all.

In a thread of pure 'tism you managed to stand out as the worst one.

>> No.9211110

why does he wear the sunglasses?

>> No.9211132
File: 50 KB, 640x480, 1466797534251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>[...] Ramsay’s recommendation [...]

>> No.9211274
File: 81 KB, 950x534, magic-trick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shows cherry tomato
>it's nice and whole
>moves whole tomato outside of screen
>drops pre-cut tomatoe.
>everyone impressed and goes to buy shitty knife.
>owners of said shitty knife now get mad at me

>> No.9211280

How do you watch webms on a phone?

>> No.9211350

you're so cool.

>> No.9211354


ITT: knife wankers

>> No.9211359

i've seen like 5 gifs of obama doing mic drops

is that the only "cool" thing he can do? what a one trick pony that faggot is

>> No.9211401

What's even the point of having a good knife besides saving a little bit of space? I mean, if you live in an apartment, I guess I could understand, but otherwise you're just a hipster faggot and should KYS.

Want chopped onion/shredded carrots/mirepoix? Put it in a food processor (with or without the shredding attachment). Want something minced? Put it in there for longer. They also sell this shit frozen now.

Cutting broccoli? Use shears. Breaking down a chicken? Use shears. Again, you can buy this shit already broken down for you. Are you poor?

Want tomato/onion/pickle slices for a sandwich? Use a mandoline. Want french fries? Use a french fry cutter or mandoline attachment. Buying sliced tomatoes I absolutely do not condone, but why the fuck are you making sandwiches at home? Are you poor?

You could get a food processor, mandoline, and shears for like 1/4 the price of a good knife and sharpening stones.

If you disagree, then you're just confirming to me that you're an insufferable millennial who watches No Reservations and wants to be like Anthony Boring-as-fuck-dain.

>> No.9211423
File: 31 KB, 387x772, 1483558639683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9211582

mic drops is some of the most arrogant, narcissistic thing I can ever imagine someone doing on a stage.

Like you have already decided for yourself that whatever you said is so good and so amazing that it warrants you to just drop the microphone on the floor. Its seriously disrespectful, arrogant and cringe worthy.

>> No.9211613
File: 40 KB, 720x720, 1460385336859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anime profile picture

>> No.9211857



>> No.9212301

>profile picture

>> No.9213533

>other people are better than me at doing things

>> No.9213541

>How do you watch webms on a phone?
Download VLC. You might have to set it as the default player somewhere, I can't remember. It should automatically open in it any time you click the webm though.

>> No.9213814

Caught! Time to real this anon in...

>> No.9213827

The block chain part always kills me.

>> No.9213843

>Download VLC.

uh chrome on android plays webms

you must have some ancien tphone if you cant into webm

>> No.9213853

No problems here. You using an iPhone?

>> No.9214214

I've personally always keep my knives at grinds based on their metal type, and what I'm using them for.

If it's a German-style steel/knife, I keep the angle at 20-22 because I'm going to be using it for a lot of tougher food products and I don't expect it to be razor sharp. At a really shallow grind that soft metal would be more prone to denting the edge if you're hacking through chicken bones and stuff.

If it's a knife with a higher Rockwell rating like 60-62+, I keep the grind at 12-15 so that shit glides through everything effortlessly, but obviously with softer foods.

>> No.9214454

he's trying too hard to become the next big celebrity chef, but he's just a shitty meme that'll be forgotten soon

>> No.9214536

U mad?

>> No.9214717

>>Download VLC.
>uh chrome on android plays webms
>you must have some ancien tphone if you cant into webm
>not using clover or similar app

>> No.9214767
File: 30 KB, 370x327, cat2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9214954

>tfw can't open coconut with bare hands and teeth
>tfw no obsidian knife club

>> No.9214959

Pretty sure he means 20 degrees combined angle, so 10 each side.

>> No.9215051

Yikes! I haven't cringed this hard in a long time

>> No.9216148

Mac MTH80 is 15 degrees.

>> No.9216178
File: 27 KB, 500x295, dj-khaled-liar-congratulations-you-played-yourself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gives link to support his argument
>link actually counters everything he says

>> No.9216246

>Mac MTH-80

>> No.9216253

It never ceases to amaze me how retarded every single phoneposter is.

>> No.9216266

Don't forget Slapchop, Vegetti, Margaritaville, and the Egg Timer too!