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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 33 KB, 720x540, IMG_2602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9205523 No.9205523[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Shit. Guess it's time to start buying the expensive eggs.

>> No.9205533
File: 997 KB, 1036x920, maize.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only buy GMO eggs because it makes me big and strong. Humans have been making transgenic organisms since ancient Roman times, the only people who disagree with this are the anti-vaxxers

>> No.9205534

Well that's complete bullshit if I ever saw it.

>> No.9205539


>> No.9205540

>guaranteed replies

>> No.9205542

>people will respond seriously to this

>> No.9205553


>> No.9205558

Why do liberals thing GMOs and vaccines are bad when science very clearly has shown us the opposite is true?

>> No.9205563

OPs pic annoys the shit out of me every time I see it

>> No.9205568

>overboiling an egg to promote the same egg at a different price
I could post more studies on cooking eggs.

>> No.9205569

but facebook says muhsanto is evil >:(

>> No.9205571

i got some fresh eggs from a dude at work and cracked one of them open yesterday and there was black shit in it. back to publix we go

>> No.9205577
File: 24 KB, 320x318, republicans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must not be american, "liberals" has a very different connotation here

>> No.9205584
File: 9 KB, 229x220, tumblr_inline_oiyw9nc5Sb1stf1u4_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being afraid of naturally caramelized protein
people pay hundreds of dollars for that you dope

>> No.9205585

Liberals are always the ones buying 'natural' food and medicine because of 'muh evil corporations'

>> No.9205590

>liberals want 15$ minimum wage
>hate corporations
>literally will only be corporations
>buy 'whole food' from shitty corps

they are the worst

>> No.9205598
File: 766 KB, 750x377, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lots of info here
>great book here

>> No.9205601
File: 121 KB, 1000x552, creation-museum-fossil-age.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Conservatives haven't even caught up to 19th century science and you expect them to understand modern medicine and biotech?

Also apparently you're ok with destroying "muh evil corporations" and the entire US economy if it means fucking over the libtards who believe in international trade.

>> No.9205609

Both people who self identify as liberals and conservatives fucking suck when it comes to science and knowing things in general, they just choose different aspects of it to be factually wrong about.
The GMO/natural food/Vaccine one is very clearly on the left, but obviously conservatives do the same thing with global warming and some of them still fucking don't acknowledge evolution is real which is really fucking insane

>> No.9205614

>fucking over the libtards who believe in international trade.
Liberals are not for trade, they are for protectionism and outdated unions, the very opposite of what economic science says is good. Free trade is good, liberals and conservatives are both against it in America

>> No.9205619

Too bad the libbies want to destroy western civilization and morality.

>> No.9205629

I'm completely OK with doing anything that causes liberals cry out and feign outrage on Twitter.

>> No.9205640


the "GMO" look more natural and the "organic" looks photoshoped.

Like how american bleach their chicken to make it look unrealistically white and color their beef to make it unrealistically red or pink.

>> No.9205642
File: 49 KB, 566x480, 1413516468496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Liberals by definition are in favor of free trade

You seem very confused

>> No.9205645

That 11-15 minute chalky dry yolk is one of the worst foods on the planet imo

>> No.9205651
File: 68 KB, 797x456, IMG_6420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anti-vaccine stuff is primarily conservative.

>> No.9205652

>Liberals by definition are in favor of free trade
Are you talking about classical liberals? We are pretty clearly talking about modern liberals, whether you look at Hilary, or Bernie's side of the movement they are both very much against free trade whether it is to help their union donors or to appease the young white liberal arts majors who never took any economics or science classes so they like Bernie

>> No.9205656

sure buddy, that's why the left coast has the lowest rates of vaccination in the US

retardation doesn't have politics

>> No.9205657

It's bipartisan

>> No.9205659

>republicans are this delusional
You people have been shrieking about breaking every single international agreement we're in and literally turning all of our borders into an impenetrable barrier, and it's "modern liberals" who are anti-trade?

Must be all the fake news I'm reading that confused me. Sorry, I thought the GOP was the anti-trade party.

>> No.9205660

Clinton and Obama are both pro-free trade. Bernie obviously isn't. Obama tried to get the TPP passed, which Trump cancelled.

>> No.9205663

Trump isn't even conservative, he is just a clown who says random things with no ideology, but thats beside the point.
The anti-vax movement is overwhelmingly liberal being based in white California. Its mostly the anti-science young mother listen to Hollywood too much crowd. The same people who make Food Babe an influential figure. Conservatives aren't the ones being influenced by fucking Jenny McCarthy, Kim Kardashian and other liberal hollywood figures
If you look at the counties where anti-vaxxination is at the highest, it is almost all white affluent liberal counties

>> No.9205665
File: 80 KB, 1280x720, 1455250774740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Obviously overcooked egg

For the love of....

>> No.9205668

I'm pretty clearly shitting on both parties here. The libertarians are the only one with sensible foreign trade policies. Both of the major parties hate free trade these days because uneducated people hate it and they want those votes

>> No.9205672
File: 3.74 MB, 360x540, 1499898607484.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trump isn't even conservative, he is just a clown who says random things with no ideology
wow you've got it all figured out, that's why he's had the most successful first 6 months of any living US President.

>> No.9205675

You're an idiot. Texas, Wyoming, WV, Michigan, and Idaho have the lowest rates.


>> No.9205678

Obama had some good trade positions (though not exactly a champion of free trade, he was doing some good things), but his party took a sharp turn in the wrong direction with Bernie and Hillary, and it doesn't at all look like they are moving in the right direction right now

>> No.9205679

but that doesn't matter as much
For example there was a guy with his red pick up truck standing outside of rite aid during flu season holding a crude sign that said VACCINES = AUTISM
so I did what anyone would do.. I chucked rocks at him

vaccines only need to be administered to 80% of the population to be 100% effective, so if retards want to abstain from getting them, there arent enough people retarded enough to make a difference.

anti-GMOfags on the other hand are putting peoples lives at risk, by the billions, in a very real way

>> No.9205680

The libertarians may have ok trade policies but they have a childish view of economics

We don't need a gold standard, and growth-oriented monetary policy is not the same thing as weimar hyperinflation

>> No.9205683

Look at it by county, not by state, looking at the entire state is incredibly misleading

>> No.9205687

>anti-GMOfags on the other hand are putting peoples lives at risk, by the billions, in a very real way


>> No.9205688

Shoe me some proof then.

>> No.9205689

>most successful first 6 months of any living US President.

Hahaahahahh. Good one!

>> No.9205691


Libertarian is a fancy word for Anarchist.

>> No.9205692


He has tho

>> No.9205693

>he's not successful because Stephen Colbert makes fun of him every night!
you liberals are never going to win anything important again

>> No.9205694

>but they have a childish view of economics
some of them surely do, but they are way better than the 2 major parties when it comes to economic reasoning

The democrats main economic proposal these days is $15 minimum wage which flies in the face of all economic evidence collected, but sounds good to uneducated voters

>> No.9205702

Leftists groups like greenpeace have spent millions of dollars stopping GM development and implementation and scare poor countries out of using them. Many have literally died of from this, and hundreds of millions have been malnourished as a result

>> No.9205703

sounds like someone doesn't understand agcirulculture

>> No.9205707

What has he accomplished and why is it nothing?

>> No.9205710


I just happen to not eat any of these most of the time. I'm well aware what they're used for. I eat only whole plant foods :-)

>> No.9205711

>economic reasoning
>abolish the central bank and start hoarding old coins!

>> No.9205716

compared to the economic voodoo of the democrats and republicans thats not too bad

>> No.9205719


>> No.9205722

nice source

They're malnourished because they cannot afford to buy food.
Having GMO change literally nothing since the food stay the same price.

>> No.9205724
File: 145 KB, 789x1024, 1492899020737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>illegal immigration at record lows
>stock market at record highs
>food stamp usage lowest it's been in 7 years
>eliminated 860 Obama-era Federal regulations
>National debt lowered by 130 billion
I mean we could go on and on but the things he is doing are turning this country around directly and indirectly, just because the media is ignoring it all to focus on Russia nonsense doesn't mean he's not doing anything.

>> No.9205733

>le false equivalency maymay
which party was it that said they'd be fine with the US defaulting on its debt? hmm....

>> No.9205736

*checks the board color to see if I havn't wandered into /pol/ by mistake*

>> No.9205743

>They're malnourished because they cannot afford to buy food.
Yeah because food prices are inflated by their governments banning their farmers from using better and more nutritious modern GMOs in favor of outdated crops
>Having GMO change literally nothing since the food stay the same price
Thats literally not how economics works, GMOs allow you to grown more food on less land with less capital and labor going into production. Look at how it has worked in America, we now grow more food than ever while the amount of land being farmed has shrunk dramatically, which as a side effect is excellent for the environment as more land can return to nature

>> No.9205748

He's not actually responsible for any of those things. And farmers can't find people to pick their crops now.

The 860 regulations were proven to save the US money in the long run, or they wouldn't have been allowed to pass in the first place. Trump is making everything far worse in the long run.

How are those coal jobs coming along? Is Obama are repealed yet? Face it, at the end of his term you'll still have to pretend to like gay people and you still won't be able to call black people niggers in public. The liberals have already won.

>> No.9205749

>Look at how it has worked in America
Millions of morbidly obese people getting most of their food from low-nutrient monocrops who can't afford proper vegetables because the only way a farm can compete is to grow GMO trough slop for the hamplanets?

Yeah sure worked out for us.

>> No.9205756

>The 860 regulations were proven to save the US money in the long run, or they wouldn't have been allowed to pass in the first place
This seems improbable, the vast majority of regulations cost us money and also do not get 'passed', they are mostly declared by appointed bureaucrats which is why Trump was able to remove them so easily

>> No.9205758

>no wall
>sanctuary cities resisting trump
>opposition at every turn
>attacks Syria multiple times breaking campaign promises
>abysmal approval ratings
>sucking circumcised Jew cock every day
>losing staff like flies
A resounding success

>> No.9205763

Thread hidden, faggot.

>> No.9205767

This is bullshit but you should be already buying the for the flavour alone.

>> No.9205771

They're even worse if stored in a fridge for a day or two.
I do mine at 7 minutes. My roommate does 20 minutes... somehow not burning them to charcoal.

>> No.9205772

Go b8 /pol/ with your retarded leftie propaganda. This is a cooking board, not for communists with no rice in their fields.

>> No.9205779

>getting most of their food from low-nutrient monocrops
This predated GMOs, making GMOs legal and cheap is the best way to encourage new crops that will end the monocrop trend. The science has advanced to the point where it is relatively cheap to design new GMOs, but the absurdly strong regulations and Luddite tier marketing by the natural foods lobby make it incredibly expensive to get them approved and to market them. If we fixed the regulations, and continuously call out and stop misleading marketing, all sorts of small companies will be able to design their own crops, even small local scientists will be able to do it. Shit I could probably design one in my basement lab and grow it my backyard before long as the required reagents and equipment gets cheaper, but the government will probably never allow it because it scares anti-science liberals and conservatives

>> No.9205784

In order to pass a regulation it has to go through a notice and comment process, where anybody (including you!) can comment, and the agency issuing the regulation has to address those comments, which is arguably more democratic and transparent than anything Congress does. Every regulation also has to go through cost-benefit analysis done by OIRA, which must find that the benefit outweighs the cost and provide a detailed accounting. So it seems doubtful to me personally that wiping out regulations wholesale based on who your predecessor was is a good idea.

>> No.9205788

We are fat because the same marketers who are telling us natural food is good and GMs are bad were telling us for years that fat is bad so everyone crammed their food with sugar, which it turned out was way the fuck worse for us, also because capitalism has made America very affluent so even the poor can afford to overeat, plus most of us sit down at work all day which just wasn't the case 40 years ago and forever before that

>> No.9205796

>no wall
There are literally pictures of construction preparation beginning
>sanctuary cities resisting trump
They can resist all they want, he has more power than them and ICE is on his side and enthusiastic as ever to do their job
>>opposition at every turn
Again, who gives a fuck, he's plowing through it again and again
>attacks Syria multiple times breaking campaign promises
Bombed an airport once, causing no fatalities and proceeded to stop funding rebels through the CIA which is a monumental step forward
>abysmal approval ratings
Kind of like his abysmal odds of winning in the first place? You guys have learned nothing, democratically oversampled polls are absolute garbage. Stop. Seriously, it's getting sad at this point.
>sucking circumcised Jew cock every day
>losing staff like flies
Gaining better staff at the same time, so...

>> No.9205799

Not an airport, an empty airstrip, my bad

>> No.9205800

>GMO made a problem worse
>solution is more GMOs
Jesus, you sound like those people who say the solution to gun massacres is to require every child over the age of 6 to carry a loaded FN P90

>> No.9205801

Wiping out regulations is almost always beneficial to the people in general. Most regulations are designed and implemented by special interests, usually they are simply designed to make it harder for competitors to start up. They almost always favor massive businesses, and are very anti-capitalistic. Its very fucking hard to become a huge corporation in capitalism, you pretty much need the government's help and then its not really capitalism

>> No.9205808

There is literally no evidence that GMOs have increased monoculture

>> No.9205810

Learn to boil your egg.

>> No.9205817

>not blindly supporting a kike cock sucker makes you a leftie
Keep gobbling that semite sperm

>> No.9205826

I don't believe you have any source for that. Regulations are almost always opposed by the business they regulate, and are done in the public interest. He main concern is that agencies get captured by the businesses (e.g. EPA under Trump) they regulate and don't do enough.

>> No.9205848

>I don't believe you have any source for that. Regulations are almost always opposed by the business they regulate, and are done in the public interest.
Are you 16? Please look at the world with a little more scrutiny and skepticism. Just because politicians tell you that is how government is does not make it so. Politicians are inherently bad people, you should not trust them. Good people do not seek power over citizenry and therefore never pursue politics

>> No.9205859

Not the worst but still pretty bad. At least their uncorrupted message isn't blatantly evil.

>> No.9205865

Maybe you should be the more skeptical one, if you believe some garbage about regulations being entirely bad. I have a hint for you about who supports that worldview: it's those "massive corporations" you wrote about earlier. You think Exxon needs regulations to stifle competition?

Your worldview on good people is laughable. Good people can also want to help people on a larger scale, and go into politics. Like in everything, there are good and bad politicians.

>> No.9205973

t. Kekistani teenage alt-kiker with a Twitter account

>> No.9205991

>He doesn't mind supporting a Zionist puppet and doesn't mind sucking Jewish circumcised dick
LMAO @ ur life

>> No.9206023


How is this highlighting any difference? The egg on the right is just over boiled

>> No.9206074

>or they wouldn't have been allowed to pass in the first place

they were never passed in the first place you retard, that was the controversy
Obama just executive ordered everything and anything he wanted

>> No.9206086

>if you believe some garbage about regulations being entirely bad
Some regulations are good, most are not, at least not for American consumers

>> No.9206090

>and are done in the public interest
I don't believe you have any source for that.

>> No.9206098

it's primarily retarded

>> No.9206099

>Good people can also want to help people on a larger scale, and go into politics. Like in everything, there are good and bad politicians.
Politicians do not help people, and the government is not, and should not be a charity

>> No.9206104
File: 471 KB, 3000x2250, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not necessarily. If you turn it into a nice cream it's still great. But you might as well just use a 10 minutes egg.

>> No.9206199

Your level of reading comprehension is beyond shit.

>> No.9206271


successful....at what?

>> No.9206288

No, that's just how intellectual 5 year olds interpret the word libertarian.

>> No.9206293

>>le false equivalency maymay

It's not an equivalence, I'm saying the two corporatist parties are far, FAR worse.

>> No.9206710

>against free trade
still see that /pol/ is as dumb as it's always been

>> No.9206730

More like: hard boiled vs boiled to death

>> No.9206731

You pretty much cannot be free trade if you want unions to support you, which the democrats have always needed. Hillary and Trump were racing to the sewer to see who could be more anti-trade in the campaign

>> No.9206826

>one is orange, the other pale yellow wiith a grey exterior
how can they keep getting away with sellig this shit????

>> No.9206849

This is what idiots actually believe....

>> No.9206850

>people don't know how to boil eggs properly therefore they're gmo

nice bait OP , where did you get that image , reddit ?

>> No.9206936

Can this meme die already?

>> No.9206943

That picture is wrong. Because it all depends on what the chicken is eating. Corn is on the left. Wheat Grains is on the right.

>> No.9206975

Refute the facts in the article if you're so adamant it is false. Otherwise you're nothing more than a dumb shill.

>> No.9206979

Not that there's anything with GMO, but GMO, which manipulates the DNA directly, is very different from selective breeding to obtain desirable traits in crop or livestock.

>> No.9206983


>> No.9206992

actual its very similar, its essentially just a more directed, safer, and faster version of "natural" forms of selective breeding

>> No.9207032

unions haven't been relevant in American Politics since the 80s

>> No.9207045
File: 2.38 MB, 312x250, 1499921141817.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how these threads end in the exact same way every time
some of the posts are the same too

>> No.9207099

They've posted so many shit articles that they lost all credibility for me. I don't care if they start telling the unbiased truth suddenly, they're as bad as CNN.

>> No.9207154

>free trade
*breathes in*

>> No.9207228


For whom?

>> No.9207249

>GMO in western markets that makes food look less appealing, because that makes sense

I saw my aunt share an Onion-tier post similar to this one the other day

>> No.9207273

Then why were Hillary and Trump trying so hard to court the uneducated union white vote by being anti-trade and anti-immigration?

>> No.9207281

for everyone
you know what you are getting with GMOs, unlike the 'natural', "Organic" approved techniques of bombarding seeds with ionizing radiation and mutagenic chemicals in order to hopefully find some cool mutations

>> No.9207302

Didn't we have this thread yesterday?
We need a janitor.

>> No.9207309

So this thread is just a cover for /pol/ to shitpost off-board.

>> No.9207362
File: 589 KB, 3000x1908, Monsanto did this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drink a glass full of glyphosate with a dash of DDT then come back here to tell us we shouldn't oppose Monsanto/Bayer products.

Let's take a tally, Monsanto is responsible for:

>Agent orange
>Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH)

50% of US farmlands are used to grow GMO corn and soy whereas only 3% of farms are used to grown fruits and vegetables.

GEEEEE WHIZ KIDS, what a complete and utter fucking plague Monsanto has been on humanity. Can you see the list above? GOOD. Everyone of those has extremely undesirable side effects. Many of which are permanent like genetic damage.

Pic related, agent orange side effects(genetic damage). Fifty percent of the ingredients used to make agent orange have found their way into products Monsanto sells globally.

>> No.9207375

Not true at all, it's just pigmentation and both factory farmed and organic eggs can look like either, also the one on the right is overcooked.

>> No.9207386

Trump is not a supporter of populism. JFK was... JFK, MLK, Gaddafi, Castro...
Trump is working for the 1%.
He only gives us the minimum because he was ordered to curb the uprising. There was almost a revolution in the USA around election time.

>> No.9207395

>tfw I've burnt boiled eggs like 5 times now because I forget them on the stove.

I'm going to end up burning my house down one of these days.

>> No.9207408

>Trump did away with the regulations of allowable limits of pesticide residue allowable for human consumption in the USA.

BOOM, instant proof that Trump is a fucking moron and controlled opposition. He doesn't even eat that shit. He eats all organic just like the Monsanto/Bayer employees.

Trump is a tool for the 1%, nothing more. If he didn't bend his knee and kiss the ring they would have killed him in no time flat.

>> No.9207418

I made this thread and didn't notice this made yesterday or at all in recent memory and I come here daily. Can you prove it was?

>> No.9207420

it's all anti-trump shit, so it's not /pol/
I'd place my bet on it being /qa/ pretending to be /pol/, but being completely inept at doing it

>> No.9207422

truth is, current food demand can't be met without GMOs and pesticides.

>> No.9207424

>Two years into their study, the pesticide was removed from store shelves and banned from home use, because animal research had found it caused brain damage.


>> No.9207435

It can and it will.

>> No.9207496

Remember, Whole Foods is a bigger company than Monsanto.
The amount of money trying to trick you into disbelieving science and fighting modernity is way greater than the people trying to provide it to you have, just like in trying to get people to believe in global warming

Glyphosate is a relatively inert compound toward higher mammals, much safer than the natural approved herbicides. There is literally no evidence that dietarily relevant quantities of it have any effect on humans

Also, its rather bullshit to blame the actions of politicians on Monsanto, that is entirely the fault of the republican and democrat politicians, and military men who called for and planned its use and commissioned Monsanto to make it. You can't just tell big government no, also its absurdly unrelated to GM foods and the fact you bring it up undermines your position it is so

>> No.9207506

>There was almost a revolution in the USA around election time.
no there wasn't. Trump and Bernie are both dirty populists with terrible ideas
The vast majority of the richest Americans and their companies supported Hillary. 1% is kind of a misleading term because thanks to American capitalism all of us American middle and upper classers are in the global 1%

>> No.9207523

you are literally fighting against the environment by fighting GMOs

>> No.9207533

That has nothing to do with GMOs

>> No.9207557



My wife's grandma makes eggs like that. Running joke that they have to hide them at family events because I eat them all before they reach the table

>> No.9207562


>> No.9207573

Your a bugman worshipping at the alter of SCALE / sucking jewish cock

>> No.9207585

>spot the nationalist ameritard

>> No.9207601

>GMOs get banned
>Run around throwing GMO seeds into random fields
>Mad hippies

>> No.9207607
File: 179 KB, 684x1108, Pew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? The government is terrible at things, its scientists who know whats best and they overwhelmingly agree that GMOs are safe and useful. The American government has been far too cautious with its adoption to the benefit of larger corporations who can more easily handle the immense regulatory burden

In any country where GMOs are banned its because of politicians appealing to uneducated voters/economic protectionism or big international leftist organizations such as Greenpeace in the case of small undeveloped nations

>> No.9207613

go back to le reddit you fucking faggot

move to gayrope or something if you hate it so much here you hipster douche

>> No.9207674

Remember that time where a space efficient carbon neutral cheap way of generating power was found and hippies banned it because autism?
They want to do that with food now too.

>> No.9207707

>they overwhelmingly agree that GMOs are safe and useful


>> No.9207722

>"Organic" approved techniques of bombarding seeds with ionizing radiation and mutagenic chemicals in order to hopefully find some cool mutations

They did this to everything before GMO became mainstream, and GMO seeds are based off of existing seeds that went through hundreds of generations of radiation-accelerated mutation.

>> No.9207737

Pruned by mods because it's off-topic shitposting, you nigger.
It's still politics totally irrelevant to the thread or food and cooking.

>> No.9207741

Why do conservatives pray for their sick and dying children while refusing actual medical treatment that could help them?

>> No.9207754

Who fund the GMO researchers you think? You can't really be that delusional seriously. If I had a monopoly over my products I'd fund every researchers in the world to agree that my shit is "not dangerous and good for you ", it's the same with pharmaceutical industry, and scandals happens everyday.
remember that time when we found a cheap, easy, clean way to generate power and the oil industry bought all the fucking patents to prohibit its development? that happens everyday.

Fun fact : for exemple, Total holds the patents of the most efficient and safest hydrogen battery ever created, and they won't ever develop it in the slightest

If you seriously think that the hippies and leftists organization has ANY kind of power in this world, then congratulations, you are indeed part of the brainwashed population that politely sucks corporate for free.

>> No.9207756

>all conservatives are Christian scientists

>> No.9207767

If you think they don't, then you're part of the brainwashed population that politely sucks off greenpeace for free.

>> No.9207804

Nice argument my dude
try this for starter, I have many other things I'd recommend but they're not in english unfortunately, and censorship in the USA is so strong that these kind of documentary aren't widely available.

>> No.9207826

Besides, tell me One thing that greenpeace has done that affected you or your surroundings in the slightest way, and tell me again that, relatively to the size of their operations and campaigns, and compared to any large company in the USA, they have any impact on this world.

>> No.9207827

>Noam Chomsky
Next time please start off with this.

If environmentalists have no power, then how come some countries have banned nuclear power? How come engine swaps are illegal in california? How come there's a huge backlash against GMOs and vaccines, to the point where some countries have banned GMOs? How come it's becoming increasingly harder to find GMO paint? How come some states and countries will help pay for your electric vehicle? How come we're clearing acres of forest for wind and solar instead of nuclear?

I could go on for days about hairbrained things hippies have done due to their crippling autism.

You might also note that I haven't defended oil companies in any of my posts, yet you jump at the chance to virtue signal about how evil they are.

>> No.9207839

For one, they spent years protesting the local power plant. I should have said "environmentalists," but I don't want to paint people with legitimate concerns for conservation and the environment with the same term as a bunch of morons who's purpose in life is to whine about something so they can feel accomplished.

>> No.9207849

And by GMO paint, I meant to say VOC paint.

>> No.9207860

Anti vaccine isn't really a thing outside of extremely religious and uneducated communities.

>> No.9207872

Unfortunately, there's no shortage of uneducated or misinformed people who think they know more than they do about subjects.

>> No.9207874

>Whole Foods is a bigger company than Monsanto.

Whole Foods market capitalization: $13.33B
Monsanto market capitalization: $51.37B

How dumb are you?

>> No.9207885


>> No.9207887

i.e. somalians

>> No.9207924

>Why do conservatives pray for their sick and dying children while refusing actual medical treatment that could help them?
why do liberals use "alternative medicine" voodoo?

>> No.9207932

>no science at all supports your view
>Its all a fucking conspiracy man!

I cannot emphasize enough that fucking Whole Foods is bigger than Monsanto, its the anti-GMO side that is the well funded one

>> No.9207954

Vaccine are fine and have been around since the ancient times, only autistic people are against them.
Countries that banned nuclear are those that can live without it and/or have hard time acquiring uranium in African colonies
germany/UK makes most of their power from coal/gas/oil, which is objectively worse in any way.
There's a backslash on GMO that comes from countries with actual researchers that are publicly, not privately financed, for instance, NOT in the USA.
the electrical vehicle is but an extension of capitalism and a publicity stunt.
We're homewer backing of on nuclear not because of environmentalists, but because plants and raw materials are becoming harder to find, an nuclear wastes starting to become an actual problem.

Moreover, there's another nuclear technology (Molten salt thorium based fission reactors) that are safer, more efficient and wasteless, this technology wasn't properly researched because it doesn't create the necessary material required to make atomic bomb afterwards, which is why the nuclear rush existed in the first place (post ww2)

you can find all of this information yourself, but you're too busy bashing on "muuh hippies muh leftists" to try to actually understand why some geopolitical decisions are made.

Fun fact : you can also get profit from the environmental rush, which is the sole reason why it's been developed atm, but in the tiny brain of yours, you fail to understand than all of the companies that pursue environmental researches also do the opposite in other branches of the company.

Please educate yourself.

>> No.9207956

Its mostly liberal arts young liberal moms, religion doesn't much correlate to vaccines unless you mean like Amish shit, but they are so few that its hardly a significant part of the Hollywood focused anti-vax movement movement

>> No.9207963

Besides, these two companies don't benefits from fighting each other since they target a entirely different audience, trying to put the both of them in the same basket is a beginner's common mistake.

>> No.9207966

where the fuck did you pull that from?
Both Monsanto and Whole Foods were bought this year, Whole Foods was valued significantly higher, and is now owned by one fo the most influential companies in the world

There is way the fuck more money behind the anti-GMO, natural food lobby than there is in the pro science groups,

>> No.9207970

Whole foods and their Natural food/organic brethren are the very people leading the charge against modern food science. If it weren't for their highly effective marketing over the last 20 years there would be no anti-GMO movement at all

>> No.9207975
File: 100 KB, 520x934, IMG_2612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(((Whole Foods)))

>> No.9207977

>pro science

>Blindly believes what a company tells him

>> No.9207981

why did these faggots have to ruin the word "folks"

>> No.9207982

>Nuclear waste is starting to become a problem
Because """""""""environmentalists"""""""" cockblock any storage solution and scream bloody murder about fuel reprocessing. Thorium reactors are also supposed to be a maintenance whores compared to other designs.

>> No.9207983

>Them/They People/Person
Did they just assume that I identify as a person and not a solar system? Fucking crapkings

>> No.9207987

>Whole foods and their Natural food/organic brethren are the very people leading the charge against modern food science. If it weren't for their highly effective marketing over the last 20 years there would be no anti-GMO movement at all
tl;dr Organic/healthfood is BIG business. Very big. And, it encompasses media, massive lobbyists. It might be the biggest investment there is for people who invest. Fact. You better believe there are crappy documentaries in production right now that are full of pseudoscience, misleading language, and shock and awe. Don't forget where you are on the bell curve for IQ and just how good your critical thinking is, versus the "average" guy out there, and the majority on a bell curve is what? average, that's what.

>> No.9207992

You fail to realize that the price difference between the products is the very reason why these groups aren't actually fighting each other.
It's doesn't target the same audience, and no matter how much marketing campaign they do, it won't change the fact that vast majority of the US population can't afford/rarely buy whole foods products, you still have to feed everyone in the end, and USA is the last place where you'll need to make less food.

>> No.9207994

I believe what the cumulative research suggests, and a simple read of a biochem textbook tells you most of what you need to know to know the anti-GMO claims are entirely bullshit. The claims against it aren't even rooted in sound scientific concepts, its shit written by someone who majored in english or art history. Its not even technically plausible

Its literally insane to disregard all scientific evidence because of vague claims of someone paying for it in favor of a stance that has absolutely zero evidence behind it, especially when the anti-science stance is the one with the well funded market lobbyist groups perpetuating the myths

>> No.9207997

le attack helicopter x--DDDD


>> No.9207998

>Whole Foods was valued significantly higher


You don't know a thing about how company valuation or stock market works.

>> No.9207999

>You fail to realize that the price difference between the products is the very reason why these groups aren't actually fighting each other.
Who is the one pushing for misleading GMO labeling laws then?

>> No.9208005

hey, as someone who majored in english and minored in art history, don't blame us. getting hired to make some retard's writing scan better does not mean we endorse it.

>> No.9208007
File: 105 KB, 553x488, Mister Universe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9208011


>> No.9208012

Please provide an actual source then
For reference, Amazon, who owns and markets whole foods is one of the largets companies in the world, about 5 times the size of Bayer who recently bought Monsanto.
(also the very fact that Monsanto was bought by a modest company like Bayer kind of brings some absurdity to the anti-monsanto conspiracy theories)

>> No.9208021

Go with this one
I know the guys who wrote it, very smart, well reasoned people

>> No.9208031

there is literally no reason to ever go past 9 minutes

>> No.9208043

this here is someone that doesn't know how to make an egg. I'm actually not sure what they did here to have their eggs cook so slowly

put the egg in the water while its still cold, once it reaches a boil 6 minutes will give you a fully cooked white with a slightly soft but fully solid yolk which you can cut with a knife and will not run
any more than 8 minutes and youve overcooked it

>> No.9208062

>burying/throwing in water
Does not compute

Thorium reactors are virtually and effectively perfect, the research just stopped in 1960 for reasons mentioned above (cold war)

Just look at the large scale project China and India are doing regarding these reactors, and laugh about how late your country is about energy production due to the influence of the oil industry on your country.

>> No.9208091
File: 223 KB, 1090x771, Designated Satellite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9208094

That's actually a goat egg compared to a normal chicken egg.

>> No.9208095

>Fun fact : for exemple, Total holds the patents of the most efficient and safest hydrogen battery ever created, and they won't ever develop it in the slightest
do you even know how patents work?