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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9205671 No.9205671 [Reply] [Original]

Time for a new one, lads and ladettes.

How are you?

>> No.9205697


>> No.9205725
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Sobriety sucks. I'm smoking pot to cope, only 3 or 4 hits at night after everything has been taken care of. Still drink on the weekends though. I just need something to take the edge off the day. Practically a shut-in at this point. Just need that sweet numbness to take hold.

>> No.9205730
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>start project moderation after a month off
>have some cheeky glasses of wine over the evening and feel nice and comfy and think I'm going to sleep like a baby
>can't sleep the entire night
>still awake 24 hours after my first glass yesterday

What in the fuck. Alcohol is supposed to be a downer.

>> No.9205732

>still drink
>still smoke pot
pick one.

>> No.9205738

glutamine rebound

>> No.9205778

Sobriety sucks so as an alternative pot and cutting back.

You sir, are an fag.

>> No.9205780

drank all night. fell asleep on couch. woke up and ate half a burrito. now i'm drinking vodka and seltzer, cuz i need water.

>> No.9205781

that's fine but don't call it sobriety

>> No.9205782

Interesting, never heard of it. This would explain why I was always tweaking and walking 20km at night when coming off a bender, but I didn't expect it after a moderate sessions.

>> No.9205820

Does the weed help well?

>> No.9205907

I've cut down from an average of 20 drinks per day to 5 over the past 2 weeks. Feels good to not be shaking, sweating, confused, and nauseated. Gonna keep tapering until I'm no longer physically addicted, fuck alcohol. I've done all this before last year and went back harder than ever, how stupid of me to continue this torture.

>> No.9206041

Imagine being so far gone that you consider smoking pot and only drinking on weekends 'sobriety'

>> No.9206064

These threads make me feel better. I always feel like an alcoholic for drinking 20 beers per week but that seems to be the average nightly rate for a lot of people here

>> No.9206083
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>went out on a first date with a girl
>agree to get drinks
>get to the bar 20 minutes before her
>nervous as fuck
>start ordering shots of whiskey to loosen up
>feeling good
>she walks in
>asks if i've been here long
>say no I just sat down
>bartender comes up and asks if i want another shot of whiskey

>> No.9206122

you, sir, are an adolescent

>> No.9206141

That's how a lot of normies live their life without any idea of a problem though.

>> No.9206170

Not good.

headache. Drinking vodka to cure it

Does anyone else like being in the dark all the time?

I put blackout curtains over all my windows, I hate the god damn sun

>> No.9206176

What a fuckin dick

>> No.9206210

That's still a lot. Don't use us as an excuse to become one of us.

Being dazzled by light can be a sign of withdrawals, I think. They asked me a few times in detox, not sure if it was to adjust benzo dosage.

>> No.9206224

>That's still a lot. Don't use us as an excuse to become one of us.
Pretty much everyone I know drinks as much or more than me though. It's just so socially acceptable in my city and state especially

>> No.9206236
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I feel like everything sucks, nothing interests me, only thing that keeps me alive is the work, that I like to do, I do not have any hobbies, I at least used to run or ride a bike, don't have any GF, I just drink, my average is like 4-5 beers every night after work, when I need to chill out, or at least get some decent sleep until the next day comes and I get to go to work again.

>> No.9206243
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>> No.9206248

I see you're good at coming up with excuses for excessive consumption. You'll fit in just fine here desu

>> No.9206251
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>> No.9206254


>> No.9206260

What do you do for work anon?

>> No.9206262

>Adolf Hitler - Mein Kampf

>> No.9206264
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>> No.9206273

thank you, coming up with excuses for being a failure is what I'm good at

>> No.9206274

I work in a law office, mostly Insolvencies and enforcement of claims on people in debt. I just don't really care for anything else atm., my life is seriously just work and beer and sleep.

>> No.9206279

6 days sober, so fucking bored. At least I'm not physically addicted...

>> No.9206303

>Have to stay home during summer at parents
>Can't be alone at dorm until september
>Can't drink enough to get the mood on to listen to nice tunes and do sudokus all day
Horrible, just horrible.

>> No.9206332

>for 6 months, have only been able to stand up if drunk. Otherwise immediately vomit instantly and repeatedly, every single time
Anyone else get this? I'm so fucking unhappy it's going to kill me before the alcohol does

>> No.9206340

you have to stay drunk then. I am sorry.-

>> No.9206342

thats fucked up

>> No.9206370

is this just from the alcohol? Are you Smirnoffbro?

>> No.9206403

>6 months

rip mate

>> No.9206421

For me it helps. Basically if I didn't have it at home as a possible use, otherwise I know that after a soul crushing day at the office I would stop and get a bottle of something. I don't like the way it makes me feel but it's preferred to nothing.

>> No.9206455

this is the alcohol killing you m8.

>> No.9206515

>alcoholic thread
>just a bunch of normalfaggots that get drunk twice a week on a 6 pack or a few drinks, people that dont drinking talking about DUDE WEED LMAO, and people that are sober

based nu4chan

>> No.9206520

ok Chad

>> No.9206522

also just summing up the last few threads

>> No.9206543

For how many minutes have you been coming here?

>> No.9206548

all the real alcoholics died

>> No.9206558

the media tells me that drinking alone makes me a alcoholic though

>> No.9206570

Whiskey tastes like shit, fight me

>> No.9206609
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>people trying to better themselves
>hurr stop being normies

>> No.9206613
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>> No.9206680

Same here was sober for 10 months then decided to torture myself again, only had a sixer of beer yesterday hoping to be off of it by next week.

>> No.9206733
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I'm horrified to confess that I'm quite certain you're correct. I'm so scared that it just makes me drink more.
Thx ;_;
Guess so. And nah, that man is blatantly dead.

I don't want to die but I'm not certain that I want to live. Fuck alcohol.

>> No.9206744

Hey, be sure to eat your vitamins and stay hydrated, best of luck man.

>> No.9206753
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Smirnoffbro is dead man. Pretty sure we've been through this already...

>> No.9206771

so are you going to just admit defeat and throw in the towel?

>> No.9206779

Wishing you both success. It's hell.

>> No.9206789

I went from drinking a 5th of vodka/jim beam everyday for two years to only drinking with mates on the weekends now. Never got withdrawals and just stopped one day didn't get cravings either. I told my doctor this and he said you just grew out of it and some people can just stop But to be carefull on weekends becuase i could go back into the cycle again. Buts its been 3 years and never feel like drinking on the weekdays anymore.

Is this rare? al/ck/

I don't take any other drugs but i do smoke cigarettes.

>> No.9206798

Read up on kindling
If you keep drinking daily and never get withdrawals you can quit cold turkey basically any time you want without anything happening

>> No.9206797

Bars are ALWAYS dark. Alkies seem to prefer it.

>> No.9206803

Guess its like this on every 4chan board

>> No.9206805

>Smirnoffbro is dead

I don't want to believe that. I want to believe he got his shit together, put down the bottle and left this place. Like all of us will, right?


>> No.9206814

i was horribly bored today. went out on the town for a bit, then came home and cleaned my apartment really well. then cooked a decently healthy meal. feeling pretty good right now. just try to keep busy!

>> No.9206816

No m8, wine isn't really my thing in the first place. I like pissy lager and moonshine the most.

I think I can manage a few of those every few days or so.

>> No.9206864

So im one of the lucky ones?

>> No.9206879

Thanks, yeah it's hell, but the worst part is over now. I already have some fun little projects planned out for the money that would have otherwise gone toward alcohol. Last year, I didn't have any plans or goals, so that was one of the main problems. There were also people who caused a lot of stress for years who all either moved away, or I told them to fuck off and stay out of my life.

>> No.9206934

He did put the bottle down.
Withdrawals killed him.

But hey, he quit drinking!

>> No.9206966

Please tell me you guys are megadosing milk thisle

>> No.9207015
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>> No.9207069

I need help but can't stop myself.

>> No.9207098
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im gonna get sober tomorrow I swear

>> No.9207119

I only started drinking 5 months ago and now I go through 2 liters of vodka a week. Doctor won't let me have meds that I need for work because muh alcoholism. Now I'm stuck buying booze with NEETbux. I already quit pot, why won't my doctor give me benzos to stop this bullshit? I came off benzos a year ago with a different doctor, what's so different now? I'm struggling and they expect me to just quit?

>> No.9207122
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Grabbed a bottle of this, pretty good shit.

but it's $55, and lagaluvin 16 is $65. I feel somewhat wasteful using lagaluvin for rusty nails and godfathers but it's worth the $10 upcharge.

>> No.9207125

i have a habit of once every 3 months or so ill go get drunk and then get high and then gorge on pizza and the end up dehydrated and needing to vomit and have to drink water to puke

and then i go back to my fitness regime after that

>> No.9207129

they'll only give you benzos if you drink so much that you wind up in the hospital
so, im not exactly encouraging this, but next time you have a week long binge go to the emergency room.
they'll say you're low on fluids give you a couple bags have you stay overnight etc and in the end you'll get a thing of benzos

>> No.9207140

I drink very consistently, and I can't risk the ATF coming to take my guns away due to a hospital visit (/k/ommando who would never consider commitinng suicide or homicide)

>> No.9207142

>5 weeks in treatment
>40 days sober

>> No.9207172


used to be like you, till i stopped and started too many times
now i get seizures when i stop

>> No.9207177

>Quit smoking
>Quit drinking
>Start exercising

If I can do it so can you al/ck/

>> No.9207183

wow insane. some people are beyond redemption.

>> No.9207193

Been off booze for a week. First time stopping. See no reason yet why I need to start drinking yet. I have been devouring food yet been losing weight. Next weekend I think I'll smoke some weed, but if I cannot that's alright too.

Sparkling water and coffee satisfy my taste cravings. I miss the feeling of alcohol, but I enjoy waking up in the mornings with no guilt.

>> No.9207198

What if I'm a lazy shit to begin with?
>inb4 kys

>> No.9207201

yall muthafuckaz need AA

>> No.9207203

I'm a lazy shit as well anon, but when you're sober and bored as fuck the gym seems exciting so you just go and realise it can be fun and rewarding.

>> No.9207207

Yeah pizza expansion in stomach is a bitch

Been sober for 2 months now, once more month of training before a blowout

>> No.9207214

Have you tried asking your doctor why he doesn't give you benzo? How are we supposed to know?
Maybe he think you'll get addicted to them. Maybe you don't have enough withdrawals to necessitate benzo.
Also, tapper.

You have weird hospital experiences.

Alkies can't have guns in Murica? I never heard of that.

Replace 3rd step with any other activity that require some physical activity, it helps sleeping.

We're alcoholics, we're anonymous, and we can't count to 12.

>> No.9207226

No, but I don't see how he could have survived.
Someone got his last posts?

>> No.9207231

>how dare you expose yourself to unapproved literature
top goy

>> No.9207238

check yourself into a hospital, clearly you aren't gonna make it on your own

>> No.9207251

My shitty doctor told me it's technically illegal for me to have a gun due to mental conditions. I would consider it a gray area given I would never hurt myself or others (hence why the ATF hasn't knocked on my door yet). However the form Americans have to sign at the gun store clearly asks if the signatory abuses alcohol or narcotics. Honestly, I think the main concern is rednecks or hoodlums going shooting under the influence, but I'm not going to risk one of the few outlets I have left.

>> No.9207266

Drank 32 units today plus 2.5mg of diazepam and I'm still in relatively mild withdrawal. Have been all day. Shaking, sweating, anxious. At least I'm not hallucinating and screaming at the top of my lungs.
Got 4 more units next to me that I was hoping to save for the morning so I don't have to wake at 4am practically dying from acute WD and could go get more without the embarrassment of leaving the house in what is such an obvious state of addiction. Pretty sure I'm in trouble. Going to drink them now, take a yellow diaz and a quetiapine, then just hope I don't have one of those lovely seizures in the night.
This is really fun!

>> No.9207319

I've come off benzos once perfectly finne and I have no dealers. However, when I was forced off legal speed I had no withdrawal but I'm now a lazy fuck and I gained 20 pounds in 6 FUCKING WEEKS. FUCK OBAMACARE FOR MAKING ME SWITCH TO A SHITTY DOCTOR. I just want my fucking life back.

>> No.9207320

I mean, that happened to me for 6 hours when I tried heroine, but I've never heard of it from alcohol.

>> No.9207341

could you get me up to speed on who smirnoff bro is?

>> No.9207345

Nice. Enjoy feeling better.

>> No.9207402

He's on a nice farm now anon

>> No.9207429

he's sober all day until the evening when he smokes weed though.

Exactly how long do you think you have to abstain before you're "sober"? If I smoke weed once a year, can I claim sobriety at any point during the year?

>> No.9207440

Is there a counter to this? I have the same problem

>> No.9207456

Get to hospital or continue to get worse. I'm not your mama but I been there. Its he'll on earth. Can't understand people who do nothing but ensure misery

>> No.9207460

A few months ago I saw on >>>/news/ that they wanted to pass a law to take guns from some mental health people, but it got blocked. But alcohol abuse can be different.
I think their concern is that, even you seem reasonable now, you don't know what you could do when blacked out. And you can't say "sorry, my FB got hacked, I didn't send those horrible messages" with a gun. That, or it's a weird way to fight alcoholism.

Anyway, try to find out if the hospital fill papers to the ATF for detox, or if you can detox under another designation.
Or find another doctor to detox as outpatient. Ask the local AA, they might be able to redirect you.

>legal speed
>Now lazy and fat
>It's all because of Obamacare
Go to the doc you want and pay with your own money
Drink coffee
Stop eating so much shit
Stop being a lazy nigger
Go on strike, you sound French when complaining so much

Is he with Mr Fluffy Tail? He must be so happy!

Bullet to the head, reincarnate without the genes of predisposition to alcoholism.
Can someone link to the youtube video of the doc explaining how some alkies react to a fast alcohol blood level increase differently?

>> No.9207484

What? I OD'd on U-47700. A few months back and own a registered assault rifle and high capacity magazines (CT). You'd only get fucked if you were violent or suicidal

>> No.9207493

>Keep Drinking 5 beers a night every night.
>Keep smoking a little pot at night.
>Running 3+ miles 5 days a week and lifting 3 days a week.

I'm a month away from 30 and somehow I'm still gaining strength and increasing my mileage with this lifestyle.

Am I just tenacious or is that just not a lot of alcohol? Can I become a six foot white version of the Rock if I stop drinking 100%?

>> No.9207501

Thank you. Sparkling water is my lifesaver. Shit scratches the itch and keeps me hydrated. I would suggest anyone looking to reduce intake try drinking some form of it.

>> No.9207503

I was drinking 7. I'm not saying you can't drink and work out, I guess it's just that it's healthier and I feel better for it

>> No.9207512

you are like a little baby

>> No.9207522

Not mocking you man.

I am genuinely curious where I fall. I sometimes think I have drinking problem because I do drink almost every day at least 3-4 drinks. However, I have never had job issues / stopped exercising because of it. I also drink alone almost exclusively.

Obviously much less serious than some anons stories. Though I'd appreciate anyones feedback or experiences.

>> No.9207545

Same. I've called doctors, even ambulances and after waiting for 7 hours in A&E while in withdrawal, I couldn't take it any more and went back to bed, I'd been there about a year previously and the Doc's advice was "just keep drinking", and I was sent home.
I'm on some fuckcunt of a waiting list, every day desperately awaiting the letter in the mail telling me I'm going to get help. They're going to send an alc therapist out every day to see whether I'm alive, check blood pressure and pump me full of meds, for a week, two weeks I'm still fucked up. Just gotta wait. Literally have to crawl to the kitchen to get water every now and again while I wait, and that's pretty much my life. Austerity Britain is super.

>> No.9207550

If you're having days between drinking you're not an alcoholic, but its a slippery slope to keep drinking so regularly. Especially if you're drinking alone.

>> No.9207560


Are you literally me?

I run 2 miles a day, 4-5 mixed drinks a night (gin and soda water is pretty low cal compared to a lot of beers though), lift 5 days a week.

I don't consider myself an alcoholic as much as I am relatively dependence on alcohol. It's never interfered with my work/personal life, and I never have gotten drunk before like 9pm. I drink alone 95% of the time as well.

>> No.9207588

It's been 5 days for me.
I'm glad to be back

How's your night going?

>> No.9207592

Oh man, I can't run while hungover.
I have to drink one on, one off in order to maintain my work out schedule

What are your numbers, mate?

>> No.9207640

Ha, maybe we are the same person.

Also yes I'm basically the same. Honestly I enjoy drinking alone more because I can just relax alone and watch something.

Hashing this out I now think we're probably alright / it definitely feels like worrying about nothing compared to some situations. That said being vigilant is probably not a bad idea.

>> No.9207678

I was a casual alone drinker like you two and I became an alcoholic pretty quickly, just make sure you keep an eye on it and please don't add an extra drink or two a day in when your tolerance increases, it will keep on increasing until you're drinking stupid amounts.

>> No.9207724

not really

>> No.9207752

I don't understand what's so bad about drinking alone. I mean, medically it can't be any different. Alcohol will cause the exact same health problems regardless of whether you drink it alone.

So it must be about habits. Like, maybe people are more likely to drink more if they drink alone or something?

But what if you're just a loner? I mean for me, the alternative to drinking alone is being sober alone. Is that so much better?

>> No.9207759

Drinking alone means you want the drink, not the experience.
Drinking with other people is another level of fun with then. It's like a version of sex. Upping the intimacy.

Drinking alone is masturbation

>> No.9207773

What exactly is the difference between "the drink" and "the experience"?

I've had drinking buddies before and honestly I can say I end up drinking more and doing stupider shit with them than alone.

Is this all assuming that me and my friends get together in the evening to sip wine and talk over dinner, all moderate and civilized? Because that's not what we do. It's more like we egg each other on, play drinking games that end up causing increased drinking, and generally are bad influences on each other.

How is that better than me having a few drinks at home and browsing 4chan, safe and comfy and 20 feet from my bed?

>> No.9207786


>> No.9207797

Imagine being such a degenerate that you need alcohol generals.

>> No.9207848
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I made these taco things just now. They taste not so bad but not so good.

>> No.9207855


Sounds like a laugh though mate, you'll probably look back on the dumb stuff you did with your friends and smile. But drinking alone?

>> No.9207878

Sure, but I keep hearing this advice (i.e. don't drink alone) as if it's for my health.

Nobody except you has advised me to go drink with my friends because I'll have better stories even though I will actually have more health problems from drinking more

>> No.9207881

It's hard but I've done it before. I'm just glad I'm off the hard stuff again that's always when worst. 3 weeks ago I was drinking a liter of vodka every day or so, I think I'm through the worst of it at this point. Discovering a hole in the wall I put there while I was blackout drunk kinda reminded of the path i was headed down again.

>> No.9207927
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>had two bottles of 5% lager this evening
>didn't go on drinking but brushed my teeth and got ready for bed


>> No.9207928

I'm fairly certain he is, use it as a reminder of the road you're walking right now. I've quit before and I'm convinced that I'll do it again, you just gotta find something within you, and that's gotta push you and motivate you to do it. No one else, it's an internal struggle that you gotta find your own reason why to quit. It'll never happen until you find your own personal reason why you need to quit.

>> No.9207936

good work you fuckin homo

>> No.9207941

what's in em

>> No.9207947

joe rogan is that u

>> No.9207968

If it was Joe, the eggs would be half-liquid, and the tortillas would be soaked in grease.

>> No.9208048

It's not really about your health and more about liking the drink more than you like the social aspect of it. Drinking has historically been a social activity, drinking alone makes you feel okay with being bored and isolated. It saps your motivation to find something else to do with yourself and makes it easier to do the easy thing, which is drinking for the sake of drinking

>> No.9208184
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10 months sober. I don't even care, I don't care about anything. Convince me not to go and pick up a fifth tomorrow

>> No.9208204

i did a year and some change and now i only drink beer occasionally
no night sweats, no withdrawals, and the big one - no anxiety attacks
its pretty good but since life is so generally gay i may slip back to where i was before
anyway good for you fuckface

>> No.9208210

Don't forget the meme hot sauce

>> No.9208219

Wasn't gonna drink tonight and actually go to bed at a decent time, but here I am half-way through a 1.5L bottle of cheap wine and should have been in bed two hours ago

>> No.9208226
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Currently sipping a vodka infused slurpee in my sunny backyard. Life is good. Nearly finished it though what mixer should I buy to finish the voddy with? I usually go for coke or OJ but I feel like something different today

>> No.9208232
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>tried out new monster flavor because I'm a good goyim
>drank alcohol not long enough after
>now feel like shit

Do people actually drink energy drink and alcohol mixes on purpose?
It's pretty fucking far from being pleasant.

>> No.9208233


ya fuckin mo

>> No.9208246

The only time I had an OG 4-Loko I blacked out and apparently cut my foot on a large piece of glass and woke up on my friend's kitchen floor with blood pooling around my feet

>> No.9208253

what is vodka redbull

but i agree with you its fucking stupid, just do blow and drink all night like a normal person

>> No.9208639

Two veggie burgers (didn't have anymore meat so i figured it was better than nothing since it was on hand)
3 eggs
2 tortillas
A couple handfuls of Jalapeno slices
Tajin seasoning
Shredded cheddar

Initially tried getting the cheese to melt on the tortilla like you would with a grilled cheese, but ended up burning my first tortilla trying to get the cheese to melt. I was out of hot sauce so I tried to compensate with more jalapenos

>> No.9208647

Cook at a meat pie bakery. Didn't wake up til 3pm, got drunk as shit between 5 and now, It's now 1am, I'm eating for the first time today, Going to work at 8am, probably won't be able to fall asleep until 3.

>> No.9208662

>keep takin hits in between shots
idk WHAT im going to do tonight but its going to be uncontrollable

>> No.9208922


>> No.9209028

Went to the shops, bought dinner and a few things. Vodka as well.
Teller bagged it all up, put the bleach in a separate bag. Tell him to put vodka with bleach, cause they are basically the same thing.
He stopped, looked at me and said please drink from the right bottle.

Fuck, another shop i can no longer go to daily.

Anyone else have multiple shops they go to?

But they all know your an alckie so you rotate.

>> No.9209070

This is why you will never get anywhere in life. Listening to the media makes you dumb and hate yourself. If you are not able to follow your own laws you are a slave and society loves slaves. That is not to say you should become an alcoholic. It just means that you have to start listening to your rational and not so rational own judgements. Not drinking alone is alcoholism, drinking without control and without enjoying it is. If you are so insecure that you are unable to enjoy yourself you really shouldn't drink in the first place and especially not alone then. Grow up first.

>> No.9209085

>not taking times of abstinence to maximize the feeling of drunkenness
Sorry al/ck/. Expand your horizons and keep alcohol fresh and it fun

>> No.9209176
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38 days sober and loving it.

Sadly back in a hospital now :(

>> No.9209189

A much nicer hoslital

>> No.9209192

You look some what jaundice, hang in there!

>> No.9209197

You yellowed again?

>> No.9209203
File: 839 KB, 2560x1440, 20170724_041248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jaundiced got bad, lost standing and walking. Thats why I'm back in a hospital

A much nicer hospital though.

>> No.9209208
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Very much reminds me of a business class hotel

>> No.9209210


whats your prognosis? will you need a liver transplant?

>> No.9209217

You mean you were released, then found yourself to be incapable of walking?

Also, how quickly does jaundice appear? Is it gradual or do you just wake up yellow one day?

>> No.9209240
File: 827 KB, 2560x1440, 20170724_041201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I probably will not need a transplant but it is hard be certain at this point. In about 6 months we will have a better idea of if how much cirrirohtic damage I really did.

*>You mean you were released, then found yourself to be incapable of walking?

Most reecentlu I woke up to use the toilet and could not legs.

I've had it happen both ways. Oddly enough drink series to TEMPORARILY suppress the onsenst but in in the end only makes things worse

>> No.9209247

I'm having to make a conscious effort to breathe. I don't know what the fuck to do. It's 5 AM and i have a huge test at 11 and i can't sleep. I think the jig is up. Alcohol is not my friend. The past two years i've probably had at least 10 shots a day and it's not fun anymore. I know if i took a solid week off i'd be back to normal but i can't handle the stress of work or school while i'm withdrawing. FUCK

>> No.9209257

>effort to breathe
I occasionally get this too. I keep thinking I'm about to have a stroke or something. Non smoker, can't understand why it happens

>> No.9209326
File: 794 KB, 2560x1440, 20170724_040307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of the many reasons exercise is so helplful in withdrawal.

Benydrl and shit loads of water are also good but in the long term you'll just have accept a week or two of pretty profound discomfort.

Don't forget the bathtub and eat a LOT

>> No.9209375

I've run out of whiskey lads and I don't get paid for another week, what do I do?

>> No.9209409

haha same shit happened to me. I got jaundiced so bad that my doctor said 'he'd never seen anyone that yellow in over eleven years' and that I need to get to hospital. If I didn't go that day I was a goner apparently. three months after that I relapsed on a cruise and when I came home I cold turkeyed then started turning yellow again. 7 months in. My billirubin count was off the charts the first time.

>> No.9209457

>don't start smoking
>keep drinking
>already exercising
Fuck you, I'm fine.

>> No.9209510

Why did nobody tell me how helpful gabapentin is for withdrawal? Jesus fuck. My Valium was starting to wear off and I'd taken my whole daily dose already. Randomly found a post indicating that gaba is also helpful, and one hour after taking one I have ZERO symptoms, 14 hours into WD. Normally at this point I'd feel so bad I'd fear for my life.

>> No.9209515

Fuck 12 step programs and their "you can only be sober if you use the drugs WE say you can" bullshit. Caffeine is a drug, and every AA meeting has coffee. And what are they doing outside? Smoking cigarettes. Nicotine is a drug. And before you say it's not "mood altering," go ahead and hide someone's smokes and tell me it doesn't alter their mood when they can't find them.

>> No.9209537

>tell me it doesn't alter their mood when they can't find them.

I use snus and it does alter my mood a bit, as do all stimulants.

>> No.9209637

Nah dude I don't try to hide it. I openly joke about my alcoholism with anyone/everyone. As soon as people see that you don't give a fuck what they think, their face goes from awkward and embarrassed, to friendly and happy.
Everyone already knows, anon. You're just making things more awkward for yourself by allowing yourself to give a shit.

>> No.9209722

I think that's what people call a joke, anon

>> No.9209765

Panic I guess.

>> No.9210134

You get Vodka and food from the bank? Anyway, I go to the same shop 3-4 times a week. They don't care, why should you?

>> No.9210222
File: 227 KB, 714x621, 1499033245170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does /alc/ use the untappd app? I just found out one of the beer bloggers in town has an account and I was wondering if it was cool or not

>> No.9210234

that is because (((they))) want you to buy booze at some marked up hipster bar
>dos X

>> No.9210301

How much were you drinking and for how long?

>> No.9210303

>He stopped, looked at me and said please drink from the right bottle.

How could you ever mix them up?

>> No.9210372


Beer really is a lot easier than liquor to moderate with I find. It's like fruit vs syrup.

>> No.9210373

Milwaukee's Best Ice is 6 dollars for a 12 pack and 6.9 abv. Taste is pretty bad but who cares? Last time I drank was at my friend's house and I drank about 6 Dos Equis and a bud light platinum. Dos Equis actually tastes pretty good and is refreshing IMO.

>> No.9210393

It's fun, especially with friends. Take a drink every time someone at the table gets a cheevo, that kind of thing.

fun fact this doesn't work with box wine. brought me back up to every other day.

>> No.9210461

That box does something psychologically, probably because you don't really see how much you've emptied it already. With bottles of wine I easily drink moderately but with boxes I tend to slip up.

Smaller bottles or cans of beer also work better for me. It even helps if I put liquor in my little 200ml glass flask instead of just pouring from the bottle/jug.

Brains are pretty silly.

>> No.9210524

>it's my dream to be sober, my only real purpose in life
>manage for the longest I've achieved in months, should be utterly delighted
>hate everything, if not anxious then bored, petrified of the mountain I have to climb as a result of years of total self-destruction
>feel like a huge part of my life has disappeared
>I think I miss being a drunk
I achieved my dream, now my dream is to go back to how I was. This life is fucking insanely difficult.
At least these threads remind me of why I quit.

>> No.9210579

hang in there simpsonbro

>> No.9210628

how much were you drinking before?

>> No.9210643

Around 30 units of shitty, cheap, 7.2% cider would be about the minimum I'd put away.

>> No.9210645

Get medical help. Go to your doctor and ask for a librium taper. Or dont.

>> No.9210651

Sorry man. Its a struggle for many people. Hope you stay focused though.

>> No.9210656

that's not totally unreasonable, I guess if you tried to drink once a week or something then you'd go back to daily drinking?

>> No.9210663

Nobody told me about naltrexone either. 3 rehabs. Those fucks just push 12 steps and don't know dick about medicine. I am pissed at them so called authorities on addiction.

>show up to
"Do the 12 steps"
>show up to ER in
"Here's libriun and then do the 12 steps"

>> No.9210677

One sip and within 3 days I'd be on a blackout binge which would last months. Every time. My life is fucking ruined. Just got to sit here sober and depressed, waiting around to die.
I need excitement in my life. Something really extreme. I'm too well known to the police to do anything really fun and it was HELL stopping drinking. The withdrawals get massively worse every time.

>> No.9210728

>6-8 shots a day + beer
>start getting scared for health
>"liver break" of 2 or 3 days
>alright, I've recovered. I can get drunk again!
every time

>> No.9210737


whilst I agree with the "fuck 12 step" sentiment the drug thing is a bit tenuous - you're never going to make terrible decisions and ruin your relationships/family/friends because you had a few too many cigs or coffees one day

>> No.9210747

well that sucks

>> No.9210844

>drinking alcohol every day
>I have a physical tomorrow

My blood pressure is high too

>> No.9210857

Ever seen a dirt-poor redneck family? The kids go without some core things a kid needs, but the parents sure do get their two packs of smokes per day. Seems like pretty horrible decision-making to me.

>> No.9211213

Had 5 days off and managed 3 bottles of vodka lmao but I didn't drink yesterday so I'm good at work right now. Gonna try and cut down to just one bottle on the weekends now, still not drinking during the week. Think I've actually somewhat managed to moderate myself...was drinking a bottle nearly daily at one point and my body and mind just gave up on me getting out of bed for a while.

>> No.9211214
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I really think you're right. R.I.P fallen friends.
At least we still have Simpsonbro. Stay strong for us you beautiful yellow bastard. We need to be scared into getting clean.

>> No.9211243
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>> No.9211260

Malldrinker and gnomebro/sudokubro are still alive.

>> No.9211270

Fuck me, you even look like Homer. You gotta dress like him this halloween.

>> No.9211285
File: 111 KB, 960x863, Golden-Poison-Dart-Frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't seen malldrinker in a while but he/she seemed "ok"

>> No.9211287

Your skin is looking better at least.

Dem eyes tho.

>> No.9211333

Sorry to see you back in hospital mate. How are you feeling? Things looking ok?

>> No.9211335
File: 2.00 MB, 3264x2448, 20170724_155659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha hahaha

I can't even walk to to the bathroom and I'm about have surgery scarpe the neurotic tissue out of the two finger sized wounds on my huge brdsore

Ahhhhhhahhahah. Halloween. I can't wait

>> No.9211383

ayyy lmao

>> No.9211394
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Good luck, Homie. I hope everything goes well.

>> No.9211404

The day's too long so I made about a gallon's worth of negroni and have been working my way through it while I pack

>> No.9211463

there's also the lad who hears music coming from his computer case

>> No.9211480

Just bought a fifth of watermelon-flavored smirnoff. 1 dollar off, hurrah!

>> No.9211541

Oh, yes, motherboardanon.
He wasn't going well last time, was he?

>> No.9211550

For some reason I want to believe it's In The End by Linkin Park. Wasn't there a "best of 4chan lololol" screenshot that had something to do with that song?

>> No.9211561
File: 355 KB, 1196x2572, linkin park.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wasn't there a "best of 4chan lololol" screenshot that had something to do with that song?
got u senpai

>> No.9211601

hope you can maintain that schedule. if the days between drinking get too short youll find it pretty hard to stop. i.e. physical withdrawals

>> No.9211610

weekends only would be gr8

>> No.9211629

going hard half of the week probably wrecks your brain more than keeping a steady glow going. he's withdrawing at least once a week, even if he doesn't have the obvious signs yet.

>> No.9211649

Thanks. That's so fucked up, is there any way he could have faked that?

>> No.9211660

Sure, with graphically editing or playing that song on loop with the sound of in iTunes and using other programs for his regular listening.

I haven't seem the webm.

It think it's much more plausible to be real desu. I've seen enough piss bottles on this site.

>> No.9211669

The number of time listened is written somewhere in iTunes music library files, probably in plain text.

>> No.9211672

>worse every time
iktf bro
i think we just have to grind out the sobriety until our brain recovers

>> No.9211675 [DELETED] 

what a fucken loser lmao

>> No.9211780
File: 99 KB, 762x600, monk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I need excitement in my life. Something really extreme.
Go on a silent 10 day retreat or something. Seek extremity in the opposite direction and become ascetic rather than degenerate.

It might work.

>> No.9211784


>> No.9211796

Read and weep.

>> No.9211836

This could be what you're looking for and completely legal. A friend of mine did it and he changed significantly for the better. He drinks socially occasionally but he stopped the everyday crap. He really prepared himself psychologically for it though. I'm thinking about doing it.


>> No.9211840

A lot of doctors aren't even aware of this, and it pisses me off so bad. Once after a three day bender I KNEW DTs were coming, but the piece of shit doc told me it was impossible to be withdrawing like that unless I had lied about how long I had been drinking. Was sent home without anything and had a seizure/mini stroke.

>> No.9211856
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>having an eating disorder and alcoholism at the same time
Is it time to kill myself yet buddies?

>> No.9211862

GPs are generally just a dimwitted link between a textbook and prescription pad desu.

Nutrition is another era where they tend to know fuck all.

>> No.9211866

I find it pretty much impossible to eat when I'm drinking. Days on end with nothing. Within a few days of stopping though I eat everything in sight.

Omfg I'm getting so sick of these captchas that I'm becoming reluctant to post

>> No.9211875

It's time to scare yourself into quitting before that Korsakoff's syndrome sets in.

>> No.9211878

Here might be your answer:

The hardest alcies just aren't able to solve captchas.

>> No.9211880

>lay on back, kidneys hurt.
>lay on stomach, intestines hurt.
>lay on left side, spleen and lungs hurt.
>lay on right side, liver hurts.
>try to sleep sitting down, sciatica hurts.
Torture, if I can't invent s device which hangs me upright from the ceiling, I'll die from sleep deprivation.

>> No.9211912
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Everyone ITT agrees that anime is degenerate, right?

>> No.9211915

>Research suggests that nearly 50% of individuals with an eating disorder (ED) are also abusing drugs and/or alcohol, a rate 5 times greater than what is seen in the general population. The co-occurrence of these disorders affects both men and women with up to 57% of males with BED experiencing lifelong substance abuse problems.
wew lad

>> No.9211916

>Torture, if I can't invent s device which hangs me upright from the ceiling
It's called a noose.

>> No.9211944
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I exercise like mad, lift, do HIIT all the time, maintain my weight, Bench, Deadlift, etc. I am having trouble being productive as a self-employed drinking 4-5 drinks a night, but I don't feel withdrawls when I stop for 1-3 days.

>> No.9211951

ps don't do it anon

>> No.9211964
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Looks like Vanderbilt.

>> No.9211965

I'm rapidly heading toward this. I sleep on my side and both sides hurt like a motherfucker after a few hours. I usually get up at 3 am just from the pain and i'll roll over to my back just to let the agony subside a bit.

>> No.9211997

I only admit this when I'm drunk

I'm a homosexual
I want a boyfriend :(

>> No.9212026

I feel the slippery slope, I am enjoying the summer but fucking hell I wanna get shitted almost every night. Once the fall semester rolls around I'm gonna try to control myself but I worry about the lack of fucks I give. At this point I'm at whole six packs of 16oz on average, I don't think that's too bad at all but it's not very good either.

>> No.9212035

lol fag

>> No.9212048

That's absolutely OK, anon. I hope you'll find a cute bf soon!

>> No.9212054

I do this too anon don't feel bad.

>> No.9212055

Caffeine and alcohol have made me experience the depths of hell the next day. I'm convinced this is the absolute worst thing you can do to yourself as a drinker

>> No.9212087

I wanna make sure I remember to find one in the world eventually

Thanks ;-;


>> No.9212101

Not that bad to be a fag these days though, is it?

Unless you're not in the first world.

>> No.9212105
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Sometimes I think I've got a problem.

You guys have helped me to realize that I'm not even a problem drinker.

I go through 750ml a week or so, of 40-45% bourbon, and sometimes I have 1-6 beers throughout the whole week. I eat well, exercise often and have a wife and baby and a fairly solid job.

So long as I keep it to 4-8 drinks a day, I figure I'm probably fine (at about 200 muscled lbs)

I wake up pretty shitty feeling sometimes, but normally some coffee, aspirin, and ephedrine do me right.

>> No.9212360

I literally gag when smelling whiskey vodka or rum...

All after blacking out because i go way too hard.

Am I gay or lucky because of this

>> No.9212369

You're doing better than many here, but Doctor's say no more than two units per day for males. Keep that in mind at all times as you go forward.

>> No.9212405

I'd be more concerned about your aspirin and ephedrine regimen than the actual drinking tee bee que aych.

>> No.9212601

just downed a 6 pack and i still feel sober

was really trying to stop drinking the harder stuff but this just isn't worth it. On my way to the liquor store for the second time today.

>> No.9212609

kindling is the gayest shit ever. i used to be able to drink like ~300ml vodka on both friday and saturday nights, lounge sunday to recover and be feeling pretty good on monday. i can't do that anymore, i'd be feeling anxious until like friday.

>> No.9212615

>I'll just have a couple drinks to get a nice buzz
>8 drinks later

>> No.9212628
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>> No.9212765

I'm from milwaukee. Please help me not become a full on alcoholic before 21

>> No.9212775

>tfw when so drunk that time moves faster
That's what I'm looking for

>> No.9212776

Sorry but you're fucked Wiscbro.

>> No.9212799
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Had a horrible social interaction today, I truly see I just like and enjoy being alone and on occasion coming out of my shell. I don't enjoy situations where the attention isn't on you and you have to force yourself into social interactions.

I used to blame myself and say I hated myself too much, but I have to be honest I just don't care a lot about other people that much. Maybe that's why I'll always be the loner in the office

>> No.9212806

>not starting your day with a wholesome mug of white wine

>> No.9212858
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Yeah, for a long time I wouldn't drink for a day if I had any Naproxen sodium (I lift and run so I get sprains, etc). I started aspirin for the first time a few weeks ago but I never take more than 2-3 maybe twice a week. The ephedrine I take much longer breaks from.

>> No.9212860

Saw the prettiest girl bartender today. Thinking about asking her out on a date. Should I do it?

>> No.9212890

Probably not, because probably literally 100 other guys think the same thing

>> No.9212894

Iktf. I haven't interacted with a human irl in a week and I feel calm and happy. I can drink in moderation, life doesn't feel like a hell full of problems, even more general/philosophical shit doesn't seem to get to as much.

Some people just thrive as hermits I guess.

>> No.9212917
File: 7 KB, 272x185, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't stop thinking about her though, senpai. I now its very unrealistic that we will hook up, but danm she would make the perfect gf.

>> No.9212924

I literally can't deal with social interactions involving more than one person. As soon as they start talking to eachother and not me I feel like I'm slowly being flattened into the earth.

>> No.9212925

I understand what you mean,
I wish you could take a road trip across the country so you could see how many girls exist in this world.
My point is, she's not the only one, I know it seems like she is, but there are a hundred other like her out there

>> No.9212935

Post title/authors


>> No.9212948

I think it's fake. I had itunes on a computer a while back, and whenever I played a song once, then checked back later, it would go up by like 20 or 50 or whatever. So coulda been a glitch

>> No.9212959

Bro, I get what you are telling me, but this girl for some reason I am very attracted to. I'm around a lot of hot girls throughout my day, but this specific girl I am talking about would absolutely complete me.

>> No.9213177

>Used to drink a lot.
>Found a place that could get me the meds I needed to not become a twitching mess while sobering up. Everything worked out well, got on a Vivatrol regiment.
>Realized how expensive that shit is, thanks Obama.
>Sobered up, took four months to get an actual doctor (Thanks Obama)
>Doctor wants me to go to counseling.
>Or, she said she was going to make me go to a psychiatrist.
I would not be so irritated about that last part but she toned it like a threat.

>> No.9213227

That's the tradeoff bro.

>> No.9213231

LOL ikr. Same thing happens with opiate addicts. One shot and they get bad withdrawals a few hours later.

>> No.9213245

Naltrexone pills are the same thing but daily dose. Easy to afford.

>> No.9213255

State is paying for the shots in full, figured I put enough into the system to take a little from it.
But the motherfuckers knock you the fuck out.

>> No.9213297

I see

>> No.9213364
File: 21 KB, 800x600, gondola8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Broke 3 weeks of sobriety today. Brother who I haven't seen in 4 years gave me a surprise visit this evening. We chatted and had a few drinks. Mostly some beers and screwdrivers. Kept going after he left though. Now I feel like shit. I'm so fucking lonely.

>> No.9213492

To be honest I think the recovery doctor (Not my primary) wanted me to start using the Vivatrol because he wanted to see if it worked. He mostly deals with opiate cases so I was his guinea pig.

>> No.9213525
File: 86 KB, 500x603, 1494572727422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to the liquor store by my house on my day off to pick up a couple bottles for the week
>here lately have been getting a bottle of my usual cheap Canadian whisky and a bottle of cheap vodka
>the vodka is nice because it provides a cleaner drunk and less of a hangover during the week, plus it's substantially cheaper
>I've been going to this store less lately because got a new job that has a liquor store near it, so I've been going to it
>as I walk up to the counter, there are two employees, one dude who's cool as hell and always hooks me up with the employee discount and then there's the bitch who always comments on my frequency and product selection
>hehe and I shoot the shit, he gives me the discount, I give him that nod of approval, so as the bitch doesn't notice
>she's bagging my two bottles up, then stops and looks at my bottle of bottom shelf vodka
>"vodka, huh? Everything okay at home?"
>Stare at her face and shoot daggers into her eyes while I say, "yeah, just like to switch it up sometimes."
>walk out of there with my savings

I don't mind the 95% of the other employees there, but she makes my time there so much more unbearable.

Just fucking do your job and don't be unprofessional, shit. I don't hassle the fatasses at my restaurant for ordering a fuckton of food for what is very obviously for one person, instead of the family it's meant to feed.

>> No.9213535

Should have started screaming at her in what sounds like Russian and squatted out of the store.

>> No.9213547
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Of the various races I am, I am not Russian nor Slavic (thank God).

Plus I rather like that store because of the aforementioned dude and the few other employees that still give me their discount. So I don't think acting like an animal would do me much good.

NIce quasi-dubs, though

>> No.9213617

Cashiers who talk should all be fired, fuck if it's any of their business what people buy

>> No.9213623

>When the same old hag witch keeps carding you every day
>Has been doing it for 6 years in a row now

>> No.9213668
File: 1.79 MB, 1200x1070, Smirnoffbro HELP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Britposter who drank 5 bottles of Smirnoff for the last 25 years. He had enough and went cold turkey.

wherever he is, I hope he's at peace

>> No.9213737
File: 182 KB, 1280x982, 1500526315017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Work out and drink water instead.

>> No.9213745

Steal a bottle or two

>> No.9213757

At least take multivitamins and thiamine

>> No.9213809

Anyone else get the runs?
I consider my farts to be like loaded guns now, always assume they are loaded, especially when drinking.

>> No.9213812

Only had it when I drank wine.
I never drink wine anymore

>> No.9213850

How do you even afford that. A bottle of basic Smirnoff where I live is $16. $80 a day. My car payment is less than what he spent on alcohol in a week.

>> No.9213860

Apparently he took out shit tons of loans he never expected to pay back

>> No.9213883

IIRC he had made a good amount of money in the 90s and was living comfortably. To afford the booze he kept selling his house and moving into smaller and smaller houses and apartments. also probably >>9213860

>> No.9213886

To be fair I think it was 3 bottles a day, only once did he post about waking up to 5. Even still, he seems to have been on every drug imaginable too so its an insane amount of money. He posted about how he was in insane amounts of debt but never really elaborated. I hope he is in detox somewhere and not dead in a ditch

>> No.9213891

Why not just get a water filter and run cheap vodka through it? I get 2 liters of cheap vodka for around $9 and run it through a Brita filter a few times and it makes it as smooth as grey goose

>> No.9213921

If it was that easy, wouldn't the manufacturers have just done it in the first place and doubled their profits?

>> No.9213930
File: 217 KB, 600x600, Faithless_-_Insomnia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can sleep drunk
>can sleep sober
>can't sleep after a few drinks
>awake all night again making an utter mess out of project moderation by actually sticking to my rations

me finna gwaan switch to di ganja at this rate

>> No.9213960

I mean, there have been leads of tests about the processes of making top shelf and bottom shelf vodka. The difference is how many times it was filtered. There aren't magic potatoes that make a better vodka and you don't age vodka like you would a rum or whiskey.

It's all about money. Most top shelf vodka makers also sell a cheap one under a different name. Take it from an alcoholic though, a good water filter will turn an ethanol tasking vodka into a smooth tasteless one perfect for sipping/mixing.

>> No.9213974

>Filtering removes the taste of ethanol from ethanol
Idk man, that doesn't sound right.

>> No.9214037

Maybe it removes the shit that gets in to the bottom shelf ones, the fucking poisons, not the ethanol itself

>> No.9214051
File: 50 KB, 735x551, IMG_0470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is reversible but not medically. You'll have to see a witch. Not some Wiccan cunt or /x/ poster, mind you, a real witch. There are supposedly only a few left in the world and I only personally know of one. She may be impossible to find and even then would probably kill you as a reward for your efforts.

>> No.9214057

All females are witches who drain gullible men into giving away their mana to succubi witches, don't get gnomed

>> No.9214062

No such thing as succubi. A lot of myths which are told as truth (such as the Bible) are originated by people who caught a glimpse of something most people don't and ran with it, while missing the big picture.

>> No.9214077


> the poisons
> not the ethanol

you do know ethanol is literally a poison right

and in vodka there are very few, if any, other adulterants to be found.. the only alcohols you are likely to find any other toxic substances are the dark ones; whiskey, rum, etc

>> No.9214087

There must be something in shitty vodka that makes it taste so shit, and it can't be the ethanol because good vodkas still have it
Oh and yea I know ethanol is a poison, that's why I excluded it from the poisons because you don't want to remove that, sorry if that was unclear

>> No.9214101

>No such thing as succubi
My alimony payments say differently

>> No.9214206
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>when liver isn't just aching but has sword-like shooting pains too

>> No.9214217

I don't think there is alcohol in hell

>> No.9214288

Suicide by cold turkey is very meaningful for a drunk. That's awesome.

>> No.9214509

it's only 10:30 and i'm almost done with this fifth. i don't have to work today so this is acceptable behavior. right.

>> No.9214523

>so this is acceptable behavior. right.

You should already be on your second bottle by now

>> No.9214542

don't threaten me with a good time

>> No.9214658

hi 20 year old here (i live in a place where the drinking age is 18), i have a drinking problem. every night i drink til daylight (around the afternoon to be exact) and I can't seem to break the cycle. I usually drink sparkling wine or port wine, something within the range of 12%-18% alcohol per volume. Is there a way to make the hangovers less severe?

>> No.9214662

lost it, i'll see if i can find it again tonight

>> No.9214673

Don't worry, once you're an alckie you won't get hangovers, because you'll never be sober.
(Actually do worry. Lots.)

>> No.9214729

do you even know anything about her other than the fact that you think she's hot?

be careful to not project dream-girl personalities onto total strangers, she's a real person anon.

>> No.9214766 [DELETED] 

tfw starting to get the shakes

>> No.9214873

>not being at the stage where you can't differentiate between having the shakes or being confused whether its cold or not

>> No.9214890

How long would I have to drink to die of drinking? Long term, not alcohol poisoning.

>> No.9214891

Im so hungover. Please help. Can barely move from bed

>> No.9214908

Take some anti-nausea meds once you can move, drink water, eat something with loads of salt (chips), go back to sleep.

>> No.9214927

Wtf I just did all of those things. Pretty surreal. I'm still fucked though.

>> No.9214933

Drink about 1/5th of the quantity you did last night. Not enough for you to feel shit tomorrow, just enough to make you feel better now.

>> No.9214939

How long do you have to be a drinker to start getting withdrawls?

>> No.9214946

I don't know if it's because I was trying to keep up with some hard drinkers or because I finally grew a new artery bypassing my kidneys but it's been like a bunch of hours and I'm still fucking drunk. Not even good drunk anymore just sick feeling drunk. Fucking long island ice tea

>> No.9214955

bottle of whiskey a day for 10 years

>> No.9214957
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>> No.9214965

It would be extremely painful, there are better ways

>> No.9215028

>drinking straight whiskey for 12 years day and night
>bleeding in parts of my body because it's breaking down
>parts of skin randomly bleed too
>get arrested for assault a lot

>> No.9215141

doesn't sound like a good life bro

>> No.9215281

your only hope is to move away, far far away

>> No.9215365

Hangovers are good, they remind you that alcohol is a poison. If you keep ignoring them youll become physically dependent on alcohol and things get much worse than a widdle headache

>> No.9215380

I get nausea and anxiety with a hangover too. I'm seeing a therapist and drug counseling. At one point I was going through a 5 liter cask in 3 days.

>> No.9215448
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It depends a lot on what you drink, if you want less hangovers eat and drink properly. But really a lot of us here drink vodka because it gives less hangovers.

But I would advice against it, the hangovers probably helps keeping it in check and you have some sense of decency. It's not a good sign to start drinking vodka for calculated reasons like less hangovers and no calories, it shows what path you choose.

From a vodka-drinker...

>> No.9215540

Vodka is also completely neutral if not beneficial to keeping your teeth in order.

Passing out with a wine drenched mouth is horrible.

>> No.9215549

What about whiskey or bourbon?

>> No.9215557

rip bro
>tfw used to be like this 2yrs ago but went on a whim to a free addiction support group and was hospitalised and detoxed
>tfw on antabus+campral and sober for 2yrs
>tfw my life is going down the shitter and i stopped taking my antabus and started drinking every day again but didnt tell anyone
dw man im not gonna make it either
please try to cut down on booze tho you'll get liver cirrhosis and it sucks

>> No.9215586

hey dont worry, youll be okay if you try to cut down, try not to do this anymore.
that's not that much so dont worry okay you arent like going to die from drinking and those meds. but try to not do it.
dont panic if you dont sleep for like a week, just ride it out,its normal, you're going to be okay man trust me

>> No.9215650
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Might be beneficial in some quantities but probably not the ones people here drink.

I don't drink bourbon but whiskey is no and I would assume it's the same. A good indicator is if it's clear like vodka, gin and rum.
But with all these things it's sliding scale, some whiskey, wine, and gin is better than others, see it more as guidelines.

>> No.9215655

"white rum" of course.

>> No.9215707

>Vodka is also completely neutral if not beneficial to keeping your teeth in order.
I thought that too.
Now my gums and periodontium (bones holding the teeth) are fucked.

Brush and floss folks, try not to puke.

>> No.9215766

Generally, brown liquor is for flavour. It's deliberately distilled with impurities and then thrown into a wooden vat for more of them. That provides the flavour. And it contributes to hangovers. There's also generally caramel added for color.

Clear, unsweetened liquors like vodka and (London dry) gin are generally your best bet if you're going for pure efficiency without side effect.

The cleanest, most side effect free liquor you can drink outside of a laboratory is homemade moonshine if you do it right. That's not an exaggeration, commercial distilleries by virtue of scale simply can't compete. Even top shelf vodka doesn't reach the virgin beauty of a slowly distilled shine filtered over charcoal a few times. Even the 120 proof goes down smoothly at room temp. Which makes it a top tier candidate for physical addiction since it can feel just fine drinking it until you're well into addictive territory.

>> No.9215775

Yes, of course you should take care of your teeth, but waking up with red wine mouth compared to liquor is pure horror.

>> No.9215782

>wake up half bottle of vodka there at the bed side
>drink it, puke it up
>drink some more and digest
>start feeling the effects, the tremors stop

>> No.9215787

Vodka is my drink. My teeth are in great condition, but yup, my gums are completely fucking ruined. They've receded so far that there's literally no gum left in some areas, receded right up to my cheek. Some back teeth will soon fall out even if I get sober. I brush my teeth like 4 times a day.

>> No.9215793

>implying it's possible to brush without throwing up

>> No.9215822

I know the fuck out of this feel.
At least you woke to find some left. It's such a rarity for me that I feel instantly elated to discover the precious treasure, because I know that even though I'll still have to get to the shops within like an hour, i won't throw up fifteen times on the way and I won't be shaking so much that I can't type my pin.

>> No.9215845

3 bottles of Jack Daniel's vs. 5 grams of weed? Your pick? Anyone?

>> No.9215856
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Try waking to tramp-tier cider mouth, omg, teeth furrier than a bear's cunt and breath which would make a dragon retreat in terror

>> No.9215861

I got the worst hangover from cider.

>> No.9215865

I'd love to say weed, but my country is hellbent on reefer madness

>> No.9215876

Well I use pot to keep dry, as I have troubles with sobriety but my pancreas can't take any more, so my choice is easy.
Try CBD?

>> No.9215882
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At least you're not this gril. Amazing how little it takes for booze to snuff normies.
CBD is illegal too.

>> No.9215904

Fucks sake. Cbf to explain why that 403's. It's apple insisting that it knows better than I do, what I want to post. Just google "Megan Craig-Wilkinson Frosty Jacks"

>> No.9215927

Try again breh

>> No.9215977

I'm considering trying to switch to weed for health purposes.

What's the best kind of strain for a drunk btw lads?

>> No.9216005

>be fat tattooed slag single mom
>spawn so genetically challenged it manages to kill itself with the alcoholic equivalent of a microbrew
>blame cheap booze

How expensive would drink have to be for people to take some responsibility?

>> No.9217097

Hospital Homer here here. I just had a a mass of necrotized tissues surgically removed from the above the base of my spine with no anesthetic.

Wanna see?