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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 898 KB, 1280x850, coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9198927 No.9198927 [Reply] [Original]

What kind of coffee does /ck/ drink?
How do you take it?

>> No.9198938


>> No.9198950

In the ass

>> No.9198965

My favorite coffee is the Turkish coffee

>> No.9198979

I prefer coffee mate hazelnut or vanilla cream with my coffee but usually just drink it black.

>> No.9198980

you sound like a numale

>> No.9198982 [DELETED] 

You sound like a flyover

Numales drink pourovers of micro-lot coffee at SCAA ratios and would twist their faces with scorn at the idea of hazlenut flavor or "vanilla cream" in their coffee

She (it's a she) sounds like a 60 year old church lady from Iowa, which she is

>> No.9198985

iced, with vanilla and aspartame.

>> No.9198991

You sound hugely fixated on numales.

>> No.9199009

just regular folgers, in the fall/winter i like to put in some heavy cream since I usually have some in the fridge

coffee snobs bug the shit out of me

>> No.9199015

Every coffee I've had tastes like charcoal without milk or sugar. I eventually gave up and stuck with tea.

Is there such thing as tasty coffee?

>> No.9199062

Just made a 9:30pm cappuccino, hope some Italian is rolling in his grave somewhere

>> No.9199066

I drink my coffee black with 1 sugar.

Lately I've been using paper filters in my french press. Gets rid of 90% of the sediment.

>> No.9199067
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Same, but my favorite is the Coffee Mate coconut.

Also, pic related is favorite blend.

>> No.9199082

>drink garbage coffee
>other people take it seriously and want to make a quality drink
Why do you even come to these threads if you're just going to whine about people who actually give a shit about the thing we're in a thread for
1. Throw out your coffee maker
2. Buy a french press/burr grinder (cheap and arguably the best results)
2.5. Yes it has to be burr
3. Buy whole beans THAT ARE NOT DARK HOLY SHIT NEVER BUY DARK and grind before every use
4. Use 2tbsp of coarse grounds for every 6oz coffee
5. Never use boiling water for any method, about 195-200f is good

Yes it's worth the effort. I've managed to convert many people who claimed they didn't like coffee with this

>> No.9199092

Also let it brew in the press for 4 minutes. Also also I have a small, cheap manual burr grinder that is good enough for this purpose, if you hear people going on about YOU NEED TO SPEND HUNDREDS ON A GRINDER that's more for espresso and even that's a bit excessive.

>> No.9199093

Any kind of medium roast from somewhere in Central America
10 notches on LIDO 3

>> No.9199355

Thanks, anon. I'll look out for the grinder and grab some light beans.

Any brands you are fond of?

>> No.9199358
File: 3.04 MB, 4211x5315, nice big cup of coffee instant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instant, Type 1.

>> No.9199366

I'm not even joking when I say Sam's Club brand, local roasters tend to be inconsistent and sometimes even downright bad. Would also avoid anything from a chain (e.g. D&D, Starbucks etc.) since it's selling off brand name rather than quality

>> No.9199388

anyone here /buttercoffee/?

>> No.9199806
File: 2.82 MB, 3024x4032, gee starbucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

friendly reminder that this is what the american coffee-drinking public considers to be "coffee" in 2017.
Most coffee beverages sold in the US are not brewed coffee, they are "specialty beverages" like a vanilla fellapuchino pictures here.

>> No.9199810
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Is there any thread you retards won't shit up

>> No.9199879

It's literally a sugar and milk beverage. People just don't want to admit theyre binging on milkshakes.

>> No.9200233

friendly reminder that EU's A grade is US's C grade

>> No.9200239
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>> No.9200255

this stuff is okay, but i seriously dont know much difference between that and regular instant coffee

>> No.9200260
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Folgers or maxwell house ,little bit of sugar maybe some more and this shit

>> No.9200285

Anon can you recommend a cheap burr grinder that still gets the job done without giving me an inconsistent grind

>> No.9200373



>> No.9200466

I drink instant coffee because I can't afford a coffee maker. I take it black or with a splash of whole milk.

>> No.9200471

How do you use paper filters in a French press? Do you like pour it over another filler on the way into your cup? I can't think of another way...

>> No.9200476

Cold Brew

Trying to figure out how to make cold variety of latte and shit now.

>> No.9200481

Favorite flavor wise is French press black.
Moka pot is a fun adventure that gives me a shitty latte when I'm feeling up to it.
Generally I just drink drip black with %15 ice by weight. Just enough to get it to barely above lukewarm. Eat to make easy to drink before work.

>> No.9200484

I like it arab style, black and piping hot. Sometimes instant with milk, hot or cold. No shugar, ever.
If i had a paycheck i'd probably buy a french press, coffee grinder and a small espresso machine

>> No.9200488

I use gallon containers for cold brew tea and generally drink it in less then the days. It gets worse with age. How long does cold brew coffee hold up in the fridge?

>> No.9200494

Frozen and blended with milk, maybe half a tsp sugar, Irish cream shot with a little whipped cream on top

...now that I'm lactose intolerant, black
This is my life now

>> No.9200496

Not that anon but I've usually never noticed much of a decline until the 7 day mark.

>> No.9200530

Oh wow. What's great news. Thanks anon, you have given me the blind Faith to go ahead and try it against my better.

>> No.9200535

Black, freshly ground Kenyan Peaberry is my daily driver.
Turkish / Greek / whatever other countries claim to have invented that style for when I need to be awake.
Whatever's available, black with a pinch of salt and a squeeze of lemon juice if I'm desperate

>> No.9200539

Do you like to fuck your sister too?

>> No.9200559

Black on ice.

I tried greek style frappe recently and I really want to try making it at home

>> No.9200689
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>daily driver

>> No.9200719
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>> No.9200720

Yeah I make a week's worth usually.

>> No.9200723

If I want several cups then I'll make a large pot of french press.
If I just want a strong cup then I'll use my italian pot.
With a lot of people over I use my machine.

>> No.9200727
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I drink this stuff completely black. Tastes pretty good †bh.

>> No.9200730

>Having a problem with that expression

>> No.9200818
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I've only ever had my coffee black. I get that some people don't like the bitterness or whatever but I don't understand drowning every bit of the flavor in creamers/sugars.

It defeats the purpose of the coffee.

>> No.9200827

drip with my v60, usually buy beans from local roasteries with my favorite being drop coffee.

>> No.9200846

Either French Press, or Bialetti pot, depends on my mood. I also get my beans from a local coffee shop, or whenever my girlfriend's father brings me directly from local farmers.

>> No.9200867

A tiny dash of coconut milk can go a long way with enhancing the flavor, especially when you're drinking something overpowering like a double espresso

>> No.9200872

friendly reminder that you can literally just order black coffee and loads of people do

>> No.9200873

>What kind of coffee does /ck/ drink?
black or cappycino
>How do you take it?

>> No.9200879

I love americanos, they're so good.

Recently for home I got myself a little box of Japanese instant coffee stick tube things. pretty good, actually.

>> No.9200881

I was drinking this shit the first few weeks of uni when moving to a new apartment without a coffee maker. It's fucking vile and doesn't even taste remotely to what coffee should taste like

>> No.9200890

Tastes burnt for 1 second with no aftertaste. Fucking awful.

>> No.9200925

>He doesn't butt chug espresso shots

It's like you WANT to be groggy all day

>> No.9200933
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This coffee is in my opinion the best supermarket/readily available stuff across the UK. Not quite wow ozzy cawfee shop your flat white is special m8y i'll have a double espresso from Guatemala pelase but it's £3 and I go through one a week nice and cheap.

>> No.9200939


That's different, though! I'm talking about the people who add 7-8 creamers because they can't stand the taste of coffee. At that point I wonder why they don't opt for a Coke instead

>> No.9201124

I'll try it

>> No.9201162

you big poofter

>> No.9201188

>It's a eurocuck gets triggered by glorious American capitalism thread
sorry that our coffee shops offer more than wilted beans grown by the local dirt monger

>> No.9201226
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cold brewed

>> No.9201332
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I buy vacuumed coffee dust.
I put it in an aluminium pot and have warm water wash over it.
I don't put other things in it.

>> No.9201337

So do you just put ground coffee in a mug of water overnight, then pour it through a net into another cup and drink?

>> No.9201351 [DELETED] 

usually light roast but oily roasts are good too

french press at home, whatever elsewhere

always black

>> No.9201376

I have my coffee iced. No other way to have it.

>> No.9201490

Reminder best espresso drink is cappuccino

>> No.9201556

To be honest, europeans don't really have that great of a taste in coffee either.

>> No.9201696

>be me
>Be french
>Used to french press and italian pots all my life
>Go to murica to visit some friends
>They make coffee with their shitty machine
>Litterally brown water with a slight bitter taste
>Didn't even finish that cup despite my severe caffeine addiction
Europe has decent overall. The average americans don't know shit about coffee

>> No.9201701


Or you can cut open two plastic bottles and make your own dutch coffee station :^)

>> No.9201737

Gevalia light roast, Black.

>> No.9202036

Cafetiere, Colombian, milk and 1 sugar

>> No.9202175

oh wow do you also like to watch videos on the Eater Youtube channel?

implying there's a manly supermarket? (that isn't shit)

>> No.9202297

Usually black, I use a coworker's aeropress at work or at home I use a moka pot or a Nespresso. Sometimes I'll add a little plain unsweetened almond milk. My parents have an espresso machine they never use so when I'm over there I'll usually try to use it a bit, I'll usually make cappuccinos there. Don't buy a home espresso machine unless you want to take forever to make a damn coffee.

I think HEB bulk coffee is great, it usually has lots of turnover so it's nice and fresh. There's a local coffee roaster I've been to a few times which is good too.

I have a Hario mini slim which was $30 and I think it works great, but I don't have a PhD in coffee or anything.

>> No.9202364

Is there an espresso maker worth buying for $100?

>> No.9202462
File: 99 KB, 1300x985, ugiuu].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first time I had black coffee when i was 10
>take a sip
>fucking disgusted
>put a one kisses in it
>still disgusting
>dump three chocolate bars, some ice cream, whipping, sugar, and icing in it
>still disgusting but with an extreme sugar high
>literally cant stop shaking
>found out my mom bought coffee creamer
>never had coffee again
Why do you guys like coffee? Every now and again I try a cup of coffee and it's always the same shitty flavour.

>> No.9202654


>> No.9202659

You've only ever had shitty coffee like most people

>> No.9202667

If the only bread you ever ate was white bread pre-sliced loaf ultra saver's brand, you would hate bread too.

You have to find the kind of coffee you like. Luckily, I enjoy the super cheap coffee.

>> No.9202713

I usually just get whatever is on sale, and drink it black. I know, I'm a pleb, but I like the flavor of even bad coffee, as long as it isn't sour.

However, I just got my grinder today, so hopefully I can see what good coffee tastes like.

>> No.9202725

how do I into coffee

all the coffee ive ever made has come from putting espresso into a moca pot and boiling it

does it really get more complex than that?

>> No.9202814

You don't have to be complicated unless you really want to, I like moka pots a lot. My family uses them as a substitute for Cuban coffee, you can add a few drops of the coffee to some sugar and beat it and slowly pour the rest of the coffee over it to make something like a real Cuban espresso. I usually skip the sugar, though.

It doesn't have to be complicated, basically any method whether it's a moka pot or French press or drip machine or espresso machine or whatever can produce a good cup of coffee. It's more important to start with good coffee, the fresher it is the better and don't buy really dark roasts because they taste like shit. You probably don't need to freshly roast it yourself unless you're really autistic, but grinding it yourself doesn't take a huge investment or effort and gives a much fresher taste.

>> No.9203084

I just drink so much coffee I can't think, what do I do? It's like words are all scrambled in my head. It was hard to write this post.

>> No.9203099

Steve makes my dick hard when he talks about coffee, what's equivalent coffee instant type 1?

>> No.9203100
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I take it black, like my men

>> No.9203256
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I push Lavazza Oro through my shitty Breville Espresso machine that I force to high temperature.

>> No.9203259

only drink 8oz in morning and 8oz in afternoon. any more will raise your blood pressure way too much.

>> No.9203265
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This is my packed portafilter for non restricted extraction.

>> No.9203267
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Black as midnight on a moonless night.

>> No.9203296
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>Central America
lol, you can't get good coffee in central or south america, all the quality coffee is exported to Europe by two arab owned companies that buy literally everything, the remaining coffee that you can buy in those countries it's the cheaper beans that didn't make into the quality they need. if you want real central american coffee you have to buy it in france or canada.

>> No.9203304


This is the one that came with my french press, it works far better than some $50+ electric burr grinders I've tried. The issue with shitty grinders is a large quantity of dust/very finely ground pieces that over-extract and burn but this one seems to not result in that

>> No.9203311
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That's nonsense, I have two packs of Colombian coffee (purchased in Colombia) and they are much better than anything I can get in my country.

>> No.9203316

No one was suggesting you got TO Central America and get your coffee locally, idiot

>> No.9203337

I'll try to do that, especially if I'm going to start drinking more expensive coffee. I didn't want to waste any so I drank the whole French press full.

>> No.9203347

You are really dumb

>> No.9203354

ive started drinking coffee ever since i went into college, but all ive ever gotten is plain french vanilla at a nearby Tim Hortons. Any suggestions for better fast coffee? Ive tried Dunkin Donuts but i think its trash

>> No.9203370

>Used to have a psycho boss who was constantly quizzing people on their eating habits and commenting on how healthy what she thought people ate was.
>Nothing got her as angry as sodas
>Even diet sodas got her angry because she thought they were loaded with calories
>Every morning she'd drink a huge Starbucks that had the calories and sugar of 3 sodas

>> No.9203378


Can it be done for under $500?

>> No.9203383

that's the taste of bugs, dirt and chemicals all grinded together. here the places were the coffee is processed we call them "beneficios" and are fucking dirty, you usually see people walking with work boots full of mud or even shit over the beans, then they just fill rat/bugs infested sacks that has been sitting in some storehouse for ages and ship them to your nearest whateverbucks coffee shop. it's disgusting and the owners do nothing because they don't fucking care. also cocoa and pineapples suffer even worst than coffee.

>go to luxurious mart
>buy bag of central american coffee
>pay three times what you usually pay for it because the bag says it's from central america
>it's just cheap coffee
I'm telling to avoid buying overpriced stuff that claims it's from central america, want actual real good coffee from central america? just buy some yurop brand.


>> No.9203431


I've learned there are a lot of weirdos in /ck/ these days. Don't take what they say with a grain of salt. People who are bed ridden or shut ins for whatever reason love to spin tales. I don't know if you're being monkeyed by a human mistake, but keep your guard up. Demand proof from these gibbles.

>> No.9203439


You sound trailer pompous.

>> No.9203485

Wow. You are really, really fucking dumb.

The cheapest not-shit setup is going to be a Gaggia Classic (~$375) and a grinder in the $200 vicinity. Virtuoso, Smart Grinder, LIDO, etc

>> No.9203512 [DELETED] 

I bought a Breville SE870XL for BBB with a 20% off coupon totaling about $480 and it makes decent espresso, also comes with a built in grinder.

Unless you're drinking it straight you really don't need $2k setups

>> No.9203516 [DELETED] 

Uh, BES870XL, getting my production codes mixed up.

>> No.9203528

Reposting instead of quoting myself 10 times with corrections.

I bought a Breville BES870XL from BBB with a 20% off coupon [they'll say you can't use the coupon on Breville products but you can] totaling about $480 and it makes decent espresso, it also comes with a built in grinder. Unless you're drinking it straight you really don't need $2k setups

>> No.9203596

You probably had drip coffee. With common coffee brands, drip machines always make coffee sour and nasty.

>> No.9203608

French roast with 2% milk, no sugar

>> No.9203610

>percolators are bad meme

What makes the coffee nasty is sitting on the hot plate most machines have for way too long. Make your coffee and drink it fresh. Makes all the difference in the world.

>> No.9203630

he sounds fixated, but not hugely. settle down.

>> No.9203633

>American with shit taste meme
>and le reddit spacing
You're not even trying

>> No.9203635

get a load of this wannabe arbiter over here

>> No.9203643

Having a cup with coconut milk instead of regular.

>Of Indian ancestry. Go figure

>> No.9203645

HAHA yeah wow sure is wannabe HA

>> No.9203855

My favorite kind of coffee is Jamaican Blue Mountain, with Haitian Blue Mountain, a smooth Balinese coffee, Sumatra, and Kona tied for second place.

When I make coffee at home, I usually use a French press, but sometimes I'll get some Lavazza at the grocery store and break out my moka pot. I either drink it black or black with one sucralose packet, depending if I want coffee to go with a meal or as a dessert. Same if I'm at a restaurant (and if the coffee's crappy and the type of bitter that results from stale coffee, I'll also put in a sucralose packet).

A few times, I've tried more acidic coffee, and when I'd make it I would put a tiny pinch of salt in with the beans after I ground them to counteract the acidity somewhat. I don't like much astringency in my drinks.

Probably the stupidest coffee-related thing I ever experienced was a friend of mine saying they hated coffee because they'd had a Dunkin Donuts caramel frappe once and thought it was gross.
That's like hating chocolate because you tried one of those shitty hollow mockolate Easter rabbits they always sell at the 99 cents store...

>> No.9204105

>newfag tries to fit in to le epic 4chan culture: the post

>> No.9204149

I just recently got into coffee. I fine with it black, but Mochas are pretty good

>> No.9204207
File: 128 KB, 1080x1080, rosetta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate my rosetta

>> No.9204223

Mochas are disgusting. Either drink a coffee or a hot chocolate, don't be a fence sitting faggot

>> No.9204232

if i said /pol/ would flame me

>> No.9205503

>anecdotal experience
Continuing the prove obsessed yuropoors are retarded

>> No.9205530

americanos mcnigga

>> No.9205547

the one thing i would agree with a yuro on is that most people in america who drink coffee just drink black piss. my parents make fun of me for drinking 'the fancy stuff' god fuck you you assholes

>> No.9205555

What's the fancy stuff they're referring to

>> No.9205570

a god damn french press

>> No.9205582

they dont understand grinds need to be prepared differently either. tried to explain french press need a coarse grind and their eyes glaze over

>> No.9205586
File: 67 KB, 1000x563, nAYoZgzOoKblXp9xbi8MoRxcHtp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm bout to get my French press with fine kona coffee, a fresh baked loaf of bread and truffle brie on. We fancy nao, bois.

>> No.9205597

you sound intolerable

>> No.9205631

>waaahhhh why aren't people approving of me shitting up their thread that I have no business is
You sound intolerable

>> No.9205641

>truffle brie
i got some truffle brie for you right here

>> No.9205975
File: 38 KB, 626x454, c8c24a0ddb3f726da57fb54838e49ede67f9a8ab_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>newbie poorfag that wants to stay awake

Moka pot or french press? Takeout coffee is killing me and instant doesn't work anymore.

>> No.9206009

You can buy a big bottle of caffeine pills for like $5 or less.

You might also want to see if your local grocery stocks any concentrated cold brew stuff.

>> No.9206018

French Press

>> No.9206153

Press easily

>> No.9206171

No. Decent espresso machines start at MSRP $1000, and even those are far from pro-grade machines

Though sometimes you can buy used for much cheaper. The cafe I used to work at closed recently, and the owner was absolutely clueless so he gave me a $5000 machine for $900 lol

>> No.9206306


Cheers lads. Funny you mention pills, been looking into noots as well.

>> No.9206392


I drink Folger's on a standard morning because I am cheap. I drink it with half and half. No sugar.

I have some Ethiopian green beans too and I will roast some occasionally if I want a nice cup.

>> No.9206398


Moka pot is legit. I can't drink it without cream though.

>> No.9206407

Nothing especially interesting, just black coffee brewed in a drip coffee maker from a local pre-ground coffee brand (3 tablespoons for a 16 oz thermos).

>> No.9206492
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>> No.9206497

i just try not to look like an starbucks idiot drinking coffee

>> No.9206581
File: 3.10 MB, 480x319, e66c0135fe39228d4fcd34f9874a76204c588dd7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le edgy hipster branding meme

>> No.9206623


so you're a homosexual. got it.

>> No.9206684

How edgy.

>> No.9206774

good blends for cold brew?

>> No.9206888
File: 2.10 MB, 1280x720, meme coffee.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jack fuckoff

>> No.9206897

french press

if I cant get fresh enough beans I add some cream and sugar

>> No.9206900

what is this retard doing

>> No.9206911
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just got a Kalita wave
so I use that, type of coffee varies, always take it black though

>> No.9208036

>Kalita wave

>> No.9208193

I felt the same way, but I realised the problem was that I was drinking the coffee hot. For some reason, coffee is only palatable to me cold, or at least room temperature. Not sure why. Maybe you have the same problem?

>> No.9208201

Any of you jokers own a grinder? If so, what type? Ceramic or SS?

>> No.9208208

It looks like he put a stick of butter into some black coffee and attempted to blend it.

>> No.9208221


>> No.9208240
File: 66 KB, 650x650, smartgrinderpro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Those finishing blades look sharp. I'm using a Breville Smart Grinder, and I thought it would end up being a piece of shit. But actually for a SS grinder it gets a good uniform grind. I've convinced a few people from the result to buy it.

>> No.9208593
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Any good books on brewing coffee, various techniques, good videos, infographics? I'll take anything you deem to be of quality. Especially if it's not something that you have to have a machine to do well.

But something involving a machine is also fine.

>> No.9208599


Why? Also learn to express yourself better, you sound like a sperg.

>> No.9208604

Can someone explain to me what makes drip coffee good?

I'm also looking for advice on what's the best way to add milk to coffee without overwhelming it.

>> No.9208612

I like my coffee bitter, but not black because that just ruins it for me. I usually just put a bit of half&half and some sugar, so it's enough to not overtake the flavor but still preserving the bitterness

>> No.9208627

>sperging out over emphasis
Really? Also it's literally burnt.

>> No.9208655

I have no idea about coffee but I'm pretty certain that dark does not automatically mean burnt.

>> No.9208707

This is the correct way, but french press is baby's first good coffee. Within a few years you should be trying stuff like pour over, chemex, cuban, and aeropress.

>> No.9208728

>Summer: half-decaf cold brew with half & half, stevia
>Spring/Fall: double shot espresso with a splash of cold water or an ice cube, half & half, stevia
>Winter: Cappucino (no sweetener) or double shot americano (black & no sweetener)
>Year-round: Aeropress over ice, black

I prefer medium roasts for my espresso, and for my shots pulled short. In cafes I prefer espresso drinks, but at home I enjoy cold brews and aeropresses exclusively. Every bag of coffee that doesn't get used within 14 days of its roast gets set aside for cold brew. Also, wow I'm a huge faggot. I always make my own coffee, so I never put any thought into how particular about my coffee I was until I typed all this shit out.

>> No.9208737


Or maybe some asshole gets an espresso machine. Who the fuck do you think you're teaching anything to?

>> No.9208769


Not that guy, but I can answer this. Coffee is usually a blend of beans from various locations that's assembled in an attempt to create a balanced flavor (single-origin blends being the exception). The flavor of coffee beans is extremely volatile and varies widely depending on weather to the point where you can order beans from the same farm year after year and each batch will taste completely different from the other. In an attempt to maintain a consistent product, good roasters will try to recreate that balance every season sourcing new beans from various locations and re-blending. Other roasters have found a way to bypass that issue completely. They roast their coffee dark enough so that all the nuanced flavors are destroyed and replaced by one taste--burnt. This allows their product to be consistent no matter where they source their beans from, and cuts down on costs at the expense of quality. For the flavors in a bean to still be expressed, you would never roast a bean darker than a medium roast. Dark beans are certainly burnt, and Decaf beans are the darkest of all. To make up for roasting all of the taste out of their coffee, these roasters have spent a lot of time making up flavors and additives to make their coffee palatable. The whole idea that coffee should be "strong and dark" is a marketing ploy by these same brands. In actuality, the darker a coffee is roasted, the less caffeine it actually contains. If your coffee needs syrups, flavors, creamers, etc. to taste even mildly decent, odds are it's a shitty coffee.

To really understand this, you have to actually experience really good coffee for the first time. Good coffee is neither super sour or super bitter. It's comparable to drinking tea in that there are many nuanced, interesting flavors and it can be easily appreciated without additives, even if you're not experienced in drinking coffee.

>> No.9208815

Interesting. So I go to a roasting place and ask for light beans?

>> No.9208827

Who here fell for that chicory meme? Some anon mentioned it in a past thread and I tried it because of him. Taste like black tea in coffee. Congrats troll

>> No.9208831

I've used a moka pot for the last few years, is there any reason for me to switch to a french press, or it the same thing?

>> No.9208837


if it isn't a brikka crema, then no, it's the same black garbage.

>> No.9208847

Various reminder that coffee has natural bitterness and that cream from milk is the best method to soften that flavor

>> No.9208872

You could! Not every roaster does a light (or blonde) roast though. Usually whatever roast a blend has is what tastes best for that particular mix of beans. Most independent roasters do a medium roast for their permanent blends since they tend to be crowd pleasers. You're more likely to find a lighter roast on a single-origin or seasonal blend that's only offered for a limited time. If you frequent a good spot, they'll switch up their offerings at least twice a year.

>> No.9208985

>Lately I've been using paper filters in my french press. Gets rid of 90% of the sediment.
french presses usually have a mesh filter that you use to extract the coffee

>> No.9208990

there's only 1 way to make perfect coffee
>filtered water heated up to 200 degrees Fahrenheit (205 preferable if you can)
>keep beans in airtight container until you use them
>beans ground to medium between fine and coarse
>roughly 10-to-1 water/bean ratio in terms of tbsp
>put freshly ground beans into press
>fill it 1/3 of the way up with hot water and stir gently to mix
>let sit for 30 seconds
>fill it the rest of the way up, give it a final stir, and let sit for at least 4 minutes. 6 if you want a stronger brew
>after time is done, extract. should be some push back while extracting. if too much, the grind is too fine, if too little it's too coarse
>serve quickly and enjoy. the longer you let it sit there, the more bitter it will grow
and this is my recipe for coffee a la tism

>> No.9209269
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>there's only 1 way to make perfect coffee

>> No.9209446

ultracheap brands with a filter machine,
black. am i the only one who likes the bitter taste?

>> No.9209470
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>fill it 1/3 of the way up with hot water and stir gently to mix
>fill it the rest of the way up, give it a final stir,
Why? You're a fucking idiot if you do this.

>> No.9209523

>tfw someone you know is giving away their Italian made espresso machine so you don't have to pay $4 for a cup anymore

>> No.9209562

>6 if you want a stronger brew
You mean bitter

>> No.9209581

A man's way

>> No.9209641


First one of the day: black, no sugar.

After my bowel movement and probably near noon or after: with cream or whole milk, no sugar, maybe honey.

Having that bowel movement as I type this.

>> No.9209653

C-store coffee with 2 second pour of both cream and sugar

>> No.9209772


>> No.9209836

I just puked in my mouth a little

>> No.9210026

>usually drink coffee unsweetened
>put 7 grams of sugar in this AM
>tweaked so hard I got goosebumps

Sugar is a helluva drug.

>> No.9210321

1 scoop instant
2 scoops brown sugar

>> No.9210337

Not when you are taking 100+g per day.
I remember I quit for a month, even carrots and bread seemed sweet. I should try again.

>> No.9210448

Yeah, I should probably try to reset my caffeine tolerance.

>> No.9210468

For all the coffeefags here, can i ask - why?
Black coffee/americano is lterally the best type of coffee and it's cheaper/healthier/faster

Is it just the taste

>> No.9210475

>Black coffee/americano

Wanna know how I can tell you are full of shit?

>> No.9210485

>black coffee/americano
Are you implying these are the same thing?

>> No.9210488

americano from where, a vending machine?

>> No.9210493

when i have to pop into caffe nero and ask for a black coffee, and they give me an americano
Please enlighten me though, since the only coffee i enjoy is literally just black

>> No.9210498

yeah most cafes will just give you an americano when you ask for 'coffee.'

but its definitely not drip black.

>> No.9210499

Black coffee is a regular coffee.
Americano is practically a regular coffee with 5x the amount of water in it.

>> No.9210509

So americano a shit?

>> No.9210523

Its a watered down regular coffee.
If you want to sit on a chair and sip for 20 minutes, while not taking more than a normal amount of caffeine, I guess its fine. Like a digestive drink.

But as a proper cup of coffee, I hate it.

>> No.9210536


depending on the mood i'm in, either a 24oz iced black coffee (french roast) with 3 espresso shots in it, or literally 8oz of black espresso

>> No.9210542


>not liking french or italian roast


>> No.9210547

Thanks anons

>> No.9210592
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I like your mug anon
I like the colors and the message
it's a nice mug

I don't even know why but I get the feel you're from (eastern) europe

on-topic tho, got the same coffee yesterday but it's beans that I grind in an Oprhan Espresso Lido 2 manual grinder

on hot days in the weekend I make a double-shot espresso (black) in the morning, and a rather faggy drink in the afternoon (never used to make it but now it's kinda chill)
pic related is the faggy drink

double shot of espresso
3 ice cubes
sometimes a teaspoon of brown sugar

at work we use a Nespresso capsule machine which is fairly decent

>> No.9210627
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made coffee with coconut cream and one egg yolk, very nice

>> No.9210682


americano is an espresso shot with hot water dilution. nani the fucking korre are you talking about

>> No.9210778

I just want to stress that to make americano you shouldn't run the water through your ground coffee for longer time; this will make it very bitter and unpleasant

instead, make a regular shot of espresso and then add hot water on top, and it'll taste just fine

>> No.9211099

So its coffee with extra water, as stated.

>> No.9211109

well, yea
it's also easy to remember


>> No.9211121


>> No.9211141

Technically, since it has the most water, it is also the deepest.

>> No.9211164

espresso roasted beans, torrefacto, finely ground, moka percolated. black and fresh. i like hot frothed soymilk on top in the fall/winter.

when its too hot i drink blonde roast cold brew from a press with frozen torrefacto ice cubes in it.

>> No.9211506

i enjoy my coffee black with a lil sugar, sometimes cream if im in the mood.

>> No.9211513


>> No.9211521

my mom likes this. its awful but better than nothing.

>> No.9211529

looks fucking delicious

>> No.9211589

Anybody drinking Jacobs here?

>> No.9211803

I drink my coffee like Chuck Norris, black and without water.

>> No.9211826

Raos coffee fresh ground with a little milk in a clear mug

>> No.9211837

>without water
can't brew coffee without water

>> No.9212109

coldbrew with milk. Tastes extremely nutty in my experience.

>> No.9212136
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This shit right here f a m

>> No.9212141
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Microwave water for 2 minutes
1.5 scoops

>> No.9212152
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This one is good too.

>> No.9212165

I was up to about 3-9 cups of coffee a day, and all I can honestly say is that the taste is kind of okay with enough additives, but the caffeine is awful and makes me feel constantly on edge.

I could probably stand decaffeinated coffee, but regular or strong coffee makes me feel like I'm drinking cigarettes, if that makes any sense.

Now I mostly just drink water and sometimes hot chocolate with milk.

>> No.9212170

I will fully admit I am and enjoy my fucking milkshake thank you very much

p.s. I never go to starbucks pls suggest a good milkshake for me to try

>> No.9212631

>9 cups
what the fuck

>> No.9212645

I went to buy actual coffee beans for the first time, and I came home empty handed.

The bagged organic coffee, such as Kicking Horse, hovers around $12 CAD for a 1 lb bag.
Local roasters seem to all be charging $18 CAD for a 1 lb bag.

Is it worth paying the premium?

>> No.9212650

>caffeine is awful and makes me feel constantly on edge
I love the feeling. I feel like my mind is made of whirring gears, a precision machine that manufactures ideas.

>> No.9213190

Yeah, I drank 6 16 oz cups a day, but at some point on my student budget I couldn't afford to do that at a good quality level anymore and cut down to 3.
I tried this shitty imitation >>9212152 but forcing down this battery dirt water was just painful. I'm trying to ween with ginseng, teas, maca, etc but nothing really quells the addiction. I dont get shakes and nausea and headaches without it anymore, but my production levels have declined and my insomnia leaves me perpetually drowsy and unproductive. :(
Thats a good price for fresh local beans. If you're a beginner, start with a 1/4 lb blonde roast and a press.

>> No.9214056

>Is it worth paying the premium?
That's up to you to figure out.

>Kicking Horse
If they don't put the roast date on the bag, they're shitters

>> No.9214070

Delonghi Dedica EC 680 + Graef CM 702. You have to dremel the portafilters though to get optimal results. This setup is about 250€.

>> No.9214566

>machine Espresso
>sip a bit off
>let it cool down
>slam it down in one gulp
>don't breathe through nose
>try not to gag

every morning

>> No.9214574

Why do people get so upset over others enjoying quality coffee instead of Folgers? Nobody freaks out when someone enjoys quality burgers fresh off the grill over Bubba burgers. I'm just trying to understand.

>> No.9214585

No, that's wrong. It has to be espresso or that would taste like shit. It's watered down to have a similar consistency and strength to a normal cup of coffee, and it isn't that different from a regular cup of drip.

>> No.9214605

i use french press and starbucks coffee which grinded about 1 month ago.
it's very bad actually but i don't have an espresso machine but my favorite coffee is double espresso
i make cold brew or just fill the glass with ice and pour hot coffee in it.

>> No.9214624

How many times do you brew the same batch?

do you just throw the grounds away and use a new one?

>> No.9214831

Go to a low tier diner and ask for an americano, they will give you a regular coffee with enough water to be a soup. Maybe even instant coffee with a lot of water, if its a small town or a roadside between towns. There won't even be an espresso machine in the building.
Thats what americano is in practice, you can keep your theory.

>> No.9214842

Lol what fucking planet do you live on

>> No.9214847


>> No.9214848
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My planet.

>> No.9214853

>it's very bad
Because you're fucking it up. What is your current process?

>> No.9214864

>french press cold brew
>What is your current process?

Probably putting water and coffee in it and drinking the next morning, I imagine.

>> No.9214920

What does black coffee taste like? I'll try some later on.

>> No.9214930

Deliciously bitter. For maximum bitterness, put a piece of really dark chocolate under your tongue, and sip hot black coffee.
Its like cheese&wine, but while the sun is up.

>> No.9214940

How much coffee is too much coffee? Im on the verge of 4 cups a day. Two in the morning and the next 1 or 2 scattered throughout the day.

I dont always need the caffiene energy, I just love the taste. Coffee, espresso, etc, its all so good. Decaf can be good, but I do like the energy boost in the morning and its part of my wake up rituals, yaknow? I also drink atleast 1 cup of tea per day as well.

>> No.9214948

4 cups, 80mg caffeine each, spread out throughout the day, but no less than 6 hours before sleep.
Any more than that and you are at risk of migraine, insomnia, stomach ulcers, restlessness, dehydration, muscle tremors.
Also never hungry, always 15 minutes to 2 hours after a meal.

t. american government

>> No.9214973

Good one. He said it tastes very bad. It shouldn't, which is why I'm trying to help

>> No.9214988

I usually brew up four espresso cups' worth of coffee (that's my moka's capacity) and drink it with sugar.

>> No.9215007

>Thats a good price for fresh local beans
Thanks, I ended up picking some up. There was a coffee shop near me that carried their beans. They were roasted 2 weeks ago. Tasted pretty good! I'll try and get them fresher next time.

>> No.9215060

Who orders an Americano at a place that obviously doesn't have espresso? How does that define an Americano? Do you order a taco at KFC and get mad when you don't receive one?

>> No.9215070

I think you'll know when you've overdone it. I always drink way too much of the free coffee at conferences and feel like utter shit immediately.

>> No.9215146

cold brew is good actually. and iced hot coffee is fine too. but i don't like its taste when it's hot (i think it is more important because it is original coffee)
i wait 1 minute after water boiled. i tried different coffee/water ratios. brew 3.5-4 mins. and it's enough for me.

i think it's about beans' freshness. i buy them months after roast and grind them when i buy. it takes around a month for me to finish a 250g. pack so it is very stale when i brew.

sorry for my bed england

>> No.9215148

>How much coffee is too much coffee?
Recommended max caffeine dosage is 5mg/kg relative to your bodyweight.
Meaning the average adult male ought to keep below 5-6 espresso shots.

>> No.9215165

isnt that a waste of coffee?

>> No.9215170

Got some fresh fermented beans. Those are really nice, never expected something so good.

>> No.9215172

Is it bitter or sour? Are you beans dark roasted? Take a look at pic related.

Stale coffee doesn't taste bad, it just loses flavor.

>> No.9215179

No, it's literally only good for one extraction.

>> No.9215187
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God dammit

>> No.9215234


>> No.9215279

Just got some fresh Folgers myself from Costco, really smooth and nice with just a touch of cream

Moccamaster always does Folgers well

>> No.9215285

$100 is good for an automatic

>> No.9215393

It's like alcohol, some are good, some are shitty but people will buy the shittiest quality just to have the effect

>> No.9215424

I thought you were going to get a grinder

>> No.9215449
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>> No.9215487

How is that Dell?

>> No.9215506

if you have enough coffee compounds in the grounds left to make more than 1 serving, you're using WAAAY too much.

>> No.9215690
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pic related

>> No.9215699

Kill yourself.

>> No.9215710

*invites you to everwing*

>> No.9215801

it's neither bitter nor sour. i think my brewing is ok. beans are very dark roasted i think. it's starbucks though.

yes actually it doesn't "taste bad". is it about "consistence"?
sometimes it's intense, but if i change ratio or brew time, it's becoming too watery and tea-like.

>> No.9215847

Bit of half and half, bit of sugar. I like a dark muddy brown, bittersweet flavor.
Stopped drinking coffee because it started giving me anxiety and heart problems though.

>> No.9215855

I read twin kitchen as "twink kitchen"

>> No.9215901

I can't afford it because of the mocca master now

Maybe in the future

>> No.9215918

Coffee gives me indigestion.

My favourite coffee.

>> No.9216298

A very dark roast won't allow you to taste the flavor of the beans. An extremely dark roast from brazil tastes the same as an extremely dark roast from ethiopia, but roast those same beans light and brew them fresh, and you will see the world of coffee.

>> No.9216313

youd like that. haha

>> No.9216327

Anon, I...

>> No.9216330

Finish your sentence

>> No.9216344

>buy overpriced drip machine
>brew overoasted, pre-ground in it
>tell people about this
im confused. we very much so prefer to help as opposed to judge, and would love to recommend brewing methods and roasts that would give you a better cup of coffee than what you're doing, why not just ask for simple advice instead of blowing money on something you probably didn't research? please don't take this the wrong way, as it merely is attempting to help you in the future

>> No.9216359

I got it for $200, I just wanted something easy and consistent in the morning

It's past the return period now. I might have been able to return for a bonavita and spend the difference on the grinder but now I'm stuck with it

At least it's good at making Folgers

>> No.9216369

Black from the coffee shop down the street. It's like 50 cents and pretty fuckin good.
Other than that I just make some from a bag of beans my ex-girlfriend left at my house.
Add baileys/whisk(e)y if it's a weekend or if I feel like it.

>> No.9216377

grinder, then beans, then coffee maker

you can make better coffee than folgers out of even a $1000 machine, with a saucepan and fresh beans

>> No.9216378

Sugar and cream turn it into a warm milkshake. Of course it tastes good.

99% of the time I drink coffee black because I enjoy the bitterness. (this means I drink fruity girl coffee three times a year)

>> No.9216405

Properly brewed coffee isn't bitter

>> No.9216425

You can cold brew with a french press.

Or just any container and strain. Or even less work if you don't mind sediment.

>> No.9216436

You are simply incorrect.

>> No.9216444

leddit spacing has only been a thing for a few weeks. It shows your newfag.

>> No.9216463

Instant coffee is vastly inferior but I'll make the exception if you don't have access to anything else.

Also apparently Europeans are the ones who drink instant coffee and it is much less common in the states.

>> No.9216474

Usually once, sometimes twice just because I wanted to drink more. The second batch will be weak and the third is more water than coffee.

Sometimes coffee flavored warm water is okay after I've already had my coffee, but you can't really call it coffee anymore.

>> No.9216663

>leddit spacing has only been a thing for a few weeks


>> No.9217410

i drink sultan, and brew it in a pot on the stovetop with cardamom and suger
then i put lemon juice in it and drink it with the grounds still in it

>> No.9217612
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I've got one of these, a Sunbeam EM3600. Anyone have any idea how long they last? I've had mine since 2011.

>> No.9217619

espresso based drinks. usually a cortado. no sugar.

i recently got some tim wendeltoe roasted beans. pretty underwhelmed. the beans were dried out and couldn't crema for shit. the flavor profile was somewhat nice though (if you're into floral and fruity). but imo stuff i can get locally roasted is better

>> No.9217625

as long as you keep it clean and don't use hard water it will last you a good while. i had a cuisinart brand version of that unit since 2010 and it still works (though i've since passed it onto my brother)

>> No.9217635

if you pickup a krups or generic 49mm single wall (non-pressurized) filter basket (literally $5 on amazon) and use a decent espresso grinder to grind fresh roasted espresso beans you can get pretty OK results with this machine BTW

>> No.9217665

Any noob maintenance tips? I just clean whatever's easily accessible whenever it looks grubby.

>> No.9217675
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anyone know anything in the area of hand operated espresso machines?

>> No.9217693

Seems like a good way to get your rectum burnt

>> No.9217696

probably nothing you haven't done done already. but if hard water is an issue in your area and you find your machine takes longer to heat up you might want to descale it and backflush it. though only if you find it takes longer to get up to temp and again only if you have been using hard water in the machine

>> No.9217747

Cool, thanks! My city's water is pretty soft.

>> No.9217953

so you say it's about roast degree of bean but not my brewing. and i should get a good quality coffee and try it with same style first?

>> No.9218646

Redpill me on espressos. As someone that drinks their coffee black, WTF is wrong with you?

>> No.9219386
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My setup

>> No.9219416

>2 weeks ago
I wouldn't buy that if it werent vacuum sealed, but nice.
Why would you dislike espresso...? Its like coffee, but a syrupy, creamy, buttery mouthfeel and a decadent rich flavor.

>> No.9219499

Aeropress vs French Press vs Pour Over, what do you guys prefer?

>> No.9219601

It's only Freddo Espresso with 1 spoonful of sugar

>> No.9219611
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>strong as shit
>a splash of milk
>no sugar

>> No.9219617

Greek here,Frappe is the only patrician choice.

>> No.9219669

I don't drink shit more than a day old, it tastes rancid. Smaller portions more regularly

>> No.9219754

Roast and grind size are first things to play with to see what flavors you like in your coffee once you are brewing properly (no over/underextraction in your preffered/available method).

If you are extracting properly, trying different farms from different countries in differents roasts is how you dial in your tastes. Lighter roasts provide more unique tones, but those unique tones can develop very interestingly as the bean darkens. Once you hit a black with oil leaking from the bean itself, you are in same-taste territory where your beans from different farms and regions all taste the same; burnt.

>> No.9219818

When I go out to get coffee I'll either get:
Ice blended
If I want something sugary. I'll get a mocha or the ice blended at places I don't expect the coffee to be good as well.

But usually
Black drip coffee

If I'm drinking drip coffee or coffee from a stovetop espresso pot at home I'll usually drown it in milk and sugar because it's either overextracted and bitter as hell, or watery and sour.

Eventually I might get an espresso machine, but that's farther in the future when I'm not a college student anymore.

>> No.9220332

I buy instant coffee and drink it with milk