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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 109 KB, 938x821, consensual_bondage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9194442 No.9194442 [Reply] [Original]

>taking summer classes at college
>sit next to skinnyfat numale looking dude
>turns out he's from Qatar
>turns out we both love making fun of gays, jews, and liberals
>invites me to dinner to dinner at a five star Brazilian steakhouse
Guys, I've never eaten anywhere above Denny's quality. Is there a certain way I need to eat? How do I learn advanced etiquette?

Also I gtg in about 2 hours, please respond

>> No.9194445

Just read the menu you stupid fuck.

Get a steak, some red wine or beer, and a complimentary side if it doesnt come with one.

>> No.9194469

Dont eat like the fucking pig you normally are.
Say please and thank you.
Dont kick the table.
And learn to wipe your mouth.

>> No.9194472
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damn you guys are rude

>> No.9194496

Put your napkin on your lap. Don't ask the waitress ridiculous questions like "do you have tendies?" Eat at a slow and leisurely pace. Don't chew with your mouth open even if someone is talking to you. Finish swallowing your food before you respond.

>> No.9194503

dress nicely faggot

Can't wear your flannel button up and jeans in those kind of establishments

Oh and don't forget to order your steak well done with a side of ketchup and if no ketchup ask for it

>> No.9194504

don't forget to offer mustafa your asshole after dinner, like a good girl.

>> No.9194578
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>Brazilian steakhouse

>> No.9194596

cuckfag genocide when?

>> No.9194605

more like faggot genocide when

>> No.9194607

yet another /pol/ idiot that doesn't understand what a cuck is

>> No.9194610

step one is to go back to /pol/
step two is to offer muhammad a blowie under the table; semen is the best dish for your kind

>> No.9194619

Obviously a well-done steak with ketchup, like the god-emperor likes it.

>> No.9194626

Brazilian steakhouses are literally the bomb
They're kind of different from regular restaurants because instead of ordering there are just people who walk around with cuts of meat and go to each of the tables so you get to try like 8 different cuts at whatever rareness you want. Most people aren't familiar with this so they more or less tell you what to do. It's fancy but laid back. Super fun. Very expensive

>> No.9194658
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Judging by the picture you posted combined with the content of your post, you might have a subconscious desire to receive a sensual spanking from an Muslim man after a romantic dinner date. You therefore have worse things to worry about than restaurant etiquette, considering both you and the aloha snackbar seem to share a disdain for gays.

>> No.9194675

>invites me to dinner to dinner at a five star Brazilian steakhouse
you do realize he expects a blowjob?

>> No.9194678

So you enjoying making fun of gays yet you're asking for advice on proper etiquette for your date with another dude?

>> No.9194683
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>> No.9194692

oh my god i am so offended how could you post such a thing on my liberal 4chan safespace?
Go back to /pol/, faggot.

>> No.9194696
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We just going to ignore the fact that Michelin Guides only go up to three stars?

>> No.9194753

Thanks man, glad not all people responding are trolls. Should I just try everything?

>> No.9194762

>Should I just try everything?
Not on the first date, slut.

>> No.9194764

You're so fucking mad right now lmao

>> No.9194766

I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed.

>> No.9194778
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>> No.9194784

wtf are you guys doing in my thread

>> No.9194785

Kill yourself sweetheart

>> No.9194792
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>> No.9194802

Just prepping you for your date with Omar with conversation topics that are at your mutual mental level.

>> No.9194810


>> No.9194824


>> No.9194827

>>9194810 (you)

>> No.9194835


>> No.9194843

kill yourself

>> No.9194846
File: 4 KB, 345x157, you_people_are_cancer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9194859

Eat a fucking bullet retard

>> No.9194861

Why do people even bother with "kys"? It's lost its thunder because of you faggots overusing it, you may as well be calling me a stupid-head.

>> No.9194868

>implying you're not a dum dum stupid head

Contract AIDS

>> No.9194872

This has got to be the worst /ck/ thread of all time

>> No.9194875

Go cry about it somewhere else bitch

>> No.9194880

wtf is your problem dude?

>> No.9194896
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>> No.9194899

Fuck off

>> No.9194910

>>9194899 (dubs)
no im here

>> No.9194946

was started by a frogposter, what did you expect

>> No.9194947


>> No.9194962
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Oh look, a new ending!

>> No.9195079

Went to one for a friend's birthday. It was amazing. Great salad bar too.

Yeah. Tons of closet middle east Muslims who love young boys and me while badmouthing gays.

You are going on a date, op. Bring condoms and lube.

>> No.9195130

Prepare to be culturally enriched faggot. He's gonna fuck you in the boipucci