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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9189583 No.9189583 [Reply] [Original]

Austin thread
Post your favorite restaurants and food trucks.

If you're from L.A., stop moving here.

>> No.9189589

I hate Austin so much. Way too many Californians already moved here.

>> No.9189591
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Fucking abomination of Kim chi and poutine. Tastes good, just looks like trash.

>> No.9189596
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For sure.

>> No.9189605
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I live in NYC and I have never been to Texas, say if I were going to visit Austin for a few days on a whim, where should I stay and what kinds of places should I go try? Also, I assume it would be best to just rent a car rather than rely on public transportation, or am I wrong? Austin seems like an interesting place to visit, with all the food and live music scene.

>> No.9189612
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Don. Good place to hit on Asian chicks.

>> No.9189616

capital metro has a very easy app or website used to plan trips. cheap. also theres bad traffic in lots of places so its easier to let someone drive you.

>> No.9189617

More of a /trv/ question. If you want "real" Texas, go to Dallas or San Antonio. Austin is a thing on its own. Places to go: I dunno, BBQ I guess?

>> No.9189638
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The worst traffic I've ever been in was LA and San Francisco, but Atlanta and Boston are pretty bad over here on the East Coast. I'll keep Captial Metro in mind, thanks.

Well more specifically, I'm asking about cool places to eat rather than general travel tips. Like here in NYC there's neighborhoods that have significantly better eating scenes than others (in my price range), but the density of good restaurants is still high as fuck so it can get confusing to a tourist.

>> No.9189648
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You think people moving to Austin is bad, Try living in Colorado

>> No.9189663

Austin isn't cool anymore, been living here since the late 80s and now it's just a bunch of faggy hipsters and minorities. It's all just more gentrification ruining the city.

>> No.9189714

One of the main reasons I didn't move to CO. Picked Boise instead. Hopefully the west coasters don't figure out how great a town Boise is. I've heard Denver is basically nu-Cali now.

>> No.9189723

>Real Texas
Wrong. Dallas is almost as bad as Austin. Real Texas is found in the small cities and ranches nestled in the middle of fucking nowhere. Dallas yuppies wouldn't cut it for a second out here.

>> No.9189733
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>more minorities
>more gentrification
pick one.

>> No.9189765

Austin is just like NYC. Why not go to a real Texas town like San Antonio?

>> No.9189788
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I didn't say I would never go to San Antonio or another city, it's just that Austin interests me and this is an Austin thread, so...

Also, the idea that any city is the "real" version of the state is just no-true-Scotsman nonsense. I'm an urban planner/architect and I appreciate most every city I live in or visit. Rarely do I come across a city that big that has no distinct culture.
It's like saying, oh you're visiting Orlando? Well, you wouldn't TRULY get the REAL Florida experience until you go to Miami or Tampa!

>> No.9189798

Austin really is a lot different than most of Texas

>> No.9189835

Chinks and pajeets working in the tech industry.

>> No.9189869

That's OK. Denver is different than most of Colorado, but I liked it a lot and I also liked Salida where a friend of mine lived which was in the middle of nowhere. I find that I can get by and enjoy myself almost anywhere as long as there's good food and interesting buildings or landscape.

>> No.9189888

I live in Tech Ridge area, My fav trucks are "Super Burrito" cheap tacos and "Austin's Habibi" Gyro downtown in the "Tiniest bar in TX"

>> No.9189945

This. Austin hasn't been cool since the 90s, and it's not just because of Californians moving there. I grew up in the area around Austin, went to uni in Austin, and got married and started a family in Austin. It just got worse and worse there. I live in NorCal now, and it's fucking great. And all my friends and family that have never been out here to visit still make stupid jokes about "all the vegans and gays and lib'rals huehuehue" And i just shoot back with, nope they can't afford to live here, they live around you now". Even though I love my heritage, Texas makes me more and more depressed when I go back to visit.

>> No.9189953

It's Minneapolis' hot twin sister imo

>> No.9189979
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Don't go to Franklin's unless you like standing in line for hours in the heat I would suggest you go to one of the better places a bit of a drive out like Kreuz in Lockhart or Louis Mueller in Taylor. You can also see what these people are saying is ~~~real~~~ Texas though driving West is definitely prettier.

My favorite Mexican place is Fonda San Miguel, they do a great brunch and their food is a bit more Mexican than most of the purely Tex Mex places.

There are more shitty run of the mill hipster places with decent food and insufferable people than you can shake a stick at.

People especially many that consider themselves """""foodies""""" in Austin are taco fetishists, there's no other way to describe it. They are obsessed with knowing where the objectively best taco is and where they hate, and you get a mix of people ranting about what is and is not authentic, and how certain places are too white (Taco Deli, which is owned by mexicans iirc) or too touristy/popular (Torchy's). I just hate that people are so concerned with and adamant about finding and knowing what the absolute and only objective best of X, Y and Z are when it's not only subjective but subject to change. Like, there was a Taco Deli across mopac from my old job, it's decent and yes there are white soccer moms there god forbid. You get similar shit with burgers, although on a side note In-N-Out for reasons is worse than in California.

There's nothing wrong with Austin desu but you;ll find many people that hate it for various reasons as seen in this thread, from it being liberal, to it being expensive, to it being no longer what it was when they were teenagers, etc. It's all rather silly.

>> No.9189987

Dallas people suck, really, really suck. West Texas people are just Dallas people without the culture. Houston people are a little better, but have their own special brand of crazy, but anywhere else in East Texas is hillbillies. Austin is unbearable for many reasons, MANY. San Antonio would the best if you didn't have to worry about accidentally turning into the wrong neighborhood and getting shot, robbed, or both. I don't even count the panhandle, it's like another planet full of bible thumping assholes and fuck nothing. South Texas is pretty fucking blah, there's nothing of interest, except South Padre, which can be fun, if you're in the right place. Corpus Christie is scummy and shady as fuck, but has good seafood. El Paso is interesting, but being directly across from Juarez automatically makes it horrific (Look at the plight, children). Great place to stop and buy boots, though, much cheaper than any other city. The Hill Country is the best place in Texas. From Burnet (maybe even San Saba) all the way down to Vanderpool, west to Mason, and east to La Grange (if you cut around the hellhole that is Austin). It's the only area worth going to anymore.

>> No.9190105

>There's nothing wrong with Austin desu but you;ll find many people that hate it for various reasons as seen in this thread, from it being liberal, to it being expensive, to it being no longer what it was when they were teenagers, etc. It's all rather silly.

I don't know why 4chan of all places has become so conservative over the years. It baffles me to this day. But thanks for the advice. I have no problems visiting a liberal, expensive, constantly changing city because I live in one myself. NYC has it's share of insufferable pretentiousness but damn, sometimes great food and drinks come out of all that.

>> No.9190187


To add, it's not even that expensive, indeed many of the hated (for some good reasons) Californians talk about how cheap it is and especially compared to NYC. It's also rather contrarian to be conservative among young people even though Trump is president (and I'm no liberal) so it makes sense.

As far as where to stay the Driskill is pretty neat (was built by a cattle baron so you can get that over the top western ambiance) and with a proper balcony room you can observe the sad debauchery that is sixth street most nights of the week. If you're lucky you'll see a homeless guy killed by a drunk driver or some drunk retards get arrested for jaywalking or fighting (also don't jaywalk the police are autistic about enforcement because so many people get hit by cars). And on top of that don't drink and drive the police are stringent and have no refusal checkpoints with phlebotomists on hand and measures in place to fuck you over even if you're from another state.

As far as where to drink The Draught House has lots of local beers (I like the Live Oak Brewery) and they usually have some food truck come on weekends. There's of course always 6th street divided between the dirty part (east) and the ""snobby""" part (west) and Rainey Street which is particularly hated, as well as a million trendy places on South Congress (people who call it SoCo should be shot on sight).

>> No.9190200

There are a SHITLOAD of breweries here. Find a taproom and kill a day. 4th Tap on Metric and Austin Beerworks on Industrial Terrace are good starts.

As for transportation, consider renting a bike. This is a great biking city.

>> No.9190202

Phoenix here.
If you're from L.A. keep heading east. You' are not in Austin yet.
Do. Not. Stop. Here!

>> No.9190262

I grew up around Austin area. It is full of wanna-be hippies a big college/party scene. There's some pretty good food places out there though.

Shoal Creek Saloon has some great food off Lamar. I always get their smoked porkchop. Matter of fact.. it's my computer background right now. It's massive.

Salt Lick is good BBQ if you don't mind a drive through the hill country to Driftwood. $20 all you can eat.

Juan in a Millions in East Austin has awesome mexican food. Their breakfast Don Juan >>>

If there's one thing I would recommend over all.. Go get the deep fried beef rib at Jack Allens off 71. You'll melt into a southern heaven full of the tenderest chicken fried steak you've ever eaten.

>> No.9190265

Don't know what you're so defensive about, Phoenix proper is pretty shit (with a few exceptions ), and only some of the outlying areas are nice. And then you've got your hellholes like Tempe.
Anyway, Flagstaff >Phoenix, for so many reasons.

>> No.9190268

>it's my computer background right now. It's massive.

Post it you buttass.

>> No.9190270

Also I live in Denver now, but lived in Dallas after college. Dallas is the best city in Texas. San Antonio is second.

If you ever get in a rough spot while in San Antonio - just say "Go Spurs Go" and you'll be accepted by any Mexican you come across.

Anything said about Denver in this thread is true. It's full of overpriced housing and granolas and homeless people EVERY WHERE.

>> No.9190320

You sound very sheltered. Travel more.

>> No.9190405

You here that Angelinos? Phoenix sucks, keep it moving. That's the I-17 right there. You heard anon. Take that shit north until you see the 40 and pitch your tent.

>> No.9190465

You sound like a pompous redneck. I've traveled to every state in the US, as well as most of western europe, several asian countries, the carribean, australia, new zealand, south america, and morocco. Plus, having grown up in Texas, I know every part of that state like the back of my hand. You need to take off your rose colored glasses.

>> No.9190516

leave tx sometime cletus

>> No.9190533

See >>9190465, retard.

>> No.9190547

how do i sound like a pompous redneck cletus?

>> No.9190555

Because only pompous rednecks don't understand their own state, and only pompous rednecks use the name Cleetus as an insult. You're an idiot.

>> No.9190561

I going to go be a tourist in Austin and a few other states, are there any Nigger dense cities I should stay away from? Particularly places where Denny's fights are assured.

>> No.9190577

What the Fuck man, that's a small fucking street! How do people continue to live in these places?

>> No.9190683

see >>9190320, newfriend.

>> No.9190712
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You're both retarded, please just fuck already.

>> No.9190745

I need the name of this anime, for science, of course.

>> No.9190902

I really want to get the fuck out of Austin and move back to a small Texas town but muh tech sector...

>> No.9190903
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Ameriboo watches the Simpsons and thinks it's reality.....

>> No.9190959

It is though https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZtparSnQhFc

>> No.9190971
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>thinks parroting is legit

>> No.9190978

Bend over.

>> No.9190986

>Dallas people suck, really, really suck. West Texas people are just Dallas people without the culture

This is the biggest load of crap...

West Texas is where actual Texas culture exists, Dallas is just another big city hell hole.

>> No.9190996

>wanting to live in idaho


>> No.9191009

Second for Austin Beerworks.

>> No.9191015

He's sheltered don't mind him :^)

>> No.9191041

Wrong. West Texas is fucking bible belt retards who wished they lived in Dallas.
>tear down the wind man because muh religion says no pagan gods
>muh dry counties
>muh dust storms
>muh serious underbelly of drug addiction

Real Texan values lie in the Hills Country, with cattle ranches, beautiful lakes and rolling hills, and people who are too polite to tell you how fucking stupid you are, sheep fucker.

>> No.9191045


>> No.9191055

The trashiest, most ass backwards people I've ever met have been from West Texas.
t. born and bred Texas and member of the Texas Rangers Association.

>> No.9191069

Beautiful out here man. Conservative, little to no traffic, big enough town to have everything you want, but not too big. No crime. Desert along the beautiful Snake River south of town, foothills and mountains north. Low cost of living and a university with a good football team. Anything is better than the southeast and so far I fucking love it out here.

One of the best kept secrets in the USA.

>> No.9191075

Offhand, I think Memphis, Houston, New Orleans, Chicago are the worst. Austin doesn't have many per capita.

>> No.9191142
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Streets like that are pretty comfy in Manhattan. I live in a highrise overlooking a big avenue with a nice balcony. It's pretty lit, my dude. Pic related is a shot I took from my balcony. But yeah, I grew up living next to wooded areas and I can understand the need for some space.

>> No.9191553
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>cattle ranches, beautiful lakes and rolling hills, and people who are too polite to tell you how fucking stupid you are

>> No.9191626

Calm down newbitch.

>> No.9191760

Really? That's all you have? WEAK, redneck. Weak.

>> No.9191802

One of the best tacos I've ever had was at this Indian/Mexican place that had goat masala tacos.

Moonshine Patio and Grill has an amazing brunch buffet.

>tfw going to Austin soon

aww yisss

>> No.9192696

Full Metal Jacket

>> No.9192712

>implying anybody from a real city would move to Diet Portland, Texas

>> No.9193039


>wanting to live in a "small Texas town"

What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.9193182


>> No.9193228

>not knowing that cali-cucks are a real problem in texas
build a wall
most of the nicer towns are up north or around the distance of San Antonio to Austin. If you go south like around corpus then yeah theyre mostly shit except for rockport
t.san antonio fag

>> No.9193977
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>thread about anywhere specific in TX
>everyone chimps out about what is and isn't shitty
>faggots from out of state and people who "escaped" add their worthless opinions

>thread about anywhere specific in the US
>TX bros stick together


>> No.9193993

as much as I might shit on other Texans, I've lived here my whole life. Yuppies moving in have no right to talk about our state.
We should go back to being an independent republic to be honest. Kick all the Californians out and hang the nu-hipsters

>> No.9194053

Source: https://youtu.be/ZrAfMDAqzLg