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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9189416 No.9189416 [Reply] [Original]

What are they called?

>> No.9189418


>> No.9189421

French Fries.

Don't be silly anon.

>> No.9189431
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>only 36 hours til free fry friday

>> No.9189433
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Freedom fries and don't you forget it

>> No.9189434
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>> No.9189435

Freedom Fries

>> No.9189439

It's quite weird really

french call them frites
brits chips
americans fries
germans pommes (and omit the frites)

>> No.9189441


I get off work early on Fridays, and while I'm ashamed to admit it I'm actually looking forward to ordering 2 double cheeseburgers, a large coke and some fries from McD's while I sit down and enjoy it all.

>> No.9189447

Nothing wrong with that as long as it's only once a week.

>> No.9189462

>I get off work early on Fridays, and while I'm ashamed to admit it I'm actually looking forward to ordering 2 double cheeseburgers, a large coke and some fries from McD's while I sit down and enjoy it all.
Youre preplanning a trip to McDs? There is a bit something wrong with that. Dont you have any other local choice for good fries or burgers? There is nothing wrong with living in the moment and having things satisfy you nostaligiawise, like it was a routine with dad, but there is something wrong to pick it for flavor reasons.

>> No.9189465

cancer sticks

>> No.9189492


I have like $30 that's supposed to last me a week, so that's the thing I'm going to splurge on once this workweek is finished.

When I get paid I plan on getting an actual good meal.

>> No.9189494

irish toothpicks

>> No.9189506

pommes frites

Saying just pommes and pronouncing it "pomm-ess" is a common slang term.

>> No.9189545


>> No.9189573

Russians call them "free"

>> No.9189637

The faggy version of chips.

>> No.9189642

"double the price of our competitor"

>> No.9189741

Freedom fries.

>> No.9189813

Potato sandwiches.

>> No.9189818

pomme frites

>> No.9189824


>> No.9189827

my grandpa called them 'tater fingers

>> No.9189870

Potato Danglers

>> No.9189875


>> No.9189876


>> No.9189879

those are crisps

>> No.9189893

Potato salad, hold the dressing.

>> No.9189895

fried potato
or potato fry for short

>> No.9189947

Condiment Scoopers

>> No.9190053


>> No.9190075

Potato royale. Because of the metric system

>> No.9190084
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>go to American restaurant in California
>they're calling them pomme frites instead of french fries

>> No.9190095
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Dollar 49 for one biteful at your average fast food joint.

>> No.9190237

potato dicks

>> No.9190246


Pomme frites in most American restaurants refer to fries that have been cooked in duck fat. Much better than normal fries.

I'm very sorry you couldn't try them anon

>> No.9190293

French fried

>> No.9190332

spud noodles

>> No.9190335

or Polish toothpicks, depending

>> No.9190341

really? I actually learned something today

>> No.9190452

>Host: Dainia

>> No.9190504

FRIES nigga

>> No.9190599

What do they call onion rings?

>> No.9190937

Shrek holes.

>> No.9190946

fried crispy potato sticks

>> No.9191371

Greetings, fellow patrician

>> No.9191411

Whatever it says on the packet

>> No.9191424

here in the uk we call them potato penises.

>> No.9191468

hoboken potato chiclets en canola.

>> No.9191473

crispy crunchy potato munchies

>> No.9191481

french fried

>> No.9191489
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Freedom Fries


>> No.9191511

Are you fucking kidding?! France was there for us in our hour of need when the Brits took NYC during the revolution. NEVER FORGET!

>> No.9191522

fried potato twigs

>> No.9191527

Tuber sticks

>> No.9191540

Jesus no one on /ck/ knows what to call a pile of potato dongs. Is this what they call shook? I can't come here anymore.

>> No.9191561

>Jejari kentang
>Potato sticks

>> No.9191657

Just shut up snail muncher
America saved your asses in WW2 and you repaid us by having that fucking Pierre Degalle pull out of NATO. Then you spent 50 years acting smug towards American tourists while we protected your smelly unshowered asses from the Soviets, and when we got attacked on 911 you looked the other way instead of helping us in our payback against Saddam.

A fucking traitor country of frog-eater, surrender cheese-eating wine-sipping faggots, that's what you are. The British should have made a colony out of you and used your people to fertilize the soil... that's all you are good for.

>> No.9191662

>you looked the other way instead of helping us in our payback against Saddam.
To be fair, they did sympathize (along with much of the world), Bush squandered that sympathy

>> No.9191688

>and when we got attacked on 911 you looked the other way instead of helping us in our payback against Saddam
Correctly so. That was our """friends""" the Saudis.

>> No.9192346


As almost 80% of the words you used in that post have French roots because of 1066. The English you speak is the product of France making England its bitch. Enjoy.

>> No.9192353


>> No.9192752

The "S" at the end is silent and it's prounouced "pom" you dirty peasant.

>> No.9192771

Oh shit Cortlandt Manor bro! I've been to that wendy's.

>> No.9192776


If I lived in britbongistan I'd call them whatever I needed to call them to get the person to cook them for me.

Anything else in the US is pretentious.

>> No.9192779

フライ ポテト。