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9185290 No.9185290 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread is fizzing out

whine here, cry here, or just continue drinking here. i just got back from a bike ride to the gas station. probably lost 5 lbs in sweat, followed by dry heaving as soon as i got in the house. just starting my latest beer taper. how are you folks doing?


>> No.9185353

swigging from a Landshark, my first beer of the day. feels good.

>> No.9185382
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>ripping off SNL when it was actually funny

>> No.9185767

my company want to send me on a work trip to Saudi Arabia for two weeks and it doesn't seem like I have much choice in the matter

I'm going to literally have to quit my job over this as 2 weeks without drinking would kill me, but drinking in Saudi would also get me killed

I don't even know how you'd go about finding alcohol there


>> No.9185806

Explain the situation to your doctor and get some benzodiazepines like valium or librium. they will prevent you from getting alcohol withdrawals.

>> No.9185809

>Cant drink with other people without waking up the next day feeling guilty as hell, wondering what kind of stupid offensive shit I might've said this time
I don't like this feel

>> No.9185814

Hey imagine how bad it feels to wake up in jail and learn you ran over somebody :)

>> No.9185823

I sold my car so I couldn't do that.

>> No.9185826

Smart thinking! Alcoholics don't really do too well along with gangbangers and rapists, I imagine.

>> No.9185860

Day 3 without alcohol and I feel surprisingly good

>> No.9185877

Congrats, how was the withdrawal? Any?

>> No.9185953

Drink mouthwash

>> No.9186117
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>tfw neet
>tfw just spent $10 at the dollar store buying a six pack of gook beer and some aussie knock off of redds apple ale

>> No.9186122

Oz told me I would become a fucking based outsider with a qt bf and a Muslim friend

>> No.9186150


>> No.9186155

I remember Oz. Nothing against gay sex but all the episodes started being loaded with it. Not sure why they did that. They made prison look like some homosexual romance novel.

>> No.9186158
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>> No.9186169

lol all mouthwash in Saudi is alcohol-free the bastards

>> No.9186290

Hello friends!!!

>> No.9186546

duno if the same anon will read this, but I poured those bottles down the drain like you suggested

a week ago I bought a couple bottles of vodka after being 3 months sober, dont know why, just had the sudden urge (had a meetup with some old friends, unemployed, felt like a loser)

thanks again for those words man

>> No.9186577

I just got a DUI this weekend. What should I expect?

>> No.9186593

Depends on the state. Expect to pay about 5k. Do a drug and alcohol assemsment. License suspension for 30-days if it's your first one. Maybe an ignition interlock device for a year.

I just got my interlock removed after 5 years. I will be time-travel drunk and still not want to drive after hoops I had to jump through last time. Don't drink and drive.

>> No.9186596

Probation, classes, interlock, community service, county jail

Really depends on your state, if you refused breathalyzer/how high you blew, priors, etc

>> No.9186601

Depends on a thousand factors. You'll probably just be banned. I've got 2 DUI convictions. Just means I walk more and am pissed off about my monthly car repayments.

>> No.9186616

My mother has just been diagnosed with cancer.
And here's me thinking that I drank a lot before.
Well, here goes.

>> No.9186636

If my daughter ever gets with a nigger, I would drop her off in the hood and disown her right away

>> No.9186639

I stopped drinking for a month and had a 2 day binger on Sunday and Monday and I legit don't think my body can handle alcohol anymore

Yesterday I suddenly lost all energy in my body around 6PM and slept 12 hours and all of today my blood has just felt dirty and toxic and yuck

I guess this makes for a good incentive to not revert to how I used to be where I'd have a 4 day binge every other week but shit dude is this a sign that my liver is getting terrible at filtering out this stuff?

>> No.9186647

Good. I only drank 8 beers and 4 shots of wiskey this last weekend. Last weekend I drank an 18 pack and almost a whole bottle of Old Crow, so this is an improvement

>> No.9186666

Been there way to often. 2 days sober now. Trying to go 2 weeks to at least a month. Feels good waking up remembering when I fell asleep and not feeling guilty about anything.

>> No.9186668
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Hi there

>> No.9186673

Other posters are correct, depends a lot on state. I got a OUI April 2015. . . I refused the breath test and my right to drive (in the state I was in, not completely) was revoked for 6 months. Attorney cost me $5k, I ended up beating it at trial though so worth it. Another $2k for court fees, a new car, insurance.

>> No.9186855

>tired of being an alcoholic
>tired of buying shitty vodkas
>use belvedere to taper
>no hangovers or fogginess
>feels good man

>> No.9186897
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Anyone feel like greentexting hangover/withdrawal stories?

Heres mine
>Wake up
>Skin is dry and itchy
>Face is red and blotchy
>Piss is cloudy and dark yellow
>Inside of mouth tastes terrible
>White plaque on tongue
>Hands shaking lightly
>Legs feel trembly
>Inside of mouth tastes like shit even after brushing, food tastes worse
>Body is giving off a funk, not like BO, but like alcohol is still seeping out of my pores

Fuck.....anway, 4 tallboys of natty later, and i'm feeling kinda normal

Anyone else get similar symptoms?

>> No.9186907

Not them but you did the right thing, theres no good that comes of binge drinking. Vodka is the devil. I "just wanted to have some fun" starting Thursday and now I am having to do very careful tapering thanks to 1 night that turned into 4 days. SUCKS.

>> No.9186910

Never been in your situation so I cant offer any input. Best wishes though.

>> No.9186915
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Not (yet) an alcohlic, but i recently (2 months ago) got my first blackout. And following my boredom i just like to drink, anywhere from half a bottle of booze (0,35L) to one and a half(1,05L) almost daily and some of these are blackouts, i usually take three/two 40 ml. Is this normal

>> No.9186919

>i usually take three/two 40 m
>i usually take three/two 40 ml at oece
is what i meant to say

>> No.9186923

checkmarks next to everything but hands shaking or wobbly legs. literally down to the same kind of piss though. that cloudy yellow toxic stuff. havent been able to brush my teeth today or yesterday because i would just start puking. beer taper if you can afford it.

>lay in bed most of the day and sometimes get up just for a change of pace. try to drink water along with a 5% beer every 1.5 - 2 hours as part of taper. this was the worst ive eer sweat today. i was puking in the sink and just that made my face get all red and sweat was just beading down my face and head

>> No.9186933

daily drinking is how you end up withdrawals if you try to quit. its the great trap all alcoholics get caught in eventually. you wake up and saw im done with this, but soon you realize you feel so horrible mentally and physically, its impossible not to take a few drinks to make it go away. pay close attention to your hangovers and look for anxiety, sweaty, puking. these are common signs of withdrawal

>> No.9186969
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>feel so horrible mentally
I already kind of do
>pay close attention to your hangovers and look for anxiety, sweaty, puking. these are common signs of withdrawal
Thing is i 'naturally' sweat a lot even when wlaking in 75°F weather, and i never get habgovers, at all. Neither do i puke or have anxeity, i am only 'annoyed' at people for interacting with me
Im afraid actually, my father drank his 1 to 5 beers daily.
Also i dont drink daily i usually only dring every second day and someitmes have a week of pause.
Sorry to burden you with that, i just had to tell somebody :/

>> No.9186995

its all good this is an alcohol thread

>> No.9187007

Why not smoke weed when you're bored instead of drinking? It's a similar vice but it doesn't have the downside of causing physical sickness if you need to quit.

>> No.9187038
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Thank you man, really appreciate it.
Man, i feel like im telling my life story here but whatever. Maybe its just because my life isnt a whole lot of story | :
I used to smoke quite a bit of weed. But i am very antisocial and always got weed thru "friends" so when they stopped smoking i did to. Just like with my stepbrother whe he stopped smoking alcohol became his replacement, and i feel like it became somewhat of a replacement for me too.

An ecouraging factor was that the mother of a flatmate gave me her alcohol cabinet, so i had access to ample alcohol with no cost or hassle. I really hope my akwardness and shyness outweigh my need to buy alcohl.

>> No.9187039

Google kindling

>> No.9187049

>needing to taper after each drinking bout
This gets so fucking tiresome

>> No.9187068
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>thread for alcoholics
>no one's drinking

So what's everyone drinking tonight? For me it's titos.

>> No.9187075

holy shit, are you me?

>> No.9187079

Is it true that heavy drinking causes you to look older or is that just a teetotalist meme?

>> No.9187084

it's true, and smoking as well, and the same for any unhealthy behavior really

>> No.9187095
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Doubtful anon here.
Finished the Cognac, Raki and the Coffee liqueur.
As well as started the Obstwasser

>> No.9187097

For sure. Its bad for your skin. Not sure how or why but everyone looks like hammered dogshit after a big night of drinking.

>> No.9187112

Work only went me in tomorrow and off until Monday because they're redoing rotas and I know for a fact this is going to make me drink from Thursday -mondsy because I'm a fucking retard and live 1 min from the shops. I leave work at 2:30am...got a night job for the sake of stopping me from drinking too much...can already feel come Monday I'm gonna just decide not to go in because I'm back in the deep end.

>> No.9187122
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Even rookie drinkers know not to mix lights and darks

>> No.9187125

Mate I used to be decent looking, hot gf now I look like I'm 35 (23) and dead in the eyes...body fucked.

>> No.9187135
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That's a lot of beer, anon. Having a party tonight?

>> No.9187147

That sounds miserable. This shit sucks!.

>> No.9187173

Party of one, coming right up

>> No.9187191

>tfw the qt at the register tells you to be careful after ringing up your 8 cans of cheap lager

>> No.9187227

I always get this huge fat dude ringing me up at the grocery store. He looks down at all the beer and booze so longingly. Also at any food I buy. One night he commented, "looks like yer shoppin like the wife's outta town heh heh heh"

I'm guessing he's married and his wife keeps him on a diet.

>> No.9187231

summer vacation is about to end (first shift on sunday), just drank four bottles of wine and feel slightly just about drunk. i am fucked trying to be a normal human being, am i?

how do you deal with ending a month long binger?

>> No.9187240

If youve been intoxicated for that long i would personally go to the hospital. They get alcoholics every day, its nothing new to them. But I would guess youre in the trap now, no chance getting out by yourself. You know detox can be deadly, right? If you don't want to go to the ER you can look up beer tapering. its not fun and you dont feel good but its not horrible like cold turkey.

>> No.9187258

Maybe you should try buying pot off the darkweb, but i know what you mean. It can be hard to find a dealer that isn't sketchy depending on where you live.

>> No.9187268

>Even rookie drinkers know not to mix lights and darks
For what purpose?
Also each of the pottles had only a single american shot (or a double german shot) left on average.

>> No.9187271


its fuckin funny how you can dismiss doctors saying this shit to you with a nod and a laugh, but when anon lays some shit on you its like, fuck, everything is real. thanks for your input man.

chances of me going to get professional help: 0%


>> No.9187278

You are welcome. We are in similar situations after all.

>> No.9187286


whats up with you anon?

>> No.9187293

Did a bender from Thursday - Monday with vodka and beer. 24 beers, 3.5 liters of vodka.

I have been doing better taking Naltrexone for cravings, but other things like loneliness and hopelessness eventually take their toll and I buy alcohol. I don't think I'm under any illusions about how that initial alcohol purchase is going to go down, but I do it anyway.

>> No.9187295
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I...is it p..permanent?

>> No.9187303

Nah I've seen enough former alcoholics who look decent for their age. I'd say cigarette smoke is much worse for your face, and sunlight.

>> No.9187323


>> No.9187329
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Thanks for the response anon.

>> No.9187331

I don't think that I have the will power
To deal with my own life
When everything is going sour
Only getting out
To go to work or liquor stores
I can't take this spout
So I destroy my liver more

>> No.9187342

that doesnt sound like too much though, if this isnt a habbit you might just have a stand.

if this has been going on for years, yeah, its gonna take al toll on you. loneliness and that shit, i dont buy. seen 32 summers here and being by yourself is something rest of the people do not know how to appriciate

>> No.9187347

it's tuesday night, I just said bye to my gf going 3000 miles away, I cant stop chugging and I have work at 6am tomorrow

>> No.9187355

What if I wash by face and moisturise every morning and night. Even nights when I'm drunk?

>> No.9187356

this makes me feel better. at least i quit smoking :/

>> No.9187367

if you drink way too much, damage to your fucking skin is the least of your worries

>> No.9187376

I think the taper will be effective, the issue remains not starting again.
Maybe you just aren't a people person. Thank god for the internet though. Can you imagine how shitty being by yourself was before computers? I imagine those drunks holed up in some seedy motel room for 23 hours a day.

Dont wash your face with soap, leave the oil and dead skin on, it actually protects the living cells. Thats what I do and I look young for my age.
Nice. Any other tobacco use? Smokeless is better imo. The stink of burned tobacco on you and the stains on teeth and hands is nasty.

>> No.9187390
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Genetics mostly but booze doesn't help. I'm 30 and when I'm carded I'm often told I don't look a day over 20. I can tell in my face though when I've been drinking too much. I get paler, and I turn red in spots. Also dry skin. It's probably dehydration.

So how long have any of you stayed drunk without sobering up? I did a five month bender where for 5 months I was never level sober. I'd wake up and drink, drink at work, drink after work, get really drunk at night, pass out, wake up in the middle of the night for a couple shots, pass out, wake up, drink, go to work and drink, repeat. I don't remember most of it and had to go to medical detox. I still drink but not like that, I'll never go through that kind of hell again.

>> No.9187391

Day three for me as well. Feeling so much better today. This morning I felt some residual anxiety, but tonight after working out and eating a big dinner, I feel great.

>> No.9187398

Fucking agreed.

>> No.9187404

Pretty sure there is some arrangement which can be made for alkies with local Saudi authority.

It means you would have to register as an Alcoholic though, and I have only known it to be a measure taken when permanent residence is the issue. You would basically be allotted a ration of alcohol which you would have purchase yourself, like a private prescription.

>> No.9187405

>>9187376 here, yeah, i really dont socialize much, what ever did give it away? suppose it is easier for some people.

thank the fuck for al/ck tho, usually i just lurk but fuck if these threads dont blow the shit out of AA and the like

>> No.9187406


The accelerated+exaggerated aging from alcohol happens on the cellular level, it's not just dehydration. If you're a heavy drinker you will look irreversibly older than if you had never drank, there's no way around it.

>> No.9187407

I top out around 4 days of being drunk. Physically cant do it anymore. 5 months is mindblowing.

>> No.9187412

Your comment about not buying loneliness gave it away.

>> No.9187417

Generic budweiser cans. Titos is quality stuff. The owners last name is Beverige or something like that.

>> No.9187418

I've seen pictures of before/after alcoholics and safe to say I didn't want to end up like that.
I'm not going to go full teetotal mode but I definitely want to cut back so I don't look like Keith Richards on a good day.

>> No.9187424
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>> No.9187441


yeah, then again it serves me well at the moment. and i fucking hope itll serve me well in the future. with my looks, sense of humor and lack of confidence, its gonna be alone time or fat chicks.

i think i prefer alcohol

>> No.9187444

Whatever gets you through the night.

>> No.9187448

usually its a great ammount of alcohol, but i dont want it to be. shit sucks, amirite?

>> No.9187453


>> No.9187463

Man when I was at my worst, which lasted about a year, I looked bloated as fuck all the time. Looking back at pictures of me from that period...it's not good. After I stopped that shit I lost a lot of weight and look so much better and healthier now.

>> No.9187485

It's not a particularly moving or impressive story, but might help stop a few of you in your tracks on the road you're headed down.

As a very young child my Mother had a very close family friend, who had a husband.

lets call him B.
>we adored family friend. Still do to this day. B is dead.
>Lost his job before I was born
>Family friend would go away on business
>B's daughter once called my Mother when she was a little girl not knowing what to do when Daddy was in bed all day for a week
>My parents go round
>B is passed out in a room he has obviously spent day in, boxes of wine and bottles fill the room around the bed.
>as I get older, I understand the situation more
>I have seen B shit himself on four occasions
>once in a car.
>once he walked around my family home with shit smearing down the back of his leg
>I have been on days out and B has had to have an ambulance turn up because of body shock from not having a drink in a couple of hours
>B almost cost his wife her job
>B has fallen asleep at parties in chairs outside and had tablecloths put over him to keep him from sunburning, he couldn't be woken up
>B embarrassed and patronized and bullied his loved ones to feel better about the pathetic man he was
>his liver was so destroyed he only needed about 4 drinks a day to stay drunk
>his hands never stopped shaking
>everywhere he went people would put locks on their cabinets and cellars
>B fell down the stairs while home alone once and by the time he regained consciousness, was too withdrawn to operate a phone
>he stayed on the floor for days
>when brought round at a hospital he couldn't remember his daughter
>he spent month after month in hospital
>became entirely sober
>left hospital
>began drinking again
>those were the only weeks he spent sober in about 16 years
>his wife never truly gave up on him, but admitted that everything would have been better if she had just left one morning leaving two bottles of spirit out so he could kill himself.


>> No.9187494

Sad. It's hell to be a bad alcoholic, not just on the family. Many of us don't know how to stop though

>> No.9187515

>tfw about to start a new job soon and can finally smoke weed again after the drug test

thank god, i'm tired of drinking

>> No.9187522

My face gets real bloated and red after a night drinking.
I think it might be because of my Irish genes.

>> No.9187612

usually when i get black out drunk at home i wake up in my bed but lately ive been waking up in the bathroom

>> No.9187622

like on the bathroom floor?

>> No.9187625

and in the tub

>> No.9187629

>start new job about 4 years ago
>drinking pretty heavily at this time
>somehow job is still going okay
>fast forward two years
>dormant depression starts getting really bad
>gradually get shittier at work
>taper off my drinking in desperate attempt to get control of my life
>it doesn't work
>depression gets even worse
>get even shittier at job
>overhear that boss thinks i drink too much on the weekends and it knocks me out at the beginning of the week
>he doesn't know that i'm pretty much sober now but crushing depression so i can't get out of bed
>pretty sure i'm gonna get fired

is there any reason not to drink myself to death if i lose my job after quitting alcohol?

>> No.9187644

Antidepressants. Don't give up on yourself.

>> No.9187675

>Sho Chiku Bai
wtf am I supposed to do with this shit you filthy alcoholics.

>> No.9187725

Antidepressants aren't evidence based medicine. Better off trying therapy, or changing your life (hard).

>> No.9187782

do you guys think that bottom shelf alc is worse on you than high shelf liquor?

>> No.9187803

Depends on distillation / filtering. I'm not a brewer but I can tell you dark liquor has more hangover increasing by-products. They're called congeros or fuesel oils or something.

Stick to vodka thats middle shelf if you want clean.

>> No.9187810

Yes. Try having a bottle of Titos one night and a bottle of rotgut another night and you'll easily see for yourself. Impurities will do you in.

That's why moonshining got me in trouble, the booze was too smooth and just crept up on me.

Brown liquor will wrexk you no matter how expensive though, since impurities are what they're about.

>> No.9187822

>Antidepressants aren't evidence based medicine

they are correlation studies but that is still evidence based
plus we know a lot more about how they act and their effects on a brain usually through fMRIs and biochemical studies

what are you talking about

>> No.9187920

Skin is most important. Who would want my boipucci if I had heroin addict skin

>> No.9187945

So, I'm trying to budget better with my self-medicating, and decided to pick up a two small 375ml bottles of vodka instead of my usual eighth. I haven't gotten seriously drunk in over 3 years, so how many shots should I start with? I'm looking to have it last at minimum 1 ½ weeks, if possible, but I need to get appropriately drunk enough to ignore the constant unending ennui.

>> No.9187950

Three shots the first half hour as a gauge?

>> No.9187962

I don't see how you could get drunk on that amount of alcohok every day for a week or more. You are talking 2 shots a day, you will be mildly buzzed for like an hour.

>> No.9187963

I was having fun playing CS:GO, except I just now got into playing competitive matches with my friend and his friends. I can only play 2 winning matches a night until I get up to 10 match wins.

I've hardly ever played CS:GO, and haven't played any CS in 3-4 years. I used to play in ladders and leagues constantly in CS:S. This sucks. I'm making some fun friends, and Valve is cucking me.

>> No.9187972

>tfw after every night when I go out drinking instead of getting drunk alone, I first panic looking for my wallet, then my phone, then my keys, then panic over what happened in blackout, and nonchalantly text friends talking about how great that night was, to bait a response

I'm really glad I stopped driving when I go out with people, though. I can go to the bar to have the burgers I love and just have 2-3 beers, and come home and actually drink, alone, just fine. But if I go out with friends, I get fucking wasted. I discovered Uber, and it's a HELL of a lot cheaper than a DWI. I haven't driven drunk in months, and I'm going to keep it that way. Embarassment is awful, but waking up worrying if you sideswiped somebody, or fucked up driving, is even worse.

>> No.9187992

Well, I can only really get another two 375ml bottles while saving a measurable amount of money ($7 bottle pre-tax vs. $40 eighth). I went low because I wasn't sure how my tolerance would've changed. It also helps I only need to drink away the last 4-6 hours of the day anywho before I crash. I'mma go with >>9187950 and see how it plays out, but I'll keep what you said in mind (prolly get those other two bottles)

>> No.9188080

Im so fucking bored out of my mind. Havent had a drink in 6 days, no cigarettes for a 3 weeks. Went to cinema yesterday with some normies. Couldnt enjoy it.

welcome to anhedoniaville

>> No.9188108

Getting drunk and playing CS:GO is one of my favorite things to do. A few drinks helps me get over my anxiety, as well as get my blood flowing and help me aim better. Problem is, it never stops with just a couple drinks, I end up drinking half a bottle, plus 6-8 beers, and turning into a racist confrontational prick.

Still fun though, enjoy yourself.

>> No.9188115

omfg i hate the confused guilt and panic the next morning after blacking out. always paranoid i did or said dumb shit or worse yet cheated on my gf somehow even if she was with me. i always tell myself to chill and drink at a normal pace when out with people but i just fucking can't and i get so mad at myself. i've been staying in because it's easier to say no before i've gotten a drink in me.

i wish i could stop driving drunk but my work and the bars i go to after work (i'm a bartender) are a 25 min drive away from my house. uber would cost me a fortune

>> No.9188211

>tfw made 4 smurf accounts specifically for friends who get cucked by valve when this system was released

>> No.9188224

Please kill yourselves, drunk drivers are human garbage.

In my younger days my friends and would beat the shit out of potential drunk drivers, and it started a sort of tradition in my small town. Just wait outside a bar, follow the person to their vehicle, then beat the shit out of them. I'm glad that kids on the football team still carry this tradition 20 years later.

>> No.9188256


>> No.9188262
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>he doesn't know the joy of downing a fifth of vodka while going down the interstate

literally one of the best nights of my life

that being said, i don't drive drunk anymore because last time i was waaaaaay too drunk and had to drive with one eye closed to get home. never got any DUI's or had any accidents though

>> No.9188265

Anxiety of what? Losing?

>> No.9188272

100% happened, some kid died to a drunk driver in my junior year, the football team made it a tradition to just hang out at the restaurant across the parking lot from the bar and beat the shit out of potential drunk drivers. They still do it, I talked to a few kids not 3 days ago about it.

>> No.9188278

Just general anxiety, idk. I've been diagnosed with general and social anxiety so having a few drinks before I do anything social helps me feel better.

>> No.9188297

i can only have fun on competitive video games if i'm drunk because i'm a sore loser

i think i'm much better than i actually am, and it pisses me off when i lose

>> No.9188300
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Pretty positive I'm an alcoholic, though I've never told anyone besides anonymous strangers online. I also don't plan to quit drinking. So bottoms up?

>> No.9188323
File: 10 KB, 225x225, download (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>turning into a racist confrontational prick.

That's just the effects of getting redpilled m8. Nothing to worry about!

>> No.9188339

It's funny because it seems literally every time I go off on someone it's some South American fuck or a chink living in California or western Canada.

Good, the thread needs more feel good drunks, not all the whiners that usually populate this place about "muh withdrawals" or whatever else.

>> No.9188346

Do you take medication

This makes more sense

>> No.9188352

Not necessarily "feel good" but when I drink I feel good haha

What are my fellow /alck/s drinking? Currently sipping on a Fat Tire after trying a few cocktails I've never had before

>> No.9188367

>Do you take medication
I used to be heavy on benzos and whatnot, I used (abused?) them for a year and a half while drinking heavily. I've been off of them for over a year now though.

Drinking some homebrews, Cutty Sark blended scotch on ice, and Finlandia mixed with raspberry juice. Looking to get shitfaced before I queue for some CS:GO on this fine Wednesday morning.

>> No.9188466

Fuck taco tuesday and everything it represents! Chilling out with that cheap swill (Bud Ice). Gotta love the last few days before that check

>> No.9188506

Not him but anti depressant alone don't do much on depression. I mean they mask the symptoms but don't treat depression, it comes back once you stop taking them if you don't do anything else.
They're supposed to be used to just be "OK" enough to turn your life around and work on what was causing depression, usually by seeing a shrink.

>> No.9188511

>wake up
>keep drinking, watch late night tv
>feels strangely good
probably because this is the only time I get to myself without people bitching at me

>> No.9188515

Every morning I wake up to find that my bed has moved about two feet in the night. Wtf is that

>> No.9188522
File: 31 KB, 236x351, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Summer is killing me. My spouse is off for summer, so taking care of the kids isn't so much harder. I didn't fall into the day drinking trap until they went to stay with my parents for a few days. We had guests, and were prepping for a party, then had the party... I spent two whole days kind of steadily drinking even thought I know day drinking makes me feel shitty.
I am working tomorrow night, and the night after, so since I won't get home till 2 or 3am, that should keep me significantly sober until we leave for our camping trip. I have decided I am not taking hard liquor camping. Beer doesn't entice me until after dark, so I will be fine.
I'm fine, right?
I'm scared of the darkness. My dad died in October last year, and he was all darkness. I don't wanting darkness.

>> No.9188524


>> No.9188533

>one eye closed
This is a recognised phenomenon? For fucking YEARS I've only been able to use my right eye or I become very uncomfortable. I lay in bed with my arm covering the other eye and I've even bought an eyepatch.
Wish it made me look like an irresistibly handsome and fearsome pirate, but in reality it just makes me look like a retarded faggot. Regardless, without it I'm in severe discomfort within minutes.

>> No.9188547

>Super shitty diet
>Never exercise
>Regular blood test at GP
>Everything perfectly fine
Okay now that's just bullshit and I don't believe it

>> No.9188554

Smirnoffbro once said something very similar. He was partially sighted in one eye and blind in the other due to alcohol-induced brain lesions. I myself have a throbbing and stinging sensation in both eyes the moment I'm sober. Welcome to hell, anon.

>> No.9188555

Good luck to you.

>> No.9188557

You can bet your life that there's some kind of serious damage being done, no matter what some poof in a lab says about your blood.

>> No.9188559

Keep it to beer. At least they have a built-in limit on how much you can drink.

When drunk, I see double because I cross-eyes or whatever it's called. So to see "single" I close one eye, but lose depth perception.
(Probably a shit thing to do when driving, but then seeing double is a problem too.)
At your point it seems like a whole another problem. See an ophthalmologist, maybe a neurologist.

>> No.9188562

i was just drunk as shit and spinning

you should probably go see an optometrist m8

sounds like you have opposite spheres in your eyes, or severe astigmatism in one

t. made glasses for years

>> No.9188565

It will come back to bite you sooner or later. I was a heavy alcoholic since I was 20 or 21, along with having a poor diet. I had to take regular blood tests every month due to an unrelated medical problem, and they also checked my blood sugar and some other stuff. I was well off for 10 years or so, but now in my mid 30s I'm paying the price.

Just like in my teens to my mid 20s I didn't really take care of my dental hygiene. I never expected to live this long, but here I am, and I'm fucking feeling the consequences.

>> No.9188583


Can confirm, whenever I get absolutely shitfaced I always close one of my eyes. I also don't wear my glasses when I get drunk and that probably has something to do with it.

>> No.9188661
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Is it even possible to brush your teeth without instantly throwing up and covering them with food and stomach acid? Ffs alcoholism, you haven't thought this through, it's like you're doing me physical harm or something. I'm going to sue if this issue is not abruptly fixed

>> No.9188668

Yuck, what the fuck is wrong with you? I've been drunk at least every other day for the past 10 years and I can deepthroat my toothbrush if I so desired. You have something else wrong with you you stupid faggot phone poster.

>> No.9188684
File: 30 KB, 600x450, IMG_0169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every other day
N'aww, you're adorable.

>> No.9188686

>at least

Learn to read you stupid mobile frogposter

>> No.9188707

I just get double vision even when I'm wearing my glasses

>> No.9188708
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33 days sober. Feels so good.

Getting out of the hospital today!

>> No.9188711

i like the idea of /r/stopdrinking but god i hate the fake cheery attitude of everyone there

>> No.9188713


Good luck man. Really.
Brb enjoying my relapse.

>> No.9188716

Hi Bob!
>everyone claps

Shit like that except on internet in reddit?

>> No.9188723


>> No.9188726


You'll be back you weak bitch.

>> No.9188734


I put all my money in an accoun that requires my lawyer, my dad and I to all sign off if I need all receipts required until I have 6 months dry.

No I won't

>> No.9188735

6 pack of beer a day, way more on weekends. Have avoided hard liquor for a year, I found most of my problems were from vodka and bourbon. I tried to moderate my intake but I'd end up drinking 500ml+ a day.

>> No.9188737
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I know this is utterly irrelevant to every conceivable minutiae of these threads, but as a result of my dependence on trampnectar it has just taken me something like 4 days to achieve sexual relief. I then go into my phone's photo album and encounter an image of none other than Zoe Kimball. Instantly all hope of relief is gone and my genitalia is once again in a state of unbearable volatility and is begging me to again allow it to explode.
Is life even worth living? Death seems likely to be massively less of a painful, nagging, endless chore.
Here we go again I guess.

>> No.9188742

yea basically

>> No.9188744

A few days ago I posted my bank card to myself so I'd be without access to funds for a couple of days.
Then stole a bottle of cider 10 hours later.

>> No.9188771

Damn. That's a good way of keeping it out of your reach for a while, though.
Wish I'd thought of doing that before things went too bad.

>> No.9188832
File: 35 KB, 400x267, drunk-man-drinking-beer-2749857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found out on Monday when I got to work in the morning that I was scheduled off for vacation. I spent a couple of days not drinking and sleeping while telling myself that I would get rested up and then start doing something productive, but that's not working out so well. I feel like I've done a good deed by not having any vodka in the house, but I don't know if that does me any good since I just spend more money on beer to get me equally fucked up and I feel worse for it in the morning. Or afternoon, I guess. I wanted to do some errands today in the daylight hours that I am usually working but I'm probably just going to sleep off the ten beers I've had and then buy some more beer when I wake up and do this all over again.

>> No.9188876

Anyone else just dance by themself when they are drunk? I got blisters on my toes from dancing.

>> No.9188894

so typical. welcome to the club.

>> No.9188926

>just quit bro

>> No.9188939

But seriously good job for not getting vodka. It's a small victory but everything counts!Are you going to have to taper down?

>> No.9188940
File: 37 KB, 350x350, IMG_0334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well memed sir, well memed

>> No.9188949

I hope you stay sober.

>> No.9188987

Alright its survey time.
If you are female, I would like you to put your hand up.
I know 4fucks is an almost wholly male construct but I there are surely some among us who are void of penises.
Go on, be brave. Give us a wave.
I swear to fucking Christ that if one single anon screams that infantile "tits or gtfo" nonsense that should there ever be an al/ck/ meetup, I will hunt down and brutalise him. I'm 6ft3, in my 30's and I just want us to be nice to eachother. However, to have confirmation that this is not 100% sausage fest for me, would bring a breath of fresh air.
Again, I dare you. Infinite extra points for posting a pic.
Who's gonna be brave?

>> No.9188993
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Of all boards /ck/ is at least like 30% female.
I sense ulterior motives behind your post anyways

>> No.9189005

tits or gtfo

>> No.9189008

Fuck off manlet

>> No.9189011

hey it's me your son's new stepfather. Let's drink box wine and watch TV.

>> No.9189017

You're a big girl.

>> No.9189020

For us.

>> No.9189021

Did any of you ever make it successfully back to moderate drinking from physical dependence?

Abstinence seems like such a bother to me.

>> No.9189028

Plenty of femanons have posted quite openly in these threads without any bullshit.

It works pretty well without going 'HEY ANY GIRLS HERE DON'T WORRY I'LL PROTECT YOU I'M A BIG GUY PLEASE RESPOND AND POST PICTURES OF YOURSELF' which is basically the white knight version of 'tits or gtfo'.

Calm down lad.

>> No.9189038
File: 1.92 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_1076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that first hair of the dog gulp in morning

this shit realy sucks but im broke

>> No.9189042

Ugh. Gonna be a long day for you.

>> No.9189046 [DELETED] 

fuck sorry for this shitty huge photo. phonepostig was a mistake

>> No.9189047

Better drown it fast, that shit won't do shit if you sip

>> No.9189067
File: 200 KB, 1462x1462, IMG_0150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still having real friends

>> No.9189072

>people that can get wasted and then sleep for 8+ hours

lucky fucks

>> No.9189083

I only have that because I stay up for 30+ hours

>> No.9189111

who 12.5% /boxwine/ here

>> No.9189114

I'm a female (male)

>> No.9189116
File: 17 KB, 500x281, images(74).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is so disgusting

>> No.9189142

That's a pretty cheap score desu, nice mate.

>> No.9189170

If you're so against that sort of behavior, why are you calling for the females to out themselves? What fucking difference does it make if they are female or male? You come across as the creep who supposedly despises that behavior but then you're secretly the one doing it. Just stop.

>> No.9189208

My gf generally doesn't like 4chan but she likes /ck/ and sometimes browses it

>> No.9189209

wake up every morning now tired as all fuck, usually at about 6am even though I go to bed at 3ish

every muscle feels as if I'd been running marathons and lifting weights, but I've done nothing of the sort

went to my cousin's wedding 3 days ago and completely blacked it out until just now when I got a call from her saying it was nice seeing me there

constant palpitations and on/off hot/cold tbqh I think I'm nearing the end

>> No.9189296

there are probably a good amount of female alcoholics, i'm sure they look just as bloated and shitty as the male ones

>> No.9189313

>a call from her saying it was nice seeing me there
Thank the Lord that it wasn't something about shitting your pants and throwing them at a bridesmaid or something similar

>> No.9189332

I did alright.

>> No.9189393

why the fuck would any girl post her picture in this thread of all of them? you sound creepy af

>> No.9189713

Just sounds like withdrawal m8, I've been in that exact situation and I'm fine now.

Start drinking cold pissy lagers and slowly taper.

>> No.9189728

t. pussy

>> No.9189771

Did a construction job in kuwait years ago. 6 fucking weeks of sweating my ass off and no beer. It was literally hell. No wonder those sandniggers are so fucking violent. My company sent me to brazil right after kuwait and i almost killed myself binging on coke, booze and hookers. Fuck muslims and fuck the middle east.

>> No.9189785

Get a good lawyer. Also, you should have refused the breathalyzer. My lawyer got me off at the pre trial. Lawyer cost me like 6 grand but when i met him and told him my situation he told me he was 100% certain he could get it thrown out. If you just get a cheapo lawyer they will just plead you down and maybe get jail time thrown out for a guilty plea.

>> No.9189787

eating a ton of calories in general makes you look older. If you drink 2k a night you might look like ass

>> No.9189849

dick or gtfo

>> No.9189976

get the literal fuck out of here

>> No.9190038
File: 116 KB, 768x1024, 1499248994474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Al/ck/s, i have a problem. The taste of alcohol makes me gag. I have tried so many different drinks, hard liquor, beer tastes like urine to me. Ive only been drunk about 4 times in my life, and only because smoking MJ helps me get it down. Otherwise its just a shitty experience for me. What do?

>> No.9190061

Sure it did, bucko.

tits or gtfo

>> No.9190066

>Coming into the thread where people dealing with liver failure come to whine and saying you have problem by not being able to guzzle down booze
Get mixed drinks you fucking fairy, most normal people aren't fond of alcohol right off the bat.

>> No.9190090

Drink sugary cocktails you faggot or Jack Daniels and coke.

>> No.9190096

Just stick to weed, better for you anyway.

>> No.9190103

If you're drinking significantly more than a glass of wine or one beer or one shot or one cocktail daily you're already an alcoholic.

>> No.9190115

>tfw the entire history of civilisation is filled with alcoholics

why are we the bad guys?

>> No.9190158

History is filled with murderers and rapists too.
I'm a hard drinker too, don't get me wrong, but don't make yourself out to be some heroic figure because of it.
Yeah, Joyce and Hemingway drank a lot, but you're not them, buddy.

>> No.9190171

The majority of people in the past were neither murderers nor rapists but everyone from the invention of agriculture on out was pretty much steadyily boozing.

>> No.9190177

Also, I'm not saying drinking is heroic, just that it has been the norm throughout history.

Joyce and Hemingway were both pathetic human beings aside from their writings btw.

>> No.9190178

People, I have to make a choice. Tapering today, had only 3 beers since I got up at 6 am today. It's 3:21 pm now. Have 3 beers left. Would you go all the way to the store or just tough it out with 3 beers? It's hot as balls outside.

>> No.9190182

Go to the store. Better to overdrink a bit on your taper than to go into withdrawals.

The mental aspect of having booze within reach when you suddenly start to shake is extremely comforting as well.

>> No.9190189

You're right. Thx

>> No.9190195

not a problem. stay sober. alcohol is a death trap.

>> No.9190487

It's not a moral issue so much as a matter of avoiding denial.

>> No.9190648

I do this as well. You just have to be able to go to sleep and wake up at any time. It only sucks when my friends want to do something and it's the wrong time in my sleep cycle.

>> No.9190682

Same here. I used to find I could go longer if I had booze immediately to hand, rather than working myself up into a panic and drinking more once I've acquired it.

>> No.9190749

I think it's also a matter of culture desu. Plenty of meds have more than a glass of wine a day and are neither emotionally nor physically dependant.

>> No.9190755

During my taper I slept with a bottle in my arms like a teddy bear. Felt good man.

>> No.9190877

>still no sign of smirnoffbro

>> No.9190932

The state he was in, *if* he survived they probably got him locked up without communication devices in some druggy loony bin.

>> No.9191086
File: 1.57 MB, 2592x1456, WP_20170701_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are back and attacking my legs while I am home. It is starting to leave enough marks that my co-workers are worried.

>> No.9191092

Hey guys and dolls.

>> No.9191095


>> No.9191114


>> No.9191116

sup senpai

>> No.9191191

Yes, and I am getting worried to leave work. They are outside.

>> No.9191199

explain this gnome shit

>> No.9191228

Its hard to explain.
About 4-6 months ago they started ramping up efforts to get me.
I posted about it in this thread 3-4 months ago for help.
They showed back up.

>> No.9191281
File: 19 KB, 413x310, 600full-danny-devito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i haven't drank more than 4oz in the past week
thank you based weed

>> No.9191291

I kind of want to get a 3 buck bottle of wine at whole foods but I got and drank a 6 pack from there last night and I'm more worried about them knowing I buy booze too often than I am about not drinking (more) tonight. And trader Joe's is closing in 2 minutes. I shouldn't have had dinner desu.

>> No.9191298

I'm hoping this week's job interviews go well so I can use this new vape my friend gave me and exclusively turn to weed and low abv beers.

>> No.9191328

Been trying to taper with beer the past few days. I feel okay I guess. Not sleeping very well, which is to be expected, but at least I'm not hungover at work in the morning.

Still, once I get like three beers in me the craving for the hard stuff sky rockets, and of course the 4-5 beers isn't enough. Gonna try and stick with it though lads.

>> No.9191398

Post your dick first, fucken pitiful fagget. Except don't, because nobody cares.

>> No.9191443

What to do if I have an gf who rips on my drinking daily, but offers me alcohol all the time?
I don't want to call her out on her hypocritical behavior because I may not be surprised with booze again. Really try not to purchase it myself, but whenever I'm on a clean streak it's my "reward" and I can't say no. Then I get bitched at for catching a buzz and acting "goofy"

>> No.9191465

I remember those days. I have no shame now.

>> No.9191470

I dated a girl like this for a little bit. She would always ask me why I wasn't drinking more, if I wanted another drink, that she'll make the drink stronger for me next time. Everything would be fine until the next day when she would chastise me for acting like a drunk idiot, even though I would mostly behave myself. It escalated more and more until she was outright making shit up and blaming it on me being drunk. I'm pretty sure she was waiting for us to have sex while I was drunk so she could claim rape.

>> No.9191472

Get drunk as much as possible when she's not around so being drunk is normal so you'll stop acting "goofy".

>> No.9191495

I'm a happy drunk. No stranger to heavy drinking. Sometimes I get angry and mean, maybe once a week, but she doesn't bitch at me for that?
Only when I actually feel good and want to talk to her. I literally have to drink to enjoy talking to her.

>> No.9191516

What do you guys do when drinking? I'm sick and tired of just sitting here listening to the same songs on repeat.

>> No.9191528

Same here need some new suggestions. If I can't even enjoy myself drunk I want to die

>> No.9191530

Sounds like you should break up with her

>> No.9191542

hey /ck/'s. those al/ck/ threads are shit and keeping alive nothing then japanese guys. they should be permabaned on here. instead make a /alc/ board.
i mean, like, if /po/ haves threads that are over one year old you can give the real alcohols a own board too.


fuck goooogleeeeee eyes

>> No.9191543

How to get gf when not drinking? I usually meet people at bars and things like that.

>> No.9191549

kill yourself my man

>> No.9191555

Get a good and well respected/well known lawyer. I was pretty much fucked I thought and he got it dismissed.

>> No.9191563

>nothing then japanese guys
sorry my bad. i forgot and just thought this is an american image board. be aware....

>> No.9191649

Bump for more people to reply to this post

>> No.9191747

I kekd at the eye patch, but honesty my left eye is lazy and like rn I'm on my phone and when I close my right eye my left is looking at the fucking wall. The state of my eye mate

>> No.9191774

Tapering is not easy.

>> No.9191780

i quit cold turkey with no aa or any bullshit and it wasnt even hard, how weak are you faggots who cant quit?

>> No.9191788
File: 414 KB, 2000x2000, Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's wednesday night, my al/ck/ bros, and i threw up the rigatoni i made... i can't drink like i used to! my benders are short-lived.

enjoy them while you can. your stomach will start revolting against you. why can't it appreciate cheap vodka?!

it needs food. nourish your body, deprive your soul.. what a life to leave

>> No.9191795

I one eye text all the time. A lot of my friends do it too,

>> No.9191801

Bro they don't care. I used to be the same but then I didn't care.

Funnily enough I managed to stop drinking during the week and most weekends...today I went into my shop to pick up some sandwich for work because i cba making my own, and he says 'you are back sir?' with a genuine smile. I said 'yeah mate, not here much as I've cut down my drinking you know' and he laughed.

They're just dudes doing a job mate. They don't want to be there any more than you... they probably guzzle down on alcohol or have other vices too.

>> No.9191824

I had a relationship which we would get drunk most nights. It's fun but holy fuck it's not something you want permanent. We were together 5 years and would drink cheap cider and vodka all the time at her mum's place. It ended very bad anyway, on my phone so cba going into detail, but if you drink too much with your partner, your entire relationship begins to depend on it, and when you're not sober it's so much more dull, even if you once did love each other.

Fuck i fucked that relationship up. Jesus Christ.

>> No.9191930
File: 1.42 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20170718_184751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried to taper off on bud instead of vodka. Fridge is now empty. Fml

>> No.9191935

Serves you right for drinking Budweiser.

>> No.9191942


>> No.9191967

Because you should at least have that last mingling shred of self respect.

>> No.9191972

I got 2 crates for free from a friend. Can't exactly go wrong with that.

>> No.9191976

Guess I can't argue with free beer, I concede.

>> No.9191987

i have some good memories about budweiser

my friends and i were about 19 and we went to buy 40's and played edward fortyhands. 3 or 4 people ended up puking into a cooler afterwards and we went and dumped it onto a guy's car who punched my friend's girlfriend. we also put a dead squirrel under his rear windshield wiper, and i don't recall where the fuck it came from

good times

>> No.9191996

You shouldn't concede I lost my self respect years ago. It's half 6 in the morning and currently drinking white cider with shots of vodka. I'm already drunk as fuck.

>> No.9192010

>Taping alcohol to your hand
>Just hold it and drink it like a true alcohol

>> No.9192018

it was fun though

>> No.9192028

Sounds like a good night out haha. How are you doing now since you're in this thread?

>> No.9192031

I'm 28 and do shit like that nightly my man.

>> No.9192045

Sounds like you're upset about never having friends haha

>> No.9192120

Hospitalbro here. Still 34 days sober, out of the hospital, back home. Guess I need a new nickname!
My fiancee says hello. Hope y'all are doing OK. Will check in tomorrow.

>> No.9192144

Hmm. Are you okay mate. I've got plenty close friends. I'm not sure what you're getting at here

>> No.9192151

Good too see you still sober and out of the hospitalbro. Don't worry you'll get a new nickname when you relapse lol.

>> No.9192186

You weren't an alcoholic to begin with. You'd have had withdrawals otherwise.

What about you hide this thread and use a filter? Click settings, top right.

>> No.9192190

There's always these fucking faggots who try to act badass by drinking light and dark when in fact your just fucking idiots. It's literally, actually retarded.

>> No.9192201

I would do the exact same thing, but I'm probably not having children anyway and don't really want to.

>> No.9192233

Good to hear. Enjoy not feeling like shit!

>> No.9192242

Fish for (you)s

>> No.9192243

Be friendly, smile.

>> No.9192255

what if i'm female but i still have a dick

you embrace your superior genetics and stay away

>> No.9192259


>when not drinking

Kek. Just stay continually buzzed. It's done wonders for my confidence and social life.

>> No.9192362

>stay continually buzzed
You know what thread you're in?
It's either wasted drunk ; withdrawing with shakes, alone and anxious as fuck ; or on the sobriety wagon.
>>>/r9k/ and their happy drinking threads are that way.

>> No.9192373

Don't drink then you stupid faggot.

>> No.9192388


>either wasted drunk ; withdrawing with shakes, alone and anxious as fuck

But I'm all three, at different times and all the time; it's not like I wake up drunk. I've also been here much longer than when these threads became a general. I come to /ck/ to bitch drunk, not rant about how I'm a drunk bitch.

>> No.9192392


>comes to al/ck/ to ask how to drink

Trust me anon, actively pursuing an addiction is something you'll feel real stupid about later in life.

>> No.9192415

Well if you were you would be at my house

>> No.9192417

Congratulations, you managed to be the post that reeks the most of failure in the fucking al/ck/ thread. Truly an accomplishment.

>> No.9192437

Right you little shit. I have tried FIVE FUCKING TIMES now to provide responses to those who have replied to my post. My FFFFUUUUUUCCCCCKKKIIIINNG data transfer allowance ran out so ive only been able to read the thread, not respond to it. My friend doesn't want me to poat here from his ip, he only permits me to read the thread because he knows it helps me to combat alcoholism.
However, fuck you AND fuck him. I am going to post. Evidently.

Now then, with that said, Ill explain.
I love girls and id hoped to learn of their presence in these threads, should such an anomaly be conceivable on the anus of the Internet which is 4chins.
Now then, ive said my piece, please understand that ive been infuriated by my isp in its refusal to allow me to do so so my mood is atypical.

Still want to know the approximation of the percentage of ladies to gents in these threads.

>> No.9192447

oh my god, what the fuck have i done

>> No.9192453

I totally understand why you drink to excess. I would try and blot out my existence too, if I were you. Alcohol abuse has obviously damaged your brain, but please try to understand that any females lurking this thread aren't going to post pics and do a fucking roll call just because your dumb ass requested them to. You should probably just go have a drink, your life is clearly unsalvageable.

>> No.9192454

Until you tell us we do not know.

>> No.9192459

>data transfer allowance ran out so ive only been able to read the thread, not respond to it
It deeply concerns me that you somehow became unable to send a 2KB message

>> No.9192463

>retard fails at basic task
No need for concern. Mongs gonna Mong.

>> No.9192481

i drank on my antabuse

what the fuck do, im dying here

>> No.9192489

>Disulfiram works by blocking the processing of alcohol in the body. This causes you to have a bad reaction when you drink alcohol.
That sounds like the worst possible fucking treatment for an alcoholic.

>> No.9192496

why dont you just stop drinking

>> No.9192497

We told you already, 10% to 40% femanon.
Notice the "anon" in "femanon"? Right, it means you don't ask for descriptive information. Go to reddit if you want that kind of interaction with people. Or >>>/soc/25476527

Drink water, eat something, lay down and wait.
Yeah, I have no idea why docs still think it's OK to prescribe something that can kill when mixed with alcohol to someone with a history of abusing alcohol even when that is bad for his health.

>> No.9192522

>Drink water, eat something, lay down and wait.
can't hold anything down mate, i'm just going to grab a bucket and crawl into bed

>> No.9192591

Sir in approximately which way would you guess might be your preferred method of being viciously murdered?

>> No.9192759

>Everyone thinks I'm drunk

>Everyone drinks I'm sober

funny how that works

>> No.9192778
File: 2.93 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20170720_141340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my day.
First drink in a good while but my doctor and psychiatrist is on vacation so I kinda broke down yesterday.

Hope you all have a great day. I know I will.

>> No.9192781

>Everyone drinks I'm sober

Are you drunk?

>> No.9192828

No I'm sober

>> No.9192843
File: 72 KB, 600x1200, 51029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oooh another swede.

I would suggest that you drink dworek instead, it's cheaper and surprisingly not terrible.

Bols vodka is even better but a bit more expensive.

Good day? Well I'm drunk so it's better than usual for the moment.

>> No.9192867
File: 100 KB, 711x730, IMG_20170719_095402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally just got through withdrawal again and everytime I see the girl I love that I could have still had happy with someone else and on trips and all this shit I just want to drink myself to death and get it over with.... why the fuck me. good damnit.

>> No.9192877
File: 3.68 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20170718_153157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Explorer for the simple fact that the large bottles are now made from plastic. I don't know why I prefer plastic over glass but for some reason.
I did spend my last money this month on those bottles though. I have 200kr left on my food account and hopefully I wont wake up tomorrow craving more vodka, even though I know I probably will.
Thankfully I have a freezer full of chimichangas so I should be good until the 26th.

What are you drinking today, anon?

>> No.9192885

Get on a ferry or drive to finland and get some of that Salmiakki, licorice liquor
Or maybe you have that in your stores

>> No.9192890

I'n not sure we have that over here. We have koskenkorva though. I have a house on Åland so I usually spend a few weeks there every summer and the ferry is a dangerous place for me. I almost always end up buying a few cases of beer and a few bottles of whatever hard liquor that looks good and just sit in my house drinking for a week.

>> No.9192899

Stop seeing her.
Also, have sex with someone else.

>> No.9192906

Well I guess I should accept that you have different taste. Might be that one of my first really terrible drinking sessions was with explorer and have avoided it like the plague ever sense.

I would suggest always having rice, oatmeal, and bulgur/couscous at home, at least that way you know that you won't starve. It's not fun but at least you won't go hungry.

Dworek vodka in blackberry juice, don't usually have juice but I felt like being fancy today since I've saved some money this week. I also have a decent bottle of red wine that I bought for some reason.

You chimichangas looks decent but how well do they taste after having been frozen?

Well I have a problem, the more I have at home the more I drink. So I try to just buy for the day that I'm drinking because otherwise I'll just go for several days of hardcore drinking ( still happens with this system thought ).
I'm here for a reason.

>> No.9192918

I honestly can't tell the difference between different brands of vodka. Thankfully I don't drink for the taste though.

I always keep different kinds of rice, pasta, bulgur, couscous and quinoa in my house. I wont starve. I'm more afraid of not being able to afford more alcohol.

That sounds tasy! Unfortunately I'm on a diet so I try to avoid sugar as much as I can. That's why I probably wont eat much this week and only drink.

Yeah they will be soft after thawing but they still taste bretty good.

Where in our long beloved country do you live?

>> No.9192919

I have to close my right eye which is the non-dominant one to read texts or shit up close when drunk.

>> No.9192923

that picture made me laugh then depressed the hell out of me

>> No.9192931

>non-dominant one
Same here, right eye.
Weird, considering I'm right handed but my left eye is the dominant one

>> No.9192939

Of course I don't drink for the taste, just that some taste less like rat-poison than others.

Well that's all good then, not being able to afford alcohol might be a blessing in disguise...

Yeah it's a lot better than usual but as I said, an exception.

In the glorious town of Umeå, wanna come over and play?
It's so dead in the summer when all other university students have gone away to do things.
What kind of fun things are you up to?

>> No.9192959

Well, that's a long way from Ingarö så I guess we'll just have to play here.
Yeah I can imagine. My ex gf is studying in Umeå and she's back in town for the summer. She comes over every monday to watch the newest episode of GoT which is nice.
The only fun thing I'm up to is fucking my latest ex gf about once a week.
I also visit my sister and take care of my nieces. I love being around those girls. It's one of the few things that makes me truly happy.

What can you do in Umeå in the summer?

>> No.9192961

Fuck I'm dating a girl who doesn't smoke, drinks moderately and is a med student to boot. I get the feeling she is mostly morbidly interested in me being a highly functioning, every day drunk, chain smoking succesful academic. She supplies me with everything and fondly watches me get smashed and deliver monologues on increasingly vague nature. Or it's the whole retarded bad-boy image that wrongfully gets attached to the life we lead.

>> No.9192984

Look it up on wikipedia
"År 2012 var antalet invånare över 9000."
I have been on 4chan way to long.

Well at least you have some things to do.
I spend most days reading classic literature, and some other things. Guess that would be the closest thing I have to a hobby nowadays. Otherwise I meet some of the people that are left and do the usual.
The rest is probably mostly filled with drinking.

You do the same thing you do in all other small towns, I have lived in several places, west-, east-, south-coast and it's pretty much the same.

But as you might have guessed I'm a student, what do you do for money?

>> No.9193008

Well shit that's about as much people on
eastern Kungsholmen in Stockholm, where I grew up.
Yeah, in many ways I'm lucky. I don't have many friends. In fact I could count my friends on one hand. but in the large scheme of things I'm quite lucky, given the lifestyle I lead.
Reading doesn't sound very bad desu. I have never taken medicine for my ADD so I have never been able to read a book cover to cover.

I don't want to go in to too much detail of what I do but I work for one of the "kommuner" in stockholm. I mostly work with my hands so I get some much needed exercise.

How old are you?

>> No.9193052

Oooh I like reading so it's fine, and being well read and educated really makes it easier to seem less like an alcoholic loser.

Friends, hmm.. always hard to say, what is the normal amount? I think I'm fairly normal but maybe on the lower end, who knows. I can be normal enough when I'm around people.

But lucky no, I mean I can do most things in academia without trying very hard but that doesn't make a person happy, at least not me. But it could also have been a lot worse if I couldn't do those things. Lucky or unlucky, who knows, certainly not happy at least.

I understand.
Mid twenties and decent job opportunities ahead.
Not much more interesting to say.

I ran out of normal things to ask so, why do you see a psychiatrist?

>> No.9193093



>> No.9193097
File: 3.27 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20170720_165053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I havet Always wished to be an academic. It Always seemed like such and pleasant and quiet life.

i'm bipolar, autistic and add.
I Washington om heroin and other ooates and opioides for many Tears and i have finally gotten a team of psychiatrists and dictors till taket My case in. I might be drunk today but i have never felt this Good in My life.

I'm in a 40 minuter bus driver tillsammans The nearest systembolag to buy more vodka. I drank faster than anticipated and i feel like i bred more to survive the night.

What makes You drink att such a low age?

>> No.9193105

My keyboard is Swedish so thats why i misspell shit. I'm not that drunk.

>> No.9193112

Looks like you'll have to go elsewhere :)

>> No.9193120

I'm posting a reply in the new thread so look in that in a few minutes.

>> No.9194137

good fucking record anon

>> No.9194186

>tfw drinking alone is more enjoyable than drinking socially

who knows this feel? and how do you quit alcoholism after getting to know this feel?

>> No.9194253
File: 404 KB, 1802x1202, svärje.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ how can there be more people than myself browsing /ck/ in Umeå

this has got to be a statistical anomaly

>> No.9194339

>who knows this feel?
Probably everyone ITT.

>and how do you quit alcoholism after getting to know this feel?
By realising that the pain of continuing to drink is worse than the pain of stopping.

>> No.9194347

do you lads have immigrant problems there or is it too far north and do the troublemakers stay in malmo?