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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9185455 No.9185455 [Reply] [Original]

What British people eat

Pic related

>> No.9185461

are those muslim cocks then?

>> No.9185469


>> No.9185551

Does not look british to me.

>> No.9185581

this post REALLY made me think

>> No.9185620
File: 17 KB, 460x288, breakfast_1607434c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what British people eat, and we're pretty happy about it.

>> No.9185642

why are "pretty happy" about eating like teenagers?

>> No.9185648
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Oi gov'na can staht me day widdout a full brekkie

>> No.9185660

An appropriate breakfast for perpetual drunks.

>> No.9185667

That's not teenager food my man, that's the fuel for a fine British gent who works hard drilling holes in the road.

>> No.9185677

that looks mighty good

>> No.9185681

>drilling holes in the road
>implying there are cars in bongland to build roads for

>> No.9185683
File: 197 KB, 1200x900, yorkshire breakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9185686
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ooo my

>> No.9185693

Always wanted to taste a yorkshire pudding

>> No.9185699

They're not difficult to make. Look up some youtube videos on it.
Just not Jack's

They don't really taste like much but they make a nice crunchy side for a Sunday roast or indeed most things.

>> No.9185701

Hahaha so funny and it sooooooo true, upvoted my good man, upvoted.

>> No.9185709

Wrong, jack made them cute little ones. Better than any British ones I've seen.
British cooks btfo by an American meme

>> No.9186199

The cook was British. Eggs are Canada sausages are Canada Keg brand sausages from trader joes. Beans are Heinz British style

>> No.9186342
File: 5 KB, 279x181, jlp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brown sauce on the side
>beans look like they've been in a fight
Fuck off this aint British Cuisine.

>> No.9186359

>Eggs are Canada sausages
O Canada! Terre de nos aïeux
>having a french version of your national anthem

>> No.9186406

>those shitty beans
>those shitty bangers
>that egg
>fucking burgers?

>> No.9186414
File: 764 KB, 1400x700, irish_examiner_alcohol_ireland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's the irish you racist

>> No.9186461
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I like the Irish breakfast because it doesn't contain those revolting beans the English love. It's much more like a hearty US breakfast than fucking beans.

>> No.9186468

>no tomatoes

>> No.9186485

can confirm, i live in britain and have never seen a car irl

>> No.9186518

There aren't enough beans but if you had some tomato sauce on hand it'd be alright. You women will complain about anything.

>> No.9186570

A fucking WHAT? You mean a cart obviously. yes?

>> No.9186625

Bong fodder is truly disgusting. They might as well just soak sponges in lard and consume those. Aside from the truly dirt poor tribals, Africans eat higher quality food than Bongs.

>> No.9186659


>> No.9186736

and why wouldn't they is it because they're niggers you racist? Stick to /pol/ and understand only America is worse in food terms you biggot.

>> No.9186741
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>> No.9186745


You having a stroke, guy?

>> No.9186758


Most of Africa is relatively poor. Bongs vile eating habits are not the result of being unable to afford nutritious food or quality ingredients, they are simply culturally predisposed to eat shit.

Most people from nations with a cuisine find Bong fodder almost inedible. There's little to boast about in most American cuisine it's true, but it's superior to Bong fodder by a country mile.

>> No.9186777

>it's superior to Bong fodder by a country mile
Fast food for dinner, everyday. Ok then.

>> No.9186818

Fuck off orangefag, we won.

>> No.9186826

>don't support the commie party
>get labelled as a northernigger
pls no

>> No.9186834

>beans on top of eggs

>> No.9186853

you a mod guy?

>> No.9186892
File: 80 KB, 442x471, bbe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Best Before 2001
Nicely memed faggot, i remember these and nobody brought them.

>> No.9186908

I drilled the hole in ur mom last night u fukin kunt

>> No.9186912


blimey is that some bangers and gassers served on a queen's arse then? Me mum used to make me that every week before she was struck by an auto, bless her heart

>> No.9187044
File: 1.23 MB, 912x905, 1413063101402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Americans unironically think they're any different and their food is any better than bong's

>> No.9187120

t. baked beans for breakfast

>> No.9187190

>meming on /ck/
>meming wrong
Back to facebook with you idiot

>> No.9187210

Don't reply to me, western bong

>> No.9187212
File: 42 KB, 640x621, 6bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9188664

Americans apparently think they're anything more than fatter, dumber britfags lol

>> No.9188678

Ahh the famous dingus and mound

>> No.9188685

>has drinking come to define our national identity?

National, cultural, racial, religious,economic and social.


Also fuck your lame troll bait threads OP

>> No.9188750
File: 28 KB, 186x208, 1453432155643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you have beans at breakfast how you not gassy the whole day?
is bongs eats shitty canned beans that have their skins removed and cooked at 2000 degrees?

>> No.9188752
File: 28 KB, 615x397, British BBQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slimy BSE beef?

>> No.9189052

What the fuck is a cart? Is this some new kind of trolley?

>> No.9189188

You should get your shitty digestive system checked out
Or maybe you're a poor American and you can't afford a doctor?

>> No.9189192

>Worrying about the appearance of burgers
Gay as in sucking a dick

>> No.9189202

are you sure man? i'm pretty convinced beans cause gas in even the healthiest digestive systems

>> No.9189207

I eat beans regularly and I never get gas from them.

>> No.9189218

what is the provinence of those beans? a can or actual beans you soak and boil yourselve?

>> No.9189222

Sometimes from a can, but usually from beans I cook myself (soak overnight then simmer with stock and vegetables)

>> No.9189224

well shit. maybe bong digestive systems really are used to beans.

>> No.9189225

I'm American.

>> No.9189234

>americans actually believe this

>> No.9189291

>americans actually believe they're american
>despite you acknowledging them as american
You're not even trying, are you?

>> No.9189294

yeah, i wasn't trying. it was obviously a shitpost. what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.9189297

Just eggs milk and flour lad

>> No.9189299

Why would you knowingly make a post so idiotic? What did you gain from it?

>> No.9189335

i laughed at it as i was posting. so i guess you could say i produced my own happiness hormones.

what did you gain from being a proxy mod for his thread?

>> No.9189350

>laughing at your own "jokes"
That's a bit sad.

>> No.9189355

yeah, whatever mate

>> No.9189403

>tfw your dad sees you shitposting on 4chan

>> No.9189734
File: 83 KB, 620x413, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Needs more distance between the egg and the beans. I may want to mix them but I want that to be my decision. Use the sausage as a breakwater.

>> No.9189740

You have to admit the term "British cuisine" is fairly laughable though.
>look at this roast din-din, that's cuisine innit
>eres some fish and potatoes, proper cuisine yeh?

>> No.9189744


>Bread with tomato sauce and cheese
>Sliced cured ham and olives

You have to admit the term "Italian cuisine" is fairly laughable though.

>> No.9189774

The term "cuisine" is inherently ridiculous because of the sheer pretentiousness of it when applied to anything but legitimate fine dining.

>> No.9189775

oh no, someone left the gills on those portobellos...thats a very nice pic and all, but everything looks like of poorly browned and prepared, bland.

My favorite thing the Brits eat is a sherry trifle. I make a strawberry one that I learned from my childhood piano teacher, lots of cream sherry, birds custard layers, soft set strawberry gelatin in the fruit layers. Its amazing.

>> No.9189790

>no black pudding
>slices of potato
Get fucked

>> No.9189796

>among the finest cheeses and cured meats in the world, library-tier selection
>ham, cheddar and cumberlands
Its just boring m8 people expect more from a country that used to be influential and had centuries to make something exciting with all those maritime goods.
You're lettin us down sahn.

>> No.9189797

innit laddy

>> No.9189816

Which is the exact reason I find the term British cuisine to be so funny.
If you've ever wondered why you don't see any British themed fine dining restaurants its because the finest example of their "cuisine" is barfood.

>> No.9189822

>I am being deliberately wrong on purpose

Oh, you!

>> No.9189837

>you don't see any British themed fine dining restaurants

Here's three:


>> No.9189840

>I am responding to examples with meaningless words
Silly goose

>> No.9189842
File: 38 KB, 640x621, 1500258417659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An Englishman at heart

>> No.9189844

You do realize that literally no Brit has ever referred to their food as "cuisine", right? It's shitposting terminology for bullshit threads like this.

>> No.9189848



>>among the finest cheeses and cured meats in the world, library-tier selection

Italy do not a monopoly on cheese or cured meats, lad.

>>ham, cheddar and cumberlands

If you think for a second that is true; if you genuinely believe that list is accurate, either you're deliberately being retarded or you're retarded. I don't mind which, but just stop being so sad.

>> No.9189855


You're talking bollocks based off your own ignorance.

>> No.9189857

Nice shitpost. Britain produces around 750 varieties of cheese, compared to Italy's approximate 450.

>> No.9189858

I don't see them because I live outside of the UK where there's no market for your excuse for a cuisine, go find me one where there's none of you nobs keeping it's doors open out of Stockholm syndrome

>> No.9189862


>picking on British people for their cheese when actually that's the one of the things they do really well


>> No.9189867

>I don't see them because I live outside of the UK

Okay. You probably shouldn't make definitive statements about a subject you're ignorant of, then.

>there's no market for your excuse for a cuisine, go find me one where there's none of you nobs keeping it's doors open out of Stockholm syndrome

y u so mad?

>> No.9189872

I bet he's some sweaty New Jersey guido who thinks he's Italian because his great great grandma saw a pepperoni pizza once.

>> No.9189899

My point was they don't exist outside of smugland, you keep them open because you like to believe that your meat pastries are worthwhile but theyd never last outside their own country which is laughable since almost any other developed cuisine does just fine in other countries.
I know you lads get pissy about this but you had the time and resources to make some renownable stuff and yee fell short compared to any other historically influential nation.

>> No.9189906
File: 17 KB, 225x354, bless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It took you ages to come up with that weak response, too.

>> No.9189914

It's not even cut.

>> No.9189952

It took you all of time to come up with absolutely nothing of culinary significance, and now you're trying to deflect attention to my post frequency?
Are grasped straws another example of British cuisine?

>> No.9190030

Where are you from, anon?

>> No.9190054


why. it means cooking.


>oh no, someone left the gills on those portobellos.

oh no indeed... what the fuck is the problem?

>> No.9190063


>My point was they don't exist outside of smugland

a) no it wasn't
b) that's not even true

>> No.9190079
File: 77 KB, 463x573, full english.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breakfast reporting in