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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.05 MB, 2700x1809, italian-food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9184608 No.9184608 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Italian cuisine regarded as healthy when it's so heavy in carbs and is oily?

>> No.9184612

It's not regarded as healthy.

>> No.9184615

Probably because neither carbs nor oil are unhealthy, despite what your fad diets might suggest.

>> No.9184618

It's not. They stold the tomato. Is it better than papa John's? Barely.

>> No.9184623

I always hear people saying the reason Italians live so long is because of their healthy cuisine

>> No.9184627

there's the "french paradox", which i think also applies to other carb and fat-heavy european cuisines.

you'd expect these people to be the fattest in the world, right?

but they're not. the solved mystery: smaller portions.

europeans don't gorge, and they eat slowly.

>> No.9184632

based on stereotypes, I'd guess they'd mind their own business. So hey, no deaths.

>> No.9184637

It's pretty healthy. All food with a variety of veggies, good oils, carbs and protein is healthy as long as you burn calories and dont be a fat lazy motherfucker.

>> No.9184647

Having lived there for six months and my folks having a summer home in central Italy - and being from a northern european country myself - I think its mostly that they are a very relaxed people who don't work themselves to death. Far from it really, I rarely meet a strung out wop.
In terms of food, good local produce and portions. Light to zero breakfast, relatively light lunch as opposed to the French and a good but not ridiculous meal for dinner.

Which fucking baffles me because I can't seem to stop eating when I get here and have to limit myself to two weeks as to not come back fat with the food here being so goddamn amazing.

>> No.9184652
File: 30 KB, 220x300, IMG_1434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>carbs are unhealthy

>> No.9184666

da beetus

>> No.9184718
File: 149 KB, 1920x1280, santorini-bg1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, southern european culture revolves entirely around living comfortably

>> No.9184724

You appear to be confusing Italian food with Italian American food. They are two very different animals. Italian American food is very heavy on the meat and cheese, whereas Italian food is much heavier on the vegetables.

>> No.9184959

i think it's low effort bait

>> No.9184970

>Satan trying to mislead people

>> No.9184973

When will people learn

>> No.9184975

Because believe it or not, Italiens don't actually eat that much pizza.

>> No.9184989

All is natural fresh ingredients bought from their local market. Furthermore, the oil they use is natural virgin olive oil proven to be very healthy. No GM shit like the shit in supermarkets. (Coming from personal experience )

>> No.9184994

dunno about that, i eat 2-3 times a week
it's just much lighter than op's pic

>> No.9184996

The pesticides are what's bad, not the genetically modified stuff, pretty much everything everyone in the world eats now is genetically modified in some way.

>> No.9186802
File: 1.19 MB, 4320x2432, amber-orange-roll-sushi2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Japanese cuisine regarded as healthy when it's so heavy in cream cheese and deep fried seafood

>> No.9186887

Because of superior 100x folded Japanese carbohydrates.

>> No.9186905

Stop eating sugar OP and you will be fine with carbs.

>> No.9186968

>regarded as healthy


>> No.9186970


>> No.9186976

Carbohydrates are sugar you literal fucking moron

>> No.9186992


it's because we don't eat A LOT of it, we skip breakfast 90% of the time unless we are traveling, work just what is necessary and then eat like pigs only at very big festivities, otherwise we are very laid back, mostly because otherwise we wouldn't get to bang all the hot women that come to visit us from northern europe, like holy fucking shit there's more hot girls in lake Garda than ducks this time of the year

>> No.9187023

pizza isnt italian

>> No.9187082

Noone says it's healthy, why do you think older Italian men all look like Tony Soprano?

>> No.9188060

So there is a disconnect, mainly from America, that Italian food is "meats and breads"...
As >>9184647 pointed out, the portions and the way people eat in Italy is totally different
than in America. In the states, we have gigantic plates and triple stacked beefloaf pizzas.
In Italy, pizza is kind of a snack. Get it while you're walking somewhere...not a meal.

And don't forget Americans need everything to be FLAVOR BLASTED, whereas, most
Italian food is simple with just a few ingredients. Finally, the importance of vegetables
gets overlooked in this cuisine, more than any other...taste each thing. Tutto va bene...


>> No.9190007

Starches are carbohydrates as well you stupid Mongoloid. He's suggesting to cut down on sugar, which is good advice.

>> No.9191660

Pizza isn't exactly unhealthy when you cook it with the right ingredients,

>> No.9192176
File: 14 KB, 325x325, 1456893511246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


vaffanculo you fucking greaseball. This video is terrible, it's just a bunch of Italians eating frozen American food, nothing that was actually prepared by an italian american

t. terrone american

>> No.9192209

What a retarded video. Wow people don't like food that's absolute trash by all standards.

kys for linking that shit

>> No.9192224

That picture
>trying to jerk off on ecstacy

>> No.9192262
File: 9 KB, 224x225, 1494325486879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you forgot to mention that they cannot be converted into fat, and burn 10x faster than regular carbs because of the folds.

>> No.9192578

Italians aren't exactly known to be healthy, theyre known to eat like other westerners, while staying relatively thin. They've developed exceptionally longer intestines in comparison to most europeans to digest their rich fat dense foods for much longer amounts of time, and also gourmet food comes in controlled portions. French people notoriously eat tiny portions, load on fresh produce, and restrict calories to stay thin. But maggot cheeses, pizza, refined lipids, and lasagnas aren't healthy for anyone, they're just incredibly delicious, slowly digested heart attacks.

>> No.9192609


It is. Well at least they infer that it is by the fact that Italians rank very high in health statistics compared to other nations.


Because there is nothing wrong with carbs and fats as long as you don't consume them in excess. Carbs and fats are not poison.

>> No.9192613

>people who don't work themselves to death
Every Italian I've ever worked with has been the laziest fucker, even worse than the greeks.

>> No.9192615


Am Italian. This is actually true. Actually this is true for all Americanized ethnic foods. It always contains 5x the normal amount of meat and 7x the normal amount of cheese.

>> No.9192620

Most mediterranean cuisines focus on balanced diet.For example,here in Greece we eat veggies on a daily bases and salad is a must on every meal,whereas meat is recommended on maximum 2 days per week.Plus,our servings are not humongus so that helps.

I'm from Santorini.Such a tourist trap.

>> No.9192623


>Furthermore, the oil they use is natural virgin olive oil proven to be very healthy.

Yeah, actually no. You foreigners over utilize olive and virgin olive oil when trying to cook Italian. We also use other oils and butter sometimes.

We don't literally fry everything in olive oil.

I think myself, I use canola/vegetable oil way more than I use olive oil.

>> No.9192629


Because it's highly balanced towards vegetables (mostly raw) and long chain carbohydrates which are in fact perfectly fine. Most of the fats are unsaturated and saturated fats (basically red meat) is not ate that very often. Plus is not meant to be aboundant, portions are usually smaller than other cuisines.

>> No.9192700

There is no such thing as "Japanese cuisine" as a whole, not only every region does its own thing, but there are worlds of difference between traditional onsen food, typical household dishes, canteen food, modern restaurants food, sushi restaurants food and so on and so forth.

>> No.9192704

This this
A thousand times this

>> No.9192736

>implying pizza and pasta are the regular dishes
>implying carbs and fats are unhealthy in moderation

OP is just a fatuck trying to justify his american shit diet

>> No.9192749

That can be said about literally every cuisine you dumb fucking weeb.

>> No.9192750

Well then that should answer OP's question.

>> No.9193568

t. NJ "Italian"
They don't even sell "canola" in Italy.

>> No.9193576

>Why does (this broad region that shares the same ethnic background, culture, and cuisine style) blankity blank?
Do you also say "burgers are not a type of food" because there are two different burger joint 5 blocks apart?
But oooh! They do things differently! Every burger joint is so unique and special! We cant POSSIBLY group them together!

You fucking weeb retard.