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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 67 KB, 720x960, coqauvin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9178529 No.9178529 [Reply] [Original]

Coq au vin?

>> No.9178532

Cakka poop more like it

>> No.9178552

cuck au tist is a fancy name for an average dish

this can be confirmed by the asshole who make this thread using a trip

>> No.9178564

looks like someone took a crap on mashed potatoes

ofc some "foodie" asshole from wicker park would probably tell you its le arte quisine

>> No.9178581

Jesus, watch the salt, guys.

Thats the color its supposed to be?

>> No.9178586
File: 2 KB, 117x125, 1457163922584s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9178628

Its chicken thighs braised in red win, famalams.

>> No.9178632

>red win
more like red fail, lol

>> No.9178633

wine* but win also works

>> No.9178682

>none of you have had coq au vin

>> No.9178690

I see the Vin, but where's the Coq? Please don't say you used boneless, skinless chicken and overcooked the fuck out of it and it disintegrated into a stringy mess.

>> No.9178780

Do you not see the skin on there? I broke down two whole birds, the breasts i froze for another use but I used to carcasses plus a couple others I had saved to make the chicken stock from the french laundry cook book. (shouldve made a dark stock for this but whatever) Marinated the thighs/hindquarters in red wine/thyme/a carrot/onion/garlic/peppercorns/bay leaf/ Strained and discarded the veggies and shit and used the wine as my braising liquid.

Bought whole slab bacon and cut them into actual baton lardons. Slow rendered the fat out of those, then got some color on the chicken skin with that bacon fat then added some brandy to deglaze and then lit that bitch to flambe. Added pear onions and button mushrooms. Microplaned like 4 cloves of garlic into it, like a quarter cup of flour and a couple tablespoons of tomato paste.

Braised it at a gentle gentle simmer for like probably an hour and half. Meat was super moist and tender as it should be.

>> No.9178785

oh in addition to the wine i added that chicken stock, just enough to cover.

>> No.9178796
File: 72 KB, 720x960, coqauvin2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres two other platings that I did that I was just using to practice with.

>> No.9178801
File: 69 KB, 960x720, coqauvin3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9178948

Looks good. What kind of wine did you use?

>> No.9178962
File: 16 KB, 300x300, 1466987384863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This looks like greasy garbage and you've ruined one of my favorite dishes you colossal faggot
Please continue using a trip so I never have to see anything else you "contribute" to this board

>> No.9178966

You know what I've started doing with mine, OP? Right at the end, right before serving, I've been sticking the chicken under the broiler for a couple minutes to make the skin crispy. It's fucking badass.

>> No.9178977

It does look like he didn't skim enough fat out, or left too much in the pan after browning the chicken not accounting for the chicken fat that renders out during the braise. I've made that mistake before, but it was still good.

>> No.9178981

I love this website

>> No.9179020

Fuck u pretendtous fuk

>> No.9179079

OK, I take it back, that looks really good. Your description of the process sounded damn good too.

>> No.9179298

Yeah I really didn't commit to skimming as much as I should have. I did take a ton of it off but I got lazy towards the end because I was hungry and it was just for my family.

>> No.9179448

Calera Pinot noir from 2007

>> No.9179493

You can emulsify some of the fat with a starch, but if you go too far it's a gravy. It's a fine line. You definitely want some of that fat in there, but not so much that a spoonful looks like redeye gravy. I like to pour off some of the rendered pork fat after browning the chicken, scraping up all that good shit and making a medium-ish roux, before adding stock and wine. Maybe like 2 tablespoons of flour. Any fats that separate out after that during the simmer can just go. I like to reduce the liquid a little whilst carefully taking the chicken out and re-crisping the skin under the broiler.

I wonder. What if you took the excess chicken and pork fat and threw some of that shit into the mashed potatoes? That could be good.

>> No.9179505

Sounds good but why discard all the marinated veg/seasonings? Seems really wasteful.

>> No.9179577

The recipe I'm basing this of for of didn't call for carrots or full sized onion and I didn't want the carrot being a major part of the braise or a major flavor in the end gravy anyway. In the marinade though their sugars are a welcome to developing some additional notes in the chicken separate from the sauce.

>> No.9179902

Makes sense, although if it was just one carrot I would've grated it and have it basically melt into the sauce. I do that with a few bean dishes and you don't necessarily taste the carrot much but can pick up a little of the sweetness. Maybe you could try that next time.

>> No.9179906

Fuck off back to normieville with your stale memewords.

>> No.9180192

Looks great OP

I like that you tried to cut the knuckle off the chicken leg in the first photo. Classy

>> No.9181091

i wont bother posting mine because it wasn't plated. it was just chicken pieces with wine sauce on a plate. i think yours looks really nice, and i bet it tasted nice also. good job.

>> No.9181933

Nah man, post that shit. I'm just a junior chef practicing plating so that's why I went all fancy-like.