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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 94 KB, 1300x866, chug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9170844 No.9170844 [Reply] [Original]

How you doing, lads?

Going hard, tapering or dry?

>> No.9170852

>three alcoholics threads

Jesus, do you quitting fags not even check the catalogue at all?

>> No.9170857

The other al/ck/ reached the limit. Didn't see a third one.

>> No.9170877

Nah you got me

>> No.9170884

So how are you doing, lad?

>> No.9170892
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I've been secluded a long time

I've begun talking to myself and thinking I am having a conversation with someone on 4chan, another forum, and online life

We are not talking, non of you know me and what i have been through...

>> No.9170898

I'm fine. My place reeks of fermenting wine because I make my own in a tiny apartment. I work too much with no vacation or holidays but what can you do. And yourself?

>> No.9170910
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Oh my god the nightmares
Jesus fuck
My house contained a portal to hell, all I had was two kitchen knives to slash and slay such repulsive, demonic things. It was almost impossible to saw through their necks but I had to, to protect my ex gril ;_; she was hiding under the duvet screaming and I couldn't stop them all, they just kept fucking appearing in a variety of horrific forms. Even after I woke I still thought it was real and until my hip flask took effect
To actually believe that something like 'the evil dead 2' is happening to you does not result in a merely trivial amount of fear

There's no escape, I am in a ruinous amount of trouble. A week ago today, I arranged for some professional help. They said it would take a week for it to be provided. Earlier I called them to ask for what time it was scheduled and oh, I see, it's delayed until Tuesday.
I have no money for alcohol. I spent every penny just surviving this last week.
4 days of no help and zero ethanol, with a 7 month daily binge behind me.
Oh well. Here goes I guess. 7 hours in and I'm already shaking.

>> No.9170916

Only 50 mL of bourbon tonight

Doing pretty good on getting off the stuff

Might have another 50 mL after a run later on

>> No.9170920

>Take a shot
>Warm for 0.5 sec
>Then cold
>Very cold
>Head is hurting

>> No.9170921

Getting married in 4 months, plan to stay hammered until then, fiancee hates the stuff.

>> No.9170923

Want to know how I know your marriage will end in disaster?

>> No.9170930


A bin liner filled with lighter gas. Put over head and seal with tape around neck. The tricky part was how to then handcuff myself to a radiator so I couldn't desperately tear it off, but superglue is the answer. Just cover my hands and arms then splat myself against a wall.
Budget exit bag.
I feel so much calmer having thought of a way out if I need it. Wasn't looking forward to slashing my wrists.

>> No.9170931

Self sabotage is the bread and butter of alcoholism

>> No.9170935

I'm clean 14 days. I have the next week off work. Not sure if I want to stay clean :/

>> No.9170937

You need help anon. I mean you really need to spend time with people to keep you away from the bottle. And if you get disoriented for more than a day, or see blood-pressure shit on your eyes, or worse have a seizure; then you need a clinic.

> 7 hours in and I'm already shaking.
I'm not a doctor but make sure you are getting lots of water, make sure you get a little sodium, and if you had some bananas around that would be great. Don't try to switch your vision between distant and far away, and make sure you stay away from flickers and low-framerates.

>> No.9170941

I've been sober for years at a time, but the correct answer isn't the alcohol, I screw up enough on my own.

>> No.9170943

I used to ferment store bought apple juice and sugar for distillation.

On the wagon now desu.

>> No.9170960
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Does anyone else fucking despise being horny while really deep into the pit of alcoholism? It's such a bastard of a chore. I just want to lay here and gently relax, not exert intense pressure on my body and mind by imagining sexuality savaging some cute gril. I can ignore it for a day or two but the urge eventually becomes unbearable and I have to either try my luck at the pub, or use trusty pornhub to make the stupid nagging need for sex fucking leave me alone. I have bigger problems than the continued survival of the human race, my dick needs to fuck off and leave me alone.

>> No.9170987

Starting slow tonight, cant get motivated to drink. So far Ive only had 3 beers and 2 shots.

>> No.9171007

I don't. Cat shit eating cuz sis reporting in.

>> No.9171076

Not the same but I've noticed that nofap really doesn't go well with drinking huge amounts for several days because it always ends with such a throbbing erection that I literally can't sleep.

>> No.9171107

>can't get motivated to drink
What fresh hell is this? Anon what are you talking about? You're supposed to be trying to find the motivation to not drink, not feel bad because you have to go through some tedious process by which the unimaginable hell you're currently experiencing is transformed into a delicious comfiness.
There are people here who are dying. People who are crying. People stealing, people so desperate that they're praying to gods in which they don't even believe. There are even people drinking spirits through their ASSES in an attempt to make booze more accessible. "RECTAL SIPS OF VODKA", I distinctly remember him saying it months ago but... no, not you, anon. You just breezily can't be bothered to drink? Are you quite positive that these threads are for you?

>> No.9171138

>blood pressure shit on your eyes
Not that guy, but could you explain what you are referring to?

>> No.9171146

Seriously though, I will get better and this fuck thinks I'm already dead

>> No.9171148

So needlessly torturous, completely retarded.

>> No.9171154

I'm going to die sometime this year, I can feel it

>> No.9171169

Well what should I do then? I've no access to guns or explosives and the only tall buildings near me are too far away, I walk with a cane because of alcohol, I'm soon going to be in a wheelchair if I don't escape from this nightmare, then perhaps totally immobile, laying in bed wanting to make it stop but being unable to move

>> No.9171175
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I'm not doing so well tonight, here's the story enjoy my misery if you are reading

>Be me
>Work for big company
>Working on 5-6 projects every few months
>Out of everything that has been successful one project failed this week
>It hit me pretty hard, you know I wasn't prepared for this at all
>I'm hurting right now

>> No.9171183

I mean just for the record I really don't want you to kill yourself. Have you gone somewhere to try to get help? I hope you can talk to someone or some kind of organization or facility or something.

>> No.9171188

Listening to Faxing Berlin and polishing the mouth of a tequila bottle. If only these good feels could last longer.

>> No.9171200
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no more booze. think this might be the tipping point friends. going to go to the community center tomorrow or the next day to check out volunteer opportunities. hopefully make some friends.

>> No.9171206

Yeah tried pro help. CBT, shrinks, alc therapists, doctors, support groups, even booking hookers and fem alchies just to have someone to whom I can complain and vent. I always relapse. It's like I go into some kind of reptilian-brain state and buy the stuff with no ability to think or to stop myself, then 'come to' upon realising that I started drinking again. It won't ever stop.

>> No.9171208
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>smirnoffbro will never post again

>> No.9171243
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Most here are anon, there's normally well over 100 posters per thread. there are bound to be lots of people dying, we just don't know it. Alcohol is truly foul. And yeah I think it's fair at this point to say that he's gone.

>> No.9171247

Alcohol is the devil, I wish I never discovered its evil deliciousness

>> No.9171269

Y'all should quench your cravings with other, safer alternatives. Vape some weed and relax.

>> No.9171277
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yeah i've pretty much been dead inside ever since I started drinking heavily

>> No.9171300

>dead inside
But that's the way I like it. Feeling anything is the scary part.

>> No.9171330

5 minutes.
Time to start walking.
Going to throw up on their floor this time, I know it.

>> No.9171346

You're basically me but trust me, I'm much worse. I've been secluded since I was 8. My family ran a convenience store and it was a lot of work so I had to help out. I wasn't allowed to stay after school to play with my friends and they were also very over-protective, not allowing me to go to birthday parties and whatnot. So I would go to the back and literally daydream about a different life. I still do it now because I can't come to terms with my reality. It's too much. There are too many mistakes to fix. Some that can't be fixed. I have so many imaginary scenarios in my head that I might as well be schizophrenic.

>> No.9171358

Drank a fifth of fireball and I couldnt remember what I did the next morning. Also woke up still drunk and threw up for 5 hours straight.

>> No.9171366

ahh, fireball
when I was new to drinking I tried to chug one of the large bottles of that. I don't remember any of the night but I was told that I puked for 3 hours.

>> No.9171387

I'm 30
Have a good job
Talk to coworkers sometimes
I still say dream
I still talk to myself in the car
Driving home from work
Bumper to bumper traffic
I'm talking to myself in the car out loud
Chick in front of me keeps looking at mirror and in my direction
I'm sitting there talking to myself.... she chuckled

>> No.9171401

Managed it. Back home, have booze, only puked on the street not in the shop, time to feel better. Might even find the energy to cum, and stop my dick from nagging.
Shame I'm shitting blood ten times a day, wonder what that's all about, but a few more swigs and in 20 mins I won't fucking care.

>> No.9171402

How old are you?

>> No.9171416

Too many previous convictions for dui plus drunk and incapable. The police loathe unwell people. If they caught me with weed I'd go to prison. Retarded given that if I could legally vape/bake weed, I'd have avoided alcohol and would never have encountered a single legal issue.
Still, wouldn't like to petrify the public with the inevitable killing spree I'd go on should I inflict on myself the reefer madness the drinks industry informs us I'd inevitably encounter should I eat a herb as opposed to spending a fortune on their lethal poison.
Bottoms up.

>> No.9171421


>> No.9171429

Well, at least your writing is excellent.

>> No.9171434

I made frozen margaritas

>> No.9171441

They dont make marlboro blue 72s anymore. What should I smoker?

>> No.9171467
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Frozen?? Oh FUCK OFF!

>> No.9171471

Yeah I put my stuff in an ice cream maker

>> No.9171492
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It's getting weird tonight.

I'm sitting here talking to myself at night and having an imaginary conversation in my head


>> No.9171495
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So after another stupid bender I hoped that you could share some tips and ideas.

As I was lying in bed I thought about starting to write and journal/diary. So that it's easier to go back and look what kind of a shitty person I'm and why I shouldn't drink.

Second was just to make "Good vs Bad" graph about how I spend my time. Worst would be drinking, being lazy a little bad and exerciser would be good and so on. This is to try and get structure in my life I guess.

I don't know these are just ideas I had but I'll try most things at this point. So feel free to share anything that I could try.

>> No.9171496

I will probably start drinking one of these days... my demons have started taking over again

>> No.9171507

You talking-to-yourself anons should listen to Eminem's "My Darling". It's very relevant.

I spend a lot of time listening to hip hop music and pretending I'm the artist.

>> No.9171509

Head conversations are healthy

>> No.9171516

No. Not what I'm doing to myself right now...

I've been doing better for months..why now

>> No.9171518

>physical withdrawal is finally dying down and PAWS depression is kicking in

I guess that's progress

>> No.9171527

>Girlfriend is going out of town for 2 weeks
>Say that I'm going to make a point to run 5 miles every day she's gone so I won't be so bored and lonely in my off time when she's not around
>She leaves
>Flash forward one and a half weeks
>I have done nothing but drink 8 7.0+ABV beers a night since she left

>> No.9171535

woke up when I heard my phone vibrate (as it turns out it's battery was dying). Saw the clock said 6:45 and panicked because that's when I leave the house to go to work.

Then I remembered that it's Saturday and it was fine that I was hungover and couldn't remember why I was still fully clothed and in bed on top of my duvet and why my headphones were in the bathroom instead of the lounge.

>> No.9171541

Too afraid of prison, even though the chances are exceptionally remote

Once weed is made legal here, I will be all over it, but for now I'm trapped

>> No.9171552

>headphones in the bathroom
Don't know why but it made me laugh.

Good to hear that you're having hangovers though anon. I haven't been sober long enough to have a hangover for something like 6 years. I hope your experience of alcohol does not progress to a similar point of near-hopelessness. Best of luck, bruh.

>> No.9171555

I don't drink on workdays, so I'm in a pretty good place. That's why seeing the clock shocked me

>> No.9171577

I have like a mini office set up in my bathroom.

>> No.9171581

Being bored and depressed is better than relapsing, I suspect you know it but fear that you'll lose control.
Do not let it happen anon. We're all here trying, aching, begging to be in your position. Do your best to remember why you stopped, endeavour to remember that you're doing something which if you don't manage to maintain, you'll suffer in intensely horrific ways, the nature of which I imagine you're already familiar, and then at a young age, you will die.
This is not a trivial phenomenon and I think you know it. The suffering is fucking biblical. Not just for yourself but for your friends and family too.


>> No.9171606

I just bought 6 bottles of patron tequila silver for $60. How did I do?
>750 ml

>> No.9171613



>> No.9171624

Nigger it was on sale from a nigger who looked like he stole the cases from somewhere and sold it to me quickly for some crack money.

>> No.9171626

then you should have haggled him down to £5/bottle instead of 10

>> No.9171629

So much implying I won't even try to imply
I believe I did well.

>> No.9171634

When one side is desperate for crack, you can always do better

>> No.9171637

Man you guys are the best. It's 5am and I Can't sleep but I'm Glad I found this Thread. I have no idea why my phone keeps capitalising words but in the short amount of time I've been here you guys have given me hope. I don't have any friends so it's nice to speak to people

>> No.9171638

Well look at this sanctimonious alchie!

>> No.9171647

fuck off alcy

>> No.9171649

booze addiction > crack addiction

>> No.9171654

Ok :(

>> No.9171655

And yet the W/D of the former is a serious health issue.

>> No.9171656

Withdrawal isn't a problem if you don't stop

>> No.9171657

nah I'm just kidding bro

chill out and have a beer with us

>> No.9171661

Pee Pee Fachina.

>> No.9171663

I don't drink anymore, since someone posted that alcy documentary a few weeks back

>> No.9171664

probably not an alcoholic but it's 2am and I'm hammered so why the fuck not

gobble gobble WT101 has got me fucked up. Jamming out to No Doubt right now.

That's fucking gross. You deserve better bro. You can get a fifth of Maker's Mark, Bulleit, Evan Williams or Wild Turkey 101 for under $20. Don't subject yourself to fireball.

>> No.9171677

Anyone here get major munchies when they drink? Currently drinking said patron and eating a whole pack of turkey bacon, carton of egg whites, shredded hash brown, and some breakfast sausage links.... Must equate to about 1800 calories.
>at least I didn't get the 40 pizza roll package(I can finish that alone; 1600 calories just for that bag and then some more food)

>> No.9171685

I was just snacking on tostitos so you're doing better than me. at least you got protein.

>> No.9171688

Bullshit. I've been addicted to crack, heroin and alcohol as well as other drugs and well, heroin I won't pretend is easy to stop, but a week in bed feeling like you've got flu, then you're done. Alcohol? A week in bed CONVINCED THAT SATAN AND ALL OF HIS MINIONS, TARANTULAS AND KALI HERSELF are sharing a bed with you, maasasyyyybbe just maybe you'll be free from alcohol. For a while. As for crack? Don't make me fucking laugh. Nothing. 2 days of sulking, fair enough; a lifetime of regret because your lungs are destroyed, but basically fuck all.
Alcohol is satans potent semen.

>> No.9171699

Yeah I spent $20 on my only meal of the day. I was so damn I hungry when I went shopping just a while ago I grabbed pizza rolls due to sheer salivating purposes only to look at the calories and found that the $3 bag was 1600 cals which I would finish ez on my own. Opted out for the breakfast dinner instead for a higher price.

>> No.9171723

I think i have alcoholic hepatitis, is my abdomen supposed to painfully protrude?

>> No.9171725

alright i'm a fifth of vodka in and i need to eat

i have a pork sandwich and a turkey sandwich from a bbq place, but i think i'll puke if eat both

pick one

>> No.9171728

nah brah, you're just fat

>> No.9171730

turkey now, pork when you wake up.

>> No.9171733


You got fatty liver, like Oliver Reed.

>> No.9171786
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>smirnoffbro will never post again

>> No.9171925

Tonight I was drinking rum and imagining my life if I was a sailor. I once failed coast guard boot camp and it's been over a year yet I still have dreams about it. I've thought if I can get my shit together maybe I can join the merchant marines or something. I don't know why I admire the salty life. It's away from crowds of people on land I guess.
I've never had real rum before. I tried Kraken once but tonight I just bought some cheap Blackheart. I think the sweetness is too much for me, blech. I should have shelled out a few more bucks for Pusser Rum kek

>> No.9171937

A true hero

>> No.9171946

Yesterday I started my taper
>day 1:went down from about 1L to a single .750L
>Day 2:down from .750L to a bit over a half bottle (meant to drink a bit more but couldn't make it to liq on time)
Hopefully I'll be able to handle beer by the start of day 8. My body hurts too much to drink in quantity anymore. I feel like I'm gonna die soon.

>> No.9171954

>this is my last shot tonight
>15 mins later
>this is my last shot tonight

>> No.9171961

Do we have news of cancerbro/medical MJ card bro who shat bloody ground coffee? He was supposed to have 2 months left with cancer but if he didn't get help with liver failure he's likely dead too.

Put a earplug in one of your ear.
No need to plug it to a phone, as long as it looks like you're on handless phone.

Vape Prime 15 by Halo. Or Tribeca.

>tfw you realised alcohol is so bad it's a legit argument in the existence of Satan (and thus God.)
Checkmate, atheist tweakers.

How much calories of ethanol do you consume daily?

Possibly. How painful? Do you eat?
Also, see a gastroenterologist.

(Original in French with EN subtitles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2kkr0e_dTQ )

That's a good start, congrats Anon.

>> No.9171973
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>tfw gonna be puking bile all day tomorrow

>> No.9172128
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30 days sober, 30 days without nicotine, still in the hospital but not for long

>> No.9172140

i drank 2 beers the other night and casually let slip a rotund fart. this was in the presence of women mind you. somethings gotta change. i cant do this anymore.

>> No.9172142

This is one of the saddest things I've ever read, I feel sorry for you all and hope you can one day be happy without liquor, best of luck

>> No.9172173

I.did that that every day untlil I quit. It's not safe at all if though you live alone. I addition to bike you're losing stomach acid, water, macro and micro nutrients...

Time for medical help.

>> No.9172210

You look a lot better than the last photo you put up sometime last week mate, how are you feeling?

>> No.9172271

I won't be running marathons any time soon but I feel much bettr than l dibdllll

>> No.9172291

Don't know how I'm gonna keep paying for all the booze
Being a master delusionist isn't a career choice
>Have had conversations with people lasting for hours
>With people who don't exist
>Have had sex with hundreds of females
>Felt them
>Saw them
>Felt their breath on me
>Felt them riding me
>Saw my sock as a condom
>But still a virgin
Fucking tolerance, it just keeps rising and the costs keep rising

>> No.9172300

No offense but it looks like alcoholism is 2nd or 3rd in line behind your mental illness. Get that checked out.

>> No.9172307

I know that, the only real people I've talked to in the past few years have been cashiers when I greeted them.
But I like this, it's good.

>> No.9172340


>> No.9172370

No clue, never went to the doc, though I've talked to a few

>> No.9172374

What do you do for a living? And how old are you?

>> No.9172392

So do you live in a flyover state? I come from the midwest is why I'm asking, I'm glad I fucking left.

>> No.9172401

Assume you're asking me, in my late twenties, I do IT

>> No.9172402

Thats not a bad failrate m8

>> No.9172407

Quit drinking and now I smoke weed. Feels better man.

>> No.9172408

>Drink almost an entire bottle of vodka
>Not even drunk
>Only get a really shitty heat burn

I don't like this

>> No.9172417

Well ladies and gents, that is quite it for me. I struggle to even get out of bed as a result of alcoholism, but my girl is gone and my mother's birthday was today, so I thought I would make an effort and put some real thought into the gift I purchased for her. She is a retired teacher of English, so I spent a significant amount of money on a quill, thought she might like that, largely for decorative purposes, but sufficiently expensive that it was also fully functional. I also bought her a foot spa. Her response to the receipt of the latter present, was "Can't you send it back?"
I am now on my way to the Thames river. Gonna see how far I can swim. I mean, literally see what it takes for my bod to no longer function.
So, there we go.
I might if I'm lucky get a ride and instead find myself on the English Channel. Seeing how apparently nothing fucking kills me, maybe I'll be saying bonjour to some of you frenchbros soon.
I might be a bit soggy on arrival.
Just please keep in mind that I voted 'stay.'

K, here goes.

>> No.9172459

you drink too often anon

>> No.9172470

Drank half a bottle of whiskey, been going hard for a week now with one day off since I had an interview that I kind of hope didn't go well, because the company is balls to the wall strict when it comes to dress code, they have classes on customer service, and now I had to give up my illegal car to my mom for her work and we can't afford to fix it. She had to sell her car, because she got scammed. I am going through the worst breakup of my life, it crippled me. It's just too much, one bad thing after another, nothing good EVER happens.

>> No.9172476

I woke up a bit hungover today and my first thought when waking up was that I didn't want to wake up

This is depression right?

>> No.9172483

Yes try experiencing that every day for 12 years. And realize alchohol never will actually fix it.

>> No.9172489

drank 1.5 L of Rex Goliath pinot grigio last night. Feel surprisingly OK this morning. Maybe I'm just used to being a little hung over every morning now.

Thinking of trying to quit cold turkey for a while starting today. I've never had DTs or anything like that

>> No.9172583
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12 pints gone, 8 pints left. Valium kicking in. Consciousness drifting.
Almost there.
There's a big ship on the horizon. I'll try to take a pic for... no other reason than the fact that I like ships.

>> No.9172593
File: 3.00 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There. You can juuuust about make it out mid centre.
Lets see if I can get a closeup of the next one. Shame my phone isn't waterproof so don't expect a pic.

Kill me.

>> No.9172609

Swim out to it. Valium mixed with booze makes people powerful swimmers.

>> No.9172612

I just got home. Woke up in some chicks place, I had no idea who she was.

>> No.9172614

Is this not normal? I have imaginary conversations all the time. Always have. I think it's normal.

>> No.9172618

The bottle is empty
I spilled a little on my last drink
I'm so very sorry

>> No.9172622

No that's just a hangover. I actually feel pretty good hungover, full of energy and enthusiasm, as long as there's still alcohol in my body. I start to feel the anxiety creeping in around 3pm but it isn't too bad. I don't feel depressed until the next day.

>> No.9172625

You probably shouldn't do that

>> No.9172628

are you a britbong?

are you just sitting on the beach drinking/ taking valium and looking at ships? Sounds pretty comfy

>> No.9172652

Unless you guys live in Saudi Arabia, I severely doubt you will go to prison for smoking weed.

>> No.9172655

I got day drunk yesterday and I felt like shit by the time I sobered up around 5

the mistake was sobering up at all I guess

>> No.9172666

I have no doubt of that, but I'm too cowardly to take the chance

>> No.9172680

What chance? Have you ever heard of somebody going to prison for possessing a personal amount of weed?

>> No.9172697

inb4 BLM lies

>> No.9172703

It is since it made me look like a fool and someone who has no idea what they are doing

Truth is on this project, 1 i had no idea what i was doing
2 they kept calling me an expert to rub it in.. we all have strengths and weaknesses i let my laziness get the better of me and this project is failing

i can go into a meeting and say well i have 5 others that are successful, they wouldn't care ...........

>> No.9172734
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>cut down drinking
>get a job after being unemployed for a long time
>co-workers are actually nice
>job is easy
>tell myself I wont start drinking hard again
>stay sober for 3 months
>not a drop
>last night polish off bottle of wine, half bottle of whiskey and 4 ciders
>messaged girl I want to bang from work
>woke up today and started drinking
>currently drinking the rest of the whiskey and irn-bru

I'll sober up and sort shit tomorrow but I'm too deep in the hole today so might as well go with it.

All I want to do is drink more and play CS:GO

How are you guys holding up?

>> No.9172855

these threads always make me feel so much better about my 6 pack 6 days a week

>> No.9172865

it could be worse, you could have fucked a nasty girl from work without a condom like me

>> No.9172872

Every degenerate itt started there.

>> No.9172875

Tell me about it.
How much do I have to fucking drink to even get drunk
It used to be so much easier, I want it to be easy again

>> No.9172894

well I did lose a job for drinking 4loko in the bathroom so I'm already halfway there. i'll be on the dark side soon enough unless I find a girlfriend which always makes me tone down my self medication.

>> No.9172904

apparently michael jackson was taking up to 250mg/day of xanax on top of his dilaudid and demerol

if you have infinite money and a personal doctor who could prescribe you anything, would you still be an alcoholic?

>> No.9172916

jesus I want some manzanita and icecream so badly but i know i shouldn't

>> No.9172921

>be drinking
>watch videos of other people drinking to feel better/ feel like i have company
how autistic is this on a scale from 1-10

>> No.9172931

Everything I consume is a friend simulator, from Red Letter Media to Ron and Fez to Opie and Anthony

>> No.9172936
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>try to take shot this morning
>shaking so bad I cant get it in my mouth
welp. looks like its water for me today bois

>> No.9172947
File: 57 KB, 600x348, aa49b5c90d5a1187de02f6edcdb12021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Source for 250 mg/day plz
Not impossible by any means but id still like to know.

>> No.9172949

Why the fuck do you do this to yourselves.

>> No.9172962


ill see you on cs source

post steam

>> No.9172972


Sorry i meant 25mg, and thats a low estimate

> One security guard that sheriff's deputies interviewed said he expressed his concern about Jackson's use of 10-plus pills a night to another staffer.
> The second staffer replied: "Jackson was doing better because he was down from 30 to 40 Xanax pills a night," according to the document.

so he was 'down to' 30-40 xanax a night, which is an insane dosage assuming they're 2.5's

>> No.9172989

Ouch. She hasn't responded yet so fuck knows how my messages have come across

you first mang

>> No.9173009
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Okay anon, then I shall leave it as is, but thanks for the reply.

>> No.9173027

>Drinking 5% pear cider
>It tastes like fucking lemonade

>> No.9173042
File: 2.71 MB, 4160x2340, 20160707_204555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been tapering since Wednesday... So far, so good. Waking up and not feeling like complete shit is fantastic

>> No.9173056

why dont you try getting an adderal script

>> No.9173061

>type "al/ck" into the URL bar to quickly get to the al/ck thread
>a bunch of links show up
>end up clicking on an archived thread instead of the active one

It's like all the vodka bottles lying around.

>> No.9173074
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a-anon I think we may live near one another

>> No.9173082

Dilaudid would seal the deal for me, maybe MDMA sometimes but not all the time. Maybe the occasional crack rock.

>> No.9173090

>if you have infinite money and a personal doctor who could prescribe you anything, would you still be an alcoholic?

Hell no. I'd be doing hallucinogens. Fuck reality.

>> No.9173171

i'd micro lsd daily while vaping weed and see if I still wanna drink (probably would)

>> No.9173210

see your first mistake was saying something in the first place

>> No.9173220

if i WERE a sailor

>> No.9173296

seems like your colour is improving, simpsonbro

>> No.9173302

>Keep hitting my front teeth with bottles
How the fuck do I still have them left, they should have broken off by now

>> No.9173308

doesn't seem like a good way to go m8

>> No.9173503

don't understand alcoholism

i mean i drink like a sailor during the weekend, comfy feelings after working and all, but i can't think of alcohol for at least a week after that, let alone drink it on your own. weird, y'all nigs needs jesus

>> No.9173688

which one?

>> No.9173692

I use it to substitute for human interaction

>> No.9173742
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Bae caught me sippin

>> No.9173767
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>> No.9173836

Yeah, thank you for noticing. I'm getting a transfususion atm and it feels pretty good.

>> No.9173842

What are you going to do when you get out bro?

>> No.9173899

good, ur saved. you've never hit the sweet spot and wanted to do it over and over again until it's harder and harder to hit it

>> No.9173904

It mostly started for me as a "I have nothing else to do, and being drunk makes things more fun" thing. Same trap that leads to a lot of stoners not being able to quit because sobriety becomes so boring.
Then the physical addiction set in.

>> No.9173917

>waking up and not feeling like complete shit is fantastic
I always like this part of trying to quit, but I can never handle the boredom.

>> No.9173923

Back to work, outpatient treatment, AA, cooling, playing music

>> No.9173929


>> No.9173942

you managed to keep down a job with that level of boozing?

what job?

>> No.9173964

Had a six pack this morning and felt nothing. Not even a little tipsy. Tolerance sucks ass. Drank 12 last night and felt nothing either. Just bloated and nauseous. Can't drink hard liquor anymore, it makes me puke. My body is telling me it's time to stop I guess.

>> No.9173976

Now just drink one beer less a day until you gently hit the ground.

>> No.9173977
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You'll never be forgotten SmirnoffBro

>> No.9173979

I own a petroleum company that mostly runs itsself

>> No.9173994

are you a richfag?

>> No.9174004


>> No.9174006

Can I have a job?

>> No.9174011

>I own a company

Congrats on not being an alcoholic

>> No.9174019
File: 129 KB, 946x622, alex.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alexander the Great owned pic related and he was a raging wino.

>> No.9174023

Alexander the Wino had a great PR department

>> No.9174067

fake. an ice cold monster would have quenched the thrist of the flaming hot magma

>> No.9174072

Thumbnail looked like a monster truck driving somewhere

>> No.9174099

can someone explain what happened to smirnoffbro

>> No.9174108

dead or in hospital probably

>> No.9174113

smirnoff happened to smirnoffbro

>> No.9174121


>> No.9174124

oh god.. ;_;

>> No.9174130

he ded

>> No.9174138
File: 1.18 MB, 2592x1456, WP_20170715_003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to my abode where I get 23-hour weeks at seven bucks an hour.
With the 50mile roundtrip , I am regretting moving to the country.

>> No.9174141
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>> No.9174145


>> No.9174149

been drinking

a bit tipsy but not drunk

starting to feel sick

I could keep forcing the booze down, and maybe get drunk. Or I can quit and still get no real sleep and have wasted a bottle of whisky, but I don;t get drunker and sicker

what do

>> No.9174153

what kinda cheap shit do you drink man?

>> No.9174157

I think I'm gonna get a 4loko tomorrow for old time's sake. What's the best flavor now? I'm open to anything but Watermelon

>> No.9174159


>> No.9174162

Only drink to combat withdrawal, not to get drunk.

>> No.9174173

>not drinking to get drunk

why not

>> No.9174205
File: 155 KB, 718x848, C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_1497809648896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Malt liquor or $6.99 for 750ml vodka

>> No.9174228

Fuck am I still banned

>> No.9174233

Because that means increasing dose continually until something bad happens that will force you to quit in less favourable conditions than today.

>> No.9174236

>moving to a rural area without a desired skillset or excess cash
honestly you've only got yourself to blame.
Learn to hunt and forage, I know people who live in literally buttfuck nowhere and use less than $200/mo.
Consider brewing your own vodka too.

>> No.9174250


>> No.9174274

can you post the comparison photo?

>> No.9174284
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This thread needs some theme music

>> No.9174306
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Going to get wasted tonight, been drinking a lot for the past two days. Will probably take a break for a few weeks and sort my life out. I have so much homework to do. I am fucking stressed out.

>> No.9174387
File: 91 KB, 630x1200, fuck the kikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the beer's kicking in my niggas

>> No.9174492


I've been bumping the "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap" album on my record player for a while now

>> No.9174499
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>> No.9174615

jesus fuck this thread is the best ever for my sobriety, i will visit whenever i feel like drinking again

>> No.9174622

see you tomorrow

>> No.9174677

Holy shit what was this guy's story? How much was he drinking?

>> No.9174746

looks like a waxwork

>> No.9174749

you had a worse one with better lighting on those yellow eyes m8

>> No.9174756

I think he was on 5 700ml bottles a day in the end.

>> No.9174763
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>two handles a day

>> No.9174785

3 bottles of vodka a day for years, seems like he went off the deep end a few weeks ago and made it up to 5, then told us he was going cold turkey and we haven't heard from him again.

Hopefully he will come back, he has disappeared before a couple of times, made it sober for a few weeks once and the other time we thought he was an hero. He posted a picture of the rope and all. Really feel for him, he seemed a decent bloke despite the hole he was stuck in. If you are reading this smirnoffbro, I genuinely hope you make it out the other side

>> No.9174795
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>happier times

>> No.9174808

All degenerate alcoholics should be an hero
including myself

>> No.9174828

what a waist

>> No.9174844

>Half of the room floor and almost all of the table is empty bottles and cans
fuck, too lazy to do shit about it

>> No.9174849

>no trash bag in your room

>> No.9174868

Right? There is no way, I think this smirnoff bro lad, played /ck/ for chumps.

>> No.9174878

>the trashbag isn't his room

>> No.9174910
File: 36 KB, 300x300, 1500134576627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talked to my sister for the first time in a year
They know I am alone
They keep wanting to talk to me but I'm never in a good mood
Live alone, make good money, rich and miserable
At least she sent me pictures of the family
Sometimes I never know if leaving home
Moving half way across the country was a good idea

>> No.9174922

Is it true that alcoholics don't get hangovers? Or is that just a stupid myth?

>> No.9174926


when you stop drinking, you start to puke and shake. Otherwise, no.

>> No.9174930
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Same. But I had to stop cold turkey due to a family emergency and having to make repeat trips to hospitals.

>I can't even drink now to keep the crazy at bay.

>> No.9174931

someone name my cocktail, a shot of scotch dropped into a glass of Irn Bru

>> No.9174934


The shakes are no joke. I had a Chief in the Navy that got the shakes on deployment because he thought he could just "tough it out".

No, Chief... That shit can kill you.

>> No.9174952

can't get hungover if you never stop drinking.

>> No.9174956
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Just got back from a cookout. Saw my ex who I broke up 4 months ago there. We dated for 5 years and she was already with a new guy. Had a few double D IPAs and now I'm getting into the smirnoff.

>> No.9174990

You'll find someone new pal

>> No.9174991

Stay strong

>> No.9175054

I think he wasn't lying desu.

>> No.9175060

I believe him desu.

>> No.9175065

>on the path twards alcholism
>get mad at my mom when she buys a pack of light beer
>would rather a pint of liquor or a real six pack
>no friends, no family outside of my mom, no classes for a year
I'm afraid I'll fall into alcoholism being out of work and out of school. I never know when to stop drinking.

>> No.9175066

Try not to think about how she deep throats his cock every night bro

>> No.9175094

>Nedtime Story

>> No.9175199

Perfect, thank you.

>> No.9175214 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 540x535, 7331cfd3f2fce642d3150c07ab614326--zodiac-funny-i-am-done.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm addicted to (yous)

I have a great career and have done this many times for multiple companies however, I am alone. When you get to my level, you become alone

Also, How can I call my family? They talk to me, ask me how am I doing and if I tell them anything srs they get worried. They understand how tough it can be

Their bond became stronger after I left, I'm the oldest son who made it in life and I really did make it, but I never focused on building social relationships and bonds. Most people noticed that about me and just ended up using me anyway

I've been alone a long time, I've started talking to myself in my mind, in a way thinking I am speaking to someone from 4chan, or thinking I am talking to someone from work at night

Sadly, it is just me in a room thinking in my own mind about the things I want to talk about with someone

The rabbit hole gets even worse, you really don't want to know who I am, what I do or where I live. I am successful right now and nearly 30

I think I will end up homeless, and alone half way across the country due to my loneliness.

First time talking to my sister in a year, she says do you have a dog, or cat? maybe a little pupper to take for walks?

I'm alone

I became so successful my brothers have formed this opinion of themselves that they will never achieve anything as good as I have

>> No.9175222

>starting to get sharp nerve pains in my feet
>have already been having numbness for a few weeks, and have had gout in the past

It's the beginnig of the end. Goodbye, organs

>> No.9175247

Smirnoffbro could be in a residential treatment facility... you can't have access to internet or phones when you are impatient... don't think he's dead

>> No.9175250


>> No.9175253

hope so senpai

>> No.9175256

>I'm addicted to (yous)
have one on the house

>> No.9175271
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>> No.9175280

If you're getting paid then it was a good idea.

Money makes the world go round.

>> No.9175282

weed just gives me extreme anxiety. Paranoia etc..

anybody know any other alternatives to alc? asking for a friend

>> No.9175288


>> No.9175323


>> No.9175347

What do you do for a living(death sentence)?

>> No.9175361

anything cheaper? if im blowing that much money on drugs my cheap ass is just going buy some alc

fuck booze for being so cheap and easy too acquire

>> No.9175366


what do you mean what do i do for a living?

also, death sentence? wtf you talking about, i love life im just alone...

>> No.9175368

Shrooms over Ket. It's easy to fall into a K-hole but if you have a sitter Shrooms are mello.

>> No.9175375

It's not a life when your alone just an existence unless your helping others for a living which it doesn't appear to be so

>> No.9175389

no i just help multi billion dollar companies profit and make more money in the upcoming fiscal year
2018 profits are sky rocketing and 2019, we haven't discussed yet......

>> No.9175408

Like I said cool but why does that help you be a better person I don't know you or care about you but for your own sake reach out to your family and if not quit complaining when you've done nothing to help yourself

>> No.9175416
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>when you've done nothing to help yourself

Umm, ok I'm good senpai

>> No.9175418

>have to go back to work in a week after spending the last month withdrawing

I think it's time to start the antidepressants lads.

>> No.9175421
File: 27 KB, 349x376, 1443219199031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tell everyone that I'm going sober
>sneakily buy a handle of vodka one morning
>next thing I know I'm in an ambulance, apparently I was wandering around my apartment complex telling people that someone was trying to kill me and then was threatening to kill myself on someone's phone to 911
>drying out in the ER intake room
>no one will talk to me
>decide I could just walk home
>get up and bolt for the exit
>as soon as I hit the door alarms sound and I'm being chased
>my still drunk brain decides to try and run for it
>jump some fences, don't know where the fuck I'm going, end up jumping a fence and landing in a pile of lumber, knocking the wind out of me
>let the ER people take me back
>spend the rest of my stay strapped to the stretcher

Here's hoping that this will be my most extreme alcohol story.

>> No.9175468

What's a normie amount to drink in a week? Like one 700ml bottle of liquor?

>> No.9175476

that would last a normie about a month. 1-2 standard drinks per day every day for 30 days, 30mlx30days=900mL, and i still think that they would drink less than 900mL of straight liquor a month.

>> No.9175483

Jesus Christ. Abstinance seems easier than that, that's just cruel teasing.

>> No.9175490
File: 35 KB, 300x250, pepesad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you wake up

>> No.9175493

normies only really binge drink and have the occasional beer.

>> No.9175647

So I stopped drinking after this post

Somehow I feel even worse this morning than if I'd kept drinking.

>> No.9175659
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>tfw you don't

>> No.9175668
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Guy who 'blacked out and fucked it up on his bicycle so bad he stabbed a hole into his gut and almost died in his sleep' here.

Two days without the cane and I'm feeling good. Three shots of vodkas and some weird cheese at a sketchy Mediterranean joint yesterday reminded me even though I scared the shit out of myself for being a drunk I'm still thirsty as hell and it's probably not going anywhere.

>> No.9175672

Just remember you can never escape what you ar e running away from.
my eyes are yelllow, so forget it.
Just hope that it was worth it(whatever you are trying to escape from)
I just still love her even after trying to die 3x

>> No.9175689

what kinda cheese you have? you remember? I've been all about that manchego lately

>> No.9175701

>wanting to die over a female

wew lad. they aren't worth shit

>> No.9175728

Do you have a throwaway?

>> No.9175740

I only drink now on Saturday Night, a reward for a good week of work. It feels nice to have it under control.

I'm going to decide if I have more Tequila with before I go to bed. If the last Digit is even I'll have another finger of Tequila if odd I'm done.

I hope you guys find yourself on the way to recovery, moderation is key and when you're out and drunk for god sake use a cab or call an Uber.

>> No.9175758

most of them aren't, but when you are a loser and some grill accepts your faults and still loves you for it, you tend to realize that unless you make a lot of money at 26, all that will love you are girls that are roasties or cunts.

>> No.9175761

nah bro, work m-f, sat- relax and let yourself thank god(s) that you have sunday off

>> No.9175762

>tfw first day sober

seemed pretty easy for the most part, but the first day for me usually is.

>> No.9175781

she obviously doesn't love you, you're a pity friend

get over it, go fuck some random bitches and quit looking for love. focus on yourself

>> No.9175786

The first day doesn't really count as sober

>> No.9175824
File: 800 KB, 500x332, HCA1SKr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's good, first day here as well.
Just do your thing.

>> No.9175834

At what point did you realize you were an alcoholic?

>> No.9175837

I'm not

I drink way too much and way too often, sure. But I'm not addicted; I don't physically need to drink or I will be unable to function / die.

>> No.9175844

what was your longest going without alcohol in the last year

>> No.9175846

sound exactly like a friend of mine who died from alcohol.

>> No.9175855
File: 11 KB, 337x328, 1457163588669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I make the burning in my face stop god damnit I can hang with withdrawal for the most part and I went to the doc and my liver numbers are still good apparently after ten years of binging into withdrawals every few weeks..... so this burning face shit

>> No.9175856

I dunno, a fortnight-ish?

But that's because I drink at weekends to make them pass faster. I CAN go without alcohol when necessary (when I'm on 24/7 on-call for work, etc.) and feel no ill effects, I just DON'T very often because I'm lonely and have no reason not to drink.

>> No.9175857
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It's a sliding scale but one moment I remember is waking up and I'm swollen all over. Looking on the Internet and they say it's probably related to alcohol problems.

Spent the day reading about about alcoholism and other people who have problems with alcohol and when they realized it. They gave stories like "When you change stores so people don't know", "hide alcohol at home", "drink to cure hangovers" and so on. I had done pretty much all of the things they listed.
I knew it was pretty bad and my response was to go out drinking again.

And it got a lot worse after that, I accepted it as a reality gave up on trying to make it better.

>> No.9175864
File: 1.41 MB, 400x350, 1381616078674.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm also hearing shit from my motherboard again and phone phone whenI know it's fucking in my head. Fucking hell. Also can't wait for more "What kind of fucking hyper realism drreams will I have tonight?" game.... why the fuck do I keep doing this

-gin blossoms coming from the motherboard guy

>> No.9175877

>went to pizza hut earlier to pick up pizza
>ask for some parmesan
>girl literally gives me 50+ packets in a bag

thank you based christina

>> No.9175878

You can't even type coherently. Dial it back, guy.

>> No.9175886

Here's a funny one

>get black out drunk first few days
>end up with new texts and nudes and missed calls

>stay sober
>fucking no girls want to even talk


>> No.9175889

Go to bed.

>> No.9175897

protip: if you're recovering from a binge and having trouble eating make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich untoasted
the only thing that i've been able to keep down today and I actually enjoyed it unlike all the other food i've tried
might even make another one

>> No.9175903

>get drunk enough to text fatties you'd never touch sober
>convince them to send nudes
>pass out

>> No.9175916
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It's mostly ex's and shit desu. Beats the fuck out of me why they still talk to me.

>> No.9175919
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Im bipolar and prior to being diagnosed I used to chug gallons of wine while gaming, after it got so out of control I did seek psychiatric help. he prescribed some mood stabilizer and and anti-psychotic, I would surely have a seizure or even die if I drink alcohol, my life is shit but I fear death even more, been sober for 8 months now.
After the third month the urge fade out.

I don't know if I ever gonna stop taking my meds, but living without alcohol and caffeine while seeing others do it, its fuckin depressing.

I hate my life, but I lack the balls to call it off...
im literally condemned to life imprisonment in my own head.

>> No.9175923

yeah i tend to send dick pics to those types if i get shitfaced enough. idk why i'm not blocked yet. i have 0 interest until i get drunk

>> No.9175930

I can't find my wallet, this could be a serious problem. No cash at home, only bank card was there, my drivers license as well.

Trying to stay calm for a bit maybe I'll find it bad this is really bad.

>> No.9175939

that's the worst feeling

probably under your couch or in your car

>> No.9175947
File: 1.73 MB, 1614x907, 1459916877348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've lost mine down the side of my car seat so many fucking times from flinging it when I order food and shit.... check that out unless you're not one of those nascar types

>> No.9175954

Gee, guess you have to spend the 30 minutes on the phone to cancel your card and get a new license. It's literally fucking nothing.

>> No.9175956

ma'am pls I think he means he can't get more booze now

>> No.9175959

on the fifth fourloko lads, going innawoods soon though.

Have a brilliant fiance and we're all gonna make it

>> No.9175965
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>> No.9175966

Yeah it might be something stupid like that, really hope so.

No the bigger problem is that it takes about a week to get a new card and I don't have any money to buy food. No bank that can give me cash here.

>> No.9175967

That sounds absolutely disgusting, and gay. Not just normal gay... like, musical theatre gay.

>> No.9175968

your happiness offends me

>> No.9175972

>No the bigger problem is that it takes about a week to get a new card and I don't have any money to buy food. No bank that can give me cash here.

This is one of the stupidest things I've ever read. CC companies will overnight you upon request, and the fact that you have no money makes you a fookin prawn.

>> No.9175975

Anyone else excited for those sweet nightmares?

>> No.9175977

we're hetero though, no one should be inflicted with (most) musicals

sorry senpai, I've tried to remain an optimist through all of this. used to hit a fifth a day but I don't mind going sober at all these days. Physical activity and pushing your limits helps a lot and makes you feel like you've accomplished something

>> No.9175978

usually it takes me like 8-10 four lokos in a day or so to get to projectile green/black vomit, but feel free to try it.

>> No.9175984

Do you get the good dreams too? Random girls, ex's, like realistic to the point that I'll half ass pray to fall back to sleep and go back to it?

>fall back to sleep

>> No.9175988

If that's true I would be very happy, only know that it took a week last time I was getting a new one.

>> No.9175999

I don't know. My last nightmare/dream was me shooting my ex in the stomach and watching her cough up blood, made me feel great.

>> No.9176003

Never had it before tonight actually so I'm testing it

>> No.9176006

Pure CBD without THC.

>Beats the fuck out of me why they still talk to me.
Are you good in bed by any chance?

Try walking in your bank agency and ask to withdraw money while waiting for your card.

>> No.9176014
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Mine swing back and forth from like sexual awesomeness to violent and so fucking scary I spend a few minutes think about if it's still happening when it jars me awake. Pretty neat I guess.

>> No.9176015

Banks don't handle cash here anymore so I can't do that.

Will go to the Pizza place when it opens in a few hours and hope that I left it there.

>> No.9176017

9 days sober here. Last night was my first good 8 hour night of sleep so naturally I'm up all god damn night tonight. Tonight will be the real test as I have M-T-W off from my wagecuck job. Any time I get the compulsion to drink I just keep repeating to myself that I am in control of my own actions. I am master of my self. I know it sounds gay as fuck but it has worked so far. Anyway, feeling pretty good overall, just waiting for my eyes to stop being bloodshot.

>> No.9176019

I've heard I am, but I don't think I'm any better than anyone else, I just try to put in the effort.

>> No.9176025

>I just try to put in the effort.
You're way better than the average.

>> No.9176028

Who here/angrydrunk/?
My moods have been fucking evil these last few months after drinking. Was never like this.
Now I only get pissed and(emotionally) hurt the person I love; no point to drinking anymore besides eliminating anxiety. I only feel like talking shit. Is this a nasty side effect or how I feel deep down? I can't quit.

>> No.9176032
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>hear music from computer MB
>hear buzzing from my cell
>turn ac on high to drown out noise I know isn't real
>song gets louder


>> No.9176043

ran out of booze any money. roommate is on vacation with his girlfriend so i nicked a bottle of blended suntory whisky from his room. dunno what i'm gonna do for the rest of the week till i get payed on thursday, but i'm set for tonight at least.

>> No.9176054

sell your roommate's shit on craigslist and stage a robbery before he gets back

or just be bored for a few days and force yourself to play video games until payday

>> No.9176061

now you've put this evil idea in my head why

>> No.9176080

just throwing out desperate ideas m8

depends on how bad you want to drink. i'd honestly play runescape or some shit like that cause it's pretty easy to get addicted and pass time when you're sober and bored

>> No.9176082

I'm like that. At least I was during the last few years.
Solution is to stop drinking.
You CAN stop drinking, it's not easy but you can.

Try putting some music?

>> No.9176085

i think i'll just steal a $20 from work and buy a bunch of boxed wine

>> No.9176101

>benzos dont work anymore
>gives me valproate
>drink on it
>2-shots is like half a 5th

benzos weren't even that good. it's so fun but my liver wont take this on the valproate...

>> No.9176106

if you're gonna buy wine with stolen money then go ahead, you're a dumbass

>> No.9176135

Can I drink gin with water? Is it good? Don't have any tonic. Tastes bad by itself

>> No.9176137

You can drink it with anything you want anon

>> No.9176139
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Thanks baby

>> No.9176140
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Wait but does it taste good with water?

>> No.9176141

Now I kind of want to try gin with one of those Frijj milkshakes

Probably a bad idea though, like when I used beer instead of milk with cereal

>> No.9176144
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That'd be fucken foul. If you had it with norco full cream milk it'd be a dream

>> No.9176146

It's just diluted gin, it'll taste the same just less intense

>> No.9176147
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Also I have red wine with my cereal when I was trying to get off smoking ciggaretts

>> No.9176173
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Don't drink gin with red wine
I feel sick

>> No.9176193

Gin doesn't taste good with anything, including tonic.
It won't taste too horrible with water, I guess that's the best you can do.

>> No.9176211

animefags pls go

take your shit to /a/

>> No.9176219
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You just have bad taste. If you can't get the tonic and gin ratio on point then you don't deserve to drink

Take your shit to /reddit/

>> No.9176224

take yourself to the grave faggot

>> No.9176230
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Take yourself to the bottle-o faggot

>> No.9176234

How do I drink without falling asleep

>> No.9176237

Drink and /sip/at the same time

>> No.9176239

kill yourself and let your body rot until a neighbor calls the police because your family hates you for being an anime faggot

>> No.9176242
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God loves me more than you cause I don't have those disgusting thoughts about other people.
You're probably a wife beater (that's if anyone would ever wanna be your husband) lol

>> No.9176255

Sipping coffee is the only real sipping

>> No.9176293


it's fucking girl, they're all shit regardless, the fact that you two broke up means she's also a shit, fucking hell dude

>> No.9176477
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Man I love alchohol. It literally saved all my relationships at school. Constant anxiety of not being abkw to message old friends. Now I message them all after one night of being drunk.

Too bad im by myself drinking tonight. I mean I was with friemds like 20mim ago

>> No.9176495

>2 free vodkas because owner started crying and threw me out

>> No.9176499

Tell me more

>> No.9176508

I broke about 700$ worth of booze while trying to get to my vodka
She came over and startled me so I slipped on the ground and shat myself involuntarily
I was only wearing shorts no underwear, so the entire floor was a mess, a combination of glass, vodka and my shit, she just started crying right there, told me to fuck off and didn't even care that I found my 2 vodka bottles

>> No.9176538
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>> No.9176545

That was more sad than funny.
But thanks.

>> No.9176561

Yeah, I don't know if I can go back to that store

>> No.9176588

Yeah I wouldn't.

But you can think of it like this, you are a good customer ( buying a lot I assume ) and the risk that you're going to do something similar again is very small. So economically it might be better for the owner if you keep coming.

But as I said, I would get another store.

>> No.9176668

I don't go through any withdrawals when I stop and I still consider myself an alcoholic

there's no set rules about what defines a drinking problem. If you yourself say you 'drink way too much and way too often' you might be an alcoholic.

>> No.9176740

>a six pack of beer isn't enough for me to take away the boredom anymore

>> No.9176961

Lucky you

>> No.9177030

Anyone else here get extremely sad when they drink? The last thing I remember last night was me sobbing like a baby. I haven't cried in years, but for some reason I couldn't contain my emotions. I hope no one heard me last night

>> No.9177108

just went and picked up a 4loko and 8 pints of piss for my lazy sunday, what y'all getting into?

>> No.9177120

