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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 44 KB, 610x343, How-can-industry-warm-the-Western-palate-to-eating-insects_strict_xxl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9173156 No.9173156 [Reply] [Original]

Yes or no do you eat insects?

>> No.9173159

I don't live in a 3rd world shithole, nor am I a retard who thinks that beef is unsustainable, so no.

>> No.9173482


I had Mexican friends as a kid and ate chile lime crickets once. Pretty decent. My middle school biology teacher once brought fried mealworms and crickets to school once, too. I've had a few of those shitty lollipops with the scorpions and crickets in them or whatever, ages ago.

I don't make a habit of it but they were alright. I wouldn't have a problem trying it again.

Great ratio of protein to fat, not hard to farm. Fine stuff.


Beef isn't necessarily unsustainable, but it does harm the environment. You should up the effect such amounts of methane as are released from our cattle has on our planet.

>> No.9173491

>but it does harm the environment
No it doesn't. That implies it's doing irreparable damage somehow, instead of just consuming more resources.
Cow farts aren't going to cause the ice caps to melt.

>> No.9173504


>> No.9173512

Tried some ants one, tasted like lemongrass and ginger. If i had a sauce with ants in it on my food I wouldn't mind.

People talk big game about other stuff so maybe I'll try it some day.

>> No.9173526

beef is unsustainable. from the resources it uses up, to the fact that growing demand across the world, particularly China, will massively outstrip supply and raise prices to a level beyond the average person's reach. we're living in the golden years currently.

I don't eat insects, I never will, though I'm open to the idea of highly-processed insect-based products like cricket flour, in theory. But the larger share of the world's protein market-share provided by insects, the better.

>> No.9173531

Probably unwittingly while I sleep

>> No.9173534


we're getting close to the point where large meat consumption is harming the planet. Moving on to insects would be a lot cheaper and more eco-friendly. Raising tons of livestock means having to deal with literal tons of shit and piss that has been dumped somewhere.

>> No.9173962


>> No.9173968


>> No.9173991
File: 150 KB, 899x653, 1463318140020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only when I ride my cr500 without a helmet.

>> No.9174045

Are bugs the perfect vegan meal to wash down with a nice cold sip?

>> No.9174052 [DELETED] 


>Moving on to insects would be a lot cheaper and more eco-friendly.

you know what would be even cheaper and WAY more ecofriendly?

exterminating every non-white on earth. do you have any idea how much pollution is caused by those 7.5 billion nonwhites? there's an easy solution. a final solution.

>> No.9174056

do you eat the exoskeleton? Isn't that kind of like eating the shell on a shrimp?

>> No.9174088

If you go to bars that serve mezcal in Mexico, you can usually also get chapulines as snacks. grasshoppers.

>> No.9174095

they aren't that hard. More like eating the shell on a soft-shell crab which is often eaten with the shell on because the shell is soft hence the name soft-shell crab.

>> No.9174324

>want to catch a ton of grasshoppers or crickets and make a meal
>probably some kind of pasta dish
>they are much harder to catch then I remember
>takes like 10 minutes to get one
>realize its because I am getting old

Guess I will just have to resign to my fate and raid the anthill.