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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9169251 No.9169251 [Reply] [Original]

>A roommate washes something, but leaves the sponge soaking wet, covered in bits of food, and sitting in the bottom of the sink

>> No.9169260
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Dude you need to calm down, you like, do stuff as well.

Don't think I don't hear you going to the toilet at night to flush your post-wank material. Just get a girlfriend, jesus.

>> No.9169273

You are lucky that your room mate at least cleans his dishes.

>> No.9169279

Jacking off late at night is private. Leaving the communal dish sponge in such a state is a fucking health hazard for everyone involved.

>> No.9169280


>> No.9169304

>Don't think I don't hear you going to the toilet at night to flush your post-wank material

Nah, that's just me using the shitter. I swipe your dirty laundry to use as a cumrag and then stick it back in the pile while you're out.

>> No.9169310

Just put the sponge in the dishwasher.

Problems weren't.

>> No.9169396

That's....actually a good tip. Thanks.

>> No.9169426
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fucking this

>work as dishwasher
>be a god damn good one
>have roommates a few different times
>and if they do they FUCKING SUCK AT IT
>nobody knows how to use a basic soak-rinse 2 sink system
>everyone leaves the sponge just like OP's roommate
>nobody rinses ANYTHING
>cigarettes and chunks of meat and noodles in the soak sink every FUCKING time
>end up doing all the dishes every day or two
>they complain and blame me if the dishes go undone once

>> No.9169446


>> No.9169484

Each one has his own plates then. Each does his own dirty dishes so noone has to do the others

Each one is responsible for their plates.

>> No.9169496

i'm 100% sure if i did that they would start blaming me for "using their dishes"

>> No.9169501

When I was in college, just invested in paper plates, paper bowls, and plastic utensils. Fuck that noise.

>> No.9169643

That's why you ended up with $200,000 in student debt. That kind of attitude will leave you poor as fuck for the rest of your miserable life.

>> No.9169652

Worked since I was 14, was put in an escrow account that timed very nicely before 2008, paid off school without taking on any debt.

Also that would be like $50/year for disposable shit. I could see paying that much for weed or booze in one transaction in college.

>> No.9169670

result: sink full of roomies dishes all the time. No free space to do own dishes in.

>> No.9169735

>be me
>sharing dorm with 2 other girls
>be responsible for the cleaning a whole week in turn
>always more dishware to clean during my weeks for some reason
>realise they've been storing their dirty plates and etc. in their rooms until it was my turn cleaning

>> No.9169967


After a sponge has done it's job in the kitchen I wash them and use them for the toilet/bathroom, as it doesn't need to have the rough side for that.

>> No.9170166

women are fucking sly cunts

>> No.9170260

That's actually clever. Lazy and disrespectful at the same time. What did you do as a response?

>> No.9170267

>implying I haven't been flaking off the crust into a mortar and pestle to be ground into a fine white dust that I have been sneaking into the salt shaker for the last two years

>> No.9170277

No, you didn't. It's sad to see someone lie so blatantly on an anonymous forum to try to make such a petty, trivial point.

>> No.9170849
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just buy something like pic related, wash and keep in your room between uses

>> No.9170870

I actually got kicked out of someone's home for leaving the water from dicing a small tomato on a wood cutting board. I autistically cleaned everything else because I knew he is a Dick but somehow forgot to wipe the cutting board. We kind of reconciled after because I needed to use him for his money in an investment scheme.

Later on, I kicked him out of a shared house after I had drained him of almost $25k in a Marijuana growing ponzi scheme and he needed his dad to help him move out. I kept his TV, laptop, and couch.

I'm probably going to find him and beat him with a bat one day, as well.

>> No.9170879


>> No.9170889
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When someone uses the plastic wrap and tears one side, fucking up the entire roll, and they don't fix it.

I will murder you

>> No.9171135

>doing dishes
>(now ex) girlfriend holds up dish in my general direction
>either accompanies this with a "Here," or snapping her fingers at me
>half the time this would be after I cooked something for us
>never get a "thank you" at any point during this

(To save you the effort of making comments about my being a pussywhipped dude: I do indeed have lady parts.)

>> No.9171150

wow, you're a faggot.

>> No.9171171

i moved back in with my parents for awhile and goddamn they drive me insane

they drip coffee/creamer fucking everywhere, every morning. if they cut a tomato or something they leave little pieces on the sink with the knife. my dad leaves little debbie wrappers on the counter instead of walking 6 feet to the trash can, and he puts dishes in the dishwasher completely caked with food. then we get ants everywhere and they bitch about it and don't understand why

>> No.9171187

See, now you had to take all the fun out of it...

>> No.9171303


>> No.9171438

denial is the first step, anon

>> No.9171439


I lived with my parents through college (moved out recently) and they are hands down the worst people in the kitchen ever.

Like I grew up eating frozen junk and fast food because my parents were too lazy to learn how to cook. Now that Im learning how to cook, its a fucking nightmare. They barge into the kitchen while im trying to slice vegetables and start slamming random cupboard doors making me almost cut myself, they try to have long conversations while Im trying to cook food in the pan either making me burn it or yell at them because I dont want to ruin my dinner, or just plain taking poor care of their cooking utensils. We have like 4 Chef's knives each so dull you cant even cut through salmon skin with it.

They bitched and moaned about me wasting money when I asked them for a good kitchen knife set like I was asking for a fucking kidney.

>> No.9171499

Jesus Christ, what a bitch. Hope you didn't put up with that for too long.

>> No.9171504

Cigarette in the sink wow I'd definitely freak out and murder someone

>> No.9171564

You don't need to buy a new set. Just sharpen and hone them lmao unless you've somehow ground the metal down but it sounds like you've never sharpened them. It'd be really stupid to buy new knives every year just because dull when you can just grind out a new edge. Even tho you have pleb parents it sounds like u whine a lot like how does having a conversation make you burn food, or slamming cupboard make you cut yourself. Maybe growing up on all that shitty food killed some of your braincells but it's ok, if u eat blueberries and stay away from alcohol maybe your brain will start working a little better

>> No.9171567

dude, you sound like a total ass

>> No.9171570

I seriously doubt this actually happened.

>> No.9171595

Sponges are disgusting germ factories. Get a nylon bristle dishwashing brush

>> No.9171599

I have both, sponges can clean some stuff better than a brush, and vice versa.

>> No.9171611

Is this supposed to be impressive somehow?

>> No.9171612

What a cunt

>> No.9171680

>I'm probably going to find him and beat him with a bat one day, as well.
bah gawd that man's got a family!

>> No.9171684
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>Work in a hostpial in EVS
>There are two breakrooms in my huge area
>I only have to clean the sinks if there's nothing in them
>Half the time they leave stuff in the sinks thus they go uncleaned
>When they try to say anything instead of cleaning their stuff boss is nice enough to defend us evs staff

Nothing in your sinks? I'll clean the sink
I'm not washing your dishes

The I guess slightly more annoying thing is about 1/3 the area I work is women's health (work in a medical office building) so sometimes its weird when women don't wash their own stuff.

>> No.9171692

>thud thud thud from neighbors every day
I wait until night to clean the kitchen because I get too anxious being in there.

>> No.9171818

If they aren't in the early stages of trying to impress a guy they like, women can be just as fucking filthy as men (and once they nab the guy they like, the charade crumbles). Somehow they maintain this public image of being super clean, especially compared to guys, but anyone that has had to clean a womens' restroom or lived with a female roommate can attest to the abject squalor they will happily live in.

>> No.9171873

>someone uses an egg
>puts the egg shell back in the carton

>> No.9171875

No way, no one does that. R-right?

>> No.9171878

My sister does this

>> No.9171885
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My boyfriend has done this and I've been really fucking excited to make an omelette more than once to find a single egg and a shitload of shells in the carton.

But the worst kitchen habit is people who leave protein shakers and don't clean them immediately.

You want to know what Hell smells like? A fucking shaker that wasn't opened for a week.

>> No.9171887
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yes they fucking do, let me tell you more things my parents do that made me want to kill them in their sleep when I lived with them

>eat cereal
>don't drink milk and leave bowl full of milk in the sink

>want butter
>don't check butter dish to see if there is butter
>don't get butter dish
>take butter, unwrap partially, and put the butter on the counter using the wrapper as a butter dish
>this is almost guaranteed to get butter everywhere

>leave shit in fridge too long
>i literally pulled out a dutch oven and opened it and almost vomited
>it was a roast several weeks ago but now it was just green and orange bacteria and mush

>cut crust off of sandwich
>throw in sink among other dishes
>throw plastic straws in sink among dishes

I almost forgot

>have non water thing in cup
>leave it in car/corner somewhere
>it curdles/rots/whatever
>time for dishes and it makes the whole room smell like shit

>> No.9171896

Forgot people using sinks as a bin. I understand if you're peeling potatoes and chuck 'em out afterwards but fuck anyone who is that lazy.

>> No.9171982
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>have copper pots/pans inherited from mom after she died
>old but good items, she inherited them in turn from my great-grandmother
>move in with friend and random roommate who was nice enough
>she was okay until her sister (who visited frequently and actually cooked for us and cleaned in return for sleeping over on off days) moved out of state
>dated worse and worse men
>finally ended up with an ex-con who had warrants.
>returned from visiting family over a holiday to find every single one of my copper pots and cookery gone
>fucker convict boyfriend had swiped them and my roommates' electronics (luckily my bedroom door was locked) and bounced.
>he wouldn't have gotten anything out of them, even melted down it was less copper than an AC unit.
>priceless family heirlooms with function gone.

>> No.9172053

Wow, that's so pathetic of him. Sorry Anon.

>> No.9172071

serves you right, don't be a bitch.

>> No.9172107

I use my sink disposal as a trash bin for organics if they're small. Just remember to turn it on with water and occasionally put some ice in there to clean things up.

>> No.9172165

get your own sponge, it's such a cheap item. I hate touching a dirty sponge as well.

>> No.9172216

Fucking nasty, wouldn't be surprised if the place was infested with roaches.

>> No.9172276
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>shared house
>get a 'clean' plate/fork from the cupboard
>hard dried egg yolk on it

>> No.9172591

When someone has a glass or bowl of milk left in the sink but they didn't take 2 seconds to rinse it out so now there's a dried up milk sludge at the bottom of it.

>> No.9172840
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>turn on the tap to do the dishes
>cup or spoon is placed at exactly the right angle that sends the water splashing up and out of the sink and all over the fucking place
I have only myself to blame.

>> No.9172845

>i'm a grilll btw xD

>> No.9172888

I lived in a fraternity house for two years, and worked (for cash) as a kitchen cleanup crew member. You have no idea of the horrors that I witnessed and cleaned up.

The good thing is now nothing like that really bothers me anymore.

>> No.9172927

if you'd been a dude that would have been hilariously pathetic, but i guess she was the dude

>> No.9173301

You sound like a child. Grow the fuck up and respect your parents.

>> No.9173311

If you want a new knife set then why not just buy one? Why would you ask your parents to buy you one and then get mad when they don't want to?

>> No.9173341


>> No.9173348

I do this because we used to compost for the garden when I was younger. When carton empty you would take all shells to compost heap. I thought it was normal until my roomate commented on it.