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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 112 KB, 1280x720, Jas. Townsend and Son.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9166951 No.9166951 [Reply] [Original]

What's your opinion on him, his company, and his cooking show on YouTube? I think it's a great, well-informed program that promotes historical and culinary interests. His company also sells historical reenacting gear, for those that are interested in that, from cooking stuff, to swords, to American Revolutionary War uniforms.

>> No.9166962

I like him as a person and I wish success and well being on him and his.
I just have to be in a very specific mood to actually watch the videos.

>> No.9166963

He made some video called Orange Fool on president's day and I have stopped watching since then

Youtube is nothing but libcucks

>> No.9166970 [DELETED] 

he is a cuckold

>> No.9166971

Please be joking. He clearly made that video series weeks if not months in advance, and afterwards he was pissed that people were injecting politics into everything. He could have just said "I didn't intend anything" but he went out of his way to vent his frustration. NIgga wouldn't lie like that

>> No.9166972

great guy
but autists like this >>9166963 >>9166970 threw a hissy fit at some dessert he made and ruined him for good

>> No.9166978

>being this insecure about your political demagogue that you put down a well-researched and decent food channel

I hope Trump cucks you and dooms your job security and healthcare forever, basement dweller.

>> No.9166987

Yes, he's certainly likable, even if one's interests in food and the 18th century are not deep.


I think that Orange Fool dessert episode just happened to be a bad coincidence for the time. If that's what it was actually called, why would he not call it that? I'm not inclined to believe this guy was trying to make a political statement out of that. It's possible, but I think unlikely. He seems to be the type that wants audiences of both sides of the election to take interest in his program, a uniter.

>> No.9166993 [DELETED] 

I can't wait until /pol/ becomes more mainstream so that 4chan can hate the alt-right movement

>> No.9166997

/pol/ its already mainstream

>> No.9166998

This has literally already happened, where have you been?

>> No.9166999

It needs to be the majority opinion before 4chan can flip their contrarian switch

>> No.9167004

i guess you are right
id say that right now things are fifty-fifty, but i doubt that /pol/ will "become old" once it gets even more popular

>> No.9167009

There's no such thing as the "alt-right", it's the same fucking "right" that's always hated your pussy ass.

>> No.9167014

He was cool before you faggots, and /pol/ found out about him...

>> No.9167090

I think he has a great idea and he obviously has enthusiasm for what he does, but I think that sometimes his personal charisma falls short. He can often come across as awkward when interacting with others. The cheesemaking and slave barbeque episodes come to mind.

>> No.9167101

that makes it better
add him to the /ck/ approved cooks list

>> No.9167102

I reaaly like his videos. I had never watched them until there was that ridiculousness with the orange fool video (people are fucking idiots), but the more of them I watched, the more I liked it. They're well thought out, informative, historical pieces. I've always been a history buff, so I'm enjoying it.

>> No.9167107

His recipes are interesting and he's passionate about his job. That's more than most of us can say.

>> No.9167115

>tfw watched orange fool, thougght it looked tasty, bunch of people thought he was a libcuck
I could only wat, i hate commies , liberals and bernouts and shillaryfags but damn

>> No.9167118

>grouping berniebros in with shillaryfags
Fuck you too.

>> No.9167124

Well both of you did lose, so you do have one major thing in common

>> No.9167166

>both of you
do you understand how elections work

>> No.9167179

not him, not a yank, can you pleaexplain how your voting system works? its weird as fuck

>> No.9167309

Each major political party, in order to have multiple candidates that compete with one another in the general election, will hold a primary in every state. The final decision of who the party's candidate will be is based on the number of delegates received. Bernie did not receive enough delegates so Hillary received the nomination, meaning she became the democratic candidate for president. Likewise Trump became the republican nominee.

>> No.9167352 [DELETED] 

I used to watch him but I heard that he's an actual cuck. Knowing that it's kind of unbearable to watch him, he's so pathetic.

>> No.9167370

Max comfy, up there with steve1989

>> No.9167384

His fried chicken recipe is goat tier

>> No.9167401

hows his goat recipe?

>> No.9167435

To anyone and everyone who had or has a bitch fit about the Orange Fool episode (talking to you, /pol/tards):
Besides all the reasons he explains in the video, there's also the fact that the episode was filmed at Mt. Vernon (George Washington's residence), where he grew Saville oranges in his conservatory. So, Saville oranges would have been used in desserts and drinks there. "Fool" was an extremely common dessert from medieval times all the way to the early 20th century, until most people started serving new desserts that came along with the industrial revolution. Since they grew Saville oranges (which, btw, are much less sweet than Valencia or Naval oranges, Saville oranges are also commonly used for marmalade.), Orange Fool would have been a very common dessert on their table, especially since it's relatively fast and easy to make. It's called fucking history, try it sometime.

>> No.9167437

Meh, it's chicken tier.

>> No.9167443

>making a joke about donald trump is now controversial
What a fucking bizarre timeline.

>> No.9167461

>being this much of a libcuck shill

>> No.9167468

Nice try, dumbass. I can't believe anyone could be so fucking stupid as to deny the history of our greatest Founding Father. I bet you're a flat earther, too.

>> No.9167478

Have you ever listened to Trump speak, or do literally anything else for that matter? He IS a fucking fool, a fool that clearly spray tans,

>> No.9167488

>Bernie was gaslighted by the DNC under Hillary's orders so Hillary received the nomination

fixed that for you just a lil tweak

But that's just the primaries. The actual election itself is decided by winning electoral college electors, whose 'side' is chosen by whomever wins their state, winnertakes all. Each state gets different # of electoral college voters based on population.

Electoral College voters are "intended" to be a bulwark against a demagogue sweeping the popular vote, and also to prevent the tyranny of the majority. This is how on can win the popular votes, ie, garner more votes total, but still lose an election as you didn't win enough electoral college votes.

Incidentally, electoral college voters CAN vote against the winner of their state. The only thing stopping them is a $500 fine in SOME states and the fact it's political suicide. But electors tend to just be random fucko's an family members of career politicians anyway, so...

Basically, the system is kind of a crock, our Republic was built as a show system from the ground up to placate the masses while the landed gentry were the ones who really ran things, at least at first. Changes and adjustments have occured over the years, but the electoral college system remains because neither party wants to give it up,

>> No.9167533

Let's get down to brass tacks here. The dnc did some dirty shit to Bernie, but he never had a snowball's chance. The socialist label on Bernie's forhead, and clinton's built in advantage with blacks made it a forgone conclusion before bernie even entered the race.

>> No.9167545

I hate that we can't talk about this guy or bring up hardly any 17th-18th century recipes without it devolving into arguments about American politics. /pol/ really has just spread across the whole site like a mold, rotting away everything in it's path.

>> No.9167617

Stopped watching when he made a ten minute video whinging about youtube comments.

>> No.9167634

primary decomposers are an important element in the anonymous imageboard ecology

>> No.9167639

The worst part is this is literally what Townsend brought up in his reaction video, that people feel the need to inject politics into everything.

>> No.9167660

It's an 18th century dish you retarded nigger. You faggots are the reason the left can call us thin skinned.

>> No.9167661

Hasn't he made like 10 of those by now? I stopped regularly watching around when he started ending his videos awkwardly with that forced "flavors and aromas" line. He's honestly not that knowledgeable, his q&a videos are like 90% speculation, and he's a shitty cook.

>> No.9167784

>believing in rumors started by /ck/
You fill me with a mix of irritation and pity.

>> No.9167795

His channel is amazing. One of the best on youtube. The Orange Fool controversy is the dumbest shit ever. Just a bunch of retards who have no idea about history spouting their ignorant opinion and making something apolitical into something political.

I wish we could go back to a time when it was only the regressive left that did that, but no, now it's a mainstream right wing tactic so it's fucking everywhere. So fucking tired of this shit.

>> No.9167796

And here we see the real intention of the thread.
Sage this shit.

>> No.9167804
File: 43 KB, 613x481, mt-stupid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He didn't even know almond milk was used extensively during the middle ages.

>> No.9167807

Well, in the earlier days they just removed captcha from /pol and told all of 4chan about it.

>> No.9167809

Nothing is apolitical, especially on a food channel. Food has always been very political, since before agriculture.

>> No.9167843

That's what Bernie himself did when he stabbed his supporters in the back.
They got a free education alright. lmao

>> No.9168060

It was not my intention to start this thread based on one single episode.

Are there any 1700s historical reenactors, here? Would you recommend his online store for buying historic reproductions of clothing, cooking utensils, and other miscellaneous gear?

>> No.9168069

you realize "townsend is a cuck" is way older than that, right? fucking newfags. It's just funny cause he has such a meek personality and it fits the cuckold stereotype, it's not a politically charged insult for fucks sake.

>> No.9168080

there's a difference between political significance of a dish and trumpkins coming out of the woodwork to claim a dish from the 18th century was magically renamed by a niche youtube channel to insult our current president

there's a difference between making a "do americans really do this?" thread and the responses being
>yeah so what bitch we do better than you libcuck muslim lovers in germanstan nice refugees MAGA
>O B S E S S E D

/pol/ floods every single board with bait threads and then brings up trump within the first few posts. normal people do not care this much about politics

>> No.9168091

Thread related:


>> No.9168095

You have a link to learn more about almond milk's use in olden times?

>> No.9168151





>> No.9168158

He is the son, Jon.
It's Jas we never see. Possibly not even still alive. I don't know.

>> No.9168159

One of the few food related channel that's actually watchable
All you really need to make cooking videos is an HD camera, a good microphone and a clean kitchen yet everyone fucks it up

>> No.9168163 [DELETED] 

in a few years it'll be Jon Townsend and wife's son.

>> No.9168164

It's already happening
And you don't get to hate shit now that the site is turbo normie, you get banned for saying nigger or faggot in some boards

>> No.9168165
File: 617 KB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Claiming my cookfu

>> No.9168166

You should be a comedian.

>> No.9168171

There's a global rule against racism on most boards. It wasn't always enforced very harshly, no, but it was always there.
I go on /pol/ every day myself. I think it's funny some of the time and just laughably pathetic some of the other time. Good place to pick up quickly on new events, though.
However, when I go to /ck/ it's because I want to talk about food and cooking, that's why I didn't click on /pol/. Polposting has been picking up lately and it needs to fucking stop. They're only making everyone hate their board more anyway.
The people who care will come to /pol/ by themselves. You're not going to redpill anyone by shitting up their favourite board, be it about cooking or camping or photography.

>> No.9168235

Funny enough I don't go to pol but it really activates my almonds to get banned for using a word that I have been using here for 8 fucking years and having mods run around doing wathever they want and having a chat where some users can directly tell them what to do because they serve as their own personal police
Granted thats not ck thank God but if I have to choose between dealing with 14 year olds who want to spam shit and mods treating this site like their own personal subreddit deleting threads left and right and allowing shit that breaks the rules because they like it while deleting other things that break the same ruled Because they dont I choose the edgy kids every time

>> No.9168258

>make an orange fool video on 1st presidents day since trumps election
>they're not connected in any way I swear!

What a fucking troll

>> No.9168270

/ck/ is even worse though, it deletes posts threads that break literally no rules, and frequently too, while leaving shitpost threads up forever.

>> No.9168273

I do not like the way he eyes up the black guests on his show, get some sort of bad vibes from him

>> No.9168293

I agree. Nobody should be banned for saying something like "newfag" on any 4chan board. It's part and parcel of the site and always has been.
I think they enforce the racism bit more harshly and I do try to use the politically correct "negro" rather than the other N-word when I'm on a blue board. Since I don't go to those boards to discuss politics I don't have to refer to race very often anyway.

>> No.9168359

I should be able to say nigger, you don't know what color I am in real life. Spick.

>> No.9168363

are you James Townsend himself?
you are coming off as a bit of a cuck yourself, my man

>> No.9168369

Not that guy, but if you just Google "medieval times almond milk", all kinds of articles and websites about it pop right up.

>> No.9168383

His videos are comfy as fuck, it is kind of funny when he expects me to pay 80$ for a berry picking basket or some shit though.

>> No.9168398

>tfw you write a post before reading a thread and then find out the thread was raped to death
It's like a birthday card showing up at a little girl's house the day after she dies of leukemia.

>> No.9168407

you are right though, the products he constantly plugs are generally not of good value and he lets other men plough his wife.

>> No.9168432

>His videos are comfy as fuck

This. Nothing better than waking up on a lazy Sunday, curled up in a blanket next to the fiance, drinking a warm coffee and watching Jas enthusiastically yet meekly show me how to make 18th century biscuits.

>> No.9168526
File: 243 KB, 600x632, orange fuck you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had cream eggs sugar and orange juice in the fridge so I made a pot of orange fool. Its easy as but you can't stop stirring it at all. I went for a pee for like 1 1/2 mins and it got wee specky lumps of egg. It still tasted good as, especially with a spit of cinnamon and nutmeg. Anyway its way easier than making a proper pudding so I was happy with it.

Is presidents day seriously a real holiday in US, It sounds a bullshit holiday like 'earth day' or 'kwannzza' don't you guys already have independence day right. BTW pic related is Orange fool alongside several related dishes call 'fools'. Its a legit thing, besides it was a common desert at George Washington's estate and presidents day is George Washingtons birthday you wankstain.

>> No.9168567

It worked for the left so well, it was inevitable that it'd spread.

>> No.9168573

What happened was that people started saying the dessert was insulting Trump and cheering it, saying how happy they were that Townsend was standing up to Trump. This brought in the right and shit went to hell. No side covers itself in glory here.

>> No.9168593

when you faggots found him a year ago I honestly expected one of you to dig up his dead dog and fuck it on camera. I'm honestly suprised that you haven't gone all first half of Job on him yet.

>> No.9169111

>are you James Townsend himself?
>you are coming off as a bit of a cuck yourself, my man
Where did this meme come from? Is he really a cuck or is it just /pol/tards using cuck similar to the way we call each other faggots?

>> No.9169248

how would a recreationist cuck even work, would his wife get fucked by the British?

>> No.9169274


He actually made a video expressing his frustration at how many retards thought the orange fool dessert was a contemporary political joke on a channel where he has never made allusions to the modern day and its politics.

The dessert was popular at the time as has been explicitly mentioned as being served to the washington family, the original video was made ages in advance

>> No.9169284

lmao snowflakes

>> No.9169299

Well one option is that the cuckolding and the recreation are two totally different things.

But yeah, I suppose that the recreation role-play could be incorporated with the cucking. Like maybe he's taken prisoner by the enemy and forced to watch while the enemy soldiers take turns fucking his wife. The appropriate period clothing & uniforms, as well as manner of speech, are of course required.

>> No.9169302

It's literally meaningless to those retards.

>> No.9169316

President's Day is a real holiday on our calendar, but it's a really really minor one. Officially, it's George Washington's birthday. We only added it to the calendar of federal holidays in the late 1800s though. Few if any people do anything to celebrate it, and only government employees actually get the day off. Besides that, the most celebration you'll find is retail stores offering sales on President's Day.

>> No.9169318

no, they mean that John encourages his wife to have sex with other men while he watches or does other things

that is not meaningless. you being a cosplay cook's fanboy leads to you attack other people that you have no dealings with or knowledge of, which is frankly almost as sad

>> No.9169325

>no, they mean that John encourages his wife to have sex with other men while he watches or does other things
Do you have proof of this? Was it from a video of his? An article?

>> No.9169341

yes he released an article detailing his wife's sexual appetite

>> No.9169354


>> No.9169357

google it you lazy bastard

>> No.9169370

lol no. You're full of shit. No such article exists.

>> No.9169687

you mocked people for what the believe but when you get mocked although he dont you go apeshit

>> No.9169765

The proof is written on his wife's puss every Wednesday night, family

>> No.9169789

who the fuck are you talking to? and non participation is "going apeshit?"


>> No.9169806

He's okay, I like a lot of the videos but some started being a bit more clickbait-y. After he made the apology video for clickbait titles he used a thumbnail with him and a dog, and it reminded me of that guy "Tmartn" or whatever who was running a shady betting website, and in his apology video he used a dog too. It made me get a kind of uneasy feeling about Jason or James or whatever his name is. I don't watch his videos as much anymore, but some of them are still good.

>> No.9170127

or two good-hearted quakers take in an escaped slave in order to smuggle himnorth through the underground railroad,but hiding in the cellar all day leaves Rastus feeling mighty antsy.

>> No.9170128


>> No.9170149
File: 31 KB, 365x352, 1475545611915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit what are you, 12?

>> No.9170182

German expats learn the hard way why they keep 'em in chains down south

>> No.9170337

Shit anon, we oughtta buy a couple of cameras and new Jewish last names, we got a million dollar idea on our hands.

>> No.9170414

If you were a true believer in the Emperor of Man, you wouldn't immediately think the phrase "orange fool" was referring to him.

>> No.9170470

You deserve all this hate. Fuck off anon.

>> No.9170478

She looks and sounds too much like him. Your gross

>> No.9170499

It's a stereotype that cucks are meek and affable. Jon is a very nice guy and there's just something awful and fitting about the idea of him being a cuck. It's not used in the pol sense, this meme is at least a half year older than the orange fool thing, it's a genuine /ck/ meme

>> No.9170528
File: 75 KB, 198x380, OAgzggh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9170540

I need that Jas Townsends episode where they portray a slave having his way with his wife while he narrates from an 18th century kama sutra.

>> No.9170838

this fella right here should get a medal for bait. he's a masterbaiter cum laude and you all got the cum