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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 985 KB, 960x540, cucksend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9137562 No.9137562[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

18th Century Cooking host throws a hissy fit in his latest video.


>> No.9137587

He's got a point. You /pol/ faggots come to cooking boards and shit things up. It's annoying having to sift through your political garbage when I'm trying to discuss food.

>> No.9137596

Are you saying you approve of this guy's lifestyle?

>> No.9137613

What lifestyle? Isn't this guy just reenactor doing james town cooking?

>> No.9137628

18th Century Cucking, dude. He lets his wife fuck other dudes while he watches.

>> No.9137649

>This is the woke alt right.

>> No.9137661

What's with /pol/'s obsession with cuckold porn?

>> No.9137685
File: 37 KB, 500x366, wPIRhL1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Omg. Youtuber that does "historical reenactment" AKA "lets pretend like slavery is still a thing" has a massive demographic of racists, shitkin, republicucks, blue collar fuck ups.

Isn't thinking and posts a video called "orange fool". This is a legitimate dessert. Doesn't mention djt a single time in video. his entire demographic already feels guilty about electing djt because everyone already knows he's fucking mentally retarded 6 months in. A majority of the population voted for Satan herself he was so bad. Feeling guilty about the orange fool they elected, they take it out on the innocent youtuber who didn't even mean anything by it.

In summary, Republican demographics already know the president is an orange fool and are upset when someone even mentions a dessert that has nothing to do with djt. Innocent youtuber loses half his viewers because half his viewers are knee jerk mental retards.

This is sad, and as GOP shills feel more and more backed into a corner, we will probably continue to see things like this get worse and worse.

I want to know how the republicucks will deal with the realization that at the end of djt's reign, they still won't be able to say the n word or hate on gay people in public, because it turns out the liberals won, they are still winning, and political correctness, turns out, is really just correctness. But hey, maybe they'll succeed in giving rich people son tax breaks!

>> No.9137693

>won't be able to say the n word or hate on gay people in public
Try and stop me.

>> No.9137696

>"cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck"

God, you guys are so predictable.

>> No.9137699

nigger faggot

>> No.9137708



>> No.9137731

reddit spacing/10

>> No.9137737

Breaks my heart to see him like this. Every now and then he gets kinda wound up about stuff and for good reason. I've met him in person once very breifly, and he came off as a very genuine and heartfelt guy who really really really loves what he does.

Historical reenactment is always going to draw politics, especially when the two most popular periods focused on by most historical interpretation in America revolves around the two most drastic political periods of our history: The Revolutionary war and the Civil War.

but for the most part he's done a great job being very even handed in his videos about what he represents and who he represents. He likes showing off the way average people lived day to day in 18th century and helping other people involved in Costumed interpretation understand and learn more things about the people they represent that they might not have known before.

Whatever your politics are, you have to admit the man does good work and doesn't deserve to have his channel littered up with psychos on both sides of the line turning his work into something it isn't.

>> No.9137767

reddit spacing is a newfag the_donald meme, it only started around April of this year.

>> No.9137776

>making shit up
if you're going to call out t_d, look no further than >>9137762 who defends /pol/, yet has nigger friends

>> No.9137787

Leave Jon alone faggots. He just wants to make good content and promote his business. He's too pure for Internet shitposts

>> No.9137802
File: 27 KB, 221x389, ^D296A1896095E7B16EE927ECAA49C2975C8FB448BFC1D56D1A^pimgpsh_fullsize_distr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>repeating shit /ck/ made up as though it's fact

>> No.9137946

I heard John hires a black man to act as a slave and fuck his wife while he watches, is this true?

>> No.9137952

he tries to be authentic as possible, so yes

>> No.9138039

Definitely plebbit
>that spacing
>sensitive numale
>"In summary..."

Jesus christ.

>> No.9138061

>the trumped can't have a good prez
>can't have women
>can't have money
>can't have the politics they want
>can't have the racism they want
>can't have the world they want
>must shit on everything that is innocent of anything that opposes them
The trumped are the most pathetic people I've ever met. And the wet-palmed way they defend their idiot in chief is hilarious to no end. Even the people I know that voted him in to be trolls are fed up with him, because he's literally the definition of "I was just pretending to be retarded, lol". Looking in a mirror stings, and you can tell by how they REEEEEE.

>> No.9138080
File: 68 KB, 531x521, 1486443015745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we fell for the "coal jobs" meme and feel silly now
>I can't believe we fell for the political correctness is the devil meme
>We even fell for the "it was obama" meme when it was actually a republican super-majority for the last 7 years in congress
>...better mention reddit

Look on the bright side. You only have to look like mental retards for another 3 and a half years while "your man" flings shit around the white house in a state of dementia and your party continues to grant tax breaks to his friends that are far richer than you. No cuck though, not at all. Don't worry, you'll all get a chance to vote democrat and atone for your sins in the midterms.

>> No.9138086

Well said. Excellent Post.

>> No.9138092

Jon seemed like he was gonna kill someone for a bit in that video then he also seemed like all hope was lost.

People can be so unnecessarily crude in this day & age it's saddening.

>> No.9138094

>He thinks he's clever
Here's your (you).

>> No.9138100

The same people that flipped shit on him are the ones that flipped shit on Twitter when NPR did the Declaration thing. It's so goddamn hilarious that I'm still laffin'.

Jon will realize that he doesn't have to cave to the loud minority and can keep plugging along, and he'll end up with the audience he deserves.

>> No.9138104

Does his forehead ever relax?

>> No.9138118


>> No.9138127


thanks for the laugh

>> No.9138150

>The same people that flipped shit on him are the ones that flipped shit on Twitter when NPR did the Declaration thing
This is so true. The trump base is such a bunch of emotional, knee-jerk, shit heads that they can't help themselves. They trigger themselves by accident the second they see a story about orange clowns or "the gays" or even parts of the constitution or declaration of independence that literally spell out why trump is a horrible president. They just can't handle living in a modern America with so many possible triggers for their delicate little snowflake sensibilities, and the sad news for them is that modern America isn't going anywhere no matter how many backward assholes they throw at the white house. This is like watching future shock in the a third world country. Sometimes I actually feel bad for these people, but then I remember that they are doing it to themselves.

>> No.9138159


you seem totally un-triggered

>> No.9138173

>points out people getting upset over a desert name and the fucking declaration of independence are idiots

>> No.9138175


you seem mildly btfo

>> No.9138176


you mean a dessert?

>> No.9138183

>i have to ask because i have no valid argument


>> No.9138188

I do, whoops.

>> No.9138194


Oh, I have no intention of trying to refute such a well-crafted paragraph of spite and vitriol. It would be a hopeless effort.

>> No.9138195
File: 460 KB, 825x1100, Michael Twitty,.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's aggravating to see shitflingers from all sides dominate comment section, but as frustrating as it may be, he really needs to grow thicker skin if he wants to run a channel on fucking Youtube of all places. Giving trolls attention only inspires further shitposts

He also needs more Food of the Enslaved kino, I need more of this thicc boi cooking good shit

>> No.9138197


>> No.9138202




>> No.9138203

go back to your vidya you dumb bitch

>> No.9138209
File: 15 KB, 300x225, 1432427784124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you ok?

>> No.9138211

What bullshit? He makes videos about historical foods.

>> No.9138226
File: 36 KB, 167x277, 18Years.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I am triggered, or even upset. If I am bothered at all, it's that these Trump electors have cucked themselves over super hard with a political party (GOP) that is injuring America with tax breaks for the rich from the Bush era, deficit financing for the last 7 years under a GOP super majority congress that extended the bush era tax cuts and didn't pass a single budget and now a healthcare bill that isn't even a healthcare bill, its just tax cuts for the rich and looser regulation on the health insurance companies so that they can offer less coverage - there isn't even anything in the bill about cross state competition... and I wouldn't care so much if it was just these cuckbois cuking themselves... but these idiots are dragging the majority of America (who didn't even vote clown) down with them. for what gain? so they can say "take that libruls" while the country fucking burns? yeah.. good job. way to think that through.

We have a corporate oligarchy today. It is a false equivalency to think that the republican and democratic parties are equally bought off by the corporations or that they are equally corrupt. Congress has been republican controlled for 18 of the last 22 years and the deficit has gotten worse under the budget they have passed in all 18 of those years. Legislation is written for the legislative branch by lobbyists for the corporations. The idea that we should vote in billionaires that own corporations into the executive branch takes a super special kind of stupid. America has reached a new peak in corporate oligarchy, or corporatocracy, and the trumpists are the ones celebrating their new corporate overlords like good little cucks.

These things won't be fixed until we have a constitutional congress to add laws that fix congressional terms, gerrymandering, campaign finance limitations on corporations, and lobbyists being prevented from writing legislation. Unfortunately what we will get instead is covfefe.

>> No.9138405

Now I can't look at him ever again.

>> No.9138428
File: 82 KB, 1280x720, hq720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fuckers have fun bickering like a bunch of retards I'm going to gather up the supplies to make an Orange Fool

>> No.9138481
File: 1.08 MB, 720x920, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make fun of leftists for getting triggered and trying to censor everything
>get triggered and try to censor thing in response

>> No.9138627

he is probably just frustrated that being a cuck has become a common slur

its okay sweetie, people will still buy your costumes

>> No.9138692

Damn the lady in the Washington house series is top-tier GILF material

>> No.9138703

Ask the people who can't stop being cuckolds

>> No.9138905

What's the issue? He seems like a nice guy and his videos are interesting

>> No.9138927

the institute of marriage is the foundation of modern society, any thing assaulting that is damaging to the human condition as a whole

>> No.9138958

Yeah, there was a couple threads on /pol/ about how they "got him good" or something. Now they are making a bunch of retard macro images.

Thanks for ruining my super comfy YT channel, faggots.

>> No.9138997
File: 932 KB, 933x1024, 1497168810252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't call that a hissy fit. He's upset but he's not punching walls and crying like a bitch.
The video wasn't even titled "orange fool" either. It was the name of the dessert, but it wasn't in the title.
The comments section on it was pure shit, both rightwing and leftwing too.

I go on /pol/ plenty myself. I don't share all their views, though some, but it's a good place to pick up news and political trends.
When I go on /ck/ it's because I want to talk about cooking, though, so I despise poltards on this board as much as the next guy.

>> No.9139017

>there was a couple threads on /pol/ about how they "got him good"
>Now they are making a bunch of retard macro images.
Can you prove that? I searched the archive for both "townsend" and "orange fool", and the only thread I found on it were this one. https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/132664571
All but two people in the thread were supportive, with the two who didn't were mad about his slavery episode and the women in the 18th century episode respectively.
Searching for the video URLs returned only four results, one post in /ptg/ that got one reply, two threads that got four replies total and the one thread I already posted.

>> No.9139021

When is moot going to add the report poltard/ledditor option to comments?

>> No.9139026

This, to be honest.
This reminds me of that thing that happened on /lit/. The one of which we don't speak.

>> No.9139027
File: 377 KB, 622x1280, canavesio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but it's a good place to pick up news and political trends.

>> No.9139033


She was too pure for this world anon.

>> No.9139035 [DELETED] 

Townsend is the one inserting his cuck-fetish into every little thing.

>> No.9139047


Do you realize how pathetic you look? And I'm not even american.

>> No.9139048

Reminder to report blatant shitposters.

>> No.9139050

Triggered much? We need to bring this guy's channel down. And soon.

>> No.9139055


Now I see you are just joking. But what's the point on trying to make people mad in a cooking board?

>> No.9139056


>> No.9139067

>why would someone even troll on 4chan, don't they realize how pathetic that is?

maybe you should jump off the cock you're sitting on and head on back to reddlt, go on now little fella

>> No.9139076

I agree. Voting for Donald Trump was the worst mistake of my life.

When I voted for Trump, I thought he was "our guy" but it turns out he's just another neocon loony! I can't believe I was tricked into voting for this orange buffoon! Now my friends and family hate me. I tried to defend Trump early on but this is completely humiliating.

>> No.9139083

The institution of marriage is an ancient way of holding on to material wealth, nothing more. Today, the only people who who should get married are people who well and truly love each other, no matter what sex they are, and poor people, because today we have prenuptial agreements and other ways to keep your familial wealth without actually marrying someone to insure it.

>> No.9139101


How you dare to reply to me cuck.

>> No.9139102

Jas Townsend just BTFO HillShills, why are we mad again?

>> No.9139108

Leftists spreading fake news.What else is new.

>> No.9139121

No one will take your arguments seriously when you contadrict yourself.

>> No.9139126

We have congressional term limits, they're called elections

>> No.9139134

do you take it up the ass or not, that's really what we should be focusing on at this juncture

adopting cuck to deflect it is a bit sad to be honest

>> No.9139164

I don't think you understand what term limit means.

>> No.9139166

>stupid assholes sticking politics in everything
>I just want to make historical food videos, I dont even shill my shit that much anymore
>this wool underwear is hot as fuck
>my feet hurt
>I wish I was home making salt pork

>> No.9139170

Exactly how did I contradict myself? I think you don't have the reading comprehension skills.

>> No.9139185

Is marriage a form of wealth preservation, or something else?

>> No.9139227

Another pseudo intellectual blown the fuck out, and on /ck/ of all places. Maybe stick to the baking, huh schweetie?

>> No.9139228

It was originally aform of wealth protection ( which churches got in on later, because it also insured more wealth for them, and the governments got in on it, because they could make certain families marry each other to help ensure royal wealth and land ties).
My point is, today that doesn't really matter to most people, and so the only people who should take marriage seriously are people who truly love each other and want to make that commitment, and poor people, since they don't have much to lose anyway. Rich people still today mainly marry for wealth ensurance and not for love.

>> No.9139231

Go back to your containment board, dumbass.

>> No.9139290

>July 2017
>orange muffin still occupy the POTUS office

>grandpa, tell me about that time when 4chan lulz caused the downfall of the American empire
>well kid it all started when /news/ was banned by m00t...

>> No.9139300
File: 62 KB, 516x339, Faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop bumping the thread with bait.

>> No.9139305

So, what I'm gathering is this HISTORICAL cooking dude did an episode on a HISTORICAL dish called "Orange Fool" and a bunch of autistic fuckheads took that as an insult for some dumbass reason and this comfy cooking channel guy has to make a video because a bunch of retards had to sperg out. I hate political circus so much....Leave townsend alone!

>> No.9139345

Just report and filter. The intentions of this thread were clear from the start.

>> No.9139360

The orange fool episode was posted on the 4th of July it must have a secret agenda behind it

>> No.9139364

Or, it could be because it's a nice dessert from those times for a hot day.
>Rightwingers and their "muh conspiracy theories"
Paranoid freaks....

>> No.9139369

please, don't make a thread about a shitty e-celeb complaining about politics political, not today not ever

>> No.9139371

>autistic fuckheads
A more PC term lately has been "Trump Supporters" but they don't like PC terms, so that puts us in a weird place.

>> No.9139398
File: 42 KB, 500x372, 1487732385908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't think a human could hate another human to the extent that people hate Trump and his supporters. Just pure, vile, livid, unconscionable hate.

>> No.9139410

Millions of people can't be wrong anon, maybe there's something there to hate.

>> No.9139429
File: 100 KB, 1024x972, Obamas Legacy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just pure, vile, livid, unconscionable hate.

Liberals have been fucked up the ass for years by Obama...

I'd be angry as fuck if I voted for obama and then got raped for 8 years.

>> No.9139434
File: 416 KB, 844x499, Obama's Legacy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Liberals have been fucked up the ass for years by Obama...
>I'd be angry as fuck if I voted for obama and then got raped for 8 years.

Yup. After getting fucked by school debt, we get fucked by our national debt.

Thanks Obama!

>> No.9139436

>everything is political
>when will pol shut up about politics?

>> No.9139441

and you get so pissy it makes it worth it every time

>> No.9139442
File: 232 KB, 742x538, US GAO - US Interest vs Spending.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yup. After getting fucked by school debt, we get fucked by our national debt.
>Thanks Obama!

We can sustain the debt only if we massively print money in the next 30 years.

Get ready for Zimbabwe style inflation 'mericans.

>> No.9139445
File: 183 KB, 1200x900, Obama's Legacy 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Liberals have been fucked up the ass for years by Obama...
>I'd be angry as fuck if I voted for obama and then got raped for 8 years.

Except this chart shows that a "certain" group of people are definitely getting "mo free shiet."

>> No.9139452

>trying to justify your racism this badly.

My life improved 1000% under Obama. I went from making a low 5 figure salary that barely covered my family's expenses and bills, to making a nice six figure salary at a company that's only seen growth throughout Obama's term in office, along with better healthcare, plus I make enough now to take vacations, have investments, and more. Bush was a disaster, and Trump will be an even bigger disaster. Economy and personal enrichment grow during Democratic terms, and then the Rethugs come in and reverse everything in their futile attempt to turn this country back into a manorial situation from the middle ages and turn our populace into serfs.

>> No.9139453


Hitler did nothing wrong.

>> No.9139455
File: 66 KB, 553x369, Millenials Are Fucked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yup. After getting fucked by school debt, we get fucked by our national debt.

>> No.9139456

>people are still butthurt about trump

>> No.9139459


Why does Obama hate black people?

>> No.9139460

Food & Cooking

>> No.9139464
File: 31 KB, 590x393, Unemployed Niggers on Food Stamps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My life improved 1000% under Obama.

lol Nigger

I'm sure it has.

Welfare recipients and EBT participants are at historical all time highs.


>> No.9139466

I watched both videos and read the thread, and I still don't understand. Will someone explain to me what happened?

>> No.9139476

Agree. Blacks are awful.

>> No.9139480


So under Obama:

> Food stamp use = All Time Historical High
> Welfare participation = All Time Historical High
> African American Adjusted Salaries = Decreased
> African American home ownership = Decreased
> African American labor force participation = Decreased

Looks like Obama is doing a great job of creating a whole generation of welfare dependent Democrat voting niggers.

>> No.9139483

Strange thing. The legislative branch, the only branch that can authorize spending even 1 dime, was controlled by republicans for 6 of Obama's 8 years. Try learning as much about the US govt. as immigrants taking the citizenship test learn.

Also note the flattening of the slope under Obama. Oops, I forgot. You're a cuckservative so you have know idea what "slope" means.

>> No.9139486

JaS Townsend makes a video in which he explains how to make a traditional dish called "Orange Fool" and a bunch of sperglords though it was a jab at Donald Trump and a left/right shitfling broke out in the comments section. The OP video is Townsend asking people to please refrain from political discourse on his cooking channel.

>> No.9139490
File: 10 KB, 160x160, 1497942160408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Obama is responsible for getting me a good job

>> No.9139492

Thanks. Got to admit that the timing for that was awkward.

>> No.9139506

how can we blame obama if the government is controlled by lizards

>> No.9139531

>So under Obama:
>> Food stamp use = All Time Historical High
>> Welfare participation = All Time Historical High
>> African American Adjusted Salaries = Decreased
>> African American home ownership = Decreased
>> African American labor force participation = Decreased

I really wonder if Blacks would still treat Obama as an unfailable God if he was white??

>> No.9139544

>he calls GIEBSMEDAT his """"salary"""

>> No.9139553

Barak Hussain Obama is a muslim and a lot of blacks aren't.

>> No.9140085
File: 27 KB, 500x427, tmL6dcI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Its like you guys don't know what an economic recession is. Look up the definition. Any president would have had the same statistics. There is, literally, a saying: "its the economy, stupid"

The president and economics are not very related. There are macro and micro trends throughout the worlds markets that are causing all sorts of monetary policy moves, which aren't even controlled by the US government.

Obama created 22 million jobs throughout his presidency. My wife and I went from making 160K a year in 08 to 360k a year in 2016. For me, a white college educated southerner, that nigger gets a strong B+. He should have had the entire Republican supermajority arrested and prosecuted for treason for refusing to pass a budget for 6 years.. Then I'd give him an A. Trump is already at an F-- and he hasn't even started to really shit it up yet. His policies will be a long term disaster for the poor and working class. And that will cause long term economic ruin for the country, or at least stagnation.

>> No.9140102

He wasn't responsible for my own experience and actions, but he WAS responsible for implementing things that helped our economy rebound, as well as helping create jobs. Whenever we have Democrats in office, our economy does better. It's not really the president that affects that, it has more to do with businesses, companies, and foreign investors and trade that make it happen. The rest of the world (with the exception of petty dictators and oligarchs) looks favorably on the US under Democratic leadership, whether you like it or not.

>> No.9140108

>responsible for implementing things that helped our economy rebound
You mean like causing every low-wage working to lose their full time positions, requiring them to work two part-time jobs instead, thus "massively reducing unemployment rates"?
Obama gets a free pass when he shouldnt. I don't give a shit about democrat this or republican that, he was a legitimately bad president who did nothing but max out the country's credit card.

>Obama created 22 million jobs throughout his presidency
See above. Those weren't real jobs.

>> No.9140111

It's like you racist, xenophobic Trumptards can't even fucking READ. As soon as you see a word or sentence that goes against what you believe in your tiny pea brains, you chimp the fuck out like a brain-damaged test monkey.

>> No.9140122

>You mean like causing every low-wage working to lose their full time positions, requiring them to work two part-time jobs instead
He didn't do that, you fucking moron, corporations did. You were still getting screwed by Republicans then. You still don't seem to realize that we had Congress under Republican control back then. You want to blame Obama for everything, because you can't admit your a racist, xenophobic, under-educated, low-IQ pinhead.
Obama didn't do everything right (no leader does), but he had a much better grasp on economics, leadership, social mores, social programs, science, education, and the military than the orange toilet brush we have now.

>> No.9140138

>blah blah blah

during the Obama years I went from 40k to 60k to 66k now during Trump I went from from 66k to 85k and if our country still exists in the future ( tee hee ) I should be going from 85k to 93k.

>but muh 30k a year job

fuck you guys I got mine

>> No.9140140

>See above. Those weren't real jobs
The unemployment rate went from 46% (according to trump) to 4.2% (again according to trump) in the time between the election, and him taking office.

Get your heads out of your asses. Those jobs came back during Obama's administration as the us came out of its recession. This had very little to do with anything, other than loose monetary policy which was started with bush, and the bailouts and the fed, and was continued by Obama and fed. Works programs would have helped more but the Republican super majority didn't allow it for the last 6 years. Now that trump is president and we don't need works programs or loose monetary policy they are talking about a trillion dollar stimulus, while calling the democratic super minority obstructionist, after not even passing a budget for 6 years.

If you can't figure out why the GOP is the worst thing to happen to America ever, then I'm sorry, but you're too stupid to help or save.

>> No.9140144



250 Years of American Debt = 10 Trillion
8 Years under Obama = 20 Trillion!?!?!?!?!

holy shit, you 'mericans are fucked

>> No.9140146

I was sick and tired of the SJW crowd with their political bullshit. Now these /pol/ tards are reaching the same level of insanity, shoehorning in politics everywhere they can.

Wherever you fucking go, there's one of these groups of lunatics who set up base and busy raging over whatever bullshit their paranoid brains concluded this time.

>> No.9140151


So basically.... niggers voted for a Black president that made their lives much worse...

Wonder how they'd feel about Obama if he was white?

>> No.9140160

>Youtuber that does "historical reenactment" AKA "lets pretend like slavery is still a thing" has a massive demographic of racists, shitkin, republicucks, blue collar fuck ups
If he was an antebellum re-enactor with a cooking channel, wouldn't he just re-enact him kicking the shit out of black ladies until they went to the market for him and cooked the food for him?

>> No.9140164

>Yup. After getting fucked by school debt, we get fucked by our national debt.

HOW IN THE WORLD did that fuck up blow through 10 Trillion dollars in just 8 years?

>> No.9140169

250 years, 0 debt balanced by Democrat bill Clinton.

8 years of bush II = 12 trillion
8 years of Obama (during recession and Republican congress budgets) = 20 trillion

Congress sets and passes budget. 18 of the last 22 years were Republicans setting budget. That is how we got 20 trillion in debt.

You are right tho... With trump, we're fucked.

>> No.9140182
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>> No.9140187

>So basically.... niggers voted for a Black president that made their lives much worse...

Bush & Reagan actually did way more for the blacks than Obama. lol

All Obama did was start race wars with everybody and didn't even help his own people.



>> No.9140190

White Obama would just be a better educated Trudeau.
Everything being the same, he might have been able to stir up a black base ala Bill Clinton

>> No.9140191
File: 107 KB, 710x534, Obama Food Stamp Spike - Historical.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>250 Years of American Debt = 10 Trillion
>8 Years under Obama = 20 Trillion!?!?!?!?!

It's ok, Obama's just making it rain for the ghetto niggers.

> welfare participatuion: all time high
> EBT/Food Stamp usage: all time high
> Federal spending on welfare subsidies & entitlements: all time high

So, he's taking away the niggers good jobs and putting them on welfare.

What a nice guy Obama is.

>> No.9140226

Lies don't become true just because you keep repeating them. Read all the posts about 18 years of Republican congress refusing to help the economy with public works spending while running a trillion dollar deficit+ every year due to tax breaks for the rich and military spending on wars we didn't need.

>> No.9140259

Fucking THIS. For fuck's sake, take a goddamn government class / civics class so you understand how our government works. CONGRESS (in other words, Republicans) are to blame for nearly everything that's happened since the last couple of years of Clinton's presidency.
>fucking slow learners

>> No.9140279

You fuckers still at this?

>> No.9140294

Yeah, and the trump.kids are all excited about the 220k jobs added in June of 2017, but we added 280k jobs in June of 2016 under Obama. But fake news fox didn't cover that story, they were busy reporting that Obama was a Muslim. So if you do the math.. We were maga'ing harder under Muslim leader with obama, than under trump, to the tune of 60,000 jobs a month.

The state of state run media propaganda in this country has reached dangerous levels.

>> No.9140354
File: 70 KB, 510x546, 27338_61f250ef01f877895aa9cee0d4c29934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me enlightn you, my sweet summer children.
There is no difference.
Between Bush Obama Trump or any other modern politician.
Between Republicans and Democrats.
They all work for the same guys.
Figure out yoursef who that is.

And after that, think.

>> No.9140377



>> No.9140421


>> No.9140443

Thank you for stating the obvious. Actually, there are people here that still vote and care about Republican vs. Democrat. Carry on.

>> No.9140460

Don't you have more important things to waste time on like preserving the white race? Oh that's right. You can't because you're a fat fuck loser NEET who lives with mommy.

>> No.9140781

can someone give me the rundown?

>> No.9140783

how did you met him?

>> No.9140789

James goes into detail about how trolls are flooding his comment section with stories of how he's a cuck, but the fat black jew they are insinuating is his bull is actually a gay man, so wtf do they know. TLDR he wants people to use his comment section for DSP positivity and talking about foods/history not personal dramas

>> No.9140811

>that libcuck that types a lot and says nothing of substance

Thanks for wasting my time you stupid faggot.

>> No.9140813

You know how it's always the righteous preacher who turns out to be a gay kiddy fiddler?

Same thing. "He who shouts loudest"...

>> No.9140816

You mean when /fit/ blackpilled them on being a manlet?

>> No.9140818

Hey I'm lost, I was looking for the board where they talk about cooking. Is it this one?

>> No.9140821

>literally THIS hurt over shillary losing

Better luck in 2020 m8 ;^)

>> No.9140823

>lol i'm only pretending to be retarded!

/pol/ is literally /b/ from 10 years ago, minus the imagination.

>> No.9140827

Are you? You seem upset.

>> No.9140829

>Breaks my heart to see him like this.
Same, if this continues he might have to just ride off into the sunset, we didn't deserve the flavors and aromas of the 18th century :(

>> No.9140831

I know right? Wouldn't want to leave your leftwing echochamber.

>> No.9140836

>government in US gives you incentives to get married under the assumption that you will then have a children and these incentives will subsidize this added cost because a nation needs children.
>two people incapable of having children reap these same benefits
Really makes you go hmmmmm

>> No.9140837

But we're already in /ck/.

>> No.9140844

All of Clinton's success was due to his republican congress leading him around. Literally all of it.

>> No.9140850

>numales and roasties

>> No.9140855
File: 2.26 MB, 510x287, demopubs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American Politics

Keep it up, you're funny.

>> No.9140856
File: 525 KB, 681x815, obama jobs implying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this brainwashed. Libcucks are a total fucking cancer on humanity.

>> No.9140858

>this is considered an intellectual reply by libfags

>> No.9140863

White Obama would've gotten creamed in the 08 primary. Take aware his blackness and he just looks like another political sleezeball.

>> No.9140867

You are legitimately triggered right now.

>> No.9140883

I am anon. I am. But what I really need to know is, is Milhouse a meme?

>> No.9140907

Reddit spacing has been on this site since 2005, try again.

>> No.9140919

To be fair to him, he's only been here since March, so it seems new.

>> No.9140934

the internet has given too many people voices so the loudest & stupidest - the ones that get the most attention - are the ones that influence discourse

thus society is spiraling in a polar direction nobody knows how to stop it and either pole would want you to believe civil war is the only way to purge the sins of man

prepare for WW3 bitches I feel sorry for anyone who didn't fall for the prepper meme

>> No.9140939
File: 135 KB, 256x279, raw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asking people to not shit up his video comment sections with their political drivel is a "hissy fit"
/pol/ and Tumblr turn everything they touch into shit. All they ever do is bait, shitpost, and argue about anything and everything except the topic at hand because they base their entire identities around their political affiliations. Everything is an argument to be won or lost, there is no discussion, there is only shitposting. This has been proven time and time again, but we still don't learn.

Hide political threads.

Ignore political posts.

Do not reply to political posters.

>> No.9140946

>Do not reply to political posters.


>> No.9140953

Sad to see so many retarded liberals on this board.

>> No.9140966

Cry moar.

>> No.9140970

I'm crying for your blackened soul.

>> No.9140977

I am pretty sure /lgbt/ is the only other board that can hold a candle to how inherently effeminate the topic is... it really surprises you to find it full of liberals?

>> No.9140983

Sure you do that.

>> No.9141048

>not wanting Drumpf means wanting Shillary
m8, you're why American politics are a joke. the two party system has cause you to go full retard

>> No.9141063

> >:) I'll vote for a third party even though the country is functionally two party

pretending you're in a different country doesn't make "voting your conscious" practical

>> No.9141082

>i'll invent something to say that makes me sound smart even though there is no indication of it in this post
I mean do you argue like this in real life too? That's kinda silly, anon. From any and all standpoints, Shillary was the better candidate:
>more political experience
>better economical sense
>better foreign policy
>actual leader
>less economic self-interest
>actually able to work with a republican congress
>more solid on social issues instead of hiding behind "states' rights" to avoid ever having to take an official stand on them
>not a manchild; can actually behave with a semblance of poise
You voted for a /pol/tard, and now you're scrambling to justify it as you watch him make you look like a fool. And you'll continue to reap it for the next 4 years. I don't have to do anything; you already fucked yourself. ;^)

>> No.9141098

>if you don't want drump it means you want shillary
>AHA I meant that hillary was the right choice!

ok I guess I just misunderstood your post

>> No.9141105

I know it's a stupid fucking bait, but just in case this is actually real, kill yourself

>> No.9141118

>wanting a candidate and knowing they are better than the other candidate are the same thing
Wow. You really are a Trump fan if you're this desperate to make yourself look smart. You just keep making shit up! Kinda like your candidate. :^)

Now, I got shit to do; not all of us can be part of the Sekrit GOP Welfare State, anon. Cheers!

>> No.9141124

before you go, do you take it up the ass?

>> No.9141171

/pol/ is the new /b/, filled with edgy teenagers and cuck is now just an empty buzzword.

>> No.9141180

back to /pol/ cletus.

>> No.9141196


He had a video about a dessert called "orange fool" and people got assblasted thinking it was a critique on Trump

Sadness ensues.

>> No.9141204


It's good to get news from people who have opinions different from your own.

It's best to get it from the entire spectrum of opinion.

>> No.9141222

Believe it or not, but there really are intelligent, educated right wing people

You won't find them on /pol/, and they don't parrot garbage they picked up from Alex Jones

What the alt-right doesn't grasp is that a person is not less credible because they went to college and learned stuff

You don't get a "balanced perspective" by listening to the mentally ill ravings of conspiracy theorists and professional trolls

>> No.9141247

What's all this? I fell in love with this guy last year because he's so genuine and i learned so much watching his videos
Is he a meme now? Why must /pol/ fuck up everything genuine and pure

>> No.9141253

This thread is both unnecessary and moreover feels very shilly.

Please, I insist, tourists. /ck/ is not your /tv/. Fuck off.

>> No.9141262

that's what he gets for using his channel to hide subtle political messages

>> No.9141410

>Believe it or not, but there really are intelligent, educated right wing people
This. I am friends with several. Unfortunately a few are also consummate trolls, but the bored mind is the devil's plaything.

It's necessary if you think people from either side of the fence being unable to keep it in their pants in a wholly unrelated venue is stupid and want to talk about how stupid it is that a guy who creates quality content and tries his damnedest to just share information in the most neutral way possible gets shit smeared all over his product by dipshittery.
That the only buzzword you're going to use, hoss? This thread is better than half of what's on this board right now, because /ck/ is a shithole where fast food and shitty Youtube chefcult/reviewcult threads rule everything. You can't even defend this, because the high horse you're standing on was long ago drown in McChicken threads. So can it faggot, you're not being enlightening or new. Make a good thread if you want to improve the board. Bitching does nothing but make you look like a twat.

>> No.9141458

thanks, but what does DSP stand for?

>> No.9141509
File: 34 KB, 488x351, never_happened.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>was controlled by republicans for 6 of Obama's 8 years


He had a Democrat majority in both houses for his first term, and still had a Democrat majority in the Senate until 2014.



also: Republican =/= Conservative. There are very few real conservatives in the GOP. The GOP these days is full of RINOs and might as well be called "Democrat light"

>> No.9141521
File: 9 KB, 225x225, Liberals (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>racist, xenophobic

Is it me, or do Macbooks have a dedicated key for these words? It's like liberal brains have a tape recorder which the Play button it pressed every time they hear something related to Trump or republicans.

>> No.9141531

>It's necessary if you think people from either side of the fence being unable to keep it in their pants in a wholly unrelated venue is stupid and want to talk about how stupid it is that a guy who creates quality content and tries his damnedest to just share information in the most neutral way possible gets shit smeared all over his product by dipshittery.
>That the only buzzword you're going to use, hoss? This thread is better than half of what's on this board right now, because /ck/ is a shithole where fast food and shitty Youtube chefcult/reviewcult threads rule everything. You can't even defend this, because the high horse you're standing on was long ago drown in McChicken threads. So can it faggot, you're not being enlightening or new. Make a good thread if you want to improve the board. Bitching does nothing but make you look like a twat.

Wow, all of that bullshit spewed over a simple statement of truth. There are left-wing shills ITT and there's no rule where every cooking-related youtube channel deserves its own thread, these threads routinely get shit on by regulars here (you are not a regular here, I can tell).

>You can't even defend this

Yes I can. There are people who still come here to discuss food and cooking.

>> No.9141603

>(you are not a regular here, I can tell).
Shows what you know. This thread is so full of bullshit I can't even believe it.
In your deranged head, trollfag.
>Yes I can. There are people who still come here to discuss food and cooking.
And they are simpering minority, Are you sure you're a regular? Damn I think I just got trolled.

>> No.9141657

Kinda feel bad for this earnest little man who loves old timey food. Like I can imagine him reading the word "cuck" in his comments and it bums me out.

>> No.9141659


>> No.9141663
File: 368 KB, 1164x2272, 1428621518661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember that one time the fat nigger got on his show?


>> No.9141672

Okay, instead, how about: fear-mongering, bigoted, extremist, afraid of their own shadow, under-educated, low-IQ, stupid, mentally unable to comprehend complex subjects, gullible, easily led, convinced of their own superiority, unable and unwilling to see their own faults and make changes in their way of thinking, deniers, complacent, bulldozing others, mean, hateful, chaotic, simpletons, trying to reverse history, fighting change because it scares them, unethical and immoral in their pursuit of chaos and estrangement, and my favorite - brain damaged test monkeys.

>> No.9141681

As a Liberal, sadly half of those things at least apply to people on this side of the fence too. It's like politics turn people into hooting baboons who don't know how to do anything except fling shit and screech when shit gets in their eye.

>> No.9141686

I'm not a liberal, and I agree, there's many of those traits I listed that apply to liberals as well. Extremism in any form is a BAD THING. I dislike both far-left and far-right, and alt-right is just plain wrong. If more people had a proper education, there would be less of this but it would still exist, because let's face it, a lot of people are just plain stupid.

>> No.9141695

Real nice cooking board we had once
too bad /pol/tards had to ruin it just like they ruin everything else

>> No.9141706

>being this upset

>> No.9141728

>tfw poorfag
I wrote down some of the slave recipes because I'm slavepoor.

>> No.9141748

stay mad cu/ck/s

>> No.9141897

Choke on a redpill and fuck off m8

>> No.9142015

>this entire thread

Shareblue, CTR, redditor discord meetups, whatever the fuck kind of coordinated shilling this is: fucking stop and never make a thread like this again. You are not fooling anybody

>> No.9142080

Shouldn't have inserted cuck ideology into his videos then.

>> No.9142092
File: 127 KB, 1075x771, 1492156659816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9142130

>read the comments on the original video
>it's people praising him for insulting Trump and how the dessert is obviously chosen to highlight the President
>he makes a video afterwards saying to keep this apolitical
>people itt blaming /pol/ like they're insulted about him


Is /pol/ a boogieman?

>> No.9142149

Dude, if you want a colonial hotties check out the butter video. That milkmaid could churn my butter all day. I would gladly deliver a hot load of fresh cream straight to the back porch of her dairy if you know what I mean.


>> No.9142156

>it's so deep
>so deep
Put that shit on loop. Meme that shit. She's a dirty girl.

>> No.9142164


Crash Team Racing?

>> No.9142165

The biggest

>> No.9142166

I think she is a lesbian. Evidence:
>no men allowed in her dairy.

>> No.9142200

That sucks. I really do like his channel. His videos are pretty fascinating and have weirdly given me a newfound respect for something that I otherwise probably wouldn't have been interested in.

>> No.9142207

Correct the record. It was a group Hillary hired to PR herself online.

>> No.9142243

New 4chan owner sells poster metadata to advertising company. Coordinated effort to bring 4chan mainstream to increase traffic, increase posters and increade profits. 4chan has been in the news lately. The surge of shitposting you see is not shilling, it is normies, redditors and newfags. Posting has increased 300%+ in the last couple of years.

Gookmoot had major debts to pay when he bought this place. He's destroyed other imageboards with his shitty business practices. He feigns poor English to seem innocent. He has ensured 4chans death to turn a profit. Unsurprisingly, the lead moderator is a Jew who works for Taykey advertising, a who specialize in datamining. Our ultimate fate is to become the new reddit.

>> No.9142254
File: 193 KB, 394x297, IMG_1953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread on ck about youtuber decrying politicism of his channel
>200+ posts about pol shit
Why can't people literally control themselves from turning everything into a political shit tossing event?
Fuck this board and fuck all of you, I'm done.

>> No.9142263
File: 1.83 MB, 375x283, 14563.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ck/ is trash.
and it hurts.

>> No.9142270

we do not have to follow this cuck's rules, with you gone there'll only be one less crying faggot on here so good riddance

>> No.9142292
File: 39 KB, 600x453, 181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But everyone on 4chan is a crying faggot.

>> No.9142294

Yes, soon we'll only talk about politics. Like some kind of political board!

>> No.9142334

so you want a /ck/ devoid of food & cooking content with a political bent?
eat my ass

>> No.9142493

>nnyyyyyuuuhh acchttually that would not be consistent with booard culture so pleeaasse munch my nuggets

please tell me you post pictures of your dishes and beg for people to compliment you

>> No.9142498

Its the non argument congress gave to Trump for why there will never be congressional term limits

>> No.9142501

You can't deny that marriage is an important wholesome sealing of a life long bond and then pretend like it still has any worth after you've gutted it like a fish.

>> No.9142503

It was on the 3rd of July
The majority of comments on the video were Trump haters stirring shit

>> No.9142514

Weekly /pol/ obsession thread

>> No.9142587

This 100%

>> No.9143240

None of the republicucks want to shit on this libtard for pointing out that a Muslim created more jobs than the orange demigod? What, fox news didn't give you a talking point for this set of facts? You don't have a trendy insult today? Not even just calling him a nigger? Face it, you guys are losing, hard. You dont even have hillary's stamina. Weak.

>> No.9143446

Everything is political. Don't get upset when people bring up politics.

>> No.9143452
File: 42 KB, 382x644, 1498312944479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything involves my niche safespace ideology

I really wish Reddit would leave

>> No.9143456

This. But watch as they ignore that.

>> No.9143458

>/pol/edditor children ruin everything again
good job faggots,

>> No.9143462

>Everything is political
No it fucking isn't.
I spent 23 goddamn years not paying a single second of attention to politics except "oh, how about that". Now every tiny little fucking thing HAS to be about it. I'm goddamn sick of it.

>> No.9143464

We're changing the world for the better. Sorry you can't just live in ignorance to your crimes anymore.

>> No.9143472

if you do not think food is political you are a tremendous fool

>> No.9143473
File: 179 KB, 1280x960, DEKueVuWsAA76C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you have some capitalism to go "protest"?

>> No.9143476
File: 159 KB, 1024x1020, 1495457456610m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we're changing the world for the better

Without politics you would cease to exist. Seriously, what else do you have going on in your life besides your obsession?

>> No.9143483
File: 1.10 MB, 793x860, 1494707425844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh for sure. The last time I bit into a burger, I was compelled to go on a three hour tirade about Jews and niggers.

>> No.9143486
File: 75 KB, 1229x417, 1492343813022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a wild fucking guess buddy.

>> No.9143488

Your language, your clothes, your actions, all are politically motivated by the society in which you grew up. It needs correcting.

>> No.9143489
File: 2.47 MB, 3264x2448, 1493048760865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's funny, last time I had a burrito I had to stand outside my gym and yell about the objectification of women for two hours.

>> No.9143490

>if I shut my eyes then the world around me disappears

look man, feel free to lie to yourself, but do not expect the rest of the world to bend around your childish whims

>> No.9143498
File: 511 KB, 720x1019, 1498595354457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he ate anything but dried Sarcuck cummies

I don't believe you

What are you my mother? Why should I care what some jew obsessed shut in pissant thinks?

>> No.9143503
File: 86 KB, 1000x562, 1498602553547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Whoops, meant to reply to


>> No.9143606

Marriage isn't a black and white issue, except legally. The fact that you don't understand my previous posts is how I know you have never been married. I've been married for twenty years this September. And, I absolutely believe in marriage equality for everyone. I also believe there is a huge chunk of our population that has no business being married OR breeding.

>> No.9143612

>too serious to get a joke.

>> No.9143631

>this thread of worthless /pol/ shit and not a fucking ounce of food or cooking has been on the front page for going on 3 days
Fuck you mods.

>> No.9143672

first time on /ck/ genius?

>> No.9143682

I'd be frustrated too if I was caught in a chastity cage while my wife has sexual intercourse with the slave reenactors.

>> No.9143701

you realize that calling townsend a cuck is not like the /pol/ slur, right? it's a fully fledged meme that townsend is an actual cuckold.