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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9134615 No.9134615[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>make white people recipe
>worried I forgot an ingredient because there's literally no seasoning in it other than salt and pepper

>> No.9134619
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>Be white person
>Let's go gluten free vegan, golly gee!

>> No.9134666

>Forget to add a spice
>Dish instantly turns into white people food

I'm actually amazed at how often this happens, especially when I cook any asian dish. I used to wonder what went wrong until I realized each cuisine has central ingredients & spices and 'murrican cuisine is basically the loss of all of that and/or the addition of corn syrup.

>> No.9134675
File: 858 KB, 800x1065, Guy_Fieri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9134683

>white friend is cooking, asks me for a little assistance
>look in fridge to grab ingredient
>4 different bottles of nearly empty ketchup
>2 of them are "special" flavors: siracha ketchup and mango ketchup

>> No.9134697

>trying a nigger hobby
>where the white bitches at
>muh dick
>stole a stereo
>now I'm in jail
If this post offended you more than the OP please go fucking play in traffic

>> No.9134709

>look up fried chicken recipe
>only spices are salt and pepper
>realize I'm looking at shitty white people chicken and not superior black people chicken

>> No.9134716

Mango ketchup sounds pretty good actually.

Is it like that Filipino banana ketchup?

>> No.9134728

What the fuck kind of comeback is this? At least make it food related. Weak, man.

>> No.9134739
File: 130 KB, 746x960, IMG_0466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait for janitors/mods to do their fucking job and start shitcanning people for posting these stale fucking bait threads.

>> No.9134755

I can tell you're offended, and that makes it funny.

>> No.9134881
File: 67 KB, 600x600, 1498808068581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is whiteness at its core.




Don't be fooled by the empty chasm in their souls. Whites know damned well they're guilty as all fuck.

They also know, deep down, that the end is very, very near.

Tangerine Assface can't protect them forever.

Democrats will win one day.

Black and brown and Muslim is a tsunami that will not be stopped.

Extinction is coming for the evilest race. Let them take their shitty food into the grave with them.

>> No.9134890

OK this might be a revelation to you but you can cook perfectly fucking delicious meals with, just salt, not even pepper.

You fucks are retarded. Not everything requires a plate full of spices.

Also a lot of dishes use herbs and things like garlic for taste enhancement.

And I especially hate all those mediocre co/ck/s that have not even managed to master the basics of cooking yet have a full spice rack that they use seemingly at random.

>> No.9134893

Either this is pasta, or you spent way to much time on this to post it on /ck/ at 3am.

>> No.9134898

It could be worse mate.
At least we're not niggers.

>> No.9134900

:( please stop making these threads, it's tearing our /ck/ family apart

>> No.9134903
File: 21 KB, 346x200, 200_s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Asian mongol cooking steak
>cuts it in thin strips
>strips so thin they will fucking burn in a minute
>dips it into three different fish sauces
>puts it dripping wet on hot surface
>starts boiling all around
>gray and sticky limp piece of meat
>takes it out and put it immediately in his mount
>steak so good


>> No.9134908

If you have good ingredients to cook with you don't need to mask the perfectly delicious taste with a barrage of spices.

I pretty much abhor any recipe that involves marinating meat. Fuck that noise. The taste is always inferior to the taste of just the plain bare meat with salt and pepper.

And fuck your jerk seasoning. I want to taste the chicken. It's perfectly delicious meat and I love the taste.

>> No.9134910


>> No.9134912

>try cooking like a black person
>forget how to farm in seconds
every fucking time

>> No.9134917

I'm korean though. fyi our hobbies are eating dog, protesting america/japan, and playing shitty f2p mmos.

>> No.9134925

the recipe is for using shitty cheap ingredients though.

>pound round steak flat
>roll up with bacon and diced onions inside
>boil in beer for a couple hours

sometimes it ends up too salty and then other times it's too bland. I guess it depends on the bacon. I've seen variations that include pickles, but I don't know how that would taste.

>> No.9134942

>The state of (You)

>> No.9135132

You fucking microwaved that bacon didn't you, lazy fucker.

>> No.9135146

you don't cook it at all initially because it would be impossible to roll up if it got crispy

>> No.9135195
File: 64 KB, 421x545, bitchaint2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two possibilities exist:
1. You're trolling, badly, because anyone with any kind of real-world knowledge can see straight through this.
2. You actually believe this, which is terrifying, because if you're stupid enough to believe it and still write at a normal white child's level, what must the majority of niggers believe?

>> No.9135225

That's got nothing to do with what I asked. I said "you stuck that bowl in the microwave and nuked that bacon didn't you, you lazy fuck" because I know you did. You cook that shit in the oven. This isn't 1953. You wanna eat shitty greasy rubbery bacon be my guest but it looks and tastes like shit.

You gotta take pride in your work man. No matter what it is.

>> No.9135230

Is this seasoning meme just an american thing

>> No.9135241

Nah fuck you we love chipotle and cinnamon on everything.

>> No.9135250

>be at white person's home
>fridge contains only condiments and beer
How are they even alive?

>> No.9135257

>That implied homophobia

I bet the author thinks they are so woke too.

>> No.9135260

That's my fridge most days, honestly.
I live really close to several decent stores so I just shop for one day or one meal at a time. It happens I have leftovers in there but yeah, mostly just beverages and condiments.

>> No.9135263

>Go to store
>Get ingredients
>Ingredients are used up

>> No.9135265

If it's good then it's not like Filipino banana ketchup.

>> No.9135283

>making brown people recipe
>have to use a bunch of spices to over power any natural flavour in the dish

>realise I am a pleb for using a recipe at all

recipe fags are the worst.

>> No.9135288

>Be black person
>try to do my grandmas recipe for seven different kind of cheapest vegetables and pig guts
>recipe calls for a ton of spice to mask the disgusting flavor
>go to grocery store
>can't afford ingredients cause I sold my EBT card to buy new shoes
>stuff groceries down my pants and walk out
>minimum wage white cashiers won't even call me out on the stealing cause that's racist, no black people working their at all
>get home and make my garbage food, smelling up the area
>grocery store goes out of business because no profit
>now a "food deser"t and its white peoples fault

>> No.9135291

Where's the implied homophobia? Is "cooter" now slang for a male anus? It wasn't when I was growing up, but I've learned recently that "snowflake" isn't allowed to be used by a person unless you are basically in a white hood burning a cross while hanging black people from a lamp post, otherwise it's "cultural appropriation". So maybe "cooter" changed too? Please explain, millennials.

>> No.9135296

Enslaved an entire continent to obtain spices still get boyed off by women on 4chings Reddit bored

>> No.9135305

t. Leddit