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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9133006 No.9133006 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, /ck/

So I'm Mexican. I've recently started dating a white girl. I'm from the most Mexican part of Chicago. My girlfriend's parents are coming over and they want burgers. I've never made white food in my life.

Tl;dr how do I make a decent burger?

>> No.9133026

this is p good


if you dont have angostura just forget it or use worcestershire / soy sauce

>> No.9133030

Oh STFU Pedro I'm white and can out Mexican your ass being from Arizona originally.

Ground Chuck, salt and pepper, grill the meat. Decent buns, fixings, condiment toppings. Basically set it up as a buffet/self serve. It's easier and what people expect instead of you nitpicking ingredients for individual burgers.

Get a cheese plate with sausage and crackers olives etc.

>> No.9133050

Well first of all and this is paramount in it's importance, you take some ground beef, season it with salt and pepper and then here's the good part you're gunna love this. You go the fuck back to /pol/ and you stay there.

>> No.9133063

How does it feel to know you're only a meme so she can show off pictures to her friends that make her look multicultural?

>> No.9133249

>I don't know how to make burgers
No one can be this retarded. Use Google, you shitposting faggot. Fuck off to /pol/.

>> No.9133278

Making a patty out of ground beef is EZ, just slap it together man
Grab some tasty cheddar
Make some pico de gallo
Cook the patty on a pan
That's it

>> No.9133279

You want a really motherfucking good hamurger?

You take your ground beast. You chop some onions, you get some oregano and rosemary, you throw them all together in a bowl and mix 'em up good.

Then you form the patties. You can't just form a flat one, because they pull in toward the center as they cook. You form 'em like a red blood cell -- thin in the center, thicker around the edges. That way you get a nice uniformly-thick grilled patty when you're done.

Then you throw 'em on a barbecue grill over charcoal and let 'em cook, flipping occasionally, until done.

DO NOT serve fucking raw hamburgers. Unless you grind the meat yourself in your own home kitchen, out of a whole steak, you don't eat "rare" hamburger. Beef that's been ground up in a store and then put on the shelf for a few days before you get around to finding it has bacterial contamination throughout the entire mess, and you'll make her even sicker than if you force-fed her some street tacos from Mexico City.

Gently sautee some sliced mushrooms in butter, and cook some bacon, and maybe throw on some slices of a good Swiss type cheese.

There. Now you can make her one good meal before you get deported.

>> No.9133284

You're just like your huehuehue retareded brethen. Nuke everything south from Texas, when?

>> No.9133320

Make authetic (TM) quesadillas. If they don't like them they can go home

>> No.9133459

Nice false flagging /pol/tard bitch. A handful of boogeymen hispanics still giving you nightmares and making you wake up sweating? Go watch your loliporn, you'll come out of it.

>> No.9133536

>Nuke everything south from Texas
>implying Texas doesn't need to be nuked
West coast too. Live free or die hard fags.

>> No.9133565

No no no. Get good ground beef, treat it like a steak, just salt and pepper.

Jesus Christ don't mix shit into it.

>> No.9133650

I really hate Mexican people who cling so much to their culture.
I'm Mexican myself but I'm also fucking American, if you truly haven't had a damn burger in all your life then please reconsider your life choices.

>> No.9133675

Buy cheap, cook pink, and drown in salt. voila, you're white.

Oh, mayonaise and ketchup in squeeze bottles in the center of the table, please.

>> No.9134400

make tacos fuck burgers

you can buy a burger in every 50 ft in america, why would you make them

>> No.9134456

>white food
wtf man? Is this an American thing?
Burgers are a fast food thing or, not a meal to impress the senpai.
You're Mexican, they're probably expecting tacko's, make them a chicken tikka masala or a fragrant lamb curry

>> No.9134466

Literally no white people do this outside of America.

>> No.9134527
File: 37 KB, 358x643, steak test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>use 70/30 meat
>shape into patties, make them bigger than you think because the heat will make them shrink
>get cast iron skillet hot
>while heating sprinkle both sides with your favorite all purpose seasoning (steak, lowry's, adobo, whatever you want)
>small amount of butter in the pan, then patties
>while one side is browning, brush the other raw side liberally with yellow mustard
>flip, brown, cook until done. use the steak finger test to see where they're at, burgers are usually best at a medium
>IMPORTANT: serve with american cheese. don't let anyone tell you differently, this is why the kraft shit exists, this is the only time it will be good
>toast the buns in the leftover fat before assembling

Best burgers you'll ever eat

>> No.9134574

>how do I make a decent burger?

Like the others said, use good beef (try adding 20% ground lamb), form into patties loosely and gently, leaving a depression in the center.
Hot charcoal grill if you can manage that. May 3-4 minutes a side, if that. I like to add some Worchestershire sauce to the ground beef, maybe a little garlic powder.

Serve with thinly (like paper thin) sliced onions, some good ripe tomatoes if you can find them, some decent mustard... maybe some sliced cheese. Or sauteed mushrooms. Or bacon.

>> No.9134575

And lettuce. Put lettuce on the bottom bun so the patty doesn't leak into it.

>> No.9134579

I absolutely cannot stand when people write ""recipes"" in this tone

>> No.9134661

Mexicans are not Hispanic. All you trash 5'5 garbage are Latino. Learn the difference, you might have a little Spanish in you but it's mostly black and Native American.

A real Hispanic is 6'0+ and fair skinned.

>> No.9134806


How's the market for Mexicans looking to plow some white girls in Chicago?

>> No.9134812

>ground beast

>> No.9135536

Just fuck your daughter, Rick. All these shitposting games are superfluous.

>> No.9135554

i worked at 5 guys for a while

we made them like this

1/4 lb patty
400 degree grill

put patty on grill
wait for the color to start to creep up the sides
flip patty and press it down/even it
cook until you can see juices come out of the top of the patty ("like a blood volcano")
flip patty then cook until a spatula cut into the side shows no pink

wa la

serve on toasted sesame seed bun with ketchup, mayo, mustard, lettuce, tomato, grilled onion, mushrooms

>> No.9135690
File: 32 KB, 400x400, kUzsy0LH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls be satire.

>> No.9135708

don't be bitter just because you will never be able to cook burgs as good as the best chain in america (:

>> No.9135770

non whites in America seem to think all white people are the same, then get mad when we assume all hispanics/asians are the same

>> No.9135798


>> No.9135867

Whitey here
I exclusively use pork for burgers and no one in my family has been disappointed so far
Local market has 1.5Lb packages of ground pork
Mix paprika, onion powder, garlic powder, thyme, pepper - no salt cuz it's pork not shit beef
Form into 6 patties
I smoke/grill them with Worcestershire sauce
Put out onion, lettuce, tomato, mustard, mayonnaise
Cheese is definitely important but American cheese is shit so I use meunster or swiss
Buns are either ciabatta, steak rolls, or sesame seed buns.. whatever the kids ask for really

>> No.9135911

Ground chuck
Add taco seasoning
Form into patties and grill
Add lettuce, tomato, cheese, and sour cream

Wa la. Taco burgers. With any luck they'll stop coming over.

>> No.9135916
File: 183 KB, 1280x741, 1483573878455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich.

>> No.9137175

Oops.. might use provolone as well..

>> No.9137398

>not white

Choose one anon

>> No.9137566

>Then you form the patties. You can't just form a flat one, because they pull in toward the center as they cook. You form 'em like a red blood cell -- thin in the center, thicker around the edges. That way you get a nice uniformly-thick grilled patty when you're done.

the best tip yet