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File: 637 KB, 3000x2000, gnocchi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9127906 No.9127906 [Reply] [Original]

What are some easy sauces that go with store bought, pre made gnocchi?

>> No.9127908

I like to saute them with a little fresh garlic, butter, and a splash of white wine.

>> No.9127909

Vodka sauce muhfugga

>> No.9127917
File: 155 KB, 800x614, eyetalians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eye-talian here. Nonna taught us a very autenticco rezzeta for store-bought gnocci called «gnocci alla spazzatura», you do it like so:

>take store bought gnocci
>place in trash
>make proper gnocci
>wa la

>> No.9127921

butter and tarragon

>> No.9127922

I was looking up a mushroom sauce and came across a lot like that. the only way I've had them is in a tomato pasta sauce

>> No.9127923


>> No.9127927

Yech, Italians are so gross

>> No.9127930

Sour Cream
Hot Sauce of your choice
Fresh dill

Yum yum

>> No.9127934
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>> No.9128273

after reading this post I went and did just that with a bit of bacon. Nice job, it was tasty

>> No.9128289

Bechamel is easy to make and great with a lot of stuff. Never had it with gnocchi, but I'm willing to bet it would be good. Season it with a little nutmeg, it's great.

>> No.9128368

I can't eat gnocchi they look like grub worms or maggots.,

>> No.9128406

Heavy cream (or cream cheese and milk)

Best ever. Ate at a restaurant and now make it once every few months.

>> No.9128900

A place I worked at had a gnocchi of the month and I forget all of them but one that stood out that was particularly tasty.

It was basically sautéed bratwurst medallions and onions (maybe pepper?) gnocchi and finished with a mustard sauce which was spicy mustard and heavy cream. You can find more gourmet recipes for the sauce but from what I remember those were the two key ingredients. Shit was pretty cash.

>> No.9128909



Four tablespoons oil = 400 nutrient-free calories >:(

>> No.9129008

Puttanesca works pretty well. Any tomato-based sauce I think would be fine, as long as you know what you're doing. Gnocci is basically all carbs, so I like to pair it with sometihng acidic to balance that out.

>> No.9130375

Cover it in a nice hearty meat sauce.

>> No.9130382

>with a bit of bacon
hello r.eddit

>> No.9130386

A smooth tomato works best imo. If you want to make something yourself get some fresh basil and parsley. Chop finely and combine with butter or olive oil and grated parm.

>> No.9130585

This. Gnocchi are easy as fuck to make and cheap as hell, i have no idea why you'd buy them premade

>> No.9130596

add fresh chopped chive too

>> No.9130628


>> No.9130748
File: 173 KB, 960x912, bliss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crazy vegan health nut cultists need to get OFF my board
browned butter and sage with a dusting of parmigiano reggiano and black pepper. My go to pasta sauce other than olive oil and garlic w/pepper flakes

>> No.9130814

>Gnocchi are easy as fuck to make
No, they really aren't.

>> No.9130827

a white wine cream sauce, add peas and smoked salmon

>> No.9130836


>> No.9130844

This is a joke, right?

Store bought gnocci is garbage, but that's a huge process, makes a huge mess, and takes a fair amount of equpiment

If fucking around for hours boiling and ricing potatoes, kneading dough, and individually pressing out a months' worth of food one bite at a time is "easy as fuck", what would be your criteria for a single, normal dish that's "a pain in the ass"? And when I say "normal" I expect you not to post one of those things out of Modernist Cuisine.

>> No.9130850

the hardest thing is ricing the potatoes
and no, its not a joke you are just lazy

>> No.9130852

You didn't answer the question

>> No.9130875

the question makes no sense, you don't even kneed the potato dough, you combine it and roll it out into sneks then cut into bites
you can go ahead and put the ridges into it if you want or you can just boil the gnocchi as is

you remind me of Letterman in this

>> No.9130878

Why are you rehashing the content of the video you already posted as if it answers the question?

If boiling potatoes and individually pressing out your food one bite at a time is not a pain in the ass, what dish do you consider a pain in the ass?

I'm just looking for some calibration here. Thanks in advance.

>> No.9130881

>If boiling potatoes and individually pressing out your food one bite at a time is not a pain in the ass, what dish do you consider a pain in the ass?
I don't know, I am not lazy
I guess deboning a turkey is tedious

>> No.9130888

Ah, I see, you're just a youtube fan who doesn't really cook any of the stuff he watches.

First of all, "deboning a turkey" isn't a dish, and takes much less time than the clusterfuck in the video.

You do realize that the video was edited, right? It doesn't take 6 minutes and change to make gnocci? That it actually takes time to peel all the potatoes, boil the water, etc, etc? That isn't exactly midweek cooking after work material, but then again you're a NEET so what would you know about that.

>> No.9130894

>mad wagecucky is mad
top lyl

>> No.9130903

>having a job is an insult now
This is neo-4chan

Maybe post some rare pepes while you're at it?

>> No.9130909

the poop is your problem?
and yes deboning a turkey to make a roulade is a pain in the ass

you know you don't have to watch the potatoes boil right?
its 15 minutes of work at max

>> No.9130914

Tastes great fried

>> No.9130917

tick tock wagecuck, Mr sheklesteinrosenburg expects you bright and early in the morning :^)

>> No.9130923

>you know you don't have to watch the potatoes boil right?
Ok? And you don't have to watch the wheat grow either, doesn't mean growing your own grain isn't a pain in the ass.
>but you can do other stuff between planting and harvesting
Just no, stop.

On the bright side you actually posted a dish, not a step. On the other hand, it was a poorly thought out example. You don't have to debone an entire turkey to make a roulade, any reasonable butcher will sell you a single turkey breast.

I think you would be hard pressed to pick a single common dish that has a wider disparity between "store bought" and "made from scratch" than gnocci. It's just not fun, not quick, and it's only "easy" if you have a childish notion of "easy" as meaning "doesn't require an advanced degree to perform the task"

>> No.9130924

Make bomb ass Bolognese sauce, put on the gnocchi, grate on some parmesan. Kaboom baby.

>> No.9130929

>any reasonable butcher a single turkey breast

>> No.9130931

>making everything as complicated as possible for no gain makes me smart
install gantoo xd also antisemitism lol

>> No.9130934


>> No.9130944

>anti-semitism is bad
You have to go back

>> No.9130974
File: 191 KB, 1065x799, 1492909242310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9131088

All that work...for the nutritional content of cardboard...
Well if that suits you...eat like shit....

>> No.9131119

OP here, thanks for the suggestions. I think i'm going to just use a jar of Bolognese sauce. why over-complicate things?

>> No.9131191

is that loss?

>> No.9131300

If you emulsify the butter garlic and wine it makes a nice classic italian butter sauce
I'd add some chopped shallot too tho

>> No.9131319

Yes.. damn it

>> No.9131322

Shallots won't overwhelm the chickens natural flavors, fuck yeah

>> No.9131806
File: 35 KB, 485x491, IMG_1710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A badda bingaddy badda boomidy hahh??

>> No.9132098

I usually cook them with just some dairy cream, garlic, ham slices cut into small squares, chive and a bit of parmigiano at the end. It's simple, unexpensive and very good.

>> No.9132233

Erm, the only hard part about it is understanding how to work the dough if you've never had the benefit of watching someone do it and getting hands on experience. I'm not going to pretend cooking potatoes and ricing them is hard. What's hard is getting it to come together correctly, knowing the ratios, etc.

Even for experienced cooks gnocchi is one of the more inconsistent dishes, and like I said it's very difficult if all you have to go off of are written recipes and videos.

It doesn't help that almost all the videos for it edit out bulk of the dough making process. I can't tell you how many I've watched where they start out with an unworkable sticky mess and then cut straight to a perfect ball. Like...what's the fucking point of even making a video.

>> No.9133800

I've only made them from scratch once. they're not that hard to make but it was very messy.

>> No.9133831
File: 39 KB, 627x367, BZ2sbeo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A nice pesto perhaps?