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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9116696 No.9116696 [Reply] [Original]

Beer generals used to be a thing. They were fun. Let's do more of those.

>> No.9116719
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Got around to trying this recently. It was great. Probably my new go to ipa. Shouts out to mankato

>> No.9116726

INB5 IPA fags

>> No.9116733
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Never mind, fags got here first

>> No.9116743

Asked in another thread but didn't get a response...One of my favorite beers is Nugget Nectar but it's only available for 3 months in the Spring. Are there any year-round beers that taste very much like Nugget Nectar? I haven't found any

>> No.9116748

Boss tweed, doom and double ringer are all fantastic beers. Perhaps it is you who are in fact the fag?

>> No.9116752
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>I mean, bruh.... look at it

>> No.9116760 [DELETED] 
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Just bought the highest ABV beers in the "make your own 6 pack" section. Thoughts?

>> No.9116770

How do IPA fags stand IPAs? Shit taste like overly bitter grapefruit juice

>> No.9116794

Enjoying a resin, shit's delicious.

It is basically an acquired taste so yeah. Once you get used to the bitterness the other stuff elements of the beer start to pop more when you taste it.

>> No.9116844

>once you get used to the bitterness

I avoid it altogether. Stouts and porters only for this guy.

>> No.9116852

Funnily enough I hate both though I'm working on acquiring a taste for them, so I guess we're basically opposites.

>> No.9116859

Stouts and porters can be fairly bitter as well.

>> No.9116862
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>Started working out
>Counted calories in how much beer I was drinking
>Some DIPAs have over 250 calories per
>Would drink a sixer in a night
>Bought a case of this

It's surprisingly good for a piss water light beer. I like it/

>> No.9116866


i thought it said on the can, but it's only 100 calories per. so i can pound these down without feeling too bad

>> No.9116895

Can be, but it's not a rule. Scotch milk stouts are my preferred, and those are the furthest thing from bitter.

>> No.9116913

So you just don't like anything bitter?

>> No.9116922
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Hoegaarden reporting in.

>> No.9116924
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At a 4th of July party with my gf at her parents house. Her mom got me a bunch of IPA. 8.2 and it's not bad. Anyone have any suggestions for flavorful high gravity beer?

>> No.9116927

That Golden Monkey will fuck you up.

>> No.9116937

As a rule, no, at least not when it's overpowering, as is the case with IPAs.

>> No.9116947

Depends on the ipa desu. You can find some really well balanced ones with practically no bitterness to them. The Midwest is pretty famous for them.

>> No.9117031

Speaking of Elysian, what do you guys think of this?


>> No.9117041


>Drank a six pack in a night once
>Wake up super hung over
>Take a shit
>It literally smells like golden monkey
>Throw up

I can never drink it again

>> No.9117073

I've made the same mistake of drinking too many in an evening. It really does have a distinctive nose.

>> No.9117077

I don't get the point of it

>> No.9117096

founders dirty bastard brew is pretty good

>> No.9117122

Looks like a good hot day beer, light.

>> No.9117257

so uh, anyone drink beer other than ipas?

>> No.9117264
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How long should it take a healthy person to get a buzz from Yuengling?

>> No.9117282

by not drinking shitty west coast IPA

>> No.9117284

quite a while, Yuengling is just a shitty near light macro beer

>> No.9117303

>tfw love beer
>tfw live in a country with expensive as fuck beer

Paying 8 euros for a regular beer in a bar is painful.

>> No.9117391

What are you all drinking this summer? Any saisons or farmhouse ales you guys are enjoying?

>> No.9117410
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Excellent summer drink

>> No.9117659

I like that taste. I've always liked bitter drinks

>> No.9117695

All the time. Drinking a Deschutes Black Butte Porter right now. I also really enjoy vienna lagers, Pilseners, and various ales.

I enjoy an IPA every now and then too. I really like all types of beer.

Recently bought the Sierra Nevada seasonal pack that has 12 different styles of beer in it. That was really good.

>> No.9117711


So, if I have 4, and feel no buzz at all, does that mean my tolerance is too high? or is that normal

>> No.9117725

pretty normal for someone who drinks somewhat regularly

>> No.9117851

If you live in range of Yazoo, I tried the Gose a few weeks ago and it was amazing.

>> No.9117968
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I wish I could have this in my state

>> No.9117978

I've had 6 beers and one glass of wine...should i not drive, or is this just "average drinking" for most people

>> No.9118011

That's a function of a lot of things, but in all likelihood no unless you started drinking at least 5 hours ago and are at least average on the weight end.

>> No.9118032 [DELETED] 
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The average adult will not consume a single alcoholic beverage this week.

>> No.9118040 [DELETED] 


I also included a Zima in the 6 pack. Cause I was curious about it.

>> No.9118060

How much is a pitcher of beer? Like you go to a bar and order a pitcher...how many cans is that, generally?

>> No.9118098

what is thai speedway stout? i love the regular speedway stout. never heard of the thai

>> No.9118144

Jesus Christ southerners are fucking weird, why wouldn't you drink at all?

>> No.9118148

If you aren't in the 8th or 9th decile, what the fuck are you doing with your life?

>> No.9118157 [DELETED] 

my mom doesn't drink. neither did her parents. neither did my grandparents on my dad's side.

but i have a shitty boring soulless family.

>> No.9118178

Most of them get tossed every night and just lie about it. Former liquor store employee.

>> No.9118187

1. how do i know when i am too drunk to keep drinking
2. is it healthier to drink a lot of beer, or a little rum?
3. is there a point where i can tell if i am damaging my health permanently throug drinking
4.. is it healthier to drink 8 yuenlings or some shots of rum

>> No.9118195


>> No.9118203 [DELETED] 

1. Room starts spinning
2. Little rum
3. >>9118032 never go beyond the 9th decile
4. you repeated question #2 faggot

>> No.9118207
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Posting the goat summer beer

>> No.9118215

Define healthy.

Calorie wise, drink hard liquor. Dunno about effects on liver

>> No.9118261

the problem comes from drinking on an empty stomach, lots of kids today fast before they drink so they'll get drunk quicker but they just end up getting plastered after a few shots. eat a big spaghetti dinner 3-4 hours prior to drinking and you can kill a bottle of liquor on your own.

as for when to quit, quit when you start spilling alcohol. as for bodily harm, it's alcoholism that does damage. not casual, 1-2 beers daily drinking or the occasional binge session, but actual alcohol addiction.

>> No.9118266

>eat a big spaghetti dinner 3-4 hours prior to drinking and you can kill a bottle of liquor on your own
Why would you want to do this?
Getting drunk on less alcohol means you save money and calories

>> No.9118299

12 pack of natural ice is $6 at my local Walmart. Sometimes I get fancy and buy the PBR.

>> No.9118321


i am so sorry. i mean, when i'm drunk, it's the only time when i feel alive, and able to communicate as myself. tomorrow when i wake up, my boring sober self, it won't be the same. i just want to feel good. it sucks, but i have to drink, in order to feel that way. and i just want to drink safely. in order to feel good, and feel conntected with others, i have to drink. so i am often obsessed with knowing the best way to do that - it doesn't help I have OCD + hypochondria. but if I can feel alive, if I can feel buzzed, and good, for just one night, then it is worth it. and if i can do it safely, and repeatably, than all the better. i am so lonely, all the time

>> No.9118326

Try kratom

>> No.9118392

i dont mind hoegaarden at all but there are so many other belgians with higher ABV and better taste

>> No.9118407


>> No.9118412

you might want to talk to someone. it could be just a phase, like im in currently, but you can usually tell if its a phase. if you think its a legit issue then id talk to someone. that said, a glass of scotch or a beer every day after work is normal. believe me i thought i had an issue until i realized literally everyone else around me was doing the exact same thing.

best of luck man, its not easy

>> No.9118491

the idea is to consume as much alcohol as you can without getting sick, and retain your buzz as long as possible. the way to do this is to prepare you body for mass quantities of alcohol.

It's a bit more of a waste to drink a little and throw it all up than it is to drink a bottle of whiskey and keep it all down. if you have a belly full of gentle foods that won't negatively react with you booze (curry + 5+ shots of hi-test whiskey = death) you can drink all night and actually enjoy yourself instead of getting the spins and passing out.

Really man it's like you don't have a substance abuse problem

>> No.9118509



I understand your pain man, there was a point due to a trauma I suffered that I drank deeply, and often. It was the only think that took my mind away from it, it was the only escape I had.

I kept deteriorating, and eventually a family friend (he's a combat veteran) sat down with me and we talked about what had happened and why I couldn't move one. He too had suffered from alcoholism until he met a nice girl and settled down.

No dice for me, but I understood I was just drinking as an escape and distraction, and with the help of said friend I was able to channel by distress and frustration into more constructive things.

That's the key. The impulse that drives one to drink can be redirected into something less destructive. Instead of drinking to get away from your sorrow, you can use the same drive that leads you to drink to fight that sorrow without it.

>> No.9118529

New Belgium Dayblazer and a Founders Breakfast Stout earlier

>> No.9119639

fuck off to al/ck/

>> No.9119810

Seriously guys take this shit to the alcoholics thread.

>> No.9119926


>> No.9120878

Having my first glass of latest homebrew batch. Not made anything for 8 months prior to this batch so it was fun again. Turned out very decent as well!

>> No.9121186

How much is the cost of start-up and creation for homebrewing? Any major taste benefits, or is it just the DIY factor?

>> No.9121229
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Bare bones kits should fairly cheap, but honestly if getting wasted on the stuff beer brewing is not the right way to go, it is alot about the DIY factor and getting somewhere the major beer makers dont go.

I still can not make a proper lager but my ales are getting where i want them. This one was hopped with Nelson sauvin hops mostly and i got what i wanted! White grapes on the nose and taste!

>> No.9121239


drinking right now, will confirm that its great

>> No.9121247


about 4-5 plastic cups full

>> No.9121275

Tonight I am having Dark Horse Sapient Trip Ale. A Belgian Style Trippel 9.5% abv

>> No.9121324

There is absolutely nothing wrong with Hoegaarden. it's one of the best easily available beers there is and possibly the best thing you can get for that money.
That said, if you can have any other white beer over it, you should.

>> No.9121327

Yeah, don't know if I'm committed enough to beer to get into homebrewery. Still exploring commercial availability and developing my tastes.

>> No.9121550

I spent 1200 bucks. I make 45-60 gallons a month for around $250 in sugar and $75 in grain.

It is cheaper than what I was spending on six and 12 packs.

>> No.9121565

but how long did it take you to make something good or have you ever made anything good?

>> No.9121617

Barely, and it takes a while to even make anything decent. Also all the time and effort that go into sanitation and whatnot you pretty much break even. The difference being a couple bucks here and there.
Home brewing is cool, but don't get into it just to save money. It's a hobby, not some economical savior

>> No.9121831

About 2 recipe tries. Now I know exactly how to make what I want. I have mastered an 11 day IPA. I can do any kind of stout, make a milk stout, coffe, chocolate, whatever.

Barely if you do full grain brewing. I'll more than break even, I've already saved far more than if I'd been buying beer. By the time I'd be brewing for a year I will have saved 5-6 grand vs having to buy beer. So, in short, you're wrong.

>> No.9121888

In short, you have a drinking problem if you spend that much money on beer

>> No.9121920

If you're on /ck/ and you're criticizing people's alcohol consumption you have a dick sucking problem

>> No.9122000

Not criticising, simply stating a fact m8. Seek help.

>> No.9122791
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I apologize in advance. I had a few beers today and I wanted to share them with random strangers who will most likely call me a faggot. Too lazy to take off my tripcode, so sue me.

This was tasty. Pretty heavy on the peanut butter, dark chocolate, and the spices used definitely reminds me of a champurrado. Bretty gud dessert beer. 8/10, would buy again. Excuse the game, I'm breeding for a shiny right now.

>> No.9122797
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Second was this thing. I like their other core brand beers, so I figured "Hey, they possibly couldn't fuck up a barrel aged beer." Turns out, I was right. I have no idea how long this was aged in bourbon barrels but the bourbon is moderate, so it couldn't of been more than a few months. The bourbon really intensified the vanilla and marshmallow characteristics of this beer. Milk chocolate and roasted malts are pretty apparent too. It was pretty tasty. Paired it with kielbasa, tri-tip, and rice pilaf. Again, 8/10 would buy again.

>> No.9122806
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Finally, it was this beer. I went out to Houston a few weeks ago and visited this little brewery. I had been there before when visiting family so I knew their beer was stuff that I liked. I took beer from the brewery I work at to give to the guys there and they reciprocated with beer of their own. One of which was this beer. Pretty intense whiskey, dark chocolate, and roasted malt flavors. Finishes with a really pleasant mocha sweetness. A little subdued for the Russian Imperial style but really tasty regardless. Sort of reminded me of those dark chocolate bonbons I would get from relatives whenever they traveled abroad. Regardless, this shit was tasty. 9/10, would trade for again.

>> No.9122809
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Who /hangover/ here?

>Had regional drumming & shooting match yesterday
>Won drumming, shooting match continues next week because it was getting dark
>Had glorious pic related on tap
>My wallet is missing 30 euros, that certainly explains the headache

>> No.9123247

I only like IPAs when they're not too cloying

>> No.9123252

Coney Island Mermaid Pilsner is a great summer beer, and all around beer for that matter

>> No.9123261

Dogfish Head 60 Minute IPA is amazing.

>> No.9123263

not him but I don't usually feel drunk until the 5th or 6th beer (assuming 5%ish ABV)

>> No.9123376

Who are you quoting

>> No.9123380

Anyone ever have Maumee Bay Total Eclipse Breakfast Stout

>> No.9125394
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Elysian space dust IPA.

>> No.9125670

I was surprised at how good it was desu. It's something I could, and have, drink all day

>> No.9125730
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I've had two recently, both very different in character. Tucher Helles Hefeweizen, and Old Crafty Hen ale by Morland Brewery.

>> No.9125875


I like IPAs but they give me such terrible headaches and hangovers. I think I might be allergic.

>> No.9125917

i always hated em until i tried a few. now i consider them sort of ... refreshing?
like i was a stout or ale guy, then i was at a small local event and had a few IPAs and really enjoyed the company and the atmosphere and maybe it's just a fuckin association.
they're tasty to me now and i drink them slower and enjoy them longer. that elysian is not bad, but i love the new belgium ones. they don't do well with my style of cooking, but i dont drink during dinner, only before. plus my state has some well made beers, considering my location especially.

>> No.9126084
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Brewsaders, where we at

>> No.9126103

>beer city


>> No.9126108


Oh. Grand Rapids. Cute. Everywhere is a Beer city now.

>> No.9126113

Can anybody help me Identify a beer? Its literally one of the best beers I had and it was fucking cheap. It has the word Red and the graphic design is very simple, the bottle is shaped old school af, and its imported from jamaica. If anybody can Identify, I suggest others should definately try it.

>> No.9126141

Red stripe

>> No.9126152

>Want to lose weight
>Start counting calories
>Realize the beer i was drinking almost daily had 220 calories per bottle
>Would drink a sixer a night
>Don't wanna drink shit light beer
>Bought liqour and taking shots

I miss beer so much

but i'm also tired of being a lonely fat fuck so i gotta make some sacrifices

>> No.9126259

I don't pity you. It's the alcohol that fucks with your pancreas and liver that creates weight situations.
control your intake and your eating habits.

>> No.9126310


Let us know how the Thai Speedway is. I fucking love AS, and have had 5 different Speedway varieties - Vietnamese coffee was probably my favorite - but this is the first time I've seen Thai. I'm really curious.

>> No.9126396

Without googling it for myself, could you tell me a little about that? I've not seen it in any places local to me.

>> No.9126411

Why not just drink one beer instead of a whole six pack every day?

>> No.9126452
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That's Red Stripe. Every bar in my town stocks it as one of their cheaper options, for good reason.

It's another generic adjunct lager that honestly doesn't taste much better or even much different from ordinary macros on draft. Trying to pick favourites between them is like trying to pick the yellowest stalk in a cornfield.

>> No.9126569
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I am in a world of shit

>> No.9126572

I seriously hope that anon wasnt talking about red stripe. That shit taste like mud

>> No.9126574

Having this now instead.
Gonna get into the tweed after and get a bit weird on cloudy Ipa's with the neighbors after a day on the lake.

>Also: Murica

>> No.9126579

Jamaican budweiser is a fine cheep beer. Learn to sail bruh

>> No.9126582

Just came across Trumer Pils recently, pretty ok. I love Sapporo, but buying it makes me feel like a fucking weeb. Einstök tastes great to me. Sierra Nevada Nooner was alright. Mississippi Mud is some of the best swill I've had. Olde English 800 is tolerable.

Recommend me something beyond plebshit? I don't like overbearing hops.

>> No.9126632

If you can read and solve simple problems, he's talking about red stripe, dude.

>> No.9126637


>has access to both alchemist and alesmith

There's a good reason rural drumpf fags are so angry.

>> No.9126645

I live at the tip of the mitt in Michigan. Your argument is invalid.

>> No.9126652

Thats why I have the old nation and upper hand stuff that isnt realy in demand in the gay as fuck regions of the country. Also: we are probably opening the Thai eventualy. Stay tuned.

>fm liver

>> No.9126655
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Further, red stripe isn't so bad. Unless you drink 16 dollar six packs without fail and are being an intentional bag-o-douche, you should give it a chance. I tried IPA after hating them for years for no good cause and was and am pleased several years later. Try catfish and crawfish too, your highness.

>> No.9126684


>generic import lager #4235253454 isn't so bad
>try catfish and crawfish too

Wait... you think that those are foods that most people in the US haven't tried by the time they were in the fifth grade, regardless of whether they live in PDX, NYC, Chicago, or bumfuck Nevada?

>i tried ipa after hating them for years for no good reason

Oh, I get it. You're a flyover with an absurd superiority complex.

Just how much Trump semen have you actually swallowed?

>> No.9126695
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>Coming in hot

>> No.9126714
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I'm saying don't be a dick over beer or others' taste in beer. But you do you.

>> No.9126719

>First thoughts: smells like ginger snaps and good coffee stout. You can taste all the shit on the label. Opens with ginger, fades to lime. Cilantro bounces around and finishes coconut and coffee. Happy with the trade for sure.

>> No.9126721

That looks sexy. I wish I knew the flavor.

>> No.9126725
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Fucking right on time. Thank you.

>> No.9126726
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Got a regular SW chilling under my desk with a bunch of other shit. Really want to sample the Thai.

>> No.9126739
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Tried pic related earlier tonight, after seeing a few different anons praise it on here, and then reading a review in one of the beer mags.

Pretty good, especially on how they handled the grapefruit. I remembered a third of the way in that I'm not supposed to have grapefruit, though, with some of the meds I'm on. Kind of ruined the rest for me. Hopefully I won't died.

>> No.9126743

Th clear, in Michigan (fuck all of you) we have Oscar blues proxy makes a Vietnamese porter which was REALLY BAD this year. I'll cellar all of it I have left (only opened a bottle) and hope it isn't sweet shit in 5 years. This Thai is great right now.

>> No.9126758
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>> No.9126776

Nah man, ive tried a bunch of beers but red stripe and some other gluten free beer i had once were the only beers i struggled to finish.

>> No.9126804
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>that Thomas Harry's is a 1992

Aging works and any dipshit (like the ex chair of the michigan brewers guild) who asserts that the right beer in the right circumstance wont turn amazing is a dumb ass. That Hardy's is transcendental and everyone should have the opportunity to try it.

>> No.9126823

It fucks up the stabilization of it and strings it out. Before you double dose talk to your md.

>> No.9126841
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I've had bad beer. mas produced already cooker and heated and recooled garbage aside, I've not been unable to finish a beer just because it wasn't to my standards. I would drink Natty or beast in a social setting and not think twice.
The problem with beer snobs is that there's no room in their board for anyone else's opinion. I love precious few beers, but I'm not allowed to say it here. Antifa has invaded and introduced us to fascism lol. Like what I like, or else. Like I said earlier today, i like IPA because I find it easy to drink now. Dicking around on an image board and sharing photos and opinions is fun, til youre a dick for your opinions. This is a badass board compared to the others. We should keep it pure. "Fuck you for your opinion" shouldn't exist.

>> No.9126849
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Next up: tweed vs topper

>> No.9126851


>Antifa has invaded and introduced us to fascism lol

Holy shit, fuck off back to your containment board and stay there.

>> No.9126865
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Yes ma'am. I'm going to eat pork in there. Please don't report me to the Shia syndicate. The ss is brutal.

>> No.9126878
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Hey man, the pibber is mine from before. Nothing wrong with enjoying beers that you like and anyone who wants to fag up a beer thread with hate (the nu male dude springs to mind) is being a dick.

>> No.9126883

Fucking Red Stripe?!

Really, anon? Red Stripe?
There's nothing different or distinctive about this beer that sets it apart from any other shitty macro Lager. You just got suckered by the cute bottle.

>> No.9126888

It looks sexy. MS needs more emporium type beer retailers. I have one near by. I fucking love it. I buy beer and make rub based on my selection. We smoke a couple butts a month. 2 slabs of ribs, usually back. Occasionally I do a brisket. I bought a plate rib section for some stout I picked up. I'd take a picture, cept I'm listening to music and watching my neighbor's fireworks.

>> No.9126896

It is sweet, and verry mild on hopping. Still pretty crisp. Find me a craft lager as clean as that.

>> No.9126904


>alesmith between shock top and pbr

People can like what they like, but it legitimately just seems like you're trolling.

>> No.9126905

When did Alesmith start canning Speedway? I walked into my bottle store today and saw the cans for the first time, and immediately bought them all.

>> No.9126912


Only Alesmith cans I've ever seen are for their IPA. Guess I should make a beer run tomorrow and see if they got in new shit for the 4th.

>> No.9126924

Session beers. Tbh i wouldn't touch the shock top with your dick and your dad pushing but to each his own. No judgement, this is ck not pol.

>> No.9126940

>be me
>moving to a new place last summer
>work is brutal, so my wife hires a moving crew to help since I'm stuck at work.
>carefully pack up all my cellared beers into one box. Some 90's era Hardys, Bells Batch 6k - 8k, '02 Kuhnhenn Raspberry Eisbock, several other rare bottles.
>Move. Work still busy for several weeks. Living out of boxes.
>Finally get a couple days off. Decide to unpack beer.
>Nowhere to be found.
>Wife never saw it
>Mfw I have no face

Guess I'll just start over.

>> No.9126942
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i found a nice bottle for you.
my friend bought this. she got 3 of em. we drank 2 and she kept one unopened. Limited edition, so I hear.
And now I'm super aware of the dust in here. Please excuse me. Nice chatting.

>> No.9126953
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Happy 4th or July you glorious fucks.

>> No.9126970
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>> No.9126974
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shit's about to get out of hand. you have a good night. got 4 minutes til i start celebrating. gotta get into the mood.

>> No.9126985
File: 1.61 MB, 2688x1520, IMAG0387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God bless you and your drinkin' buddies.
May they become your fishin' buddies. If they can fucking keep up.

>> No.9126998
File: 2.85 MB, 4032x2268, 20161230_234039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sad tale sir. Just know it is worth it and the thieves are broken on the karmic wheel.

>> No.9127000
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MI state of mind sir.

>> No.9127011
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interesting collection. i wasn't aware of keeping beer until this thread.
i am sorry for your loss, >>9126940.
does the beer get more or less drinkable?
or is it a true collection, not to be touched?

>> No.9127014

we'd be friends.

>> No.9127022

I like the idea of the logo, as I personally don't like to buy beers owned by A-B/Inbev. I'm not some preachy cunt or anything about it, I'll drink any beer if it's free/someone else is buying, I just don't buy beers I know are owned by that company.

>> No.9127025
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>it fucks up the stabilization of it and strings it out

I'm not sure what that means. I missed my morning dosage yesterday because I was hungover and slept in all day, and the Alaskan probably didn't have too much grapefruit in it, so I'm not really worried. Forgot how much I like grapefruit, though.

Drinking pic related now (actually a little earlier; having a Racer 5 now). Like it better than the grapefruit IPA.

>> No.9127030

Generaly more. Things that are huge and overly rough, or boozy or sweet tend to mellow and fall into their own. Some beers age well some dont. It honestly is a weird art that is totally like putting wine up and the same time WAY different. Try some if you have the time/patience/money/environment to do so and see what you can learn. Even the best people who cellar shit will lose some beers to corkage and bad caps here and there. That said the hardys changes every year. Think about that. Now that it is in its 20's, every year we open one it is different. This is the beer that defined the style for Jackson. Everyone we open sequentially is different, and very good. I'd equate some of the flavors to port. Nothing about it is science other than the life and death cycle of cystic yeasts which is under appreciated. Have fun and keep enjoying.

>> No.9127031

Also, if you are keeping shit for the collectable factor, keep the empties. Beer is to be enjoyed (eventualy).

>> No.9127036


Some breweries have gone downhill once being bought out, but I'll still buy beer that I like even if they sell out and it's still good.

I think Goose Island took a big nosedive when they got bought out, but I still buy Space Dust probably once a month.

I know my local breweries, so an extra label telling me that they're independent doesn't really make any difference for me, though I'm in principal against supporting big beer.

>> No.9127041
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ask yourself what would happen in the wine community, hoss.
fuck that chump ass label.
that label is the difference between a gang and a community, to my mind.

>> No.9127046 [DELETED] 
File: 147 KB, 750x750, 1497907991686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm guessing you voted for Trump.

>> No.9127049

Google it. Grapefruit has some weird chemical that is an antagonist for something that doesnt fuck up normal biochem but fucks up the half life if you have different chemistry (why the prescription works) of the drug. This is present primarily in drugs for psych stuff and heart stuff which have alot more in common than most people think. A pharmacist or 2nd who wrote the scrip (or Google because those guys tend to suck) can explain it better. My pictures should indicate im pretty drunk.

>> No.9127051

I think space dust is pretty god damn cheep and a good beer.

>> No.9127057 [DELETED] 

yeah. because having a bottle on my bottle to tell me what to drink isn't fascist at all and i'm totally NOT a fucking hypocrite leftist who hates the country that gave me the right to have an opinion while i lie to minorities to vote for the destruction of the constitution which keeps us free. nah yeah i might have voted for sanders, but you'd maybe not know that because i might or might not have had a coherent argument, maybe.
Yes, I did.
No, it's not okay to separate yourself from the pack with a mark and claim that mark makes you better. Thanks. Send your fucking hypocrisy on down to your gender retarded kids.

>> No.9127066


I'm also drunk, and am sure I've looked it up at some point in the past. I've generally been good about avoiding grapefruit. The sad thing is that I'm not sure if it's a heart med or a psych med, because I'm taking both - I might even be taking a heart med for a condition I don't have because it's been shown to help with al/ck//anxiety issues or something.

>> No.9127067

if you like beer, you know where yours comes from, faggot.

>> No.9127085

This guy says it best.
Make your own opinion. Dont come to a mongolian Saturday morning cartoon board and try to stir shit. We are talking about beer not /pol/ shit

>> No.9127093


>we're talking about beer not /pol/ shit
>the guy making incoherent posts and spouting off /pol/ garbage "says it best"

Fuck off.

>> No.9127094

No you for you dawg

>> No.9127096

then don't bring my votes into it, you God damned hypocrite fuck.

>> No.9127097
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i (you)'d pretty hard

>> No.9127098

I agree. I also agree with the idea that people who control your commodities market for your lively hood are scary as fuck and if they are your competitors you should at least hope for protections like every other "free market" institution rich people roll dice in. Some people bitch and moan for them selves. Who cares?

>> No.9127102
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>> No.9127104
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i love the retort, but it's an image board after all.
if i had enough pictures of beer, i'd post em.
i'm going full random.
never go full random.

>> No.9127110
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Bruh, I got beer pics.

>> No.9127113
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>> No.9127115 [DELETED] 


>i might have voted for sanders

Kek. It's """like""" you don't even understand the basic policies of the people you bring up with all your dumbshit talking points.

Nobody cares about the opinion of a retard when it comes to beer; that's why it's relevant.

>> No.9127117
File: 2.10 MB, 2688x1520, IMAG0641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'murica has my fucking back.
i wish the downtrodden would join our ranks.
don't destroy the system or replace it.
keep the system and replace the representatives.
i don't think there are many left who understand how the system works.

>> No.9127120 [DELETED] 

shhhhhhh. i voted for trump.
go back to your Berkeley riots.
this has already been covered. try to keep up.

>> No.9127131 [DELETED] 


>the vast majority of the country that thinks trump is a clown are best represented by antifa

Once again just proving how out of fucking touch you are with reality. We all like beer here; keep /pol/ shit on /pol/.

>> No.9127133
File: 334 KB, 1280x886, US-MS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God bless the constitutional representative republic that is the UNITED STATES of AMERICA.
God bless every one of you and the 640 thousand that died to solidify this country under it's declaration and let it's sovereignty be never wavering.

>> No.9127142


But I thought Yugoslavia was founded long after the American civil war?

>> No.9127145
File: 42 KB, 480x547, you're hungry, aren't you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shity place for you to be, antifa.

>> No.9127147

hahahaha. fucking awesome. we should be friends

>> No.9127169


>> No.9127173

APAs and craft lagers are my favorite

>> No.9127176

what's your favorite pale?

>> No.9127180


You on Untappd?

>> No.9127186

im not "on' anything. terribly sorry. what is it?
throw me a link.

>> No.9127190

Bronx Pale Ale, Saranac Pale Ale, Sweetwater 420, and of course Sierra Nevada are all ones I like. Also I was at the Coney Island brewery and had a delicious Pale Ale but I don't remember what it was called.

There are still tons of Pales I want to try

>> No.9127196


It's an app that allows you to check in the beers you're trying, rate them, keep notes, and also see what a lot of places around you currently have on tap.

There's a "friend" component, but I don't actually have any friends.

>just started at the end of february
>have something like 140 unique beers

I'm not on any social media, but am starting to think it would be kind of cool to see what other people are drinking in real time, and what they think of it.

>> No.9127217

damn right. thank you.
i have a sweetwater 420 tshirt.
you should try some MS brew. we can actually compete, i think. cant deny it when you try any red ale or blonde. IPA is even fair.
i ask for other states' beer so often i forget to promote my home brews.

>> No.9127220

been a while since i downloaded an app for leisure. thanks.

>> No.9127231

What are some breweries you recommend?

In case you haven't figured out, I'm in New York. Saranac, Brooklyn, Coney Island, Bronx, and Blue Point all have some good stuff

>> No.9127260
File: 34 KB, 600x849, far out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i figured where you were. i went with the same girl who bought the rogue red ale. her father passed. i accompanied her to the funeral.
southern prohibition and lucky town. they both do great beer for sipping. there are a couple others, but you're drowned in options anyway. dont go out of your way.

>> No.9127590

This isn't exactly a beer question, but I think you can help me.

Are spigots for fermenters (this one specifically https://www.morebeer.com/products/speidel-plastic-fermenter-20l-53-gal.html)) airlocked?
As in, is it safe to screw on the spigot during fermentation, or will nasties get into my wine through it?
It would make measuring the S.G a lot easier.

Thanks guys

>> No.9127684

a buddy of mine is a brewer, if I'm remembering this correctly you definitely don't want to disturb the fermentation, it could change the taste of the beer or mess with the yeast

>> No.9127763


Love Hoegaarden. I'm branching out and trying as many beers as I can but this is my go-to.

>> No.9127822

Correction: it is Pokemon for beer nerds

>> No.9127904

depends what you mean by "airlocked." I assume you're asking about the spigot at the bottom. That is at least tight enough that the pressure of 5 gallons of liquid over it won't make it drip. Obviously the pressure also makes it hard for stuff to get in. Wine is generally less sensitive to bacteria because of the ABV in any case. TLDR it should be perfectly fine

This is purely broscience, but my experience suggests wine may separate into different layers which may (or may not) have different SGs, with the strongest stuff at the top. The methods I've read call for shaking the wine to get rid of carbonation, so it might be a good idea to measure directly after this when the wine is blended

>> No.9128259

This is about wine but yeah, I'm not planning to disturb the fermentation, just measure it.
Thanks regardless!

I didn't know that, thank you for the information and thanks for the answer to my question.

>> No.9128491

I've been there. Having to avoid grapefruit fucking sucks. Especially when you're at the fair and it's really hot and you're SO THIRSTY, and you see someone giving away free juice and you're SO EXCITED, but when you get closer to the stand you see that the juice HAS GRAPEFRUIT IN IT. Suffering.

>> No.9128930

Coney Island Mermaid Pilsner

>> No.9130337

Is that Hellboy beer any good?

>> No.9130400

I never drink beer from A-B Inbev, and this is why:


They're trying to monopolize the beer market in the most slimeball way, by giving free money to distributors to carry only A-B Inbev beers, thus stamping out any chance independent brewers have at entering the market. I won't drink a fucking thing owned by them.

>> No.9130442

>doesn't drink AB-InBev because of shady business practices

I don't drink anything they sell because it's all garbage.

>> No.9130467
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Some grapefruit-related reading:


Basically, the effect it has is to either give you a larger dose of the medication than you need, or to prevent you from absorbing the medication altogether. I'd ask your pharmacist rather than your doctor about this; they generally are more knowledgeable about drug interactions. (And I mean an actual pharmacist with a degree, not just the kids they have working at Walgreens.)

Be especially wary if you have a slow-release medication, since that seems to be a type that grapefruit conflicts with most. I was on a slow-release blood-pressure medication, and I couldn't have grapefruit because of it.

>> No.9130508

Anyone got a suggestion for a nice salty weissbier?

>> No.9130599
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Just want to say that I've had too much gin tonight and I'm appreciating all the Allman Bros. in this thread. Also since this is a beer thread, I'm drinking this troll shit from Insight and it's all right. It's like a less good version of Surly Furious. If you like IPAs and pictures of trolls it's right up your alley.


>> No.9131068


>> No.9131078

I have been recently thinking about brewing my own beer. Does anyone have any experience with home brewing? Any tips for beginners?

>> No.9132454

Gin is good some times. I'm about to finish a bottle of red wine i bought (and used) for cooking and probably go grab some kind of red ale or maybe just a 6 pack of bud light.


>> No.9132479
File: 149 KB, 1152x648, IMG_20170507_051151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had a friend of mine over and we got these 10 beers to rank, he ranked them like this with left being highest and right lowest

I wouldve ranked them like this

1. Gouden Carolus Classic
2. Hell and Damnation by de Molen
3. Burning Sky Saison a la provision
4. Delirium Tremens
5. Barista Chocolate Quad
6. St Bernardus 12
7. Brouwerij 't IJ IPA
8. La Trappe Quad
9. Duvel
10. Wild Beer Of The Sea (The meme beer with lobster)

Who was right /ck/

>> No.9132491

I used to drink shitloads of that stuff but was in a mood for something different and got a few cans of tin cup stout. It was a nice change of pace from all those IPAs.

>> No.9132529

Rum will fuck your teeth up if you drink it heavily on a regular basis. Generally beer has more calories so you'll get fat if it's all you drink and you don't get much exercise, but then again a lot of people mix hard liqour with sugary crap like soda so it's not much better in that regard unless you drink it neat or on the rocks instead of mixing it. As a rule to avoid full blown alcoholism, try to set limits like "I won't drink more than 375ml (half a bottle, roughly 9 shots) of hard liqour in one night" and only drink for 2-3 days out of a week max in general unless you're satisfied with one or two beers.

>> No.9132832


St. Bernardus should be much higher on both lists.

>> No.9132836

Yes hop on the hype train.

>> No.9133117

>New Belgium Dayblazer
Kinda shitty, prefer Two Road's Hefe if we're only doing American
But Founder's is top notch

>> No.9133132

Anyone got any rec's for Red Ale's? I've loved George Killian's a bit ago but now it tastes a bit to watery and not strong enough

>> No.9133532

How do you even taste the chocolate in the porter? All I taste is coffee, and nothing else.
Also, IPAs have edgy labels.

>> No.9133568

They taste bad till the bitterness dies down. Basically keep hurting yourself till the bitterness isn't there anymore then you start tasting the juiciness of IPAs. But yeah IPas are shit for parties since not everyone drinks craft beer every week.

>> No.9133616

Mississippi Fire Ant

>> No.9133958

Or Riverbank Red

>> No.9134335

wheres the fucking rochefort

>> No.9134445

I drink 12 beers everyday. I don't even get drunk. I just puked a lot of blood. Should I go to the hospital or wait it out?

>> No.9134470

Puking blood is totally normal bro you'll be right as rain tomorrow just have some more beer

>> No.9134576

are trappist beers memes or are they actually good?

>> No.9134602

shit I gotta find this, love their watermelon gose.

>> No.9135077

I drank too much soda growing up so bitter drinks are a treat. I've always liked citrus fruits and I prefer pale ale so it is a perfect combination.

Also nobody ever wants to drink my beer which is nice.

>> No.9135092

I had that for the 4th of July. I finally found it at a smaller liquor store and picked it up immediately.

It was really nice after suffering from my last choice of a double IPA that tasted like dirt.

>> No.9135093

Has anyone here tried Sierra Nevada's Ovila?

Or their Summerfest?

>> No.9135095

yeah it's quite balanced, it has good flavor going for it as opposed to just being bitter as possible

>> No.9135212

No, you're actually TOO healthy. Puking blood is an easy way for the body to get rid of excess nutrients, like iron. Keep on drinking m8.

>> No.9135270

>drinking perfume

>> No.9135271

If you're stupid enough to ask I think you should just wait it out.
Society will gain from it.

>> No.9135273

Does anybody know where to find Blue Moon's Farmhouse Red?
Hands down the best beer I've ever had but I could only find it in their seasonal packs

>> No.9135426


Do two and a half of these make you as drunk as one of those DIPAs though? If the answer is no, and that's what you're attempting, you're still doing it wrong.

>> No.9135446

Are any of the Sierra Nevada around the world beers good

>> No.9135471
File: 169 KB, 1000x1000, blue ribbon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best beer comimg through

>> No.9135918

Fuck off.
Independent brewers are thriving off of their local market as is. If the consumer demands their growth then it will happen.

Bourbon County is the best BBA beer on the market.

>> No.9135942
File: 2.28 MB, 1600x900, Ferdek_podczas_ceremoni_otwierania_piwa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any Polfags here? What are the best Polish beers?

>> No.9135973
File: 368 KB, 1450x1631, 20170519_155331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But some people i dont like drink beer so beer is bad i dont want anyone to call me a hipster because im not a hipster im a very cool person who doesn't afraid of anything but microbrew because hipsters drink microbrew and that is bad because anything they drink is bad beacuse i dont like them because they have pants and beards and that means that i cant beer or pants or beard because fags and arent I so great?...


>> No.9135978

What kinduv beer is it? Why would you just assume we know what you are talking about?

>> No.9135980

That dog looks like Mordecai from Borderlands.

>> No.9135992

>i like the fact that multinational corporations can use mafioso tactics to squeeze out the small independent competition.

American "free market" economy, everybody!

>> No.9136086

Because it's the same guy who posts that stupid beer in almost every beer thread. I honestly can't tell if he's trying to meme or not at this point

>> No.9136191

>providing incentives
>mafioso tactics
Just get out. You misquoted and made up some implication that I didn't say.

>> No.9136307

You responded to a guy that explained why he disliked InBev's strong arm tactics shutting down independent competition with, "fuck off." You further stated that shelf space in stores inaccessible to independents because of said tactics would not affect the viability of independents. Therefore, my assertion that you support strongarm mafioso tactics by mafioso stands, you corporate sycophant.

>> No.9136340

So which independent breweries have gone under due to a lack of shelf space? Your stance on a corporation using mafioso tactics is overly dramatic. Do you know that there are independent breweries that are backed by the actual mafia? Does your line of morality only come into play when a multi-national corporation comes into play? I'll buy what tastes good not because I'm sucking up to some company, you commie.

The fact remains that new independent breweries are opening every single month nationwide. The market is still growing as it should when more people are choosing for local beers.

>> No.9136621

If you liked the Gouden Carolus then try the Triple, it's my very favorite beer of that style I've had. The cuvee blue is a love it or hate it thing but I'd recommend the cuvee red to most people. Also the blonde they put out, Lucifer, is lovely. The Noel is also really popular I tend to shy away from beers that heavily spiced, but it performs to the style admirably. I have a great love of the Het Anker brewery in general.
The Delerium Tremens is inferior in every way to the Nocturnum, surprised in pulled in at 4 on your list.
Duvel is overrated and Leffe fills that niche far better.
Curious about that chocolate quad now. How heavy does it go on the sweetness?

>> No.9136830

You must be an actual paid shill to be defending that kind of bullshit.

>> No.9137149

Local packy has a huge pile of https://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/32783/151897/ in 4x16 for $5. Not as good as their 99 cent any single special they ran until they realized just how much Dogfish Head 90-Minute I was buying, but I'm satisfied.

>> No.9137270
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>> No.9138001
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>> No.9138364

you should try batch 15 IPA from aslan breweries

>> No.9138376

you gotta try their imperial IPA

>> No.9138553
File: 108 KB, 600x600, A36R2227-600x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coopers sparkling ale, my dude.
5.8% $14.95 AUD for a six pack

>> No.9138762
File: 53 KB, 250x899, beer_6561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zywiec Porter in the fridge

>> No.9139200
File: 41 KB, 481x640, Schlenkerla Eiche Doppelbock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drinking this. pretty deluxe.

>> No.9139277
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Y'all plebs step aside

>> No.9139284

Shit, bet that's good, I've only had the one in a purple can, think it was called Father,Son, and Holy Gose or something to that effect.

>> No.9139320

i did not know they had a porter

>> No.9139349

if the most prominent flavour in the beer is alcholo itself you know you fucked up

>> No.9139657

Or maybe some people don't care about your flimsy lines of morality and just want to drink good beer.

>> No.9140254
File: 747 KB, 1556x2074, AmagerMandarninaMan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very refreshing IPA!

>> No.9140289

>literally drinking poison
you can't make this shit up

>> No.9140295
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>tfw hard to find craft beers where I live

>> No.9140672
File: 1.41 MB, 2560x1920, IMG_20170629_204457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great little brewery hiding out in connecticut

>> No.9140800

Because google is a thing? Or maybe he is hoping for insight from people who have had it?

>> No.9140803


>> No.9141030

Disgusting? I don't think so. Tastes like a typical porter. Lots of dark chocolate and malts. No alcohol at all

>> No.9141039

looks nasty

>> No.9141045

any other stupidly dry hopped american style IPA

>> No.9141051

>farmhouse with honey
sounds like they better keep hiding

>> No.9141070
File: 235 KB, 470x470, fwf-pale-ale_ah-sq_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently enjoying these

>> No.9142320

I had Allagash White last night and I thought it tasted like feet, I was so disappointed

>> No.9142383
File: 1.54 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20170708_013421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just drank these and then ate some cheese.

>> No.9144236


>> No.9144255
File: 52 KB, 1024x768, 20150702_joe_1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently enjoying the best beer for non beer lovers

>> No.9144415
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>> No.9144965

I bought a 30 rack of Rolling Rock and 12th of Never 12 pack recently. I'm wondering if I should buy a 30 pack of Miller high life, lite, or PBR next time. Once fall and winter come, I'm buying Sam Adams Oktoberfest and Lagunitas Nighttime.

>> No.9144981

Made by the same people who make Mike's lemonade and Four lokos I think.

>> No.9145035

Completely wrong anon, Four loko and mikes are a different company from one another, as well as the people that make not your fathers.are their own company.

>> No.9145376
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Good less people at the brewery is always nice. Don't every go here either

>> No.9145700

I cant into anything that isnt pilsen, lager or weiss
Am I a fag?

>> No.9145731
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Does anyone else notice that certain brewiers make you feel like shit? When I drink victory beers I always get massive headaches? Is it just the way they mix it, or somethign? I don't get the same shitty feelings from other breweries

>> No.9147156
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ill throw a couple Haul pics in here from recently to bump

>> No.9147161
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>> No.9147167
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>> No.9148615
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r8 muh haul
Franziskaner is a favourite of mine, but it is my first time trying the others. I had the Graffiti Pale Ale with dinner. I gotta kinda orangey taste from it, not as bitter as other pale ales, though I could still smell the hops.

>> No.9150752

I enjoy coopers plus its cheap, I'm making one of their diy kits at the moment as well

>> No.9150758


>> No.9150783

Can't r8 as I haven't tried any. Let us know how the chocolate lager is, sounds a bit of a mismatch.

>> No.9150821
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This is pretty good.

You guys should pick up a pack of it.

>> No.9150953

I'm drinking life

>> No.9152274
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Vacation goes on!

Not all that impressed, liked alesmiths ipa more!

>> No.9152290
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Not my usual but it's alright. Very malty but still bitter as shit, almost like a blond roast coffee with extra skunky pine tree. Would drink again but hopyum from foothills is more my thing.

>> No.9152326
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I have yet to find a better NC brewery.

>> No.9153183
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>frosting your glass

Huh, guess you can't stand the taste of your beer unless it literally numbs your mouth

>> No.9153461

Ultimately, experience. Once you can feel your gait change, that's a good time to call it quits.

Define 'a lot' and 'a little'.

If you're worried about that you should probably cut back.

>> No.9154180

Question time: how particular are you about the temperature of your drink? Do you own and use a beer thermometer?

>> No.9154210

he is drinking Yuengling, seems like a good idea to frost that shit

>> No.9154215

Only really picky with abbey ales and maybe bourbon/coffee stouts. I love me some fruity esters.

>> No.9154241

You didn't really buy a product labeled as a "beer thermometer" did you?

>> No.9154361
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Also wondering this

>> No.9154425
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>on vacation
>pick up a bottle of Delirium Tremens on the way to parents house on a whim
>take the cage off the bottle
>barely touch the cork before it pops off like a fucking rocket with a really loud bang
>everyone in the house is immediately wide awake, dad walks in with a gun expecting niggers

I feel like the carbonation might be a tad high.

>> No.9154443

Update: It is indeed a very fizzy beer, but just as tasty as I was led to believe. Would buy again.

>> No.9154468
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It was a beer.

>> No.9154470

Was it good, though?

>> No.9154519

I'm not sure. Everyone hypes it up so much and people always ask if we have it in stock (the answer is typically "no"), but I didn't taste anything that made me feel ecstatic or repulsed.

It was a good/10 beer to me. I'll say that.

>> No.9154535

*I'll add, I really did appreciate the citrus hops in it. I don't like pine heavy hops too much. They make me queasy on an empty stomach.

>> No.9154581

I tried Allagash White the other night and was pretty let down, it tasted like feet (in a bad way)

>> No.9154589

Their tripel is pretty decent. I saw the barrel aged version at my bottle shop. Considering giving it a try.

>> No.9154594

Azacca is my favorite hop for this exact reason. It's the most mango-like hop I've seen yet. IF anyone knows any hops off hand with similar profiles, I'd be interested in hearing about it.

>> No.9154596

I'm still open to trying their other beers, I just didn't like the white. It had like an unsweetened bubble gum kind of taste which I didn't mind but it really did sorta taste like feet which made it unenjoyable.

I guess with wheat beers, the esthers have such a wide range of flavors and our palates all perceive them differently

>> No.9154610

XXX belgians are my shit

>> No.9154624

I've never tried their white, though I suppose I should. If you're gonna put a 5.X% ABV beer in a four pack, don't make it the same price as a delicious comparable witbier six pack sitting on the same shelf...

>> No.9154628

No, but I might if someone shills for one here. Hit me with your best shot!

>> No.9154632

Just tried this yesterday and it's surprisingly good. Tastes like bud light lime but done well.

>> No.9154637
File: 76 KB, 1050x1050, fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A regular cooking thermometer works fine, anon, which you should already own for cooking meats. Just be sure to sterilize it because, yknow, raw meat.

>> No.9154698

What are some witbiers you recommend?

I had Ommegang and it was pretty good, it's not my favorite style but that one was much better than the Allagash IMO.

>> No.9155001

It was actually good.
I really enjoy reds though. Sorry it took so long to reply.

>> No.9155008

I only have one bottle of beer and 2 of scotch that are empty.
I'm going to find some of these nice labels I keep seeing and age one for a few months and enjoy it on my birthday. Dark and relatively cool, right?

>> No.9155010

Also, someone start a new decent beer thread.

>> No.9155101

Try their Nocturnum, so fucking good.

Their tremens is a fantastic and refreshing beer, but if you think that carbonation is bad try a Duvel, one of the best tasting belgians out there, but my god it's carbonated to hell.

>bought a bottle of Duvel once without knowing anything about it
>proceed to pour it like it's a nitro beer for whatever retarded reason

Before I got a quarter of the bottle in the glass, I had 4+ fingers of head.

>> No.9155116

not him but I would much rather a beer be too carbonated than not carbonated enough

Especially adjunct lagers, when they're flight (like Keystone Light) they're pretty damn awful

>> No.9155118

*when they're flat

>> No.9155273

Sucks that there's no way to buy it now. I'd keep it too.

>> No.9155331

dope beer

>> No.9155803

we picked up for friends