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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 307 KB, 1200x900, molly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9112703 No.9112703 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you dropped all the canned spaghetti sauce that it took you all day to prepare

>> No.9112711

this picture has it all

>> No.9112718

haha what a stupid b*tch

>> No.9112752

If I was there I would tell her it's okay and doing something funny to amuse her, letting her lick some off the floor then giving her some regular cat food.

>> No.9112766
File: 71 KB, 498x668, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you don't cook for your lower class family and live a happy life

>> No.9112776

Dumb roastie deserved it

>> No.9112784

do americans really drink 2 liters of soda at a time?

>> No.9112802

Chick's probably going to get beaten by her husband because she ruined dinner and it's why she's so distraught.

He's probably coming back from his shitty factory job right now, ready to drink six Milwaukee's Bests and eat his shitty spaghetti dinner.

I hate people.

>> No.9112838

If thats the case then why is she wasting time crying about it and not hurrying to pick that shit up?

>> No.9112843

obviously the kitchen camera already recorded it, so there would be no point

>> No.9112847

Oh, heavens no. The rest of her bottles are in the other room.

>> No.9112850


>heating gravy in a slow cooker

Fucking retard. There isn't even meat in there. No shank, no sausages, no meatballs, no beef cubes, fucking embarrassing.

>> No.9112855

Top lel

>> No.9112859

he probably already beat her a few times for screwing up and she was going to make up for with that slow cooked sauce. Probably doesn't have any more sauce and definitely doesn't have time to slow cook it. There's no coming back from this one. She's just trying to decide if she has the right make-up to cover up the incoming bruises for the crawfish boil on Saturday

>> No.9112865

no I think hes asking why she is drinking them 2 liters at a time instead of 10 like everyone else

>> No.9112868
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>> No.9113015

>cat in the kitchen
food wasn't fit for human consumption to begin with

>> No.9113131
File: 404 KB, 1600x1235, 1477386203743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have a 4 page recipe for some primo spaghetti sauce. I might get pretty emotional about losing it after all after hours of prep.

But that is prepackaged pasta-paste. Why is she pouting and idly watching the cat play in it instead of just cleaning the shit up? You would never see a man do this. Not even a numale.

>> No.9113135

It does indeed. Including a nice camel toe.

>> No.9113149

The fridge magnet says ub law. She's just a dumb cunt who never learned to cook cuz muh career empowered woman.

>> No.9113211


>> No.9113246

>All this projecting
Oh my god it's like /r9k/ showed up

>> No.9113303
File: 29 KB, 640x641, 1495298017253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bad foods

>> No.9113374

>because she went to college she neglected cooking
Every girl I know who went to college is either a passable to great cook. They just had to learn how to be self sufficient once they left home. More likely her parents paid her way through school while she stayed at home letting mommy cook her tendies.

>> No.9113587
File: 34 KB, 600x600, 1300044776986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying she isn't crying because she has to clean up that mess.
I mean, she might break a nail guys... that's some serious shit yo

>> No.9113594
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>> No.9113608
File: 57 KB, 685x280, WhyFailureIsInevitable_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your girl tries to pass off fucking Ragu and spaghetti as pasta dinner

>> No.9113621

To be fair that's one hell of a mess.

>> No.9113630

I would love to come in and eat her fucking pussy with her in the exact position she's in in the pic. Even if her face is unattractive.

>> No.9113640

Many do. Some can't tolerate unsweetened water.

>> No.9113643

Let me guess you haven't jerked off in a while

>> No.9113786

I don't know what percentage of Americans are like this but as a burger I can confirm that I have personally met people that "don't like water". I actually used to be one when I was a fatass child and my parents let me drink exclusively Coke. That some people have this opinion as an adult or even as a teenager is very depressing to me.

>> No.9113914

j u i c y

>> No.9113929

Dan Ryckert?

>> No.9113990


>> No.9114205

to be fair, I have that slow cooker and the crock is heavy as fuck - i mean like probably 10-15 pounds empty.

>> No.9114223

>all these faggots who have never had a bad week and then made a huge mess out of what was supposed to be a nice meal

>> No.9114240

I never understood what she's upset about. It's just tomato sauce. It's not like she broke the lid or stoneware. Could be that now she has to mop the shit up.

>> No.9114241



>> No.9114417

Well sitting on the floor crying about it isn't going solve the problem, in fact it will be worse when it starts drying up and sticking to the floor

>> No.9114533

>ywn lick the sauce off her feet

A holy image indeed

>> No.9114541

this isn't interest payments, cleaning up tomato sauce isn't going to be worse in any significant way from the first hour to the next

>> No.9115018 [DELETED] 
File: 360 KB, 655x547, BonelessSkinlessChickenBreasts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is my chicken sometimes dry, especially when I reheat in the oven?

>get chicken out of pouch
>put it in my baking pan
>season bottom side
>flip over
>season top side
>chop up some broccoli
>cover it in foil
>throw it in for 45 minutes @ 400F

Should I be marinating it or throwing some extra chicken broth in the pan with it?

>> No.9115019

>she ruined dinner
it takes literally 10 minutes to make pasta

>> No.9115022
File: 1.44 MB, 320x179, HNqeTCi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]