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File: 33 KB, 696x464, monkfish.jpg.696x0_q80_crop-smart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9109893 No.9109893 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, help me out here guys:

I'm thinking about becoming some variation of vegan because I simply can't deal with the concept of killing gentle sweethearts anymore. However, I'm not prepared to go all the way quite yet, and certainly don't want to suddenly have to eat just fish either.

As such, I propose a diet plan-
The Repugnant Diet

In an attempt to set things right after watching Okja, I will now attempt to base my diet around only consuming animal products that exploit objectively "ugly" things.

Where would I begin with planning?

>> No.9109920

Seems like it would be more effort than just eating common plant foods?

>> No.9109939

What if I'm concerned about the plant's cuteness as well you inconsiderate psychopath?

>> No.9109962

>defining "objectively ugly"
>in a society with a big bin of "cute pile of shit" pillows right by the entrance at walmart

gl fampai

>> No.9109964

Then you better not eat any farmed animals who are fed farmed plants.

>> No.9109983

Why don't you just eat what you kill. You would have a greater respect and reverence for life and your food.

>> No.9109986
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Fucking eat geese. They are vile creatures.

>> No.9109998

i eat shark fins, snake, frogs, and wild forest dogs, they look pretty ugly

>> No.9110019
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>i eat wild forest dogs

>> No.9110032
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>Eating CUTE sneks

>> No.9110044

Were the plants cute?

>> No.9110061

>gentle sweethearts
is this bait?

>> No.9110076
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>> No.9110103
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>> No.9110109

What on earth would make you think it wasn't?

>> No.9110136

im ashamed of it but he almost got me

>> No.9110156

Don't eat ugly animals, eat asshole animals.

>> No.9110198
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This so God damn much.
I fucking hate geese

>> No.9110231
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Eat eel
Ugly and delicious as fuck

>> No.9110234
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>> No.9110261


>> No.9110303
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LMAO people still giving out the old "killing things makes you respect them" bullshit.

How the fuck can that seem logical to anyone with more than three brain cells?

>> No.9110309

It's like a diet-
it can work with some people, but not everyone.

There'll always be hunters laughing their ass off because they degloved a deer's face with an exploding arrowhead.

>> No.9110312

Wasp larvae are supposed to be good

>> No.9110327

I personally respect the work I put into any plants I grow and any fish I kill.
Seeing the life fade them reminds me that I have killed this thing to continue on.

This is a pretty common view.

>> No.9110363

>reminds me that I have killed this thing to continue on.
Except you didn't. You could easily be vegan but you made a choice to kill them for no reason. That's the opposite of respect, mate.

At least own up to the fact that you don't give a shit. These delusions and manipulations are really unhealthy. Or if you're too much of a little manbaby to go vegan, at least keep your delusions to yourself instead of trying to lower the IQ of everyone around you.

>> No.9110376

it's this confrontational smugness that is the ENTIRE reason why veganism isn't a major world diet.

>> No.9110382

No matter what we eat, something must die.

If I chose to be vegan, the plants in my diet would die. If I choose to get store bought meat, the animal (and plants it ate) would die.

Working hard to raise a plant or fish a fish can make one respect life and continuation of it more.

>you don't give a shit.
Of course, who doesn't at times. Sometimes, I like to give shits.

It's cool if you don't view it the same way I do.

>> No.9110420
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Yeah and it has nothing to do with you being a weak little beta trying to blame vegans being indelicate for you continuing to fund animal abuse because you're either too braindead or too weak to make the responsible and logical decision.

>> No.9110424

Why are vegans such assholes?

>> No.9110432
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>maybe we should just eat something else
maybe we should just come up with more advanced ways of getting eggs that don't involve chickens

>> No.9110444

Actually it's more that you want to believe they're bigger assholes than other people, when in reality overall we're way fucking nicer and you just don't like getting called out on your bullshit so you begin to stereotype us to suit your delusions.

>> No.9110460

>exploding arrowhead

>> No.9110470

They're the SJW of food, but instead of virtue signalling on sexual deviants and oppressed minority/niggers they're doing it with animals

>> No.9110483

Cuz were morally superior and we know it bby

>> No.9110502

The term SJW should be reserved for people who only pretend to care about issues for the image it gives them. SJW's are more like the people who harass vegans for criticizing the Yulin dog meat festival because it's "racist". They focus on trivial issues because they think it makes them special for caring about it.

But animal agriculture is actually a huge fucking issue for animals, people, and the environment. So they're definitely justified in judging people who spread bullshit to defend eating animals for no reason.

>> No.9110505

Some vegans get addicted to arguing and attacking others. They might've started out genuinely doing it to help animals but that becomes less important as they spiral into their anger addiction. Some vegans are still nice though, but they'll usually be less judgmental and vocal about their choices unless you ask.

Veganism is going to be obsolete once we can make lab-grown meat that's exactly the same as meat from an animal though. Lots of vegans say they would eat meat when it's available. Instead of vegan vs omnivore, it'll be lab-grown meat eaters vs animal meat eaters.

>> No.9110524

I'm waiting for the super stores to start selling them juicy invertebrates.

>> No.9110571

Except its literally their culture and you should fuck off, its a good thing this western leftist activism bullshit didn't take hold in Asia

>> No.9110587

Human sacrifice and cannibalism was (and is?) part of some cultures. Cultures can have bad parts.

>> No.9110737
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Alligator is pretty tasty, also lamprey is one of the ugliest fish in existence. Yet it is boneless (unlike an eel) and is/was considered a great delicacy in Europe. Currently, while Europe imposes strict fishing restrictions on catching them, in Freedom land they are devastating the great lakes fishing industry. People literally kill as many as they can and dump them to rot, few think to eat them. Help make America great, eat a lamprey

>> No.9110792

Most ducks are conceived by rape. Eating a male roast duck is both delicious and morally satisfying.

You could also just keep eating cows. They're opportunistic omnivores that enjoy eating baby birds when they can reach them. White tail deer also do this, according to nature cams. So weird.

I think parsnips are ugly vegetables.

>> No.9110800

Neat. I'm totally going to splash out on lamprey the next time I go to Hmart to convince my family these trash animals are delicious.

Should I cook them in eel sauce too, or is there a better way?

>> No.9110847

A different way for a high cholesterol boost to ruin my arteries. Genius!

>> No.9110864

Eh, artificial egg doesn't taste dreadful if it's not a main ingredient. You know, a tablespoon for binder.

These things will improve over time. Until then, I'm probably going to keep buying eggs because male chickens are roid-filled little assholes.

>> No.9111123
File: 59 KB, 1050x590, sea lamprey à la bordelaise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't speak with much experience on the matter, I don't live close enough to the great lakes to catch them myself and I can't find a convenient supplier locally, but it is on my list of things to try. There is some more unusual steps in prepping lamprey though, the blood and mucus is lightly toxic so it has to be drained and cleaned. However I see recipes where the blood is used to cook the meat in, so I presume it loses toxicity with cooking. In England it was popular to make pies out of them, Portugal has a rice dish of lamprey boiled in it's own blood, and I see a few mentions of it served in a bordelaise sauce in France.

>> No.9111140


I think I'll use eel sauce at first, for the lamprey surprise, but pies and bordelaise sound great. The blood and rice dish will probably just be for me...

>> No.9111156

Is it white without the red wine? Or a darker meat already

>> No.9111382

Rat genocide

>> No.9112239

You can catch a bunch of those in Piscatoris.

>> No.9112249

Maybe just eat your own doo doo. If that's repugnant enough for you

>> No.9112262

Problem is that there are shit tons of field animals ranging from rats, dogs, racoons, etc. that get grounded up in grain/crop fields. In our current agriculturial system you CANNOT escape the slaughter of innocent animals. Your heart's in the right place but reality's a bitch.

>> No.9112563

eat hipsters, then.

>> No.9112607

Gay sex occurs in the animal kingdom and so does murder of cute wittle animals for food. Get over it, shitlord.

>> No.9112740

what does gay sex have to do with anything

>> No.9112746

Exactly how gay is the sex? Are we just talking a blow job, or more?

>> No.9112751

>Gosh guy I know you're right and I can't refute you in the slightest but you're being such a dick about it I'm going to completely ignore you anyway
Solid moral fiber there champ.

>> No.9112821

What's so bad about being blended to death? Its a painless and instant way to die

>> No.9112826

Enjoy your wild forest Lepra.

>> No.9112841

What's the vegan argument against eating bugs? It's very environmentally friendly/sustainable and bugs don't feel pain.

>> No.9112881

Ohhh baby, yeah.

>> No.9112922

Top cuck, you vegans are never happy. He argues with you and it's "MY SUPERIOR MIND ALLOWS ME TO EASILY TEAR YOU APART FROM ATOP MY HIGH HORSE." He doesn't argue with you and it's "THAT'S WHAT I THOUGHT, CHECK YOUR PRIVILEGE AND STAY QUIET." Your points would probably even be considered if you didn't invalidate them yourself by attacking people instead of arguements.

>> No.9112932

Remove honk.

>> No.9113317
File: 267 KB, 1600x1060, DSC_6108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the flesh is darker than most fish as seen raw here.
In addition to the coloration, apparently the texture and taste set it aside from other types of seafood. The texture is described as much firmer than most fish, somewhere around tuna and beef. Seems it would lend itself to soups, stews, and curries.

>> No.9115045

It's just a brojob so the gayness is debatable.

>> No.9115050

He looks so sad. I couldn't eat him.

>> No.9116506
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maybe you just need to look at it from another angle?

Seriously though, lampreys are assholes, they chew holes into other fish and drink their blood until they expire. Each lamprey can kill multiple large fish in it's lifespan and has few to no natural predators in the great lakes, which is how they have multiplied like rabbits and obliterated the fishing trade up there. No need to waste any sympathy on them.

>> No.9117165

I'd hit that.

>> No.9117573

My pet goose, Ryan gooseling, just died. I loved him, you dicks.

>> No.9118708

Reminder that there are vegans that give their pet dogs/cats vegan diets.

>> No.9118710

>way fucking nicer
Yeah real nice there bud

>> No.9118718

Cows are fucking hideous and dumb as shit to boot

Pigs are both ugly on the outside and the inside, male pig rape each other for dominance, having long corkscrew penises this means they can legit fucking snap off inside the other. Female pigs need to be separated from their young because they will eat them.

>> No.9118728

Geese are apparently quite delicious, their eggs are God tier

>> No.9119994

Pigs are utter survivalists.

It's why they turn into such pieces of shit when all of their needs are filled by a farmer. They become a fat piece of shit that might roll over in the night and crush one of their piglets, and then eat it in the morning.

Wild ones are pretty savvy but still brutal. I hunt for them in an area where they are well used to it. If they hear the dogs barking they run in the opposite direction from their young. If a dog tries to grab them the smarter ones will just keep running rather than fight it, because they know the man comes next with his knife if they get cornered. They'll drag a dog through the thickest undergrowth they can find to make it hard for you, and hope he lets go or it at least buys some time to fight. They're as smart as dogs but individual survivalists rather than pack animals.

>> No.9121669

I've heard some pretty clever excuses for Virgin but this one is best.

>> No.9121683
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>having long corkscrew penises this means they can legit fucking snap off inside the other