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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 56 KB, 800x533, Pitted-Black-Olives.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9106752 No.9106752 [Reply] [Original]

olives make a great snack. Cheap, healthy, briny and satisfying

>> No.9106763

Those are blueberries.

>> No.9106805

>Those are blueberries.
Those are certainly not fucking blueberries

>> No.9106821
File: 6 KB, 240x240, 1463896556043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9106826

One or two is all the added salt you should have most days if you give a fuck.

>> No.9106913

stop exaggerating

>> No.9106922

I noticed that you didn't say tasty, OP.

>> No.9106925

weird blueberries dude

>> No.9107024
File: 42 KB, 332x450, Castelvetrano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black olives
Shit taste.

>> No.9107031

Henlo s3krit

>> No.9107108

Aren't the black ones fake shit? They barely taste like olives

>> No.9107635
File: 110 KB, 640x617, IMG_6002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I eat them everyday. I don't go overboard on them or anything tho. Kalamata are my favorite. Pic related is my breakfast this AM. Goat cheese, Greek olive mix, and cucumbers.

>> No.9107734

Muffuletta = God tier

>> No.9108379

Good on pizza

>> No.9108390

>tfw I put olives in almost everything I make regardless of the taste

I just really like this traditional middle eastern fruit!

>> No.9108424

>"Aren't the black ones fake shit?"

These are the people you share a board with. No, you fucking cockmonger. Black olives are ripe.

>> No.9108464

Something tells me you read that off a can. Those are "California process" olives. If they're pitch black, they're probably lye-"ripened". It's slightly worse than calling a pickle a cucumber to call those fuckers olives.

>> No.9108598
File: 21 KB, 660x444, 1402566485556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not overboard
I hope you're planning to skip lunch.

>> No.9108611

I'm pretty sure the blackness comes from being stored in chemicals, hence the weird flavour.
I usually eat kalamata olives which are brown at their darkest. I bet you're a mexican or some shit, olives are the realm of the white man.

>> No.9108615


>> No.9108628

6 olives on a plate

> overboard

>> No.9108692

t. amerifat

>> No.9108714

45 calories per 3 olives

t. butthurt euro cuck

>> No.9108732

There are god tier olives but so expensive.

>> No.9108744

>amerisperg likes heartattack
>somehow this butthurts euroslim