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9095354 No.9095354 [Reply] [Original]

al/ck/ alchie alcoholism General


>> No.9095358

First for booze

>> No.9095374

Day #2 of not going out to the bars.
What's even worse than being sober is the thought of all those people out there right now having fun and I'm just sitting here on the fucking internet.

>> No.9095406

bros i've been trying to cut down. i went from drinking god knows how much to 4 beers, to 3, to 2 and wow have i been a miserable cunt all week. like i dont even think i'm in a bad mood but then someone reacts to something i've said like o_o and i realize i just want booze and i don't mean to act a dickhead. fuck mates :( i used to be a funny, witty guy, but the past week (maybe two) i've just been wondering how i still hve a gf desu. welp cheers i'm drinking another fuck tapering off i guess

>> No.9095409

Had a fever of 102 for about 9 hours after drinking a liter
Think its finally time to cut back

>> No.9095713

I fucked up again

>> No.9095805

Fucking normie.

>> No.9095811
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95 days today. I'm so glad I'm not living like I was. I was on a fast track to an early grave.

>> No.9095812

Drank half a bottle of dry Pastis/Ricard two days ago and blacked out.
My head still feels like it's trying to explode.

>> No.9096100

i managed 7 days of sobriety, then i slipped and drank 0,7 vodka.

life is guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuud

>> No.9096274

This really motivated me to not get addicted. I'm too much of a happy person without it I couldn't imagine feeling what you are feeling

>> No.9096289

Woke up in a huge pool of my own piss today. Can't flip the matress because I did the same on the other side.

Keep telling myself to get it together but for some reason I just don't.

>> No.9096298

When are you going to stop drinking your life away?

>> No.9096302

Just throw it all out

>> No.9096303

I want to drink but am on extended release pain killers so can't keep anything down : (

>> No.9096690

so weak

>> No.9096702

Butt chug

>> No.9096926


>> No.9097153

I've got a midterm today and I'm drinking absinthe. Why is it so fucking tasty?

Also, I've sort of turned my dad, stepmother, and step-sister into alcoholics by urging them into drinking more and more. I think I might be the devil.

>> No.9097180

15 days sober.

Today I noticed a change, I went to work and was actually happy for once. I also laughed genuinely for the first time in forever.

>> No.9097189

Question. How much did you drink over how long? Have you noticed wanting to be more sociable now you don't drink and finally, how long did it take you to feel happy again?

>> No.9097199

How can you be happy at work. Isn't joy anathema to work?

>> No.9097203

im fucked

theres bugs everywhere

>> No.9097205

That's what I was thinking. It's a terrible job with terrible colleagues but today I was happy for some reason. It was a welcome change from self-loathing.

>> No.9097229

It's OK bud, everyone fucks up. Start again :)

>> No.9097235

Great post now kill yourself subhuman

>> No.9097246


>> No.9097250

What's the beat way to approach two faggots who keep drinking till 6 am in the building. I don't care about parties themselves, but they jjst start shouting like they want to kill each other.

>> No.9097251

to be honest with you man you might not be the devil but you are kind of a piece of shit. My cousin did the same thing to me, he wanted a drinking buddy and he peer pressured me every time we hung out until I finally started drinking with him and now I'm a hopeless alcoholic.

>> No.9097258

I shat myself with diarrhea in a restaurant because I got piss drunk before the date, this is the lowest I've ever been

>> No.9097260

Not him, but I'm in a very similar position so can give give you some answers.

72 days here. Was drinking since I was 13... abusing it in my teens, would drink whatever I could get my hands on, passed out a lot. My entire teenage life is a blur. At 19 I began to drink only alone. Cut off from everyone and would drink around 5 bottles of 70cl vodka a week with ciders thrown in. Did that for 3 years on and off (never stopped drinking just drank less or more).

First 2 weeks were horrible. Sweats, headaches and hard to sleep. Very weak and pain in my abdomen and frequent infections.

Also incredibly boring, but I stuck with it.

It gets better tho...a lot better. Before I quit I was thinking how I was going to be able to speak to anybody ever again normally, but around a month in, I guess the brain fog began to go and I began speaking to people again. I think the social aspect comes from pride and self esteem...when you're an alcoholic you feel worthless unless you've had a drink therefore you don't feel you want to engage with anyone.

Now I'm going to start the gym next week and trying harder than ever to find a decent job. Best decision of my life, if you're in a similar boat...do it.

If you have any other questions I'll hang about for a bit, I think having someone talk from personal experience is good to get motivated. I asked very similar questions when I decided to do it.

>> No.9097263

It'll be a hilarious story to tell in the future anon. Don't sweat it

>> No.9097284

I'm on day 15 and I don't have headaches or anything like that, in fact I sleep better now. The problem is I have the worst brain fog at the moment. I struggle to remember conversations I have had earlier in the day (which is shit when you have a gf and she begins to think you just don't listen). I hope it goes away soon.

I still feel pretty worthless and I have a hard time striking up a conversation (I was shy even before alcohol) or thinking of anything interesting to say (brain fog).

I just got a gym membership so hopefully exercise will help me feel happier and at least I don't feel like relapsing.

>> No.9097309

Man, beer in Canada is so expensive. 60 bucks for 4 473ml Asahi singles and a 12 pack of shock top and bottle opener.

Also the shock top box ripped and the bottles dropped out breaking all over the floor. Luckily they didn't charge me for that.

>> No.9097316

Just remember it's perfectly normal. Tell the people around you how you feel also and keep reminding yourself it will get better. I worked a day last montg (was temp job from an agency) and ended up talking to a guy on breaks, and even ended up walking to the bus stop with him and it was a constant conversation...and I enjoyed it!

At the end of it I reflected back on it and realised how I couldn't have done that 15 days in as you are... at least not without added effort.

What I'm saying is it will just click one day bud, and you'll thank yourself.

And yeah the gym will help a lot. It'll keep you busy.

Glad you're on the right path mate

>> No.9097322

yea it's really expensive to be an alcoholic here

>> No.9097332

Mental. I buy 660ml bottles of it for £1.39 where I live.

>> No.9097337
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this should be al/ck/s theme song


enjoyment instead of self pity. that's where it is!

>> No.9097338

Even 12 of the cheapest crap is like 26$ for 12. Pretty ridiculous.

>> No.9097343

$46-$56 for a case of 24x 330 ml Asahi Superdrys here. Rather just buy rum

>> No.9097344

Was 14 for 4. So more than 3 dollars.

>> No.9097383

I'd drink rum if I could. But I can't stand drinking straight and I always run out of mixer too early. One shot these days makes me puke. Used to be able to take shots when I was young though. I'm approaching 30 and my stomach isn't what it used to be.

>> No.9097398

what do YOU tend to eat when extremely dtunk?

>> No.9097401

i managed to get my partner drunk with me today, using beers into malibu/coke into fireball

is drinking together a good or bad thing

>> No.9097412


>> No.9097413

roasted peanuts
kinder buenos
if you both have a laugh and fug at the end then it can't be a band thing

>> No.9097421

hot dogs, sometimes. I'll drunkenly go to 7-11 and buy a couple and put lots of toppings on it. But usuall ythat's when I ran out of beer. I don't like to mess with my buzz.

>> No.9097429

Don't make it a habit because it'll make sober times less fun. Save it for a once in a while thing getting shit faced.

>> No.9097443

Whenever I drink now my neck/ throat seems to swell.

Am I dying?

>> No.9097450

We're all dying anon

>> No.9097496

When I used to have friends, all we did was drink. Hanging out sober was boring af.

>> No.9097511

Need to stop.

Killed a bottle of gin sat night. Drank a 12 pack and some wine on Sunday. Mild withdrawals today but hollly fuck the anxiety and depersonalization were unreal today . felt like i was dead and terrified at the same time. Terror about nothing and everything at the same time.

Gonna really put some dry time together. This is gonna kill me.

>> No.9097600

Alcoholism isn't all bad. I'm in such a state that I genuinely fear nothing anymore, unless I'm in a state of withdrawal. In the last 18 months, I've randomly gone up to girls in the street and confidently spoken with them maybe 100 times. Three times, one of them being about 45 minutes ago, i've kind of…not so much asked, but told, those girls that they're coming home with me. Which they did. It's incredible how much confidence you have when you're afraid of nothing, not even death. As bleak as the world looks when you're an alcoholic, the world is a very different place. Everything is different.
Her name was Kim, married but not content. even got a 'selfie' of us in bed together. That was nice.

>> No.9097626

post it

>> No.9097640

alcohol and mental illness stole all my japanese knowledge. 今は日本語わかんあい ;___;

>> No.9097643

I'll have to photoshop a couple of things out first and I've only got my phone atm. I'll post it tomorrow if I can get to one of my computers.
Feeling so satisfied right now. I needed that. Really nice, slightly shy brunette gril who let me do what i wanted. Going to get addicted to trying this if I'm not careful, and one day end up back in jail because I hit on the wrong girl.

>> No.9097680

Nothing, tbqh.
Wh n I do eat though it'll be a fruit smoothie and maybe some Parma ham. Just easy, healthy, no nonsense, high calorie convenience food that I can shove in my face and forget about.

>> No.9097694

Somehow this part is terrifying for me. I'm so used to numbing my feelings, feeling unfiltered raw joy is almost painful, and made me fall of the wagon more than once.

Oh wow. Was she someone you fancied?

>Mild withdrawals
>anxiety and depersonalization
Consider tapering next time.

>> No.9097728

Pro tip: No one's having fun there. The alcohol hides their crippling depression and desperate lonliness

>> No.9097780

The 16 year old next door looked really cute today. She was sitting on her porch. I almost told her how cute she was. I don't want to get beat up by her dad.

>> No.9097806

I haven't shit or pissed myself when drunk yet. I guess I'm not truly an alky yet.

>> No.9097831

I want to die

>> No.9097869

I've enjoyed time with a few 16yo girls. Legal here. Really nice physically but emotionally terrible. Ultimately not worth it. If I ever do decide that I want a relationship, which I doubt I will, she's gonna be in her late 20's.
Sex is massively over rated.

>> No.9097924

Bar people are total shit tho

>> No.9098017

>tfw probably going to secretly buy alcohol without gf's knowledge for the first time today
>tfw this act is also my rock bottom that will help wean me off drinking and keep it to once every week or two

>> No.9098065

Use the ol water bottle and vodka trick.

Get out of the house, pick up a case of water (you should have one in your car anyway for emergencies) and a bottle of vodka.

Empty the vodka bottle into the water bottles, put them in your trunk, and take one out every time you need a drink

You wouldn't believe the looks you get in a parking lot from filling up water bottles with a handle of vodka

>> No.9098084

Not sure the two are related

>> No.9098089

Thats good. Im sure your body could use a break

>> No.9098096

Nice, isnt it? Its like a vacation from the hellish existence of extended drinking.

>> No.9098110

Call the cops from a payphone and say one of them was waving a knife around

>> No.9098123

Ask a doc to let you try naltrexone. It takes away cravings for many users. You'll still experience boredom and loneliness, though.

>> No.9098242

hey al/ck/, you ever need to tell an old friend how you feel etc.? pls advice

>> No.9098258 [DELETED] 

I had an old friend do this while shitfaced. It was awkward. We don't talk about that night.

>> No.9098266

hey, good advice, I should've been more specific, this is troubles my friend is having re: disease and how to deal with it and I'm trying to figure my role in the whole mess

sorry if this is incoherent I had more than a couples

>> No.9098308

emotional heart-to-hearts while plastered is a common thing among my drinking group. It's a good thing.

>> No.9098660

I really fucking need to taper at this point but I can't. I either drink or don't Tapering just turns into blackout just like always. 10 years in and my w/d symptoms are getting really scary.

>> No.9098663
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Just got this to celebrate dropping my summer course

>> No.9098668

my neck hurts

>> No.9098680 [DELETED] 
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Yeah sorry rotated it but it still went horizontal for some reason

>> No.9098687
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Sorry, rotated it but it still went horizontal for some reason

>> No.9098703

I just had one drink of wine and had significant increase in blood pressure. anyone have an idea why??

>> No.9098708

i think thats common for one or two drinks

>> No.9098739

I'm not nearly drunk enough right now. Wat do.

>> No.9098747

invest in bitcoin

>> No.9099038

I first bought bitcoin in 2011. Spent at today's value, 2 million quids worth. Now suicidal.

>> No.9099041

>fall in love with a woman with literal untreated Schizophrenia
>we break up
>I haven't even thought about drinking since then

Sure it's only been a few day, but i was a full blown alcoholic before this relationship and during. Has her craziness cured me?

>> No.9099152

folks over at /r/cripplingalcoholism are dropping like flies. 2 deaths in a few months

>> No.9099207
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Don't drink for 2 days and all of a sudden I'm back to waking up with no memory, wondering why I'm asleep on top of the bed covers and cannot for the life of my find my underwear

I'm such a lightweight

>> No.9099318

Thank you for a real run-down.

I've been battling with the beast of booze for well over a decade. Can beat it 3 to 5 days in spurs, sometimes white knuckling and angry and others with a decent breeze and bushy tailed.

I noticed within myself heavy ass cramps / pains in abdomen around day 3. Feels like a shit cramped in ya, but it's not that.

I know I need to stop the boozing, but I always find myself slipping back on the sauce. Hearts out to y'all gunning to quit or battling this bitch

>> No.9099329

theres too many fucking women on that sub

>> No.9099336

Never been there myself so don't know what it's like, but what's wrong with women? Girls are absolutely lovely things. I would die to protect a gril I loved.

>> No.9099344

woman alcoholics are annoying to be around oh im a bored house wife my husband is a few states away for the weekend and I got a little tipsy haHA im such a freakin barfly and a mess!


>> No.9099500


both of those deaths were from opiates, although one of those people were going to be dead soon from alcohol anyway

people everywhere are dropping like flies from the all the fentanyl laced shit thats going around

>> No.9099522

Your role is emotional support.
It's not like you can heal your friend, best thing you can do is go to the doc with him for stressful exams or whatever, being OK when he feels like crap, this kind of things.

And obviously, being drunk makes people talk about stuff they usually keep hidden and/or random crap they wouldn't even think about when sober.

Maybe you saw the bottom of the pit without reaching it yourself. That's a good thing I guess.

Half this board is fem- >>9099344 nevermind, there's no girl on the internet.

>> No.9099592

i need to stop visiting /r/stopdrinking

if theres one way to ruin a stretch of sobriety its to go reading through posts on there

>> No.9099728

Normal faggot.

>> No.9099731

Dude, get out of here.

>> No.9099735

Normalshit here. My sister is an alcoholic and I swear all that AA, support group, etc shit makes her worse. I mean she ends up thinking about her childhood and listening to awful stories and - worst of all - is around a bunch of other drunks!

>> No.9099742

Don't speak so ubiquitously about women you fucking retard.

>> No.9099775

Speaking of women, going into my 30s I've noticed a fuckload of them are wine drunks here in America. No wonder they get fat.

>> No.9099782

Why would you ever even need some support group or AA or any of that garbage, if you can't fucking do it by yourself with no help you won't be able to with others help since it will stop one day and you will still be the same person, not having changed, so you will go back to drinking sooner or later

>> No.9099792

I don't know. She's a Stacy and I think gets off on the social/people/waaahhhhhh crying aspect of it. She likes being reinforced with how difficult her life is, so she probably goes in there and talks about our childhood (which wasn't that bad desu) and gets told how right she is and how much of a victim she is. So yeah, I think it's really unhealthy for her. She needs to just learn to not drink. I understand it is a struggle, but, I think this AA shit is toxic.

>> No.9099863
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Dude, stop drinking

>> No.9099882

>gets told how right she is and how much of a victim she is

Hmm, I've heard a lot of complaints about AA, many valid, but not that one. The groups I've been in emphasize you are responsible for your sobriety and there is no one to "blame" but yourself. I suppose there may be a few groups like you're describing out there but they certainly aren't the norm. She should really find another group.

>> No.9099901

She even says she doesn't want people drinking around her. How the fuck are you supposed to live a normal life sober and not let people drink around you?

I don't drink alcohol but I could give a fuck if someone has a beer.

>> No.9099943

make sure it's BPA free.

>> No.9099952

Uhmm captain Morgan 1l

>> No.9099963

this desu senpai baka

>> No.9100004

Anyone else drink to hide symptoms of mental illness?

I have schizophrenia and drinking makes me more normal I think. Less bored, more happy. Voices are easier to ignore when drinking!

>> No.9100012

Go to the hospital and tell them you are DTing.

>> No.9100035

Drink right now dude. THen go to the hospital. You can die from that. DRINK. You can quit later with medical help, but right now you need to DRINK.

>> No.9100073

That's the problem I was talking about, all her "strength" (she sounds like she has none to be honest) comes from the group, not from her, so the slightest thing will set her off again, which is why those groups are shit and don't do anything

>> No.9100160


I'm schizoaffective, mostly i drink to feel something other than crippling anhedonia.. the fun years have passed and now alcohol just makes me miserable but its still preferable to nothingness

>> No.9100172

schizoid here, just drink cause of boredom, drinking also makes me talk in social situations, when otherwise I only talk when asked some question, and even then it's a short answer

>> No.9100198

Alright, that was fair.

>> No.9100234

Is the anhedonia caused by the illness or the meds? I have it too.

>> No.9100238

alcohol is the only cure

>> No.9100399

>walk out the store with a few bottles of vodka
>see a bunch of teenagers just laughing and messing around and being happy and cheerful
>almost break down right then and there

>> No.9100404


>> No.9100710

It just made me realize how many things ive never had in my life

>> No.9100840

No. They're lovely. You can't make me. I adore grils.

>> No.9100849

Who else morning drinking? Have 3 shots since 10am.

>> No.9100851
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Teenagers are delicious. Fuck I loved my teen years. Girls were easy as fuck, liver still worked, everything was an adventure. Stahp pls space time continuum.

>> No.9100874

I've had 3 x 70cl bottles since 8.30am. Now in fucking withdrawal, fell asleep for about 6hrs and have nothing left. Waiting for the Sri Lankan dude from the corner shop to text me back telling me when he'll bring more.

>> No.9100899

Dude I haven't had them either, I just laughed at your post is all. It's no big deal.

I've never had a relationship with any girl in my entire life. It's like sure I've been to some countries in Europe and have a couple of friends, but honestly everyone faces the same existential problems no matter if you are rich or poor or get laid all the time or whatever. Everything kind of ends up being the same and you shouldn't envy anyone.
You sound like a massive cuckold. Pick out a few girls and like them for a good reason, but don't act like women are some cosmic gift to all of mankind.

>> No.9100904

Fuckin normie.

>> No.9100919

Nah there's only one girl for me. I love her infinitely. Have done for over a decade. I've tried fucking other girls but just thought about her. Call me a cuck if you must, don't care.

>> No.9100924


>> No.9100933

Good evening alcoholic friends
what the fuck are you fags up to?

>> No.9100935

Alright that's fine then. But dude seriously are you drunk right now to be so fucking happy or what.

>> No.9100940

Drank a bottle of wine this morning and am getting into beers now. Am going to see a Michael McDonald concert tonight with Boz Scaggs.

>> No.9100942

Drinking rockstar with vodka in it.

Making regular trips to piss out of my ass.

Trying not to puke as well.

>> No.9100950

Naltrexone makes obtaining easier

>> No.9100952

Not sure what Rockstar taste like since I never had it
But Redbull and Vodka taste pretty good so I guess it's something similar

>> No.9100955

Nah, painfully sober. Waiting for booze to be delivered. I suppose I just feel good because I fucked some girl who reminded me of my ex.
All girls to some extent remind me of my ex. Fuck I miss her. 27yo blonde, DD cup, size 10, big brown eyes, intelligent, funny, tight, nice smell and taste, superlative in bed, had money, had style...just perfection. naturally I chose alcohol over her and she left me.

>> No.9100963

AA is horse shit. The disappointment people feel when they first go to a meeting and realize it has nothing to offer them, is palpable

>> No.9100972

They come in cans premixed in Canada. Yeah, it's kind of like redbull.

>> No.9100973

Alright then. Sorry to hear it's like that.
Whenever they gave me naltrexone I just drank massive amounts of booze over it everyday and felt no kind of ill effect at all. That's why I stopped taking it.

>> No.9100986
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>> No.9100992

literally why

>> No.9101003

I wouldn't buy that but I've bought margaritas before. THe reason I buy premixed drinks is to get drunker. Instead of buying a case of beer, I buy a case of beer and 2-3 premixed drinks.

>> No.9101014

why not

>> No.9101016

Yeah AA is a fucking mess. I went to one meeting, realised it was a christian recruitment conspiracy, didn't go back.

>> No.9101022

16 days sober

I felt happy as fuck today and it was fucking amazing.

>> No.9101026

have a drink to celebrate

>> No.9101031
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I am :)

>> No.9101048

Sometimes you just gotta puke. Then you feel better and and can keep on drinking,

Does this mean I'm dying though?

>> No.9101057

I throw up constantly when I'm sober. Once I've managed to keep a couple of drinks down it stops

>> No.9101078

what the fuck
how long have you been drinking for and how much

>> No.9101086
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>All those Anons drinking ungodly ammounts of alcohol
For a while I was extremely worried about drinking 1-2 vodka bottles a week for a few years, but now I realize I'm not even close to some Anons here.

I'm actively trying to quit since I became a 270+ lbs (From 180 lbs) fat fuck from getting drunk and eating extremely unhealthy shit when shitfaced for so long, but I just have such a long way to go to have an acceptable weight again that I happen to pussy out and do it again from time to time. So I just take back the little bit of weight I just lost the few weeks I spent sober, eating healthy and exercising.

Goddamnit, being weak-willed is a curse.

>> No.9101092

Not him but I have the same problem. 15 beers a day. I go sober for days at a time too. I think I wrecked my stomach or something.

>> No.9101096

23 years. started as a teen with a couple of litres of strong cider, now on just over 3 bottles of vodka. as soon as i sober up i'm very ill.

>> No.9101100

Went from 140 to 230. I feel your pain.

>> No.9101134

I had to take a few weeks off since I got a DUI after being particularly retarded and not walking to work. Probably gonna be walking for the next two years, don't know for sure yet.

Need 8-10 pints to have a normal, relaxed night. About twice as much to get proper drunk.

I know I'm killing myself and I'm a thread to my surroundings, but being sober just wasn't realistically doable in the end. Just trying to kill myself slowly and discreetly.

>> No.9101136

What are you drinking? And what time zone?
Ive had 5 or 6 now and I'm not really feeling it since I ate alot before I started. Luckily I dont get withdrawals either except the shakes. I think.

>> No.9101157

Smirnoff. I only drink Smirnoff. I'm in England.
You've had 6 70cl bottles of liquor??

>> No.9101176

>Luckily I dont get withdrawals either except the shakes

You only need to get withdrawal 2 times before you start getting brain damage from the next ones.
Taper, never go into withdrawal

>> No.9101211
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Lost count of last day I had nothing to drink, I've been running out of money but hopefully I'll get paid tomorrow. Over 75% of my pay in the last 2 months has been dedicated to alcohol. Any other anon know this feel?

>> No.9101227

I know exactly that feel.
I would be a rich fuck if it wasn't for alcohol

>> No.9101241

If it were a christian recruitment thing they might actually try to help people, its actually just a cult of drunks

>> No.9101281

>tfw had a few bottles of wine yesterday because I couldn't handle being sober at someone's birthday party

I either drink or I'm a complete hermit. It's frustrating.

>> No.9101319

>Make stoner friends
>Do drugs when going out
Problem solved!

>> No.9101322

Weed gives me terrible anxiety.

>> No.9101324

I don't get it

>> No.9101338

Guess he levelled up and began hallucinating.
This morning there was a tarantula on my wall and a thousand disappearing/reappearing flies all around me. No matter how much I become used to it, it's always scary. 'The fear' is horrific.

>> No.9101372

I got an MRI and they said drinking gave me brain lesions.

They were testing for brain damage (because I have schizo) to make sure it was really schizo and not brain damage. They didn't find enough brain damage to caucse the symptoms (so schizo was confirmed) but they strongly recommended I quit drinking. I didn't quit.

I've had DTs twice.

>> No.9101396

howmuch were/are you drinking?

>> No.9101403

>drinking gave me brain lesions.
same. i get around 3 more every 6 months. probably more than that now, i don't bother seeing my neurologist any more. in 2012 i became permanently partially sighted due to brain lesions.

>> No.9101412

During my worst, lots and lots of vodka. I'd guess a litre of vodka per day. I've cut down to 12-20 beers instead. Haven't had DTs in years. But when I quit I ask doctor for valium now. Withdrawal scares the shit out of me.

>> No.9101438

How long did you do that for?

Thanks for helping to scare me back on the wagon by the way.

>> No.9101458

Maybe a year or so. I was blacked out constantly. But drinking daily I've been doing for years. Started at 14 I'd take 7 shots from my friends liquor cabinet in a row. I don't even know how I used to do that! I just did! But everyday has been 20-27. (I'm 27) I've felt a lot better since swearing off hard liquor though.

Everything seems fine and then suddenly there's spiders everywhere and you have a seizure. Don't stop suddenly.

>> No.9101469

I already did a succesful taper but now I'm relapsing a bit again.

I feel like I almost need another taper after one day of hitting the bottle though.

>> No.9101481

Once you have withdrawal a few times, you will always have some withdrawal. It's called "kindling".

>> No.9101495

Just read the wikipedia, that's some scary shit.

I want off this ride but I can't really be around people sober. It's a shit deal.

>> No.9101556

Just ordered a gram of heroin and a prostitute. I've got to get away from alcohol. I don't know if this is a good idea, but I've got to do something. Dealer should be here within minutes, girl should arrive at half 12. Just blown a grand, hope it's worth it.

>> No.9101562

Where do you live? If you're in Canada nor Northern USA that shit is NOT heroin. It's something called fentanyl, and it might kill you.

>> No.9101575
File: 562 KB, 1080x1664, Screenshot_2017-06-27-15-45-02-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dam I wamt to visit someday. Smirnoff is ok. I like mikes harder lemonade or reds. Wasnt to sure about 70cl but I looked it up. In pic related
is how much I've drank so far. About to be 4pm and I'm barely getting buzzed and gotta go meet my mom to eat.
I always go cold turkey after I drink to much and make an ass of myself. Hope im not to fucked up.

>> No.9101586

England, and nah it's smack. im a former junkie, and yeah i've OD'd on fent before.
tonight should be nice. not telling you which one, but one of these will soon be here


and minutes from now imma be chasing the dragon. anything has to be better than WD.

>> No.9101692

gonna wank to some of these desu

>> No.9101713

Had the shakes for the first time this past week. Terrifying and embarrassing getting myself to the shops for a fix. Trying to taper down now, overshot my goal today but still less than yesterday. Hoping if I can just drink a little less each day I'll get sober in the end. Still, while I am drinking, cheers.

>> No.9101717

Don't blame you. They cost an absolute fortune for a reason. They're always perfectly presented and do precisely what they're told. There used to be identical twin sisters working there. That was fun.
4 minutes and she'll be here. Just hope I don't throw up, WD is slaying me and no sign of dealer yet.
Bbl orgasms.

>> No.9102120

Why do I always relapse? I really want this to end, but not by my dying.
If I could just get over the insomnia I think I could do it, but going a week without sleep is savage, I always end up drunk again solely to get some fucking rest

>> No.9102358

Should I go buy some 4lokos before I keep drinking tonight? I have 1/4th of a fifth left and the night is still young.

>> No.9102381

>I have 1/4th of a fifth left
So... 1/20th?

>> No.9102401

Yes anon 1/20th.

>> No.9102410

Doctor, meds

>> No.9102426

Why is booze so expensive there? Is it severely taxed?

>> No.9102440

the answer to that question

>> No.9102468

I used to drink a beer a week. Couldn't imagine the toll it was taking on my body. I'm at 20 days right now and still going strong.

>> No.9102493

Not welcome here

>> No.9102499

damn stay strong bro

>> No.9102503

Any of you al/ck/ies ever had arak?

>> No.9102505
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Since I don't have any dependents and due to the fact that I have siblings who can take care of my ageing parents.....I don't see the point in being sober.

>> No.9102507

mental and physical health

>> No.9102515

I don't care about living till I'm old. That sounds miserable.
I'm fine mentally.

>> No.9102518

>fine mentally

>> No.9102534
File: 110 KB, 650x900, Thousand Yard Stare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd be mentally ill if I were too actively choose to remain sober in a degenerate world.
>InB4 go back to /pol/
Fuck off

>> No.9102804

Smirnofbro wher e are you still doing stronk and alive? i hope you're ok bro

>> No.9102818

1.5 liters in today and no signs of stopping
Not even wasted yet. Been drinking heavily for about 7 years. Lab work came back negative again for liver damage too. Am I a demon or something? I'm probably not gonna die anhy time soon from the alcohol.

>> No.9102831

Drinking cheap rum because i couldn't afford/find anything else. I think i may end this bottle alone today. I'm really hungry but fuck food.

>> No.9102847

Pussy. You are a degenerate. You just have to pass the phase of the fact that nothing will be done about it.

>> No.9102853

tapering is best with beer. harder to catch a buzz.

>> No.9102863

if you buy more youll probably end up with just left enough to catch a buzz when you wake up tomorrow. then its off to the races.

>> No.9102866

Yeah man. You should. I want to go buy some but my car is being blocked in.

>> No.9102869

Whata he said. But good job.

>> No.9102895
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I'm a fairly new alcoholic. ive used to drink on binges and events, until i couldn't stay up, but i don't exactly have a social life anymore so ive been drinking alone for the past year

i feel miserable but at the same time i don't care about it and feel ok. Is this normal? i feel like i only have courage to fix my life when im drunk, but when im sober everything is terrible and the pain is unbearable. I feel like depression is hitting me like when i was young.

should i eat these french fries at my side bt?w i feel like i want to but at the same time i'm worried i'm going to vomit after half bottle of cheap ass vodka

>> No.9102918

>feeling awful but at the same time good
Pretty good sign you're dead inside like most of the people who drink alone
For me personally I can't handle how slow time moves when I'm sober so I drink and take lots of cocaine. Being sober is like my own personal hell and was like that until I discovered coke and booze senior year of HS. went to rehab and got put on drugs to make me happy but i went through the gauntlet of antidepressants and none worked quite as good as alcohol. I think I made it 5 months without a drink before caving in and starting again.
Eat the french fries and drink tons of water. The sodium that is hopefully seasoned on the French Fries will help you retain water and will ease the perpetual hangover provided you remember to hydrate. RN I'm chugging my daily 2L of pedialyte to hopefully reach the same effect. I don't even eat anymore because my stomach hurts when I consume materials that aren't liquid grain alcohol

>> No.9102946

Same bro, same, i tried lexapro before but it just indulced a state of aphaty and i still thought about bad things, i think i'm better off this shit and on alcohol

ill eat them and im overdrinking water. And ikhow you feel, time moves too slow when sober. Too much time to think about everything that's going wrong withmy life. anxiety don't help too

good luck anon i hope you can have many moments of peace in life, where we can just relax and stop thinking about everything

>> No.9102960

Holy shit are you me. The reason I quit lexapro was the side effects though. Made my breathing fucked up and overstimulated me to the point where I was squirming and groaning for hours on end from the pains and twitching. I did a few others too and they didn't work so bad as lexapro, but none ever worked enough to keep me from my personal hell.
all I think about is peace. I'm probably close to dying right now, so I don't want to cause anymore conflicts. I don't have any family left or anything, so I want to make sure people at least have a somewhat unforced positive view of my presence before I bite it.

>> No.9102977

Not him but I'm on lexapro as well. I have generalized anxiety disorder and the reason I was put on them was because my thoughts would race at night and it kept me up. I've been on them for awhile now, maybe 8 months, and I've been sleeping a lot better but I understand what you mean about the bad thoughts. I have actually been having a lot more bad thoughts since my father passed away 2 months ago but I would never find the courage to actually pull some scary shit like that off. My mother would be devastated. As far as mixing ssri with liquor they tell you not to do it but I've been drinking ever since I started taking them, just only on the weekends. I crush 30 16oz beers in the course of 3 days and by Monday or Tuesday I have a really shitty mindset and get horrible thought, and then they usually taper off. Some people have bad reactions to anti depressants I just wouldn't stop taking them without first talking to your doctor. You'll be getting brain zaps and those thoughts you have could play out in the real world.

>> No.9102988


Driving around with shitty plastic open containers with booze sounds like a great idea.

>> No.9102994

Godspeed you wee bugger

>> No.9103001

I'm sorry about what happened to you anon, i hope you're ok

I'm actually "ok" desu and i've managed to live some months without them before getting really addicted to alcohol. Cold turkey is a TERRIBLE idea but after you deal with the side-effects, life was shinning for me.

Of course if got worse. I think i really had depression after all and after i've stopped to take antidepressants they took awhile to stop having effect on my body, giving me the sensation of "oh i stopped them and feel happy so i don't have depression";

Anon if you have any other choice try to chase it. I'm sure you don't cause any conflicts, sorry to sound like a hypocrite but i think we overthink many things that doesn't matter at all, and feel bad about them. I know im only an depressed anon a hundred miles away but if i could lend you a hand to help...

>> No.9103008
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I have a serious question.
I feel like I've been an alcoholic for a while, drinking myself to sleep with a liter of strong beer or half a bottle of 40° fa few days a week for a few years.
But the rare times I managed to quit for more than 2 weeks, I didn't feel any kind of withdrawal, except maybe the occasionnal mental urge to drink when I did something I enjoyed when I was drunk, but no actual physical symptoms.

So my question is, is there any kind of "silent withdrawal", when you're in withdrawal but don't feel any kind of physical symptoms/illness?

>> No.9103024

I'm alive, mang. Not sure how, but yup. 7.45am and drunk

>> No.9103028

Honestly, you probably werent drinking enough to have substantial withdrawls

>> No.9103029


>> No.9103041
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Torn up deciding, keep going when im already fucked up right now or have another session after sleeping a few hours? Could also get takeout now but not later

>> No.9103052

love you buddy i aspire to be you one day

>> No.9103056
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This thread fucking boring pham

Check this image tho this shit funny af

>> No.9103071

Same bRO but its stil4am here lefs make it for Another day ok

>> No.9103072

>Promoting alcoholism
>Shittiest triggers as excuse
You wot mate?

>> No.9103079

>wake up
>small bruises all over my arm and hands
>mysterious wounds that hurt when i touch but have no idea how the fuck they happened

what the fuck

>> No.9103083

This is exactly what happens too me as well. I'm only 24 and think I've fucked up my stomach lining or something. I even puke after a few drinks in the morning but once I've puked I drink more and I'm fine. I'm literally dying. The only thing that stops it if I haven't drank is if I take like 5 10mg valium to calm my body and mind down.

>> No.9103099

Don't turn into me, anon. The suffering is real. Escape if you can

>> No.9103102

too late aLready on my way

>> No.9103112


Maybe you're just shit with nausea and hangovers. I wouldnt worry about it

>> No.9103142


>> No.9103153

Nah I get really bad withdrawals. Shaking like fuck can't even hold a glass without spilling it everywhere. Sweats. Whole body feels heavy as fuck when I stand up. Literally got to lie down. Anxiety. Puking. Crazy thoughts. The list goes on. It all goes away after enough alcohol.

>> No.9103155

>a lot of the symptoms fit
uh huh

>> No.9103197
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So drinking myself to sleep for like 5 years isn't enough to suffer from withdrawal? If so, how much does it take to feel actual withdrawals?

Fuck. Care to elaborate? Like, how come I don't get any symptoms but still am in withdrawal?
I kind of try to turn my life around, losing weight and getting in shape to recover from the self-inflicted mess I have become, and I just want to know if my brain is just slightly damaged, or is outright fubar.

>> No.9103255

Don't go into withdrawal you fucking retard, have you read nothing about that shit?
Whatever, enjoy your brain damage idiot

>> No.9103264

I started drinking to get rid of my anxiety when I was around 13 just so I could socialise and now I'm literally drinking just to stop the withdrawals. I actually took all my GCSES drunk and still managed to pass somehow. Every job I've had I've been fired from for being drunk stumbling about.

It doesn't seem to help anymore unless I get black out drunk. Even then I wake up with regret and really bad anxiety. What do? I think I'll just kill myself before I die slow

>> No.9103312

jesus christ that page, all those dog pictures, even in that shithole the reddit poz comes through

>> No.9103318

>What do?
Stop drinking, go through terrible anxiety, regret your old "anxiety".
Find other ways to deal with anxiety.

>> No.9103320
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*enters your thread*

>> No.9103500

I do not wish to start to drink hard enough to get into withdrawal phases (Who would want that, really?), on the contrary, I'm trying to coldturkey it.
I'm just wondering if I already experienced symptomless withdrawal, to try to measure the damage I've done.

>> No.9103502

>I'm trying to coldturkey it.

Never do that, fuck.

>> No.9103511

>Try to taper off with beer
>always end up going to the store for more
fuck me

>> No.9103523

Yeah this is why I don't taper. I just end up drunk every time. Cold turkey is better than just continuing to drink.

>> No.9103579

Cold turkey is the worst thing for alcohol though, even continuing drinking is better than going through withdrawals, long term

>> No.9103583

You could always work in a kitchen.

>> No.9103614

About how long does that take to set in from your last drink? I work with a guy who is like that and it's fucking killing me because I, and my staff, can hardly get any work out of the fucker. I'm just wondering if him getting back on the booze'll be better for us all, when he gets enough money from his 2nd job.

Also, how the fuck do you guys who recovered and relapsed, are recovering, or are recovered deal with the boredom? I keep myself in okay shape, I work 60+ hours a week consistently at 2 jobs, and I swear liqour, and other drugs, have helped me get girls who I feel like are way out of my league. When I'm alone, I end up drinking. My job basically promotes drinking, >>9103583 , I'm this guy. I'm starting to feel like this is just what my 20s are supposed to be like and I'm not so abnormal, but I'm terrified of my 30s being like this if I don't change my ways.

Everytime I set a list of things to do, it's like I insist on rushing through it just so I can end up drinking, because I had a "productive" day. Cleaned my apartment, exercised, paid my bills, did my weekly check on my budget, bought groceries, lined up a date for Monday night, and a couple of other things. Knocked it all out within 5 hours of waking up, because today is my day off from both jobs and it's just a race to the finish line to booze it up all day.

I justify it all behind the fact that I'm more productive than most people I know, I have a halfway decent savings account, health insurance, I can actually talk to girls, etc. At what point do I just say fuck alcohol? How many years away, man?

>> No.9103635

>deal with the boredom?

Hobbies. You need a hobby. Start collecting spoons. Build model airplanes. Plant a garden. Get into homemade hot sauces. Etc.

>> No.9103664

Yes, it's good stuff. It's like Turkish raki. Basically unaged grape brandy distilled again with aniseed.

I prefer it to ouzo, pastis and sambuca because it doesn't have added sugar, as far as I know.

Best aniseed drink except maybe for absinthe.

>> No.9103667

liver isn't the only thing that can kill you bruv

>> No.9103671


Oh, god. I love this shit. I spent a week in Istanbul at loved ordering this stuff by the bottle for me and my friends. I stayed with a girl I met on the J1 program and her father warned me like 3 or 4 time about how easy it is to drink way too much of it. Fried anchoves and raki is amazing.

>> No.9103677
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>that magical feeling when you watch the water hit the booze

>> No.9103688

I'm a little trashed, so sorry if i get this wrong. We ate at taksim nevizade a couple of times, I think that place is high class? we never got it watered down. They'd bring out a fifth to us and I think they gave us beet juice, or something red, to chase it with. It was never watered down, though.

>> No.9103698

And just to add to this, her mom made homemade wine, which is pretty common I think, that was fucking incredible.

>> No.9103710
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I'm not from Turkey and don't know a whole lot about the culture/cuisine, I just like the booze.

I like it watered down with some ice on a hot day, like you'd drink pastis. It's refreshing and brings out more of the flavour I think.

I think the Turks traditionally drink it with some water as well though.

>> No.9103723

It's 8 am and already started drinking. I'm pathetic.

>> No.9103805

You're probably right. My friends over there were pretty big drinkers and had done the J1 program in my city, so they probably just did it straight because of me and bars are like that here.

>> No.9103827

Normal fucking Vodka is the best, it doesn't taste anything but Vodka and reks me after a bottle.

>> No.9103886

Don't forget the part where it mixes down well with anything and always gives you the mouthwash excuse!

>> No.9103908

That shit doesn't work when your neurotransmitters are FUCKED UP, literally everything will be boring unless you're drunk or drinking

>> No.9103910

Yeah I don't see the appeal in fucking 100$ cognaq or brandy or some other shit like that, what's the fucking point, it all tastes like shit, and you don't drink it for taste anyway, as long as it's not literally poison (alcohol excluded) that's in it, it's fine, even a 10$ bottle of shitty vodka

>> No.9103912

It's hard for me to get a hobby. I have schizophrenia and don't enjoy anything unless drunk.

>> No.9103926

It's not even that really. I was too chickenshit to come up with a real response because what else is going to get me cute girls are fun nights? I'd love for my hobby to be working out, but I have decent posture and manage to not be overweight, I do well enough to not feel like working out anymore.

I'm starting to think I'm just going to be stuck this way for awhile.

>> No.9103934

>That shit doesn't work when your neurotransmitters are FUCKED UP

My personal experience suggests otherwise. I never managed to quit the booze until I started getting involved with hobbies. Obviously you're going to have issues if you're literally going through withdrawals, but once you're past that point then find yourself a hobby.

>> No.9103948
File: 337 KB, 1024x680, breughel spook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First day sober again lads. Just had a bottle of wine yesterday. Now having a cup of tea for the first time in weeks, feels reassuringly wholesome.

>> No.9103958
File: 228 KB, 1600x1066, Jeongyeon-and-Momo1-1600x1066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stopped drinking for a day and am not planning on drinking tonight.

Lately it's been hot hot but my feet, body and especially my hands have been sweaty. My hands especially are a pretty bright color of red and they've been sweating even more so that they have done before i even started drinking. Does this ever happen to anyone?

I'm not as bad as some in this thread no offense. I don't wake up early and start drinking in the morning it's usually an after work/before bed thing. But this is worrying me.

Korean Soju is fucking tempting.

>> No.9103970

My experience with withdrawal is regardless of temperature I'm drenched in sweat and shake a lot. I cannot sleep either. I've decided it's better to just keep drinking than deal with that. I quit heroin a decade ago and it wasn't nearly as bad as alcohol.

>> No.9103976

What kind of daily dose were you on?

The sweat also as a very different type of smell than normal sweat. Really poisonous.

>> No.9103982

Oh yeah, the stench is unbearable.

>> No.9104011

You're amongtst friends here, fuck that.

>> No.9104064


This guy made me laugh so hard I fell over.

Proper way to drink a heineken.

>> No.9104187

I have a crush on my 16 year old niece. Is there something wrong with me?

>> No.9104227

>Is there something wrong with me?

You mean, other than the fact that you're an alcoholic?

>> No.9104254

I used to get wasted at family gatherings and play with her all night. When she was 10 or so. She had acrush on me too. Now, I still love her and want to be her boyfriend. Wtf. I'm sick.

>> No.9104280

Drank last night. I woke up today with a million tiny red dots on my right forearm. Looked it up, I'm guessing it's Petechiae, which doesn't seem to be caused by drinking. Unless I'm totally wrong. Maybe when I passed out I fell asleep on my arm and cut off circulation? Any anons have this happen to them?

>> No.9104344

Take benzo.

>> No.9104365

Already addicted to them as well as alcohol.
Yeah. I'm in trouble.

>> No.9104382

I would probably say around 4 hours. But I'm constantly drinking. If I black out and sleep for say about 7 hours I'd wake up with severe withdrawals.

I would either fire the guy or if you are leniant let the fucker have a few before work, just make sure he's not so fucked that he can't function.

Also I've stopped before for around 2 month and ended up in the same place because of the pure boredom. I choose alcohol over my girlfriend of 3 years because she wanted me to stop. That says it all really. It gets a grip of you and fucks up your life and everything in it.

>> No.9104908


>> No.9105160

That's because your brain is tricking you in not remembering the horrors, anon.

>> No.9105560
File: 158 KB, 425x640, spk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First day sober complete. Feels jittery.

>> No.9105656
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>those last two
Pretty lit stuff m8
I still drink occasionally, but I managed to curb back a shit ton compared to how I was last year so now I can be fine with only a drink or two a night. My usual was between 7-10 shots a night, but Everclear was pretty constant in my life. I'm extremely lucky I manage to stop when I did and not suffer permanent damage. I hope all the anons who have gone too hard find peace one day.

>> No.9105712

My nigga, soju is delicious. I was thinking of picking some up and and brew some cold tea for oolong highballs, but I'm the only one I know who would drink it.

>> No.9105728

Just woke up outside and couldn't find my way home. Couldn't remember where I lived. I'm scared

>> No.9105754


>> No.9105819

13 days sober today. Had some stomach cramps the first couple nights but it has been okay since then. Not sure what my end game is here, but I'm losing weight and saving money, so that's a good start.

>> No.9105852

day 17 here. The money savings are amazing, I can't believe I was blowing 75% of my wagecuck money on alcohol. Now I can start paying off my debts

>> No.9106048
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Is this thread only for alcoholism, can alcohol enthusiast's join in?

>> No.9106061

What's some food I can eat with my booze?

>> No.9106070

literally anything you fucking twat

>> No.9106071

[ ]Are you drunk
[ ]Are you not drunk

Select a box and the board will decide.

>> No.9106072

It's people pretending to be drunk. The better your story is, the more upvotes!

>> No.9106075

Get help people.

>> No.9106077

Make liquor ball sandwiches

>> No.9106085
File: 33 KB, 800x331, flat,800x800,075,f-c,0,75,800,331[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw too smart to drink alcohol

>> No.9106089
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>> No.9106099

[ ]Are you drunk
[X]Are you not drunk

>> No.9106100

When was the last time you drank until you started puking?

>> No.9106103


>> No.9106141

Thinking of all you lovelies. Remember that you deserve to be happy. Remember that you deserve love. There's help if you need it <3

>> No.9106201

You do not want to go through the DTs unaided, anon. Go to the hospital or the liquor store one, you need to get regulated. And play it cool or you'll end up strapped to a bed.

>> No.9106226

Same thing, just different position on the timeline.

>> No.9106250

Still recovering a bit from a week long binge without eating or drinking water, it really fucked me up bros.
First day pretty much didn't exist because all I did was lay in bed trying to sleep (which didn't happen). Second day was a bit better, I ate a few bites here and there, tried to keep water down, but for some reason by body was sore lierally all over. Third day, yesterday, the soreness wore off and I was able to get two meals down and actually got 5 or 6 hours of decent sleep. Today is alright, im just really tired. Probably my body lacking nutrients combined with the lack of sleep I should take some vitamins.
The thing about the good sleep last night though is that I had this horrible, horrible fever dream where I got shot in the chest twice and had to call hannibal lecter, the mads mikkelson version, to pull them out and sew me up and I wouldn't let him put me under because I knew he'd probably cut off my leg or something and feast on it while I was out
Remember folks if you're gonna drink eat some goddamn food and drink some water at least. I don't know why I have a habit of doing this

>> No.9106268

lmao gay

>> No.9106302

I've drank 12-16 beers every other night for over a year. I've gone 2-3 days at a time without drinking, but otherwise I can't remember the last time I went longer than that. I last drank Monday night, I don't experience tremors (nothing terrible anyway), sweating or any of that other shit. I've heard DTs only really set in the 4th or 5th day after stopping. Will I be okay?

>> No.9106307
File: 2.22 MB, 500x258, ea8c94150421319e8296139de5f6db6f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need help to figure out if i have depression or just addicted to alcohol

I've been drinking for some years, like once every two weekends and on rare binges and holidays. But for the past 2 monthss i've been drinking 4 or 5 nights per week. I just can't find any reason not to despiste obvious death in some years (death don't seem bad desu)

I don't know why i'm working, why i'm living, nothing gives me pleasure for years, when i was a teenager i've used to play games, play guitar, etc, idk, many things were fun, but nowadays nothing is great anymore.

I start to drink at 10pm and go on until 3am, when i go to bed and TRY to sleep. Wake up at 5am feeling like shit and keep trying to rest until i finally get out of bed at noon, "eat" whatever i bought and go to work. I arrive 9:30pm and repeat the cycle until i die.

>> No.9106308

Piece of shit

>> No.9106313

alcoholism can cause depression anon

>> No.9106314

can depression cause alcoholism too?

>> No.9106324
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>> No.9106325

The depression you talk about is why so many people are on meds. Children are happy because they aren't prisoner to a fucked up system of strict rules and punishments. Being an adult can really suck. But at least you can afford food and shelter. Its gets plenty worse!

>> No.9106352

>tfw drunk can only think of her and how she's gone

I get so depressed when usually I am a happy and fun drunk

>> No.9106372

How much do you need to drink to become an alcoholic?

>> No.9106383

Enough for it to get in the way of you being a normal, functioning, human being or for it to give you serious health problems.

>> No.9106414

Am I fucked if more than half of my family was alcoholic? I mean, I don't drink that much, it's mostly around six beers a week, but sometimes it's just one beer, and other times ten beers and half a bottle of whisky.

>> No.9106423
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Its taoism. Black and white, thesis and antithesis.

New thread topic: Whats the worst thing you've ever done while drunk?

>> No.9106434

did a hate crime did 6 months in jail for it

>> No.9106436

One beer a day is pretty harmless, there's actually evidence showing that having that much alcohol might actually be good for your heart and blood vessels.

I can't speak for the binge drinking you describe at the end of your post however, it's probably not good for you.

As for the dangers of having alcoholics in your family and becoming an alcoholic yourself, my lawyer told me not to answer these sorts of questions, find answers elsewhere.

Also I am very drunk myself right now so take everything I say here with a grain of salt. Why else would I be in this thread to begin with?

>> No.9106440
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Nothing. I drink at my house and don't exactly lose control over my actions while drunk.

The worst thing I ever did when drunk was to stay alive.

>> No.9106519
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I took an Uber to my favorite bar at 2pm, and got banned.

No idea what I did wrong, but I can't ever go back there again :(

>> No.9106539

Fucking kill yourself you ignorant fool.

>> No.9106568

Thank you anon. You look after yourself man.

>> No.9106580

I keep fruit in bed next to me. Mostly it'll just go mouldy and need to be thrown away, but sometimes it's a godsend.

>> No.9106581



>> No.9106593

Is the fruit ever fermented?

>> No.9106645
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go fuck yourself

>> No.9106653

I can't say what I exactly did, but I was charged with bias intimidation. I got super drunk with a couple friends and went out and go into a shitload of trouble. Next thing I know I have reporters facebooking me and asking what happened and if I wanted to speak to them.

>> No.9106657

i've developed a strong crush on elizabeth hiley.
i am ready to die.

>> No.9106710 [DELETED] 

Guys can i mix cheap ass rum with lemon juice?

I don't have anything else left and still half the bottle, i don't want to drink it pure today

>> No.9106738

If you've been religiously reading these pity parties, I'm the guy visiting his cousin for attempting commerdurig suicide and berating him for being a dipshit.

As a PSA: If you actually want to kill yourself. Please do it in a field so no one has to pick up, preferably with a gun in your own name. And please don't make people have wait on you in hopes of, "saving you," if you're actually determined to end it (i.e. don't be an attention whore.)

Hope you get some friends who can be your companions through these times which can be both exceptionally prime or downtrodden pathetic, but don't ever put your burdens on other people who can live their own lives without the bullshit.

>> No.9106814
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Try weed.

>> No.9106824

Oh fuck off you sourfaced cunt. People here are genuinely suffering.

>> No.9106975

And I don't identify with them? Fuggaff

>> No.9106981

Parents told me if they caught me drinking again they'd kick me out so i slammed a half pint of whiskey in my car in the driveway after work. It's been two hours and i just want more booze but if i sneak out and they find out my life is over

>> No.9106985

You should take the opportunity to stop boozing, youngling.

>> No.9107035

Awesome. That'll be 2 litres of rotting urine on the floor, then.

>> No.9107067

how does that even happen

>> No.9107074

tripped over my piss/puke bowl.

>> No.9107112

Going on a break after I just was broken up with the other day. It's much needed and I need my head on straight.

>> No.9107492

Not sure if this the right place to ask but
I've recently been really sick with a sinus infection for the last week and cut my drinking to 0 because medication. I've Been completely sober for 2 days, and only had 1 beer the previous one. Thing is I seem to be moving into withdrawal symptoms now, nausea/puking and shakes/sweating. I wanted to use this stretch to cool off for a bit but I feel like absolute garbage. When does the withdrawal stop? I'm getting a bit scared dudes. I don't want to seizure

>> No.9107642

It's different for everyone depending on how much you drank for how long and how fast your body reacted to alcohol. Everyone coming in the thread asking us if they're an alcoholic for have X amount of shots/beers every X amount of days has to understand it's not about the frequency, but how badly you HAVE to do it in order to function normally. I've experienced severe withdrawal once and I just get depressed now if I abstain after a binge, but I don't have to drink to go throughout my day like I needed to a year or two ago. Keep in mind that you're also currently on sinus medication which is also flushing out shit from your body so just go about your day and do whatever you can to fight boredom.

>> No.9107710

You're home now?

Seriously, there is another thread for booze and cocktails, idk if it's up right now.

Ah, withdrawal nightmares. My favourite part about being on the wagon. Also why you should taper.

The days of happy drunk are gone Anon. Now you can only have sad angry biter drunk.
Try not to up it to the point where you only can be sad drunk or sad withdrawing.

>Anon is on the news.

Goes up on days 1 2 and 3, starts getting better around day 3 or 4, is over after a week or two.
Consider tapering with little alcohol. Or benzos. They won't mix well with your medications, but it's better than DTs. Ask a doc if you can.