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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 418 KB, 1024x683, red-potatoes-and-onions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9101144 No.9101144 [Reply] [Original]

How do I fry potatoes and onions when crowding them together in the pan causes them to get too moist and steam?

>> No.9101168

Don't crowd them.

>> No.9101181

But I want lots of them.

>> No.9101189

Saute onions first
Microwave potatoes
Dice potaoes
Add to pan with oil
>Add 3lbs of cheddar cheese

>> No.9101204

Use a bigger pan or fry them in multiple batches.

>> No.9101267

My question is similar so I'm gonna ask here.

I'm making something like fajitas but with ground beef. So I need to do the peppers and onions separate from meat. How to I saute fajita veggies.

>> No.9101299
File: 14 KB, 220x258, download (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm doing something like fajitas
>With ground beef

>> No.9101318

It's venison. Now answer the question or fuck off.

>> No.9101332

use two pans

>> No.9101488
File: 5 KB, 250x154, 1430063406934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9101596

lol if it's ground up, it's become hamburger meat you retard, it doesn't matter what animal it was butchered from. No wonder you ask basic, common sense questions on an anime board and then get made fun on

>> No.9101616

I mean it is common sense that if you are crowding the pan you need more pan. double the pan double the fun

>> No.9102218

Wait, do you put the cheese on top or "fry" the cheese like some artery-stopping scramble?

>> No.9102225

Par-cook the potatoes, then you got hash!

Alternatively, you're gonna have to fry the potatoes hard before adding to the pan like that.

>> No.9102620

>cut potatoes
>heat up oil in cast iron pan, medium high
>add potatoes
>let them brown a little, stirring occasionally
>while potatoes are browning, cut your onions
>add onions after potatoes are brown
>turn up heat a little
>add seasoning
>keep stirring occasionally, get your other pan ready for your eggs
>potatoes should be pretty much brown, turn to low heat
>fry your eggs
>eggs done, potatoes done
>slide everything onto plate
>get your fork out
>cut open your egg yolks
>let them spill all over the plate
>scoop potato+egg white+yolk mix onto fork
>insert into mouth

>> No.9102632

>get your other pan ready for your eggs
I'm lost