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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9100007 No.9100007 [Reply] [Original]

Ask a Waffle House cook anything. ANYTHING.

>> No.9100019

Whats your social security number?

>> No.9100029

How can the universe be both expanding at an exponential rate and be being pulled together by the Great Attractor?

>> No.9100038

How much money do you make?

>> No.9100039

Why am I so unhappy?

>> No.9100046

how many fights do you witness per week, on average?

>> No.9100048

Do you get pissed at a 2 dollar tip on a 25 dollar order?

>> No.9100052

where's the usb stick that i lost?

>> No.9100053

Ask a scientist
10 something an hour
No one loves you
I witness a fight like once a year
I'm a cook I don't get tips

>> No.9100054

Why aren't you answering anyone?

>> No.9100057

What made you choose Waffle House over a fine 1st class Italian restaurant?.

>> No.9100059

What does "walk the line" mean in diner cooking?

>> No.9100062

Nigga you said ask you anything.
I did not fucking ask you a yes or no question.

What is your social security number you fuck?

>> No.9100063
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You're sitting on it.

Also we have a mascot no one knows about named Wilson the Waffle and he's atrocious

>> No.9100065


>I'm a cook I don't get tips

Allright. Any waitresses ever talked shit into your ear telling you to spit in a fucking customer's food and shit just because she was mad at their tip?. When you hear their story, do you feel sorry for them?. Do you think the customer is an asshole?. Might not be your business but you can still have an opinion.

You ever feel like tipping a cook just because?. You probably work harder than a waitress.

>> No.9100066

Shit thread. sage.

>> No.9100069

I am.
I have no previous culinary experience
I'm supposed to know but I don't.

>> No.9100076


How come I have to order bacon "extra crispy" in order to get them "extra crispy". I want it that way without having to clarify.

Who set the standard to grease soaked soggy shit and how can I change that?. Was it the jews?.

>> No.9100080

The waitresses at Waffle House are either super nice or just don't give a shit at all. Or their old people. As a Cook I just clean the grills and floors and take the trash out. Waitresses do dishes, bus tables, and restock the ketchup n shit.

Also yeah its pretty shitty when the customer doesn't tip because then it puts the waitress in a shit mood. I don't really feel sorry for them I don't really get to know any of them very well.

I make way more than a waitress hourly so I don't mind not getting tipped. I get complimented a lot (the people in my town are all just nice old people) so that's nice.

And no, I've never been requested to spit in someone's food

>> No.9100081

What's the most fucked up thing you've done or seen done to someone's food?

>> No.9100082


Who do I complain to when my meal is ruined because the booth I sat in is literally two feet away from the men's bafroom and I heard someone shitting farts for like five minutes straight?.

>> No.9100085

Just order it well. Also, if you don't like the food don't eat there. We use the same oil for fucking everything and everything is covered in it.

>> No.9100088

Where is the address of your waffle house?

preferably mailing.

>> No.9100090

One time this guy ordered a Texas bacon egg and cheese sandwich and when I flipped his egg I lost like half of it but put it on the sandwich anyway. I'm a menace.

You choose your own seat at Waffle House. You chose this fate.

>> No.9100092


I like the food there. It's decent for the price. No bullshit though, the overall experience reflects that I suppose. Every now and then there are flies by my window and I get utensils that look like they were only half washed.

One time I went to one in the middle of the night and ordered just three plain cheeseburgers. They charged me like 13 fucking dollars. Pissed me off and after that really really had to avoid it at all costs.

>> No.9100094

Yourself for not asking for a different seat
First of all jews dont eat pork
Second of all extra crispy bacon is codeword for "i have 0 taste please burn the shit out of my bacon"
Greasy floppy bacon is fucking delicious and ordering it any other way is like ordering a well done NY strip

>> No.9100096
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>I have no previous culinary experience
>I'm supposed to know but I don't.

Why did you even make this thread? You're just a boring asshole who's bad at your job.

>> No.9100100

>order a plain burger
>Expecting them to give you a lower price when you're the idiot that orders a menu item missing half its ingredients
That shit is every restaurant owners wet dream because you're just saying "please charge me normal price so I can make your food costs look good"

>> No.9100101

why do all the scumbags come out at night and decide that waffle house is the best place to hang out?

>> No.9100102

You live in a Waffle House in a nice neighborhood with white people? or in the hood with a lot of black people and stuff?.

>> No.9100104

You probably ordered 3 quarter cheeseburgers you fucking cheeseburger walrus. Our "Original" burgers are $1.50 each.

>> No.9100107


Not OP, but probably because Waffle House is the ONLY place to hang out.

>> No.9100110

What respectable restaurant is open 24/7?
Scumbags are doing enough meth and cocaine to keep them awake at 3 am so they want food

>> No.9100111

It's honestly 50% old retired people and 50% stoned black kids.

Because it's good as fuck

>> No.9100112


Easy. It's the only place open when all the bars close, and they're tolerant of drunken antics.

>> No.9100113


>Our "Original" burgers are $1.50 each.

Yeah, I know they're supposed to be that, but y'all fucked me over that night. Lost a good customer.

>> No.9100119

They make you work on Christmas?. Who decides the staffing?. You roll dice?. What if you want off Christmas?. Is Christmas one of your chaotic days?

>> No.9100128

Yes they make us work on christmas it's whoever on the schedule. We're 24/7 so pretty much every employee ends up working on christmas either morning, midday, or night.

>> No.9100140

With your experience as a real cook, do you think /ck/ is full of stupid inexperienced faggots that have absolutely zero idea in food preparation? or are most of these guys actually giving good advice when it comes to cooking?.

>> No.9100145

Anon I work at Waffle House. I am by no means a "real cook"

>> No.9100146

Whats your name and home address?

>> No.9100157

Do you get to eat for free?. Like maybe get a couple burgers here and there or they really act like faggots and tell you can't get ANYTHING without paying?.

Why don't you guys sell french fries?

>> No.9100168

What does your father think of you?

>> No.9100177

When you were a child, what did you envision yourself being at this age.

At what point in life did you begin to fail yourself?

>> No.9100268


The kind of person who decides to go to a Waffle House on Christmas has already given up on life. The kind of family that makes it a family tradition to go eat breakfast at Waffle House on Christmas are horrible people. Like what the fuck is wrong with them?

>> No.9100275

You consider throwing eggs, bacon, and potatoes onto a giant griddle for a few minutes to be cooking?

>> No.9100882

You mean chef?

>> No.9100920

What's the deal with airline food?

>> No.9100960

Do you shit on the street?

>> No.9100968

Length of cock?

>> No.9100977

Shit thread. You're a fucking retard

>> No.9100984

That's retarded. Plenty of families are on the road Christmas day.

>> No.9101087

Give him your social security number you clown

>> No.9101162

How do I get a girlfriend

>> No.9101343

Why do I only get one slice of cheese when I ordered a triple order of hash browns FUCK

>> No.9101477

Have you ever been robbed?

>> No.9101667
File: 1.11 MB, 1024x782, BREAKFAST-for-WEB-1024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the FUCK is the best hashbrown combo?

I usually get mine covered and peppered

>> No.9101730

What's the trick to making good grits?

>> No.9101762

Not him, but the secret to good grits is a splash of heavy cream and lots of butter.

>> No.9101804

Smothered, covered, peppered and chunked

>> No.9101818

Smothered, diced, and capped imo. Never get them covered because they use shitty American cheese.

>> No.9101856

hows life as a chef?

>> No.9101864
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You're at waffle house. Embrace the Americana

>> No.9101880

There are also families that do multiple get-togethers during Christmastime or have a day for presents and another for going out.

>> No.9101907


And if either one of those families suck so bad that they have to include Waffle House on Christmas day, then they should be killed.

>> No.9101922


Do you work at one of the locations next to a truck stop or in a city? Because the former is always much comfier than the latter.

>> No.9101953

Any tips for dealing with black people?

>> No.9101982
File: 199 KB, 1800x1578, 1497091228704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is scattered? It makes it seem like that's an option but I don't see it on the list.

>> No.9102054

As someone who worked in liquor, just don't make conversation with them and get them the fuck out ASAP.
Seriously niggers are the worst customers next to bitchy Arabs and Hindus.

>> No.9102062

Are you a cook?

>> No.9102077

Why are the grits so fucking hit or miss? At the location near me they are sometimes like soup, and sometimes THICC like they should be. Sometimes they are brilliant white, other times they are sort of grey.

What gives dude?

>> No.9102100


What were you in jail for?

>> No.9102242

How do I make my hasbrowns crispy?

>> No.9102246

Blanch, pat dry, freeze, cook. You want them as dry as fucking possible.

>> No.9102258


Though I have to do without peppers sometimes because I don't feel like taking a spicy shit.

>> No.9102260
File: 22 KB, 731x548, mugbat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What state?

How many times you seen black chicks tear each other's weaves out? Have any video?

What's the best thing to eat there?

Is it true the chili holding pot is full of mold?

Are the onions pre-carmalized?

Has your location stayed open through/after any natural disasters?

>> No.9102339

What are the top three worst things you've ever seen go down while working there?
Don't expect good answers if you don't ask good questions.

>> No.9102351

Dahell. Where does that happen?

>> No.9102360


Waiting patiently for an answer about the grits.

Also, what kind of grits are they? Brand? They are pretty good for (I assume) quick grits.

>> No.9102469

Yes you are

Not a chef, but you are a real cook.

>> No.9102480

Smothered and Country

>> No.9102514


Why is Waffle House so fucking expensive? Like, I understand that I'm gonna be getting ripped off when I eat out regardless, but Waffle House is so fucking bare bones. They're tiny, I'm seating myself, there's only a small countertop separating me from the kitchen, and I'm still getting charged like $5 for a couple pancakes.

I end up in Waffle House a couple times a year because I have friends who think it's the best thing ever and I really don't understand it. I might eat there if the prices were reasonable but it's like $7-8 for some pancakes, bacon, eggs and hash browns. All these ingredients are incredibly fucking cheap, there's no reason why a reasonable sized meal like this should be more than $5 yes I'm mad I fucking hate getting dragged to this shit restaurant and charged a fucking 2,000% markup for pancake batter.

>> No.9102526

>he gets pancakes at Waffle House
You special or somethin'?

>> No.9102552

>pancakes are expensive

A double waffle is like 4 bucks. How many fucking waffles are you eating, fat ass?

Compare prices at IHOP... I can't get out of that shit show for under 11 dollars. Meanwhile my wife and kid and I can get 2 waffles, a side of raisin toast, a bowl of grits, a double hashbrown and a grilled chicken salad for 13 and change at Waffle House. The bill at ihop is always 24 bucks and my kid eats for free there! I tip 5 bucks at waffle house and its still cheaper than ihop before tip.

>wafflehouse is expensive

this is just bad bait.. in hindsight i'm sorry i fell for it and I'm saging out of embarrassment.

2/10 for making me reply.

Stop ordering the rip off shit. Eat some hashbrowns.

>> No.9102566


If you don't think 4 bucks for two waffles is expensive then you're retarded. No, 4 dollars is not a lot of money, but waffle batter is cheap as dirt and it's not like they're spending money on the decor. Everything about Waffle House screams, "cheap greasy food" except somehow it's not cheap.

>> No.9102580

Hashbrowns come one of two ways before toppings; In the ring or scattered. The 'Waffle House Way' says default = in the ring, but because, well, OP exists as an example of a stunning employee, most come Scattered; which is to say "Just throw the scoopfull of reprocessed mashed potatos on the grill on top of oil. But don't pour oil over it that's not kosher."

>> No.9102590

Grits are made per cook, and by hand and whisk beyond the fact that they come out of a package. If done 'the wafflehouse way'/ 'correctly' they are done over the stove burner and whisked. If done by a bum cook, they go to the back, open up a steam-table channel ( Meant to keep shit warm) and dump water and grits into it and call it done.

>> No.9102601

Are you the sort who watches the beginning of Reservoir Dogs and empathizes with Quintin Tarantino's character the most out of the table?

But seriously though, it's capitalism. IF you want cheap waffles, make them at home.

>> No.9102612


Yeah.. sorry about that. I forgot I was posting on a board full of retarded poor people.

>except somehow its not cheap

I can feed a family of 3 for 13 and change before tip. That's pretty damn near the cheapest sit down meal in the world. Your order is taken, the food is delivered, refills are gotten for you, real utensils and plates are set for you...

Stop taking people and services for granted you fucking mouth breathing piece of shit.

>i'm spoiled by 48% filler ground beef at the taco bell drive through

your basis for comparison, whatever the fuck it is, is fucking retarded.

If waffle house is expensive, name a cheaper sit down restaurant.

>> No.9102618

I like Waffle House. Keep up the good work OP.

>> No.9102741

What's the weirdest thing you've ever seen at waffle house

>> No.9102836

Das it mane

>> No.9102846

how does it feel to be so close to quints as an OP?

>> No.9102849

he said ask, he didn't say you'd like the answer

>> No.9102850

I never knew about Wilson
the pic is cracking me up though

>> No.9102855

holy shit

>> No.9102865

not that guy but I don't like any extra shit, just a bun and a burger, and yeah it does cost less to make, that's why I would expect a lower price

>> No.9103114

This looks like it's straight out of Homestar Runner.