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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9091873 No.9091873 [Reply] [Original]

Do you contribute to maintaining your cultural heritage by learning how to cook and cooking traditional meals from your homeland?

Or are you a food hipster that just keeps making foreign stuff?

Do you cook with your family?

>> No.9091888
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Just how my forefathers made it

>> No.9091891
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>absolutely haram

>> No.9091908

>foreign stuff
Got a shart in the house, boys.

>> No.9091932

It doesn't have to be a choice between one or the other

>> No.9091938


Because I'm black. Half of us don't know our "homeland" and just say that we're from Africa. The fact that afro-american cooking is cheap doesn't help.

>> No.9091947


That's fair enough. Just in my experience I usually see people who have a newfound interest in cooking gravitate towards novelty, rather than what they already know.


That's harsh man, but you can start a tradition now. Food doesn't have to be original to be a tradition for a group of people, it just needs to be remembered by them and passed from one generation to another.

Don't you have anything that your father or mother often cooked?

>> No.9091952

Anything that isn't American is, by definition, foreign.

>> No.9091978

Why do I get the feeling you're a white teenager larping on 4chan

>> No.9092007


All soul food. I mean I can make a mean meal of fried chicken/pork chops, potatoes, greens, yams, cornbread, etc. etc.

Idk, I make a lot of salads and vegetable medleys, so I could start writing shit down.


I'm just culturally aware lately. Most people can say where the roots of their people are from. I can say Ranowar--maybe.

>> No.9092025


>> No.9092029

In Sweden it's the hipsters that cook traditional swedish food.

>> No.9092032

I'm actually Interested in learning food from my roots.

>> No.9092042

Post arm and timestamp or fuck off.

>> No.9092118
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I hate most of my traditional foods, so I exclusively learn foreign ones.

My country is shitty anyway so no skin off my nose.

>> No.9092295

Since Eastern European, Mexican, and Chinese/Japanese dishes are infinitely better than anything produced in the US I prefer making those.

Fight me.

>> No.9092341

No. I agree except throw out eastern european and add italian and korean.

>> No.9093167

I'm white as hell but have some Cuban heritage. Started trying out some meals lately and absolutely love it.

>> No.9093216
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? is that some USA thingie? Cuba was like half Iberian until the USA got there, mulatos and pardos were perhaps a bit more if mixed together. Spain has blondies and gingers too if that what you mean with white.
About OP I cook mostly traditional fare, I make some adapter viet/jap/mex recipes because they have some cool stuff (corn, spring rolls, rice dishes).

>> No.9093240
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>> No.9093277

Cuban but mostly Irish and Welsh lol

>> No.9093311
File: 1.69 MB, 3264x1836, schnitzel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schnitzel and mashed potato with an unhealthy amount of butter, cream, and sour cream.

>> No.9093315
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>> No.9093323

>tfw eastern european
>tfw nothing of value besides borscht, perogies, cabbage rolls, nachinka and kubassa

>> No.9093342

>Do you contribute to maintaining your cultural heritage
I am American. We don't have this.

>> No.9093346


> no Zitrone
> no Petersiliekartoffeln
> no Preiselbeere

que el fuck oida

>> No.9093398

My mom makes the traditional dishes and I cook the foreign stuff.
It makes a nice balance since we get to rotate meals and the family doesn't get bored.
But yeah I definitely need to learn to make tamales, picadillo and olla de carne.

>> No.9094933

Yes, grew up eating Ethiopian food my father cooked so why not, making injera is p easy too

>> No.9094963

im polish and i was gonna say those
also i know like 50 different types of cookies

>> No.9094988

No, fuck cultural heritage. Tradition only keeps you stagnating in the past. The past is behind us and should stay burried in history books where it belongs. What is important is the here and now, which is constantly becoming the future. The way forward is innovation and invention, not tradition and heritage. To survive, one must evolve constantly.

>> No.9094997
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>I am American. We don't have this.

I am American. I have learned how to make Gumbo, Red Beans and Rice, Etouffe, Hush Puppies, Corn Bread, Bread Pudding, and King Cakes.

I can't wait for you to tell me this is all French or African slave food and that it isn't my culture just because we're only 4 generations in. You know what? Here's a preemptive "fuck off," no matter what your reply would be.

Fuck off.

>> No.9095036

i'm american so most of the "traditional foods of my homeland" is southern shit like the cuck above me posted. Fuck that. I'm from the southwest so most of the food that's "from here" is dumb shit like breakfast burritos and nachos.

my genes come out of the british isles and finland mostly, so I'm pretty much fucked there as well.

>> No.9095100
File: 69 KB, 1128x780, mom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maintaining your cultural heritage
The thing is...mommy bought into 2nd wave feminism that taught she could "have it all." The result was that she was very very average in her career and her parenting-domestic skills. Mommy didn't cook that often and couldn't be bothered. She'd simply pickup a few combo meals on the way home, order out, or have a pizza delivered.

>> No.9095113

Why do I keep seeing /pol/ lite threads here lately.

>> No.9095118

>daddy left and my single mother didn't parent me into a man
>i'm a neet cuck
>where are my tendies mommy?


>> No.9095149

t. leftycuck. I can almost see your hunched, skinny numale frame.

>> No.9095166

/pol/ is the biggest most active board on 4chan
naturally its influence bleeds out into all other boards

>> No.9095179

Food is apolitical. The race stuff is tiresome. Give it a rest.

>> No.9095244

I've had Ojibwe/native food... I'm convinced it's why they weren't strong enough to repel whitey.

French Canadian food is generally hearty, gross, stick to your ribs like a tarred grenade goodness. I'll play with it as often as I'll follow the recipe.

As for the lands of my forebears, I dabble in fermenting fish, and I do have a love for rye toast and brown cheese, but it's never really the first thing I think of when I cook for people.

>> No.9095757

What's with the obsesion of Ethiopians and raw meat desu.

>> No.9095764

>food is apolitical
Ask any leftists if this is true

Inb4 culture appropriation

>> No.9095782

The first dishes I learned to cook were dishes from my cultural heritage. Now, I cook all kinds of foods, but I still make a big spread of my heritage foods for special occasions.

>> No.9095784

your Schnitzel looks like shit, also why are you pairing it with mashed potatoes, are you a Saupreiß?

>> No.9095787

If you don't remember and remind yourself of history, you are doomed to repeat the same mistakes your forefathers did.

>> No.9095851


Everything you mentioned is West African food, nigger.

You can take your fuck off and cram it up your flacid asshole.

PS: Barbeque was invented by the spics.

>> No.9095854


Just as we can smell your massive neckbeard frame.

>> No.9095901

Every wannabe redneck in my state has bitten the "low country boil" fad. I wouldn't mind it so much if these weren't people trying to seem more folksy and country than they actually are. Why can't people embrace the simple American dishes? There is a whole culture of americana behind the humble things like the casserole or basket of wings that goes unappreciated these days.

Your virtue signaling has been noted, only nine more and you can cash them in for a life size cutout of John Oliver jeering at you in a pinstriped suit while clutching at his throbbing, british erection.

The americanization is clearly there, namely, the fact that we actually have food and they rely on whatever foreign aid box falls from the sky.

The culture surrounding "American" cooking is less about what you make and more about how you make it. Sure, cultures around the world have smoked and roasted meats- but we were the first to bring that same sort of pit into every families backyard in the form of gas and charcoal grills.

Flatbread dishes exist all over the world, but it took America to incubate and progress the art of pizza to what we know it to be today. America is a nation that was built from parts of other nations and our food culture reflects it. If nothing else, we take something and make it better.

>> No.9095913


I can virtue signal and use the word nigger at the same time? Congratulations. You are officially the better tumblrina than I.

I don't disagree with you that the United States can incubate food and create new and interesting things from it.

However, your ridiculous attempt to own food is why I chose (and choose) to mock you. Your clinging to these foods, entirely ignorant to the culture surrounding their creation and attempting to somehow take credit for them as some great American lineage. Just accept that the best parts of your culture are stolen from everyone else and enjoy it. Don't be a high maintenance, prissy dick about it.


Lol. American education at its finest.

>> No.9095918

How can you innovate and evolve without knowing what you're changing? There's nothing wrong with celebrating cultural heritage or tradition, the good parts of it anyway. You just shouldn't say it's the best and be against any kind of change, and admit that something traditional could be bad.

>> No.9095981

Yeah I need a fucking PHD to tell you that pizza is essentially a flat bread that traditionally has a sauce, dairy, meat and vegetables baked on top of it.

Look at the hot dog, The germans were making fist sized bratwursts for centuries- then finally someone in America came up with the idea of making it small and thin enough to fit it into your hand, then serving it on a piece of bread to people on the go.

Your argument is that a 240 year old nation can't credit itself to inventing foods because a toothless native was doing a primitive version of it somewhere else 2400 years ago is flimsy. That is like saying that kimchi is stolen because humans saw a rabbit chewing on a cabbage once. Or that sashimi was appropriated from goddamn eagles out hunting. Cooking is a universal aspect of the human narrative, everything is stolen from somewhere else.

Compare America to similar cultures from the 18th century onward, few regions of the world have gone through even half as much culinary development and innovations as we have in that same span of time. They were too busy adopting our cooking just as we originally adopted it from them. Now things like hamburgers,potato chips,milkshakes, and breakfast cereals are available around the world in their own unique cultural variations.

>> No.9096025

>The germans were making fist sized bratwursts for centuries- then finally someone in America came up with the idea of making it small and thin enough to fit it into your hand, then serving it on a piece of bread to people on the go.

But that's not true at all. A bratwurst is a totally different kind of sausage than a hot dog. Hot dogs are an emulsified sausage; bratwursts are not.

Hot dogs derived from the frankfurter, not from bratwurst.

>> No.9096049

I agree, all the European countries i have been to have mediocre food revolving around whatever one or two scarce food resources they have. Americans used foods and recipes from around the world and made them better with new ideas and the best ingredients that no one else has access to.

>> No.9096057

>Look at the hot dog, The germans were making fist sized bratwursts for centuries- then finally someone in America came up with the idea of making it small and thin

Pure, unadulterated nonsense. The modern Frankfurters were developed 350 years ago in Germany and brought to the US by German immigrants. It was developed from the frankfurter wurstchen, a smaller version eaten in the middle ages at least as early as the 13th century.


>> No.9096118

There is a cultural heritage for every ethnicity, but why follow it? We all grew up in households with foods we loved and hated. Embrace the love aspect, and incorporate it into your own individual cooking identity. You're not the past, you're the present; cook like it. An example: I come from a northern Italian food palate, but I really prefer Asian cuisine. So I've ditched the pasta and tomato sauce, but carried with me the steamed artichoke, sautéed green beans, breaded eggplant...so on. The overdose of "pasta and meats" of my youth has been balanced by portions of brown rice and vegetables. Like anything else, why limit yourself?

You may have grown up X, but the whole alphabet is yours..
Tradition is there to please mom n pop and grams...
Food is unlimited and infinite.
Culture is a restriction.