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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9086134 No.9086134 [Reply] [Original]

I'm from Northen Europe, other than salmon, what are my best sushi fish options? Has anyone experimented with canned tuna?

>> No.9086144

>canned tuna
pick one, or less than one

>> No.9086146
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>canned tuna
That sounds awful. Just buy some raw frozen tuna steaks, man.
Better yet; go to the local fishmonger and get something locally caught and fresh. Still freeze it to kill parasites, though.

Also, what exactly is the deal with /lit/ and feet?

>> No.9086149

Is that a guy?

>> No.9086163
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I've been through few of the big fishmongers. None of them have any sushi grade fish, and I sure as hell am not going to get parasites. Also FDA says that you need to freeze stuff at -27C to kill all the eggs. I don't have access to that sort of power. I don't trust the supermarket fish either.

So far I've tried salmon (both salted and seared), mackerel (salted), herring (in brine). Red fish has been the only one I've really liked, but it's expensive as fuck though. Probably going to resort to vegan sushi, but thought I'd ask /ck/ first.

>> No.9086174

How do you know that's not a guy?

>> No.9086178

I was in the original thread where that was posted and just look at the shape of her proportions.

>> No.9086190

Do all northern european boys have cute toes like that? I might seek asylum there, where you at boy?

>> No.9086212

All I see are shaved legs and no explicitly female characteristics.
Maybe northern european guys all shave their legs you don't know that

>> No.9086215
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If you're THAT North European salted fish might be a good way to go actually.
Salted cod, boiled or raw, is delicious and has a lovely flaky texture.
I like to get a fairly big fat fish when they're in season, cut it into manageable pieces, put it in a large bowl or other vessel alternating layers of fish and coarse salt. You want the fish entirely covered with salt. This will draw out a lot of water. Salt it for anywhere between three days 'til the entire Winter.
Water it out for a day or so with a couple changes of water and then finish it in boiling water.
Lovely with potatoes, fried diced bacon, and a white mother sauce with some strong mustard powder mixed in but then it's not really sushi.
I'm thinking the salted and watered out fishmeat might work as some kind of Nordic sushi fish, though.

As for parasites, I don't know if they're even that big a deal. The worms are big enough that you can remove them with tweezers.
I used to eat a lot of raw, barely dead yet plaice and it was good. Haven't died yet.

>> No.9086226

I'd rather be safe than sorry. I can do without sushi.

Also cod seems fucking terrible as a sushi fish. Fairly bland and low fat content.

>> No.9086250

You can do the same thing with mackerel or herring. They should both be easy to get.
I just think the really fatty fishes are better reserved for smoking.

>> No.9086269

Neither herring on mackerel didn't taste good in a sushi, they were more of a distraction than an addition.

>> No.9086290

Was it the fish or the salt that didn't work, though?
You said brined herring; did you mean something like rollmops? That would be too overpowering for sushi. I think brining/salting could work if you water them out afterwards, though. It firms up the fishmeat nicely and kills the parasites too.
I mean, I know it's not optimal but you're clearly not willing to actually go pay for some sushi grade raw fish for this.