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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9066035 No.9066035 [Reply] [Original]

/alc/ al/ck/ Alcohol thread
nobodu made othread so i wihave to anjyway what are you peps up to tdy? im wathcing movie but you??

>> No.9066048
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It's the beginning of my weekend. Boss asked if I could come in today, but I made up an excuse about having Father's Day obligations. Been drinking vodka since I woke up, alone. Making some rice, which I'm going to top with Spam and eggs.

Then planning on running to the liquor store for beer and more vodka, maybe pick up some Vietnamese on the way back.

Have an alcohol related ultrasound appointment at 9 tomorrow morning, and need to do a 12 hour fast. Not sure if I'll be able to get any sleep if I stop drinking at 9pm.

>> No.9066050

Alcohol is unhealthy. Drink water.

>> No.9066532

>When you're cleaning out shit and find an unopened bottle when you thought you were completely out

Fuck me

>> No.9066697



>> No.9066710

Wtf I'm sober now

>> No.9066856

>it's another "anon gets drunk, makes an ass of himself, sleeps until 6PM and is too scared to turn on his phone to assess the social damage" episode

>> No.9067377

Fucking alcohol laws and curfews

>> No.9067510

Haven't had that in a while. Can't wait to have another one of those

>> No.9069074
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I dont get those sad fucks.
I drink 4-5 bottles of wine and up to 8 beers a day.Been daily drinking since im 17 ,im 27 now.
Yeah I lost all my gfs to alk but I got to bang a really nice russian girl now.Work is fine too.
Sometimes I think without alkohol I woulndt even bother and kill myself ,so why be sad ?

>> No.9069880

Just ordered a 15 pack of beer to be delivered like pizza!

>> No.9070468

I've had 6 feeling quite relaxed. But I'm nauseous. Fucking I can't drink cheap beer anymore without wanting to vomit. Something about getting older... I used to be able to chug 40s. Now I can barley cough down cans.

>> No.9070493

It's all in the sewer now. Oh well. I guess it's time to quit drinking. I can't believe why I can't fucking drink anymore. THere's something wrong with me.

>> No.9070534

A new thread was already created, it has like 140 posts

>> No.9070535

had the brilliant idea to suck down a box of wine and a pint of evan williams saturday night, stayed up till 9am sunday morning drinking, conked out and woke up at 1pm, and finished off the box at abot midnight sunday night. Didn't have much of a hangover today at work though, just sweaty and anxious and clammy and paranoid with the fear stalking me all day. and had to crap like 6 times and my pee was dark yellow despite chugging water all day. oh well at least that shit is over. my usual policy is to not drink on sunday or work nights like a normie. but i feel ok now. gonna take a shower and go catch up on my snoozin. time for another break i suppose. take it easy guys.

>> No.9070544
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>was unable to sleep and as such didn't sleep for close to 30 hours
>fell asleep at 10pm and woke up just now at 2am
>mild kidney pain, thirsty as fuck, eyes hurting
>last drink were two ciders on Sunday

Really activates my almonds

>> No.9070572 [DELETED] 

>Tfw you're totally broke so you get a really cheap ass poisoned vodka
hello everyone

You don't know wich kind of shit they put on our water.
In an alcohol bottle of vodka you know 40% of it is safe because it's only alcohol.

I mean screwing around at social media or life is a meme. Cmon alcohol doesn't make you do things like that. It just makes you forget (or cry over) the things you don't like. At least for me

When i used to go out all my friends were acting like retards while i was sitting in the ground -trying- to play guitar and not pass out.

>> No.9070579
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>> No.9070833

Yeah I'll barf up the first couple even if I'm not the slightest bit hungover.
It's like your body flips a switch at 30

>> No.9071119

How much do you need to drink to keep the withdrawal at bay or delay it for like 6 hours

>> No.9071168

If any of you guys wanna shoot the shit, I'm gonna be around a while. Sober but not judging anybody, just offering a shoulder.

>> No.9071186
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>tfw haven't had an alcoholic drink in a week

fuck is sobriety always this terrible and boring?

>> No.9071219


>> No.9071251

why would anybody choose to live like this

>> No.9071324
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I know how you feel. Going on my 8th day without drinking. Didnt really have a choice, in broke until Friday. All the negative sides are gone(shakes, sweats). But I am bored. Looking to get a 4 lokes gold on Friday if I have the spare change

>> No.9071331
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Hey guys on vice theyre doing a documentary on a girl addicted to alcohol right now. Started it off with her saying she got raped.

>> No.9071337

Naltrexone can help eliminate the cravings. It did for me.

>> No.9071347

One beer per hour roughly

>> No.9071361

Had one of these on Sunday. Opened up the phone to find no damage at all. Got drunk as shit to celebrate and ended up making one of my /pol/ related anti Jew calls to my mom while blacked out.

>> No.9071372

Fucking kek, that always happens to me, I get drunk and just start ranting about jews, nigs and fags and immigration policies, it's like clockwork

>> No.9071378

Takes weeks even months for your brain to normalize. Normal people enjoy everyday shit because their brains are healthier.

>> No.9071385

It can take literally years, which is why it's so fucking shit to quit, you might not even have cravings but just feel bored and end up having a drink because of it

>> No.9071397

Yep. The booze turns my filter off as well. My favorite topics lately are Jews and trannies. It's really funny and sad to see people's reaction to my power level. Especially family members.

>> No.9071929

Fuck booze! I have shit to do in the morning, but I still choose to drink after being sober for weeks. Who here fucks there shit up with alcohol

>> No.9071930

Every alcoholic ever.

>> No.9071935

Shit. That is the fucking worst.
Thank god I don't have social media anymore and I rarely text people. It's only a problem when I'm out somewhere and I get SUPER PLASTERED.

>> No.9071973

I keep calling ex gfs and family members. It's fucking awful.
At least I'm not getting arrested all the time. Last year I blacked out so hard that 3 times in one week, I woke up locked in a cell with no idea why, I had to wait 17-24 hours all 3 times to find out wtf I'd done.

>> No.9071995
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Bought this little guy today, gonna chug it onstage before playing some godly solos

>> No.9072013

Luckly I have no ex-gfs.
Also I have 0 reason to call my family members.
What did you do to get locked up?

>> No.9072032

Have you tried some strong but not too expensive craft beer? It's way less revolting because they actually manufacture it to *gasp* have some actual taste (I know it's hard to believe).

>> No.9072063

Getting drunk, shitposting and watching sitcoms.

When I get drunk and hungry enough I'll make cheeseburgers.

>> No.9072066

I chased my GF of 4 years away due to drinking and being a complete retard, now she fucks another man, while we still lease the flat together, i have no way to get her out of the apartment, prolly they are fucking there when im at Work

dont drink anons it only fucks your life up

>> No.9072079
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Yeah man I've been stalking my ex she had to change her number two times and I keep making fake Facebook accounts to get her to talk to me.

I'll go weeks with her ignoring me and then we'll talk and maybe hook up and go months without talking again because I will instantly push her away with my heavy drinking and benzo use

Whenever she called the cops on me she always told them that she just doesn't want to talk tonight or doesn't want me over now but never wanted to press anything against me like harassment which definitely could

I'm a sad fuck


>> No.9072082

As someone who plays live in a band, the last thing anybody wants to hear is some drunk faggot 'wailin' on the guitar...especially if they've paid to see you...

>> No.9072084

Sounds familiar. But she got married very recently. Oh wow did that not help my drinking and lorazepam use.
That sounds unbearable.

>> No.9072085

Smear shit everywhere until they're gone.

>> No.9072102
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We were together starting since middle school and on off in high school and part of college. She's still childless and unmarried.

Ill probably end myself when that happens though.

Wow you should kill them both

>> No.9072108

Gave me a hearty kek there my friend

>> No.9072114

yeahh. Well it kinda helps with guitar playing when you've been doing for 11 years and teach it tooo... sooo yehhhhhhh

>> No.9072129


yes im literally dying every day in the inside, went 7 days without booze, but i just cried like a fagit every day , so went back to spending my time in work-winery place with book - come home die in bed from being drunk. i downed like 4 litters of red wine alone in last 3 days.

help anons

>> No.9072132

So, a little over a month sober and found a place that gives Vivitrol injections.
If you can afford the stuff I recommend it, the shot looks intimidating as hell but a tetanus shot hurts more.
Only lame part is you need a medical ID badge so the nurse doesn't kill you with pain killer.

>> No.9072134

3 days

Oh poor little thing!

>> No.9072213

It gets better once PAWS pass.

>Having sex when blacked out counts as rape
>I've been raped
Welp, at least I only remember two seconds of the event, the ones where I'm the one fucking the dude.

Tell her that this situation is literally killing you. Find an arrangement at least while you get sober.
Write something about pressing charges for manslaughter/encouragement to suicide in your will.

>> No.9072229

Not him but alcoholism affects people differently. All of us will find someone that can drink us under the table in these threads unless you're Vodkabro. We're not 15. There's no pride in being able to drink more than someone else.

>> No.9072332

You absolute madman!

>> No.9072374

I can't imagine being actually alcoholic and giving a shit about how much other people drink, it's literally turbonormie shit to think that way.

>> No.9072379

Just cracked a beer and it's not even 7 am here.

>> No.9072647

Kek. This is a lie. I'm sober 99% of the time and I still hate life and everything in it. In fact, it's those rare weekends where I decide to have a drink or two that I'm most productive. When I'm buzzed, "everyday shit" becomes so much more tolerable. Stuff like doing laundry, cleaning and other mundane tasks are actually enjoyable and feel productive instead of pointless.

>> No.9072653

>unless you're Vodkabro
I don't know of this Vodkabro. I'm new here. Tell me the legends.

>> No.9072690
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Hello al/ck/ies!

I was just released from jail after doing 7 days for drinking while on probation. Its good to be back.

>> No.9072703

Switching to beer near the end of a taper is great desu. If you only have beer around you can stave off the jitters but you can't really abuse it as much.

I mean real old fashioned piss water, no more than 5% alcohol.

>> No.9072722

You're not an alkie, you don't suffer from PAWS induced anhedonia.

Looks like a former Beatles member, drinks 3-4 bottles of Smirnoff daily. Went to rehab, was 34 days sober if I recall correctly, the longest in decades. Fell of the wagon.
Posted last thread he was about to die.

>> No.9072736

He said normal people, not people suffering from depression to begin with.

>> No.9072893

fuck. I drank a 24 yesterday and I went back for more this morning. look like shit, haven't showered in 3 days

the gay dude at the counter I asked how hes doing said ''delicious''

I think hes gonna fug me

>> No.9073434
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>> No.9073454

Naltrexone pills are much cheaper. Problem is you could choose to not take them

Btw, have you noticed the anhedonia yet?

>> No.9073458

I'm on the wagon right now because I had afib for the first time a week ago. It's a bummer but may be the reason I was looking for to kick the booze.

>> No.9073469


let him fug you pls

Second day sober, must because im moving my ass to another place, cant stay in this shithole anymore. Found these fucking bugs everywhere

>> No.9073479


>better person when drunk but stopped because health reasons
>i dont even know how to interact with people sober

>> No.9073535

iktf. it's either drunk or hermit.

>> No.9073830
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Been there, tried that. Fuck that shit. The only thing worse than going cold turkey is taking something that makes you not get your fix from drinking; just made me drink more until I passed out.

>> No.9073997
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Royal Salute 21 cowboy with half a clonazepam and now sucking on these (high quality unrefined Panela, a brazilian sweet)
Feels good, probably won't feel very good in my gastrites latter today.

>> No.9074233

>Found these fucking bugs everywhere
Hallucinations or bed bugs?

>> No.9074324


no ones fugginn me. got another 24. lost my car, insurance, licence, just got enough for some sweet, sweet booze

over and out.

>> No.9074335

>friend gets me a job interview for night desk clerk at hotel chain
>physically addicted to alcohol but could regulate drinking pretty well during work hours and not get caught
>friend suggests I take Valium before interview instead of drinking, just in case
>score Valium
>pop them a couple hours before interview
>drink anyway
>world goes black
>regain consciousness next day
>think I missed interview
>gearing up to call friend to apologize
>my roommate: "Homie, I took you to it... I thought you were fine..."
>call friend
>she mad
>begins reading interviewer's notes off to me

>"Came to interview clearly intoxicated..."
>"Claimed he had applied for GM position..."
>"Announced he had worked in the hotel business for 'over 40 years...'"
>was 23 at this time
>"When confronted about being intoxicated, announced we 'couldn't afford his services anyway...'"
>"Damaged office door when attempting to leave...'"
>friend didn't speak to me for months

>> No.9074339


>> No.9074355

the squrrels are back, trying to break in. I hate this place. I hate life. I hate work, I hate booze. gotta chug at least shots of vodka to feel anything

least I may have a Spanish slut to bang tonioght

>> No.9074378



>> No.9074405

Usually I'm cleaning out shit and find a bunch of empties I hid from my family while I was drunk

>> No.9074650

>Btw, have you noticed the anhedonia yet?
Yes, and it SUCKS.

>> No.9074685
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Thread theme right here faggots: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4AElTAFjD0

no song is more relatable

>> No.9074735
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I guess i'll keep buying cheap vodka until the weekend, my payment will be on friday and i'm broke asf

Btw is vodka bro ok? i hope you're better my friend

>> No.9074810

my nuts stink and I gotta take a shit

>> No.9074826
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>> No.9074832

What do you mean by mall drinker?

>> No.9074845

>second day sober
>accidentally have five beers

at least it's just beer right lads?

>> No.9074850


>> No.9074859

I-i just want to have five more and text my ex lad

A fucking curse desu

>> No.9074927

Would you drink it?

>> No.9074939


five beers is like someone tainted water a bit. cmon. I can smell acetone in my urine.

>> No.9074950


correction, it's probably ethyl acetate. It smells like cardboard.

>> No.9074952

>the squrrels are back
Wait, you're not gnomebro, are you? What about your gf?

>> No.9075004

no bully i used to have the demons at night

i'm proud to drink beer now

>> No.9075011

I dunno. I'm an unapologetic alcoholic. Being sober no matter what is fucking boring.

>> No.9075125

I cant have a good time anymore if im not tipsy at least

>> No.9075131

12 days sober. Bored as shit but no cravings which is a positive I guess.

>> No.9075136

Guys I have to ask is rum temperature every temperature?

>> No.9075191
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Why do some people drink water while drinking alcohol? I've seen some pussies at a party today doing this. FFS if you don' want a hangover don't fucking drink.

The retards drink 2 cups of water for every shot of vodka and wonder why they're not drunk

>> No.9075202

Day 4. Shakes and puking have stopped. Fear dissipating. Still sleep like one hour a night, woken frequently by insane nightmares, but no cravings.
Thing is, I'm scared of soon feeling better. I feel like hell atm, but I know that as soon as I feel remotely good, the cravings are gonna savage me. I so desperately want to avoid relapsing, I'm covered in rashes and blisters, seemingly all internal organs are painful and I'm in so much financial shit that I can't afford another fucking 6 months in hell. Not sure I can do this shit alone. al/ck/ is all I've got ;_;

>> No.9075205


Unless you want kidney disease later in life, this is a fucking incredibly intelligent thing to do. You'll get foot cramps in your late 30s and wonder why, and you'll die in your 50s from kidney failure because you were the asshole you sound like you are.

>> No.9075210

have a drink to calm your nerves dude

>> No.9075214

Drinking water won't stop you from getting drunk...
I always drink water if I'm getting smashed, I have a 2 litre bottle of water next to my bed at all times, and no matter how fucked up, blacked out or near-unconscious I am, if it's running low I force myself to refill it

>> No.9075215


You do know I'm not joking, you will die of kidney disease, right? I'm not trying to be flip.

>> No.9075219

I wouldnt take 2 cups of water per shot thats over doing it.

I will say every time Im at a party ill have a bottle of water just so I can drink water when I want and have hardly any hang over as long as its not extremely cheap alcohol

>> No.9075228

Sup Faggot, i drink twice a month and exercise everyday, i'm 28 and still got a long path to go. Keep being the pussy you are, but don't forget to drink three cups of water between every time you're crying because you're a loser.

>> No.9075233

Some people enjoy feeling hydrated, and it fixes you something to sip when you don't feel like having another drink.

>> No.9075238


>> No.9075241


Dehydration causes nephritis. You guys get that right? Chronic dehydration causes acute nephritis.

>> No.9075243

If you don't have cravings yet chances are you are over that shit.
Find a recovery place, now one of those bullshit AA programs, the ones that check your status and give out medications to help.
Naltrexone really helps cravings, and they might give you something for sleep, just be dead honest with the doctor when you are being interviewed, the bottle will say no refills, so you contact the doctor and he will get it refilled for you.

>> No.9075248

guys i've just drankk a bottle of rum. is it a good idea to have a big bacon and cheese sandwich? i feel like it but i dont want to puke it all later

>> No.9075249

>tfw the hospital gave me two 28 oz cups of water to take home and I refill that fucker three times a day.

>> No.9075266
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Yea man make that food. It will help you from not throwing up. Have a good night, also make sure to drink water so you dont have a terrible hangover the next day.

>> No.9075269

Go for it mate.

>> No.9075271

Given the way you're typing and your insecurity, I'd say that the good Captain is going to have a return voyage before the night is over.

However, eating meat while shitfaced is an experienced that cannot be compared

>> No.9075287

ty guys i'll just go for it

>I'd say that the good Captain is going to have a return voyage before the night is over.
nah lol idk its my first time with the ol' pal captain im more of a vodka komrade

>> No.9075292

Why does liquor drunk feel so much different than beer drunk?
I just had a couple beers at a mate's house. Felt good.
Come back home, get me a rum and coke, and it's like being wrapped in a big fuzzy warm blanket.
Even if it's just the first drink, it's different

>> No.9075321

Because right from the start it warms you up. Its just so nice and cozy.
Id describe beer as being 'chill' since you can keep drinking more and more and slowly get drunk over time, great for hanging out with friends and chatting, they both have there place.

I agree that liquor drunk is better though.

>> No.9075346

Mead is made of danger

>> No.9075354

Does mead tastes good? I was planning to try it someday

>> No.9075375

Not him
I've had two kinds of mead
There's "mead" which is honey flavoured liqueur. Because things made of honey taste like honey right?
And there's more beerlike drink that's not sweet at all
That's mead.

>> No.9075383

It is fucking excellent. If you're around Austin Tx I suggest Meridian Hives huajillo mead. It's fucking great. Semisweet though if you're into dry drinks stay away. If you like dry wines and whatnot pick a different mead. If you like em sweet try Tej, the Ethiopian mead. They pitch it with a second load of honey so its like drinking fizzy honey water that gets you shitfaced

>> No.9075390

Tej is almost like sweet honey champagne. The huajillo stuff is a true mead, honey that's been fermented, too. Very few bubbles tho.

But it tastes so good if you like honey. It goes down like fruit juice.

>> No.9075403

yes, but make sure you get a real mead and not some kind of freak beer-mead mixture that has hops in it

>> No.9075423

That sounds... Interesting and also awful.

Like, why would you do that? The bees worked so damn hard why you gotta put trash in their honey?

>> No.9075610

Don't leave me alone with my rotten bee puke please

>> No.9075629

Mead? Go to bed.

>> No.9075637

Well say something worth talking about

By the way are you familiar with the cultural anthropological ideas about food transformations
Fuck I wish I had my notes still

Anyways, "rotten" was a classification of food preparation.
I forget so much of my college shit
So you have two axes
Dry and wet, and natural and cultured.
Dry and natural is raw.
Dry and cultured is baked
Wet and natural is fermented.
Wet and cultured is boiled

Cultural anthropology really has some good insights and shit that I wish I remembered more of

>> No.9075659

Hey you and I both. I got a fucking degree in that shit. Fermentation of all varieties fascinates me. Just because it's "rotten" doesn't mean it's bad: see beer, bread, cheese, pickles &c. To turn one thing into a new food with only the help of nature herself is one of the most interesting things in the world to me. My sourdough starter, Steve, is my oldest friend; started him when I was ten and have kept him fed and living and making me bread for nearly two decades now. Tried using the fellow for beer but he is not for that life. Maybe mead...? Hm. Bees on my mind

>> No.9075666

Can't sleep too busy trying to be a Texas Viking.

...where is my axe

>> No.9075672

What's your opinion on Sapir-Whorf? You must have loved Arrival this year.

I brewed beer with a friend when I was in college. His idea and I just got roped into it.
Fucking fun and fucking stupid. The prep involves a lot of sterilization with boiling water. All the tubes need to be flushed with boiling water. Yeah, that involves lots of scalds
Not to mention getting up late at night to fix sealing problems. We made peach beer once and it was like dealing with a baby. That thing would pop its top every other night and vomit foam and shit all over. Way too much sugar in the peaches. Never again.
Tasted alright tho.

I fucking love bees, by the way.
One day when I'm an old man, I will have an apiary

>> No.9075683

Agreed. At least with pills you can skip a day and drink if you absolutely have to. I've taken a couple days off, as a break from the anhedonia. You may wish to go with daily pills in the future.

>> No.9075692

Irt(Sapir-Whorf) I gotta say I'm down with the soft application inasmuch as that language AFFECTS the way you think rather than determines it. I know it's anecdotal, however, I've found that learning many languages has indeed changed the way I frame the world. Welsh is the perfect language for the terminally depressed, incidentally. Since we're anon, ima lay this at your feet: I was told I was dying at 18. Before that I was 1000% set on field linguistics as my path in life. Describing Morphosyntax is my bible.

Irt(Arrival) what is?

Irt(beermaking) it is indeed a hassle. I produced a sort of barley wine but it ended as sour beer. Not terrible but not exactly what one wants from a beer yknow?

>> No.9075694

That's great. Give your body a chance to recover.

>> No.9075712

>that language AFFECTS the way you think rather than determines it.
I don't think anyone can disagree with this. It can't be proven, but I think 99% of (educated) people will agree.
But I'm not willing to disregard strong Sapir-Whorf just based on how much I feel like I should. We Westerners are strong individualistic people. We find it insulting if people suggest that things are out of our hand. A strong Sapir-Whorf position goes hard against our ontological position as Westerners
And that's why I can't throw it out.

There was this video that I think every anthro undergrad is shown about those red clay Africans from Namibia(?). The video shows some Euro researchers asking them to identify colour. In their language, apparently, they don't have a separation between basic colours like green and blue. So the researchers ask them to point out the blue square in a field of green squares. And they literally cannot do it. For us, it's as clear as day. But they can't.
Or something like that.

I never studied linguistics specifically. Took a few classes in that direction, but never the whore horse. Dated a girl who did though. I think she was really special. Fucked it up though. I regret that a lot.

How are you doing about your diagnosis? You ain't dead yet, nigga.

Oh and Arrival is a movie about a linguist who is tasked by the US military to translate an alien language. The movie takes a strong Sapir-Whorf position. Really strong.

>> No.9075738

Eh I can live without fapping for a while.

>> No.9075920

Nope, thats like the fall back for when you got no pot, alcohol, food. Jack it to boost dat dopamine

>> No.9076208


I have no idea, i hope its hallucinations but they are everywhere on the floor, since i havent cleaned up here in a long fucking time.


Godspeed anon.

>> No.9076433

>Water destroys ethanol

We're here for you pal.

>> No.9076650

>H2O can't melt ethanol beams
blue pilled

>> No.9076653


Unless the drink gives them a little confidence.

Peter Steele turned to shit when he quit drinking.

>> No.9076656

Come on man, you know better. What precautions are you taking in order to not drink again?

>> No.9076666

Metallica used to drink a lot, too, and they slayed live, but it wasn't just because of booze, they had that raw energy that's so common in young adults. That's why we got their fifth album on which they decided to be a little mature, and then Load and Reload happen and it all went down the fucking drain.

>> No.9076678

my body will actually wake me up in the middle of the night and the first thought that comes into my head is "WATER!! DRINK LOTS OF WATER NOW"

Alcohol must dehydrate the hell out of you, even if you're just pounding beers

>> No.9076682


I get back pain if I don't drink a couple liters of water when I'm hosing.

>> No.9076687

I'm on antibiotics right now, can I get drunk?

>> No.9076695

You mean if you can drink? It would be best not to, but then again, occasional drink isn't that bad, though it all depends on what you're on. It would be best not to drink anything while you're on pills, but if you can't pull through with it, I highly advise you to check in with your doctor about mixing drink with your antibiotics.

>> No.9076717


Drinking while on AB just nullifies your AB as far as I know.

>> No.9076720

it can also enhance the bad effects pills can have

>> No.9076721
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>>"Came to interview clearly intoxicated..."
>>"Claimed he had applied for GM position..."
>>"Announced he had worked in the hotel business for 'over 40 years...'"
>>was 23 at this time
>>"When confronted about being intoxicated, announced we 'couldn't afford his services anyway...'"
>>"Damaged office door when attempting to leave...'"
>>friend didn't speak to me for months

>> No.9076724


well if you take tylenol it creates a liver antagonist, not sure about actual anti biotics thought.

>> No.9076732

Alcohol does not make an antibiotic less effective at treating an infection, but alcohol may make the side effects of both alcohol and antibiotics worse.

>> No.9076735

what the fuck

>> No.9076741


OH, I didn't know that, thanks. I thought it buggered up the AB.

>> No.9076745

No problem, anon.

>> No.9076772


I don't want to go back to drinking if I can help it. I only want to drink on occasions.

>tfw spoke too soon
had a horrible nights sleep last night

>> No.9076775

Hello fellow al/cks
I have just ate a burrito and am now playing bloodborne.......With vodka
Starting a new game, will update on my progress

>> No.9076780

During my sobriety from porn, I had several nights where I was dreaming of jacking off to it. Stay strong and good luck further down the road, anon.

Don't you mean Boozeborne?

>> No.9076899

>calls the pros who stay hydrated while drinking pussies
>drinks twice a month

lightweight amateurs don't get to talk shit, m8

>> No.9076962

I don't need AA, I've got Jesus in my heart

>> No.9077011
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>day 6 of a mandatory 30 day 'intensive outpatient therapy' is tonight
>have to go to AA apparently and get a 'sponsor' when I'm done as part of my discharge

At least a few of the guys are cool, but most of them are so happy go lucky and didn't actually have serious drinking problems it's just their wives bitching and making them stop and shit. Also holy fuck it's so fucking boring but they can breathalyze/urine test randomly to kick you out. I'm considering picking some shrooms since it rained yesterday, but muh pupils.

>> No.9077023


fuck off normie

>> No.9077058

I just did four weeks of IOP. its actually a lot of good information.

>> No.9077103


There are snippets of neat insights into psychology from the handouts and shit we get but when most of the group is round robin people whining about their daily life/job/SO and then reading from handouts and shit like meditating it gets tedious as fuck.

>> No.9077169

Got super wasted like everyday but I didn't end up messenging my ex


>> No.9077243

So are they trying to drive you back into drinking?

>> No.9077249


They're doing a damn good job of it, that's for sure.

>> No.9077329

Hi everyone
I'm am here

>> No.9077357

Can excessive drinking make your hair turn grey faster?
I can't think of a reason why it would, but this seems like a hell of a coincidence.

>> No.9077362

About to order a martini for the first time. What's a good gin to order? Should I specify the vermouth? I don't imagine most smaller bars have much of a selection.

>> No.9077368

Get a vodka martini, dry

>> No.9077378

I'm already dead set on a traditional martini. I don't mind the taste of gin.

>> No.9077396

Every night I I come home from work, drink and play Bloodborne lately. I know I'm 2 years late but it's good. I actually bought it in 2016 but quit at the beginning because I gave up on getting gud. But I'm better now.

>> No.9077399
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Afternoon anons. I'm struggling but still alive, still drunk, still here all the time. Stay strong guys n' grils <3

>> No.9077416

Mannnn I'm playing it at the moment with vodka. It's my 6th playtgrough now I think
It's one of my favourite games.
Do you need any tips? Are you struggling on a certain boss?

>> No.9077418

Glad your still alive man
I love you brother

>> No.9077420

As much as I thought you were a total faggot when you showed up here, having to look through one eye and listening to Alice in Chains is definitely something I've done.
Hello. I really don't know what to say, I've been seeing you for a long time now. I don't know, I'm just glad you had some people to talk to on here and I hope the best for you even though it's bad. I could tell you to go for more help but you seemed resolved that you wouldn't. I just want it to be as peaceful as possible.

>> No.9077425

I'm working on getting the upper cathedral key so I can get the gesture to use on the brain of mensis before I kill it to get the rune.
I'm all out of sedatives though and don't know where to get them really.

>> No.9077442

2 ways I know how to get them
1. You need a badge fr upper cath ward then messengers will sell it
2. In the lecture building on the first room on the right there is like 13 mutated students. They sometimes drop them, this is also an amazing place to garm blood echoes? Bottle neck them through a door and kill, rinse and repeat, level ups and free sedatives

>> No.9077470

I know what you mean.

>> No.9077528

I know it is hard mate, but you should remember that you have the power to change yourself. You all do. Don't let any substance control your life. Go to rehab

>> No.9077550
File: 441 KB, 530x394, AAAHHHHH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else here /drinksbecauseofhemerrhoids/
I just drown in rum because my asshole feels like it's on fire. Alcohol is beautiful.
Cheese-sticks, never again.
>mfw it flares up again

>> No.9077554

Not much desu.

The thing is I'm not sure if I want to. I don't see much of a decent future for the world in general let alone myself, so I'm always conflicted between wanting to get my shit together and trying to escalate things into an early death to get it over with.

>> No.9077568

Alcohol is not being beautiful to your body anon, it is likely making your hemerhoids worse

>> No.9077575

heh, that's' where you're wrong kiddo.
Alcohol dulls the pain.

>> No.9077577

I also struggle with this. I don't have a lot of hope at the moment.

>> No.9077583

chug the whole bottle and you'll die guaranteed

break a leg my dude

>> No.9077656

I only have moderate hemorrhoids so I'm thankful they aren't any worse. But dude even I know that drinking is not going to help that issue. If they are really bad and you lose a lot of blood every time you shit you can see a doctor you know. It's their job to deal with this shit, they won't mind.

>> No.9077694

Wew. Finally got that badge to buy sedatives now and I did the Emissary and Ebreitas so I'm off to the Brain.

>> No.9077721

Nice job on ebreitas dude. I found that boss really really tough
Do you have the DLC? I recommend playing it after you clear the main game. It's a big difficulty increase, a really engaging challenge. Some awesome weapons too.
I can't remember what it's called now, drinks getting to my head

>> No.9077836

What happens if I replace all of the liquid I drink in a day with liquor?

>> No.9077879


what gets you the drunkest fastest and doesn't taste like complete shit? I'm 230lbs and it takes a lot for me to get wasted. what should I try?

>> No.9077881

Cheap ciders or boxed wine.

>> No.9077910

Lads I'm about 2 weeks sober but I cannot socialise for the life of me without using booze as a crutch. How the fuck do I hold conversations? Even at work I get bored/can't think of anything to say to me colleagues after a few minutes.

I guess I still have some brainfog but I wish it would fuck off so I could think clearly about what to say. I overthink stuff so much that I just don't say anything.

>> No.9077911

Drinking cause/worsen haemorrhoids.
Get cream for haemorrhoids, it's over the counter and works nicely. Unlike booze clerks who want to chit chat about your alcoholism, they are trained to handle these minor situations.
Alternatively, go to a doc. I did, he shoved a finger in my anus, prescribed me over the counter cream, and told me to come back if it didn't get better. So start with cream.

>what gets you the drunkest fastest
Having an empty stomach and drinking high % booze (after mixing). Enema is faster butt...
Also do not drink on an empty stomach, it's bad.
>and doesn't taste like complete shit
As in tastes of ethanol? Lower %, sugar, carbonation.

>> No.9077912

How long do you think you've got left m8?

>> No.9077916

>I cannot socialise for the life of me without using booze as a crutch


I've brought alcohol to places where I wasn't supposed to bring alcohol so I could socialized with people and people noticed, it's pretty embarrassing.

>> No.9077918

Vodka + pineapple juice.

>> No.9077942
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Here I go again, careening into the night with 10 oz of bad whiskey, because I don't actually plan on living my life and spend the first 2/3 of my day beating myself up for not doing anything to change because the chances of me being happy despite all that hard work are still very slim.

>> No.9077952

>Also do not drink on an empty stomach, it's bad.

But that's the most efficient way, anon.

>> No.9077957

Even doctors have a hard time answering this question.
On one hand, I don't want smirnoffbro to die. On the other, I wish him a quick relief rather than a long and painful death. But I fear it's going to be very painful and nightmarish.
We talked about exit bags the first time I talked with you...

It's worth getting drunk slower to avoid getting badly trashed. Also your body will not make you live the torments of Hell in a few years ; so while you won't hear it thank you you need to eat.

>> No.9077958
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Anon are you employed now?

>> No.9077965

I can only guess, dude. 2 days ago I felt instinctively confident I only had 2 days max. I just won't seem to die, but I'm practically skeletal now, skin is coming off, rash all over, a few teeth loose, don't have the strength to stand without holding on to stuff, almost completely blind in one eye, constant headaches and throbbing/stabbing internal organs, can only keep water down if I'm drunk, haven't eaten in maybe 8 days... I don't suppose this can go on much longer.
S'all good. Legit have fuck all to live for except drinking. as long as I'm drunk I'm happy and I've got 5 bottles sat in front of me. Laying here listening to Alan Watts lectures and downing Smirnoff. Life is ok.

>> No.9077972

>still drinking alcohol

>> No.9077978

Any pics? Also can you paypal me the rest of your money before you die?

>> No.9077991


That doesn't sound very pleasant anon.

>> No.9078010
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Aye, I manage a warehouse these days. I've always held jobs, usually in kitchens during my lost-in-the-sauce years because nobody shakes two shits at you for being a drunk as long as you can perform. The hotel gig was supposed for some walking around money. I stopped drinking last year because it just wasn't making me happy anymore. Still enjoy these threads.

>> No.9078014

Nothing to photograph really bruh.
I'm in debt btw, the only spending power I have left is loans secured on my house. If by some miracle I live long enough, imma sell it, pay off debts, buy a smaller house, repeat until homeless/in a tent/grave. I find it to be a surprisingly cosy master plan, because I agree with this anon >>9077554
So sorry dude, nothing to send

The 'end stages' of alcoholism tend not to be pretty. As long as I'm not sober, I'm fine.
Plus listening to Watts' genius and knowing that even someone that smart died young because of alcoholism, makes me feel somehow more comfortable with my 'allowing' things to get this bad. If even he couldn't control this shit, I had no chance.

>> No.9078016
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Nice. So does your friend still hate you? It's a hilarious story.

>> No.9078017

Two my understanding, when your liver gets closer to fully shutting down, it won't even get you drunk anymore. That's the most horrible part about it.

>> No.9078021

Yeah fuck that. I have a load of tramadol and lorazepam I can take (all at once, I mean) if things become unmanageable.

>> No.9078034

The guru of this thread and an absolute attention whore, mostly admired for winning the 'le most fucked up therefore most respectable' contest, apart from that just cocksucking from his accolites

>> No.9078039

Agree with >>9077957
Eating, even if it's junk and you have to choke it down, will make you feel so so much better, and you'll be a hell of a lot healthier. I recommend nuts, raisins, peanut butter and honey. No prep, filled with calories and actually quite healthy foods. Stick them all in a blender and chug a cup every day if you have to, just don't have absolutely no food for days on end, it will fucking ruin you.

>> No.9078046

No, we're cool. Everyone grew tired of all the blackout antics eventually, but for the most part I didn't lose any friends over drinking. That particular incident is something we can look back on and kek.

>> No.9078081


For several years I drank first thing in the morning to even out, then would eat lunch or dinner, I didn't starve myself for weeks like vodkabro.

>> No.9078106

It's a relatively recent thing for me to rarely eat, bro. For the majority of the time I've been drinking I used to eat at least one large, healthy meal a day, and have lots of healthy snacks, smoothies, supplements etc too, and enjoy doing so. Over the last year or two though my appetite has just gone to absolute shit. It happened rapidly and without warning. Everything tastes like cardboard and the thought of even just chewing makes me feel ill. I don't choose to not eat, I just can't often stand it any more. I suspect this is fairly common, so be careful, al/ck/.

>> No.9078145

>tfw gave up alcohol recently because I don't want my gf to leave me like my mum did my dad due to excessive drinking

Nail in the coffin is seeing my dad spiral towards an early grave as all he does is drink now

>> No.9078154

I've played the shit out of it throughout 2016 and it's fucking neat. Great atmosphere and neat combat, also some of the boss fights are stellar!

>> No.9078157

Early grave is underrated

>> No.9078160

So you're dying of hunger. It takes about 3 months for a healthy adult. Still can take days in your state.

Enough to kill you? I mean, you're quite resilient to overdose...
Exit bag is a solution too. Some helium is all you need.
Also please don't die.

>I suspect this is fairly common
It's way faster if you drink without eating. Your diet is what made you live this long.

>> No.9078165

Can't cope by myself desu

>> No.9078176
File: 1.89 MB, 1248x697, 6-11-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been four days since I've drank. Been tapering down for the past 2 weeks and doing pretty good. Very close to being fired because of being hungover and or not waking up and being 4 hours late for my job.

Went from 215 pounds to 197 and im feelin like a stud. Cleaned my kitchen and bathroom after months of neglect. Baby steps I guess.

>> No.9078183
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Im happy you didnt lose friends. Ive lost some friends on those nights of blacking out and grown to appreciate the ones who were there for me on those nights.

>> No.9078209

What the hell dude. I've been sober 2 weeks after dropping cider/beer and I've barely lost any weight

>> No.9078210

I do eat, just, rarely. I'll probably have a big jug of smoothie (typically ill have avocado, bananas, mango, cherries, peaches, blueberries, cinammon, ginger, mint leaf, vanilla pod, ice, water, blend) and some soft, easy protein like smoked cod. Healthy as fuck and once I've got it out of the way I can just forget about eating for a few more days.
In fact I'm gonna do it now. I really should eat. Few more chugs and I'm gonna limp to the kitchen and get this bastard chore outta the way.
I'd forgotten about the exit bag method. I remember you suggesting it before. I doubt I'll snuff myself, don't expect to need to, but thank you for suggesting what would appear to be a fairly painless method, just in case things really do become unbearable.
For now I'm generally ok, dude. I hope all of you lot are ok too.

>> No.9078252

Traded some weed for speed. Didnt eat for two days. But yeah, no alcohol has helped me not binge eat junk.

>> No.9078293
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>>"Announced he had worked in the hotel business for 'over 40 years...'"
>>was 23 at this time

you sound like a top drinking buddy

>> No.9078329

>sober 2 months
>drop 20 pounds
>meet up with buddies
>drink 1 beer

does the "I'll just have 1" or "just 2" attitude ever work for you lads?

>> No.9078332


>> No.9078357

Im a poorfag who always bought the cheapest shit. but now I wanna treat myself and I'm tired of drinking shitty crap. what should I get?

>> No.9078359

Since I stopped drinking I've been looking forward to going home after work and eating dinner so much. My mouth salivates at the thought of dinner

>> No.9078368

>someone graduates
>alright i'll just have one toast of champagne
>wake up holding an empty vodka bottle the next afternoon
>pray to jesus before checking my phone bracing for the shame

>> No.9078369

>Just 1
Yes of course. One trip to rehab a few months later, that is.

>what should I get?
The third cheapest shit.

>> No.9078372

I like dry red wine, I used to drink a lot of chateauneuf du pape. It's quite strong for a wine too at ~14%

>> No.9078384
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>Chateauneuf du Pepe

>> No.9078391

>dry red wine
If migraine had a flavor

>> No.9078397

Why the fuck does my stomach hurt god damn it's been hurting all day

>> No.9078409

What did you do yesterday?

>> No.9078410

I really just wanna treat myself to something really good man. I really did save up the cash this time. something thats good and expensive.

ok thanks I will try. if it will get me drunk quickly then its better.

>> No.9078413

>>9078357 *

>> No.9078425

>Making some rice, which I'm going to top with Spam and eggs.

My negro.

>> No.9078432

So how the fuck do you get all the vodka? Do you never think that you might start enjoying life again when you're out of the alcohol induced haze?

>> No.9078435

How much money are you willing to spend?

>> No.9078446

Benzos are fucking great in a terrible way

>> No.9078458


This is the best thing I've read in months

>> No.9078460

400 bucks at most.

>> No.9078472

>i drink twice a month
>other people are pussies

>> No.9078475

You're just paying for pretentiousness when you hit prices anywhere near that. I've never paid more than 50 for a bottle, and I thought it was crap.
What kind of drink do you like?

>> No.9078479

That's fucking stupid, don't do that

>> No.9078488

honestly, I just get 90-100 proof liquor at the cheapest prices. I don't care what the price is as long as its good quality.

>> No.9078504

also I like the Putinka brand.

>> No.9078524

Maybe go for a selection with your money. Try each end of the spectrum from sweet, creamy and girly, like amarula cream or sheridans, to a serial killing john Wayne -esque scotch like lagavulin. There are plenty of luxury hampers people will sell you if you're sufficiently deep in the pocket.

>> No.9078540

Fucking Harrods prices, 5,000gbp for some teabags.


>> No.9078577


Alright, I'm out.

>> No.9078633

Is this how it feels to drink yourself to death?

>> No.9078769

Down to 3 days a week now, feeling a lot better but i am v aware that my life has no meaning and is adrift whilst sober

it is when i'm drunk as well, of course, but at least then i'm drunk

>> No.9078784
File: 837 KB, 1440x812, leaving-las-vegas-cage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else obsessed with this movie?

>> No.9078827

Fuck you faggot

Anyone else here transitioning from happy drunk to angry drunk? I may quit altogether because of this.
Never saw it coming, and it happens regardless of the type of alcohol I'm drinking.

>> No.9078832

That scene was me on my last drunk, driving and drinking straight from a handle of Burnette's in the middle of town because I was beyond giving a fuck. I honestly deserved to wrap myself around a tree for endangering people like that.

>> No.9078859

Yeah it's the best al/ck/ movie by far.
"The lost weekend" is pretty good too

>> No.9078861


I took acid last year with a friend, he played a lot of Alan Watts speeches while we tripped, and out of nowhere right when everyone was getting into it about enlightenment or whatever he was saying, my friend said "Now, just so you know. This guy was really wise and he had a lot to say, but he also drank himself to death. So it's not easy for anybody, even when you think you've got it figured out".

Love from me to you, Smirnoffbro. If this is all you got, make it a good one.

>> No.9078880

I haven't seen that, I'll check that out.

Cage is the only one who really played a convincing drunk as far as I've seen. He's too good at it, it hurts, like looking in a mirror.

>> No.9078895

Richard E Grant plays a very convincing drink in Withnail and I, but the movie while pretty good, doesn't really capture the essence of alcoholism

>> No.9078937

about as close as I've ever heard of a song describing my self hatred combined with alcoholism perfectly

>> No.9078939
File: 63 KB, 720x960, cK81y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you come home after a hard day's work to find this in your liquor cabinet


>> No.9078943


>> No.9078949

That would be Barfly

>> No.9079312

Looks like fermented horse piss. Scary to think that some poor, lonely alck in Sierra Leone is surrounded by black booster empties, laying on his own, weeping for his waifu, holding his nose while he chugs back gulps of that toxic-looking putrescence; the only joy in his rotting, pathogen strewn, liver annihilating torture chamber of a home.

>> No.9079319

Nah meng, LLV is the shit

>> No.9079325

It's like two quid for a jug, though.
I've been kinda wanting to do a trip to Sierra Leone to try it for a while now. Tried signing up for volunteer work when we had the Ebola scare a while back but they had all the nurses they needed. Ah well.

>> No.9079368

>£2 for 5 litres of 42%
Jesus fuck. This company has to be run by some hyper rich psychopath who's enjoying killing alcoholics

>> No.9079415

>tfw haven't been able to drink any alcohol while outside ever since I got my license

I just really want to be able to enjoy a cocktail or two with my friends, but I don't want to take public transport like a fucking pleb.

>> No.9079441

>he shoved a finger in my anus
I'll pass

>> No.9079462

So you would rather be miserable than have a great time with friends and possibly be perceived as a pleb by strangers on a bus?

Be honest anon, you're 16, aren't you?

>> No.9079466

18, so close enough.

>> No.9079491

Just got back from visiting cousin who tried to "kill himself," on Saturday. Had a bunch of laughs, ate some food, played some cards. Funny when a different psych ward patient whose been sitting by you disgustedly gets up and says, "You guys are fucked up!"

By the way, it was when he gave me a hand of cards and said, "Goddamit! You should've pulled the trigger!" Said cousin in question lost his shit and laughed his ass off.

Oh yeah, snuck him in some booze in the soft drink, because fuck being sober there.

>> No.9079492


$3.65 for that 5-liter jug according to this.
I don't understand how they manage to produce alcohol that cheaply in a place where anything with carbohydrates must surely be highly valued as, you know, food.

>> No.9079922

So uncomfortable. Life is not supposed to be this unpleasant.

>> No.9080011

Where can I buy this?

>> No.9080018

Talk to doc about naltrexone.

>> No.9080033

Nothing pretty much, and I just woke up, it's still hurting, near the bottom, centre to a bit right

>> No.9080151

>Got talked to about drinking on the job today
>Left without finishing my work
>dry heaved a bunch
>fell asleep at 6pm
>woke up at 11pm
>started drinking again
>it is now 4am
>gotta be at work in 3 hours

>> No.9080173

What're the best beer(s) to start off with for a plebeian? I've got a trader joe's I can go to.

>> No.9080174


TJ doesn't carry anything decent.

>> No.9080176

That doesn't sound good there buddy...after 30 years, I've weened myself down to Friday/Saturday night drunkfests, with the occasional midweek pint or six...I can't go back to the way I used to be...

>> No.9080213

I did that years ago.
Lost friends, lost everything making life worth living, lost health.
You lived the funny part of alcoholism, now there is only chasing the dragon tail of happy drunk, but the dragon fuck off entirely.

>possibly be perceived as a pleb by strangers on a bus?
You mean be perceived as a normie by plebs on a bus.

>> No.9080361

Pretty sketchy being in plastic with a taped on label, but a man has to do what a man has to do!

>> No.9080504
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Hello everyone
How are you doing?
You still here vodkaBro? (I hope you are here)

>> No.9080534

I'm doing quite good so far, but not everything is going as planned, as if it ever did. I do feel like shit from time to time, because I wasn't there for someone when I should have been and that person killed himself, but at least I'm not drunk almost every day of the week now. Sobriety has been treating me well this 3 weeks and I hope it will continue to be so, even if I'm to face a lot of temptations that will try to stop me in the process, but hey, a little challenge here and there ain't such a bad thing.

How are you, anon?

>> No.9080536

You need to get yourself in order, man. As hard as it will be, you can't keep going like this without ruining your goddamn life.

>> No.9080553

It's helpful shit, and insurance covers it.

>> No.9080619

I make moonshine with store bought sugar and end up at around 5 bucks for 5 litres.

Making alcohol is very cheap. Most of what you pay for in the shops are packaging, marketing, taxes and paying off all the middle men.

>> No.9080629


>> No.9080642

Yeah, but you live in a place where people are dying of too much food. Sierra Leone isn't it.

>> No.9080660

well, I managed to piss the bed


>> No.9080665

how the fuck did you manage that

>> No.9080675

The alcohol used is probably surplus from other parts of the world. Note that it says 'blended and packaged', not distilled.

>> No.9080678


get so drunk don't remember


one last time into the deep

>> No.9080681
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Need some halp on this one.

TL;DR: desperately trying to figure out how much somebody has to drink to trigger alcohol withdrawals, as I am trying to quit but don't know what to expect

Young man, but have drank every night for let's say the past couple of years.

Getting drunk is not my usual thing. Tipsy, sure, but I'm more the type of guy to just maintain tipsiness and not actually go for getting drunk drunk. Still, I drink a lot. Like, left to my own devices, 6 pack of decently strong beer in a night OR a bottle of wine, sometimes two. Sometimes I do end up just binge drinking but like I said, it's not the norm. (and yes I realize that this is pussyboy shit compared to a lot of the guys ITT)

ANYWAY I'm wondering if I'm at risk for DTs. 23 years old, 5'11" (180cm for yurofriends), 175 lbs (79 kgs), drinking let's say 4-6 drinks a night for two years. Will I get DTs if I go sober for a few days.

Bonus datapoints: I had one drink a night for a few nights no problem, that was last month. Also, I had zero alcohol the night before last, no problem.

>> No.9080691

Oy my dudes, I'm almost 24, been drinking at least a pint of vodka every day (plus beers) since I hit 21. Pretty sure I've given myself GERD, anyways-

How long until I die of a heart attack or my liver fails?

>> No.9080698


im 28 and still waiting

the end is soon

I hope

>> No.9080703

>4-6 drinks
You're totally fine. You'll probably just be bored.
Going cold turkey starts to trigger acute alcohol withdrawls when you're at around 500ml of vodka a night. A sixpack a day is perfectly safe to quit without tapering.

>> No.9080705

This is nothing. You're good.

>> No.9080708

>trying to figure out how much somebody has to drink to trigger alcohol withdrawals

There is no answer that question. It depends entirely on the person involved and what their drinking habits were/are. There are literally hundreds of variables involved, and this process is not well understood medically. It is impossible to give a specific "amount".

FWIW, I consistently drank about the same as you (roughly). At my worst I had ramped up to 12+ drinks a day.

When I quit ("cold turkey") I had some very mild visual and audio hallucinations for about 2 days. Insomnia for 5 days. But I never had DTs. I was also more than 10 years older than you. I think it's unlikely that you will have DTs given my experience, but understand that this sort of thing is impossible to predict and assign numbers to.

>> No.9080724


alright, thanks for the responses, gonna attempt a taper nonetheless. for the record, I decided to get my shit under control when I realized that drinking might be causing a panic disorder to develop in my mind.

>> No.9080726

4-6? id say that's fuck all

may have trouble sleeping tho

>> No.9080738

>may have trouble sleeping tho

Yup. That's actually what started my drinking habit, I used it as a way to pass out. Speaking of, I have been up all night...

Diphenhydramine (zzzquil) has worked in the past but I would rather not trade one crutch for another

>> No.9080990
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330 USD for this, I hate the tariffs in my country

>> No.9081199

You lucky bastard. I wish I had that kind of money to spend

>> No.9081219

Folks are picking me up at 2 to check me into a clinic for some amount of time. In 29. 12-15 drinks a day. What am I in for guys?

>> No.9081227

It will suck for a while but you can pull through.
It will be worth it, I promise.

>> No.9081291

It will feel great once you're detoxed. No hangovers, no anxiety, no sweats etc. Important that youbask your doctor for a naltrexone prescription. Will help you stay away from booze after you're detoxed.

>> No.9081461


>no hangovers
>No anxiety
>no sweats

but plenty of depression for months on end

>> No.9081488

You'll probably be fine, m8. You can do a taper if you want though, just one drink less a day until you hit zero. Hit the ground softly.

>> No.9081494

You won't get DTs drinking that amount.

>> No.9081496
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Is zoloft a good substitute for alcohol

>> No.9081538

>worried about getting withdrawal
>im out and too late to buy more
>mom offers me a bottle out of the blue

>> No.9081543

Now start your taper lad

>> No.9081617

Nope. Won't do shit, unless you're taking it to help with PAWS. Might help a bit with that.
Antidepressants make me drink a lot more than usual.

>> No.9081652

>pint of vodka every day

>a panic disorder
You'll have anxiety when stopping. Consider pot, CBD, meditation, mindfulness, etc. to help with that, since it may not go away by itself.

First week is half withdrawals half boredom. Then it's boredom, but they usually don't keep you long after the first week if they don't have some stuff to teach you about sobriety.
Bring books, music, food that can be kept outside a fridge. Ask what can you bring (they may ban phones, food, cables, etc.)

Detox doesn't give depression, it's a separate problem. Maybe one of the reasons why you drank.

No, benzodiazepines are alcohol in pill.
Unless you were drinking to manage your depression, then you're an idiot and yes. Don't take it randomly, AD work after a week or two during witch risk of suicide are increased (Yes, anti-depressants kill by suicide, it's counter-intuitive.)

>> No.9081725



>> No.9081793

This was the same thing for me. I was sober for a couple days, then found beer in my fridge. I told myself, I was only gonna drink one just to fill up my stomach.

Long story short, I ended up drinking 15 beers and wrote a very long literary analysis of Whats Eating Gilbert Grape

>> No.9081898


Your welcone

>> No.9081936

w2c in UK? I have no clue

>> No.9081997

top lel

>> No.9082070
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am I gonna make it?

>> No.9082073

rip its lung cancer cya buddy

>> No.9082117


That's definitely a xeno infection, cut off the foot asap before it bursts, you don't have time to go to a hospital.

>> No.9082170

fuck I'm bleeding

>> No.9082192


>330 USD
>Bareksten Gin

You must be from Norway, make wine from Europris instead.

>> No.9082199

would be more cost/effective but I was hoping to have some of this in my personal stash

>> No.9082353


Enjoy anon, enjoy

>> No.9082366
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I'm 21, have been drinking since I'm 14.

Started drinking regularly at 16 (every weekend), and almost daily since I'm like 19.
I have alcoholic neuropathy now.

My uncle is in his 50s and except for gout once he's completely healthy.

This shit is unfair. I don't wanna be broken yet.

>> No.9082371

Forgot to mention my uncle is also an alcoholic.

>> No.9082382

>I have alcoholic neuropathy now.
Isn't this reversably?

>> No.9082395

i have it too, cant feel my feet most days

>> No.9082404

From what I have read it's chronic.

You can reduce the symptoms by quitting alcohol and eating well, though.
Yeah my hands and arms and legs and feet hurt a lot and fall asleep as soon as I don't move them for a minute.
But it still doesn't keep me from drinking. It's insanity.

>> No.9082420


>> No.9082426

I've had something resembling it after benders but so far it has always recovered.

Scary stuff, one of my main motivations to moderate my drinking desu.

>> No.9082469

When are you gonna stop drinking your life away?

>> No.9082486

found some and ordered it, will post results

>> No.9082491
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When I move out in 6 weeks. Gonna live on my own for the first time in my life, and moving from bum fuck nowhere country to a major big city, working towards something I actually wanna achieve.
I'm gonna quit drinking and focus on writing as a hobby, and I'm gonna rejoin gym and therapy and maybe a literature club etc etc

>> No.9082517

>living alone
>not drinking

pick one

>> No.9082518

Definitely making your asshole worse bud. I would bleed like fuck out of my ass (idk why, assumed roids) but after a lengthy stint not drinking excessively there's only a little now.

Drinking alcohol severely affects how good your body heals it's self.

>> No.9082525

well just dont like discourage me man

>> No.9082564

actually I feel I drink more when I live with my mother as compared to when I don't

When I live with my mother I want to drink every day, but when I live alone, I may want to drink every now and then, but I'm more able to live without alcohol

>> No.9082565

If you stop drinking you either fall into another addiction (eating) or decide to miraculously grow a will and watch yourself more.

>> No.9082566

not >>9082491 btw

>> No.9082568

stfu fag yo dont know me

>> No.9082592

Been there, lost my job because of it. Nobody mentioned it but looking back there's no way they didn't know I was getting fucked every single night. You can't keep it up bud... Sort it out or I hope you have family or friends to support you. I did (still do) and sober now...and think of what a fucking retard I was ruining a decent job.

>> No.9082615

sounds about right, in washington state a bottle of jack is "19.99" but taxes bring it up to around thirty bux

>> No.9082637

however that's (4*0.7L)+(2*0.5L)+0.2L = 4L

>> No.9082692


I believe you can make it anon, the best of luck to you

>> No.9082698

>went to gym even though I didn't want to
>cooked up a whole bunch of food
>have lots of booze to get shitfaced
Yes. Today is good.

>> No.9082841

what's your squat

>> No.9082852

195lb now
I've just been doing it casually starting from a position of zero muscle.
I'm happy with my progress in that regard.