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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9074323 No.9074323 [Reply] [Original]

Okay seriously, why does everyone have to have their alcoholic beverages cold? Chilled liquors just kill any sense of flavour for me and literally the only thing I can taste is the spirits, or fizz when it comes to beer. What's with this cold drinks meme?

>> No.9074328

Itst to cut the bite of something too strong

>> No.9074330

How the fuck can beer be "too strong"?

>> No.9074344

I was talking more about liquor. Ive made beer slushies though with cheap piss on a hot day to make it even more refreshing though

>> No.9074357

With liquors though it has the opposite effect on me, considering at least with room temperature whisky you have some semblense of a taste to go along with the strong alcohol volume, only causing some discomfort with the aftertaste. At a chilled state the only thing you can feel is the alcohol which makes it harder to down at all stages. When having trouble with aftertaste I find a bite of a pickle to be much better anyway.

>> No.9074591

So don't do it.

>> No.9074601

You ever have a miller fortune? Bad beers with a high abv have a pretty stong rubbing alcohol sort of taste

>> No.9074609
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>why do people like cold beverages?

its summertime u fucking idiot.

>> No.9074616


because cold temperatures are pleasant you absolute fuck face

you are actively contributing the to the decline of this board as well as humanity's existence and you don't give a single fuck because you are completely unaware of anything in your stupid little jackoff life so just roll off your fucking office chair chew on a few pills and break your legs so hard you get gangrene and die you piece of walking breathing typing human garbage.

>> No.9074686
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Ahhh cheerio govnuh! Nothing quite like a nice warm lager to go with watching our queen get a pedicure on the BBC. Heres your jizyah tax achmed, fine pub you run, fine fine pub to be sure!

>> No.9074748

>nice warm lager to go with watching our queen

Warm ale, not lager. It took the superior itellect of Germany to develop lagering. The inbred Brits were lucky to have stumbled aross ale production.

>> No.9075080

not sure
if i can i have my weeb whiskey warmed

>> No.9075096
File: 315 KB, 522x511, 1497956422577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do Americans really drink their beer warm?

Liquor is best at rum temperature for sure, but beer? Disgusting

>> No.9075103

im not sure about america but in my country you dont cool down shit beer so its easier to drink quickly

>> No.9075105

what's rum temperature

>> No.9075109

Every temperature is rum temperature desu, /alc/ told me so

>> No.9075114

Thats how we jolly ol' brits say "room" uncultured anon

So you drink shit beer warm so you can get all the piss flavor?

>> No.9075116

Beer at room temperature isnt bad.
What I réalisée is that you drink a lot more beer when it is cold.

>> No.9075119

You're really hip. If this was tumblr, you would've gotten a reblog and a like.

>> No.9075133
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>drinking alcoholic beverages cold
>the only thing I can taste are the spirits
Holy shit what the fuck are you talking about OP

>> No.9075142

It's become part of the culture to drink beer cold because if you drink it warm you'll fully taste the shit quality of shitty, cheap, canned beer.

Go to a well-renowned local brewery in your area and hopefully the beer there will taste great even at room temp.

>> No.9075177

How can I 'crack one open wit the boys' if they are warm? My boys dont appreciate that shit

>> No.9075869

i do it mostly because i know it bothers you.
also, i enjoy it more than less cold.

>> No.9075877
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>> No.9076147

dude kys

>> No.9077133

single malt scotch, neat.

>> No.9077157

Drink brandy if you want it warm

>> No.9077164

try dark beer. some varieties are actually recommended to be consumed sligthly below room temp.

>> No.9077372

Dark beer is literally the only beer I drink though.

>> No.9077414

even in this shite weather a toasty warm brandy sounds mighty nice about now

or a cheeky calvados coffee

>> No.9077431

Hot beverages cool you off better than cold bevvies

>> No.9077433

stop smoking if you want the flavour to come back

>> No.9077937
File: 70 KB, 250x140, 1496803260450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is actually retarded

>> No.9077948

Americans drink it cold, you stupid nigger. Euros drink beer warm. Go back to fucking /pol/.