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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 36 KB, 564x768, drinking black coffee,no sugar or cream on the table.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9059649 No.9059649 [Reply] [Original]

black or white with cream and sugar.
Is there a proper way or just personal taste.

>> No.9059652

Mug of water
45 seconds in the microwave
1 carefully eyeballed half-spoon of instant folgers

>> No.9059656

Freshly ground, black

>> No.9059662

Morning: small cup of black coffee, burr ground fresh, single origin, either moka pot or drip, depending on how much time I have to fuck around

Evening: Cafe au lait

>> No.9059666 [DELETED] 

Hahaha. Niggers don't drink beverages that aren't alcoholic. Your picture is fake news.

>> No.9059671

Every addition to black coffee should be considered a crime against food.

>> No.9059687

I put a little sugar in it, never saw the point in cream AND sugar, all cream does is sweeten it....so why not just use sugar, or alternatively just use cream

>> No.9059712

No, they do. They drink iced tea.

>> No.9059716

20g grounds into a french press with 500ml water, brewing for 3 minutes.
I don't really measure it I just guess, it usually turns out fine.
I also stopped caring about water temps because my current bag of whole bean sucks and it only responds well to boiling water.
Sometimes I'll add half-and-half to give it a nice cocoa-y flavor.
Whenever I want espresso drinks I break out the instant coffee and make steamed milk in the blender.

>> No.9059719


>> No.9059763

>20g grounds
do you grind or buy already grounded

>> No.9059767

I like my coffee how I like my men! ;)

>> No.9059777

OP here
like to also ask you please no talk about prices of coffee grinders in this thread, all coffee grinders are accepted here.
Cheap expensive they all do the same job, makes no difference.

>> No.9059791

I already mentioned I use whole bean.

>> No.9059823

so you don't grind them, why not?
can't you afford to buy a coffee grinder

>> No.9059847

I like my coffee like the vest I'm wearing around fellas like the one in your pic - bulletproof

>> No.9059862

Are you retarded?

>> No.9059866

Just give the cup of coffee back, Jamal.

>> No.9059869


>> No.9059872

what are you implying by that?

>> No.9059903

I roll the leftover tobacco out of a couple of cigarette butts and mix it in the coffee grounds before brewing it. Don't knock it till you try it, lads.

>> No.9059905

Just preference. You can enjoy a good cup of coffee with cream and sugar, but it's also added to lower quality coffee to cover up the bad taste and excessive bitterness. I like mine with milk, no sugar. I prefer coffee to be a bit richer and the lactose in milk is sweet enough for me.

>> No.9059909

I grind whole bean coffee, you should have gleaned that from the first post I made.
Why are you doing this?

>> No.9059956
File: 212 KB, 1024x768, dirty-kitchen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I grind whole bean coffee, you should have gleaned that from the first post I made.
not even a peep

>Why are you doing this?
so you are shaming me now :(