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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9047165 No.9047165 [Reply] [Original]

I love Chick-Fil-A, am I a bigot?


>> No.9047171

Not necessarily, but you are funding bigotry.

>> No.9047177

Nah you just like decent fast food

>> No.9047185

Nah you just like shitty food.

>> No.9047201
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that's pretty self-important stuff for someone who reviews fast food burgers.

>> No.9047206

I think they're homosex.

>> No.9047275


How so? CEO donated his own money made from many different sources and mostly investments. Chikfila also is one of the biggest hirers of disabled people and they are also known for feeding homeless for free and treating them with dignity. Compare that to just about any other fast-food corporate culture in the world and you won't find one as altruistic. Just food for thought.

>> No.9047303

ᵗʰᵉ ᵐᵃʸnᵉ ˢᵗʳᵉᵉᵐ ᵐᵉᵗᵉᵒʳ

>> No.9047310

>CEO doesn't want to donate to LGBT groups
>They throw a shitfit
>He closes down on sundays
>They throw a shitfit
>Nobody fucking cares except virtue signaling retards

>> No.9047379

They actually donates to groups who actively fight against lgbt rights, but I think people can do what they want with their money.

>> No.9047400

You're a bigot for at least 10 other reasons, I guarantee it. Eat what you want with no regard for other's opinions, otherwise you're no better than a vegan.

>> No.9047444

like what, the "right" to marry?
You realize that's a religious ceremony right? The fact that the state controls it is only because of an ancient incentive to produce more children to single families and raise happy and healthy kids.

>> No.9047466

>Nobody fucking cares except good people living good lives and attempting to be the change they want to see in the world

Visit from the fixy pixy.

>> No.9047469

Fags only number some 1%-2% of the population, so if they choose not to shop at Chickfila, I don't think anyone will give a single fuck...

>> No.9047476

He donates with his own personal money, the company doesnt sponsor them, which is fine.

Nobody has any right to anything religious. Civil unions have existed for decades but "ohh noo thats not good enough!"

Nobody cares except you loudmouthed fucks screeching in the ear of everybody who doesnt blindly agree with you.

>> No.9047488

>ceo funds gay conversion camps where they beat the gay out of you with thick dowels.
>mfw most of the gay conversion camp organizers were fucking the people who were forced into it by batshit crazy evangelical relatives

Yeah, no, fuckoff. I'd no more give a shekel to those fuckers than the nignog who sells drugs on the corner, and I'm not even gay.

>> No.9047500

Sounds like a win/win to me.

>> No.9047516

Even they don't care. I'm friends with a very SJW gay couple and they still eat there while pretending like they hate the place. Can't blame them either, it's delicious and they're always so nice.

>> No.9047533

You fucking nutbag, evidence exists that in any population of humans @ 10% are full blown gay. Even the Plains Native Americans had a 10% gay population you idiot. Kinsey demonstrated that the "gay" self awareness can be plotted on a bell curve with those of singularity on either homo or hetero being a tiny % on each side. Christ, how do you justify your perverted torturing of these people?

>> No.9047555

Dear god where to even start with this post.

>> No.9047561

>Christ, how do you justify your perverted torturing of these people?
By setting them on fire...and your stats are wrong there faggot, and now we know why it's wrong to be a faggot from your delusionary experience...as a useless, unedumacated faggot...who probably spent $80k on a useless 'social science' degree, and now works pt at a Starfucks knockoff, and still living at home with Mom and (very dissapointed) Dad...

>> No.9047581

From what I heard it was groups who actively supported the death penalty thing in Africa for gays. But who knows if that's true.

>> No.9047598

>CEO of a company being personally opposed to homosexuality is perverted torture

Native Americans were way more gay than most peoples. The Kinsey Scale is flawed.

>> No.9047599

>evidence exists
>some say
>9 out of 10 dentists agree
>I'm a faggot

>> No.9047697

This. No one can resist the pull of delicious fried chicken and good service. I hardly ever wait longer than 5 minutes to get my order too.

>> No.9047719

No. The actual figure is ~2% of any given population is gay. Makes you wonder why the gay agenda is pushed so aggressively.

>> No.9047731

>You realize that's a religious ceremony right?
No, there is government marriage, and there is religious marriage a fucking judge can marry you, nothing religious about a judge.
I personally think we should do away with the government version and give everyone civil unions though.

>> No.9047738

People need incentive to have children and stay together once the child is born. The nuclear family is the psychological basis for our society. Adoption should have incentives as well, but not as much as making more of your own flesh and blood.

>> No.9047739

I don't think it's absurd to believe that number is deflated by closeted gays, but I don't think it would get anywhere near 10%

>> No.9047753

The divorce rate is so high because we "incentivize" it so hard, if we required everyone to go through the same rigorous process of vetting homos need(ed? I dunno how it is now) we'd probably have a lot less kids fucked by divorce.

>> No.9047769

Adoptions should definitely be vetted, but marriage and civil unions should just be near impossible to get out of. Divorce is too easy, why actually interact with another human being and solve your problems when you can just take half of their stuff? Too many people get married because they don't think of it as a permanent thing, they always have that "I can just get divorced if it doesn't work out" floating around in the back of their head.

>> No.9047774

/ck/ - Food and Cooking

>> No.9047776

>am I a bigot?
according to leftists/faggots.
'Their' 'political' stance is basically just 'fuck off, this is america and we believe that a moral position is legitimate'.

It's delicious, but horrible bang for your buck.

>> No.9047783

>The divorce rate is so high because we "incentivize" it so hard
No fault divorce and the welfare state.
The divorce rate is high because we incentivized divorce.

>> No.9047787
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Funny that the right does that exact same thing
>gay is evil because muh morals
>drugs are evil because muh morals
It's almost like a weird U shaped game piece? One used by the Irish while having barbecues perhaps? A piece used on the feet of a large animal?

>> No.9047816

>They actually donates to groups who actively fight against lgbt rights
I think you mean fight against statists.

>[marriage is] an ancient incentive to produce more children to single families and raise happy and healthy kids.
This is true.

Nothing has ever stopped fags from signing contracts with each other regarding property.
Fag rights are inherently statist, it was never about equality.

>Makes you wonder why the gay agenda is pushed so aggressively.

Or... the 1-2% is being inflated by SJW's and hedonists.

>> No.9047817

Wikipedia sourcing the Kinsey studies:

The reports also state that nearly 46% of the male subjects had "reacted" sexually to persons of both sexes in the course of their adult lives, and 37% had at least one homosexual experience.[9] 11.6% of white males (ages 20–35) were given a rating of 3 (about equal heterosexual and homosexual experience/response) throughout their adult lives.[10] The study also reported that 10% of American males surveyed were "more or less exclusively homosexual for at least three years between the ages of 16 and 55" (in the 5 to 6 range).[11]

>inb4 statistical correlation is devil magic

>> No.9047834

>The study also reported that 10% of American males surveyed were "more or less exclusively homosexual for at least three years between the ages of 16 and 55" (in the 5 to 6 range).
Something tells me this study has either a sample size of 25, leading questions, etc.

>> No.9047915

No they're not you fucking stupid bitch.

>> No.9047959
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>CEO of large fast food chain doesn't think gays should be able to get married because muh bible

BIGOTS!!! BOYCOTT!!! IMPEACH TRUMP!!!! proceeds to eat there because it tastes good and just hope they don't get seen.

>local bakery won't make a wedding cake for a gay couple because muh bible

BIGOTS!!! BOYCOTT!!! IMPEACH TRUMP!!!! proceeds to stop by for the tasty cupcakes and just hope they don't get seen.

>muslim blows up a bunch of kids at a concert because muh quran

#NOTALLMUSLIMS!!! REFUGEES WELCOME!!! IMPEACH TRUMP!!! I'M MOVING TO CANADA!!!! proceeds to live in america and hope they don't blown up in a terror attack.

Typical SJW logic

>> No.9047972

nice strawman

>> No.9047985

im having a hard time seeing how SJWs could tolerate muslims

>> No.9047987

please leave, you fucking faggot

>coming from a conservative who voted for trump

>> No.9048022

I don't know either.
Nice try Ahmed, get off 4chan your goat might be feeling frisky tonight.

>> No.9048030

How's summer treating ya so far, kiddo?

>> No.9048114

Number of study participants was 100,000. Mind you, this was 1948 when repression of sexuality was quite extreme, so you can imagine that the numbers were probably lower than reality since it's likely a number of participants denied homo experiences or tendencies eventhough it was anonymous. Kind of similar to the antifags here ;^)

>> No.9048145

You're a bigot by default, unless you have something that excludes you from ever being a bigot (like being a minority, then hating gays is just your culture)

>> No.9048170

I'm a fat alcoholic. Does that count?

>> No.9048181

Wow, nice argument kiddo; try not to cut yourself on all that eDgE.

But yes, they are: if you buy their food, you are adding to their profit margin. Where do you think Chik-fil-a gets the resources to donate to anti-lgbt organizations?

Even if it were privately acquired monies being donated, you have to accept that the CEO of Chik-fil-a wouldn't be able to make those donations without the profits of the fast food chain.

And just because they hire cripples doesn't mean they aren't still a bigoted company. Their selective altruism is less impressive than you seem to think.

>> No.9048192

Dude...your delusional...I'm 52...never felt one homo thing for another guy...
Science is NOT concrete...in that what they say is static, remains static...
Science isn't exactly what (we the plebs) think it is...some of it can change almost daily...
Look see Climate Science...it changes direction every day...

>> No.9048195


>using the term lgbt unironically

back to your containment board

>> No.9048199

Is there any rational reason to APPROVE of faggotry?

Anyways, Chick Fil A chicken sandwiches are both better and $2 cheaper than any fast food competitor near me. Their nuggets are great too. Don't like their coffee though. Also I don't know if it's just that famous southern hospitality but the people who take my orders are almost shockingly nice for someone who has lived his whole life in New England.

>> No.9048209

Nice...> just because they hire cripples... you didn't just say that did you? Fucking hater!!!
> Their selective altruism is less impressive than you seem to think.
I guarantee that any charity that is epoused by CFA is far better than anything you've even thought of...because you've done nothing than bitch about them, and have done nothing yourself...

There are people we calla a waste of human skin...your one of them...

>> No.9048552


You don't seem like someone that cares either way except maybe you're a faggot indoctrinated by other dumb faggots who think eating at Chick-fil-A represents anything other than lunch

>> No.9049055


>> No.9049064

Based Chick-fil-a working the obese marks into a work.

>> No.9049549

That's a funny way to spell mcchickens and bait

>> No.9049583
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mmmm no I don't think so sweetie, corporations aren't allowed to do this kind of thing. once you have children you can make big boy decisions like supporting a living wage and respecting our right to be treated equally.

>> No.9049643
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Gays can't have kids, even if they adopt a kid they shouldn't take on that responsibility without making enough money to support it. Also what's a fair "living wage" in your eyes? Does that include high speed internet and a smartphone? People lived for thousands of years without those conveniences. Sorry that your liberal arts degree won't land you a decent paying job. Keep up that fight for $15 faggot.

>> No.9049718


hun I'm not even going to bother with your bigotry today. I am too busy raising my kids to treat women and PoC with the respect that their daddy never showed me.

>> No.9049729

friendly reminder to report all off topic and political bait threads
this is neither food nor cooking, it's opinions about an american company and as such, they belong on a different board

>> No.9049757

Taking half their stuff doesn't always happen, but the fact is marriages just aren't what they used to be because society isn't.

Shit is dead and gone, and ultimately nothing more than a business arrangement for the kids.

>> No.9049765

Man you are a fucking whackjob. How does involving gays in media give control to anyone or anything? The reason there's so many of them is because so many of them work in media to begin with. They're screenwriters, producers, playwrights, actors, directors at a much higher rate than they exist in society.

>> No.9049772

>ck - Alt-Right Pussies Cry For Literally Everything

>> No.9049773

Can't argue with them digits.

>> No.9049782

Post proofs.

>> No.9049959

I'm not that guy. Technically everything you said is true although you seem to be placing a bad connotation on science. The power of science is that it is changeable. Things are provisional facts until disproved.

> some of it can change almost daily
I would go farther and say it changes daily, hourly, etc. This is of course the umbrella term "science".

> Look see Climate Science...it changes direction every day...
In what way does it "change direction"?

Finally, aside from a weird dream I had, I also never experienced anything homosexual. Still these are just anecdotal and not representative of a society.

>> No.9050047

Control population, If you are a guy and suck dick you arent having babies... You have a brai condition and are weak minded if you're a faggot/liberal. The government is literally using retarded liberals for what they want.

>> No.9050127

People who get worked up over shit like this need to fuck all the way off.

Shocked that a company run by a religious guy who won't let his locations run on sundays turns out to not like teh gays? WOWEE WAIT TILL TUMBLR HEARS ABOUT THIS TIME TO GO INFLICT OUR MORALS ON FAST FOOD WORKERS WHO HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THE CEO YASSSSSS

I don't even eat chik fil a unless I'm traveling(don't have one in my own) but let your decision be based on whether or not you like the fucking food.

>> No.9050150
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>> No.9050156

Are gays magically less fertile than heteros?

>> No.9050254

Chic-fil-a dropped the whole "southern" thing like 6 years ago. They got rid of their coleslaw and started to add things to the menu like kale/quinoa salads and egg white breakfast sandwiches. Now it's just bait for soccer mommies driving 100k dollar SUVs and their brood. Still really tasty though

>> No.9050267

>but you are funding bigotry.

That's why you don't buy anything made in Muslim Countries right? Like gas?

>> No.9050274


Easy. All Chick fila needs to say is that they're Muslim...

Liberals will bend over backwards then to excuse their racism, bigory, & misogyny.

>> No.9050313
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WTF I love funding bigotry now.

>Go to gas station to fund Islamic bigots
>Go to Chick Fil A and buy some hate chicken to fund Christian bigotry.
>Buy Barilla homophobe pasta to support Catholic bigotry.
>By Yuengling to support deportation if innocent migrants.

And on and on and on, feels good man.

>> No.9050329

Now THAT'S how you play the game.

>> No.9050365

"Oh, so you're against big corporations, right? Tell me friend, do you own things? Yes? BTFO! FUCK SJWs!"

>> No.9050370

Ima go get me some chik-fil-a right now just because of you

>> No.9050372
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>> No.9050394

Science is a procedure for finding and enturpreting evidence not some vague ideology.

>> No.9050397

Stop that you retarded faggot.

>> No.9050402


>> No.9050414

I don't really know what I was eggspeckting

>> No.9050459
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>> No.9050465

>you are funding bigotry.

Says the bigot accusing somebody that doesn't share their personal views a bigot.

>> No.9050925


It's complicated, the Uganda bill has the death penalty, but the arguments used in closing in the US Congress resolution seem to condemn any criminal law discriminating against people engaging in homosexual acts as opposed to heterosexual acts. Laws we all used to have on the books not half a century ago.

>> No.9050942


Evidence on 4chan suggests it's perfectly possible to go through life without putting your penis in a human hole.

Homosexual promiscuity is torture in and of itself, it condemns these people to an early death, mental problems. Also it saddles society with tons of multiple drug resistant diseases.

>> No.9050955

I try to use as little energy as possible, yes.

>> No.9050963

Chick-fil-a has good fries and a good sandwich(always with the pickle). Their meal costs $9. Fuck that shit, I can grab an 8 piece fried chicken from my grocery store for that price.

>> No.9050975
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What's funny is that both of you retards are right: you vote more with your wallet than during elections.

>> No.9050981
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The way you type totally betrays the fact that you hunger for cock. Go work on a Camaro, talk about how people are always on their phones or whatever baby-boomer shitheads do and get the fuck off this board.

>> No.9050989

But then you'll just be giving them more money to donate against all the hard work you've done for your lgbt community..

>> No.9050990
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Get this stupid /pol/ thread off here before I lay the fucksmack on every one of you morons.

>> No.9051007

How is it complicated? I mean culturally if that's where they're at that's their problem, but I personally couldn't give two fucks what people do with themselves. As long as it doesn't impede on my freedoms.

>> No.9051015

Fuck you ya nob gobbler...I think I heard your Mom calling you...time for tendies...

>> No.9051316

First of all, it was 6000 people. Which is pretty low.
Second, given that the people who Kinsey interviewed were lowlife scum and child molesters whose identity was protected so they wouldn't get "hurt", I'd say the real numbers are much, much lower, since normal people wouldn't feel the need to talk about their sexual fetishes to a complete stranger. And third, the only thing the study proves is that some people are fucked up. You can make a study to see how many people have said nigger on the Internet, it wouldn't show that racism is okay, or normal. It would be a non sequitur.

Of course, I know an ideologue like you doesn't care about what the facts say, but what you can make them say. Just look at all the things that we consider "news" today, it literally reads as if it was teenage gossip, and the sources are a bunch of literal nobodies. We need to stand still with our standards, not lower the bar so everyone gets in.

>> No.9051415
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Kinsey demonstrated that homosexuality is a gradient on a bell curve and I have heard no argument against the idea that it should be fought since it means more females available for heteros, unless you have some kind of latent feelings exemplified in your snake handling ceremonies. Just look at these faces!

tl;dr leave these fucking people alone. They didn't choose it, they aren't a threat, they only hurt you unless you're so insecure that you can't deal with the fact you're on the right side of the bell curve.

>> No.9051431

gays have the same rights as anyone else, its time to stop pretending.

>> No.9051440

He didn't demonstrate anything, it was a ruse so he could continue diddling his employees and covering for pedophiles. Homosexuality is a disease that takes morality down with it and affects women and men equally. Also
>if you are against X you must be X
I'm also against polygamy, rape, alcoholism, divorce, infidelity, sado-masochism, etc. And it doesn't matter how much people want to say otherwise, homosexuality is a corruption of sexuality just like all of the others.

>> No.9051442

Well they didn't have the right to marry each other until recently. In fact I dont think all the states recognize the marriage even. Or maybe that was when it was only legal in certain areas.

>> No.9051463


>they only hurt you unless you're so insecure

The promiscuity, vastly higher infection rates, weak immune system (HIV) and medicine use among sodomites is turning all STD's into multiple resistant diseases (also other diseases which can spread through contact, like USA300).

They are competing with agriculture for who can make most medicines useless the fastest.

>> No.9051473

If you post on 4chan then yes you are.

>> No.9051820

>competing with agriculture
Do you mean the meat industry? Because nothing comes close to that shit

>> No.9051937

I am a crossboarder just looking for decent recipes but holy shit you guys spend more time talking about the politics of food rather than food itself. Every thread seems to devolve into /pol/ shit flinging. Sad.

>> No.9052036

Shut the fuck up, you probably started this shitshow of a thread.

>> No.9052287

Nah, you just like ok food that is overpriced.

>> No.9052471

>Nobody has any right to anything religious.

>> No.9052491

"Chik-fil-a is evul and you're a bigot" is a meme in the first place

>Owner of the place says he has beliefs on a program when pushed to answer, not at all saying what people took it to mean.
>People picket the organization because of the owners unpopular beliefs
>Other side hears about this and counter protests by buying as much food from the company as possible
>More infighting and bullshit
>More picketing
>None of this had anything to do with the stance of the company in the first place, it was the beliefs of one person, that he's allowed to have. He's not running those beliefs in the company in any way, he's allowed to believe whatever since it doesn't matter. They don't effect the stance of the company.
>Company goes down as some political fighting grounds

Everyone tries to make everything an ideological battleground these days, its kind of a huge problem with society at the moment that's leading to way too much infighting these days. People even create ideological battlegrounds or manufacturer them artificially by purposefully misunderstanding or taking things out of context, just so they can outrage about something, so they can have something to do.

Its a chicken sandwich, its not a political battleground.

>> No.9052499
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>their brand of bigotry isn't my brand of bigotry
If you can't prove why your stance is better than theirs you have no right throwing the word "bigot" around.
Only plebs justify their wrath by saying "I'm offended."

>> No.9052596

Didn't Chik-fil-et back down years ago? I mean it was very lucrative for them in the short term, but I'm pretty sure they backed down like a year later after "winning" and surviving and indeed thriving in the outrage industry's faux anger.

>> No.9052721

Didn't Berkley ree at them because they said they might open a restaurant there?

>> No.9052745
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Dont forget in-n-out

>> No.9052936

By "they" you mean, he. It's only the CEO, a person and private citizen.

>> No.9052938

>good people
Are they good people? Or are they just looking for a reason to be mad because they don't have enough drama in their life? Why are they up in arms about a private citizen?

>> No.9052940

Nah, senpai. You just like good chicken.

>> No.9052979

Repressed fag spotted. Don't you think you'd better attend one of those convesion concentration camps the CEO was funding for a while?

"A 2011 report from Equality Matters, an arm of the liberal group Media Matters Action Network, said the restaurant’s “charitable division has provided more than $1.1 million to organizations that deliver anti-LGBT messages and promote egregious practices like reparative therapy that seek to ‘free’ people of being gay.”


>> No.9052995

Yeah retard... You butt fuck another guy where is the egg to fertilize?..

>> No.9053035

because of your response, my wife and I will be eating at Chick Fil A 3-4 times every week now to support their bigotry

>> No.9053039

uhh no you dumdum

>> No.9053082

>if eat at chik-fil-a am I a bigot?

Yes. This article shows what happens when you buy a sandwich from them.


>> No.9053088

The only right they have is a 1 way trip to shock the gay away camp

>> No.9053108

Marriage has always been a religious/tribal ceremony.
It was only very recently that civil marriage became a thing.

>> No.9053111

Yes. Read the post I'm responding to and you'd realize that's exactly what "they" meant.

>> No.9053117
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>attempt to normalize something previously taboo
>gain victim status
>use victim points as political capital
>guilt and shame into submission anybody who is indifferent to your cause

Rinse and repeat

So, back to the question at hand, why aren't you anons boycotting these chicken sandwiches? You aren't some kind of bigot, are you?

>> No.9053119


Bigots are employed in every industry and you cannot navigate consumerism against the opinions held by its workforce since there are likely bigots cashing checks from every company.

You don't know what beliefs or opinions are held by the employees of any given business. Pretending this affects your dealings with them is immature.

Separate the work from the person, many horrible people do great and even beautiful things. Grow up.

>> No.9053128

Yeah but it's just a chicken sandwich. Screaming at the people who dont care and still buy it is pants on head retarded though.

>> No.9053240

this fucking thread is still here

>> No.9054071
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This, I'm going to fuck this board's mod up one of these days.

>> No.9054203

What's the big deal? Some other subtle ff shill thread will popup in it's place. This one at least has the interest of a virtue signalling christocrite CEO who increases sales of dangerous garbage by supporting organizations that pretend to pay allegiance to a crucified jewish criminal.

>> No.9054231

drugs are bad because they make you dum
>horseshoe theory
makes you even dumber

>> No.9054262

He is implying you're homosex by the wey

>> No.9054298

The thread is a bunch of pseudo intellectuals arguing about whether or not the CEO is in the right. Has nothing to do with food.