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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 121 KB, 1000x667, mole-poblano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9048807 No.9048807 [Reply] [Original]

Which is the worst global cuisine? Hard mode: no Britain.

>> No.9048814

I'm so fucking hungry because of your post.

>> No.9048815

The german

>> No.9048819


>> No.9048822


For such a large, influential country, the food truly is shit. A complete joke. I feel sorry for them

>> No.9048823


>> No.9048835


>> No.9048840

Anything scandinavian.

>> No.9048846

Russia is flyover tier.

>> No.9048863


>> No.9048889
File: 412 KB, 720x340, Aussie-Food-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. Australian
Talk up the meat and wine and it's shit. Cows need grass not sand.

>> No.9048894
File: 69 KB, 634x633, 37973F7D00000578-3759141-image-m-25_1472177563827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Australia cont.

>> No.9048902

I never hear about South American cooking so I assume its the worst.

>> No.9048907
File: 623 KB, 985x657, Lomo-Saltado-Side.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even close.

>> No.9048908

those taste pretty good lol

>> No.9048913


That's the most perfunctory rice I've ever seen.

>> No.9048915

ex-yugoslavian food easily

>> No.9048922

>the peruvian actually fell for his own propaganda
You people are the wisconsin cheese dweebs of sudacas

No one cares about your food except some memesters
>but stir fried beef is totally A++ world-class unesco james beard cuisine
Sure thing keiko

>> No.9048924

h a i t i

>> No.9048932

The rice is flavored by the meat, it really doesn't need much going on with it.
I'm actually black and german. I like peruvian and brazilian food the most.
I hope you're not a silly beaner trying to shit on superior latin american cuisine.

>> No.9049046


You're retarded if you think our beef is bad.

>> No.9049084

>Australia cunt

Looks about right

>> No.9049200

You don't know what you're talking about

>> No.9049379

American without a shadow of a doubt. Other countries bad food is still food, America is hfcs, msg, rubber cheese, bleached meat, etc. It isn't for humans.

>> No.9049392

Not that anon but I don't even see beef in that picture...
Aren't you guys more of a lamb place anyway?

>> No.9049478

iceland loves their Kæstur hákarl

>> No.9049491

Jewish food is atrocious

>> No.9049493

anything that the United States has gotten hold of.
majority of the mass produced foods from there make me sick, it's all just grease and carbs.

>> No.9049494

No, that was just a propaganda campaign.

>> No.9049499

authentic chink food.

find the worst part of the animal and eat it.

I had to go to a chink wedding dinner for my fathers co-worker and literally every dish was either some kind of fish (Which I do not eat) or the feet of some animal. duck, dog or cat idk which.

>> No.9049502

>generalizing one of the most culturally diverse nations

it makes you sick because you're small and weak, maybe don't be a third world dweller?

>> No.9049504

>>generalizing one of the most culturally diverse nations


More like:
>rightly pointing out that mass produced food is shit.

You need to work on your reading comprehension.

>> No.9049510

I didn't say ALL american foods are bad, i happen to love Creole and Southern cooking as well as goood barbeque, however i find on my trips to the U.S (Canadian) the majority of restaurants that are more mass produced foods are filled with grease and carbs. places like food courts or highway oasis's are just mcdonalds, burgerking or KFC. I get those places are meant to be cheap quick places to eat but i find they really are horrible, i get sick from them quite often)

>> No.9049514

>Hard mode: no Britain.

But how will unimaginative Americans shitpost?

>> No.9049615
File: 39 KB, 640x426, faggots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But British food is the best.
Jellied eels, haggis, black pudding, potatoes, bread sandwiches, puddle water soup, liver and onions, potatoes, gravel on toast, sheep on a stick, potatoes, pie peas and mash, ligament stew, potatoes, floor scraping roast, boiled beetles.
The list is endless. I'm about to tuck into some fried ringpieces from diseased cows accompanied by donkey nostrils and steamed carpet.
Pic is literally called 'faggots'.

>> No.9049619
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>> No.9049691

>eats at corporate chains
>complains about food quality

do you not have mcdonalds and applebees in canada, you fucking idiot?

>> No.9049696
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>> No.9049703

i barely go to McDonalds and we have no applebees, even here McDonalds charges 10$ for a big mac and it's pathetic

>> No.9049708

>fish (Which I do not eat)
Dumb manbaby. Opinion discarded.

>> No.9049711

The toast is the only thing that is potentially crunchy or crispy in that list. Also, where's the freshness/vibrancy? British food is slop.

>> No.9049715

He's literally listing all the foods that people use to say British cuisine sucks.
I should really just stop being surprised at how easy it is to bait anymore.

>> No.9049716

This, holy shit It's terrible.

>> No.9049721
File: 73 KB, 720x960, IMG_0847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Murcia no doubt

>> No.9049724

Food in the USA is hands down the worst in the world.

>> No.9049727


>> No.9049730

The problem is that there's no such thing as American cuisine. It's like Chinese cuisine - it's so huge and varied that anything you've eaten which claims to be it is just generic garbage dumbed down for the masses. Obviously it's going to be awful.

But just like you've got things like Sichuan, Hunan, and Cantonese in China, you have things like Northeastern, Southwestern, and Cajun. And most of that is pretty good.

>> No.9049733

>>the peruvian actually fell for his own propaganda
>You people are the wisconsin cheese dweebs of sudacas

No one thinks their world cuisine is better than the Peruvians. WTFmass hysteria fallacy is their delusional superiority complex. It's bad chinese immigrant food fusion, at best.
>I'm actually black and german. I like peruvian and brazilian food the most.
>I hope you're not a silly beaner trying to shit on superior latin american cuisine.
Anyone who has actually traveled to every latin american country would not rank the "best" as your two choices. Calling someone a pejorative term such as beaner to indicate mexicans, and yet knowing every country in latin america also relies heavily on beans in the diet...is a new level of stupidity. No one cares what your race is, except you. We already know you're stupid, so now you insult your race by spouting it like you're better than whomever you also seem to like *boggle.*

I'm a world traveler and I have money. Try dining at the top restaurants in many countries and see if you walk away with this love of Peruvian food. Having a top restaurant on a ranked list that doesn't serve the food of the country is just a restaurant, get it? A country's cuisine is what it is, no matter what avant garde chef's do to bring in the international monied crowd. I'd rank Mexico, Argentina, Colombia as big cuts above your choices. Brazil is great, but it doesn't have the fusion and finer quality of Argentinian regional and european fusion recipes going for it. Anything they do in peru is done better in some region of mexico. The climate takes care of fresher herbs and ingredients alone. You want to know which restaurants in a the latin melting pot of Miami has the lines out the door? It's not Peruvian unless you drank the koolaid you drank. Go have some ceviche and pisco now, and act like peru invented it.

>> No.9049734
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Any country that eats scones with gravy or puts Cheetos in a casserole has to be at the top of the worst food list - honestly eating crickets in Asia sounds more appealing

>> No.9049738


>> No.9049741
File: 194 KB, 1185x584, chew on poo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9049742

This image is revolting

>> No.9049743

This whole "England has bad food" meme really needs to stop.
It couldn't be further from the truth.

>> No.9049747


>> No.9049755

fuck it didn't work

>> No.9049762

Well, you're not wrong. You can still go to hell though.

>> No.9049767

this holy shit

>> No.9049771

i don't disagree that america has some good food, just the mainstream foods that are commonly available are the worst, "American" Cheese, hashbrown patties, processed food.

>> No.9049777

What's good there?

>> No.9049797

Creole, Southwest, BBQ, New England, maritime Southern foods.

>> No.9049803

Let's not forget the Americanized versions of Chinese, Italian and Mexican foods are also very good when prepared with care.

>> No.9049825

This, Indian food smells like their streets

>> No.9049839

Oh look the unimaginative Americans will shitpost anyway: >>9049615

>> No.9049841

No it doesn't.
Indian food is extremely fragrant.
Now chili, that abomination smells like a wal mart shart.

>> No.9049846

I gotta say the traditional foods of Iceland are not my thing. But, the smoked lamb is delicious, and though the good things are imported and expensive or grown to be flavorless in greenhouses such as tomatoes, and the selection is low in the groceries (as opposed America), the people who have restaurants in Iceland know what's what.

My hotel had a tremendous selection of little crispbreads and delicious toppings, skyr and fruit and homemade mueslix, but there was also a hot dog and pasta casserole selection on the morning breakfast bar. I never... Is that to please some type of tourist? Is this a dish in germany, scandinavian breakfasts? Is that actually a normal part of the icelandic diet?

I only had one coffee of any quality in Iceland. Stick to tea.

>> No.9049849

Too much sugar.

>> No.9049851

>Newfags can't triforce

>> No.9049860

Nobody can triforce any more, anon.

>> No.9049879
File: 33 KB, 400x300, this_is_what_many_norwegians_eat_for_christmas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tons of great vegetable dishes
>chicken kiev
>all those awesome soups
>great desserts
Yeah, nah. Considering Russia is mostly the same climate zone as Scandinavia, it's actually pretty damn good.

Norwegian food on the other hand..

>> No.9049890
File: 973 KB, 1555x923, 1490627436349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Nordic food culture is pretty terrible. Spices are bay leaves and black or white pepper. Lingonberry jam and cream sauce.

>> No.9049898

what do they even eat? dominican wood?

>> No.9049904

That doughnut looks alright.

>> No.9049913

>When prepared with care

>> No.9049915

You have to be 18 to post here

>> No.9049916

Americans ALWAYS add to much sugar or whatever HFCS nonsense they can get they piggy little, diabetic paws on.

>> No.9049927


>> No.9049934


>> No.9049936

>people saying America
>actually thinking american cuisine is only cheseburgers and processed shit

Wow you obsessed yuroposters really are a stupid bunch.
Not even american by the way.

>> No.9049942

America by far

>> No.9049943

I'm not a yuropoor but I know the food in the USA is objectively, fucking shit.

>> No.9049949

Unnecessary comma.

>> No.9049957

Explain because every time I traveled to the US in multiple regions I was pretty happy about the food, because you can actually see past the McDs and shit and actually eat some normal food.

>> No.9049962


>> No.9049968

Packaged food =/= Cuisine.
Every country has shitty packaged foods.

>> No.9049972

The sentiment remains extant.

>> No.9049994

Faggots are incredible. I mean as far as entrails and shit formed into patties go, these are up there.

>> No.9050032

rice and plantains and beans, basically.

>> No.9050033

Im murrican , This is pretty gud

>> No.9050034

good point. it would serve /ck/ well to remember this at all times.

>> No.9050038

>some normal food

What "normal food" in America is unarguably American? I mean sure I can get some good steak & fries, or some excellent Italian dishes...but those aren't "American".

>> No.9050054

Steak and Eggs, Apple pie.
The Hamburger
johnny cakes
Crab Roll

>> No.9050066

Clue's in the name, retard.

>> No.9050074

Apple pie is Dutch (shit, APPLES are European) and the hamburger...maybe.

>> No.9050081


>> No.9050083

Australia. It's the worst of british food that's only devolved since then.

At least the burger and the fucking leaf have variety.

>> No.9050095

Well if you're gonna go that way let's just call all noodle and pasta dishes in the whole wide world Chinese then.

The thing about american cuisine is that it's regional. There's hardly anything that's "american" in the complete sense of the world. When you go from one state to another you might as well call it another country.

One of the best things I've ever eaten in my life was a simple salmon sandwich in a village in Alaska.

>> No.9050106

literal dirt

>> No.9050142

> Muh five star restaurant food
> Homemade food
I prefer homemade food in every country. I fucking despise five star restaurants. Peru and Mexico are great about homemade food, plus Peru have so many fucking great fruits and so cheap, is crazy. I didn't have any good pleasant experience in Brazil, too much beans and meat, the same with Argentina and their fucking medialuna, but the meat is pretty good. Chile and Bolivia are the worst places to eat, but Chile at least got some good cheap salmon.

>> No.9050175

>rice doesn't need much flavor
gotta disagree with you genji

>> No.9050179


>> No.9050184

any country with a space program and enough nukes to end humanity with 16x redundancy is influential

>> No.9050186

How is that a sane approach to anything?
> I never hear about ____
> I know therefore it has to be the worst

>> No.9050188


>> No.9050191

>five star restaurants
Yelper detected

>> No.9050192

You mean like India?

>> No.9050200

Apples are about as European as potatoes, meaning not at all.

>> No.9050208

get back to me when they have so many nukes they need outside help keeping track of all the ones they lost

>> No.9050213

There's an irony that poo in the loos and shart in the marts share a common influence.

>> No.9050220

That's what they asked the Russians to do when the pakis stole them.
Your countries are so alike, there should be a LooPoo/ShartMart alliance.
You even share a majority skin color.

>> No.9050226

Your chocolate flies are pretty good.

>> No.9050236

which are "your countries"? I've got no connection to either. I even said Russia sucks at the start of this thread. are you paki? why so butt flustered?

>> No.9050243

I'm not bothered anon.
I think it's sweet that the USA and India have so much in common.
Natural allies.

>> No.9050252

As someone who grew up in a half-jewish family, Jew food is bland and lifeless.

But my vote goes to Indian food. All of it smells and tastes like vomit, and other cultures like Mediterranean and east-asian do all of their food better anyway

>> No.9050277

>Apples have been grown for thousands of years in Asia and Europe, and were brought to North America by European colonists.

>> No.9050282

Am American and doesn't know what that is

>> No.9050292

Isn't it obvious by looking at it?

Someone took sausage meat and laid some hollow noodles on it. Then they rolled it up and smoked it.

>> No.9050324

Im sure processed food is just as bad in your country too. Stop generalizing an entire multicultural cuisine to McDonald's you ignorant shit. You realise the US is probably 10 times bigger than your country to get an honest scope of American cuisine would take months of travel.

But anything to shitpost about america right?

>> No.9050333

they love mayo and they do great things with it
youve never been to russia, i assume

>> No.9050343

the only food out of those 3 categories with a lot of sugar is orange chicken

>> No.9050355

>Im sure processed food is just as bad in your country too

Processed food is bad in all countries.
The difference is that most of us Americans embrace it, whereas in some other countries rightfully look down on it for the shit that it is.

>> No.9050358

You've either never eaten Indian food, or you consider ketchup pleasantly spicy.

>> No.9050373
File: 21 KB, 320x320, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finland has the worst food in the world with the other Scandi cunts coming in second. There's no competition. British food is haute cuisine in comparison.

>> No.9050378

American 'italian' pasta sauce is packed with sugar and salt, anon.

>> No.9050382

Watching you obsessively reply to every post ITT with valid criticisms of american food in a thread about bad food by posting the word obsessed really made me think.

>> No.9050409

Only if you get the wrong brand. Which is admittedly 90% of the brands. But 10% just have too much salt.

>> No.9050410

Which ones make up that ten percent?
I need to know.

>> No.9050421

I don't know about whether Russian is good or not but they are influential in the cuisine world. Courses being brought out one at a time is a Russian invention. All other cuisines in the world including French used to bring out all courses (bar dessert for some) at once. IMO the normal pre-Russian style was better since it wouldn't give waiters the opportunity to explain the dishes to you one by one.

>> No.9050432

You guys came up with Tim Tams though so it's all good.

>> No.9050435

Japan pre Meiji Reform wise has a terribly bland desserts nothinf aw eye catching as Europeans

Korea is hell for those who dont like spicy foods with their alcohol

>> No.9050450

i don't quite get all the hate for indian food.

>> No.9050456

Is that when they forced all the Hoikado (?) mongs up the mountains?

>> No.9050472

Nearly. Here's my entry for Japan on Wikipedia.

>Home country of the Japanese: Slanty-eyed foreign devils with a penchant for ritual suicide, raw fish, saki, karaoke, schoolgirls, ninjas, omorashi and bukkake. Japan is one of the few... erm... only places on this twisted planet where soiled women's panties can be obtained via vending machines on the Tokyo underground.
>Japan has four main islands, Kyushu, Honshu, Shikoku and Hokkaido with numerous smaller islands scattered around the coastline as well.
>Until trade was opened up in the mid 1850's Japan was a still a medieval society. Within 50 years they were handing out shoeings to the mighty Imperial Ruskies! (admittedly they used British built ships and had British trained Admirals).
>Some think they are very clever, industrious, cultured and civilised. The veterans of Changi and the Burma Railway may not be in that group though. They are generally a sordid, mixed up race with an identity crisis. The residents of Hokkaido are the original occupants of the islands pushed north by migrants from the mainland. >They are considered a pack of mongs by the other island occupants.

>Allied to the UK during WW1, their highly professional navy pushed the Germans out of their possessions in the Pacific thus setting the stage for a Jap-American square go a quarter century later.

>> No.9050497

People with bad digestive system.

>> No.9050553

I mean, honestly, if you eat in an first world country's restaurant, you'll get safe dishes with a high variety of spices
And god, I love naan

>> No.9050572

The Hokkaido and their descendants are the inbreds of Japan.
That much I know.

>> No.9050597

But France, South Korea, and a few other ally states all fought in vietnam and also lost. Also China lost a war to vietnam once, so did Cambodia.

>> No.9050599

>Until trade was opened up in the mid 1850's Japan was a still a medieval society.
Yeah but they already had anime and kewpie way before the west did.
Checkmate, faggot.

>> No.9050616


Acho!! que diseh!! Lo murcianicoh mola con su limoncicoh y toh!!!

>> No.9050630

southeast asia
>literally anything dredged up out of the ocean and boiled, with the organs of an animal, never any meat just their organs and faces and shit

>> No.9050652

Without pressure from Russia and satellite reconnaissance the war with China would have gone on far longer and the chicoms marched all the way to Hanoi. But the Viets just wanted to be free from foreign influence, they wanted their own sovereignty that they were denied for hundreds of years.

>first thing they do as a sovereign nation is exert influence on a smaller state lol

>> No.9050657

>they love mayo
That's supposed to be a sign of a good food culture? Lol?

>> No.9050660

But I didn't argue that. Would you argue vietnam would have been as successful for the north vietnamese if they didn't have chinese and russian support?

>> No.9050667

Oh I was just agreeing with you that Viets are tough mfers

>> No.9050674
File: 226 KB, 1280x847, IMG_3004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about pic related?

>> No.9050680

>You realize the US is probably 10 times bigger than your country to get an honest scope of American cuisine would take months of travel<
Except I am Canadian

we are a way bigger country then the whole of the US.

hate us 'cause they ain't us

>> No.9050684

It's just tomatoes.

>> No.9050687

I mean it's not terrible, certainly I'll eat it if it's there, for variety's sake, but I have literally never once thought "gee, I'd sure love a nice bowl of borscht today"

>> No.9050694

even I agree with this

>> No.9050704

spartan cuisine. Black soup

>> No.9050716

shit taste confirmed

>> No.9050718

The Danish food actually looks good, and the Swedish food looks decent if a bit bland. Think I would rather take a bullet in the back of the head rather than be forced to eat the Norwegian or Finnish "food"

>> No.9050721
File: 299 KB, 400x595, IMG_2950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black and german
Oh lord what did we do...

>> No.9050747


>> No.9050751

Well there are too many tomatoes for me to enjoy it.

>> No.9050781

The line that precedes the one you're quoting:
>The tree originated in Central Asia, where its wild ancestor, Malus sieversii, is still found today.

>> No.9050798

>I prefer homemade food in every country. I fucking despise five star restaurants.
Yea I don't agree with you, and you summed up my main point incorrectly. I love five star restaurants and home cooking isn't nearly as good as 3 or 4 star restaurants. What home cooks make in third world economies is about cost most of the time. However what they make for family weddings, special occasions, and if they have money says a lot more about their cuisine. MY point about dining at "top" restaurants, note I didn't use the star system, you started that, was that at the ranked restaurants, you have hot chefs making food nothing like their native cuisine, maybe only slightly inspired, if that. They could acclaim about this or that fruit as you state, or throw some swelled up corn on top, but be using the rind of a fruit, only, on top of something that was entirely french and covered in foams and powders and other photogenic _crap_ that may or may be sublime chef-god deliciousness, but isn't the cuisine of the country. That was my point. Peasant food isn't all that much of the time and isn't the only way to define a country.
Mexico has more than that for sure. Remember in history that many latin american countries had some near recent richer pasts where the really cool stuff became common recipes, but which mass emigration or currency collapses changed, namely Cuba, Argentina (No!) or say current day Venezuela. You cannot guarantee or expect to go to any home in any of those countries and eat homecooking like a king without the home being of some general, and they're feasting because there's a family function for which they'll forgo their need of that family garden/animal, for the feast because it's important like that. I could go right now to the DR, visit the driver of my drivers' house, and wife be on a dirt floor with a single piece of coal having some fresh as shit egg from the chicken in the yard cooked up just for me, but it'll still be just an egg.

>> No.9050810

Underrated post; German cuisine is really just endless variations on bread, potatoes, meat and cabbage.

>> No.9050827

He's probably descended from the Nazi war criminals that fled to South America.

>> No.9050833

He's Hitlers little brown grandchild?

>> No.9050867

fucking this, no cuisine at all. our best meat and fruit gets exported so im left to grow my own if i want food with flavour

shoulda gone to bunnings

>> No.9050983

I wish I could tell you, but it actually varies from brand to brand too. The only reliable way is to check their ingredient lists. Look for sugar and variations on sugar - cane syrup, dehydrated cane juice, and other fancy ways of saying "this isn't tomato sauce it's caramel sauce."

>> No.9051024

Yeah they probably fled to Argentina.

>> No.9051029

shouldn't the hardmode be american? assuming it counts as a cuisine.
finnish cuisine isn't really global, we have mämmi and that's about it. no one even knows about our precious pile of shit

>> No.9051033


>> No.9051036

southern soul food is god-tier, and far better then whatever the fuck anglos are making.

>> No.9051037

America has poutine, tacos, apple pie

>> No.9051047

less bread = better hotdog

>> No.9051061

>southern soul food is god-tier, and far better then whatever the fuck anglos are making.

Southern food is made by all races, Dummy! Soul food only differentiates from "Southern" food when it comes to cooking chitlins, or having too many starches as side dishes, like mac-n-cheese with every meal including Thanksgiving. But, the entire, absolutely entire rest of the entire cuisine is identical. Southerners eat pickled pigs feet, and every kind of fresh vegetables, prepares it the same, etc.

>> No.9051069
File: 59 KB, 600x400, chicken-jollibee1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



The way they combine pickled vegetables with vodka to get drunk is a pretty clever way to soften the blow of a hangover.

>> No.9051078

even without tasting it the overpowering smell of instant gravy hit me, though it looks more like a curry

>> No.9051267


They have good meat pies.

Or was that New Zealand? I don't remember.

>> No.9051272

Australia, you gotta try an emu pie

>> No.9051279

jollibee will never make sense

>> No.9051420

>Feeling true blue? Time to enjoy a hot, delicious, dinki-di Bunnings Group (a Wesfarmers Limited company) Sausage Sizzle® Snag™.
Fucking mindless cucks that fall for this shit. I'd love to have the Christmas bonus of the cunt that managed to tie sausage sizzles to Bunnings so well though.

>> No.9051456

Honestly shit like this makes my blood boil. Not because I'm a butthurt briton (though the material is stale) but because out of touch faggots like this are so fucking coddled that they think that "eww icky offal" is actually a legitimate criticism of a cuisine, rather than them broadcasting how much of a feminized nu-male faggot they are.

>> No.9051460

Where's the issue?

>> No.9051468

Because I'm not a kangaroo-nigger and I watched Road Warrior a couple times growing up, I will always associate the phrase "dinki-di" with cheap dog food.

>> No.9051503
File: 243 KB, 3125x2374, popden.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we are a way bigger country then the whole of the US.

Does land size really count when 70% of it is essentially uninhabited? Especially when talking about something like food culture?

>> No.9051512

whats with all the small population places in canada?

>> No.9051558

Rao's is pretty good. Definitely minimal sugar.

>> No.9051627

>Assblasted amerifat with a Canadian penis envy fetish>>9051512

It must have been pretty damn rough for you in the middle school gym locker room showers, champ.

>> No.9051645

Dutch food

Literally the only thing they have is shit Indonesian food and sprinkles on toast

>> No.9051647

Filipino food is absolutely the worst, especially considering it is in Southeast Asia surrounded by countries with good food and was influenced various cultures that made good food (China, aforementioned Southeast Asians, Spain, Mexico). And it's not like they don't have a lot of fresh, flavorful food available either, it's a bunch of fucking tropical islands (which is why Scandinavian/Northern European food is often not that great, traditional food was based on limited ingredients).

Can anyone explain why they ended up with such an awful cuisine?

>> No.9051669

The moment you said you don't eat fish you made it obvious that you're a fucking idiot. Seriously, you're opinions on food are worth jack shit. Go back to your tendies

>> No.9051806

>Courses being brought out one at a time is a Russian invention.
Do you have a definitive source on that?

>> No.9052346
File: 703 KB, 1440x1080, muh cookout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BARBECUE you fool, BBQ is -the- american food and it's our culinary gift to the world. there is plenty of bad barbecue but great barbecue is a fucking showstopper.

>> No.9052353

True. Hurr muh fermented fish.

Watch the Anthony Bourdain on his trip to northern Europe. It's boarder line cringe the food culture just didn't hit there.

The argument could be made that it's pragmatic but they didn't bother making it taste good. It's just fermented fish, shark brain....what else even?

>> No.9052354

Maybe savoury British food isn't that great but the sweet things are high-tier, e.g. sticky toffee pudding

>> No.9052388

black knight liquorice is shit though

>> No.9052411

i suppose that mostly true but does dishes like borsch or chicken kiev count as russian?
chicken kiev is prolly known as ukrainian dish but then again it prolly should be included in the russian
you don't seem to know shit about scandinavian cuisine if you think that.
finland doesn't really have a cuisine but sweden and denmark most certainly have nice stuff. not sure about icelandic or norwegian though

>> No.9052416

the smell of their food is great but I don't really like the smell of the thousands of tons of shit on the street.

>> No.9052422

That's why it's called Service à la russe, as opposed to Service à la française.

>> No.9052427

not him but that's honestly a good selling point. not really a fact or anything but i could see it coming from russia.

>> No.9052436

If I had my copy of Miss Manners' Guide to Excruciatingly Correct Behavior, I'd quote the full ~30 course menu for a full dinner service.

>> No.9052445

i can just see the russian aristocrats eating their fine dinner with their etiquette, giving birth to service a la russe

>> No.9052447
File: 571 KB, 2048x1516, 140924-paley-evo-diet-greenland-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My vote is gonna go to either Eskimo or Native Greenlanders.

>> No.9052448

Pinnekjott is fucking amazing
Salty, savoury, fatty, smoked lamb ribs.
Hands down the best seasonal food that exists

>> No.9052459

You stupid fat sweaty american sharter

>> No.9052469

stop the flyover meme. Only retards and smug pieces of shit from LA and NYC say stuff like that.

>> No.9052494

ahahahahahah holy shit

>> No.9052531

Is that a face in the norway corner?

>> No.9052534

Authentic mexican food or El Salvador food

>bland as fuck unless the meet is ridden with "flavor"
>cheese is bland as shit and could barely be called it

TexMex or don't bother me

>> No.9052779


This. Holy shit it is almost as depressing as it is awful.

>> No.9052791
File: 175 KB, 1077x809, Screenshot_20170615-175856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>dis nigga

>> No.9052796

>i love mayo
Stopped reading there

>> No.9052801



>> No.9052816
File: 66 KB, 195x191, assburgers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can anyone explain why they ended up with such an awful cuisine?
One factor being not having a royal banquet tradition, at least the other SEA had more or less unified states and royalty that demanded refined food. Add to that the old classist colonial mentality where vegetables are for poor people and the rich only eat meat gives them a shitty food culture where eating is just basically filling people up with rice and showing off meat. The whole sphagetti in fastfood thing is just another way of showing off eating "foreign" food. They are generous with food though and it's common to offer food to anyone that comes in your home, so it's basically quantity>quality. The national palate is also terrible with a propensity for salt, fat, sugar, and vinegar. Since all food is just an accompaniment to rice(which purpose is to fill you up) then you got really strong flavors to be diluted in the rice, which is why they all die of diabetes/high blood pressure.

It's too bad desu, they've got some interesting quirks and fusions due to their location (a shit ton of different vinegars, fermented anchovies, access to fresh seafood, tropical fruits/veggies) but there is absolutely no refinement. You'll can venture into regional cuisines and find some good dishes but it's mostly low tier food.

>> No.9052883

But the cheese though

>> No.9052884
File: 34 KB, 252x400, 51zP2kOP+CL._SY400_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many of the responses itt confirm why americans have their well deserved reputation for being dunces around the world.

>> No.9052897
File: 1.46 MB, 3264x2448, cooking with jack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pulitzer prize winning dunces apparently.

>> No.9052901

What is the appeal of jellied eels? I love eel on sushi, but why the fuck would you want to coat it in flavorless gelatin? The consistency of gelatin is frankly one of the most revolting things to me, and then you don't even give it some fruity flavor, it's only saving grace. So it's soft, flavorless gelatin coating a soft fish like creature, who the fuck?

>> No.9052903

Acho pijo!

>> No.9052990
File: 120 KB, 500x522, on-april-3-did-you-text-the-things-i-would-246949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I wanna shoot mini-Jack in the face, but holy shit those other two...
Pic related.

>> No.9052993
File: 9 KB, 225x225, 1482361564237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can see the top of the panties on the right peeking out

>> No.9053007

>find the one thing a country makes thats
>meme endlessly about it
>someone makes fun of you because you have a food culture thats unhealthy
>y-you're obsessed!

>> No.9053142

/ck/ in a nutshell

>> No.9053288

So why the fuck do you go to a chain? I live here in america and havnt eaten at a Mcdinalds, BK, etc in fucking years. Unless your retarded, any decent city has plenty of good local restaurants.

>> No.9053421

>not shishkebab left over from when Turks and Tatars were fucking with the region

>> No.9053466
File: 109 KB, 600x338, 009PASTELCARNE_ESPINOSA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pattelico de canne rules!!!

>> No.9053525

>Never had ćevapi


>> No.9053760

>Not liking based bloodsausage

>> No.9053846

Beets, you retard.

>> No.9053927

I thought most of the jelly comes from the bones and shit of the actual eel?

>> No.9053942

This is the only comment I've ever found actually, harmfully racist.

>> No.9053943

thats fine and all, but you could at least read the wikipedia page on hamburgers

>> No.9053975

I think I was proven right that the only south american dish of note is plain rice + mix of seared veggies with meat and french fries

>> No.9054086

Is that a frozen bear head?

>> No.9054343

>Soul food only differentiates from "Southern" food when it comes to cooking chitlins, or having too many starches as side dishes, like mac-n-cheese with every meal including Thanksgiving
>T. someone who doesn't know shit about soul food
Ever been at a black friends dinner? I have.

>> No.9054554


>> No.9054716

>I have

Good to know you admit to eating like that. You're at least honest. In point of fact, there isn't a hill of beans difference between whitetrash and nignog food in the south. For both, it was the leftovers that the"benevolent christian" overlords didn't want and slopped in your trough. Much like we get in the US today.

>> No.9054728

This isn't Indian food anon, but rather a Spanish dish with sauce made from cocoa beans which, on chicken or any meat, isn't very yummy.

>> No.9054751


it's the national dish of Mexico, and both chocolate and chili peppers are native to the Americas

>> No.9054778

that thing at the bottom left is pretty tasty, i remember making these for a model united nations in hs

>> No.9054785

more like harmfully fucking retarded
why do you numales always have to virtue signal about racism

>> No.9054808

Even if the criticisms are valid they're always phrased as infantile shitposts reeking of butthurt. the OBSESSED meme is completely justified.

>> No.9054936

Seal head I think

>> No.9054993

>It's just fermented fish, shark brain....what else even?
Iceland is not Scandinavia, retard. I bet if shown a map, you couldn't even pick out the countries you're currently at war with.

>> No.9055104

>what is regional food?
e.g. cajun

>> No.9055143

>ikea meatballs
end yourself famalam

>> No.9055166

> I have a shit taste in food

try some good restaurants schlomo

>> No.9056069

You should really talk to your gyno about all the sand in your pussy

>> No.9056118

American food is pretty bland wherever you go except Canada, desu. They know how to do it properly.

>> No.9056126

because the only women that would ever sleep with them (provided the country suddenly become isolationist and the internet get cut off) espouse these values and they think that pandering to them will get them laid, since that's what the romantic comedies they watched growing up told them.

>> No.9056358

>Dont want to eat shit that smells of amonia.
Your dad had some kind of piss fetish and passed it on you with threats of not being a man if you don't do it?

>> No.9056389

>virtue signal
It's astonishing to me how an army of russian AI shitposters has successfully convinced millennials that showing yourself to be a normal, mainstream, non-hateful person is in some way bad or weak

>> No.9056494

>why do you basement dwelling cuckservatives always have to virtue signal to each other by being racist?


>> No.9056588
File: 143 KB, 800x457, Christmas dinner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9056603

Nordic and other cold countries people like russians just don't give a shit. Bad at self presentation too. Same way their popular music is absolute garbage but they filled to the brim with amazing smaller musicians.

>> No.9056609

>showing yourself to be a normal, mainstream, non-hateful person

I know! It's so important to project a safe and congenial air of conformity at all times. To intimate any hint of unorthodoxy is downright dangerous! People could start to suspect that you might be having independent thoughts!

When I see millennials failing to understand this, I fear for what this world is becoming...

>> No.9056622

>Does land size really count when 70% of it is essentially uninhabited?

Yes, in US elections, uninhabited parts count double after all.

>> No.9056636


I honestly can't even believe rural "people" are still allowed to vote. Shouldn't they have been replaced by Somalian refugees by now? I think we really need to rewrite the Constitution so the only people voting on America's future are the true Americans who arrived less than two decades ago.

>> No.9056637

But anon, I am a genX

When we were growing up we weren't raised to be afraid of people who looked different than us

This is a facebook generation problem

>> No.9056639

>I should have twice as much say because I weigh twice as much

>> No.9056642


I know, it's really troubling. All these impressionable millennials are being raised to hate. I mean, there's no other way that people can acquire opinions except by being taught to hold them, right?

And it's all just nonstop racist propaganda being fed to the kids in school these days. You know I hear Mein Kampf is mandatory elementary school literature now? Truly these are dark times we live in.

>> No.9056645

What's your point? You think typing "nigger nigger nigger" and clicking post is kewl and independent? But we already knew that.

>> No.9056648
File: 14 KB, 575x371, justice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's a great idea! African-Americans have been disenfranchised for far too long, it's time that their voices are heard loud and clear!

>> No.9056652


Well it's not cool to be independent, as you and I both know. I was just expressing my agreement with you about how important it is to think good thoughts and never stray into dangerously uncharted mental territory. You always want to stay vigilant and make sure you're in line with what everyone else is saying, you know? That's what all those rock songs from the 70s were about, right?

>> No.9056653

Yes, they have, and it is

>> No.9056658

Yes, no one has ever been racist before, you brilliant intellectual maverick. Congrats on being the first.

>> No.9056663


Well yea I mean there are all those millenia of history during which people exhibited normal in-group preference but I try not to think about such unenlightened times. For me it's much more comforting if I just think that history and human development began in the 1960s. All the time before that is kinda icky, y'know?

>> No.9056666

Nothing bad ever happened in le good old days. Why can't we own people? Because libshit sheeple can't think outside the box, of course. Big ((Education)) is why I'm not a winner.

>> No.9056677

define "national cuisine" i´m german and i don´t only eat "endless variations on bread, potatoes, meat and cabbage".

we had lot´s of legal migration in the last 50-60 years which influenced our eating habits.

i´m not eastern european for fucks sake

>> No.9056683


That's a great point! But actually I consider myself quite educated, and I can tell that you are too. We educated people understand that only slave-owners hold respect for their own people. For instance, just think about the men who stormed the beaches of Normandy, or perhaps modern day Koreans and Japanese. If I'm not mistaken, most typical Japanese family homes have at least 3 slaves.

>> No.9056685

Thousands of black soldiers stormed those beaches. How does that make you feel, cleetus?

>> No.9056693


Quite proud and humbled, honestly. Without their indispensable contribution to the war effort, the Allies would surely never have triumphed. I do wonder how their slave-owning white comrades felt about their presence, though. I mean, the white men of that generation were all slave-owners, right? They must've been, since they were so racist. Only slave-owners can recognize obvious biological differences, isn't that what you said?

>> No.9056697

No, it's not what I said. Here we see the difference between "I consider myself educated" and "others consider me educated"

>> No.9056703

It's a lambs head.

It's fucking amazing.

>> No.9056705


Well you are quite right to again point out how important it is to be aware of how others view you. Living by that principle is how you've come to form your impressively well-considered political opinions, is it not?

>> No.9056724

No, the reason I think racism isn't "cool" is because I am brown and have been on the receiving end. Perhaps you would like to say something about how I'm ruining your life for existing?

>> No.9056737


I have trememdous pity for you, my friend. If only there were places on earth where poor downtrodden souls like yourself could go to escape the ravages of white racism. But alas, no such places exist...

>> No.9056743

Since I moved out of middle america it's basically not an issue in my life. Progress works slowly where your kind are the majority but I'm happy to see demographics are in our favor.

>> No.9056754


I can't wait for all the progress that will come once those mean, evil white people are finally gone. I mean, look at Compton, or Detroit, or the banlieues of Paris. A utopia awaits us for sure, just as soon as those pesky white people get out of the way. You can glimpse its coming if you look, even South Africa just keeps getting better by the day.

>> No.9056758

You are an incredibly mean person I hope you know that. How did you become so racist?

>> No.9056759

Your tears are delicious

>> No.9056776


Oh, but I'm just expressing my excitement at the prospect of finally being rid of those bigoted white oppressors. They're the people responsible for everything wrong in the world. And everyone will be so happy to see them go! After all, no one wants to be around them. That's why all the noble and dignified PoC ty to get away from all the places those white devils live.

>> No.9056803

Yeah because Appalachia is a fucking technological paradise full of educated and wealthy people white people.

>> No.9056816


Well shit, now I'm confused. When black people are poor you're supposed to say it's not their fault and blame it on white people, right? But when white people are poor, you're supposed to say they've made their own mess and deride them as inbred hicks? Is that how it works? I guess it's not actually inconsistent when you think about it, you just have to remember to always blame the bad stuff on white people. Phew, I think I can remember that.

>> No.9056823
File: 7 KB, 265x190, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mouthy niggers up in here

>> No.9056830

Actually ukrainian

>> No.9056972

Are Malaysian/Singaporean food any good

>> No.9057011

that still look boring desu

>> No.9057031

didn't know finland appropriated india culture

>> No.9057101

>"waaaah, they eat edible parts of animals that I mentally find inedible"
fuck off faggot, although I'd never eat cat or dog

>> No.9057128
File: 3.83 MB, 3474x3456, 6682d5bb5facef48b7c1ce51b1a405c9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah senpai, Mindanao food is awesome

>> No.9057143

>he thinks that saying "ewww icky i dont like offal" is a valid argument

Numale yank detected, now fuck off and finish your tendies.

>> No.9057149

'Talk up' means to praise. You come across as someone pretending to be an Aussie.

70% of our beef production is exported and we're the world's fourth biggest wine producer so we must be doing something right.

>> No.9057156

Korean food is very bland. It's basically either something fried in garlic, onion, spice paste and some sugar, or just some cabbage boiled in water with a piece of meat
I wouldn't say it's the worst, but it's very boring at times

>> No.9057172

there was this little restaurant in my town run by an unbearably quaint hungarian couple that made me decide i really loved this stuff.

>> No.9057178

For me it's Polish food. I was born in Poland but grew up in Canada and have traveled a lot. I enjoy eating food from all over the world, am not afraid of trying weird and unusual dishes and always eat local wherever I am.

Polish food is just bland, there is really only one spice used, black pepper. It just makes the whole cuisine so boring. Sure pierogi are amazing, but that's literally it. When when you eat this cuisine on a consistent basis you don't eat pierogi that often really, it's grandma food which takes a whole day to prepare. Everything else is just fucking bland cabbage and potatoes. The soups are all very watery with few ingredients floating in them unlike the great laksas or ramens of Asia. For a country that eats a lot of pork the pork dishes in Poland are all shit compared to the pork dishes of Asia or American bbq.

I will however say that there are 2 great things in Polish cuisine. Baked goods such as breads are incredible, up there with the best in the world. Desserts are also very good, Polish cakes are the best I've ever had.

>> No.9057471

the only nation Vietnam has been able to sort of defeat is France and Cambodia, but the former is obvious as to why, and the latter had mostly a 1000 man strong army armed with only sticks at that time
They suffered such heavy losses from Chinks that it was a phyrric status quo victory
US never lost to Vietnam tactically. It was more of internal political turmoil in the US itself that caused them to withdraw

>> No.9057477

all this is bullshit
The toxic food is limited to Manila. Go to Bicol or Zamboanga and they serve you some flavorful food

>> No.9057560


>> No.9058146

Ukrainians, poles and Russians (and other European countries probably) all have a variation on borscht. just like how pierogies and cabbage rolls aren't just Ukrainian

>> No.9059099

eat ass

>> No.9059151

>pierogies and cabbage rolls aren't just Ukrainian
Those are fighting words around here.

>> No.9059191
File: 36 KB, 640x360, australian cuisine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

australia, pic related and vegemite

>> No.9059198

somewhere near lake victoria

>> No.9059210

Australia doesn't have much of a heritage in terms of food, apart from the few "traditional" things (damper, vegemite),and the things wacky people like to claim as being emblematic of Australian culture (sausage sizzle, fairy bread).

We've got nice restaurants and lots of people seem to be inclined to cooking different things, but we don't really have a national cuisine so to speak.

(People talk about "modern Australian" cuisine, but it seems to just be regular modern cooking with a slightly increased focus on Australian ingredients)

So I think we get excluded from a "worst cuisine" discussion by virtue of not really having one.

>> No.9059216


Projecting much cancucker?

>> No.9059457

how bad?

>> No.9059474

Hey Outback Steakhouse is pretty gud brah. I like Australian cuisine.

>> No.9059638

Nah we eat more beef and chicken than anything.

>> No.9059647

nothing wrong with that

>> No.9059648

Chicken kiev was invented in the US

>> No.9059654

They have terrible immune systems so they avoid it outright.

It tastes incredible when you're body can handle it. Just takes some time to adjust.

>> No.9059660

Your actual ethnical culture you cuck, no one gives a fuck about camel jockies

>> No.9059664

Australia doesn't have its own individual culture yet, it's heavily based on British culture.

Honestly not too bad, I unironically like British food when it tastes good, which is unfortunately rare.

>> No.9059668

scones and biscuits are not the same thing, also casseroles are literally designed for poor people with nothing else to eat. Not only are you wrong but you're choosing bad examples and trying to prop it up to support your argument.