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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 55 KB, 350x500, 51lQEndoAtL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9026093 No.9026093 [Reply] [Original]

ITT stuff you bought once just to try it

>> No.9026139
File: 134 KB, 296x378, Ayran_250ml.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to kebab shop
>see this
>like trying new shit so i buy it

Holy fuck it's disgusting, i'm not usually the kind of person that doesn't finish something but there's no sugar. that's bearable on it's own, but they add fucking salt. It's a salty yoghurt drink. disgusting.

>> No.9026219
File: 148 KB, 525x797, IMG_2371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what compelled me. I managed to eat half of one.

>> No.9026232
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Of all the fan made chip flavors this has got to be one of the worst.

>> No.9026246

Maybe that's how they feel about our drinks.

>> No.9026250

>Gyro flavoured
>Pic of kebab on the front

>> No.9026271
File: 69 KB, 600x400, Pop-Tart-Soda-01-600x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried the orange soda ones since they were in a discount bin. I have no idea what the hell they are thinking with some of these flavors.

>> No.9026276

Grow up a bit and try it again. All food doesn't have to taste like candy. Bet you're american too.

>> No.9026364

I knew someone would reply with this, it's not the lack of sugar that disturbed me, i've eaten yoghurt without sugar and it's fine. it was the salt.
really go try it yourself. go buy a tub of greek yoghurt, and add a tablespoon of salt. do you like it?

>> No.9026375

Even someone like Andrew who travels the world agrees that something good can be completely ruined by too much salt.

>> No.9026388

Pandering to blacks, to bad they forgot blacks buy store brand

>> No.9026391
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>> No.9026392
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>> No.9026407

You don't? Is this how you justify paying for the brand name?

>> No.9026507
File: 3.04 MB, 2340x4160, IMG_20170607_153429136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fell for the sip meme

>> No.9026772

I love ayran. Used to drink it everytime I ordered falafel before.

>> No.9026786

Well they're wrong

>> No.9026830

I've tried several drinks from the international aisle at the supermarket and they're all way too sweet. I don't know where the stereotype of "American food is too sweet" comes from because it seems like everyone else drinks sugarwater.

>> No.9026837
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[vomits externally]

>> No.9026875
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How bad, anon?

>> No.9026888
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A prostitute.

>> No.9026899

Bought those a week before my freshman year. Never opened a package out of the damn box after entering the dorm.

I ended up sticking to the fudge poptarts they sold at the POD stores.

>> No.9026900
File: 156 KB, 1542x2700, french’s-buffalo-ketchup-1-HR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't like it all

>> No.9026906


>> No.9026908

I bought the chocolate dip version of that, and dear god... it was terrible! The chemical aftertaste was so intense, tasted one teaspoon of the stuff, tossed the whole jar in the bin and ate something else to try and get the awful taste out of my mouth (but it lingered for way to long)

>> No.9026910
File: 72 KB, 500x383, utter shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know what motivated me to buy this shit btw.

>> No.9026955

It sounds horrifying. On the other hand, Jif and Peter Pan make whipped peanut butter that's actually really good and easy to spread...their secret must be all those pesky calories!

>> No.9027638
File: 104 KB, 1100x1100, durian (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was okay. Had a unique, almost spicy flavor, but it stank up the fridge and it left an awful aftertaste.

>> No.9027649
File: 12 KB, 299x300, hrum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never had these or the Jolly Rancher watermelon flavor out now
Just out of curiosity, is there any difference in taste or are they sort of inbetween?

>> No.9027693
File: 216 KB, 393x576, IMG_0684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cookie Crisp is a breakfast cereal that attempts to recreate the taste of chocolate chip cookies
The Wikipedia article sounds as underwhelming as it tastes

>> No.9027910


Oh man, I used to eat a bunch of this stuff (like their bbq sauce and steak sauce) when I was doing atkins 15 years ago. Oh god, the horror. But when you can't eat anything else, some of them were passable. I remember the bbq sauce being ... um.... I don't want to say good, but it did help add some sort of flavor to a lot of bland meats.

>> No.9027917
File: 37 KB, 566x566, 829739000521-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally the worst purchase of my entire /ck/ career.

>> No.9028274
File: 129 KB, 646x861, 1706081823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally the tomacco of soft drinks

>> No.9028280

all types of "exotic" oreos
cinnamon frosted flakes

>> No.9028296

I agree everything else in this thread is shit, but I love OP's pick. I used to get it all the time

>> No.9028320

How was the frosted flakes? I always imagined it would just taste like cinnamon toast crunch

>> No.9028321

Get the fuck out

>> No.9028327
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My favorite meme

>> No.9028332
File: 15 KB, 255x597, Crystal_Pepsi20160628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not for me, definitely tastes different than regular pepsi

>> No.9028422
File: 80 KB, 768x995, gallery-1494518043-pepsi-fire-productdetail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried this a few times. Not too bad, but definitely not something I'd get over and over again. Like, maybe once in a while is good enough. Still doesn't hold a candle to the God tier Summer Mix they sold a decade ago.

Though I've never had the Slurpee version of Pepsi Fire yet. Is it any good?

For me I get that Pepsi taste, but with this certain Sprite-like crispness to it. I don't know if it was the lack of caramel coloring, or it was reformulated a certain way, but I definitely agree with how different it tastes.

>> No.9028596
File: 70 KB, 1000x1000, 796252300165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I fucking love it.

I belive pic related is close to ayran. I implore you to reconsider your taste.

>> No.9028634

It doesn't really taste like cinnamon toast crunch but it's pretty good.

>> No.9028707

Last time I tried them I remember they tasted more like nilla wafers.

>> No.9028816

I like those

>> No.9028849
File: 130 KB, 768x512, sardines-evoo-2-layer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wish I liked them too, I just can't get over the smell and texture though unfortunately.

>> No.9028861
File: 57 KB, 780x319, splash_780-25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The single worst thing I've tasted

>> No.9028866
File: 59 KB, 348x291, 15blondCurtis-2231259_348_291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is good for about the first third of the bottle.

>> No.9028956
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>> No.9028995
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A can of Mott's Clamato Caesar with Bacon

>> No.9029003

i remember the older version of this concept. where they used golden grahams that were half coated in chocolate and mixed in regular white mini marshmallows

>> No.9029007


well I'm sorry to hear that

>> No.9029015


That's a shitty brand of sardine tho

The supermarket I used to shop at had one that was really mild tasting in a buttery lemon juice/sunflower oil sauce.

>> No.9029062

I like moxie. It's for sipping, like a fine beer. I wouldn't classify it as the same drink as like, coke.

>> No.9029071

Maruchan really has the worst seasoning packets out there

>> No.9029076
File: 3 KB, 111x140, king oscar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got any sardine recommendations?
I'm willing to give it another shot even if it doesn't have the cool king on it.

>> No.9029083

>certain Sprite-like crispness to it

Yea its lacking the thick, caramely-ness of pepsi. Still haven't tried pepsi fire, not into the spicy cinnamon drink thing

>> No.9029090

Really wanted to like it.

>> No.9029100
File: 45 KB, 450x450, sardines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I was mistaken about the oil type, but it's these ones

I used to eat tons of these sardines

>> No.9029169
File: 803 KB, 1188x1188, 324801da-de8e-41b6-a7f7-741204253952.png._CB306772081_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thing after all the threads about them on /ck/, but before they became popular. They're awful, I couldn't even drink the broth which is usually the best part of ramen. Never listen to /ck/

>> No.9029176

one look at the ingredients should have told you that. it's basically liquid diarrhea in a bottle (oil, water, misc fibres, and 'extracts' - i.e. no actual peanut)

>> No.9029185

I have tried these totally agree they are fucking disgusting.

>> No.9029274
File: 17 KB, 458x458, kvas-gubernija-in-can.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought some Kvas, I think this was the brand.

Very weird flavor and tastes like alcohol, can't say I didn't enjoy it but I don't think I will go out of my way to buy it again.

My friends hated it.

>> No.9029373
File: 1.21 MB, 1456x2592, IMG_20170609_241110101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were on sale. Not bad. Now, Peeps Oreos... Those need to be avoided like the plague they are.

>> No.9029413

I just had this the other day, seemed perfectly average to me

>> No.9029425

I think they're alright. Hard to taste anything over the spicyness though.

>> No.9029460
File: 205 KB, 2365x2365, d73c4f45-8cec-43a4-a9fd-bed4b0c0bcba_1.0bd05ee51e3ca5f6d46c392520cdc90a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The flavor was okay, didn't like how thick it was. It felt like I was drinking hair gel.

>> No.9029464

that's because it has shredded aloe fruit it in. it's delicious IMO. especially when ice cold

>> No.9029488

limburger cheese
Opened it, then immediately threw it away.

>> No.9029505


I'm sorry for your loss.

>> No.9029664

I actually liked it/

>> No.9029852

Aren't you used to having salty yogurt in your mouth nordfag? What? Was it missing that subtle bleach undertone?

>> No.9029856

So you were at the market, saw the durian, said to yourself 'hmm it's the one thing that Andrew fucking zimmern won't eat...let's try it!', and were surprised at how terrible it was??

>> No.9029863

>All food doesn't have to taste like candy
That's not what he said at all. Who the fuck wants a salty yogurt drink?

>the rest of your post
Oh, it's a shitpost. My bad.

>> No.9029873

>who wants a salty yogurt drink?
Yo mama

>> No.9029882

18+ site, junior. You're gonna have to go back now.

>> No.9029896

If I wasn't 18 yo mama would be a felon

>> No.9029900
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>> No.9029915

Don't reply to yourself.

>> No.9029957


>> No.9030328

First time I tried dude weed I ate an entire box of this, it's so fucking good.
Problem is it's hard to find, and pretty expensive for even a small box.

>> No.9030824

I think prime now has these up for delivery in my area.

>> No.9030844
File: 61 KB, 720x720, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pepperoni and onion cheese from an amish cheese store. My dog walked away, it was nasty.

>> No.9032200

I actually like the initial taste but the after taste is nasty

>> No.9032207

Drinking this right now. If you try hard enough it tastes like their 1893 soda with ginseng.

>> No.9032208

>no actual peanuts
Oh god

>> No.9032217
File: 92 KB, 1040x1300, med105388_0110_par_beet_chip_vert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i once bought this bag of beetroot, carrot, and turnip chips.. the carrots were great, but holy shit the other two were disgusting

>> No.9032267
File: 253 KB, 640x427, jones holiday soda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Even the ones that you would think would be good, the cranberry and the pumpkin, were undrinkable, with after-notes of chewed pennies.

The brussel sprouts soda was indescribably foul. Saying it tastes like jock itch smells is an insult to jock itch.

>> No.9032283

Holy shit I bought 3 of these sets when they first came out. One I gifted, the other I sold the week before Christmas on ebay for $300 and the other I tried. The cranberry wasn't completely undrinkable but holy shit the rest were terrible

>> No.9032302

thats some gold standard ROI there my dawg

>> No.9032304

>He didn't watch the little rascals as a boy

>> No.9032321

Yeah they were insane reselling that year

>> No.9032626

This. I forget which one I bought, but it smelled strongly like vinegar and tasted like ass.

>> No.9032663


how is that different from peanut butter?

>> No.9032676

neoguri is better

>> No.9032680

omg i used to love those

>> No.9032710

It's a good thing too simce onions are poisonous to dogs famalam. Don't treat your dog like a garbage disposal!

>> No.9032718
File: 309 KB, 1016x1600, pb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


look at the nutrition facts and ingredients compared to pic related

>> No.9032872

w-where are the peanuts on the first one? is it legal to sell something like that?

>> No.9032890

>w-where are the peanuts on the first one? is it legal to sell something like that?

It's in the "natural roasted peanut flavor".

Yes it is. There's a whole topic of food labeling laws where they define what words you can use on packaging and how they're defined. As long as you're not outright calling that shit peanut butter, you can do basically whatever you want with it.

>> No.9032895


>> No.9034085

Shin is kind of meh.

Shin BLACK is the good one

>> No.9034730
File: 177 KB, 678x509, Sprite-Cherry-And-Sprite-Cherry-Zero-Coming-In-Early-2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's no remix, but I wasn't disappointed

>> No.9034883

Usually it's fanta they throw all the flavors they can into.

>> No.9035092

I think Remix is a seasonal thing now? They've sold it in the Summer in the past two years, so it's possible that it might show up again this year. Still I wish they could resell the Berryclear flavor alongside Tropical. That shit was tasty as fuck.

>> No.9036179

R u a nigger?

>> No.9036202

Lie. I am black and I was compelled to buy the limited coffee flavored pop tarts despite my preference for toaster strudels

>> No.9036207

This shit is carbonated drink kino

>> No.9038017

Tried several of their products, had to resist throwing up. Tasted like plastic and chemicals.

>> No.9038045

It had no real flavour, it's just the dude spicy meme
I mean, it's hardly the worst thing I bought

>> No.9038050
File: 51 KB, 463x550, yakult-bottle-swapped-a-u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Take sip
>Wait 5 seconds
>Projectile vomit

>> No.9038064
File: 43 KB, 553x602, IMG_1817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using my image
You didn't even change the file name or anything. Fuck off and stop samefagging you try hard

>> No.9038397

You aren't supposed to take a sip, you just drink all of it. It's basically a meme bacteria supplement.

>> No.9038598

Don't know how anyone stomachs this memefood. Absolute trash. Like 100x more bitter than raw kale somehow

>> No.9038842


Definitely a rip-off

>> No.9038864
File: 381 KB, 890x1100, ag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't very well NOT buy these, but I kind of wish I hadn't. All the empty calories of kids cereal, without any of the satisfaction. I think I just hate instant oatmeal, it's like Lucky Charms flavoured wallpaper paste.

>> No.9039396

>energy drink without energy

>> No.9039649
File: 39 KB, 640x425, monster-unleaded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're thinking the unleaded kind

>> No.9039717
File: 67 KB, 800x545, 477959970_XS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought some rambutan today. Not too bad. Guess they'll do for now until I start finding some lychee whenever it rolls out.

>> No.9039899
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>Talking shit about Moxie

>> No.9039905
File: 1.11 MB, 1358x1200, image_373858_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

''''''wine'''''' from california

>> No.9040797
File: 35 KB, 500x418, 20110413-boones-farm-bottles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only the finest

>> No.9041316

Why does that look like juice

>> No.9041354

Because of the pictures of fruit on the label. Boon's Farm is made from grain.

>> No.9041367

Only a couple flavors have wine mixed in. The rest is flavored beer.

>> No.9041369

I remember some used to come with a packet of oil and it smelled terrible and ruined the noodles.

>> No.9041377

I crave Clamato intensely, but only for the first drink. Also I drank a Bud Light with Clamato in a can and the last drink was Clamato sediment. I learned later you had to gently roll the can to mix it

>> No.9041378
File: 70 KB, 300x188, castello-traditiona-danablu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blue cheese. I'm asian and this shit is vile.
Tastes like moldy milk.
This is white peoples version of durian I guess? I could never understand why people like blue cheese.

>> No.9041390

I used to love the Lighthouse blue cheese dressing with cauliflower. I'm immensely intolerant to mold. I can't even look at it and I didn't know that's blue cheese's schtick.

>> No.9041398

I never had blue cheese, but I had other mold cheeses like brie, which is mild and gentle. No moldy flavor at all.

I probably didn't ever try blue cheese for a reason.

>> No.9041414

Mmmmmm I like them in combination with something else, like pizza.
But I couldn't eat it alone, flavor is too strong.

>> No.9042157

Sorry for your shit taste, anon

>> No.9042163

brie and blue cheese are totally different.

Brie only has mold on the exterior rind. It's edible, but many people don't like it. I don't really care for the rind myself, but it's because of the texture. The rind has almost no taste.

Blue cheeses, on the other hand, are inoculated in the inside of the cheese. The mold contributes a strong flavor throughout the cheese. Very very different.

>> No.9042602

i like the taste a decent bit but the consistency is just like rotting flesh

>> No.9043766

I like buying odd fruit when I see them at the grocery store. Tried a custard apple and it was delicious, tried a prickly pear and it was decent at best and I wound up with a tiny spine sliver the store forgot to remove lodged in my finger. That was a fun day.

>> No.9043791

And how often do you eat rotting flesh?

>> No.9044330

I remember that fucking garbage "crisis" we had in Canada about French's Ketchup

>> No.9044386

that sounds great to me :)

>> No.9044816
File: 225 KB, 1063x1600, IMG_3824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

macaroni and cheese with cauliflower...kraft dinner smart with cauliflower didn't quite taste the same. it was okay though.

>> No.9044827

I get why they're trying to do that, but you should try to get kids to be okay with eating vegetables instead of tricking them like a dog with a pill. Steamed broccoli or cauliflower baked with cheese sauce is pretty tasty. It's probably not even as healthy since the cauliflower has been so processed.

>> No.9044963

This is a ridiculous level of processed food by the food industry.
>trick both kids and parents into thinking they're eating something healthy

>> No.9045029
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Smelled like piss, luckily didn't taste like it.

Didn't even have much of a flavor at all, very neutral.

Just literally tasted of alcohol, drank the whole bottle and ate like 4 or 5 slices of Costco Pizza afterwards, later that night I spent a solid 2 or so hours in the bathroom alternating between cold/hot showers/ trying to empty my bowels, and trying not to vomit it all back up.

Almost made me wanted to quit drinking altogether.

>> No.9045564
File: 68 KB, 424x500, regret.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Supermarket had a ton of these for $0.75 each or something like that. I thought "Long shelf life, no refrigeration, could probably choke it down cold if I was hungry enough, this might be something to throw into my hurricane/emergency box." So I bought 1 of each and tried to find one that was actually edible.

Every one of them had this disgusting gelatin quality to it and three times as much fat as it should have had. Ended up leaving a disgusting chemical taste in your mouth for hours afterwards.

>> No.9045574

You should probably just put canned food like beans or whatever in your emergency box.

>> No.9045580

Oh God, you poor idiot. I don't know what you were expecting, but you still don't deserve the horror that is pre-packaged no-refrigeration necessary meals.

>> No.9045615
File: 97 KB, 514x661, p_266_compleats_breakfast_scramble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mostly I've got cans of soup and crackers. It was an impulse buy cause they were cheap, and I figured it might add a little variety.

Boyardee can do pasta, ground beef, and tomatoes. Campbell's soup can do chunks of beef, potatoes, and carrots. It didn't seem like a giant leap to me that someone could make something that was edible with beef, mashed potatoes, turkey, ect.

Clearly I was mistaken.

>> No.9045617
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>> No.9045620
File: 1.99 MB, 3840x2160, DSC_0877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eggs Benedict flavored Pringles.

They tasted just like scrambled/boiled eggs. Absolutely revolting. When I make eggs I always add hot sauce, vegetables, cheese, anything to mask the natural flavor of the eggs. So I don't know why I thought these would be any good.

>> No.9046713

>muh identity politics

Why do you feel the need to bring this up at every fucking turn

>> No.9046807

That gave me a much needed laugh today

>> No.9046841

BTW you're supposed to eat it in small quantities.

>> No.9046846

It's an acquired taste and you aren't just supposed to shovel the shit into your mouth. A little goes a long way. Since you're Asian, it's basically the white people version of Kimchi. Some people really love it but other people think it smells and tastes like spicy rotten ass.

>> No.9046849

This. Gotta do what my mom did and make the kid sit at the table until they have eaten all of the vegetables on their plate. Can't just give up, either, they don't get to even go to the bathroom or sleep or anything until they finish their vegetables. Oh, and make sure to taunt them by saying things like "wow, it's been 30 minutes, think of all the fun you could be having playing your video games right now".

>> No.9046859

Except that doesn't always work.

I remember my parents doing that to me once. They thought I was being a little bitch refusing to eat my asparagus. I wasn't eating it because it honestly made me nauseous. Finally they made me force some down. About 30 seconds later I projectile vomited all over the table and them. At that point they realized that no, I wasn't being a picky little bitch, I really had an honest problem eating said asparagus.

I'm not saying that kids aren't picky little fucks sometime, but other times it's a real issue.

>> No.9046887

When my mom did that to me, it was with Brussels sprouts. I just wolfed them down after an hour of torturous boredom and told her to never make me eat them again. Told her to make anything but those vile things for me next time. If she wants those little fart-flavored balls of garbage, that's fine, just cook a different vegetable for me. And she was fine with that, so it all worked out in the end.

I have a fuzzy memory of saying that during a long-winded rant that night while playing Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. Still ate one now and then over the years and they tasted just as bad. Asparagus sucks too, but not as much for my taste.

>> No.9047259


Theres also 1g of salt. Thats 1000mg.

>> No.9047270
File: 460 KB, 652x334, Dewsa12pack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was under the impression it was a variety pack. I normally don't bother with the other flavors but I figured with three to try maybe one would be decent.

Instead it's a lousy blend.

>> No.9047290

Yeah these are great.

>> No.9047321


Nah, Fire Pepsi is fuckin' nasty

>> No.9047335


Well for one it says spread not butter. It's like fake cheese being called cheese product

>> No.9047352


I'm black and love blue cheese. You probably took a huge bite or someshit, with this cheese, less is more.

It's 4chan, it's much more severe for me and I manage.

>> No.9047380

> t. Dew shill

>> No.9047720

Pepsi fire just tastes like Pepsi spiked with fireball minus the alcohol
I kinda liked it

>> No.9047911

Man, it was actually going pretty well until

God, I hate the taste of it. And yes, it tastes different. It trips different sets of taste buds with a different aftertaste while only hitting a few that match that of typical corn/beet/cane sugar. It's close enough to be sold as a """healthy""" sugar substitute though, with the added benefit of being purely laboratory-manufactured.

That is a fact, sucralose does not appear in nature, and can only be chemically synthesized by human intervention. And think about it: If your body can't even process it into empty calories, then where does it go? Fucking nowhere. It just sits in you, and gets deposited into parts of your body like fat pockets that don't go away.

It's like, just fucking use sugar already. At least calories gained can be burned away eventually, and you don't have to use a fuckload of sugar either. It can be low-sugar, and still taste good while being less than half the calories of full-sugar.

I'm getting fucking sucralautistic over this.

>> No.9048046

Fucking gyro flavoured lays. Taste nothing like gyros. I bought it hungover, utterly naive. Oh boy.

>> No.9048480


Except this could also lead to a food aversion if your cooking is shit. My friend is a really picky eater because he had a mom that would make him choke down gross overboiled vegetables with this method of "parenting". Basically psychological child abuse. And it sounds like you have the same case with brussel sprouts and asparagus because they are delicious if cooked properly.

>> No.9048576

>making your kid eat their vegetables whether they like it or not
>psychological child abuse
It is literally no goddamn wonder that this generation is turning out to be the biggest load of faggots and pussies the world has ever seen

>> No.9048597
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>he says, trying to validate his own abusive upbringing

>> No.9048613


>> No.9048617

Whatever dude. I had a great childhood and am raising my kids the same way. Just because they'll be physically and psychologically healthier than the faggots you're going to raise don't be so salty

>> No.9048704


Who are you trying to convince bub? I was stating facts, you were abused as a child and now you have an aversion to common foods. Whether or not that was overall good or bad is for you to decide.

>> No.9048706

Youre stupid

>> No.9048721

>abused as a child and now have an aversion to common foods
Nothing but a pussy excuse from someone who wants to justify why they don't eat vegetables when dining with other people. Coddling kids just leads to adults who try to pass the blame for everything off on others.

>> No.9048730
File: 314 KB, 337x230, 1444407805267.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No you're confused, I don't have the stunted development, that's you. I can and do eat any and all vegetables presented to me, cooked in whatever fashion is served.

>> No.9048746


is basically a melted, carbonated bomb pop in a can.

I felt a small wisp of nostalgia for childhood summers before regretting drinking 30 grams of sugar per serving

>> No.9048753

KFC pie. kfc potato and gravy with kfc chicken(yes it tastes as bad as it sounds)

KFC double down. just a hot greasy delicious mess that needs a bun or a knife and fork.

IRN BRU. yee gods over half of this "soft drink" is sugar. it tastes god aweful like a liquid orange candy bar in a bad way.

>> No.9048759

the first bowl or two of these were nice but the novelty wore off soon thereafter and ill never buy it again.

>> No.9049051

Do you think some people got used to the taste, and actually like it and prefer it over real food?

>> No.9049056

>The bulk of sucralose ingested is not absorbed by the gastrointestinal (GI) tract and is directly excreted in the feces, while 11–27% of it is absorbed.[5] The amount absorbed from the GI tract is largely removed from the blood stream by the kidneys and eliminated in the urine, with 20–30% of the absorbed sucralose being metabolized.[5]

>> No.9049318

I'm guessing it's a thing you need to grow up with. Drank kefir my whole life, like pretty much anything even remotely similar, like ayran and doogh.

>> No.9049354

You talk like a fag and your shits all retarded

>> No.9049368

>Europoors literally drinking Turk semen

>> No.9049396
File: 62 KB, 470x300, Veggieburgers x2 250g H Apx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly pretty disgusting.

>> No.9049474
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>> No.9049486

>Vegetables 41% (corn, carrot, broccoli, onion, cauliflower), pan flour, water, boiled rice

That even sounds bad. I know it's a "veggie" burger but no one in their right mind actually makes it out of vegetables.

>> No.9049503
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Was stocking when I saw these and bought a box. Good shit.

>> No.9049541

is french's normal ketchup any good? eurofag who loves their mustard here

>> No.9049547
File: 156 KB, 316x316, Skärmavbild 2017-06-14 kl. 05.06.01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jones soda in general kinda sucks tbqh

>> No.9049566

Shit, its out already?
I haven't seen it yet at any store I've been to recently.

>> No.9049574
File: 48 KB, 1200x900, VM366611-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i trough it was just a meme , but it was actually spicy.

There was a point i could not feel my tongue for 2 hs and could not feel any flavors on my food

>> No.9049594

Holy shit. I had no idea they stopped making these for a decade. Now I want some. I still remember the taste.

>> No.9049613

We just stocked them at my Walmart

>> No.9049617

Time for cavities then!
Thanks anon.

>> No.9049674

bootleg activated almonds?

>> No.9049685

Fell for this. It tasted terrible. I bought two of those bottles and couldn't finish the first one.

>> No.9049722
File: 96 KB, 768x498, gallery-1452899517-delish-cinnamon-bun-oreos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking amazing

>> No.9049867

There's people who prefer McDonalds to a real burger and Taco Bell to a real taco. I'd guarantee it.

>> No.9050021

Those are gross but the
Velveeta ones are portable food kino

>> No.9050027

Those used to scrape the shit out of my mouth but I loved every bite

>> No.9050061

Whats it taste like?

>> No.9050121

fucking retard

>> No.9050129
File: 325 KB, 1800x1215, 4265426426426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty disgusting desu

>> No.9050659


Yeah, these are godlike

>> No.9051154

kvas is fucking delicious
when i was in russia i would drink it at every opportunity
god damn i miss kvas

>> No.9051157

objectively wrong

>> No.9051164

custard apples are GAOAT
(the extra a is for apple)

>> No.9051187

hot dog mustard
very mild and strong on the vinegar
i like it a lot, but it is what it is. shitty hot dog mustard.

>> No.9052154

real boiled peanuts are really good when done right

>> No.9052178

Damn, I want Cookie Crisp now.

>> No.9052188

not true. grew up on sweet drinks, had ayran, fucking loved it. anon just has the palate of a 12 year old

>> No.9052195


>> No.9052196

yeah this literally made me puke

>> No.9052203

>this is spicy
get a load of these babies

>> No.9052220
File: 62 KB, 450x450, ramune.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought it would be a cool new softdrink experience but it is even more flavourless than sprite

>> No.9052243

I bought this Taiwanese drink and it tasted like water with beans left in it overnight
But it was mushroom drink

>> No.9052414

There's a bubblegum/tutti frutti flavor that makes me hate it more than normal lemon lime soda unless it's extremely cold, near freezing.

>> No.9052482

I am ashamed to admit I ate 2-3 of these a day for half a year during my NEET phase.

>> No.9052838

I never had it the first time but I loved it when I tried it.

>> No.9052872

It tastes good going in but leaves a nasty, bitter aftertaste. Drinking it continuously will make the aftertaste go away in my experience, it's pretty good. I think the main flavor ingredient is ginseng

>> No.9053016

but they're the same thing

>> No.9053019

I can drink almost anything no problem, but this just fucked me over

what do they even put in it to do that

>> No.9053249

where are you from m8?

>> No.9053302

Fuck I actually had one of those too. It was like drinking the acidic aftertaste you get in your mouth after vomiting.

>> No.9053328

The ones with corn syrup instead of honey or sugar are pretty vile.

>> No.9053339
File: 85 KB, 507x640, 25853461222_84dba767f2_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably the blandest thing I've ever eaten.

>> No.9053343
File: 783 KB, 2400x2400, a0e2c9eb-b499-4473-a468-14c452f34afb_1.bd09e55891ff3ce06cdf0396f8024f33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong image

>> No.9053388

Didn't these used to have little marshmallows in them?

>> No.9053393

man I bet those are good

>> No.9053467

confirmed for mudrace

>> No.9054061

Yeah I still have the box so I don't think I'll finish them.

>> No.9054220
File: 35 KB, 720x409, dragon-fruit-is-also-called-pitaya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was okay. Tasted pretty weird but not unlikable. I've heard there are sweeter ones out there as opposed to the tart ones that I ate, but I'm not going to throw my money away for a second chance.

>> No.9054495

They taste pretty mediocre.

>> No.9055227

A guy I work with brings one everyday for lunch

>> No.9055240

Totally unremarkable. For looking so interesting, the flavor is just kinda meh it's alright.

>> No.9055251

Probably just underripened anon
Try letting them sit for a few days before you eat them

>> No.9055256
File: 3.32 MB, 3840x2160, DSC_1420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The heat drowns out any flavour they have.

>> No.9055266
File: 42 KB, 460x386, Iceman shiggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hate eggs
>eat eggs
Who are you trying to impress?

>> No.9055302

I did the same thing and bought a couple when they were .75 cents on clearance, tasted like salty goo.

>> No.9055386


>> No.9055402
File: 57 KB, 500x438, made by brazillians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't make you puke, but over two dollars for that tiny shit? Get the fuck out.

>> No.9055445

people willingly drink monster for the taste?

>> No.9055456

My thoughts exactly when I saw it

>> No.9055533

Don't bother.

The texture is okay. It's kind of like a crisper watermelon. But that's all it is - texture.

The flavour is literally "water with a couple grains of sugar in it". It almost just doesn't exist. It's maddening. You can't remember any flavour because there isn't any, so you take another bite to try harder to search for a flavour, but it... it almost has a sweetness, but no, no there has to be a flavour of some kind. Maybe another bite, a bigger bite, nope, just water with that little bit of, maybe another bite etc.

>> No.9055536
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These suck, but pic related are actually pretty fucking great.

>> No.9055547
File: 341 KB, 550x350, 1487709953-screen-shot-2017-02-21-at-34522-pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same with these

>> No.9055608

you ever try the thanksgiving turkey dinner one? I can't even describe just how awful it was

>> No.9055619

/fit/bro checking in. Some of the Walden Farms stuff is good.

>Thousand Island

>BBQ sauce

>> No.9055623

dragonfruit just taste like a less sweet kiwi to me

>> No.9055999
File: 29 KB, 500x500, 0005100012157-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sucks

>> No.9056020

I made this once, it was rather delicious. Got really smashed because I fermented it for a few weeks longer than I should've and my tolerance was really low. 10/10 would make again.

>> No.9057099

ever had the japanese bbq flavored cheetos? good stuff

>> No.9057106

>walden farms ketchup

I need to try this now

>> No.9057129


I love fish, but canned anchovies is fish flavored salt.

I can't imagine how anyone can use that ingredient with so much fucking salt.

>> No.9057131

Just use less salt in the rest of the dish.

>> No.9057148


why can't they just sell me anchovies not packed in a ton of fucking salt?

>> No.9057150


Truffle honey

>> No.9057732

It's not like it's too spicy to handle, it's just raw spice and not much flavor.

>> No.9057734
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>> No.9058611
File: 49 KB, 500x425, 불닭볶음면[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't finish this shit. Too hot

>> No.9059053

>walden farms
please only eat this stuff if you are doing keto. Otherwise just know that pretty much everything they make has a supper strong chemical after taste

>> No.9059064
File: 615 KB, 1920x901, smokehousebbq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the base pizza was normal little ceasars fare, the bbq however was super bland, with very little flavor. wasn't horrible, but i definatley wouldnt buy it again

>> No.9059073

I've eaten my own semen before, and that's basically what Ayran tastes like. Actually Ayran is worse than semen because I couldn't even swallow the Ayran.


>> No.9059088

no we don't, have you ever even met a black person?

>> No.9059104

It's the same reason why bacon has so much salt - it's a rudimentary method of conservation that still works wonders and gives a distinct flavor to food at times. Hell, pickling something is just putting it in water with salt to conserve it. Given canned anchovies are made to last a bloody long time, it's a good idea to try and conserve them even further.

>> No.9059118

If you think this shits the worst, you've obviously never tried the chicken and waffles. The smell alone is heinous.

>> No.9059120


What even. Also, it's not to be sipped (can you even properly sip it?). You just drink the whole thing in one, maybe two shots. Given is essentially Japanese intestine bacteria supplement on sweetened and fermented milk, it tastes surprisingly delicious.

>> No.9060049

jesus christ why? Doesn't your work place have a refrigerator in the break room? If he/she is going to be lazy at least bring in a frozen TV dinner or something.

>> No.9060102

Frog legs, kombu and katsuobushi, physalis

>> No.9060143

This beverage is not for beginners.

>> No.9060148
File: 166 KB, 1008x605, ppoint6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that a penguin point chicken sandwich?

>> No.9060149

maybe they want the taurine :')

>> No.9060158
File: 83 KB, 1067x600, f_dc_jeb_clap_160203.nbcnews-ux-1080-600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>please recycle

>> No.9060159

what unit of money is that price in?

>> No.9060182
File: 367 KB, 1186x1394, wostok-limonade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty enjoyable tbqh

>> No.9060198


Tastes like an artificial watermelon dough sandwich...freaking horrible.

>> No.9060204

shit, I've had that like two yeras ago and could never find more

>> No.9060208

Notice how the bag says Lay's and not Walker's

>> No.9060426

At least someone gets it.

>> No.9060435

those are good. Usually I don't like bbq potato chips, but those have got a really good smoky, sweet flavor.

>> No.9060453
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Tried the snickers one and It was awful

>> No.9060549

Don't forget a can opener

>> No.9060654

>what do they even put in it to do that



>> No.9060661

low hanging fruit, Anon

>> No.9060672
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Coconut water with bits of coconut inside. It just wasn't right.

>> No.9060697
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>> No.9060713

If you want veggie burgers try Dr.pragers, anything they make is good tier. I don't even eat them with a bun, just enjoy them as a microwaveable veggie snack.

>> No.9061561
File: 123 KB, 579x1024, golden_opulence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was worth every cent.

>> No.9062333

>tfw think you're the master race but you're just a dyslexic burger

>> No.9062376


is this a picture of a Drive-In? Is she taking his order? What did you order that you'd only eat once? WTF is going on here.

>> No.9062399

Ordering fish sticks with a side of STD.

>> No.9062437

Shouldn't you be busy making America great again Don?

>> No.9062465
File: 752 KB, 656x669, IMG_0581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought the Jelly Donut Oreos, they're alright. The cookie is overpowering though

>> No.9062476

Shiiiit I thought this was a fucking steal. $9 for a specialty pizza that was on par with any other delivery pizza chain.

>> No.9062490

>knowing the taste of semen well enough to describe the bleach undertone

>> No.9062502
File: 15 KB, 213x236, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking inedible. 0/10

Nothing redeemed the calories, time, or money spent on them, not even the "funny" story of how disgusted I was.

>> No.9062530

Are these like frozen peanut butter balls or a pastry?

>> No.9062582

Imagine a ball of tasteless "cream" that more convincingly passes as shredded cardboard, inside the most disgusting excuse for bread imaginable that's both tasteless, soggy, and hard to chew (??? what the fuck is bread doing there, anyway?), and then coated in nasty corn "chocolate" syrup.

They are unforgivably vile. I haven't bought a Reese's product since, and they used to be my favorite of the convenience store candies.

>> No.9062620

One time I bought this when in the US (they don't sell here) while with my friend who is usually a health but. But I guess he figured "when in Rome....". So we tried some. The cheeky fucker took a bite and was like "it has an awful lot of sugar in it" and I was like "it's called cookie crisp you daft cunt"

>> No.9062637
File: 281 KB, 534x981, 1469794936113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jelly flavored center
>with artificial flavor
It's not jelly.

>> No.9062652

It's weird how bland it was when there's certainly a ton of sugar in there, but it somehow managed it. I and my roommate sample a few of the others in the box but they were universally terrible. You know those egg cartons made from recycled cardboard or whatever? Imagine how that would taste but soggy and coated in "chocolate syrup" and that's exactly it.

>> No.9062761

I had this once. Just tasted like fire water. But it's just ramen insta soup so my expectations were low.

>> No.9062767

I've never had it but all the wealthy people I do work for have them all over their houses like it's the only thing they drink.

>> No.9062773

Gyro is pork this is lamb and it's called doner in yuropean

>> No.9063301

>buy one at a Chinese market
>badass look
>badass name
>tastes like a kiwi
I was extremely disappointed

>> No.9063387

Blueberry pie is the best flavor hands down

>> No.9063396

Ive heard they taste like kiwi so I wanted to try one but they are disgusting. Maybe it wasnt ripe enough, but im not spending $6 for another one

>> No.9063398
File: 1.43 MB, 2576x1932, 20170617_141812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found it, tried it today, smells like redhots, surprisingly tasty with mild cinnamon aftertaste not hot or spicy really. I'd try it again could see this as a regular Pepsi item.
no one on my wife side of family liked it at all, not even the smell, LOL

>> No.9063596

Fuck. My vice.
The orange sugar free one is really good, mandarin flavour but it takes you a while to come around to liking it

>> No.9063632
File: 156 KB, 324x665, yakult light.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ok but it's a bit too sweet, they have a light version tho.

>> No.9063645

We were poor af so it's finish your dinner we literally have nothing else and you're gonna waste what I worked on
To this day I can eat any meal someone puts in front of me, my mother went a step better too and taught us how to cook so not only can we not be picky little bitches but create something good out of very little
Fed many roommates on poorfood recipes lol

>Kids taking about food phobias etc were prob on the spectrum to begin with

>> No.9063776
File: 32 KB, 448x448, gwLIQxqy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love soda and this shit literally tastes like power steering fluid.

>> No.9064016
File: 329 KB, 353x564, lotus-biscoff-creamy-spread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love the cookies but thiswas awful.

>> No.9064137

She's a whore you sheltered neet

>> No.9064611
File: 30 KB, 450x450, f6e43ab0-e367-4304-a30b-ad94dc79fceb_1.cdef9262177aa8f0a97f655978ebc1a5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought this crap years ago because I stumbled upon it in the grocery store. First time I ever saw something like it.

Never had the guts to actually try it, though, and years later it's still sitting in my fridge.

>> No.9064626
File: 55 KB, 580x342, 1489335756321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wish there was a canu/ck/ on here who had tried this

I want to know how awful it is

>> No.9064840
File: 594 KB, 256x256, spin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it was in america not rome

>> No.9064995

What is "jelly-flavored"? Do they mean grape?

>> No.9065005

Well, if it's expired now, it's probably no good. Otherwise, I would guess that tastes great.
...Why? Seriously, why?

>> No.9065368

Actually I made this when I first heard about it and it was actually way better than you're thinking. Use a spicy BBQ sauce and dust the onion rings with a good seasoned salt and it's quite delicious