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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 14 KB, 750x300, alcoholism-750x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9043561 No.9043561 [Reply] [Original]

al/ck/ edition


Whats on the menu this evening ladies and gentleman?

Vodka straaaight

>> No.9043569

I have a little over a pint of viaka brand vodka left and half a 750 of gekkeikan left after cooking some moon food and drinking today
Plan on finishing it all off in a few minutes
My heart hurts so I decided to cut back from the usual liter for today and just have my remaining rice wine and part of a 750 I got from a friend

>> No.9043591


Its posts like these that make me hope this person is only joking. A liter a day usually?

>> No.9043599


>> No.9043616

Yes, unfortunately I'm very far gone
I went to rehab and was fine for 5 months but when I started working again I relapsed recently and it took me about 4 weeks to build back up to my usual liter
I definitely won't be able to afford another round of rehab so due to my recent heart pains I'm trying really hard to cut back, and I'm gonna try to get my doc to prescribe me naltrexone and gabapentin again.
So far I've done good, I'm hoping success continues and I can get the drugs again soon.

>> No.9043626
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>didn't have to go to """Intensive Outpatient Therapy""" tonight thank dog
>but have to go every night until Friday since I've been putting it off
>it's four fucking hours

I need to find some pills for this I hope they don't fucking test your urine or some shit.

>> No.9043644

At the IOP I did we had random UA screenings every week
I went every day religiously for about 6 weeks after moving down from Partial Hospitilization which was 8 hours for 5 days a week and was also 6 weeks. It's not that bad if you don't have to work as well.

>> No.9043710

im getting drunk, thank god beer still gets me drunk

>> No.9043860

Vodka straight thats fucking rough

>> No.9043877

First day sober lads.

I crave it but otherwise I feel better than normal.

Really looking forward to not waking up hungover tomorrow.

>> No.9043884

Speaking of vodka
Went to 2 interviews today drunk on vodka and grape juice.
One at 10am and one At 5 pm where I was beyond fucked up.
And got hired at both lol
Im a fucking mess

>> No.9043887

I'm an alchy who drinks primarily light beer, so a hangover is foreign unless I'm really pushing it.

Miss taking up odd jobs and reading more literature from the last time I tried to get "sober" though...

>> No.9043901

>light beer

>> No.9043903

How much light beer do you have to drink to get drunk?
anything below like 30% alcohol doesn't affect me at all anymore unless I drink an obscene amount
Don't move over to hard liquor you fool. try to cut down your beer intake too

>> No.9043912

Stuck at the airport for 9 hours because I missed my flight. Loading up on overpriced vodka tonics before I ship out on the next flight out.

>> No.9043915

How do u miss a flight

>> No.9043916

Vodka. Told my gf I'm going out with friends just to hang out but she doesn't trust me anymore. The anxiety makes me want to get drunk but I'm keeping it to one drink an hour. Fuck

>> No.9043917

In the past I've found myself thinking I didn't get hangovers for a while until I quit and then realised I did have hangovers that I just gotten used to.

I might have felt okay, but I could have felt good instead. Booze is sneaky like that.

>> No.9043918

It's a good buzz, but if you start drinking 5 or so an hour it's pretty easy. Actually switched to light beer after being a beer geek who switched to affordable full flavor macro.

It's just nice to always have a drink in your hand, and yet be able to do things like work an 8-5 job and do recreational activities on your saturdays.

>> No.9043922
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>asks why
>in an alcoholic thread

>> No.9043928

Retarded self planning
Left the house at 7:45 this morning, three hr drive to the car rental place then the shuttle to the airport took an hour because loltraffic

Got there ten minutes after checkin closed, which wouldnt have been a problem if i had checked in online but their fucking website was down all day

Never fly Spirit, kids.

>> No.9043936

I can't do this anymore bros...thanks for being here when nobody else was...I love you guys but I have to go. I'm a fucking failure towards my family, my daughter, and myself. I'm ending it now before I cause more harm...thanks again guys

>> No.9043946

I have a headache

>> No.9043947

Make it look like an accident.

And not an "accident," that only your drunk-addled mind would find convincing.

You owe it to your daughter.

>> No.9043948

2.1 litres min today. Just woke, realised some of the stupid shit I said earlier, so now really going for it. Listening to walk off the earth. Feeling good.

>> No.9043950

You only fail if you give up bro don't let the alc get to u

>> No.9043956

You're an asshole anon

>> No.9043970

More compassionate than the faux bullshit the "don't do it," crowd is spewing...

>> No.9043986


>> No.9043993

Don't sweat it. Your family is garbage. Obviously they don't care for you but only for themselves. Your daughter is also garbage because that is the goal of modern females. Not your fault that she will grow up to be an entitled nigger fucking disease ridden cunt.

>> No.9044002

Easy. This shit is not a joke.

>> No.9044013

First time I've gone more than a week without drinking for over a year. Rewarding myself right now.

>> No.9044016

he took the /pol/ pill. It's like a suicide pill, but they keep on going...

>> No.9044017

What kind of "accident" would you suggest? Access to guns isn't an issue but I have no stairs if that matters

>> No.9044022
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From accounts of people who have jumped to their death from bridges and yet survived, you, as you hurtle towards oblivion, suddenly have a moment of clarity where you realize the problems you have aren't really as much as you put them up to be, and they're all fixable, even if it may be difficult. The problem is, you're going to die now that you've realized you shouldn't. This thought has kept me from ending it.

>> No.9044025

Dude please take at least one moment. Be calm. For the sake of your sanity, your family, for al/ck/. Please just try to be comfy until your mood Is more normalised, even if that normality is as shit as is those with whom you're now conversing.
We're all feeling some feels here.
Hope your mood lifts.

>> No.9044029

Yeah you hear that from the percent that survive and don't re-attempt.
Most people who jump off bridges and fail end up coming out of the hospital to do it again.

>> No.9044032


Well I sure admire their determination.

>> No.9044033

I don't have any good options off the top of my head. Maybe if you were a kayaker, go kill yourself in some whitewater rapids. Water seems to be a good one if you're involved. Otherwise some kind of industrial accident, depending on the industry you're in.

Other option in an urban area is being hit by a bus.

None of these are "painless," (yet drowning is pretty close).

>> No.9044041

Thanks man...I actually needed that. I'm a fucking mess right now. I've been struggling with my /alc/ since before these threads started...ive tried so damn hard but it doesn't seem like life is right for me. All I do is hurt other people even In a piece of shit and deserve to die. I'm just scared to do it desu. But I serio usly can't do this anymore

>> No.9044048

Thanks man. Maybe I'll go "kayaking" in Lady Bird Lake

>> No.9044052



>> No.9044056

Go fuck yourself townie

>> No.9044066

Don't make any decisions on taking your life until you've been sober for a while.

Having your brain go back to normality tends to do wonders.

>> No.9044069


I actually live way out in the boonies was a joke friendo

Jesus christ people from Austin are insufferable I'd kill myself too

>muh taco fetishism
>muh elitism whether you're a barrio faggot, 'native,' or califaggot

Fuck I could go on for days. Austism is a hell of a drug.

>used to work at NI
>drank all the time at work
>got fired

fun shit brah

>> No.9044071

hehe, not him, but you're a nice dose of reality

>> No.9044072

jumping off a bridge is so uncertain. maybe thats why people do it. if you want a sure thing just get a gun

>> No.9044095

Where you at anon? I'm North Austin currently but went to HS in Johnson City so that's kinda fucking boonies?

>> No.9044112
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Pretty much the opposite quadrant, I live in NE Wilco and went to HS in gtown. Commuted down to north austin down 130 for fucking ages. Great drinking road. But god help you if you get a DUI or drug charges in wilco hahaha

>> No.9044129

We've got some nice back roads to Gtown from my place in Leander here. But fuuuuuuuuuck getting caught with anything in Wilco so I don't chance it. It took me forever to shake a bullshit "assault on a public servant" charge where the cops threw ME through a fucking a glass door, only thing that saved me that time was the body cams and having to get glass pulled out of me at the nurses station at the jai because they refused to take me to the hospital. I hate this goddamn county. Literally my first interaction with cops and it was that

>> No.9044148

how do people drink enough of that to actually get drunk
I always get bloated when drinking beer and have stuck to hard but am curious

>> No.9044161

Drink one every 10 minutes, and keep on that schedule.

>I'm a big guy

>> No.9044167

I might just have a small stomach, but I feel like i'm going to throw up after 5, not because of the liquor just because my belly is full of liquid. Kind of like I eat too much or something
Probably just a personal problem

>> No.9044171


this, your a definitely a good al/ck

the best for you

>> No.9044189


Yeah I've been saved by my d/l showing I'm a 'local' a few times, thankfully never had any run ins with da law here, only in NJ where I got a DUI and a bunch of other shit that only resulted in a 3 m/o suspension so I can't drive for another two months which fucking sucks.

>> No.9044197

fuckin ell lads these cravings are intense

>> No.9044205

you gotta do something to take your mind off it
watch a movie or play some video games or something

>> No.9044206

Pizza hut and taco johns?

>> No.9044210

read a book and go to bed

>> No.9044225

I have a similar problem to this
I can't deal with the stomach gas or the stomach bloating too well

>> No.9044233
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>come to hometown for the weekend
>saturday night go out with a group
>show up back at parents place 5am too fucked up to walk or talk
>puke all over my bedroom floor
>mom comes and cleans it up
>next morning, tells me I need to pack and go back

fuck me that was emberassing

gonna try to cut down on my drinking now, only two weekends per month

>> No.9044242

>facebook filename
>facebook frog


>> No.9044244

have been watching platoon

think il do this quite soon after

>> No.9044251

Ugh, I hate that feeling when you make a huge mess or fuck up but you're too drunk to deal with it

>> No.9044257

suck me

I know, I vaguely remember telling her to stop cleaning and go back to bed because I was gonna clean it but realistically I would've probably passed the fuck out on the floor

>> No.9044261


what a fag your are, only two weekends per month, probably your just a dyke that cannot drink at all.

so dont drink at all. Plus story reeks of college faggot.

>> No.9044278
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I am in college, but I'm 25...failed out twice already due to my inability to stop myself from getting fucked up funny enough

but yes keep pretending you're superior mr. cool 4chan man

>> No.9044315
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>> No.9044316

>4chan man

Hello, reddit. You post your facebook frog and now you show your true face.

>> No.9044324

crusties plz leave

>> No.9044328

y'all need to relax

>> No.9044382

is there any drink you enjoy more when you are drunk

>> No.9044419

Man, you're really silly. That's the beginning and I'm not 25, far from it. When I was 20 I was driving down the interstate and puked in my own lap from a weekend army reserve meeting where beers were $.25/glass. I slept at my grams house in the spare bedroom when I came home from college and occaisionally puked in the bed and she scolded me, then made a big hangover breakfast.

It starts small but builds and I pity the youth of today who see a US led by a reality talk show host propped up by eunoch sycophants. The nihilism described by Jack London in "John Barleycorn," is probably the only reasonable answer.

>> No.9044426

how bout you just stick to what you know and dont wax philosophical on us old timer

>> No.9044442
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Just quit cold turkey after a long binge, got that nice small fever going on right now.

>> No.9044445

suck my fat dick

>> No.9044446


>> No.9044477
File: 68 KB, 496x1024, 63f6894740e36855db7c92b25f2e8ba8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like these pint cans of king cobra/olde english for $1.40w tax at the liquor store nearby, sometimes I just like to buy 5-6 of these instead of the 40oz plastic bottles. I wish I could find pint six packs of olde english for a cheaper price but everything is more expensive where I live in socal.

>> No.9044484
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>tfw work in a liquor store and get everything at cost
>tfw going through withdrawals while being surrounded by the one thing that can make it better

>> No.9044494
File: 218 KB, 559x682, 1449728972068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the cheapest swill you can drink that won't make you want to cut your throat with the bottle afterwards?

>> No.9044500

idk most cheap shit comes in plastic now nigur

>> No.9044502

I drink cheap wine mostly. Cheap spirits make me want to die.

>> No.9044510

good job anon i believe in you

>> No.9044523

>have to go visit my parents this weekend
>Mother's a religious zealot who opposes alcohol
>Dad is a certified alcoholic that needs it to sleep
well this will be fun

>A 40oz where I live is 6.25
be happy with what you got homie

>> No.9044534
File: 33 KB, 400x534, wpid-img_20120223_124841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everybody says cheap handles of vodka but I hate being drunk on vodka so I buy the cheapest wine at the grocery store(quail oak for $2.40 at vons, used to be $2)

>> No.9044535

i've never had this before since I'm not from the US
is it really as bad as people say?

>> No.9044536

how do you not die from the wine hangover?

>> No.9044547

I drink white wine. Red wine gives me a nasty headache and hangover.

>> No.9044556

I buy the white wine now, has less tannins from the grapes, I drank nothing but cheap red wine forever, went to the dr for stomach pains, stomach was fucked, was on the verge of having peptic ulcers so I switched to pinot, chardonnay. tastes like shit but it doesn't effect my stomach like dark wine. Also cannabis eliminates hangovers so I don't care about that.

>> No.9044574

>strong desire to eat while drunk
>if I eat I will throw up

>> No.9044581

it's not too bad, just cheap skunky strong lager that's 7.0% alc. I remember buying some carlsberg elephant beer and it tasted similar if you're european...the carlsberg tasted slightly better but I have low standards for cheap malt liquor.

>> No.9044585

ah I see
seems like a bitch to drink 1L before it heats up though

>> No.9044622
File: 607 KB, 1920x1440, dis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weed, sticky smelly indica weed will make you eat everything in the kitchen and your stomach wont care at all.

>> No.9044625

Not even remotely accurate. Every time I've gotten high and start eating, my body doesnt know when to stop. I end up eating so much I HAVE to puke to stop feeling so fucking sickly.

>> No.9044640

weed doesn't really have that effect on me anymore
it just makes me tired and paranoid

>> No.9044664

I usually just pass out after overeating at night. Alcohol binges without weed make me puke, even after years of drinking I still puke sometimes. I'm just glad I don't get the spins anymore, that was awful as a teen.

>> No.9044683

that's how I was but I can buy certain storefront dispensary strains now that just make me want to eat and eat/fall asleep, no paranoia, I can buy other strains that will mess with my head and make me irritable and on edge, I avoid those strains.

>> No.9044699
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Using the bit of self control I have to stay away from drinking because I took some Vicodin and acetaminophen and booze is lethal

>> No.9044707

>here's your reply

>> No.9044717

Woo dubs

>> No.9044736

Try a cook at wendy's.
Starting at $125,000/yr

>> No.9044741

I live in Canada so I guess i'll try that next year when they legalize it
It's kind of depressing that i've moved from weed to alcohol in my substance abuse journey

>> No.9044743

>if you don't drink for a day you'll live to drink on multiple other days
seems like a pretty simple fucking decision doesn't it friend

>> No.9044765


>> No.9044800

Do a flip so we know the reports are you

>> No.9044966

>drank like 8 beers and half a fifth of vodka
>threw up a few times
>woke up feeling surprisingly okay
>go to shower
>throw up
>suddenly splitting headache
>can't keep anything down
Fuck this, I'm out.

>> No.9044986

Light weight

>> No.9044991

>beer before liquor

>> No.9044992

And I've never been sicker desu

>> No.9045028

Man being addicted to alcohol really fucking sucks. I mean, I only feel good or have fun when drinking and I plan my weeks around drinking rather than focusing on life fulfilling goals or productive activities.

Just opened my first beer anyways boys. Cheers.

>> No.9045030

I've thrown up everything I've eaten today except a cup of coffee. How do I get food to stay down?

>> No.9045033

What's the cheap bourbon you guys buy?

>> No.9045034

do a barrel roll

>> No.9045045

Got through night 3 lads. I slept like 3-4 hours tonight. Could've been worse. I'm still really tired though. Hopefully I can get a nap this afternoon. All other w/d symptoms are gone. Just gotta sleep a little more.

>> No.9045046

How many rehabs have you been to?

>> No.9045052

stop drinking

>> No.9045056

>cheap bourbon
Don't do this to yourself.

>> No.9045058

I have.

>> No.9045071

Me too!

>> No.9045078

Good job!

>> No.9045154

>finally kept down half a muffin
Thank god.

>> No.9045172

>drank from 9 am to 10 pm on saturday
>at the end i couldn't stomach any more alcohol
>got a craving for a coke, even though it's been years since i had one
>picked up one from the store
>drank two glasses and it instantly sobered me the fuck up

is that normal? does coke really have this ability? i'm not talking like getting a burst of energy like from coffee, i mean my mind being cleared and my nausea and headache going away.

>> No.9045229

But I prefer cheap bourbon to other cheap liquors

I-I'm a little new to this whole 'drinking to alleviate depression' thing

>> No.9045233

I guess Vat 69, I also see people here talking about Wild Turkey.

>> No.9045282

My drinking is really becoming a problem. How do I deal with the fucking impulse to start

>> No.9045309

Maybe u should not eat until u feel better u fat fuck

>> No.9045312

if you want cheap go for vodka

>> No.9045320

>I-I'm a little new to this whole 'drinking to alleviate depression' thing
Drinking is not going to make your depression better. Well, you feel better for a few hours. But it just keeps making it worse. Get off this train before it leaves the station anon.

>> No.9045323

Hard to feel better with nothing in your stomach.

>> No.9045355

lol, crusties are the worst

>> No.9045366

bullshit, that's $64/hr if you're working 40 hrs a week

>> No.9045367

do it for her, anon

>> No.9045371

I wish I could feel good all the time, instead of just when I get my BAC up

>> No.9045377

been mostly sober for about three months, only really jumped the rails a couple of times. Getting /fit/. Feelsgoodman

>> No.9045381

Keep it up anon

>> No.9045392

>second day sober
>went to bed feeling psyched for not having a hangover
>still feel like shit waking up

When will I get crispy clean mornings, lads?

>> No.9045393

Do you guys dream when you go to sleep really drunk?

>> No.9045401

I tend to wake up, go piss, chug water and then go back to bed and in that latter stretch of sleep I tend to have vivid dreams and remember them.

This is also a common tactic lucid dreamers use:


>> No.9045480

Tolerance rose. As of a couple of days ago, 3 bottles is no longer enough.
Omfg why can't I just fucking die? This isn't living.

>> No.9045492

Tolerance Rose is the name of a pulp fiction love interest I think

I also want to die though, so I feel like that wasn't useful information

>> No.9045496

I have really vivid dreams when drunk.

>> No.9045501

If I'm drinking then I get blackout drunk. I don't remember shit for the last couple of hours I was awake, let alone what I dreamed about.

>> No.9045642

oh god

>> No.9045687

oh shit

>> No.9045706

Not slept since Sunday evening.
Started drinking cheap cider a couple of hours ago.
Need to go shop to get some more drink but I hate going outside after not sleeping.

I only drink if I'm gonna get fucking messy.
Which is way too regularly.
But life's shit and we do what we've gotta do.

>> No.9045951
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no charges, just drunk tank because I argued with the officer about getting an uber. They didn't even tow my car which was cool af of them. That CA drunk tnak though boy, it's all dudes coming off meth and shit. wild wild wild. Be ready.

>> No.9045957

were you coming out of a bar or somthing?

>> No.9046038

Officially on the wagon, but two days in and I've got some serious withdrawal senpai

anyone with experience with this?

>> No.9046042

What symptoms do you have?

>> No.9046069

>anyone with experience with this?
1) Drink a fuckload of water. And I mean a double-fuckload.
2) Vitamins.
3) I know I've had trouble with my appetite after a booze binge, but try and get some food down, ideally something wholesome and homemade. But if all you can get down is fast food and you feel too shitty to cook then that's better than nothing.

>> No.9046078

which vitamins?

cold sweat
when I do sleep, it's for like 10 minutes and it's usually filled with nightmares
at least the shakes have died down a bit

>> No.9046085

>which vitamins?

Also, can you get some weed? That really helped my with my insomnia.

>> No.9046087

always taper, lad

>> No.9046089


Yeah, that too.

>> No.9046100
File: 135 KB, 1600x990, IMG_1873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For people who have stopped drinking:
How long does it take before you start to feel sognificantly better? I'm almost a week in now, and I still feel knackered all the time, my brain is a fog and I'm seeing the world from behind a pane of glass.

At least I'm sleeping alright now, though.

>> No.9046146

It's kind of like a relationship, how long and commited you were in it affects the recovery.

If you just drank a sixer a day you might be fine quickly but if you're living a multiple bottle of vodka lifestyle it's obviously going to be more of a shock.

>> No.9046168

Sounds like derealisation, some people feel that way for years and it doesn't necessarily have anything to do with alcohol.

>> No.9046180

Sometimes the only remedy is a cold coke.

>> No.9046234

70cl vodka for the 3rd day in a row.
Wouldn't normally do this but been supplementing my hangovers with plentiful amounts of codeine phosphate

>> No.9046271

Cutting back on expenses in order to get out of debt. As part of this, I agreed to cut back my drinking budget from 80 or more to 30 bucks a month.

I'm really not looking forward to this, anybody got any tips on dealing with the in-between cravings? All I could think about earlier was a good, cold beer. Luckily, I don't have to pay my car note till Friday, and I Get paid tomorrow. So gonna go grab my months allotment on the way home.

>> No.9046402

I have recurring dreams when I drink a lot before I pass out. I failed out of college and basically had this 3-4 month stretch where I was enrolled in college but I was slowly failing out and paralyzed by fear. It fucked me up mentally more then it should have, and probably half the nights I dream I'm back at that god damn college trying to turn things around. I don't think /ck/ has spoilers but spoiler alert, I never make it. Not even in my motherfucking dreams. What a piece of shit loser I am.

>> No.9046428

Stop going cold turkey, you'll give yourself brain damage

>> No.9046433

I only remember my dreams when I'm on stimulants when sleeping, like nicotine or methylphenidate, alcohol does jack shit for my dreams

>> No.9046465
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>you'll give yourself brain damage
how long does that take

>> No.9046473


How ere you getting drunk for a month on 80? Is that just raw materials for your still?

>> No.9046504

A 30 pack every week. I don't get blasted every day. Just decently buzzed.

>> No.9046507

i think you are in the wrong thread, friend

>> No.9046525

Day off after working 6 nights in a row, spending the day drinking Budweiser and playing Battlefield 1, listening to music, and sweating like a motherfucker in my hot-ass house. Smoke some weed later, take a nap, then go to the bar and drink more. Then back to the 6-day grind.

>> No.9046555

Not the same anon but I never even thought about that. I was going to go cold turkey because tapering always fails me but fuck it I don't want to make myself worse off

>> No.9046583 [DELETED] 

fucking apple liquor

>> No.9046591


>> No.9046655

Hey buddy,
it's all right, it hits us all from time to time. The fact that you feel bad about yourself, and your impact on others shows you're not what you think you are.
Suicidal people are usually horribly wrong at actually assessing how much they are loved, and how much everybody who knows them wants them to live and get better above all else, despite anything that might have happened.

And no, you're not above this mind trap, you are just messed up, emotionally, physically and cognitively. The substance abuse can cause this or make it worse, but you are not special in this regard.

Believe me, you are a decent guy, you are loved, and you can overcome this, just don't listen to the primitive parts of your brain telling you otherwise.

So, please, just call somebody, text somebody, hotline, close friends, parents if you have em. Crawl into a hole and hide for a while, if you have to, it's ok, just stay alive man.

>> No.9046723

30$ is 3 days worth.

>> No.9046818

You here Jim?

>> No.9046823

>3 days worth
I wish :(

>> No.9046856

What are you on per day?

>> No.9046868

Elisabeth Shue was fucking tasty looking in leaving Las Vegas.

>> No.9046874

30$ worth of evan williams (1.75L) lasts about 1.5 to 1 day depending on whether it's a weekend or not
If I do vodka, I can get almost 3 days out of it (2-3L), but I tend to drink faster since there is less flavor and it's less expensive

>> No.9046897

Eh, I'm not handle of gut rot whiskey a day alcoholic. Hell, I still enjoy drinking. But I've definitely developed a dependency.

>> No.9046924

switch to gin, cheap gin is more palatable than cheap vodka.

gordons is ~$14/1.75 L here and is good enough for me to not hate straight

>> No.9046928
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>>be me
>>go to work party on Saturday
>>32oz bud ice and 3 shots in I black out
>>babies momma started shit with everyone by blowing up my phone and calling one of my coworkers
>>one of coworkers tells her he'll let me leave and let me get into a car accident because of her
>>pass out at the persons house who was having the party
>>come to realization and somehow I drove 40 min away from my house
>>get home next day still drunk
>>people telling me about the party
>>apparently I was fun and needed that night even thought I got super fucked up
Taking a break now. I feel pathetic as fuck

>> No.9046932

I used to do gin, but the hangovers are noticably worse due to the lingering rotten juniper taste after you wake up
After a couple pre-work puking episodes, I decided to switch back to whisky/vodka

>> No.9046936
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Don't do it man. I'm in $15000 debt. I can barely provide for my son and myself and his mom. Barely getting by every month. I drink for lots of reasons. But I know in the end my son needs me and it makes me want to better myself and dammit I'm trying. You should to.

>> No.9046944

Probably gotta cleanse yourself for a bit. Try to sweat out all the liquor and drink water. This usually helps after I dont drink after a binge.

>> No.9046996

Don't know where you are, but 1.5L cheap shit where I live is about $50...

>> No.9047001

thanks senpai, i already went for a good walk, drank plenty of water and had a cold shower. here's hoping tomorrow will be CRISP

>> No.9047019

>someone took something small from me
>pissed me off greatly
>want to break my sobriety to try and relax cause i have no real other way

>> No.9047023

Who took what?

>> No.9047027

someone took a couple batteries out of a scale i had in the bathroom
two AAAs, i have two sitting on my shelf that i could replace them with, but i put a note asking whoever tookem to replace them

>> No.9047029

>i have no real other way
Yes, you do. Get it together, man.

>> No.9047039

>taking batteries out of a scale
I'm so fucking confused.

>> No.9047044

>digital scale
needs to work somehow

wish i could go shootin

>> No.9047063
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literally me

>> No.9047070

>being this pathetic
Even if you have redpilled yourself into realizing you're worthless, you still gotta get up and work for the state.

>> No.9047073

No, I know why it has batteries, I'm just confused about why he took them. Seems like a weird way to get batteries.

>> No.9047079

needed a couple batteries for his ass vibrator and didn't have them on hand

>> No.9047083

>flipping channels
>tv remote dies
>stuck on Lifetime network
>no other batteries in the house

I'd steal some from the bathroom scale too

>> No.9047089

Fair enough.

>> No.9047090

>I've drank a light beer every night for the past 2 months
>weekends I sometimes have 3 or 4

Is this a safe amount or should I cut back?

>> No.9047100

wew mate you better stop
gonna die of alcohol poisoning if you keep this up

>> No.9047103

the 3-4 on the weekend probably put you over the "doctor recomended limit" but you're not in realy danger, esp in this thread

>> No.9047111

I wish I was you. Seriously. There is no going back from this point.

>> No.9047160

What's the deal with all the dry heaving? I keep puking small amounts into my mouth as well, even when I'm far too sober to vomit from overconsumption. Did I give myself esophageal cancer or something?

>> No.9047174
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Thread theme


>> No.9047181

You have to be over 18 to post in this thread.

>> No.9047202


>> No.9047211

any of you guys got your own still? i vaguely remember reading an anon on here over the weekend who said he had a still in his apartment and he made top shelf alcohol for like a buck a bottle.

>> No.9047308
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I'm with you. Trying to get myself straight after a shit week of drinking and a shitty weekend of getting hammered. Hope we can power threw

>> No.9047376

gonna goo pick up a 26 of rum or somethin once im done eating
some faggot stole 2 of my smokies

>> No.9047477

>Believe me, you are a decent guy, you are loved, and you can overcome this

Pfft, speak for yourself. You don't even know him!

>> No.9047562

Just ordered 4 litres of 7% ABV cider. The cheap kind that homeless people drink. It's flavored like berries.

Fucking thing exploded all over me, asshole who delivered it must have shook it up as a joke. Shouldn't have tipped him.

>> No.9047633

How many drinks a day makes you an alcoholic

>> No.9047638

one and three quarters

>> No.9047654

If I'm at 5.3/day am I an alcoholic

>> No.9047663
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Welcome to the club friend

>> No.9047671

I don't even drink everyday and I'm an alcoholic. I drink 12-20 drinks 3-4 times a week. I get so sick on my hangovers that I have to take a break. On those days I start shaking for some reason, my mom notices it and asks if I'm okay. lol

I puke sober all the time and it sucks. I probably should see a doctor.

I sometimes puke early on during drinking but never when I'm drunk. I'm not sure why I puke sober so much,.

>> No.9047678
File: 47 KB, 800x434, Idontrecallicannottellyouidontrememberillhavetotalktothepresident.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having a vodka and vodka after spending the day with my al/ck/o BFF and her daughter. Watching Bourdain and saying cheers to all you cu/ck/s. Thanks to the MODS for getting rid of all of those stupid threads.

>> No.9047688

5-8 but it gets much woerse

>> No.9047713

welp there goes like 5 days of sobriety
right when i stopped feeling like shit

>> No.9047866

How come beer doesn't give me the same dopamine rush that liquor does?
I mean I can drink enough beers to get drunk, but it's just not the same

>> No.9047867

I've been lying to my therapist about my drinking since she's a qt and I'm ashamed to admit I started again. Was legit sober for 4.5 months and have drank 4 times in the additional 2 months since then. Still not even close to what I used to drink but everyone is congratulating me on 6 months of sobriety and I feel like a fraud

>> No.9047872

Hey man, little steps, right?
If you can go 5 days without dying and on day 5 you still feel good, you're not an addict.
Not physically at least.
Maybe it's a mental hold up, but that's a lot easier to fix than physical addiction

Just coming off 5 days too. Feels fucking good

>> No.9047894

First of all, you're doing great
The fact that you slipped up only a little bit means that it's not as likely you'll fall back in hard.

Second of all, always tell your therapist everything. Just everything. That's what you're paying out your ass for. And it feels good to not even consider them a real person and just a way to express yourself

You ain't never going to fuck her. So why care

>> No.9047898

m8 i have had seizures stopping before
mental stuff is hard, physical is easy

>> No.9047907

Well shit
At least it's progress though

>> No.9047977

Damn cider gives you wicked fucking acid reflux. :(. Hard to drink. I only drank 2L and I don't even feel drunk cause I drank so slow. Might not even finish the other 2L tonight because of it.

>> No.9048038

Fuck I hate being awake

>> No.9048042

If I'm not awake, I can't be drunk
Checkmate, nihilism

>> No.9048044

Yeah cider gives me savage stomach acidity. Gotta have some sodium bicarbonate nearby at all times if im chugging that swill

>> No.9048056
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Ugh, testosterone levels becoming unbearable. Got to force a fap. How fucking tedious.

>> No.9048077

does that help?

>> No.9048080

Test levels don't vary in day to day life

It's just your head, idiot

>> No.9048087

Yes. And I mean a LOT. Within seconds the pain is gone.

>> No.9048103

Drinking every other day is questionably worse for you than drinking everyday. I always feel a helluva lot worse when drinking every other day anyway.

>> No.9048123

Alright so I'm guessing most(?) of you are guys of average or large/tall build. For a female of 5'8 130 lbs would you say 1/4 bottle of vodka or it's equivalent (or a few more) of beers a night is going to wreck me if I stop cold turkey? I dont get how people taper. Willpower and anxiety problems are why I can't go more than a night without a drink in the first place. And probably working in the restaurant industry. Everyone always wants to go out for one after work. Fuck

>> No.9048136

Every night? I can't say how that will happen

I drink about a 1/3 of a bottle every other night.
I can cut easy enough after the required hangover day
I'm not that much heavier.

>> No.9048137

I'm 6ft3 but frail as fuck. I probably weigh less than the average person but I'm now getting through more than 3 x 70cl bottles daily. I don't think size has that much of an affect on tolerance.
Could you be in trouble? Absolutely. Be careful gril. You things are too lovely for this messy world.

>> No.9048138

I used to be a Seagram's Gin fiend. I went to Old Crow and beer for the past year. I read that lighter liquors give less intense feeling hangovers yesterday, so I just went back to gin tonight. Wish me luck.

>> No.9048143

The first time I got real fucked up was on gin
I'm never going back to that shit.
Though I still have real fond memories of gin and tonics.

God, I wish I could live forever in some memories

>> No.9048150

Why anyone would choose to drink gin if there's ANY alternative is a mystery to me. Absolute fucking filth.

>> No.9048156

Gin, mint, ice cubes, and lime/ or cucumber is 10/10

>> No.9048160

yeah I feel like shit all the time but if I drank everyday I would have diarreah constantly. ( I tried it once for 3 months, ruined my gut lining gave me the shits, also had to be in the hospital for a week because of DTs. )

>> No.9048166

Actually that does sound refreshing. It's 4.30am and the sweat is pouring off me because I've run out. I'd drink the fuck out of that right now, it sounds really hydrating and I'm absolutely fucking dying from thirst.

>> No.9048172

It's not hydrating
But it feels the fuck like it

The first time I had one of those, I was at my friends' apartment
She made them from the mind bush she grew outside.

God I'm gonna hoard that memory

Take a big drink of cold water
It'll feel 10/10

>feeling heat

>> No.9048182

what goes well with jack

inb4 a noose

>> No.9048184

Pop, nigger

I live by the shit

>> No.9048186

yeah been drinking coke with it
but I kinda want something else
like with lime or something?

>> No.9048189

3/4 of the way through a 40oz of rye
just starting to feel it
fuck i thought i was immune to this shit
should i go to the liquor store before it closes to get some more? i have to meet with my mom tomorrow so its probably wise i abstain

>> No.9048190

Never had Jack with it,
But little bit of ginger ale, ice, and lime.
That combo makes Rum into heaven itself

>> No.9048197

Jesus dude
Take a break for a bit

I can't imagine your life if you can tank a 40 without feeling something

>> No.9048198

to be fair i probably just haven't waited long enough

>> No.9048247

That's gonna be a fun w/d

>> No.9048251
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Pop is a fucking verb. Are you telling me you can drink a verb? Verb a verb? this is awful. Maybe you mean soda.

>> No.9048254

Naltrexone helps a lot of people with the physical urge to drink. Then you have to deal with things like sadness and boredom etc. I'm on naltrexone and have had only 2 beers since May 19. I'm learning to deal with boredom, loneliness etc but that physical urge to drink is gone now. Thank fuck.

>> No.9048256

The North won, you fucking southern nigger

>> No.9048259

>I'm learning to deal with boredom, loneliness etc but that physical urge to drink is gone now.
I've never gotten physically addicted but god damn, how is "boredom and loneliness" the EASY part of alcoholism to overcome

>> No.9048261

>plateau when i'm drinking and can't get anymore intoxicated
does anyone else get this feeling

>> No.9048263

just polished off my last low wines 55% pseudo vodka. I'm quickly sobering up and have no desire to destill any more tonight.

>> No.9048266

what %? 1.2l at 10ish ought to make you tipsy unless you spent like 15 bucks on burgers previous to that. but then i would get another and not worry about tomorrow, weak shit like that wont make ya hungover if youve eaten enough.

>> No.9048269

I only know the plateau I WANT to have
But I keep drinking in order to keep myself there
I always go overboard though

Everyone has that SPOT they want to station keep at

>> No.9048275

nah lad im arleady pretty drunk and i haven't reallyd rank my next drink
wil be blackout by 1.5 hours from now

>> No.9048283

Get beers for tapering. Harder to get buzzed on. Sip slowly.

>> No.9048287

oh yeah, recovering from a four day 1.5l 54% bender with no food during it. 4days till i managed not to quickly shit out any fluids, 5 till diarhetically shitting out food instead of barfing it up and 6 till normalization. 28yo, id say the end is nigh, but oh well.

>> No.9048293

Nausea is a symptom of alcohol withdrawal

>> No.9048295
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thirty dollars for a 1.75 of evan williams? Those are 14 bucks here. It's actually pretty tasty, sweeter than jack. mixes well. Impurities leave much to be desired though, if you're meant to drink the whole thing in a day or so. I've done it more than once and came out alright.

Try some of this

>> No.9048304

Canadian here
Fuck me that's cheap

30 for 1.14
That's as low as it goes

>> No.9048306

Not as concentrated

>> No.9048307
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Lol, you know in FL they say Coke for everything... "I'll get a coke" "What kind?"
it's baffling.

>> No.9048330

Guess for you the physical obsession with the euphoria isn't the main motivator to drink. Other people I know are like you. They drink to escape primarily. I just love the euphoric effect.

>> No.9048333

It's like Q-tip, kleenix, skidoo or jetski

>> No.9048338

skidoo is a sled(snowmobile) though no?

>> No.9048343

It's 28$ here in most stores in my little kansas suburb. If I make the drive to missouri it's a lot lot cheaper, but I don't have the money to spare on gas for trips out there whenever I need a bottle.
I'll see if i can find that stuff at my usual store. I'm trying to cut back a bit right now, so hopefully you haven't ruined me :)

>> No.9048347


I start to puke around 8 hours or so after my last drink. Sometimes its anxiety, sometimes just withdrawl.

>> No.9048353

Skidoo was called that because the creator wanted it to be "ski-dog", to replace the dog sleds.
But it got corrupted and was called "skidoo"

So now we call all snowmobiles "skidoos"

>> No.9048365

Tequila straight. Already drunk af but whatever having a good time.

>> No.9048366

How do I down a 40 with dying inside
I'm fucking poor as shit and a pussy with stomach problems so it isn't looking good friends

>> No.9048377

2 hours. Omfg I'm not gonna make it. Withdrawing HARD

>> No.9048385

Watch some kind of TV
That helps me

Have you watched all of It's Sunny?
That got me through some tough times

>> No.9048389

I mean why rush it
Enjoy the bit by bit

>> No.9048436

Bribed a shopkeeper. I'm saved. Chugging that blissful poison.

>> No.9048491

Aaand it's hitting. That beautiful, warming vodka is flowing through my veins. Oh wow that's so nice. Fucking hell, I can't ever run out again, last night was bad.

>> No.9048495

Go to the gym

If you're like me, most of you have a gaping void of inadequacy inside you

The gym helps
And it helps you from drinking most of the time

Every few days I think "I can't drink tonight because I have to go to the gym tomorrow"
It works

Go to the gym

>> No.9048500

ily al/ck/

>> No.9048520

So on Friday I drunk a small bottle of Buchanans and a bottle of tequila along with 3 cups of vodka and juice needless to say I got shit faced and lost my phone, how was your last drinking day? Btw what should I drink today?

>> No.9048524

My last drinking day was on last Thursday
I drank half a bottle of rum.
More than I usually do
A lot more, desu

I woke up the next day feeling like shit. All day and the next day too.

I hated that feel. I hated it so much I didn't drink till today

Now I love it.
It's super late and I don't want to sleep yet.

>> No.9048527

Ugh, I've lost or broken five phones in less than a year, and had one stolen. I've also destroyed 4 laptops and fallen over on so much furniture that most of it is wrecked. Plus my bed is covered in broken glass on both sides of the mattress, so I sleep on a mattress on the floor. Being a drunk gets expensive.

>> No.9048542

I just stash all my shit in a drawer in a room that i'm not using and go about drinking
some people tell me they can't get by without their phone for a night, those people are something else

>> No.9048549

I'm ashamed to call you my brother

My phone is a fucking Nokia for 15 years ago

Stop fucking breaking your shit

>> No.9048586

So listening to music while being drunk is one of the things i've come to enjoy greatly recently
but now listening to music while sober is fucking boring
god damn it

>> No.9048590

smirnoff, iceberg, polar ice or finlandia?
Both straight and mixed

>> No.9048598

I thought I was doing good well into night 4 of sobriety. Then I'm trying to finish some work stuff I thought would be easy and I can't get it right. Really want a drink right now.

>> No.9048602


>> No.9048611

Never tried Finlandia, but out of the first three I'd say Polar Ice has the least burn and is the most enjoyable straight.

>> No.9048627

I feel you I was sick Saturday since I was extremely dehydrated and couldn't keep in any fluids I was puking them as they went in "stomach bug from some gas station food" till I passed out for 5 hours.

If you're going to drink stay safe brother

>> No.9048637
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>tfw tonight's the first time drinking in a month
Used to be every day for like 5 years until recently.

High abv beer tastes like shit, bought some dutch tall cans today at 8.6% and it just tastes like someone poured cheap vodka in cheap beer.

>> No.9048648

Jelly. But trying to cut back. Got cuts I don't remember getting from my last black out

>> No.9048653
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I need to do this more often. Usually when I drink at home and let my phone die or put it to charge in a different room I rarely go check it. Just dont like leaving it cause I feel like my baby momma will snoop through If she can get past the thumb and pin lock

>> No.9048770

There's something in here which fucking stinks, but I cannot fucking find it.
How clean is your environment al/ck/s? Do you ever clean?

>> No.9048789

8.42am. 70cl gone since 6am.

Sobering up. I fuckimg shit you not.

Wtf am I going to do? I've got to stop but pretty sure it'll kill me.

Also, this girl at 24:55
Makes me want to live.


>> No.9048831
File: 933 KB, 800x620, atpr2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I knew what some of you lot look like. I really draw strength from these threads. I rely on them. I don't want to snuff it having never known more than the sheer anonymity we find on 4chins.
Pic is me. Aka 'Smirnoff bro'. Anyone else gonna /soc/ this place up a bit?

>> No.9048880

>tfw you drink to the point of blacking out and your wife comes home to find you covered in vomit, naked on the couch spooning your Taylor Swift body pillow that you swore to her you threw out

>> No.9048888


>> No.9048926

Rum in room temperature soda water.

It's so cheap that I want to enjoy it, but I honestly can't compared to wine or high alc beer.

Beer > Wine > Spirits

Spirits > Beer > Wine

Wine > Spirits (Vodka Soda etc) > Beer

Basically, I am poor.

>> No.9049014
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>None of these are "painless," (yet drowning is pretty close).

>> No.9049017

Drowning is literally the worst way to die you idiot

>> No.9049067

Quick question for you all. Do you like wine ?

I live in central Arizona which is far too hot for proper grapes, but we do have nopales(prickly pear cacti). The fruit from these can be made into wine which begs the question.

Would you be interested in purchasing Arizona made prickly pear wine ? Might call it "rising sun" because of our flag. Oh SHIT wait our flag is a copper star... fuck... how could I justifu the name then ... I'll figure that out later. But yeah, prickly pear wine, yay or neigh ?

>> No.9049116

>Banned from another store because I got pissed off at the cashier commenting on my alcoholism and because I punched her in the face

Fuck's sake

>> No.9049119
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Whats the worst thing you've done while drunk, /ck/?

>> No.9049128
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read the thred you idiot

>> No.9049134
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i'm the "hearing sound from the motherboard guy"

>> No.9049136

disclaimer: I don't wear shirts ever

>> No.9049139

get ready, I'm about to be withdrawal drunk again

>> No.9049141

permanently damaged my brain

>> No.9049146

Is your name Randy?

>> No.9049157
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>Start drinking out of anxiety
>Getting better and more effecient and mechanical at drinking
>Finding ways to mask the horrible taste etc
>Knowing exactly how much to keep me drunk and not pass out
>Trying to find a chan thread to discuss drinking
>First few posts I read are about rehab, skip to the end and posts are about suicide methods


>> No.9049164

Find literally any other way to deal with your anxiety than habitual drinking if it's not too late. Even being a stoner would be better

>> No.9049175

>the horrible taste
Confirmed underage.

>> No.9049178

Eh why? Because binge drinking is bad for your health?

>> No.9049213


>> No.9049222

>All I do is hurt other people
In my experience, the people who do it the most are the ones who can't ask for/won't let anybody for help. Be it because of pain, pride, shame, delusion or any habit their are used to.
>inb4 because of alcohol

>> No.9049314

Nah, I call it beer headphones. Same with music as beer goggles with opposite sex. It's particularly obvious when you are involved in the playing of that music.

>> No.9049557


My doc gave me gabapentin last week, a months worth.. Gone in 4 days and now Im back to a liter of vodka

Well yesterday it was 18 beers

I think I need rehab

>> No.9049714

Nice to meet you mobobro
But put some clothes on you poof

>> No.9049775

Does gabaoentin help? I've got like 30 expired pills

>> No.9049877

Didn't do shit for me. I was on 300 mg once a day for 30. Did fuck all so I mixed 4-5 a day with vodka.

I find Valium or Xanax the best to stop drinking

>> No.9049895
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>take a paus from drinking for 1 week
>my tolerance is still the same

Fuck this shit. I've drunk half a bottle of vodka and feel NOTHING. FUCK everything.

>> No.9049908

well mummy's only a way away
wonder what well do today

>> No.9049909


>> No.9049939

Please drink responsibly.

>> No.9050031

Yah not gonna spill any.

>> No.9050302

Won't lose a drop, promise.

>> No.9050538

When was the last time you drank until you started puking and why?

>> No.9050662
File: 2.00 MB, 330x270, sneak crit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last Saturday.
>and why
Because I lost control of my life

>> No.9050723

last night
cuz bored

>> No.9050769
File: 149 KB, 720x1280, Snapchat-1816287332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a pic of me I took about a month ago on Snapchat. And yes I was buzzing hard when I took it haha.

>> No.9050783
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Youre on the beginning of the path friend.

>> No.9050794

New thread please i'm too drujnk to make one

>> No.9050797

I feel that. I'm gonna try for a bit longer this time. Currently on day 3 of not drinking.

>> No.9050840

>tfw you get a DWI and they put a breathalyzer in your car but instead of taking it as a lesson you start timing your drinking so you can get a buzz and get sober by the time you have to drive anywhere

>tfw you overdo it and wake up still over the legal limit so your car won't start and you're late to work

The fucking thing won't start unless I'm below 0.025. Been experimenting with how much i drink and what my BAC gets too, though. I can drink half a pint of vodka and still only blow a 0.07.

>> No.9050950

Be intoxicated on a day you know you have an obligation. Make it look like you were trying to fulfill said obligation when you accidentally drove into a tree.