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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 53 KB, 600x400, 1636022503155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9037104 No.9037104 [Reply] [Original]

>that will be $19.99 plus a minimum of a 20% tip or I will ensure every server in this restaurant spits in your food every single time.

>> No.9037107

good talk

>> No.9037108

>unzips dick

>> No.9037116

lmao when you leave the restaurant you swing thru the trees with a bone thru ur nose to get to your mud hut, take a dump and wipe your butt with a pine cone and tell ur family goodnite by saying click click click lmao :D

>> No.9037122

i'd slit they're throat necks if they tried that

>> No.9037162

If you don't tip minimum 20% you're scum and everyone you know thinks less of you for it.

>> No.9037199
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>tip nothing
>go to one of the other hundreds of restaurants next weekend
>by the time i return here all of you wouldve already been gone/fired anyway

>> No.9037203

cheap fuck

>> No.9037210


if billionaire jews can ruin hundreds/thousands of lives for .1% more money then I sure as hell can justify being an asshole for an extra 10 bucks.

>> No.9037213 [DELETED] 

>that will be $19.99 plus jyzia tax

>> No.9037215

Last I checked I tip AFTER I've eaten. Good luck time traveler.

>> No.9037223

Tipping is for cucks.

Form a union and demand a higher wage. its not my fault youre a unqualified peice of shit who cant get a job that pays more than minimum wage. i work harder than you for my money. i shouldnt have to give you extra for you to do your fucking job.

>> No.9037231

The red-pill seems more and more laced with MAMP these days...

>> No.9037236

Tipping, much like income tax and the federal reserve, had their time and served a purpose once upon a time but are completely pointless now and need to be abolished.

>> No.9037303

Laborer detected. It's not our fault you were too retarded to get into college, poorfag.

>> No.9037703

Went to college and are now working for tips? Aren't you the poorfag? Also america is just awful.

>> No.9037734
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>waaahhhh my job is so easy i only get 2 bucks an hour give me free money you cheap cuck bastards waahh

>> No.9038175

Why do waitresses even complain? They know what they signed up for when they became waitresses.
if you want a fair wage, go work in manual labor.
But i guess that's too difficult if you're an entitled woman

>> No.9038319

Jesus just tip 20 % stop being cheap asses. If the service sucks ill.dip below 20 but if they did there job food was good and accurate 20 % is totally reasonable

>> No.9038332

>people doing their job
Isn't that what salary is for? How come you don't tip the grocery store clerk who does his job?

>> No.9038344

I just do a firm 2 bucks unless its a massive group of people. What the waitress is doing is never worth more than $2

>> No.9038346
File: 57 KB, 560x420, Drone Waiter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's your tip, Sweetie

save all your dollars from every cock you suck and every load you swallow.

you'll need it when your unskilled ass ends up on welfare.

>> No.9038347


tip the cook or the dish washer. they work fucking hard. do not tip the waitress. they do jack shit.

>> No.9038348

>already have check and eaten food
>tip nothing
>immediately report to management
>never return
Yeah, good plan, you dumb broad.

>> No.9038350
File: 132 KB, 1000x667, Entitled Waiter Solution 9000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you'll need it when your unskilled ass ends up on welfare.

>> No.9038358

I mean that's a possibility but the price of your food would go up. And would you want to be the first restaurant to be ballsy enough to go "hey we give all out servers salary or more per hour so your 7 dollar burger now costs 14!" I wouldnt

>> No.9038359

Shame I live in Finland so I cant experience the authentic american tipping culture.

>> No.9038360


I'd preferr a robot waiter that comes on call over a human waiter in almost any restaurant situation...

Except maybe a 3 star or something where you're paying $$$ to get your taint liked by adultservants.

>> No.9038365


we already see some robots doing this in japan... as testing. but one day, this will replace all waiter.

>> No.9038379


> Dat filename

>> No.9038388
File: 34 KB, 480x316, Fuck Bitch Ass Waiters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"dur hur, I'm gonna spit in your fud"

>> No.9038391

I want my food to be the actual cost. If its too expensive for what it is and the place goes out of business, thats a good thing. It'll be replaced by something better

>> No.9038432


Are there any adult niggers out there who actually think you're going to be able to depend on 'waiting' as a career for the rest of your life?

You need to just end yourself now.

>> No.9038450

>waiter union
Not going to happen. Too easily replaced by teenagers. Only high class waitstaff get paid decently.

>> No.9038461

>Too easily replaced by cheap chinese robots


And agreed that in 20 years, only high end restaurants will have human waiters who serve ass ass kissers.

Applebees, olive garden, & TGI fridays will all switch to automation.

>> No.9038568

> slit they are throat necks

Sure buddy but make sure someone ties your shoelaces, you wouldn't want to fall over during your knife attack.

>> No.9038611

See the thing is, the price of the burger wouldn't even double. It would probably just go up by... guess what... 15-20%, or whatever amount people would normally tip.
So a 7 dollar burger now costs 8.40, and the waitress gets a fair wage and doesn't have to rely on handouts to survive. Wow!

>> No.9038617

>Form a union and demand a higher wage
Form a union for a job that is so easy a highschooler could do it? Don't make me laugh.

>> No.9038619
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>Eating at a Denny's out of town with friends
>Waitress is acting snotty from the beginning like serving 5 people is a chore
>Tell her up front that we don't tip
>Have to chase her down for refills
>Food comes late, half the orders are wrong
>Complain to manager, get half the meal comped and she gets sent home

Bitches need to be happy just to have a job.

>> No.9038622

That's not how it works you fucking imbecile. Even so,
>probably go up
You're talking out of your ass

Goddamn, and you can legally VOTE. That's scary.

>> No.9038632
File: 156 KB, 362x259, 1493052584263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the non-tipping thing a meme?

I didn't even know people like that existed I thought that everyone tipped at least 10%.

>> No.9038644

it's just an "''''edgy'''''' thing on 4chan and it gets instant (you)s

in reality most in the US tip and none of these idiots socialize enough to eat out and if they do they certainly are too autistic to give a solid ms pink impression to all their acquaintances that do tip

>> No.9038652

>and you can legally VOTE.
Not in the US
>You're talking out of your ass
by "probably" i meant the 15-20%. I placed the word in the wrong position in the sentence.

If the employer of the restaurant wants to hire a waitress, and he needs 10 extra dollars per hour to do that, then he will have to increase the price of the food accordingly. But within one hour, there is not just one burger being sold... if he sells 5 burgers per hour, it would be an increase of +2 right? but that's too simplistic. it will probably come out as 20%, because it seems to work out that way with tips.

>> No.9038654

That's a relief. I was really starting to think a significant portion of people just didn't tip. Relief to hear it's vocal minority, baiting, ECT ECT.

>> No.9038886


in the US its really unique that you have to tip so much.everywhere else its basically just to not bother with change,lets say round up a 17.75$ dinner to 20$.

>> No.9038906

Because they get actual benefits and aren't paid shittily.

>> No.9038916

dont ever come to finland
youll get stabbed if you expect tipping

>> No.9038928
File: 50 KB, 273x272, 1438541096819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>top tier memes and shitposting
>commie removal
>comfy climate
>no tipping
>blonde qts
Finland sounds like heaven to me.

Do you fucksticks need welders?

>> No.9039414

>muh ancap theories

>> No.9039464

Well, thanks for telling me. Now I can give you a 0% tip, call you a dumb cunt, and never come back again.

>> No.9039482
File: 62 KB, 500x500, CORNHOLIO_NEED_HIS_TP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are you threatening me?

>> No.9039560

Why is everyone terrified of spit? A lot of people regularly exchange all kinds of fluids with strangers, whether it's kissing or other lewder things. You swallow your own saliva and mucus CONSTANTLY, and I can guarantee you it doesn't differ substantially from anyone else's.. I don't get it, what's the big dealio.

>> No.9039567

you're one of those degenerate bug chasers aren't you?

>> No.9039579

I don't know what that means.

>> No.9039584

then look it up you degenerate

>> No.9039602
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>> No.9039628

I reluctantly tip, because that's how the world works (in Ameritardland anyway), and I realize that refusing to tip isn't an effective protest to the way it works.

I do hate most idiot servers though, because if you try to even have a conversation with them about this they'll assume you're just cheap and don't want them to be paid enough to live. Maybe they are where they are because they're just fucking stupid. This is why it won't change.

>> No.9040165
File: 835 KB, 499x281, 1426640068135.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Serve on the weekends for extra money
>Make decent money doing an easy job a couple hours a week
>tfw hope they never switch the pay model because I'd make less money

>> No.9040268


They actually passed a law to increase min wage to 15 bucks, but in turn, also changes the law on restaurants can pay shit, so it's a Win Win, right?

Except all the special snowflakes are complaining and trying to get it appealed because they are afraid people won't tip anymore.
That's right folks, waitresses are trying to turn down 15 an hour, because they already make 30 an hour because of tips... ( I live in a place with high price restaurants)

>> No.9040279

So restaurants can't pay shit* stupid phone...

So restaurant owners actually have to pay min wage just like everyone else.

>> No.9040297

>taken as a given that restaurants should necessarily exist and employees should suffer consequences of small margins and not vice versa
>not recognizing that in the free markets you retards idealize, a business that can't pay it's employees a decent wage without outside supplement and razor thin margins shouldn't exist
I really don't get the free market argument against tips

>> No.9040310

>that jawline
Keep your food Mexitranny

>> No.9041891

Servers don't want a union and they don't want a fair wage. It's a smokescreen so they can continue to whine about their suffering and guilt the customer into paying for their new car.

Many of them make great money off the current model, more than they would if they were just getting paid minimum wage by the restaurant itself + less/no tips. It's a scam that neither servers or owners want to change because it's beneficial to both.

>> No.9041908

I go to bars with 2 of my friends they usually do like 3 dollars each I do 2 because fuck you I'm not giving you anything more than 2 when all I got was a beer and some fries. I don't eat out at nice restaurants unless it's for an occasion like mothers/fathers day or a birthday

>> No.9041912

>Servers don't want a union and they don't want a fair wage. It's a smokescreen so they can continue to whine about their suffering and guilt the customer into paying for their new car.

There are few other industries where you can have zero skills, except not be a complete spaz or retard, and make $30 an hour.

Maybe except a prostitute...

>> No.9042719

I'm from the US and I don't tip. I rarely go out to eat, the only time I would ever tip is if I was going to a local restaurant that I would actually want to return to after the first visit.

>> No.9042727

I live in the midwest and waiters that are average still make 20-25 an hour with tips.

>cousin works at texas road house as a waiter
>makes like 200-300 a night in tips alone
>has the gall to get asshurt when he hears me telling someone I don't tip

>> No.9042728

>Using Jawline over Adam's apple, hands, shoulders or waist to clock
Jesus christ

>> No.9042743

>I want my food to be the actual cost
Then buy wholesale and prepare it yourself, better yet, grow and breed it.
You are paying not just for the food, but the service, the atmosphere and even the right to sit at the table.

>> No.9043222

>travel to Canada for a ski holiday
>eating a nice meal in a pub
>tip-whore server wont leave us the fuck alone
>every 2-3 min walks past us and asks in a condescending voice if "everything's alright?" and if we're enjoying our meal
>she's relentless in trying to brown-nose us for precious tips
>it's obvious she doesn't give a shit about her job, she just wants the money
>we all don't tip them anything
>they ask why
>tell them cuz their servers are annoying and won't leave us the fuck alone to enjoy our meal
Yea nah fuck tips. Just pay your staff properly and stop trying to dodging tax dollars or whatever it is you're doing so we can eat our fucking meal without being interrupted every 5 fucking minutes.

>> No.9043389

C-can you spit in my face too?

>> No.9043450
File: 1.05 MB, 1064x1522, thefuture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating at a restaurant

>> No.9043491


Jokes on you I have no friends or family within a 400mi radius to go out to eat with and I'm to pathetic to go to a restaurant alone.

>> No.9043816

>Waiter: "that will be 110"
>Me: "how about 100?"
>Waiter: "alright"

I'll never get used to Americans again.

>> No.9043859


>> No.9044631

Tipping is retarded, I'm glad of not being an American.
If you're pretty you'll obvs get all the tips, the other servers will hate you, people will be pissed having to pay arbitrary amounts of money, the employer will stroke his jew nose thinking about all the $$ he's saving not paying the full wage.

>> No.9044957

>go out with friends
>"lets eat here at (random restaurant)"
>m8 i just wanna get McDonalds, i dont have restaurant money
>but anon u dont have to save all your money
>fine nigga
>get cup of juice and chicken biscuit
>doesnt fill me up for shit
>ask for check
>cup of OJ is 5 dollars, plus the 7 dollars chicken biscuit
>waitress pissed i didnt tip
>mfw 3 dollars at McDicks would've filled me up
A nigga need a car

>> No.9044964
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>> No.9044969

lol. dumb thots

did u slap her ass too?

>> No.9044975

Nigger are you serious even Kroger has a union with benefits and shit.

>> No.9044979

No one actually spits in food

>> No.9045138

Reminder that the reason waiters are so adamantly against making a regular wage is because they earn infinitely more money on tips than they'd get from getting paid normally.

>> No.9045182

>Ithe service sucks ill.dip below 20
This nigga tips for bad service.... you can't be fucking serious.

>> No.9045189

Anyone who spits in food needs to die. I wouldn't even do that to Trump

>> No.9045191

Not everyone lives in a broken country mate. I tip for good service, not because hurrdurr u shud tip.

>> No.9045197

>this woof be $15 plus pet

>> No.9045198

Its a system both the server and the customer benefit from. If servers where paid a good wage menu prices would easily fucking double or triple because of taxes and now the servers would require benefits like a "real" job. Just give them the 20% you trashy fucking cheapskate i dont wanna have to pay $25 for a burger with shit service because all the servers make salary

>> No.9045206

Id spit in your wife and her sons food desu

>> No.9045274

'nuff said, fucking plebs

>> No.9045277

t. waiter

>> No.9045286

>doesnt tip and acts like societies trash because of what a guy in a movie
>calling others plebs
>guy in the movie really thinks mcdonalds workers work half as hard as servers do

>> No.9045289

No argument just autism. I swear this anti tipping shit came from one guy on /pol/ and all the lemmings decided to follow him. Pretty funny that a board that doesnt like black people is so anti tipping. No self awareness

>> No.9045295

Tipping is such a stupid concept. I wish restaurants would just pay their servers a living wage instead of trying to play stupid games.

>> No.9045297

Enjoy no service and food 3x the price because now all the servers are paid a living wage with benefits. Or you can just give them 15-20% and not be an autistic friendless asshole

>> No.9045307

what you prolly meant to say is that the restaurant owner is a cheap fuck. he should be the one paying for their wages.

>> No.9045317

>blonde qts
not really, go for sweden if you want them blonde cuties.

>> No.9045327

this, ladies and gentlemen, is a genuine retard.

>> No.9045329

>Enjoy no service

Strange how in Japan and Korea where tipping would be considered an insult, service in even hole-in-the-walls far exceeds that which you'll find in any US restaurant except for the very high end.

>tfw you go to a nice restaurant in the US with asian guests, service is above average by US standards, and the asians think the waitstaff are treating us like shit.

>> No.9045361

>no actual argument
Different culture. also i love how ancaps always go on about how america cant into free healthcare because its different but cant apply that logic to tipping

>> No.9045363
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>grocery store clerk
>not paid shitty
U wot m8

>> No.9045379

You'd be amazed. I worked for red lobster when I was in college and one of my best friends was a waitress there. Be rude to her and she'd take a sauce cup to the bathroom, piss in it, then add that to your scampi butter sauce. Then watch you sop that shit up with a cheddar biscuit.

>> No.9045413

fuck that sounds hot

>> No.9045471

This, no other country does this shit.

>> No.9046211

I make 62k a year working in a grocery store, as long as i dont live in a megacity its pretty gud pay

>> No.9046220

t. Increasingly nervous waiter who makes 60k a year for unskilled work

>> No.9046221

nobody believes you

>> No.9046224

Jokes on her, that's my fetish.

>> No.9046240

Can someone explain to me the outrage against tipping? Everyone acts like its the managers/owners being cheap, but everybody knows that food prices will go up to cover paying them a "decent wage." Plus, servers/waiters usually make well above minimum wage, and if you ask them, they are against abolishing tipping. Also, it is somewhat of a reward for normie servers to do their job well, or at least politely.

Your meal is cheaper up front, and you get to use discretion in how much you think that person deserves, instead of being forced to pay for their salary built into the price of the food.

Am I missing something here? I read the whole thread and every argument just comes down to:

Yeah, Jews whos employees make 30 an hour because of tips.

>> No.9046257

>Am I missing something here?
Some people grew up in a tipping culture so they are used to the system.
Other people grew up in a culture that does not tip, therefore when they learn about tipping it sounds bizzare and foreign to them. These are the people responsible for the 'outrage" you describe.

Oh, and then there's:
3) People who figured out that talking about tipping is a great way to get replies. These people are also known as "trolls".

>> No.9046292

Alright cool, thanks man. I was hoping that was the case, but I cant be sure. I know euros/aussies are real quick to bash americans, but I've never seen a problem with tipping, and nobody can actually articulate why its a bad thing.

>> No.9046360

in germany a burger costs 3-10 burgers without tip, so maybe just get a better economy

>> No.9046389

Will the robot waitress charge my food with her electrolytes if I don't tip it enough?

>> No.9046422

I'd like you to articulate first why it's a good thing. What's wrong exactly with "being forced to pay for their salary built into the price of food" ? As opposed to being forced to pay for their salary separately? You already do that for the workers in fast food joints or other establishments anyhow. I don't tip the lady who brings me burgers in McDonalds so why would I tip here?

Also none of the waiters feel like it's a "reward for doing well", they all feel like they're supposed to get it for doing their job without spitting in the food. Go ask any fucking waiter how he feels after receiving no tips or low tips, and big chances are he'll accuse the customer of being cheap, and probably won't ever think "perhaps my service wasn't satisfactory enough".

>> No.9046437

>Go ask any fucking waiter how he feels after receiving no tips or low tips, and big chances are he'll accuse the customer of being cheap, and probably won't ever think "perhaps my service wasn't satisfactory enough"

In 'Merica, we call this "Nigger mentality"

"aind nuthin evah my fault... white liberals told me so"

>> No.9046443

>What's wrong exactly with "being forced to pay for their salary built into the price of food"

Due to the way taxes work this costs more money for all involved.

>> No.9046458

Anon we all know chimps don't know how to pronounce liberals, it has more than two syllables in it.

>> No.9046470

I'm the guy you actually replied to
>I'd like you to articulate first why it's a good thing
Cheaper upfront price, I can use discretion to determine how much I feel my server deserves, servers make vastly more money.

Honestly I dont really have a strong feeling one way or another. I'm american and grew up with tipping so its natural to me, and I get why euros/aussies might think its weird. But at the same time, they always act like its somehow the owners fault and that they somehow make more money. Give servers a base salary=prices going up. The owner certainly isnt going to take a pay cut either way. If you can live with that, fine, I dont give a shit. But stop acting like one system is vastly better.

>> No.9046493

>But stop acting like one system is vastly better.

That's where you're wrong. Counter to knee jerk assumptions, tipping actually decreases quality of service.

I work in oil and am pretty traveled... around the world, the cultures with the best service all don't tip. They provide the best service naturally because it's their job and they take pride in it.

Tipping only creates waiters who think in entitlement/revenge mentality typical with 'mericans.

>> No.9046511

How do you know the tipping/lack thereof is what is responsible for the difference in service? How do you know that the difference in service is explained by an unrelated factor, like culture?

>> No.9046573

>Tipping the little shit who just walks the food someone put their blood sweat and tears into.
That shit should go to the chef.

>> No.9046592

>like culture?

Yes. Tipping culture. Entitlement mentality.

I think we agree, kind of.

>> No.9046601

>That shit should go to the chef.

See, now THIS is something i would get behind.

Tipping the CHEF is genius.

I've been to too many restaurants with mediocre or INCONSISTENT foods.

Tipping the guy actually making your food makes a helluvalot more sense than tipping the food runner.

>> No.9046606

>I think we agree, kind of.

No, not really. I asked you a question and you didn't answer it. Referring to "tipping culture" is a circular definition.

>> No.9046609

>waiters are scum
woah, who would have though?

>> No.9046610

You know the "chef" doesn't actually make all the food, right? He's the guy who plans everything out, but chances are he's not even in the kitchen when your food is being made. He might be, and if so he'll be supervising or expediting.

The people who actually make your food are the line cooks.

>> No.9046619

>everyone assuming servers are serving for minimum wage because they're too stupid to get real jobs.

Reality Check: Servers are serving because there's only 3 types of jobs you can make $20+ an hour with zero skills without as much as a diploma. One is serving, one is stripping, and the other type are illegal.

I was a server at a family restaurant for 2 years between ages 17 and 19. I remember having to get my ABC card so I could bring beer and wine to the tables. I was easily bringing home $100 in tips from 4 hour evening shifts. Go fucking cry to someone else about your tips. Anyone that's been a server outside of Denny's knows how much you really make.

>> No.9046627

>power fantasies
Found the /k/ommando

>> No.9046630

That's a joke.

Service in Japan requires you to find a waiter or flail yourself around like a moron for a refill.

>> No.9046641

>you think rigging is illegal

>> No.9046656

There's one more job but it's a tip job too: casino dealers.

>> No.9046658


That's because American servers have the mindset that they're doing you a favor. Since you're the one paying them, they don't feel like it's part of the job. It's an exchange solely between the server and the customer, and not their responsibility or related to their job.

This is why they get so uppity about tips. If you don't tip, it's perceived as shoplifting to a server. The service was their wares, not the restaurants.

So in countries where it's destinctly part of the server's job directly linked to their restraurant and their employment, it's treated as such. Because if they fuck around, they get fired. If a US server fucks around, they lose $3.

>> No.9046679

you faggots really fighting over this shit? Just throw a dollar on the table

>> No.9046685

There is actually plenty of jobs.

I know fast food gms that make over 70k

>> No.9046709

>That's because American servers have the mindset that they're doing you a favor. Since you're the one paying them, they don't feel like it's part of the job. It's an exchange solely between the server and the customer, and not their responsibility or related to their job.
>This is why they get so uppity about tips. If you don't tip, it's perceived as shoplifting to a server. The service was their wares, not the restaurants.
>So in countries where it's destinctly part of the server's job directly linked to their restraurant and their employment, it's treated as such. Because if they fuck around, they get fired. If a US server fucks around, they lose $3.

so, basically...

>Tipping culture

>> No.9046721

I disagree with you, I think culture of the country has more to do with it than tipping. But we can debate that all day (like has been done in this thread) and get nowhere. So lets just assume that your assertion is 100% true.

IF what you're saying is true... you now want to move to a system where servers will get paid less AND provide better service? okay, sure thing buddy.

>> No.9046730

You know how to tell that all these "I didn't tip :^)" stories are total bullshit?
They almost always include the manager or server asking them why they didn't tip (just so they can tell you, the audience, why).
That never fucking happens. If you are that far in the transaction where the staff is now reading your receipt, you're already out the door.

>> No.9046760

simple =\= easy dumbass

>> No.9046775

No im a barback thats paid 14/hr no tips but the servers are cool and the system makes sense so why not defend it?

>> No.9048082


why is tipping based on how much the order costs and not by how much we think their service was worth?

Your still bringing out my food and drink, it shouldn't matter if it was a 100dollar meal or a 15 dollar one.

>> No.9048139

Why do you poorfags get so angry about waiters every day for the passed 10 years? Sad!

>> No.9048221

I've worked at a grocery store and we weren't allowed to take tips.

>> No.9048237
File: 139 KB, 960x632, IMG_0193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that will be $21.68 after tax, no tip required!

>> No.9048240

I worked a couple of summers in a restaurant and they only ever spit in your food if your an asshole or never top.

>> No.9048245

I was thinking the exact same thing. I've undertiped for shitty service before and no one says a damn thing.

>> No.9048319

You're a special kind of retard, aren't you?
All those things you listed are parts of the Service that you buy from the restaurant. The cost of those should be included in the price that you pay, i.e. the price of your meal. There's no need for tips if the restaurant owner prices his meals to cover all his costs, including the paychecks to employees. And if tipping is currently about 20% extra, then the meals would most likely be 20% pricier to the customer. In case workers on average earned more than what they would on a normal wage, the total price would go down.

>> No.9048346

So is there a specific waitertax or are waiters just evading taxes?
None of those options make me any more willing to tip.

>> No.9048589

There's a paper on the subject that I can't be arsed to find, but I recall its conclusion being that dining out will cost slightly less if living wages replaced tipping.

>> No.9048970

How can anyone even read this thread and think that tipping is a good idea?

>waiters make more money
Not really the customers business
>you can show how much you valued the service personally by adjusting the top
Yeah, under the unspoken threat that if you tip too little, someone is going to fuck with your food
>waiters are incentivized to do a good job
Weird how no other professions need to have a carrot hanging in front of their faces to do a good job
>the food is gonna cost 3 times more if we abolish tipping!!!
What absolute horseshit, does this also mean McDonalds food would cost 3 times less if you tipped there instead? Talk about fearmongering

The only real argument for tipping is that american people feel entitled to recieve a tip and refuse to work unless provided, which honestly is indicative of more serious problems in the society.

>> No.9049216


please god bring these to america as soon as possible

>> No.9049248

>Be american
>order pizza
>that'll be $19.99 plus tips plus deliberately fee plus gas fee plus tax plus no-fuck-with-food-fee
>get shot

>> No.9049252

You live in some sort of fantasy world.

>> No.9049255

>i work harder than you for my money

I don't. I'm on fucking easy street, mate.

>> No.9049256

Some local restaurant somewhere tried that by giving everyone ~35k salary and they stopped doing it less than a year in because they were losing money.

>> No.9049260

>if the service sucks tip less than 20%
No. Fuck you. 15% if you did your job, 20% if you did your job well. Nothing if you are bad at your job in any aspect. It is not difficult to get drinks and food orders, then check up on your tables every so often. Most of the times you don't even run the foods for them, a food runner does. If you keep an eye on your table and make sure their drinks aren't empty for long then you get 20%. Lord only knows why it's hard to ask people to just do their damn job.

>> No.9049262

>food runner
Jesus, How many people work in an american restaurant anyways? How about giving them a decent wage and expecting them to perform decently instead?

>> No.9049266

Well, I'd like to speak to your manager. Manager's not here you say? Well that's a lie and I'm leaving without paying. Enjoy your wasted stock.

>> No.9049269

I just found it. It's an Italian place in Pittsburgh and is still open. 8 months into the salary thing the owner was interviewed and said that the reason it was working was because of "education". He says that in the greeting, the diner is told that the waitstaff and cooks are paid on salary.
Lol what a faggot, has to get political in the first sentence of eating there.

>> No.9049277

>actual cost of food
Then you're an idiot. You go to a restaurant to get shit cooked for you, to have the food served to you, and to have drinks at the ready for you. You are paying for food, chef, and service, not just food. Get off your cheap ass and actually earn your money.

>> No.9049292

Holy shit kek

>> No.9049298

You should be thankful you got a free bullet.

>> No.9049309

>or I will ensure every server in this restaurant spits in your food every single time.
You do that so much as once, and I'm calling a health inspector.

>> No.9049312

Where the fuck did 20% come from as a standard tip? Even in top restaurants, the service charge is no more than 12%: the standard tip has always been 10%. When did America decide they were entitled to 20% because they bus food in an Red Lobster? For 20% I want you to recommend a fucking 7 course top wine flight.

>> No.9049337
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>Eating at a restaurant in the USA where the prices of your meal aren't in whole dollars
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH fucking plebs deserve this shit for eating a chain restaurants and having shit taste in general

>> No.9049353

Honestly don't know. I assume some jackass on new york thought it up and the rest of USA went with it because they're idiots who don't want to look cheap/not trendy. I'm sure some idiot is going to claim inflation except that you're paying a percentage, so it'll keep up with inflation.

>> No.9049393

choosing not to tip is fine but what's with all the autistics in this thread making it sound like they personally launched a crusade against The Evil Servers and then just waiting for their ass pats from fellow non-tippers to come in

>> No.9049409

Why do Americans even tip? Only my grandma or very rich people tips here. Sometimes if you pay €28 you leave them the change if the service was good.

I've probably always earned less than the average waitress salary, 7€/hour. They should learn how to manage their finances.

>> No.9049423

How about you can choose who the fuck to tip and who the fuck not to tip and don't make giving free money to everyone a must?

Fucking ameritards.

>> No.9049450
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>> No.9049459

I wish I could tip all my waiters with a belly rub and a scratch behind the ears.

>> No.9049482


So we're supposed to change a culturally ingrained expectation because tipping triggers your spergbrain?

>> No.9049543

What do you think a tip is?

Do you think it comes from America or something? A tip is a way to recognize and reward the quality of the service. It's definitely not something you always give.

>> No.9049639

Why does a meager 20% trigger you guys to hell? I dont understand. Its a cultural thing and allows people down on their luck to make enough to not need welfare

>> No.9049644

Your sound like an assshole but i bet you claim youre still a virgin because youre "too nice"

>> No.9049663

>meager 20%
Nigga what? 20% is a fucking lot.

Is that what you also say when you go buy a house?
>which one do you like the most?
>whatever, the other one is just a meager 20% more

€5 is the max I'd tip if I was wealthy and the service was good. But generally €1 or €2. Right now I never tip.

>> No.9049666

And you sound like the doormat that listens to everything his female "friend" says just because he hopes to get it wet someday.

>> No.9049686

Who else here always tips at least a little because the majority of servers you've met are nice people and you also have a shit job that doesn't get you a lot of money where you have to deal with assholes constantly?

>> No.9050099

>>9049663 said, 20% is not meager. On a 10 dollar tab that's 2 dollars, on a 100 dollar tab that's 20 dollars.

>> No.9050112

Being a bartender made me a really good tipper.

You've got to really shit me off to change that. Even in times when service wasn't so hot I tipped appropriately just because they've got rent and I know what server minimum is.

>> No.9050138

we only tip to round up inconvenient sums in Germany&co

>> No.9050875
File: 39 KB, 480x362, IMG_0578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a CNA and none of my residents ever tip me for whipping their asses. I.e. Doing my job for a wage Preconsented with my employer.

>> No.9050899

I don't tip Because I don't have white guilt kek. Just remember white boi everytime you tip you're proving why you have no spin and your countries are over filled with shit skins.


>> No.9050931

>whipping asses

Sounds like someone is clearly too stupid to even finish nursing school.
Maybe you and cunts who whine for tips should both fuck off.

>> No.9051355

>In America, tipping is compulsory for service

so no service tax? if no tipping=no waiter. im gladly do that since McDonald done that for so long

>> No.9051387

>Go to local bar regularly
>When I first started going I would tip very well
>Start to get to know staff
>Continue tipping well
>Fast forward approximately six months
>Usually get a round or two on the house whenever I go

>> No.9051405

>give away hundreds of dollars for no reason
>get 2 drinks (avg. value $4) while tipping $20
>feel smart