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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9037862 No.9037862 [Reply] [Original]

Is Takoyaki supposed to taste like UNCOOKED and SOFT pancake batter mixed with octopus and sauce?

or did the restaurant I first tried them in make them really uncooked and soft

they looked so delicious in anime...

>> No.9037876

Saw these in haruhi last night and was wondering what they were. how was the taste?

>> No.9037888

like soft pancake batter with octopus in it and jap flavors

I wish they cooked it more

was the fuck was it so soft though, not good

its not at all like what I expected from watching anime

>> No.9037895

Jesus, bro.

I bought Takoyaki pre frozen from a grocery store and they tasted a million times better. What was the name of this trainwreck of an establishment?!

>> No.9037960

Real takoyaki is supposed to be gooey and soft in the middle.

It's a stark different to the hardened dough balls you find throughout the rest of the world. I've been to japan and tried them all.

>> No.9037974


>> No.9038012

I had them once (from a Japanese cook) and it was rather bland.
Several sweets and cakes in Japan were also disappointgly bland. They looked good though.

>> No.9038054

>its not at all like what I expected from watching anime
Wow really??

>> No.9038065

>Is Takoyaki supposed to taste like UNCOOKED and SOFT pancake batter mixed with octopus and sauce?
hope that helps

>> No.9038140

Subtlety is the game, you Amerifat

>> No.9038147

The inside should be soft and creamy. The outside should be slightly hard but not to the point where you get an audible crunch when you bite into them.

>> No.9038178

Does Japan ever make a takoyaki like ball with oyster or clams instead of octopus?

>> No.9038186


Probably. You can get them with all kinds of filling. Cheese is popular, since, as everyone is pointing out, takoyaki are soft on the inside.

>> No.9038294

this. western palattes are so out of wack do to everything being salted or oversweetened to all fuck. you lose the ability to sense discrete contrast

>> No.9038304
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>> No.9038327

>western palattes are so out of wack do to everything being salted or oversweetened to all fuck

Chinese too... chinese food often uses shit tier ingredients & needs all that salt, msg, and fucking spices to hide the taint.

Pretty much all the chinese restaurants I have line cooked in all use expired meats and old vegetables they get for pennies on the dollar from their local grocer.

>> No.9038334

>Is Takoyaki supposed to taste like UNCOOKED and SOFT pancake batter mixed with octopus and sauce?

Yes. This is exactly what takoyaki should be. Moist/fluffy in the middle.

If you're eating dry takoyaki, you're eating shit.

>> No.9038357
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>> No.9038536

Japanese food fucking sucks.

>> No.9038555

takoyaki is shit. I love octopus, but they taste like dough balls and sauce. Super appetizing looking, but terribly disappointing.

>> No.9038616

is this true?

it looks so good in the anime

>> No.9038621

is there other food that looks similar to takoyaki but actually tastes good?

>> No.9038640


>> No.9038909

This sounds gross. I think I'd rather have octopus with a corndog like batter.

>> No.9038924
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Then go eat Kushikatsu.
It's literally whatever you want, deep fried and skewered.

>> No.9038935

You've tried ALL the dough balls in the world?!?

>> No.9040887

Mine are always crispy. A takoyaki food cart just opened near my apartment in Portland. $5 for 6 and you can ask for crispy cheese on top

>> No.9040973

>food not how it looks in anime
Who cares nigga how does it taste, if you don't like it make your own and make it better

>> No.9040975

every time I've gotten them they are soft in the middle. They arent liquid batter but they aren't fully cooked through so it's intentionally a little mushy

such a weird thing
>fried pancake full of octopus
>covered in mayonnaise, bbq sauce, bonito flakes
really a weird ass snack

>> No.9040995
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>using a 1080p webm as a reaction image

>> No.9041003

>tfw there are people on /ck/ who hasn't had takoyaki

>inb4 weeb -- it's literally the most entry-level jap food after sushi

>> No.9041012

Nothing beats Takoyaki from Osaka. Isn't the same anywhere else (even in other parts of Japan).

>> No.9041017
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>> No.9041898

Have you ever tasted sweets made from azuki beans paste in Japan? They look good but all taste the same and rather bland.

>> No.9043241

>Is Takoyaki supposed to taste like UNCOOKED and SOFT pancake batter mixed with octopus and sauce?
Yep. That's exactly what they're supposed to taste like. It's Japanese drunk-food. You get these when you're drunk in public and need a snack before hitting another bar, or when you're at some outdoor event or festival.

Then after midnight when you miss last train you get a bowl of ramen from a van in an alley.

>> No.9043257

I was surprised by this too but still liked them.

>> No.9043272

japanese street food is better than their fancy food
That's true for most other places tho.

>> No.9043319
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>mfw a couple from Osaka moved into my city a few years ago and started selling Takoyaki and Okonomiyaki

>> No.9043326

did you rape their daughter? what's the significance of cosby?

>> No.9043335

I did yes but that's not /ck/ related

>> No.9043447

Fried octopus is takoyaki
Fried squid is ikayaki
Fried oyster is kakiyaki

>> No.9043508
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God damn this shit is fucking delicious