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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9035946 No.9035946 [Reply] [Original]

I'm working on an idea for a startup and I want to ask you guys what you think about it.

Basically it's Uber for cooking. This means that you can buy food from anyone near you, or you can sell food to anyone near you.

Would you be interested in selling some of the meals that you cook, for money.

>> No.9035951

Fuber. Make someone dinner while driving them to their destination

>> No.9035955

Sounds like a good way to eat copious amounts of cum and spoiled food.

>> No.9035961

how do deal with health inspections?

>> No.9035966

like uber, it's unregulated because it's a food sharing service, not an actual culinary establishment

>> No.9035971

Id check the legality of it first. Selling food is a pretty strict business, its how most food trucks / carts get rekt.

>> No.9035972

but people are paying for food. Its a restaurant.

Also, Uber isn't legal everywhere. Here in NY, its illegal.

>> No.9035983

Smells like a big fat lawsuit


Uber isn't illegal in upstate NY

>> No.9035984

Providing food with the purpose of consumption in exchange for currency is highly regulated in any form

>> No.9035989

You might not get great reviews if you cum in the food though

>> No.9035990

Selling food without an inspection and license is illegal in the US.

>> No.9035992

just googled it, it just passed in April.

I suspect there are still other jurisdictions its not legal in.

>> No.9035998

didnt a thing similar to this start in JYC? it was like you would host a group of people, theyd come over and youd cook them dinner. I always wondered how that would work out legally or if they just ignored the laws.

>> No.9036008

Yeah, but the problem with that business is that it includes the eating with strangers shit. This is just about selling and buying cheap dinners

None of you guys answered whether or not you would actually like to sell though

>> No.9036017

845 here, uber is available june 29.

>> No.9036022

>None of you guys answered whether or not you would actually like to sell though
Doesnt matter if its not even legal

>> No.9036027
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>the law is this simple and easily interpreted.

>> No.9036040

Hes correct though

>> No.9036043

that's why, like uber, you find loopholes in the law and work it to your favor

>> No.9036049


>> No.9036053


You mean like Cook From Home?

>> No.9036070

No, I wouldn't buy food that somebody cooked for sale bc ppl will put roadkill in it.
Also have you heard of express restaurants?

>> No.9036072

Your link says that it's legal to sell homemade kitchen food in small amounts. I don't see the problem?

>> No.9036083

>Good news
I found the loop hole, you have to make the food a "donation"

>Bad news
You still have to personally visit and inspect each seller

>Worse news
I found this out because the idea has already been done before

>> No.9036093

God damn poo in the loo beating me to it

>> No.9036266

You're selling a delivery service not the food itself.
You can get around alcohol licensing in a similar fashion. By charging an entry fee and giving away alcohol you're not technically selling it.

>> No.9036308

>mfw had this exact same idea few weeks ago, came upon this exact article and was just as disappointed as OP is

>> No.9036321

Here in Indiana you can't give away alcohol. Drinks on the house are technically illegal.
OP, I like that idea though. It could create tighter communities even, if your orders were nearby. I feel like the US will find a way to rob you for it though.

>> No.9036360

> doordash
> ubereats
> whatever that other one was

>> No.9036397

This sounds like a perfect way to poison a large amount of people.

>> No.9036450

I have actually been toying with the idea of selling take and bake pizzas since the only decent pizza place within an hour from here is way overpriced and the only alternatives are panagos and pizza hut.

>$25 + tax + tip for a 15" margarita pizza

>> No.9036459

>I feel like the US will find a way to rob you for it though.

We call it taxes

>> No.9037149

It's not really noticeable. I accidentally ate my own cum once (and the rest of my family patook, too) because my mum took an empty jar of pickles from my room without asking me first and then used the pickle juice for a salad.

>> No.9037499

No one is going to buy from unregulated 'restaurants' selling home made faeces riddled food.
You would have lawyers lining up to take class actions against you if you made even a dollar off this terrible idea.

>> No.9037525
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Why were you cumming into pickle juice

>> No.9037532

>Breaking news: massive fatal food poisoning epidemic

>> No.9037541
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>> No.9037562
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What's more questionable is why your mom chose to use juice from a fucking jar of pickles in your room. You family seem like the kind of people who keep a gimp locked in a box in the cellar.

>> No.9037574
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Everything in Jew York is (((illegal))) Fuck those kikes! I like the idea. You need to start shoving your politicians and (((regulators))) into ovens and serving them.

>> No.9037634
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I'm afraid this guys powerlevel is gonna be on par with the floor tiles guy.

>> No.9037683

worst idea ever. i dont even trust bake sale items because god knows that those people were doing while making the food.

>> No.9037756

But if there is a rating & review system, so that the bad seeds get rooted out.
Also everyone has to use facebook in order to sign up, so you can see who you are dealing with.

>> No.9037782

Why does she wear glasses when she's deaf?

>> No.9037787


Food sales are taken fairly strictly, especially if you scale it up to be a decentralized "contractor" business like Uber. You'd be in such much legal trouble so quickly.

>> No.9037799
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>> No.9037820

I'm actually not from the states. I'm from Denmark.
The legal system here is much more relaxed than in the states, so i'm not that concerned with the legality yet.
I'm thinking more about "is this something people wanna use", which is really the primary criteria for a startup.

>> No.9038270

So did feudal lords.

>> No.9038340

>This means that you can buy food from anyone near you, or you can sell food to anyone near you.

In almost any city, the local government will require that all food sold must be prepared in a commercial kitchen, with regular inspections and licensing.

When I was in law school, a local restaurant got destroyed in a fire (started in some apartments above the restaurants), and I asked the owner if he could do catering while he waited for everything to be rebuilt (which took over six months). He said no, there was no way to do it because of those rules.

>> No.9038361

>I'm from Denmark.
>The legal system here is much more relaxed than in the states,

Hmm. Ok. I doubt I would use it because I wouldn't want to cook for it, and I wouldn't want to trust random strangers to do things right. I've seen too many really horrible home cooking situations, like an xgf who had the world's smelliest, foulest, sheddingest dog running around all over the place pissing on the carpets, or an elderly relative who had lost her sense of taste and who would throw random weird stuff in to whatever she was making to use up the stuff that was going bad.

>> No.9039356

I need explanation mang

>> No.9039545


>> No.9040327

This one makes a good point, OP.

>> No.9042595

the law is concerned with constructive effects, not naming. the "i was just swinging my hands in the air, it's not my fault his face got in the way" is not a defense and ceases to be a loophole the second someone's face does get in the way and they take offense.

there are very specific ACTUAL loopholes for personal chefs, with plenty of caselaw establishing requirements and responsibilities. prepared - specifically prepared, not reheated or finished - in the employer's kitchen for their private use, with the chef fulfilling all the bookkeeping responsibilities of any other professional, are typically the big ones. there's interesting room for a service that assists in booking short-term employment under these conditions, and i'd be interested in both ends of such a service, but "hey buy my pizza i'll drive it over" is right out.

>> No.9042605

This, at least in the USA the health department would never allow it.

>> No.9042628

US laws aren't significantly different from the rest of the Anglophone world. All will offer cheap, easy licensing based on a simple inspection and business requirements; if you run your home kitchen well it's easy to pass and if you don't people like you are exactly why it's a requirement.

>> No.9043889

Floor tile you say?

>> No.9044082

I do this.

I left a full scale catering company to essentially cook and entertain for rich people in my neighbourhood.

One middle aged broad (let's call her Maria, because that's her name), tells people I'm her nephew, so it's less weird that I'm cooking a bunch of fun food and mixing drinks for pre-drunk Italians I barely know... it makes the sexual tension that much more fun.

>> No.9044135

>sexual tension that much more fun.

Do you get laid often just through work? That sounds like decent fringe benefits. I wonder why more, even plebe line cooks, don't strike out on their own like that. Not much to lose when you're already low man on the totem pole and you'll probably get laid once in awhile earning money for yourself instead of some owner fuck who rapes your wages and virtually enslaves you.

>> No.9044150

I don't fuck my clients. Maria and I definitely have chemistry, which is probably why I'm there once a week.

The benefits right now, from the men and women who flirt with me, are that they get a well sanitized kitchen, and a high-end-restaurant meal for 2-20 in the comfort of their own homes, and I get to chill all day with repeat customers, making a profit margin most real restaurants couldn't begin to dream of.

>> No.9044310

I need to ask you to not post Shizune ever again.

>> No.9044704

Wtf is a shizune

>> No.9044771
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It should be obvious if you weren't such a newfag.

>> No.9045262

Did you cum into a jar of pickles, or did you put pickles into a jar of cum?

>> No.9045281

where i live there are lots of different apps for food delivery, they make their own food inspections to make sure that the premises are up to standard. the local government will also make inspections.
by providing a way for people to sell food to others you are opening yourself up to plenty of lawsuits as it is illegal and if someone gets sick, you and the vendor are liable.

it's a good idea, but the practicalities make it unworkable.
i know in london there are plenty of unlicenced food clubs where you go to somoenes house and pay for food, but these are also illegal. if you are selling food then you need the proper licences. you could try and grey area it by saying it is an X with food, but even free food has requirements.

>> No.9045287

so a restaurant lmao

>> No.9045695

What is a new fag?
Is this some sort of Swedish male?

>> No.9045853

dumbest idea I've ever heard. no one would participate. health departments would shut it down. everyone would have a case for suing.

go back to smoking pot and watching shark tank, kid.

>> No.9045882 [DELETED] 

fuck off Shizune, I fucked your best friend

>> No.9046650

People have tried to do this in a couple cities and been shut down for that very reason, the only way to do it is not charge money

>> No.9048719

in the united states this is extremely illegal. cops will break into your house, kill your dog and point a loaded gun in your face.

>> No.9048738

>mfw feeding strangers birdseed and they love it

>> No.9049967


I ate some pickles in my room iand then later I jerked off. I ddn't have any paper tissues or anything similar handy, so I used the empty jar of pickles. I should have poured it out first thing in the morning. When I came home the next day I sat down for dinner before going in my rooom or i would have noticed the jar with the pickle juice plus extra was missing

>> No.9049998

Yeah that fucking legend who can only get off to pictures of various kinds of tiles.

>> No.9050005

Fuck, I might try this. How did you initiate this career move?

>> No.9050016

>Uber isn't legal in NY
What shitfuck part of NY do you live in it's legal in NYC and on Long Island

>> No.9051685


>> No.9051706

Why does she wear glasses if she's mute?

>> No.9052033

I took a contract in to get signed (this is what we're delivering, this is the cost, and this is when you pay) because the people running my former company were too lazy to, and probably thought I was illiterate.

I got to see how much they charge per hour for my time, and while I realised then that markup has to appear somewhere, for it to push me into the "veblen good" price range when I was only seeing a fraction of that, and seeing no evidence that any money made above the baseline made it back into the operation really grated my wasabi.

I was drafting up a resignation letter when Maria knocked on my door. She was hosting a sweet sixteen for her niece. It kind of just went from there.

The niece also has amazing genes. I also know better than to be anything less than gentlemanly around her.

>> No.9052037


Just to add. I lucked out in keeping contact with agents of the local health and safety. Technically what I do is still pretty grey area, but I have the people enforcing the laws on my side.

I'll help them schedule their visits, and I encourage my hosts to invite them to dine with us.

>> No.9052343
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If Big Gubmint would stop telling people what they can and can't put in their mouths, I would wholeheartedly support this

>> No.9053219

You obviously don't live in NYC so fucking kys

>> No.9053259

good luck, without proper health & safety licencing, you'll have a hard time getting "potentially hazardous food" to any customers, this includes

>aquatic animal products
>egg products
>cut tomatoes
>cut melons
>raw sprouts
>garlic+oil combined

good luck finding home cooks willing to make food to fit even this short list of no-no's. You're not going to viably be able to take advantage of "cottage food" or farmers market regulations in order to kick-start an uber-for-food, especially when Uber AND Amazon both deliver food from local restaurants already.

>> No.9053264
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>he doesn't pickle and preserve his cummies